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You are arriving to your humble lands, exhausted after the all-night mission you took to

eliminate 4 enemy camps that were designated to eliminate your king’s kingdom. You
are your king’s favourite vassal and the best strategist of his kingdom. Your king’s
kingdom is one of the poorest of the region, and has been victim of many attacks, but,
the kingdom hasn’t fallen thanks to you, you cunning strategies take out every
opponent. The next afternoon you are invited to your king’s palace for a feast,
celebrating your victory. Later in the evening you arrive to your manor house, and,
when you are about to enter, someone strongly holds your robe, almost making you fall,
you hear some panting, and hard breathing. It is Jim, your loyal scout, very injured, with
his last breathes, he says to you:
-M’ lord...M’ Lord!
A…Massive…army…is approaching…they are…from the kingdom you…raided time
ago…I heard them talk…they are very angry…and their best strategists are there…Full
with supplies…they don’t want the kingdom…they want…you.

After that Jim rolls over and you see a big wound that cost him his life. Astounded by
the news, you climb again on your horse and go as fast as you can to your king’s palace.
After you tell the news, you notice your king’s terrified face.
After a minute of silence, you say to your king:
-My liege, I will leave tonight from the kingdom, leaving traces of my whereabouts for
my hunters to follow me. I will go as far as I can, giving you enough time to make an
army and take the enemy kingdom.

Your king replies:

-But our kingdom does not have enough money to…

You did not even let him finish when you start speaking again:
-It does not have to be much of an army, since the best strategists are looking for me,
and almost every soldier came with them. Do not worry about me. If I am eliminated,
you at least conquered another kingdom, and my chasers will be without a leader, and
not knowing what to do.

-And what about the provisions?-Asks your king.

-Do not worry about the provisions,-you say-, do not give me too much or making an
army will be harder.

-But you must accept at least 2000 gold coins if anything happens, also accept some
food and other provision for you to at least defend yourself. –Your king says.

Your king afterwards grants you 2000 gold, food, and other provisions, he gives you an
honourable suit and his best wishes. You then go home again.

When you arrive home, you call desperately your 20 loyal peasants, and start the
journey. After two weeks of travelling almost without stopping, you arrive at a sole
plain, with a small plateau, full of resources. the nearby villagers told you that these
plains still have not been claimed by a kingdom, and will never been claimed, they said
that years ago two big kingdoms fought for decades for this piece of land, the human
losses were big, so big, that the kingdoms lost every soldier they had, they even sent
children and women to fight, just to take this little piece of land. At the end, the both
kingdoms, once great and powerful, lost everything for this land, as a lesson, other
kingdom did not even dare to try and claim it, thinking the same fate will arrive to them,
they thought these lands were haunted, and did not want anyone to take it, it wanted to
be free. Despite the rumours, you do not have another choice, you decide to start to
build your keep there and immediately start making an army.
The next day you see two caravans arrive beyond a tree belt in the plains. Your hunters
are here.

If you want to play following the story, play against two allied wolfs, and the wolfs are
supposed to have a full advantage, placed in death match, giving the, 40000 gold, which
represents all the supplies they were given to them for their task.
Good luck and happy gaming!

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