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Group Assessment Guideline – Report & Presentation

This assessment has two parts: Part A is a group report and Part B is group presentation

Part A – Group Report

As a group, you will analyze the complexities of real-life Human Resources Management in the
Foxconn Technology Group case study by addressing the following issues:
1. Analysis of the working conditions of Foxconn. (You should briefly describe their
working conditions, and give your opinion on the situations).
2. Identification of HR sustainability initiatives. (Consider all the HR initiatives which have
been implemented by Foxconn to improve their employees’ working conditions, then
evaluate which one is sustainable or unsustainable).
3. Recommendations of possible HR sustainability initiatives. (Give some recommendations
for Foxconn to improve the working conditions sustainably).
4. How ethical was Apple in this case? If you were Apple’s CEO, what would you respond?

The report should include (but not limited to) these following components:

 Introduction.
 A section heading for each of the issues
 Conclusion
 References (Harvard Referencing Style)
 Appendices

The report must be presented and complied with:
- Font: Times New Roman, 11-point font, double-spaced.
- Word count: 2000 words (+/-10%), excluding references and appendices
- Report cover must include course name and code (INTRODUCTION TO
MANAGEMENT – MGT103), title of the report, information of group and students
(name, ID).
Part B: Presentation

As a group, you will deliver a presentation of Part A. Teams are required to allocate roles and
ensure effective time management and flow of content. Students will be assessed on their ability
to deliver a maximum 15-minute presentation in an engaging, timely, and professional manner.
The group will have 10 minutes to field questions from the audience.


Communicating your message - This assessment task is about delivering an engaging

presentation. Your verbal and non-verbal delivery is just as important as the content that you

Verbal communication – is about how you project your voice (speaking clearly and confidently),
how quickly you speak and how you pronounce and engage your audience with words. If you are
reading out your part, you will find it very difficult to engage the audience. Instead,
communicate through lively examples, stories, interesting facts/quotes, etc (i.e., make use of
rhetorical strategies).

Non-verbal communication: Body language – are you enthusiastic and confident? You will need
to make your audience feel comfortable and you can do this by making eye contact & addressing
the audience with positive body language.

Visuals – You may use electronic aids such as PowerPoint, Prezi or other presentation programs
to support your visual delivery. However, please refrain from text-heavy slides - be creative in
your design. Ensure that during delivery, the slides of team members and transitions are coherent
and flow in a logical manner.

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