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Frogs & Worms & Butterflies

Narrator: Peppa and George are helping Grandpa Pig
in his Garden.

Narrator:What a beautiful butterfly.

Peppa: Grandpa, why do butterflies like flowers?

Grandpa: They get their food from flowers.
Peppa: How?
Grandpa: They have very long tongues.
Peppa: Longer than mine?
Grandpa: Oh, yes, the butterfly's tongue is even
longer than yours. She uses it to drink from the
Butterfly: Slurrrrp! Burp!
Peppa: WoW!
Grandpa: Peppa, the butterfly thinks you're a flower.
Peppa: I'm not a flower! I'm Peppa Pig! She is so
pretty. I want to be a butterfly.
Narrator: Peppa is playing at being a butterfly.
Peppa: I'm a little butterfly.
Narrator: George wants to play, too.
Peppa: George! I'm the butterfly! You have to be
something else. I know! You can be a wriggly worm!

Peppa: Look! Look! I'm a butterfly.

Narrator: Oh, dear! George does not want to be a
worm. He wants to be a butterfly.

Grandpa: George, when I was a little piggy, I used to

like playing at being a worm. It's very easy to be
a worm. I'll show you how. First, you have to lie
down on the ground. Then, you wriggle around.
I'm a wriggly worm!

Narrator: George and Grandpa Pig are having such

fun being wriggly worms.

Peppa: I'm a little butterfly, I'm a little butterfly.

Look! Grandpa! I'm a butterfly!
Grandpa: Yes, Peppa, you're a beautiful butterfly.
Peppa: Grandpa! George! What are you doing?
Grandpa: We are wriggly worms.
Peppa; I want to be a wriggly worm, too!
I'm a wriggly worm!
Grandpa: I'm a wriggly worm!
Peppa: I'm a wriggly worm, I'm a wriggly worm.
How do you do? I love you! I'm a wriggly worm.

Grandpa: That was fun, what animal do you want to

be now?
Peppa: Hmmm! I don't know.

Peppa: Look, Grandpa! There's a little frog!

Grandpa: Why don't you play at being frogs?
Peppa: Hmmm, frogs are not as pretty as butterflies
or as wriggly as worms.
Grandpa: But frogs do play a game you like.
Peppa: Hmmm... Do frogs play dolls' houses?
Grandpa: Silly Peppa. What's your favorite game?
Peppa: Jumping in muddy puddles!
Grandpa: Yes! Frogs love jumping in muddy puddles.
Peppa: Yes, George! Let's play frogs!
Peppa: I'm a little froggy! I'm a little froggy!

Narrator: The froggies have found a nice big muddy

puddle to play in.

Peppa and George love jumping up and down in

muddy puddles.

Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy


Peppa: Butterflies and worms are very nice!

But I like frogs the best!

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