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1. a. Germany Austria Hungary and the ottamans.
2. a. both A and R correct
3. a. Parsi movement
4. a. Calcutta
5. c. Ziegenbalg
6. c.Punjab
7. a.Alluvial
8. d.Hydrabad
9. a.Thottapetta
10. a.Cauvery Delta
11. c.Article. 360
12. c.India China
13. c.Service sector
14. c.Knitwear.
15. How do you assess the importance of Sino- Japanese war?
*In 1894, China was defeated by Japan.
* Gespite the warning of the three great powers, Japan annexed the Liaotung peninsula
with Port Arthur.
* By this action, Japan proved that it was the started strongest nation of East Asia

16. Write a note on Mao's Long march.

*By 1933, Mao had gained full control of the chinese communist party.
* In 1934, he set out on the Long march the army soldiers of about 100,000 to spread
the principles of communalism throughout the country.
*Through this, Mao roas recognized as the leader of the people in 1937.

17. What was the significance of the Battle of Kalakkadu?

* The battle of kalakkadu, took place between Puli Thevar and Mahfuzkhan.
*Besides the 1000 sepoys of the company, Mahfuzkhan reccived 600 more sent by
* Before Mahfuzkhan could station his troops near Kalakkadu, 2000 soldiers from
Travancore joined the forces of Puli Thevar.
*In the battle of Kalakkadu, Mahfuzkhan troops were routed.

18. Describe the Pearl Harbour incident.

* On December 1941, Japan attacked American naval installations in Pearl Harbour,
Hawaii without warning.
*The cripple America's Pacific fleet so that Japan would not face any opposition in its
offensive against south-east Asian countries.
* Many battleships and numerous fighter planes were destroyed. The United Nations
declared war on Japan.

19. Name the neighbouring countries of India.

* Pakistan *Myanmar *Afghanistan *Bhutan
*Nepal *Bangladesh *China *Sri Lanka

20. Mention the plantation crops of India.

* Rubber * Tea * Spices * Coffee

21. State the merits of Roadways.

*Roadways is the cheapest transport used by all class of people in a country.
* It is suitable for short distances.
* It provides door to door service.
* It is cheap to construct and maintain roads.

22. Name the important Multipurpose project of Tamil Nadu.

* Mettur Dam * Vaigai Dam. * Mulla periyar Dam

23. What are the classical languages of India.

* The Government of India decided to create a new category of languages called as
'classical languages'
* They are Tamil (2004), Sanskrit (2005), Telugu (2008),
* Kannada (2008), Malayalam (2013), 0dia (2014)

24. What is Ferrign policy?

*Foreign policy can be defined as a country's policy that is conceived, designed and
formulated te safeguard and promote her national interests in her external affairs in the
conduct of relationships with other countries, both bilaterally and multilaterally.

25. Mention the member countries of BRICS.

* Brazil * India * South Africa * Russia * China

26. Define National Income.

*National Income is a measure of the total morsy value of goods and services produced
by an economy tver a period of time, normally a year.

27. What are the three components of food and nutrition security?
* Availability of food * Access to food * Absorption of food

28. Define progressive tax.

* Progressive tax rate is one in which the rate of taxation increases as the tax base
* when income increases, the tax rate also increases. This is known as progressive tax.
29. 1. Rainland
3. Then Pennaiyar
4.Supreme court
5.Industrial secto


31. Discuss the main causes of First world war.

 European alliances and counter alliances
 Triple Entente of Britain, France and Russia
 Triple alliances of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.
 Violent Forms of Nationalism.
 Aggresssive attitude of German Emperor.
 Hostility of France towards Germany.
 Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria and montenergro formed the Barkan league, in March
 Immediate cause Prince Ferdinand. Assassination of Austria

32. Examine the factors that led to the transformation of Gandhi into a mass leader.
 Gandhi practiced Satyagraha in South Africa.
 Gandhi led champaran Satyagraha and succeeded in the abolition of tin Kathia
 Success in Kheda Satyagraha Ahmedabad mill strike.
 Nation wide Satyagraha against Rowlatt Act.
 Satyagraha against Jallian Wala Bagh mass acre.
 Non-cooperation movement.
 Civil disobedience movement.
 Worked for Hindu Muslim unity.
 Campaign against unto chability.
 Gandhi was supported by the people in the quit India movement.

33. Write briefly about the contributions of Periyar E.V.R to the social upliftment.
 E.V.R Periyar was the founder of the Self Respect Movement.
 He cut down 500 coconut trees in his farm to support the campaign for prohibition.
 Periyar led the temple entry movement at Vaikom and succeeded in his attempt.
 Periyar objected caste based discrimination in the dining hall at the Cheranmadevi
 He supported Ambedkar's demand for scheduled castes.
 Periyar started a number of newspapers like Kudi Arasu and Puratchi to spread his
rationalist thought.
 Periyar opposed the introduction of Hindi in schools.
 He advocated Intercaste and self respect marriages.
 He objected to the hereditary priesthood in temples.
 Periyar condemned Child marriage and Devadasi system.
 He supported women's right to divorce and property


35. Describe the major challenges of Indian industries.

 Problems of Industry:
 Shortage and Fluctuation in power supply.
 Non availability of Large blocks of Land.
 Poor access to credit.
 High rate of interest for borrowed loan.
 Non availability of cheap labourers.
 Lack of technical and vocational training for employees.
 In appropriate living conditions nearby Industrial estates.
 Challenges of Indian Industries
 Wealth creation and sharing
 Create jobs
 Balanced Regional development.
 GDP and Percapita income.
 Standard of living
 Exports
 Community development
 Entrepreneurship.

36. Road Safety (Deleted portions)

37. What are the Duties and functions of Prime Minister of India.
 Article 78 mentioned the duties of the Prime Minister
 Formation of the ministry
 Party Function
 Chairmanship Function
 He is head of the Cabinet and the other ministers
 Supervises the works of ministers
 Acts as a link between the President and the council of Ministers.
 He is the leader of the Nation.
 He is the Chief Spokesperson of the country.
 He attends international conferences like Commonwealth, Summit of the Non
Aligned Nations and SAARC.

38. Discuss the core determinants of India's foreign policy?

1. Geographical position and size of the territory
2. Nation's history, traditions and philosophical basis
3. Natural resources
4. The compulsion of economic development
5. Political stability and structure of government
6. The necessity of peace, disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons
7. Military strength
8. International milieu

39. Briefly explain various terms associated with measuring of National Income.
1. Gross National Product (GNP)
It is the total value of (goods and services) produced and income received in a year.
2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
It is the total value of output of goods and services produced within the geographical
boundaries of the country.
3. Net National Product (NNP)
(NNP = GNP - Depreciation)
4. Net Domestic Product (NDP)
(Depreciation) NDP = GDP - Depreciation
5. Per Capita Income (PCI)
Percapita Income = National Income / Population
6. Personal Income (PI)
Personal Income is the total money income received by individuals and households of
a country from all possible sources before direct taxes.
7. Disposable income (DI)
DPI-PI-Direct taxes.

40. Explain some direct and indirect taxes.

I. Direct Taxes
A tax imposed on an individual or organisation, which is paid directly.
Income tax
It is charged directly based on the income of a person.
Wealth tax
The tax is levied on the individuals and companies alike.
Corporate tax
It is charged on royalties, interest gain from sale of capital assests.
II. Indirect Taxes
If the burden of the tax can be shifted to others.
Stamp duty
Stamp duty is a tax that is paid on official documents. (marriage, registration)
Entertainment tax
It is charged by the government on any source of entertainment provided. ( movie
tickets, tickets to amusement parks, exhibitions and sports

41. Time Line

42. History – World Map

43. Write an essay on the role played by the 19th century reformers towards the cause
of Women.
1. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Abolition of Sati
Widow remarriage advocated education for women.
Opposed sati, child marriage, and polygamy
2. Ishwar Chandra Vidhya Sagar
Promoting Women Education, Schools for Girls,
dedicated his life for the betterment of the child widows
3. Swami Dayananda Saraswathi
Opposed Child Marriage
4. M. G. Ranede:
Founder of the widow Marriage Association
Advocated education remarriage and female education.
5. Jyotiba Phule & Savitribai Phule
Opposed child marriage
Opened orphanage to widows
Worked for depressed classes and women.
6.Parsi reform Movement:
Baba Ram Singh
Both men and women are equal
Widow remarriage.
i) Write a note on reforms of Ramalinga Swamigal.
Ramalinga Adigal was born in Marudhur, a village near Chidambaram.
After that his family moved to his brother's house at Chennai.
He followed 'Jeeva Karunya'
He established the 'Samarasa Suddha Sanmarga Satya Sanga'
He showed his compassion and mercy on all living beings.
He started a free feeding house for everyone at vadalur.

ii) Write a note on Tamil Renaissance.

Research on Tamil language.
Arrival of printing press
Ancient Tamil books printed.
1812 Thirukkural published.
Damodharanar and Swaminathar contribution
They took efforts to publish the classical texts.
Revival of Tamil literature by Tamil scholars
U.V. Swaminathar, Thiru.Vi.Ka.
Parithimar Kalignar, Marailmali Adigal
Subramania Vaiyapuri. Bharathiar, Bharatidasan,
Ancient books published
Tamil Culture, Literature and religion became popular.
Robert Caldwell popularized antiquity of Tamil.
Abraham Pandit revived Tamil Music.
Tamil linguistic movement in 20th Century.
Tani Tamil Iyakkam and Tamil Isai Iyakkam.
Parithimar Kalignar introduced the sonnet (14 lines) form in Tamil.
Tamil invocation song in the play Manonmaniam was written by P.Sundaranar
Maraimalai Adigal promoted the use of pure Tamil words and removed the influence
of Sanskrit from Tamil language.
44. India Map

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