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1) If point A of rod is moving with velocity v0 in right direction then speed of B is :

A. v0tanθ
B. v0cotθ



2) Trajectory of a particle in a projectile motion is given by y = x – , where x and y are in meters.

The horizontal range is

A. 40 m
B. 20 m
C. 60 m
D. 80 m

3) A block slides down an inclined plane of angle ϕ with constant velocity v0. If it is then projected up
the same inclined plane with an initial speed v0 , the distance in which it will come to rest is:





4) Two blocks A (1kg) and B (3kg) rest over the other on a smooth horizontal plane (A over B). The
coefficient of static and dynamic friction between A and B is the same and equal to 0.75. The
maximum horizontal force in newton that can be applied to A in order that both A and B do not have
relative motion is : [g = 9.8 m/s2]
A. 19.6
B. 14.7
C. 9.8
D. 4.9

5) A ring having charge +Q and radius R and a long thin rod having charge density +λ are kept as

shown in figure. Electrostatic force applied by ring on the rod is:



D. Zero

6) Two rods each of length 6L carry charge Q are placed as shown in figure. Find magnitude of
electric field at point P, which is at a distance of 5L from centre of each rod.





7) Four charges are placed at the circumference of dial clock as shown in figure. If the clock has
only hour hand, then the resultant force on a charge q0 placed at the centre, points in the direction
which show the time as :–

A. 1:30
B. 7:30
C. 4:30
D. 10:30

8) The ratio of flux through surfaces S1 and S2 is:

A. 1:1
B. –3 : 1
C. 3:1
D. –1 : 3

9) The charge per unit length of the four quadrant of the ring is and respectively.
The electric field at the centre is:



D. None

10) A small iron ball is moving under the influence of moving magnet along a straight line such that
at time t its displacement from a fixed point O on the line is 3t2 – 2 . The velocity of the ball when t =
2 is:
A. 8 m/s
B. 4 m/s
C. 12 m/s
D. 0

11) A parachutist falls freely from a stationary helicopter above ground. He covers as much distance
in the last second of his motion (before landing on trampoline) as covered in the first three seconds.
The parachutist has fallen for a time of :

A. 3 sec
B. 5 sec
C. 7 sec
D. 9 sec

12) A football is hit by a footballer in X-Y plane with Y axis along vertical. Two seconds after hit, the
velocity of the footballer makes an angle 45° with X axis.
Four seconds after hit, it moves horizontally.
The velocity just after hit is m/s. Find n.

A. 5
B. 3
C. 4
D. 2

13) A ping pong ball is thrown by a boy from a point O with speed 20 m/s as shown. The incline
plane is hit by the ball along the normal to the incline after two seconds. Find the value of x, is

(β is the angle of incline in degree)

A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1

14) A Cyclist is moving with uniform velocity on a straight road on a bridge. Beneath the bridge,
there is a river in which a swimmer is moving at 4 km/hr due east observes that the cyclist is
moving due North. Another swimmer moving at 1 km/hr due south claims that the cyclist is moving
towards north-east. What is the speed of the cyclist in ground frame ?

A. 3 km/hr
B. 4 km/hr
C. 5 km/hr
D. 6 km/hr

15) Find the tension in the string connecting 5kg and 1kg.

A. 10 N
B. 25 N
C. 35 N
D. 40 N

16) Calculate the relative acceleration of A w.r.t B if B is moving with acceleration a0 towards right.





17) In the figure, on cutting the string OA find the tension between m and 3m blocks at that instant.
A. 0
B. 4 mg
C. 5 mg
D. 2 mg

18) The electric field 0.400 m from a very long uniform line of charge is 840 N/C. How much charge
is contained in a 2.00 -cm section of the line ?

A. 1.49 nC
B. 2.5 nC
C. 3.49 nC
D. 4.7 nC

19) The block shown in the diagram has a mass of 2 microgram and a charge of 2 × 10–9C. If the
block is given an initial velocity of 2m/s in x direction at t = 0 and an electric field of 2 N/C in x
direction is switched on at that moment, then R will be (g = 10 m/s2).

A. 4m
B. 1m
C. 2m
D. 3m

20) An insulating long light rod of length L pivoted at its centre O and balanced with a weight W at a
distance x from the left end as shown in figure. Charges q and 2q are fixed to the ends of the rod.
Exactly below each of the charges at a distance h a positive charge Q is fixed. Then x is





1) Two point charges q1 = 2µC and q2 = 1µC are placed at distances b = 1 cm and a = 2 cm from the
origin of the y and x axes as shown in figure. The electric field vector at point P(a,b) will subtend an

angle θ with the x-axis given by tanθ = K. Find value of K.

2) Electric field due to a uniformly charged ring of radius m at a certain point on its axis is 1 V/m
and electric potential at the same point is 6V. If the distance of this point from centre of the ring is x
(in m), find the smallest value of x.

3) 2 insects are moving with constant speed on a square frame at t = 0, their positions are shown. If

magnitude of average acceleration of A, in the time A catches B is , what is the value of k?

4) Two friends A and B are standing on a river bank L distance apart. They decide to meet at point C
on the other bank exactly opposite to B. Both of them start rowing the boats simultaneously which
can travel with velocity v = 5 km/hr in still water. It was found that both reached C at same time.
Assume path of boats as straight lines (ℓ = 3 km & speed of river, u = 3 km/hr). If the time taken by

A & B is 't' (in hours). Find the value of .

5) A block of mass M is pulled along horizontal frictionless surface by a rope of mass m. If tension at
the middle point of rope & force applied by string on the block is in ratio 3 : 2 then find the value of


6) Figure shows a massless pan connected to an ideal spring (Figure). On the pan a small mass 'm =
5 kg' is kept. The mass is connected to another mass 'M = 2 kg' through a thread passing through
the hole in the pan. Initially the system is in equilibrium. Find the acceleration of 'm' (in m/s2) just
after the string is cut.

7) Block on the smooth sphere is in equilibrium (it implies that net force is zero). If sphere applies a
force of 30N on the block and weight of the block is 50 N.Tension T in the string is 5x newton then

the value of x.

8) The two blocks, m = 20 kg and M = 80kg, shown in figure are free to move, the coefficient of
static friction between the blocks is , but the surface beneath M is frictionless. What is the
minimum horizontal force F(N) required to hold m against M?

9) An aeroplane is accelerating in sky horizontally. A box kept on the floor at that instant in front of
the first compartment slides to the end of the same compartment through the passage and hits the
wall of the compartment after 2 sec. The box comes to rest after hitting the wall of the compartment
in 0.1 sec. What is the force (N) with which the box hits the wall ? (Assuming passage is frictionless)
(Given: mass of the box = 5 kg and length of compartment= 40 m)

10) A uniform electric field E = 500 N/C passes through a hemispherical surface of radius R = 2m as
shown is figure. The net electric flux (in SI units) through the hemispherical surface only is
. Then find the value of N.

1) What approximate volume of 0.40 M Ba(OH)2 must be added to 50.0 mL of 0.30 M NaOH to get a
solution in which the molarity of the OH– ions is 0.50 M?

A. 33 mL
B. 66 mL
C. 133 mL
D. 100 mL

2) The difference between the wave number of 1st line of Balmer series and last line of paschen
series for Li2+ ion is :


C. 4RH


3) The third ionization enthalpy is minimum for :

A. Fe
B. Ni
C. Co
D. Mn

4) A certain substance 'A' tetramerises in water to the extent of 80%. A solution of 2.5 g of A in 100 g
of water lowers the freezing point by 0.3ºC. The molar mass of A is :-

A. 122
B. 31
C. 244
D. 62

5) In a reaction carried out at 400 K, 0.0001% of the total number of molecules are in activated
state. The energy of activation of reaction is -

A. 110.5 Kcal/mol
B. 7.37 Kcal/mol
C. 9.21 Kcal/mol
D. 11.05 Kcal/mol

6) 896 mL of a mixture of CO and CO2 weigh 1.28g at 1 atm and 273 K. Calculate the volume of CO2
in the mixture.

A. 448 ml
B. 672 ml
C. 224 ml
D. 500 ml

7) If a piece of iron gains 10% of its weight due to partial rusting into Fe2O3 the percentage of total
iron that has rusted is [Fe = 56]

A. 33.33
B. 13
C. 23.3
D. 25.67

8) Calculate the mass of anhydrous HCl in 10 mL of concentrated HCl (density = 1.2 g/ mL) solution
having 37% HCl by weight,

A. 4.44 g
B. 4.44 mg
C. 4.44 × 10–3 mg
D. 0.444 μg

9) 1st excitation energy for the hypothetical H-like sample is 24 eV, then which one is incorrect-

A. Ionisation energy of sample is 36 eV.

B. Ionisation energy of sample is 32 eV.
C. Binding energy of 3rd excited step is 2 eV.
D. Second excitation energy of the sample is 28.44 eV.

10) An electron, initially at rest, is accelerated through a potential difference of 100 volt. It has
debroglie wavelength λ1 Aº. It then get retarded through 19 volt and then has a wave length λ2Aº. A

further retardation throught 32 volt change the wavelength to λ3Aº., then calculate .




11) Which of the following is wrong :-

A. NH3 < PH3 < AsH3 ⇒ Acidic character

B. Li < Be < B < C ⇒ IE1
C. Al2O3 < MgO < Na2O < K2O ⇒ Basic character
D. Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Cs+ ⇒ Ionic radius

12) Which of the following has been arranged in order of decreasing freezing point :- (Assume α = 1)

A. 0.05 M KNO3 > 0.04 M BaCl2 > 0.140 M sucrose > 0.075 M CuSO4
B. 0.04 M BaCl2 > 0.140 M sucrose > 0.075 M CuSO4 > 0.05 M KNO3
C. 0.075 M CuSO4 > 0.140 M sucrose > 0.04 M BaCl2 > 0.05 M KNO3
D. 0.075 M CuSO4 > 0.05 M KNO3 > 0.140 M sucrose > 0.04 M BaCl2

13) At a given temperature, total vapour pressure in Torr of a mixture of volatile components A and
B is given by
PTotal = 120 – 75 XB
hence, vapour pressure of pure A and B respectively (in Torr) are :

A. 120, 75
B. 120, 195
C. 120, 45
D. 75, 45

14) 12.2 gm benzoic acid (M = 122) in 100 g H2O has elevation of boiling point of 0.27°C, Kb = 0.54
K kg/mole. If there is 100% association, the no. of molecules of benzoic acid in associated state is :

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

15) Two components A and B form an ideal solution. The mole fractions of A and B in ideal solution
are XA and XB while that in vapour phase, these components have their mole fractions as YA and YB.

Then, the slope and intercept of plot of vs. will be :-




16) The polarimeter readings in a experiment to measure the rate of inversion of cane sugar (Ist
order reaction) were as follows -

Time (min) 0 30 ∞

Rotation due
30º 20º –15º
to solution
Identify the true statements :
[Given : log 2 = 0.3, log3 = 0.48, log 7 = 0.84, (loge 10) = 2.3]

A. The half life of the reaction is 75 min

B. The solution is optically inactive at 15 min
C. The half life of the reaction is 60 min
D. The solution is optically active throughout the course of reaction.

17) Reaction A + B —→ C + D follow's following rate law : Starting with initial

conc. of one mole of A and B each, what is the time taken for amount of A of become 0.25 mole.
Given k = 2.31 × 10–3 sec–1.

A. 300 sec.
B. 600 sec.
C. 900 sec.
D. none of these

18) A reactant (A) forms two products :

, Activation Energy Ea1
, Activation Energy Ea2
If , then k1 and k2 are related as
(If arrhenious constant is same for both reactions)


19) For reaction 2A B + 3C; if the correct reaction

between k1, k2 and k3 is:

A. k1 = k2 = k3
B. 2k1 = k2 = 3k2
C. 4k1 = k2 = 3k2

20) For a reaction 2A + B → Product, rate law is . Concentration of reactant A at time t

= , where C is initial concentration of A -

B. C0e

D. 10C0


1) How many of the following can react with bases :

Mn2O7, ZnO, Al2O3, BeO, Na2O, Cl2O7, PbO2, As2O3

2) In the saturated aqueous solution of PbCl2 the freezing point decreases by °C then ‘D’ is
(Given Ksp of PbCl2 = 4 × 10–6, Kf, water = 2K-kg/mole.

3) 75 g ethylene glycol is dissolved in 500 gram water. The solution is placed in a refrigerator
maintained at a temperature of 263 K. What amount of ice will separate out at this temperature? (Kf
water = 1.86 K molality–1 , Freezing point of water = 273 K)

4) An ideal solution is made by mixing 3 moles of liquid A (P°A = 100 torr) and 5 moles of liquid B
(P°B = 200 torr), at what pressure in torr 6 moles of liquid mixture will be vaporised?

5) A reaction is of first order. After 100 minutes 75g of the reactant A are decomposed when 100 g
are taken initially, calculate the time required (in minutes) when 150 g of the reactant A are
decomposed, the initial weight taken is 200 g.

6) Consider the following first order decomposition reaction :

A4(g) → 4A(g)
The half-life of the reaction (in minutes) is :
[Given : log 2 = 0.3, log 5 = 0.7]

7) A compound H2X with molar weight of 80 g is dissolved in a solvent having density of 0.4 g mL–1,
Assuming no change in volume upon dissolution, the molality of a 3.2 molar solution is

8) The Henry's law constant for the solubility of nitrogen gas in water at 298 K is 2 × 105 atm. The
mole fraction of nitrogen in air is 0.4. If the number of moles of nitrogen from air dissolved in 20
moles of water at 298 K and 10 atm pressure of air is x × 10–4 then calculate value of x.

9) A solution is prepared by dissolving 0.6 g of urea (molar mass = 60g mol-1) and 1.8g of glucose
(molar mass = 180 g mol-1) in 100 ml of water at 27°C. The osmotic pressure of the solution is (R =
0.082) L atm K-1 mol-1)

10) For a first order reaction all the reactant and product molecules are in gaseous state.
If the initial pressure of the reactant molecule is 100mm and after 30 minutes the total pressure of
the mixture containing molecules of all three A, B & C is 140 mm then find the time interval at which
the initial pressure of A will be reduced to 50 mm. (log10 3 = 0.5, log10 2 = 0.3)


1) If ƒ(x) = , then maximum value of ƒ(x) is -

A. 3
D. 2

2) In the equation logsinθ cos 2θ = 2 has

A. No solution
B. One solution
C. 2 solutions
D. None of these
3) Suppose that, log10(x – 2) + log10y = 0 and . Then the value of (x + y), is

A. 2

4) If x, y, z are non-zero real numbers then the minimum value of expression

equals -

A. 12
B. 24
C. 30
D. 48

5) If a + b + c > and equation ax2 + 2bx – 5c =0 has non–real complex roots, then

A. a > 0, c > 0
B. a > 0, c < 0
C. a < 0, c < 0
D. a < 0, c > 0

6) If α and β are the roots of the equation x2 + 10x – 7 = 0 then the value of

is :

A. 5
B. –5
C. 10
D. –10

7) Let f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, where a, b, c ∈ R and a ≠ 0, is such that 2a + b + c = 0, then

the quadratic equation f(x) = 0 has :

A. non-real roots
B. 0 and 2 as real roots
C. two equal roots
D. two distinct real roots

8) The range of 'a' for which the roots of the equation

(a2 – a + 1)x2 + 2(a + 1)x + (a2 + a – 2) = 0 are of opposite sign is -

A. a ∈
B. a ∈ (–1,2)
C. a ∈ R
D. a ∈ (–2,1)

9) If p is the smallest value of x satisfying the equation then the value of 4p is equal to

A. 9
B. 16
C. 25
D. 1

10) If then x is equal to

A. 110
B. 50
C. 40
D. 55

11) If for all x∈Q, then the value of


A. 54
B. 55
C. 108
D. 2

12) Let n(A) = 3, n(B) = 3 (where n(S) denotes number of elements in set S), then number of subsets
of (A × B) having odd number of elements, is :

A. 64
B. 128
C. 256
D. 512

13) Let P(x) = kx3 + 2k2 x2 + k3. The sum of all real numbers k for which (x – 2) is a factor of P(x), is

A. 4
B. 8
C. –4
D. –8

14) Let P(x) = x6 + ax5 + bx4 + cx3 + dx2 + ex + f be a polynomial such that
P(1) = 1; P(2) = 2; P(3) = 3; P(4) = 4; P(5) = 5 and P(6) = 6, then find the value of P(7).
A. 700
B. 727
C. 650
D. 725

15) The number of real solutions of the equation tan(ex) = ex + e–x, x > 0, is

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. none of these

16) Let then y =


C. ex + e–x
D. ex – e–x

17) Let ƒ : (–1,1) → be such that ƒ(cos4θ) = for . Then the value(s)

of ƒ is (are) -





18) If the domain of the function is all Real number then the number
of integral values of a-

A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 12

19) Solve for x: |x2 – 4x + 3| = |x2 – 5x + 4|

A. {1, 5}


D. {3, 5}

20) The polynomials P(x) = kx3 + 3x2 – 3 and Q(x) = 2x3 – 5x + k, when divided by (x – 4) leave the
same remainder. Then the value of k is

A. 2
B. 1
C. 0
D. –1


1) Let ℓ = (log34 + log29)2 – (log34 – log29)2, and n is the value of x satisfy

the equation the determine

2) Number of solutions of satisfying the equation

is are

3) Value of is :-

4) The total number of solutions of the equation [x]2 = x + 2{x}, (where [.], {.} denotes greatest
integer function and fractional part function respectively)

5) If f(x) = 2x – 1, then the number of solutions of the equation |f(x)| = |f(|x| – 1)| is

6) The number of solution(s) of the 10|x| |x2 – 3|x| + 2| = 1 is

7) If the range of function f(x) = sgn(x2 – 3x – 10) is {–1} then the maximum number of integers in
the domain of f(x) is/are
8) If ƒ(sinx) = sin3x, then ƒ(cos30°) is equal to

9) The number of integral value of b satisfying the equation a – ab + 5b + 2 = 0, is

10) If α & β are roots of the equation x2 + x – 3 = 0, then value of α3 – 4β2 + 24 is



Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
A. [1] [3] [1] [2] [0] [0] [1] [3] [0] [2] [1] [0] [0] [2] [1] [1] [3] [0] [3] [3]


Q. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A. 2 1 2 1 1 4 8 500 2000 12


Q. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
A. [0] [3] [0] [3] [3] [2] [2] [0] [0] [2] [1] [0] [2] [1] [1] [0] [1] [1] [3] [0]


Q. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
A. 7 6 275 150 100 90 8 4 5 45


Q. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
A. [3] [1] [2] [2] [1] [1] [3] [3] [0] [3] [3] [2] [3] [1] [3] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1]


Q. 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
A. 2 1 3 4 2 8 6 0 4 5


v0cosθ = v1sinθ
v1 = v0cotθ


Mgsinϕ = µmg cosϕ
∴ tanϕ = µ

a = (–g sinϕ – µgcosϕ) = –2gsinϕ

&S= =


= 9.8 N
5) Net force
electric field due to a long straight wire of charge density λ at one of its end is given by


E due rod.

Enet = 2 E cos 30°.



By Gauss law:




9 = 2t – 1
10 = 2t
t = 5 sec.


At t = 2

velocity =

v sin β = 20
v cos β = g × 2 = 20



15) Net acceleration of the system.

or a = 1m/s2
FBD of 5kg
– T + 30 = 5 × 1
or T = 25 N.

16) by virtual work method

– 2Ta0 – 2Ta0 –Ta0 + 2TaA + 2TaA = 0

17) On cutting the string, m and 3 m blocks have same acceleration. And there is no change in
spring force at that instant.

5mg – mg = 4 ma

So, By FBD of m block

T – mg = mg
⇒ T = 2mg


E = 840 N/C

= 149.33×10–11


Along y - direction

Along x-direction
20) By rotational equilibrium at O,
Torque (CW) = Torque (ACW)




x2 – 6x + 5 = 0
x = 1, 5

aav =


v sinθ = u

θ = 37°

time taken = =

25) → applied force on block

→ tension at mid rope

⇒ = ⇒

kx – mg = ma


302 + T2 = 502
T = 40 N


Net acceleration of the system

FBD of m Block

F – N = 20a = 20
or N = 0.8 F


Studying motion of box with respect to plane

By 2nd equation of motion

and velocity of box at the time of hitting

By IIIrd equation of motion


so, N = 12


31) M1 = [Ba(OH2)] = 0.4 M M2 = [NaOH] = 0.3 M


For 1st line of balmer series

For last line of paschen series


(1) Fe ⇒ [Ar]3d64s2 [Ar]3d64s1 [Ar]3d64s
(2) Ni ⇒ [Ar]3d84s2 [Ar]3d84s1 [Ar]3d84s
(3) Co ⇒ [Ar]3d74s2 [Ar]3d74s1 [Ar]3d74s
(4) Mn ⇒ [Ar]3d54s2 [Ar]3d54s1 [Ar]3d54s
So order of third ionization enthalpy is Fe < Co < Mn < Ni


i = 1+

i = 1+

i = 1+
ΔT = iKf × m

0.3 = 0.4 × 1.86 ×

0.3 = 0.4 × 1.86 ×

mB = 62


Fraction of active molecule

= ln10–6 = 2.303 log 10–6

Ea = 6 × 2.303 × 2 × 10–3 × 400 = 11.05 kcal.


t=0 100gm 10
let initial weight of Fe = 100 g
Final weight of mixture = 110 g
Mass of O2 reacted = 10 g
48 g O2 reacted with = 112 g Fe

∴ 10g O2 reacted with =

= 23.66 g Fe

% of Fe reacted =

38) WHCl = d.V = 1.2 × 10 = 12 g

Mass of HCl =

first excitation means n = 2

Now I.E. = (E1) = +kz2 = 32 eV

# for 3rd excited state n = 4

Binding energy =
# second excitation energy n=3


42) KNO3 BaCl2 Sucrose CuSO4

C = 0.05M 0.04M 0.140M 0.075M
i= 2 3 1 2
Cnet = (i × C)
Cnet 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.15
ΔTf ∝ Cnet
If Cnet increases, ΔTf also increases but freezing point decreases.



Y = mX + C


K = 0.0092



A + B →C+D
t=0 1 1
t 1-x 1-x x x
rate = k[A]1/2[B]1/2
OR Rate = K(A)1 = K(B)1 (overall 1st order)
x = 0.75

49) Rate =

K1 = 2K2, K3 = 3K2

K2 =






51) Amphoteric oxide - ZnO, Al2O3, BeO, PbO2, As2O3

Acidic oxide - Mn2O7, Cl2O7
Basic oxide - Na2O
Amphoteric and acidic oxide reacts with Base.

52) PbCl2 ⇌ Pb2+ + 2Cl–

Ksp = 4s3 = 4 × 10–6
s = 10–2 M
ΔTf = ikf.m
i = 3, kf = 2 K. kg/mol

ΔTf = 3 × 2 × 10–2 = 6 × 10–2 =

53) ΔTf = 273 – 263 = 10 °C
ΔTf = i kf. m

10 =
wsolvent = 225 g
Mass of ice freezed = 500 - 225 = 275 g


liq A B
3-x 5-y=x-1
vap x y=b-x
and x+y=6

⇒ 2(x - 1) x = (3 - x) (6 - x)
⇒ 2x2 - 2x = x2 - 9x + 18
⇒ x2 + 7x - 18 = 0
⇒ x + 9x - 2x - 18 = 0
x = - 9, x = 2

for x = 2,

PT = 100 × + 200 × = 150 torr

55) For first order reaction

Time required to A → is equal to t1/2 and t1/2 = indepenent of initial concentration

100gm 50gm 25gm

Decomposed amt. 0gm 50gm 75gm
2t1/2 are required to convert 100gm to 25gm
2t1/2 = 100 min
For initial concentration 200gm
200gm 100gm 50gm 2t1/2 = 100 min.
Decomposed 0gm 100gm 150gm
So Answer is 100 min

56) At t = 30 min.
a0 – x = 4x
∴ x = a0/5

⇒ t1/2 = 90 min.
57) Let Vsolvent = 100 ml
Wsolvent = 40 g

= 0.4 × 10 = 4 atm
From Henrys law

4 = 2 × 105 ×


= 4 × 10–4
Ans. x = 4


π = 4.92 atm


A B + C
100 – x x x
100 + x = 140
x = 40
A = 60 mm


ƒ(x) =

ƒ'(x) =
at x = 5, ƒ''(5) < 0
⇒ max. value of ƒ(x) is 2.


Ans: (2)
One solution


y(x – 2)=1, ;
Now, x + y – 2 +

⇒ x(y – 2) = 1 ⇒

⇒ y2 – 2y – 1 = 0

⇒x–2= ⇒x=


Emin = (6)(5)(1) = 30

65) Given, 4a + 4b – 5c > 0

Let f(x) = ax2 + 2bx – 5c, then
f(2) = 4a + 4b – 5c > 0
Since equation f(x) = 0 has imaginary roots, therefore f(x) will have same sign as that of a for
x ∈ R. Since f(2) > 0


= –5

2a + b + c = 0
⇒ 4a + 2b + 2c = 0

As f (0) + f (2) = 0
⇒ Either f (0) = 0 = f (2) or f (0). f (2) < 0
⇒ Either 0 and 2 are roots or one root lie in (0, 2) of f (x) = 0.
⇒ Two real and distinct roots of f (x) = 0


ƒ(0) < 0 ⇒ a2 + a – 2 < 0 ⇒ (a + 2) (a – 1) < 0

⇒ –2 < a < 1

69) We have,
22x - 8 . 2x + 15 = 0 (2x − 3) (2x − 5) = 0 2x = 3 or 2x = 5
Hence smallest x is obtained by equating
So, p = log23


x = 1 + 2 + 3 + ..... + 10



n(A × B) = 9
C1 + 9C3 +.....+9C9 = 28 = 256


⇒ P(x) = kx3 + 2k2 x2 + k3

⇒ (x – 2) is a factor of P(x)
i.e. P(2) = 0
⇒ k(2)3 + 2(k)2(2)2 + k3 = 0
⇒ 8k + 8k2 + k3 = 0
⇒ k(k2 + 8k + 8) = 0
⇒ k1 + k2 = –8
Sum of all real numbers k will be –8


P(x) = x6 + ax5 + bx4 + cx3 + dx2 + ex + f

⇒ P(1) = 1, P(2) = 2, P(3) = 3, P(4) = 4, P(5) = 5, P(6) = 6
Let P(x) = (x – 1)(x – 2)(x – 3)(x – 4)(x – 5)(x – 6) + x
according to given conditions.
⇒ P(7) = (7 – 1)(7 – 2)(7 – 3)(7 – 4)(7 – 5)(7 – 6) + 7
⇒ P(7) = 727


tanex = ex + e–x

there are infinite solutions.


squaring both sides

e2x – 2yex + y2 = 1 + y2



ƒ(cos4θ) =


Let ⇒

⇒ From (i),

⇒ (A, B) are correct


|x2 – 4x + 3| = |x2 – 5x + 4|
|(x – 3)(x – 1)| = |(x – 4)(x – 1)|
(x –3)2(x –1)2 = (x – 4)2(x – 1)2
(x –1)2 [(x – 4)2 – (x –3)2]

(x –1)2(2x – 7) (–1) = 0 x = 1, x =


P (4) = 64k + 48 – 3 = 64k + 45

Q (4) = 128 – 20 + k = k + 108
given P (4) = Q (4)
∴ 64k + 45 = k + 108
⇒ 63k = 63 ⇒ k = 1


81) ℓ = 4log34.log29

2x = 1 ⇒



∴ (a–2b) + (2b–c) + (c–a) = 0

∴ (a – 2b)3 + (2b–c)3 + (c–a)3 = 3 (a–2b) (2b–c) (c–a)


[x]2 = x + 2{x} = [x] + 3{x}

{x} = ⇒ (0 ≤ {x} < 1)

⇒ [x] = –1, 0, 1, 2

or {x} = , 0, 0,

two solutions.


|x2 – 3|x| + 2| = 10–|x|

Number of solutions is 8.


Range is –1
⇒ x2 – 3x – 10 < 0
⇒ (x – 5) (x + 2) < 0
⇒ –2 < x < 5

88) ƒ(sinx) = sin3x

= 3 sin x – 4 sin3 x
cos 30° = sin 60°
ƒ(cos 30°) = ƒ(sin 60°) = sin (60 × 3)
⇒ sin 180° = 0


4 values


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