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Fouth Quarter, Week 4

Name: _________________________
Grade & Section: :_________________

Context Clues (Synonyms),Context Clues (Antonyms),Words with Multiple Meanings

I. Learning Competency
1. Use context clues to find the meaning of unfamiliar word (synonyms)
2. Use context clues to find the meaning of unfamiliar words (antonyms).
3. Identify meaning of words with multiple meanings.EN4RC-IVc-d-20

II. Background Information

Synonyms is a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as happy,
joyful, elated.

Context clues are hints that an author gives to help define a difficult or unusual word within a book. The
clue may appear within the same sentence as the word to which it refers or it may follow in the next
1. The Girl Scouts in our school celebrated their anniversary with a field trip.They explored the virgin
forests of Palawan.
2.They explored the virgin forests of Palawan. They went around a place where a thick long line of trees
were not yet touched by loggers.
3.They learned the value of preserving nature and taking good care of our forests

Antonyms are words that have contrasting, or opposite, meaning.

• When the teacher was inside the classroom the pupils whispered to each other but when the teacher was
out, they all shouted. “shout” is the opposite of “whisper”
• I love the softly glowing moon at night but I am afraid to sleep on lightless night. “Lightless” is the
opposite of “glowing”
There are some words that have multiple meanings. The specific meaning can be identified through
context clues.
Example: Sign
a. To affix signature
b. Symbol used in a mathematical operation
c. An event or action which shows that something else will happen
a. Heavenly body of burning gases that can be seen in the sky
b. A figure with ten sides
c. An outstanding talented performer

Here are some examples of words with multiple meanings.

a. The leaves are falling. Mother leaves for work every morning.
b. This ruler is one-foot long. The athlete hurt his foot.
c. The bat hides in the cave. Jake swing the bat hardly.

III. Procedures

Here are exercises to develop your skills in our objective today. Answer them
the best you can.
Activity 1
Direction: Read the story below. Replace the underlined words with a synonym from the word blank. Write
your answer inside the parentheses.

Jenny woke up with a big (1. ) smile. (2.________). Today was a very special (3._________) day.
She was going to get a new dog (4. ) from the local (5. ) animal shelter. Jenny jumped out of bed and ran
(6. ) downstairs. Her mom and dad were sitting at the breakfast table eating breakfast. “Get ready
fast”(7._________) Mom said. “We need to leave the house by 9:00.” “I can wait!” Jenny said happily
(8.______ ). She ate (9.________ ) her breakfast, brushed her teeth and got dressed. Jenny wondered,
“What should I call (10.____ ) my new puppy?”

Acitivity 2

Directio: Read the sentences and identify the antonym of the underlined words. Write your answer on the
blank before each number.
______________ 1. Samantha is a very quiet girl. Monique, on the other hand, is very noisy.
_______________2. Russel is generous, always ready to give financial help to his classmates unlike
Jerome who is selfish and doesn’t even care for the needs of others.
_______________3. The class valedictorian, Nicole is very humble. She is not proud of herself and
_______________4. Bryan is a polite boy. He is never rude to his teachers, classmates, and even to
_______________5. Monique is industrious while Jason is lazy.

Activity 3-
Direction Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word in each sentence. Write the letter of the
correct answers below.
A. station
______1. Christ commands us to love one another whatever our station in life is.
______2. The cadet looks his station at the Rizal Shrine.
______3. The suspects were brought to the police station.
a. A place to stand in
b. A social position
c. A building for a definite purpose. B. flap/flapped
_______1. The flag flapped in the wind.
_______2. The flap of the envelope was pasted.
_______3. The little birds continuously flap their wings in an attempt to fly.
a. move up and down
b. loose cover for a pocket, envelope
c. made a slapping sound

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