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THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 276, No. 29, Issue of July 20, pp.

26893–26897, 2001
© 2001 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

Identification of the Substrate Specificity-conferring Amino Acid

Residues of 4-Coumarate:Coenzyme A Ligase Allows the Rational
Design of Mutant Enzymes with New Catalytic Properties*
Received for publication, January 16, 2001, and in revised form, March 21, 2001
Published, JBC Papers in Press, April 25, 2001, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M100355200

Hans-Peter Stuible‡ and Erich Kombrink§

From the Max-Planck-Institut für Züchtungsforschung, Abteilung Biochemie, 50829 Köln, Germany

4-Coumarate:coenzyme A ligases (4CLs) generally use, common to 4CLs, luciferases, fatty acyl-CoA synthetases,
in addition to coumarate, caffeate and ferulate as their acetyl-CoA synthetases, and specialized domains within pep-
main substrates. However, the recently cloned Arabi- tide synthetase multienzymes. This conserved, putative AMP
dopsis thaliana isoform At4CL2 is exceptional because binding domain has been used as the most important criterion
it has no appreciable activity with ferulate. On the basis to group the above-listed proteins in one superfamily of adeny-
of information obtained from the crystal structure of the late-forming enzymes (3). In good agreement with this theoret-
phenylalanine-activating domain of gramicidin S-syn- ical classification and prediction of functional similarity, the
thetase, 10 amino acid residues were identified that may mutational analysis of At4CL2 from Arabidopsis thaliana ex-
form the substrate binding pocket of 4CL. Among these perimentally corroborated such a close functional relationship
amino acids, representing the putative “substrate spec-
between 4CL and the adenylation and substrate recognition
ificity motif,” only one residue, Met293, was not con-
domains of nonribosomal peptide synthetases (4). Considerable
served in At4CL2, compared with At4CL1 and At4CL3,
two isoforms using ferulate. Substitution of Met293 or progress has been made in determining the structural basis of
Lys320, another residue of the putative substrate speci- substrate specificity in the peptide synthetase system (5–7).
ficity motif, which in the predicted three-dimensional The crystal structure of the N-terminal adenylation subunit
structure is located in close proximity to Met293, by (phenylalanine-activating domain (PheA)) of gramicidin S-syn-
smaller amino acids converted At4CL2 to an enzyme thetase 1 obtained in the presence of AMP and L-phenylala-
capable of using ferulate. The activity with caffeate was nine, a substrate structurally related to coumaric acid, allowed
not or only moderately affected. Conversely, substitu- both the localization of catalytic important positions and the
tion of Met293 by bulky aromatic amino acids increased identification of 10 amino acids lining the phenylalanine bind-
the apparent affinity (Km) for caffeate up to 10-fold, ing pocket (5). All substrate binding pocket constituents of
whereas single substitutions of Val294 did not affect sub- PheA (except Lys517, which functions as the active site in
strate use. The results support our structural assump- adenylate formation and is therefore obviously not involved in
tions and suggest that the amino acid residues 293 and substrate discrimination) could be identified within a 100-
320 of At4CL2 directly interact with the 3-methoxy amino acid residue-comprising region, which is flanked by the
group of the phenolic substrate and therefore allow a conserved core motifs A3 and A6 of peptide synthetases (6)
first insight into the structural principles determining exhibiting high sequence identity with the Box I (LPFSSGTT-
substrate specificity of 4CL.
GLPKG) and Box II (GEICIRG) sequences of 4CLs, respec-
tively. Using different sequence alignment strategies, the sub-
strate specificity conferring amino acids corresponding to the
4-Coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL,1 EC is an residues identified in PheA have also been localized in other
essential enzyme of the phenylpropanoid biosynthetic path- peptide synthetases (6, 8). The importance of several of these
way, catalyzing the activation of various hydroxylated and positions for substrate recognition and specificity has been
methoxylated cinnamic acid derivatives to the corresponding verified by site-directed mutagenesis (6). On the basis of these
thiol esters in a two-step reaction. During the first step, cou- data, the concept of a substrate binding pocket with a limited
maric acid and ATP form a coumaroyl-adenylate intermediate
number of contact residues being involved in substrate speci-
with the simultaneous release of pyrophosphate. In the second
ficity determination has been established for several peptide
step, the coumaroyl group is transferred to the sulfhydryl
synthetases (6, 8, 9).
group of CoA, and AMP is released (1, 2). Despite their low
The position of 4CL at a metabolic branch point connecting
overall sequence identity, one highly conserved peptide motif is
general phenylpropanoid metabolism with different end prod-
uct-specific pathways makes 4CL a promising target for bio-
* The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the technological manipulation. The suitability of 4CL for product
payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked or pathway engineering is not only suggested by its position
“advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to within the plant secondary metabolism but is additionally sup-
indicate this fact. ported by recent studies that indicate that 4CL isoforms by
‡ Recipient of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Postdoctoral Fel-
lowship Stu251/1-2.
virtue of their different substrate specificities and expression
§ To whom correspondence should be addressed: Max-Planck-Institut patterns channel phenolic precursors either to the lignin or the
für Züchtungsforschung, Abteilung Biochemie, Carl-von-Linné-Weg 10, flavonoid biosynthetic pathway (10, 11). We recently cloned
50829 Köln, Germany. Tel.: 49-221-5062-320; Fax: 49-221-5062-313; and biochemically characterized three 4CL isoforms from A.
The abbreviations used are: 4CL, 4-Coumarate:coenzyme A ligase;
thaliana (11). Although showing differences in detail, all three
PheA, phenylalanine-activating domain; At4CL, Arabidopsis thaliana 4CLs were able to activate their typical substrates, coumarate
4CL; Pt4CL, Populus tremuloides 4CL. and caffeate. Unexpected, however, was the observation that

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26894 Substrate Specificity of 4-Coumarate:Coenzyme A Ligase
Sequences of PCR primers used for the construction of At4CL2 mutant proteins
Primer sequencea Mutation

Modified codons are underlined.

only the isoforms At4CL1 and At4CL3 were able to convert RESULTS
ferulate to the corresponding thiol ester, whereas At4CL2 was Identification of the Putative Substrate Pocket-lining Constit-
not (11). Both the minor structural differences existing be- uents of 4CL—To identify the substrate binding pocket-lining
tween caffeate (3,4-dihydroxy cinnamic acid) and ferulate (3- amino acids within the At4CL2 primary sequence, different
methoxy-4-hydroxy cinnamic acid) and the high sequence iden- multiple sequence alignments of the three 4CL isoforms of A.
tity found between the three At4CL isoforms suggested that thaliana were performed with several adenylation domains of
only a limited number of amino acid residues are responsible peptide synthetases, including PheA, luciferases, as well as all
for the inability of At4CL2 to convert ferulate to its thiol ester. other available 4CL sequences (for details, see “Experimental
Therefore, we decided to study the molecular mechanism pre- Procedures”). We assumed that the functional relatedness be-
venting ferulate activation by At4CL2 in detail to unravel the tween these three groups of enzymes is also reflected at the
principle rules of substrate specificity determination in the structural level, as recently described for PheA and firefly
4CL system. luciferase (5, 17). In good agreement with this presumption, the
reduced sequence alignment shown in Fig. 1 reveals such struc-
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES tural similarity by the colinear organization of the two highly
Bacterial Strains, Plasmids, Primer Sequences, and DNA Manipula- conserved sequence motifs common to 4CLs (Box I and Box II)
tion Techniques—Standard DNA techniques were performed as de- and PheA (core motifs A3 and A6) and the length and sequence
scribed elsewhere (12). For plasmid amplification, the Escherichia coli
of the intervening region. Because in PheA all substrate bind-
strain DH5␣ (Life Technologies, Inc.) was used. Protein expression was
performed using the E. coli strain M15(pRP4). The pQE30-based ing pocket constituents are known to be located between the
At4CL2 expression plasmid used for mutagenesis experiments has pre- peptide motifs A3 and A6, we predicted that the substrate
viously been described (11). Point mutations were introduced into specificity conferring amino acids of 4CL are located between
At4CL2 by polymerase chain reaction amplification of the entire the putative AMP binding domain (Box I) and the so-called
At4CL2 expression plasmid by using two mutated oligonucleotide prim- GEICIRG domain (Box II). Furthermore, the unusual features
ers, each complementary to opposite strands of the vector. Double
of At4CL2, which activates 3,4-dihydroxy cinnamic acid (caf-
mutants were created by polymerase chain reaction amplification of
already existing At4CL2 mutant plasmids using a new pair of mutated
feate) as its preferred substrate but is incapable of converting
oligonucleotide primers. Conditions for polymerase chain reaction- 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy cinnamic acid (ferulate) to the corre-
based mutagenesis were as follows: 1 cycle at 94 °C (1 min), 16 cycles at sponding thiol ester, should be reflected in the constituents of
94 °C (1 min), 59 °C (1 min), and 68 °C (14 min), and 1 final polymeri- the substrate binding pocket in comparison with the ferulate-
zation step at 68 °C (14 min). All components necessary for this mu- using enzymes At4CL1 and At4CL3. By extraction of the nine
tagenesis procedure were included in the commercial QuikChange kit putative substrate binding pocket-forming residues of At4CL1,
(Stratagene). One primer sequence of each pair of complementary mu-
At4CL2, and At4CL3 from the alignment with PheA, we iden-
tagenesis primers is listed in Table I.
Analysis of DNA and Protein Sequences—The entire DNA sequences tified two differences among the three Arabidopsis 4CL “sub-
of all mutated reading frames were determined on ABI Prism 377 DNA strate specificity motifs” (Fig. 1). First, the bulky methionine
sequencers (Applied Biosystems, Forster City, CA). To identify the residue at position 293 in At4CL2 is substituted by proline and
putative substrate pocket-lining amino acids of 4CL, sequence align- alanine residues in At4CL1 and At4CL3, respectively (Fig. 1).
ments were generated with the PILEUP program of the Genetics Com- Because At4CL1 and At4CL3, in contrast to At4CL2, are able
puter Group program package, version 10.0, with the gap weight and
to activate ferulate, the observed difference suggested that
gap length weight set to 2 and 8, respectively (13), using the following
sequences (with GenBank accession numbers given in parentheses ferulate use could be regulated by a size exclusion mechanism
brackets): A. thaliana At4CL2 (AAD47193), At4CL1 (AAD47191), mediated by the bulkiness of the amino acid at position 293.
At4CL3 (AAD47194), Brevibacillus brevis gramicidin S-synthetase 1 Second, in At4CL3, position 320 (At4CL2 numbering) is occu-
(PheA; CAA33603), and other 4CL sequences as listed previously (11). pied by a leucine, whereas At4CL1 and At4CL2 both carry a
Purification of At4CL2 Proteins and Enzyme Assays—Expression lysine in this position (Fig. 1). Although the different amino
and purification of At4CL2 proteins were performed as recently de-
acid residues at position 320 allowed no obvious explanation of
scribed (4). 4CL activity was determined with the spectrophotometric
assay previously described, using caffeic acid and ferulic acid as phe-
the available biochemical data on substrate use, in particular
nolic substrates (11, 14). The change of absorbance during CoA ester the missing ferulate activation by At4CL2, we assumed that
formation was monitored at 363 nm for caffeoyl-CoA and at 345 nm for this position could also be important for determining substrate
feruloyl-CoA (15). The Km and Vmax values for caffeate and ferulate specificity, because it should be located in close proximity to the
were estimated at fixed concentrations of ATP (5.5 mM) and CoA (0.3 other variable amino acid (Met293) if the enzyme has a three-
mM) by linear regression of v/s against s (Hanes plot). Since Km and Vmax dimensional structure similar to that of PheA.
values could not be determined for all mutant enzymes because of their
Analysis of At4CL2 Mutant Enzymes with Altered Substrate
low activity, specific activity was determined in addition at standard
conditions (0.2 mM phenolic substrate, 5.5 mM ATP, 0.3 mM CoA) for all Binding Constituents—To test whether the bulky methionine
4CL variants. Protein concentrations were determined according to residue at position 293 in At4CL2 is responsible for the lack of
Bradford (16) with bovine serum albumin as standard. capacity of the enzyme to activate ferulate, Met293 was re-
Substrate Specificity of 4-Coumarate:Coenzyme A Ligase 26895
of the three At4CL2 mutant enzymes, M293F, M293Y, and
M293W, exhibited any significant enzymatic activity with feru-
late (Table II). Substitution of Met293 by the smallest aromatic
amino acid, phenylalanine, also did not appreciably affect the
Km (only 2-fold) and Vmax values for caffeate, whereas the
bulkier amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan had significant
effects. The M293Y substitution resulted in a 10-fold increase
in the Km value without affecting Vmax, whereas by the M293W
substitution, both parameters were affected, leading to a dras-
tically reduced enzymatic capacity of the mutant enzyme (Ta-
ble II). Collectively, these results support the model that the
bulkiness of the amino acids lining the substrate binding
pocket is an important factor determining substrate specificity
in the 4CL system.
To study a possible contribution of Lys320 on the catalytic
properties of At4CL2, we substituted this residue with leucine,
as suggested from the sequence comparison (Fig. 1), and with
FIG. 1. Alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences of alanine. Compared with the wild-type enzyme, both substitu-
three 4CL isoforms from Arabidopsis thaliana with the pheny- tions, K320L and K320A, resulted in a 2–3-fold increase in the
lalanine-activating domain (PheA) of gramicidin S-synthetase 1 Km for caffeate use, whereas Vmax was not affected, although a
from B. brevis. The presentation is reduced to the region flanked by
the conserved peptide motifs Box I and Box II of 4CLs (boxed), corre-
large, positively charged amino acid was replaced by smaller,
sponding to the core motifs A3 and A6 of PheA (6). Amino acids identical aliphatic amino acids (Table II). In addition, both new mutant
in all four sequences are shaded. The nine substrate pocket-lining enzymes exhibited remarkable activity with ferulate, similar to
amino acids of PheA and the corresponding residues of 4CLs are the 4CL variants M293A and M293P (Table II). The properties
marked with an asterisk and a box. Open circles mark those amino acid
residues located between Box I and Box II that are unique to At4CL2 in
of the mutant enzyme with the K320L substitution resembled
comparison with At4CL1 and At4CL3. those of the ferulate-activating At4CL2 variants carrying sin-
gle point mutations at position 293 (Table II). In contrast, the
K320A substitution led to a 4-fold decrease in the Km value for
placed by proline or alanine as suggested from the primary
ferulate when compared with the K320L mutation, although no
sequences of At4CL1 and At4CL3, respectively (Fig. 1). Both
alanine was found at this position in any of the available 4CL
mutant enzymes, M293P and M293A, retained their activity
sequences. The low Km value (40 ␮M) in combination with the
with caffeate, and the Km and Vmax values for this substrate
moderate Vmax value (135 picokatals/mg) resulted in a rela-
were comparable with those of the wild-type enzyme (Table II).
tively high Vmax:Km ratio of 3.4 for ferulate, thereby slightly
However, as a novel catalytic activity, both mutant enzymes
exceeding the Vmax:Km ratio of 2.4 for caffeate. The stronger
were able to activate ferulate, exhibiting Km values fairly sim-
mutant phenotype obtained with the K320A substitution in
ilar to those reported for At4CL1 (199 ␮M) and At4CL3 (166 ␮M;
comparison with the K320L exchange again indicates that an
Ref. 11). Although the specific activities of these new At4CL2
variants with ferulate were ⬃50-fold higher than the residual increase of the available space for the substrate binding pocket
activity displayed by the wild-type enzyme (2.3 picokatals/mg), allows a higher activity with bulky substrates.
caffeate was still the preferred substrate because of the signif- To analyze potential additive effects, two enzyme double
icantly lower Km value (Table II). This is clearly illustrated by mutants were created, each carrying ferulate specificity-con-
calculation of the Vmax:Km ratios, which for both mutants var- ferring amino acids at both positions identified to be important
ied from 8.2 to 8.6 for caffeate and 0.5 to 1.1 for ferulate. (293 and 320). When the K320L/M293P variant and the K320L
To test the specificity of the observed mutant phenotype after single mutant were compared with respect to caffeate use, no
alteration of amino acid residue 293, we generated a second set additive effect of the second mutation was apparent (Table II).
of mutants at the neighboring position 294 that is also variable However, for ferulate activation, the Km value of the K320L/
among the Arabidopsis 4CLs (Fig. 1). Again, the newly intro- M293P variant was 3–5-fold lower than the Km values of the
duced amino acids were selected according to the sequences of corresponding enzymes with single mutations, whereas the
At4CL1 and At4CL3. The hereby generated At4CL2 variants, Vmax value was not affected (Table II). The combination of low
V294M and V294L, exhibited slightly reduced Vmax values and Km (46 ␮M) and high Vmax (270 picokatals/mg) made ferulate
specific activities with caffeate, whereas no significant activity with a Vmax:Km ratio of 5.9, instead of caffeate with a Vmax:Km
was observed with ferulate. Thus, despite its close proximity to ratio of 2.4, the preferred substrate of this new At4CL2 variant.
Met293, the valine at position 294 is apparently not involved in In this case, the introduction of a second mutation had an
determining substrate specificity in 4CL. However, the results additive effect and changed the substrate preference of the
obtained with the double mutants M293P/V294M and M293A/ enzyme from caffeate to ferulate. A more complex situation was
V294L demonstrate that substitutions of Val294 have a modu- observed with the K320A/M293P double mutant, which exhib-
lating influence on ferulate activation when combined with a ited Km values for ferulate and caffeate fairly similar to those of
second mutation, leading to a 2–3-fold decrease of the Km the K320A single mutant. In addition, however, the Vmax val-
values in comparison with the single mutants M293P and ues and the specific activities were also clearly reduced for both
M293A (Table II). substrates, and a positive influence of the second mutation on
Because a size reduction of the amino acid residue at position ferulate use was not apparent (Table II).
293 seemed to be essential for the acceptance of ferulate as a In conclusion, the introduction of small amino acids at either
substrate by At4CL2, we postulated that the introduction of position, 293 or 320, of the At4CL2 primary sequence promoted
bulky aromatic amino acids at this position should not only ferulate activation by this enzyme and generated a new sub-
prevent ferulate (4-hydroxy-3-methoxy cinnamate) activation strate use profile. Together with the occurrence of additive
but should also reduce the efficiency of caffeate (3,4-dihydroxy effects of both mutations, as observed with the K320L/M293P
cinnamate) activation. Therefore, it was no surprise that none double mutant, these results indicate that both substituted
26896 Substrate Specificity of 4-Coumarate:Coenzyme A Ligase
Kinetic properties of Arabidopsis 4CL2 mutant enzymes
All values are the mean ⫾ S.D. of at least three independent determinations with affinity-purified protein.
Caffeate Ferulate
Km Vmax SAa Km Vmax SAa

␮M picokatals/mg picokatals/mg ␮M picokatals/mg picokatals/mg

Wild type 24 ⫾ 1.5 158 ⫾ 9 144 ⫾ 8 NDb ND 2.3 ⫾ 0.9
M293P 25 ⫾ 8 206 ⫾ 38 183 ⫾ 25 224 ⫾ 46 243 ⫾ 9 115 ⫾ 7
M293A 24 ⫾ 7.5 206 ⫾ 46 188 ⫾ 41 558 ⫾ 45 284 ⫾ 36 78 ⫾ 14
M293P/V294M 21 ⫾ 4.6 187 ⫾ 44 168 ⫾ 42 105 ⫾ 27 210 ⫾ 37 140 ⫾ 40
M293A/V294L 24 ⫾ 7 190 ⫾ 40 170 ⫾ 32 162 ⫾ 61 290 ⫾ 34 165 ⫾ 22
V294M 22 ⫾ 4 134 ⫾ 23 120 ⫾ 18 ND ND 4.9 ⫾ 1
V294L 23 ⫾ 4.6 114 ⫾ 11 104 ⫾ 10 ND ND 3.2 ⫾ 0.6
M293F 63 ⫾ 17 177 ⫾ 63 136 ⫾ 41 ND ND ⬍0.3
M293Y 224 ⫾ 53 176 ⫾ 30 88 ⫾ 5 ND ND ⬍0.1
M293W 180 ⫾ 42 44 ⫾ 10 23 ⫾ 6 ND ND 8.6 ⫾ 0.6
K320L 74 ⫾ 13 147 ⫾ 6 107 ⫾ 4 151 ⫾ 50 234 ⫾ 34 140 ⫾ 12
K320A 55 ⫾ 6 130 ⫾ 12 105 ⫾ 8 40 ⫾ 2 135 ⫾ 15 108 ⫾ 7
K320L/M293P 48 ⫾ 6 119 ⫾ 33 97 ⫾ 29 46 ⫾ 7 270 ⫾ 50 263 ⫾ 62
K320A/M293P 84 ⫾ 19 63 ⫾ 6 45 ⫾ 6 58 ⫾ 5 92 ⫾ 8 71 ⫾ 7
Specific activity (based on protein), determined under standard conditions with 0.2 mM phenolic substrate.
ND, not determined, activity too low.

amino acid residues represent substrate binding pocket constit- sulted in a 20-fold decrease in the use of the miscognate and
uents, which are located in close proximity to each other in the bulkier substrate tryptophan compared with the cognate sub-
three-dimensional structure of the protein and at the same strate phenylalanine. This observation indicated that the re-
time contact the 3-methoxy or 3-hydroxy groups of ferulate and duction of the available space within the substrate binding
caffeate, respectively. pocket was responsible for the increase in substrate specificity
(6). The deduced colocalization of At4CL2 Met293 and Lys320 in
the corresponding region of the substrate binding pocket is in
The results presented in this study demonstrate the possi- good agreement with our experimental results. Substitution of
bility of rationally designing 4CL activity by site-directed mu- either residue by a smaller amino acid renders the At4CL2
tagenesis. The generation of new enzymatic specificities using substrate binding pocket accessible to ferulate (Table II). Cor-
At4CL2 as a model system represents a first step toward mod- respondingly, introduction of bulky aromatic amino acids at
ification of biosynthetic processes located downstream of the position 293 of At4CL2 resulted in a 10-fold increase of the Km
general phenylpropanoid metabolism. Starting from the crystal value for caffeate (Table II).
structure of PheA (5), we identified nine amino acid residues in The data obtained from the peptide synthetase system indi-
the At4CL2 primary sequence that may line the binding pocket cate that the knowledge of specificity-conferring amino acids
for the phenolic substrate. Because the amino acid sequences of allows more precise predictions of substrate use by newly dis-
At4CL2 and PheA are only ⬃15% identical in the region of covered adenylation domains before their biochemical charac-
⬃100 amino acids that harbors all the substrate binding and terization than would be possible by overall sequence compar-
specificity-conferring constituents, it has to be emphasized that ison with functionally characterized enzymes (6, 8). Predictions
the assignment of functionally important amino acids in of substrate use and specificity are also desirable for the 4CL
At4CL2 on the basis of sequence alignments is not necessarily system, particularly in view of the extensive genome sequences
correct for each predicted position. The functional relevance that are presently becoming available. For example, although
has to be verified experimentally for each position, and it may experimental evidence suggests that Arabidopsis contains only
well be that other or additional positions than those deduced three bona fide 4CLs (11), several new 4CL-like sequences were
from the alignment with PheA are necessary and important for recently identified (accession numbers AC011000, AL132967,
the determination of substrate specificity in the 4CL system. AL161502, and AL161549) for which a function has not yet
Nevertheless, the strong influence on ferulate and caffeate use been assigned. Despite the observed overall sequence similar-
exerted by variation of the amino acid residues at positions 293 ity, 4CL activity could not be detected for one of these proteins
and 320 in At4CL2 argue strongly in favor of a correct assign- (AC011000, gene F16P17.9) after heterologous expression in E.
ment of at least these two positions. The present results coli.2 Unfortunately, a systematic analysis of the parameters
strongly suggest that both residues interact directly with the specifying substrate recognition and use by different 4CL iso-
3-hydroxy or 3-methoxy groups of the phenolic substrates and forms has not yet been possible; in fact, it is impeded by the
thus represent two of the amino acids lining the substrate limited amount of available data correlating structural infor-
binding pocket. mation with biochemical properties.
The At4CL2 residues Met293 and Lys320 are likely to corre- The characterization of 4CL activities has been carried out
spond to the PheA amino acids Thr278 and Ile299, respectively. largely with proteins purified from various plant species and
In PheA, Thr278 and Ile299 are neighboring residues in the tissues and revealed the existence of 4CL isoforms with con-
three-dimensional structure, both of which are located at the siderable variation in substrate specificity, including the rare
same side of the phenylalanine binding pocket (5). By compar- occurrence of activity toward sinapate (3,5-dimethoxy-4-hy-
ing the nine substrate specificity-conferring amino acids of droxy cinnamate; Refs. 1, 18 –20). However, an unambiguous
several peptide synthetases, five highly variable residues were correlation of particular and unusual biochemical properties
identified, including Thr278 and Ile299 in PheA. The high vari- with a distinct 4CL coding sequence, e.g. by characterization of
ability of these substrate binding pocket constituents was sug- proteins expressed in E. coli, has been established only for A.
gested to reflect their importance for determining substrate
specificity (6). In accordance with this predicted importance,
substitution of Thr278 by the larger methionine residue re- 2
H.-P. Stuible, unpublished results.
Substrate Specificity of 4-Coumarate:Coenzyme A Ligase 26897
thaliana (present work; Ref. 11) and Populus tremuloides (10). pression. Correspondingly, the engineering of 4CL variants
The Populus protein Pt4CL1 can activate 5-hydroxy ferulate, with enhanced capacity to activate the lignin precursor si-
whereas the isoform Pt4CL2 cannot. By comparison of the napate or the putative salicylate precursor cinnamic acid would
Pt4CL1 and Pt4CL2 sequences according to the same criteria be of great interest for both scientific as well as practical
as outlined above for the Arabidopsis 4CL system, a total of purposes.
three amino acid differences can be identified among the nine In conclusion, the data obtained in this study substantiate
putative substrate binding pocket constituents. However, a our prediction that, for its high-level expression, stability as
correlation between the bulkiness of these amino acid residues active enzyme, which retains its structural integrity despite
with the reported substrate preference of the Populus enzymes extensive mutational alterations, and simple functional analy-
is not obvious, indicating that other factors such as hydrogen sis in an optical enzyme assay, At4CL2 represents a well suited
bonding, hydrophobicity, or Van der Waals interactions may model system to study the structural basis of substrate speci-
also influence substrate recognition and use by 4CLs. Experi- ficity in a subclass of adenylate-forming enzymes (4). To over-
mental evidence in support of the notion that in addition to size come the still-existing limitations, especially the lack of a
exclusion, such other mechanisms contribute to substrate spec- three-dimensional structural model, both the crystallization of
ificity has again been obtained with the peptide synthetase the enzyme and further mutational analyses of At4CL2 have
system by Stachelhaus et al. (6), who were able to alter the been initiated.
specificity of an adenylation domain from aspartate to aspara-
Acknowledgments—We thank Dr. Imre E. Somssich and Prof. K.
gine by a single histidine-to-glutamate substitution.
Hahlbrock for critical comments on the manuscript, Prof. K. Hahlbrock
There is considerable interest in manipulation of phenylpro- also for continuous support of this work, and Roswitha Lentz for excel-
panoid metabolism, because phenolic compounds have a wide lent technical assistance.
range of important functions in plants. They serve as struc-
tural components (lignin and suberin), protectants against bi- REFERENCES
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