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Coursework Module: ENGMO042 STEEL BUILDING DESIGN Structural Engineering MSc / PgDip / PgCert James Schembri University Number: 6347657 Submission Date: 28/11/2016 This coursework has been completed by the following signatory: we James Schembri: U Declaration: | confirm that the submitted work is my own work. No element has been previously submitted for assessment, or where it has, it has been correctly referenced. | have also clearly identified and fully acknowledged all material that is entitled to be attributed to others (whether published or unpublished) using the referencing system set out in the programme handbook. | agree that the University may submit my work to means of checking this, such as the plagiarism detection service Turnitin® UK. | confirm that | understand that assessed work that has been shown to have been plagiarised will be penalised TABLE OF CONTENTS AND SUMMARY OF RESULTS PARTA =| Design information = pid ia)_| Calculation of stanchion W UB 610x225x101 | Pages 3-10 ia)_| Calculation of stanchion X UB 610x229x101 | Pages 11-13 ib) | Calculation of rafter V UB 457x152x82_| Pages 14.21 ic) | Calculation of valley beam ¥ UB 838x292x176 | Pages 22-27 ic)_| Calculation of gable stanchion Z UB 406x178x54_| Pages 28-29 jia)_| Calculation of gable post A [UB 406x178x54 | Pages 30-34 ib) _| Calculation of roof bracing B FA90x90x10 _ | Pages 35-42 jic) | Calculation of vertical bracing Z EA150x150x12_| Pages 43-44 iia) | Calculation of connection between rafter V and Stanchion X = Pages 45-57 il) | Calculation of connection between portal rafters Pages 58:60 iva) | Drawing of connection between rafter V and Stanchion W Page 61 ivb) | Drawing of connection between rafter V and valley beam Y = Page 62 ive) | Drawing of connection between vertical bracing and stanchion W Page 63 PART B ia)_| Calculation of foundations W & X Page 64-67 ib) | Horizontal trust at foot of stanchion W. Page 65 ie)_| Calculation + drawing of base-plate for stanchion W Pages 68-71 ii)_| Bill of quantities Page 71 ili) | Erection method statement Pages 72-74 iva) | Effect of constant level parapet wall + Drawing detail Pages 75-76 ivb) | Fire protection specification = Pages 77-80 APPENDIX A Detail Drawings APPENDIX B Calculation verification of stanchion rafter connection using Autodesk Robot Part A re nceingtecn — [_enowone ol WNIVERSiTY OF osama 3 SURREY "seen Cewena REF CALCULATIONS OUTPUT A Twa ~ Aah, pramogl busloliny that 15 to jon fone” ofa phoposedt. spealdive Linreloputud. Ica % Dead-Load Cinludiy sewites) = 0-Sctyfl® chamrauken vie anposed texdil Cheval pic itt it lord « -e MOS 10: = 12S bm™ Ae pet beady premiere waa | cm ae OL UNIVERSITY OF femme sear SURREY ——= =" CEVERAL Noverbe 2016 | ehA REF ‘CALCULATIONS ‘OUTPUT beak, ince in Tae CMe eat aa in ae cB tas Mtb ype Load +4 loo . |. I Te ee = 1.55 (0-5)¢-6 (6) I (os) 2 BS < bA5x Igoe 5 misK Or 2 q Ste Bling Design enowore 03 + SURRE OF — [oesorecar fe io IRREY im over 26 stawcuson Wy — Cia) REF ‘CALCULATIONS ia) rs 7 is nos aye Reailien @ the Pare | Ce Lendl Fem alee Load. from ili 213 Fo +15 gh a EB K bem nile = 124-4 bcd e 13o. aM Shilo iu mt r f cAereudentoe Deak Lauds... Colunn seh ntiek + caddditg: «| Li Deegn load «1d 3x 0-8 20: bL4Wnt 2 sanalean lua obs bx(e ai len oles: pee £ f “il ‘dat al 2 bake “TT ae Hee? Myr Me eS #27 + [oLAM | : eet Anum aula and side | saat ie eee 5rd. Tee, Pete ee Pee ae By similar frianrloe. lee0. . — Mas 39 len eto: | Ms bbw || 450 TM hohe | ! fa i + ry am ms &- ge WtO din, “fei Slo-s)t 1G 10) = 1598 :blaldt eo) Me 105 hw ee baa oy S SURRE y Serer cs pagan leo RREY eee starcHrow w" (ia) ‘OUTPUT ‘CALCULATIONS enim of Hawdyon "Wy REF Meh [ee ka Men 480UVn = Mg shall be ynared ouice V:nal. W t= Wpalk it was Lieruned brat a Guiluble eam- doleben would be as jalidus 27 Tay bloy22a x10l Ub (sc78). he 602, 6mm Lie 22scn4 be 20F.6mm ips BULU com ipa tac ie WBES 7 (Mba = 288) cm Fe et wate | eo un? Ae 1$4zan* ri 200 OcoMiam* A? SU #bum. GR $1000 Monm™ D ine I loos = 2 ‘| MEF. | for 5295 Ae and sine bu and tf < lonom a yi atroylth fay hays 2% 5Mlnm® (ua 2-15) \factiat. Jor 2 |0 ae a 0 BSev m-H1 | Croc - on _Cabbi fe Meble Su é- 1e [== = O4L S20 Buc Das Enawotz © SiR Foe = EaanaaEareRIIEE STAVE ION fw (ia) CALCULATIONS ‘ouTeuT jor and Mnajor avo Mor Arts Buibye Nears rue Aus Anup a finntd Gugpoe reartance @ te bop avol bottom of tre Column, ay ntl 440 rehrumt to mmdr o21s otabion @ 974m jrom the bare. Is bety = Ox 5-Ubm « 5ubome Jor baal bout yoy ler © 10K 3m: LHown for bully ubouk 2~2 Non Dimwa'ovah Colum. Ambiente, Doe id mE 3 dr Ay. bery/y 2 subo/24e4 . 06 ae = beefy 2 tho fenen Ay iL 86-6 A iG ae belin 2 3740 (UPS 204] ! Ta B65 sen oaaha Dan oe a a Pe Novenr 018 SHAVCHTOY wy (ja) a ‘CALCULATIONS OUTPUT ALY bi G h/b- bor.b/er4.b> 269 Fhe je Mujer ots ube use Gre @” (l= O21) « manor " - “ © 8b" (oe O34) Wa ne Balin fl iba $,> o-5[I ta(4,-o2)+ yl 20-5[ 14 0u1( 0% -0.2) +06" ] 2 0.54 Xp en Seeoac! — 0.183 dy d- Ay 0.504 Vo.s4u*-0.26> aa let 342. zi =e Bu osCire (ho th.) soSL 1+ o3u(o4l-or) t0-4l'). Loss ea F1 VEPA 0% + [ros* oan” aaa sung Column Uy. WE 1494-1 eesti | Mosgad = Mohd | Bessie uaa cise Mr , guath 7Iprkw oh bout | Ab wade ¥ Ab 2 LPISKW Aibthw Oh vu UNIVERSITY OF — [Bsgecor Se emer ae £4 b ee STavcuxoy tw" (ia) ovenbr 28 CALCULATIONS OUTPUT rouwk Buslu , Non raped oe beam 19 dthensnedl wig Che riupliped app. given in NL Secor Aus» eva TB, For carb! Byel-o. Gwusearak my fee E sections Coot For Che ratio of cud Yan 20 | IW /lez OFS hus 09SxO-A% 0.41 X15 O-b| fo- Ae Gone UE rolled. amcth eyyivileuk welded FOO 7 F-2€ e600 Me ze he <3.l use iy tn o ee old . iv roid. gehior IP: 0- Ea Ace sO heli Zt Bipelos Cit obey (Marni Aa a Paw) 20-5 j+0-uy (O-01- 0-4) + OF S061") + 0-b4 ieee | Tut (E5,-BLy i mL aithinvp semen oe “UNIVERSITY OF _ [Bapnar = «Su Stee Bling Design Noto Er 8 James Shem nn STAVCH FON UW (ia) ‘CALCULATIONS ‘OUTPUT te eu 1449-11 et &-5.2-1 |e5ev Jaaa-1-1 [rable B fre. 4.1200 Figune. Ied b bonp li Moats Ler od . 088% 2851x1927 ees 2 b4FhMm < 56Flum -: OK Combi b 10 verify remistame unde combine onrad lead. and Dende bite eCypukious of 6-61 and bor of 5 Ev ABI) wnat be gahofiGl. The minor ee veudity bers in tare re 19 arpuntd. bo Sind + Marae O Values yy cunt ky ore dthewmed fre fpr sit V50 7 Gg 2 0b (Tohle B) for Nea 2 jot, 0046 aA Aye 0-2 Moya F044 boy Meng 01+ hy: boix ob+ ob for Np . lot. .007 ad 1,,0.41 Maya 278 ks ‘ Vay x 0-944 Pr Noventera016 STAWCHIOY “wy (ia) REF CALCULATIONS OUTPUT Exe. yy ua the ia Bay Bev nee OF Mag ao Mi TAME al lee (1+ ( Ay-o1) WM in ly yee) Mie, 2 Ob (It (O.16-0r)y Ibe (biiept ee) = 0-60 ysot kyr Plaotl Mead 7 (Gna 025) % =) f ajo. I feg-015) Mau /, Fl J ie ‘phe O18 hy s0-48. 2 beret Building Design = _ENGMOAZ ae lo eae i= os SURE ne een a) ; Serene STAY CUE ON VW (ia) REF CALGULATIONS ouTPuT Aailying Cre. interauboon aypaions ( 500 Gb ad ) 62 Pp PFEVIE Bev J4a>+1 N, eyn bbl ( — th tbe 4 oly 562. OSS | 4 Nod. ir Ae 3ya4 Bev Mor! bebe | Me, oe May Med . Ibe , AB Mo od te big. ee Mond = 04S + OM =OLF <1 OG. “USE UBbIO X229XI0/, annie: es a Stay cee Stee Bung Dasign ENGUO4? a il FF vooewae | StavCuroa (ia) REF ‘CALCULATIONS ouTPuT Desgov _OF AHO WAVCHIOM L 53 THE tATeMMAL GuffOLT OF THE TwEV OtAW POPTAL FRAME. THE MLPA COND Ach OV FT WELL PYCLUDE LOA FOm A rfm WEDTH OF ROOF AS SHOWA pEtow. SEVLE THE VERTICAL AVD Holz20rAL WeAcrravs Flom THE VALLEY DEAS ANE EQUAL AND Opposz7E, THOU WELL BE AO NesuitAWT FORLES AWD Hence Wo Fohces AipouT )hOTH Avxe OF THE S/LHIOW bewvi WOnseDePen UVDEIL THE WOADDVe COWOTTOW| DET COnSENELED. Aleut momar MAy fbase IF THE twe COAL fUAFTELS AOG MOT LOADED SymmeTRIcsecy | tv THIS CAGE, Fon eamplecety, LT RL BE Assumed THAT THE ftFrAs AME waved A PROKEMATELY EaufiLy, THEMEFOLE TAT GIAVCHYOY XL W/L ibe DembseD Fol 4 pully Ayel wap! ib ‘tos! Bulking Design eNewoea & UNIVERSITY OF fom SURREY Saw Caso “3” November 2016 (ia) OUTPUT ‘CALCULATIONS. REF Derma e wr Su Peri cono ov NooF> )-bl//m* TOTAL Arta WORD OW BAwcumn X DUE TO harren Connie = bb xiexee - 5404 AmUMIW > 5Ams sEITIY 45 sTAVCHTOW “/. OTM CoumMY 2b Olin x 6-45 xn lean psrekw’ “Toran Neko = eer Py al = $50 UW Ao Drury GHOLIER-, THE TAVUMAOW IL SMALL BE pestawe outy yo Neer Ale Combis 1 CHE THAT Mou % Mot Me%- Getrx0” couphenss0y NeBTAY CE. Ned er oh ee IS ie HIS aa LEW TAME Whur EFFECTIVELY fEVLED Wi + BOTTOM. lop = bo: LehOx SusKo?= SYsomm Ow THE Aehum pi THAT MEDVOL ALIS SHALL COVELM | 3820 4M FP S50.) ee mene — B = E Suey Eo ry STA cHr0 a/ 50 (ia) REF ‘CALCULATIONS OUTPUT Syso/4dss , 13 ay BOF OE boa wp | Be05[ita (A,-oe)td, J He Te gg £1 4 05u (14-0.2)4 bse d + 156 Xe eee Our aN#* £4") ig sb pac” Mio Ury 28 Ftwohy 245 ee Ma eade Xi Afy | O-ULE 128 Tex9'y CAS — yeaa yn ame Myrnk 7 Mel “ oh a ALtHoubs Daven Ow Yue ApumPT row THAT Nove |tkerle sul b6 25t0 MomeM AfiteED TO THE TOP OF THE RAWLHLOY, A Much SMALLER ECEMEWT 35 fe buUENED, WHEM OME COwsz DPS ANAT THE AAFTENS ELTHeEL SDE OF FUE HAVO MAY BE ASYNETRELHLY LOADED AVD THE peTAIM Pedurle mints OF rhe HAUMEM , THE GAME SECIZO As Vea STAVE LON "WE cute BE UbED : USE Ub blox224 X10l ig as = $5 SURREY FP ee Ste! Buling Design ENGMOA2 14 P™ never anne Portac PAF TER “v" Gb) ‘CALCULATIONS. OUTPUT FOTW OF ten "V af e aeteled THAT THE pia vate PEUTIOV 01 1? AMPLE, VEVED THAT WRo0VAL. WeMtewTs ANE COLATEO AT cue vp OP TNE FAN CHES Leow moments AvouT ‘0° sat = Ly xb-0 547 Mt 2 146 “Y De ee Ee | Aguaey> Pulm> AM elu No , \Pr4ce0 B bum Comten 70 CMe AYAL (OMD» TAL coz + 8B5:0 6° = 124.04" Thy FMA SeCION YSFK ISD x82 UP Sxauy Eas = SURREY Tee] Pokrac earrec "(iby ‘CALCULATIONS ‘OUTPUT SUE Petow: TNA MOMS AbbuT C: ges More THAT THE AAFIE GAY DE FPETRVELY DEDED FID HIE FEELS 45 pe 4 Py Eo Hb Pwr $446 X72 © US tx fom 6 - bbs Fologx of 44-6 (6.45 Fotos 2)-194-4Uz A-Abat re NBorvihge Fon Kz Xe Fy Or Ae b-Fdn oew | i Ea bb) Je. Mygd <4 TE + Met S10 Md Myd — Mypd ~ me Mz © O Aeso mED Ma cA + Ayes ae) Mh Anaad S$ WHELE - Neh> 124.24" Wt _CLAPAPFECATEON, VALET Caltuibrpor A207 SHOwW HENE-UV pen, peirOw Be A bfes | eeanoN, a samdw ( A) Chop- seer Ottery 02 4 Aertarig skirmw GuPJEU 10 ADSL POALE + PovdDwh THE Polo GAY Muef BE 2/795 FEE). Mp Adg/fner 104 NG % 065 = Sb Myed = wee CUAL BE conseavarqte; eh" Silber Ay 5S84n mM Oh MeDueD PME tee COrerD FLATO THE HAUV LH (en), Mie Uy dy # 80 v0 66 wees Welw, = eestor [OT eee basis & So SURREY EE eee = ; P= ovate an6 foutac karen V' Gy) REF CALCULATIONS ‘OUTPUT gearuy Piotr (U5ty Isixde UB) he Ybs- Sinn Ae loys Uy am de \55-3ma but 10:5 Gs 18-Fimm Ce lou TALI PETE AX ia THE AFF ICL upto @ ys 2-9 tant? » 0.rdsm THEN MOMENT > Anour 0 AT AM O°: (124-uqy2)- (14.6 xb-748) - (44 bx28% SA) = 320.4) 4m. 4, e 20 Med: B20 it Mee Mi | WA ee sey Mad Moy 14st “ko see = set suntna onan [_encwna2 aa 7? —_— Pokrar karen’ (ib) REF ‘CALCULATIONS OUTPUT Danan, Tha/p 2 ‘ Se 7 SUEY Eee = rT Porta tarren‘v" (ib) REF CALCULATIONS saa 2; COmlalty m c Maxon r MoWohe ALIS Pula DWi- (ESESTAVCE, lrg = boxle 16o42%.4 (yy) lena bonde| 219 (2-2) VON PDUEUSIOVAL Stew DEW AES 5 SNe "ey: Ziagoe. , 88 Tye Sy bel mora Ay) Trae 7 | | Tae Aye Ay. Lelie, 3100f 51.0 ce ae [ey A, $8 8g Buckie Culves h/be Ubb/iss- 2-940 Fhe for Loe ao use Ure 9 Le OL er minor Oly ube ny! Gime 4b 0 2 GSU. ew Ml d-} bl] yn Riley 4S gm Murph edy 2 OM 104-5 co" xobs - (b> bur: |Oly [557 ISS "= pal” Mon ad. e 2, A fy OMyw4Stn0ncbs. LABT MW, Seey Secsconeee [Teg A Pe Novensera016 PORTAL eArrer “Vv' (ib) REF CALOULATIONS a un LOve Mesteranie Facto, 2 conti) | by + 0+ site (i, 7 344,53 CL bare a =o0-slitou (03-02) + ©22"] § | OBS Ve a 14 ar) oly or Vosstioat . $,- 0:5 [i bed (4,-02) 441] =0:5Li+ o.%4( 131-02) + 431°) be 1 S5 « \ Pt = “Our 2 0-SL)toud (096-04) + 0-75 x088"] > 0-41 Ky? ———— 2 Ot BL east oatornos* 2 p92 Mm > Liz Wy bi OFLx L65¥1S1 x10? Age > DUS hu 2 320 +A Sty === = ms SURREY j=" PORTAL RARER“ (ib) REF CALCULATIONS ‘ouTPuT LATA ToRStONAL_PuLiaLtEMe- Mestepice. wet ? - a oo | hie Le UALS Pu Te WHEE: Me, &| O75, ave O04 Pus | Autre OFS ¥O.4xuIK 31. OBB FOR THC LAGE OF MOLLED GeEIPOU W4FTH 2< b/d <3-l UAE DULG UWE C CxKeo-44) AWD Bro95 Aa hay? OU 770% 44d-)-1 + < nt cc bora, | eel oS Eth ay (Ae ALy)e Ba Sty =—— - ~ REV omen] fotra aterm v" (1b). = CALSULATONS ouTeur SETIOW CP Flom 4 veUAL Pus rect _F7 7 CleAN {HAT S€crz0V CD I> MOT ChTaCAL Uiew LomyAbed TO v6CT FOU BO BECHUSE: 1) AGOF Pullavs PERLE EFFECTIVE LTB Levon TONUM AS THEY Nesthtgn/ THE comp AAAGE 2) Meo - VESIOV MOMENT 5 Lies THty THAT FOL SELTFOY pe . UA xIs2 Xe Ys Ba at $ SREY a : SURREY f=" vausy mean y* — (it) OUTPUT ‘CALCULATIONS, Destroy OF Viuky Dean y BEAM lLonvEVe AV) COVFTOUlHTOVY 2884 Lioav Flom 2 navies] vm 1 & é ‘ Bi 7 eed AOTAL bm 8 Cewrng (bY Pdpvesbe oF ahet Year Mag 1X0 288 xy # * 10 VMan, 7 ; 8% Lan, MAxDnum sHerd Va = I¥b ex + 288 15 2.4UbW, L Zz Apuminv(- “Ande CoArprl- ConDiyro1% Avo EPP ECVE NeeTtAtWTs ANE PhOvrOED AT sulAnds AVD MED-o%4Ar Av) foTH Flavors ALE Fhe 70 horaTe ON PlAv: : CarehMLy Uist AAzW Ep “Bot film PULE vooK ; by Shion $38 x 292x196 UB Goommere. puoteires OF Bem, a au b- 29 — bws Ib.) bye 2b Ui Colley 54-4 ine i i A= 288-56 um™ pad Sony = a ae SURREY j= VALLEY pean “y" Cie) REF CALCULATIONS, SuTeur’ sie LAER CLAPP IAT OU 100064, SAVE 16 EF 5 ban. Meee nee: laaeoe Dele Doerr rer VG MORE + i Tye 1:0 FOA Clhes | 9ECTTOAS Use 64 wonothwiplily Ve lO FOR Youry oxemerRIL SPTIOAG Je. 0% pacevov Yo fiom iG, aU Men Wen -| CL 632%, b/o- $504 / 24%. fot THe CAse OF foley sEtrROLS WITH SCWbSd) USE Bulalry- WAVE C &. oud) POFS LL tyor OU Bachirvo- Aepulz wr Fah -. = = —b Bere 0-SLIt oy (Aer Ao) r PL, | 205Lit ola (1.3-6:4) to9se).3° - 135 a eit beg HG Pl * Lz O48 ‘Stee Buiing Desi “encmne2 fo a ie eoeeee ee Pasar vauey perm Y* (ic) REF ‘CALCULATIONS OUTPUT Ae [Ge » > algal - 89-4 ae abe Ay, Ay | beri e a ‘ ratte bev0 62744 4 Hey of, reel, ACT Sager c - Aye Le Oy da Vian 1 yleody toa VG. On Rye 2% 224 Tage 3 Sie Bug Des exon 26 Sy SURREY Ee este ; Pri imaiaa Vacey perm Y' (ic) REF CALCULATIONS ouTPUT “ OV, ULUL EW _NABIS: ; tev ] eer | My ape 1. wy, Yes OUb¥ TW5Sx00 e 265. yp~® CL by2.) Ka gue lo - Ih5 uM 3940 «: OA @ 5 Canseavashsnyy Ae haba Peep ag -b Vyemde Av Uy) pro fod 4 NOUED L-setrIO , opted PAMALLEL fe Web, HE Giete ALEA Ay & 6gvEr Py: Ay A- thy (boty < Wh, fileva UM Va wo rreW Waa5 j Mr no Fok 4 ake Avd u Vpem> 1rrb>* (265/73), 18 Hb Ww tht he Vink 727 Ved + CA + Me UEDTO CHEA COMPhED DBOW2fWE + ONCHIR. Sty === = Mal ae VALLEY Beam "Y* (ic) Chek fol ser El Now: eater Fonees Flown VitueEy fem =. 1 ea T i Sb a Sb 4 forAl_4) I STVCHIOW 2 LbhD iit ge AS Floats! AD DIE To AFTER « Lbow Dx = 294k WA) Due TD 20E Utoprwe = U5, xob0 2 LS Uk IAW ALY SELE WETUHT 2 OF KU 6-US TOIL ARBAL paMle = + REACTION Ow KITHOL AIDE OF The sTaaui 2 53t/re 265 9m Tt 70 be Abin Ar 40 : MET MOMEVT LAE AMIE AOUTTH A Ante , ADE MEMOS yim, Clb WA DttuAnte OUT. MOT DALANLED AWD 4 Aon *s 6 Chena ABOUT THE ae L fyt> DAE TO LOM Bice ous Pe stetBuling Deson | _eNGMORe a 2g $ SURREY EE eee Pe novomberat8 Came suwcuwy "2 (ic) REF CALGULATIONS oureuT To TAN, 2.

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