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When it comes to the issue of TB Joshuas healing ministry theres nothing that seems to be left unsaid, whether positive or negative, neither is there any name TB Joshua himself hasnt been called, positive and negative alike, but opinions will stay opinions just as facts would stay facts. very recently several news outlets and blogs on the internet picked up on a story by sky news with which they disingenuously questioned TB Joshuas healing claims, and made it seem very questionable, this wouldnt be the first time though, barely a month ago, BBC did publish a similar news story, perhaps all in trying to uncover whatever failures there may be in TB Joshuas healing ministrations, both attempts were futile to say the very least, but that didnt just stop the widespread criticisms, the issue was finally brought to a climax on a scoan critic site. TB Joshua watch, a scoan critic site have finally come up with a word to describe TB Joshuas healing in their article bearing Annas story titled; Annas story: another victim of TB Joshuas bogus healing How does this title tell their conclusion on the healing in scoan? it doesnt seem like any assertive statement was made here on the healing, and it even seems like a subtle title when ignoring their reference to the healings as Bogus,. At TB Joshua watch you get the deepest level of cynicism, if youre quick to notice, even the choice of this word itself is a deception, why? Well first we must point out that TB Joshua watch dont want to be tagged as orchestrating any negative publicity about tb Joshuas ministry, yet thats exactly what they do and promote behind the shadows by leaving most of the negative comments and remarks about TB Joshua to the comments and responses on their site, while they approve them and yet claim not to publish personal attacks. Just as the Pharisees never wanted to be open about their hatred for Jesus, yet wished him dead by the minute. And here Bogus is not a word many people can easily relate to, an unassuming word that wouldnt implicate them at best but which is also just as clear on their disposition towards the healings in SCOAN. I used to think it meant an exaggeration till I looked it up in my thesaurus and saw what it really meant, so Ill assume readers to be in a similar place to mine, and hence well redefine the word bogus: Bogus is another word for fake, false, counterfeit, trick, sham, etc. so in essence theyre referring to all of TB Joshuas healing as FAKE. For people who dont want to be tagged with saying anything for certain about TB Joshuas ministry, this is way offlimits by a long shot, by calling the healings fake, they couldnt be more clear on their disposition, its not to find out the truth, its to criticize and condemn what they believe to be counterfeit, Take note here that this statement is an allencompassing one, leaving even no room for exceptions. After all theres no way something fake can later become real unless of course it was never fake. Its surprising how much they overestimate the power of trickery and deception. When fake pastors or ministers do tricks and stuff to deceive others they dont joke with stuff like HIV/AIDS, ulcers with open saws, healing of broken bones, instant delivery of babies and others to mention a few.

Tb Joshua watch explicitly stated in their article that scoan makes bogus healing claims, of which many have been victims, the question remains, just how genuine are the healings taking place in TB Joshuas synagogue? If theyre far from genuine, well then there has to be some way of proving it, and if they are genuine, there also has to be a way of proving it as well. Speaking in concurrence with the present system, trend and technological advancement in our world today, we could say that theres be no better way to prove that these healings do indeed occur except for proper video documentation of such healings, this would definitely do a lot more of convincing than positive remarks from witnesses, were talking here of video recordings before during and after miracles, and believe me when I say that when it comes to this youve got to hand it to SCOAN, theyre so proficient at it that a single view of any of their mind-boggling healing videos would leave you in no doubt that indeed miracles do happen. So much so that many atheists have been forced to check their stand about the existence of God.

TB Joshua watch: Hardened by cynicism But just as the evil one leads believers astray by first destroying whatever evidence they have for their faith, TB Joshua watch also attempt to make a mock of the happenings in the synagogue by first destroying any belief people might have in the unmistakable evidences, and if you care to know just how exactly have they done this, Heres a quick summary:

stating that Emmanuel TV is TB Joshuas propaganda machine/channel where everything is cleverly edited to manipulate and deceive the viewers into believing in TB Joshuas healing powers (they left out the live services here though, where editing of miracles or testimonies cant possibly be an argument, not sure how those are manipulated in their opinion, they would have done well to explain that)


claiming that the medical reports gotten from hospitals in Nigeria are fraudulent since Nigeria ranks among the most corrupt countries in the world (they also left out the international visitors here who come with their medical reports, not sure the corruption ranks of pilgrim countries to the synagogue though, they sure do make a bulk of the those sharing testimonies, perhaps they also mean that pilgrim countries are just as corrupt as Nigeria)

claiming that a lot of the miracles are stage-managed, with some level of trickery to deceive onlookers, one doctor hadeker who was a volunteer to the Emmanuel TV Haiti earthquake relief team mentioned this (they never got to explained how cases of fibroids falling out of women and instant delivery of babies coming out of the womb are stage-managed though, would have really wanted them to refute those as well)

to the prophetic messages released by TB Joshua as a product of random guessing, kind of like throwing around vague messages until in time one of them coincidentally happens,(they never then explained how he manages to prophecy accurately and correctly to a clearly stated much-anticipated event, such as crucial football matches and others, perhaps he just got those by randomly guessing as well)

finally they claim that even if indeed healings do occur, they are not of God, because of the warning Jesus gave of false prophets and teachers who would do great signs to deceive if it were possible the elects of God. And referring to the prophecies as similar to the divination performed by the witch of Endor. Good thing God did give us plenty of evidence to believe in His ability in the life of TB Joshua, if we had only a handful of common road miracles, the story would have been as easy one for them, but now they have so much reality to contend with that they choose to be out of touch with it, also if you clearly notice the summary of the evidence destruction scheme they employed youll notice that theyre not even ready to accept the possibility of being wrong, they placed enough barriers to the faith of many with their cynical tests of propaganda, trickery and the likes, and then whatever healings scaled through their test of propaganda, fake medical reports and stage management was finally swallowed up in attribution to the powers of principalities. Their precursors, the Pharisees in Jesus day were no different, when they referred to the Jesus miracles and healings as a product of a demonic entity by the name Beelzebub, Its painstaking and annoying putting up with their kind of thinking, the bible speaks of the provocation of fools being much heavier, the problem with these people is evidently in the pattern of thinking in which their minds are formed, which at best is twisted, and worse still, demented. Their attribution to trickery, manipulation and deception of onlookers to fall for make-believe miracles is a cheap and disgusting attempt to suspend belief, SCOAN dont Just boast of common road miracles, were talking of earth-shaking miracles that make onlookers burst into tears and weep to their hearts content, dont see how something stage-managed can do this. They are also very much guilty of attributing great works to Satan when the

bible expressly states that he comes to kill, steal and destroy. If Satan were the one afflicting people and doing these healings, hes clearly working against himself and as such his kingdom cannot stand, the question to be poised to those behind TB Joshua watch now is this; what do they want with TB Joshua that they cant seem to survive a week without posting a negative stuff about him for people to read? This man preaches Jesus, his message is confirmed with accompanying signs and wonders, he acknowledges God as the father of our Lord Jesus Christ and acknowledges that Jesus has come in the flesh, believes in the doctrine of the gospel and the grace of faith, believes in the articles of faith all other Christian faithful all over the world believe, what else do they want with him? The problem with them at tb Joshua watch is that with every thing TB Joshua does, every move he makes, they find fault, very far from the loving character Jesus taught us to imbibe. and the faults range from the irrelevant things to the highly irrelevant things, for instance Very recently in a post they made with TB Joshuas response to sky news they attack his presentation of English and command of grammar and likened him to a drunk or sick person, for a site that claims not to make personal attacks theyve definitely lost sense of purpose. we intricately knew that it was only a matter of time before their true nature bursts forth in the open, though they actually did a nice job of concealing it for so long but now they came out a lot clearly asking what was wrong with tb Joshua, a line that is clearly ours to them, perhaps they need to get engaged into more productive activities and leave TB Joshua and his ministry, as one commenter said to them on TB Joshua watch, that the problem is with them and they do not see it.


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