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1) Constituents of bone and teeth: It is essential for bones and teeth formation.
Phosphorus in the form of phosphate is an essential part of bone as calcium. Phosphate
is present as part of hydroxyapatite crystals[Ca10(PO4)(OH)2].

2) Component of essential body compounds:

❖ It is required for the formation of phospholipids, phosphoproteins and nucleic
acid(DNA & RNA), ATP ,ADP & pyridoxal phosphate.
❖ Phospholipids are constituents of cell membranes, thus regulating the transport
of solutes into and out of the cells.
❖ It is a constituent of the sugar phosphate linkage in the structure of DNA and
RNA ,the substances that control heredity ,take part in protein synthesis and is
hence necessary for growth.

3) Facilitation of energy transaction: It plays a central role in the formation and utilisation
of high energy rich phosphate compounds such as ATP, GTP, CTP etc. Energy released
during the oxidation of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and alcohol is stored by cells within
the structure of the phosphate containing compound ATP. The presence of phosphorus
in ATP and various coenzymes involved in energy transactions makes phosphorus
essential for the capture and use of energy by all cells.
NADH 1 and co-carboxylase
It is a constituent of certain coenzymes, e.g- coenzyme which
take part in the enzyme system concerned in the oxidation of Carbohydrate, protein ,fat .

4) Enzyme activation by phosphorylation: it is also a component of several enzymes

and coenzymes for example TPP, NADP.Several proteins and enzymes are turned on or
off by phosphorylation reactions that attach phosphate groups to a particular amino acid,
within the protein concerned. These phosphorylation reactions are involved in controlling
the activities of proteins or enzymes that in turn control the rate of cell growth, cell
division and many metabolic reactions. e.g- glycogen phosphorylase becomes active
after phosphorylation and inactive after dephosphorylation.
Phosphorylation is a key reaction in many metabolic processes; for example, the
phosphorylation of glucose for absorption from the intestine, the uptake of glucose by
the cells, and the reabsorption of glucose by the renal tubules.Likewise,
monosaccharides are phosphorylated in the initial stages of metabolism to yield energy.

5) Activation of vitamins- Phosphorus is needed in the activation of some vitamins like B6

,B2 and B1.Thiamine or B1 become active TPP with the help of phosphorus.

6) Regulation of acid base balance- buffer system is important for the maintenance of pH
in the blood( around 7.4) as well as in the cell.
Phosphate ions(PO43-), hydrogen phosphate ion( HPO42-),Dihydrogen phosphate
ion(H2PO4-) are the major anions in blood plasma. These are the buffers against
excessive variation in the pH level of fluids in the body.
H3PO4 H+ +H2PO4-
H2PO4- H+ + HPO42-
HPO42- H+ + PO43-

7) Absorption and transport of nutrients: Nutrients are absorbed across the small
intestine by active transport which require ATP as energy source or it helps in
phosphorylation of nutrients and hence in their transportation across cell membranes.
The phosphorus containing lipoprotein facilitates the transport of fats in the
circulation,the uptake of glucose by the cell and the absorption of glucose by the renal

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