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Biological Function of Sodium

1) Maintenance of Fluid Balance-Na+ is the principal cation of ECF and is involved

primarily in the maintenance of osmotic equilibrium and Extracellular fluid volume.
Sodium function as the “osmotic skeleton”of the ECF.It maintain crystalloid osmotic
pressure of ECF including plasma,and thus helps to retain water in the ECF and to
distribute it equitably between ECF and ICF .Sodium protect the body against excessive
fluid loss in this way. A reduction of ECF Na+, results in the entrance of fluid in the
cell,whereas increase in the ECF Na+ results in the withdrawal of fluid from the cells.

2) Resting Membrane potential Maintenance-

Sodium play an important role in maintaining resting membrane potential as well as
generation of action potential by several mechanism
Role of Na+-k+ leak channels and Sodium potassium pump in resting membrane
potential maintenance
i) Na+-k+ leak channels

Resting membrane potential is the voltage (charge) difference across the cell membrane when
the cell is at rest. The resting membrane potential arises from the unequal distribution of various
ions in ECF & cytosol. ECF is rich in Na+ & chloride (Cl-) ions. In cytosol, the main cation is
K+, & two dominant anions are phosphate & amino acids attached to larger molecules &
proteins. As the concentration of K+ is higher inside the cell & there may K+ leakage channel
exist , K+ diffuse down their concentration gradient to ECF, making inside negative.

Membrane permeability of Na+ is very slow because there are only a few sodium leakage
channels and Na+ ions slowly diffuse inward, down their concentration gradient but if
unchecked such inward leakage of Na+ may destroy resting membrane potential. Whereas
excess K+ diffusion outside create negative charges inside the cell.
ii) Sodium –potassium pump-

Na+/K+ATP –ase controlled the inward Na+ leak & outward K+ leak and help to maintain resting
membrane potential. It pumps out Na+ as fast as it leaks in, & at the same time bring back K+. It
expel 3 Na+ for each 2 K+ imported, this leads to a slight excess of cation outside the membrane
and a slight excess of anions inside the cell. This separation of charges by the membrane is called
its polarization and it creates a potential difference across the membrane, known as the resting
membrane potential.
3) Action Potential- Na+ by the way of voltage gated channel play an important role in
the development of action potential as well as nerve impulse propagation.

Role of voltage gated Na+ and k+ channels

Action potential occurs in 2 phases:

i) Depolarization
ii) Repolarization
In the stimulated nerve or muscle membrane Na+ channels open up rapidly to enhance
passive Na+ influx through them which is 1000 times faster than the normal inward
movement of Na+ inside the cells. But, during the onset of depolarization, voltage gated
sodium channels open and there is slow influx of Na+. When depolarization reaches 7 to
10 mV, the voltage gated Na+ channels start opening at a faster rate. It is called Na+
channels activation. But the Na+ transport is short lived. It is because of rapid inactivation
of Na+ channels. Thus, the Na+ channels open and close quickly. At the same time, the K+
channels start opening but in slower rate; so, the passive K+ outflow through them, down
the outward K+ gradient, rises far slowly. Excess Na+ influx above the K+ efflux
progressively depolarizes the membrane, reversing the electro-negativity in its inner side
to positivity and raising the membrane potential from its resting value and creates spike
Opening of K+ channels & efflux of K+ out of the cell, causing repolarization. Unlike the
Na+ channels, the K+ channels remain open for longer duration. These channels remain
opened for few more milliseconds after completion of repolarization. It causes efflux of
more number of K+ producing more negativity inside. It is the cause for repolarization.
4) Neuromascular Excitability-Na+ & K+ increases neuromuscular
excitability,which is counterbalanced by the effects of Ca2+ & Mg2+.Sodium and
potassium ions are necessary for the normal response of stimulated neurons,transmission
of nerve impulses to muscles and the contraction of muscle fibres.
A muscle contraction is triggered when an action potential travels along the nerves to the
muscles. When the nervous system signal reaches the neuromuscular junction a chemical
message is released by the motor neuron. The chemical message, a neurotransmitter called
acetylcholine, binds to receptors on the outside of the muscle fiber of skeletal muscle.
Acetylcholine is released and binds to receptors on the muscle membrane. When acetylcholine
reaches receptors on the membranes of muscle fibers, membrane channels open and the process
that contracts a relaxed muscle fibers begins.

 Open channels allow an influx of sodium ions (present in ECF) into the cytoplasm of the
muscle fiber.
 The sodium influx also sends a message within the muscle fiber to trigger the release of
stored calcium ions.
 The calcium ions diffuse into the muscle fiber.

The relationship between the chains of proteins within the muscle cells changes, leading to the
contraction. Muscle fibers relax when the nervous system signal is no longer present.

5) Glucose & Amino acid absorption-glucose and amino acid absorption in the
intestine and re-absorption by renal tubules is facilitated by Na+/K+ ATP ase,Na+-
glucose and Na+-amino acid co-transporter.
6) In association with chloride and bicarbonate, sodium regulates the acid –base balance of
our body.
7) Na ion plays an important role in initiating and maintaining the heartbeat.
8) It is essential for normal growth and development.

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