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Escher’s tessellation

Diagram 1
Rajah 1

With the aid of diagrams, explain the steps to create the pattern in Diagram 1.
Dengan bantuan gambar rajah, terangkan langkah-langkah untuk membina corak dalam
Rajah 1.



1. Construct a square and label the points as A, B, C and D.

2. Then, alter one side which is segment AB using the shape that is required.
3. Alter segment CD by using translation of vector AD.
4. Next, construct some points to form some of the duck’s features which are beak, wing,
eye, tail and leg.
5. Highlight the points and construct segments.
6. Colour the interior by clicking the points and then construct interiors.
7. Then, hide all the points.
8. Extend vertically the object by translation with vector AD.
9. Extend horizontally the object by translation with vector AB.
10. Lastly, change the colours of duck and hide all the remaining segments and points.

Explain how the Escher’s art template helps you to explain the steps.
Terangkan bagaimana template seni Escher membantu anda dalam penerangan langkah-
Answer: The Escher’s art template is very helpful because it shows step by step teaching
methods and guidelines to draw the shapes that we want to. This art includes the
identification of polygon, altering the sides, adding features and going under transformation
by translation. This Escher’s art template really helps in constructing a shapes very
systematically and in an order form.

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