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Name: Camy Bouverie

Student no: 65327713

Module code: LSK2601
Exams Oct\Nov 2021
Question 1

1.1) B
1.2) C
1.3) D
1.4) D
1.5) B
1.6) B
1.7) A
1.8) A
1.9) B
1.10) C

Question 2

2.1) Ubuntu’ is a reminder for society on how we should be treating others. It is a

reminder that every single thing that you do has an effect. Your actions, good or bad,
can affect your family, friends, and society. It also reminds us that we need to think
twice about the choices we want to make. These choices may have an impact on
others. It is important that we work together with an ‘Ubuntu’ mind-set. That way, our
actions will inspire others to want to be a part of a better and brighter future.

2.2.1) Humanity – Humanity is about understanding the human race which is about
everything and everyone in life. Humanity also describes some of the important
qualities that make us human. Humanity means caring and also helping those in
need, Humanity is about forgetting your selfish needs and thinking of others.
Humanity means being compassionate, sympathetic, or generous behaviour
towards someone or even an animal in need. How I would apply Humanity in my
classroom is do an activity that shows humanity for example I would help children
sit at tables in groups of four. Have plenty of paper available as well as four different
colour markers on each table. Ask children to draw anything they'd like - the only rule
is that they must use all four colours. As children work, involve them in a discussion
of sharing materials. After everyone is finished, ask children to share their thoughts
about accomplishing their drawing and how they felt about sharing with they class
2.2.2) Caring – Caring means showing a concern or displaying kindness to
someone. A caring person threats people with kindness and generosity they help
people in need. I would display caring in my classroom by asking children to share
examples of what it means to be a friend and to have someone be a friend to them.
For example, being a friend means wanting to be close to someone and enjoying
that person's company. Friends like each other and enjoy spending time together.
Friends usually get to know each other very well. They learn each other's likes and
dislikes, and so on.

2.2.3) Compassion - Compassion is showing sympathy and concern for the

sufferings of others and trying to help them with such suffering.Compassion
motivates people to go out of their way to help the physical, mental, or emotional
pains of another’s. In my classroom I would Establish a ‘acts of kindness’ jar this will
encourage acts of kindness by helping kids focus on them. Creating a jar, or a box,
where students can anonymously offer instances of kindness in the classroom is a
powerful way to get them interacting in a positive way.

2.2.4) Respect – Respect is caring how words and actions may impact others.
Respect has two parts: 1) having respect for someone because of how their actions
impact others and 2) showing respect by changing your actions to be sure you don't
have a negative impact. Respect is caring enough to consider how words and
actions impact others. I would teach respect in my life skills class by writing words
and actions describing respect and disrespect on cards then have the children sort
them into categories like Respectful versus Disrespectful.

Question 3
3.1) How I would prepare my lesson for teaching grade 1 students on how to wash
they hands is firstly I would ask my students to recall everything they know about
washing hands and write it on the board. I would also write questions like

 How long should you wash? (sing a song about washing hands)
 What part of the hands has to be washed?
 When do you wash hands?
 With what should you wash your hands?

Then I would play a video for my students so they can see the proper steps of how to
wash your hands as grade1 pupils learn better from visual aids. Once video is over
re ask the questions on the board to see if the whole class understands the steps.
Have a student volunteer to demonstrate proper hand washing technique in front of
the class with soap and how long they wash they hands for. Make sure afterwards
they use a towel. It's important that for this demonstration we show the learners that
they also need to wash under their finger nails and in between their fingers with the

3.2) The activity I would use to teach grade 2 learners to brush they teeth is I would
use a game where I set a timer for 2 mins minimum the winner must then brush they
teeth for the either 2 mins without stopping this type of game would create a sense of
friendly competition and motive the learners to brush for the correct amount of time.

Another activity I would use is having a reward system if they brush correctly and
twice a day I will reward them with a gold star on a weekly brushing calendar and if
they get 5 gold stars they get a prize.

3.3) Teachers can help eliminate stereotypes by presenting material and activities
that enable children to learn the similarities of all individuals in the classroom. Circle
time is particularly helpful in this respect, as it provides children with a feeling of
group identity and introduces them to the variety of cultures represented in the class.
A multicultural program should not focus on other cultures to the exclusion of the
cultures represented in the class. Children from different cultures often have to make
major behavioural adjustments to meet the expectations of the school as a teacher I
will take whatever measures are necessary to see that children do not interpret these
adjustments as evidence of cultural stereotypes as when I teach a lesson it will have
to do with what my students have in common they will all be treated the same no
matter they background, race or cultural differences. The emphasis on so-called
exotic differences will often accentuate a "we" versus "they" polarity. Children who
are not able to identify with another culture because of exotic differences will often
feel superior or inferior to the culture. I will focus on the presentation of other
cultures, but at the same time allow children to be aware of the nature and
uniqueness of their own culture. Children can learn about their class as an example
of a common culture. As a teacher I will emphasize how other classes can be similar
and yet different at the same time.
Question 4

4.1) Home-school-community partnerships are a shared responsibility and reciprocal

process whereby schools and other community agencies and organizations engage
families in meaningful and culturally appropriate ways, and families take initiative to
actively supporting their children’s development and learning. Schools and
community organizations also make efforts to listen to parents, support them, and
ensure that they have the tools to be active partners in their children’s school
experience. Partnerships are essential for helping students achieve at their
maximum potential and, while parent and community involvement has always been a
cornerstone of public schools, greater recognition and support of the importance of
these collaborative efforts is needed.

Research shows that – at both the elementary and secondary level – when schools,
parents, families, and communities work together, students:

 earn higher grades;

 attend school more regularly;
 stay in school; and,
 are more motivated.

This is true for students of all ages, all backgrounds, and across race and ethnicity.
Furthermore, a variety of supports cutting across the spectrum of social, health, and
academic needs may be necessary for school success. High quality schools have
demonstrated track records connecting with community resources and families to
improve student outcomes in all domains of development.

The school

The role of the teacher in a positive school-community relationship is extremely

important since it is the teacher who is the backbone of the educational system.
Although school boards create school policy and administrators interpret these
policies, teachers are the personnel who implement school policy. Teachers must
also be prepared to make the most favourable impression possible in even the most
innocent of circumstances in order to maintain public support. The community's
perceptions of the teacher affect their perceptions of the school and subsequently
student morale, school resources, and support for the school in general. The role of
the teacher is also important because the teacher and parent need good
communication skills between them so they can be on the same page when it comes
to the learner and they performance in school and at home because these two areas
have a big influence on each other.
The home

It is important that the home of the students like they parent are involved in their
school lives as this helps the teachers as well cause the parent will check that the
kids are doing they homework etc also they can evaluate their children and report
back to the teacher on where they children are struggling and both the parent and
teacher can find a solution to this. Parents Day’ functions are organized every term
by the school and on such occasions parents need to be present so they can ask to
speak on topics concerning the welfare of school. Parent Teacher Association is a
vital instrument for the relationship between the school community.

The community

The school library can be a place of immense attraction to the community. It can be
used in the evening hours by members of the community.
Occasionally, functions include film shows, dramas, t show, child car shows etc. The
community stands much benefited from these functions.
Community is always keenly interested in physical standards of its members. The can
organize community games to have members involved in their physical effect Matches
between the members of the staff and those of the community may organize.

4.2) School and educator existence depend on a child. Parent is an active partner
but a third party for the school who suggests some great tips and techniques to
empower an individual in the school. Education should be seen in a wider
perspective. Our effort is to develop an integrated personality; it is only possible
when student, parent and teacher work hard to weave a web of togetherness for
providing quality education. No religious place can help a child to grow as an
integrated personality. School is the best place to impart quality education and
develop an individual as a world citizen. Overall personality of a child does matter for
teacher and parent. We share and care same concern; to develop a child into a fine
human being. Our objective is same. Parent teacher meeting solves the prime
objective of a child wellbeing on a single place. Great platform for an educator to
know a child’s weakest and strongest areas from parent’s observation
Parent and teacher identify weak areas and try hard to improve those points. It is not
a platform to make it just a complaining against each other. Both stakeholders
should not deviate from child’s concern. Proper education of child is our prime
concern. Parent and teacher’s personality is just value zero. Out ego has no great
value if we could not be a wise parent and teacher. Our prime concern is to shape a
child into an integrated personality. Parent teacher meets provides this big
opportunity to work for the child. Great opportunity to open two ways communication
for the welfare of kid.Two ways communication has great values for proper
development of a child. Parent as well as teacher shares their effort on a common
platform for the welfare of a child. Parent works at home on the feedback and
observation shared by the teacher at school. Teacher modifies his way of handling
the kids on school premises. Teacher keeps vigilant eyes on the mental and physical
progress of a child. Parent and teacher follow each other after school hours also to
ensure whether their effort is going on right track or not.

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