Esiete Mariam

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3) Low birth weight, defined as birth weight less than 2500 grams, is an outcome that has been of concern

to physicians for years. This is due to the fact that infant mortality rates and birth defect rates are very
high for low birth weight babies. A woman’s behavior during pregnancy (diet, smoking habits, and
receiving prenatal care) can greatly alter the chances of carrying the baby to term and of delivering a
baby of normal birth weight. The attached table contains information on 189 births to women seen in the
obstetrics clinic.

Fifty-nine of these births were low-birth weights. The variables identified in the code sheet below have
been shown to be associated with low birth weight in the literature.

Variable Explanation of

Full Variable name Category Code name

birth weight tick in the given < 2500g ,
space = ≥ 2500g
Age of Mother Years __________ age
Weight of Mother at Last
Menstrual Period LWT

Race 2=black RACE
Smoking Status 1= yes
<5 cigarettes per day
Average cigarettes per day
>=5 cigarettes per day
1= One
History of Premature Labor
2=two, etc PTL
History of Hypertension 1= yes
Presence of Uterine Irritability 0=no, 1= yes UT
Number of Physician Visits (first 1= One
trim.) 2=two, etc FTV
Birth Weight Grams BWT

a. Enter 20 observation based on the above variables list to Epiinfo and export

Solution:- as per the instructions, form is created, 20 random observations entered on Epi Info, and data is
exprte to exel file name ‘Low birth weight data imported from Epi Info’.

b. Perform Descriptive Statistics for the variable Birth Weight(code=BWT) using Excel include your summary
result to the document.
Solution:- Descriptive statistical analysis was done in excel which gave the following result:
Birth Weight(code=BWT)

Mean 2845.5
Standard Error 159.3663027
Median 2595
Mode 2000
Standard Deviation 712.7077721
Sample Variance 507952.3684
Kurtosis 0.89509779
Skewness 1.092611712
Range 2700
Minimum 2000
Maximum 4700
Sum 56910
Count 20

c. Apply t-test: Two sample assuming equal variance to check the effect of smoking on Birth Weight(BWT)
Using Excel and include your summary to the document

Solution:- Using Independnt Samples t-test on Excel gives the following result:

Variable 1 Variable 2
Mean 3078.181818 2561.111111
Variance 544876.3636 359861.1111
Observations 11 9
Pooled Variance 462647.3625
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 18
t Stat 1.691326639
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.054007459
t Critical one-tail 1.734063607
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.108014918
t Critical two-tail 2.10092204

Since it’s a two-tail test, the probability is 0.108 which is greater than 0.05. Thus, we conclude that there there
is no significant difference in the birthweights of babies of smokrs and non-smokers mothers. The null
hypothesis that says there is no significant difference in the mean birthweights of babies of smoker and non-
smoker mothers.
d. Apply simple linear regression Using Excel to check the effect of History of Hypertension on Birth
Weight(BWT) and include your summary to the document

Solutiion:- Asimple linear regression where the dependent variable is Birth Weight (BWT) and the independent
variable is History of Hypertension (HT) gives the following result.

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.237970301
R Square 0.056629864
Adjusted R Square 0.001137503
Standard Error 730.8677814
Observations 19

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 545117.2847 545117.2847 6 0.326563991
Residual 17 9080851.136 534167.7139
Total 18 9625968.421

Standard Upper
Coefficients Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% 95.0%
3446.74753 3446.74753
Intercept 2981.818182 220.3649275 13.53127386 1.56969E-10 2516.888825 9 2516.888825 9
- - 0.32656399 373.436077 - 373.436077
0 343.0681818 339.6051612 1.010197197 1 -1059.572441 6 1059.572441 6

The P-value of bothe the Intercept and the independent variable (History of Hypertension) are greater than 0.05.
This shows that there is no signfican evince regarding the effectof status of hypertension on birth weight.
According to the study results, hypertension doesn’t cause birth weight to be high or low.

e. Enter the data In SPSS level and edit the measures according the given Variable Explanation table above
then save your SPSS data as “birthweight.sav”.

Solution:- The excel data exported from Epi Info is now fed into SPSS and saved as “birthweight.sav”.

f. Perform Descriptive Statistics for the variable Birth Weight(code=BWT) using SPSS, and compare with your
excel result then include your finding to the document.

Here is a Descriptive Statistical Analysis done with SPSS software.
Descriptive Statistics

N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation Skewness Kurtosis

Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic Std. Error

Birth Weight 20 2700 2000 4700 2845.50 712.708 1.093 .512 .895 .992
Valid N (listwise) 20

Let’s bring back the descriptive analysis for the same variable, but done on Ms-Excel:

Birth Weight(code=BWT)

Mean 2845.5
Standard Error 159.3663027
Median 2595
Mode 2000
Standard Deviation 712.7077721
Sample Variance 507952.3684
Kurtosis 0.89509779
Skewness 1.092611712
Range 2700
Minimum 2000
Maximum 4700
Sum 56910
Count 20

Now, we can compare the two results to see whether they are the same or different. As we can see from the
tables, the Mean and Standard Deviation statistics are perfectly the same. Thus, we can coclude that Ms-Excel
and SPSS analyses give the same results for a given data.

g. Apply t-test: Two sample assuming equal variance to check the effect of smoking on Birth
Weight(BWT) Using SPSS and include your summary to the document

Solution:- SPSS two samples t-test gives the following result.

Group Statistics

Smoking Status N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Birth Weight yes 9 2561.11 599.884 199.961

no 11 3078.18 738.157 222.563

The first thing to note is the mean values in the Group Statistics table. Here you can see that on average mothers
who don’t smoke delivered babies heavier than those of the mothers who smoke (3078.18 grams as against only

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for

Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

95% Confidence
Interval of the

Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error Difference

F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper

Birth Equal variances

.200 .660 -1.691 18 .108 -517.071 305.719 -1159.363 125.221
Weight assumed

Equal variances
-1.728 18.000 .101 -517.071 299.197 -1145.661 111.520
not assumed

The question in the above Independent Samples Test is whether the difference between the two means is big
enough so that we can be confident it’s not a function of random error. This is where the t-test comes into play.
SPSS is reporting a t value of -1.691 and a 2-tail p-value of 0.108. This would alost always be considered an
insignificant result (standard alpha levels are 0.05 and 0.01). Therefore, we can be confident in accepting the
null hypothesis that holds that there is no difference between the mean birth weights of those smoking and non-
smaoking mothers. In other words, birthweights and smoking statsus of mothers are unrelated variabes.

Theere is one other result worth noting here, and that’s the Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances. It’s an
assumption of the indepenedent samples t test that bothsamples have the same variance. Levene’s Test checks
this assumption. It’s eporting an F value of 0.200 and a significance value of 0.660. The latter is greater than
0.05 – the standard alpha level. Therefore, we must accept the null hypothesis that there is no difference
between the variance of the two samples. And, of course, this is the result that we need if we want to run the
indepenedent samples t test.

h. Apply simple linear regression Using SPSS to check the effect of History of Hypertension on Birth
Weight(BWT) and include your summary to the document

Solution:- The result of simple linear regression to check the effect of History of Hypertension on Birth
Weight(BWT) using SPSS is shown below.

Birth Weight History of Hypertension

Birth Weight 1.000 -.243

Pearson Correlation
History of Hypertension -.243 1.000
Birth Weight . .151
Sig. (1-tailed)
History of Hypertension .151 .
Birth Weight 20 20
History of Hypertension 20 20

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 .243a .059 .007 710.288 2.389

a. Predictors: (Constant), History of Hypertension

b. Dependent Variable: Birth Weight


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 569940.833 1 569940.833 1.130 .302b

Residual 9081154.167 18 504508.565

Total 9651095.000 19

a. Dependent Variable: Birth Weight

b. Predictors: (Constant), History of Hypertension


Standardized 95.0% Confidence Interval for

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients B

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 (Constant) 2983.333 205.042 14.550 .000 2552.555 3414.111

History of Hypertension -344.583 324.200 -.243 -1.063 .302 -1025.703 336.537

a. Dependent Variable: Birth Weight

As we can see from the Reression results in the last table, the independent variable – History of Hypertension-
doesn’t affect the dependentvariable – birthwight. This is supported by the insignificant p-value which is 0.302
higher than the 0.05 alpha level. Thus, we condlude that the null hypothesis that says History of Hypertension
doesn’t affect birthwight holds true.

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