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ENGLISH ● Peer Teaching in Groups:

Chapter: My Childhood
● Individual Presentations:
Topic: Literary Devices
● Project Work:
Task: File Making on the Theme of Kathmandu (Information already shared
with the students)
• For peer teaching, collaborate with your group to create an engaging
and informative presentation on the assigned chapter.
• For individual presentations, prepare and practice delivering a clear
and concise presentation on your assigned topic.
• For the project work, compile and organize the given information on
Kathmandu into a well-structured file.

HINDI कक्षा - नौवीं (ग्रीष्मकालीन गृह कार्य)

चरकसंहिता, आयुर्वे
द का सबसेपुरानाज्ञा
त ग्र ततरुरु
न्थ हैतथाइसका सुरु
संहिता में अनुपालन हुआ है। इन दोनों में वि ष अशेन्तर यह है कि
संश्रुहिता में शल्य क्रिया (operations)का आधार रखा गया है जबकि
चरकसंहिता मुख्यतः चिकित्सा (मे डि सि न ) तक ही सीमित है शल्य
चिकित्सा तथा आयुर्वेद के क्षेत्र में हम कितने अग्रणी थे इस विषय
पर चार सचित्र उदाहरणों के माध्यम से एक परिबंधन योजना (Project
work)तैयार कीजिए।

MATHS Make a project or model on the “Use of Mathematics in making

Temples and monuments” 2 states can be taken i.e. Madhya Pradesh
and Manipur.
Summer Break Assignment Sheet
Summer Break Assignment sheet to be done in the separate notebook. ( A
thin notebook can be used for it.)
ENGLISH ● Peer Teaching in Groups:
Chapter: My Childhood
● Individual Presentations:
Topic: Literary Devices
● Project Work:
Task: File Making on the Theme of Kathmandu (Information already shared
with the students)
• For peer teaching, collaborate with your group to create an engaging
and informative presentation on the assigned chapter.
• For individual presentations, prepare and practice delivering a clear
and concise presentation on your assigned topic.
• For the project work, compile and organize the given information on
Kathmandu into a well-structured file.

SCIENCE (a) Solve the given worksheet in the Science registers
(b) Make a PowerPoint Presentation(ppt) on Power Plants.(Power Plants like
Thermal power plants, Nuclear power plants, Hydroelectric power
plants etc.)
TOPIC:Art Integrated CBSE Project collaborating with Arunachal Pradesh
SUB TOPIC: Power Plants in Uttar Pradesh and Arunachal Pradesh)
● Prepare 10-12 slides
● First slide must contain the following details : school name, Subject
(Science),Topic, Sub Topic, Student’s Name, Class & Section
● Acknowledgements

SOCIAL- 1. Prepare a project on any one of the given topics

SCIENCE ( Earthquake/Landslide/Flood/Heatwave) Including the Case study of
Arunanchal Pradesh under Eik Bharat Shreshtha Bharat. Guidelines
are already provided.
2. Complete the assignment given in google classroom
3. Learn and prepare UT 2 syllabus
ENGLISH ● Peer Teaching in Groups:
Chapter: My Childhood
● Individual Presentations:
Topic: Literary Devices
● Project Work:
Task: File Making on the Theme of Kathmandu (Information already shared
with the students)
• For peer teaching, collaborate with your group to create an engaging
and informative presentation on the assigned chapter.
• For individual presentations, prepare and practice delivering a clear
and concise presentation on your assigned topic.
• For the project work, compile and organize the given information on
Kathmandu into a well-structured file.

IT Make Art Integrated CBSE Project collaborating with Arunachal Pradesh

1. Time limit for the Video is minimum 2 minutes maximum 3 minutes.
2. Upload your work in the Google classroom, holidays assignment section

Roll No. 1-10 Make a Video on the topic “CYBER CRIME”.

Roll No. 11-20 Make a Video on the topic “CYBER Security”.

Roll No. 21-30 Make a Video on the topic “Artificial Intelligence”.

Roll No. 31-45 Make a Video on the topic “Latest Technology”.
ENGLISH ● Peer Teaching in Groups:
Chapter: My Childhood
● Individual Presentations:
Topic: Literary Devices
● Project Work:
Task: File Making on the Theme of Kathmandu (Information already shared
with the students)
• For peer teaching, collaborate with your group to create an engaging
and informative presentation on the assigned chapter.
• For individual presentations, prepare and practice delivering a clear
and concise presentation on your assigned topic.
• For the project work, compile and organize the given information on
Kathmandu into a well-structured file.

FRENCH (i)Write a review on a book or novel written by a French writer. The activity
is to be done on A3 size colored sheet. Students may use the decorative
materials.Paste the pictures of the book/novel and the writer.
Students are suggested to choose a book review on any one of the following
books and novels:
1. Le Petit Prince – By Antoine Saint-Exupéry
2. Le Silence de la mer – By Jean Bruller
3. Les Misérables – By Victor Hugo
4. Le Petit Nicolas – René Goscinny.
5. Le MaladeImaginaire – Molière.
6. Madame Bovary – Gustave Flaubert.
7. L‟étranger (The stranger) – By Albert Camus. Steps to Follow While
Writing a Book Review: (Note: You do not have to follow all the pointers
stated below these are only suggestions to guide your writing.)
•About the Author • About the plot
• What was the story about?
• Who were the main characters?
• What did the main characters do in the story?
• Did the main characters run into any problems?
• Did the main characters have any adventures?
• Who was your favorite character? Why?
• Did you like the book?
• What was your favorite part of the book?
• Would you recommend this book to another person?
(ii) Réalisez la brochure touristique sur une ville de la France.

Note : First slide must contain the following details : Subject, Submitted to,
Submitted by, Name, Class & Session:
(iii) Assignment has been uploaded in google classroom.
● Assignment to be done in the French Register.
SANSKRIT वाल्मीकि द्वारा रचित रामायण में वर्णित 7 काण्डों में से निम्न काण्डों के
विभाजित समूह के अनुसार छात्र सार्थ व सचित्र पाँच- पाँच श्लोलोकपढ़ कर व
समझ कर अध्यापिका द् वा
ट लिं
क में
● बालकाण्ड ‌
● अयोध्याकाण्ड
● अरण्य काण्ड
● सुंदर काण्ड

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