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Hi everyone, nice to meet you today.

Currently, according to reports, we are

wasting a lot of the company's budget. Today we will discuss abt 3 pre-
prepared options to choose one that can help our company save money and
work better.
Firstly, Linh Nhi, can you help me
Next is cloud computing, Anh Thư
Finally is waste reduction and recycling, Thuy Mỵ
Thank you for your presentation. I have some opinion on these options.
First is multifuntional printers. I think That is a good idea. In my opinion it is a
very convenient machine.It can help office workers with a lot of work.It saves
our time and the company's budget.In addition, it also helps the company
reduce a large amount of paper waste into the environment. and it has good
security also helps the company protect important internal information.
However, it has too many functions, making it difficult for people to use
Next is cloud coputing. it can help us reduce the impact on the server. It saves
our time and the company's budget. In addition, You can access and work on
your data from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. This
brings flexibility and convenience to users. However, To access and use it, you
need a stable internet connection. If the internet has problems or there is no
connection, you cannot access the data. In addition, it is also difficult for data
Finally is waste reduction and recycling. It is a good idea to protect the
environment and reduce waste, saving resources. It also helps our company
save a large amount of money on waste disposal. However, it is a bit difficult to
do. Because to do it depends on each person's awareness. it will probably only
be effective for a short period of time.
After listening to the presentation about the 3 options, I see that with our
company's current situation, the first option will be easier to implement and
more effective than the other 2 options. So I think the first choice is reasonable.
Anyone else have any comments?
If no one has an opinion then we will end the meeting here.
We will choose the first option first. If it is good and effective, we will
probably implement the remaining two options in the near future.
Thanks for the contribution

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