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Task 1

Task 1: Evaluate Organizational Characteristics and Existing Food Handling


1. Identifying the Organization

For this task, let’s assume a fictitious operational food preparation organization known as
‘Healthy Eats Café’. This café prefers organic meals and offers healthy meals; despite the few
kitchens staff that were ten people.

2. Review Existing Practices

Current Food Handling Practices at Healthy Eats Café:Current Food Handling Practices at
Healthy Eats Café:

• Receiving and Storage:

o The deliveries are inspected for temperature, internal condition and by checking the expiry

o Staple food items are stored in the refrigerator or coolers if they are perishable.

• Cooking:

o All foods are properly cooked, and that the internal temperature of the cooked foods are at the
recommended level.

o Products like cooked foods are stored at temperatures not within the range of (5°C - 60°C) to
discourage bacteria growth.

• Serving:

o Food that is cooked is either offered the same day or preserved to be hot when it is taken.

o Cold foods do not come into contact with heat and this makes them remain in the refrigerator
till when they are supposed to be eaten.

• Cleaning and Sanitizing:

o Every surface, cloth and any equipment that was in contact with body fluids is cleaned and

o A cleaning schedule is applied consistently to the daily cleaning of the kitchen and its tools.
• Personal Hygiene:

o There is proper dressing among the staff and they wear hairnets and gloves in cases where
these are necessary.

o Staff is educated on ways of reporting ailments or any signs that may compromise the food

Existing Controls:

• Washing of hands and wearing of gloves as often as possible.

• Control of the temperature in the operation area and in equipment casings.

• Appropriate ways of food handling includes washing of the hands, using of different knife and
chopping board for different food items, avoiding cross contamination of food items.

Areas for Improvement:

• Being more strict with how often temperatures are logged, and documenting these procedures.

• An increased concern with the schedule and method of cleaning surfaces in medical

3. Consultation

a. Kitchen Supervisor: John Doe

• Insights:

o Jane outlined the appropriate temperatures that should be kept during the early morning and the
rush hours.

b. Head Chef: John Smith and a customer.

• Insights:

About it, John mentioned that it can be difficult to guarantee that all employees are strictly
obeying the food safety rules on the company, including the recent workers.

c. Food Safety Officer: Mary Brown accomplishes this by changing the tone of the text, which is
evident in the text and C1 above.

• Insights:
o She pointed out that we needed to write down the log of the temperature and the cleaning


Task 2: Develop a Food Safety Program

Food Safety Program Draft for Healthy Eats Café

1. Introduction Healthy Eats Café is committed to providing safe and high-quality food to our
customers. This Food Safety Program outlines our approach to managing food safety risks
through the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) method.

2. HACCP-Based Food Safety Program

A. HACCP Principles

1. Conduct a Hazard Analysis

2. Determine Critical Control Points (CCPs)
3. Establish Critical Limits
4. Establish Monitoring Procedures
5. Establish Corrective Actions
6. Establish Verification Procedures
7. Establish Documentation and Record-Keeping

B. Critical Control Points (CCPs) Identification

1. Receiving and Storage:

o Hazards: Contamination from spoiled or unsafe products.
o CCP: Temperature control of perishable goods.
o Critical Limits: Refrigerated items at ≤ 5°C, frozen items at ≤ -18°C.
o Monitoring Procedures: Check and record temperatures upon delivery and
o Corrective Actions: Reject any items that do not meet critical limits and report to
2. Cooking:
o Hazards: Survival of pathogens due to improper cooking temperatures.
o CCP: Cooking temperatures for various foods.
o Critical Limits: Internal temperatures as per food safety standards (e.g., poultry
at ≥ 75°C).
Monitoring Procedures: Use calibrated thermometers and record temperatures.
Corrective Actions: Continue cooking until critical limits are met.
3. Serving:
o Hazards: Bacterial growth in food kept at unsafe temperatures.
o CCP: Temperature control for hot and cold holding.
o Critical Limits: Hot foods at ≥ 60°C, cold foods at ≤ 5°C.
o Monitoring Procedures: Regular temperature checks during service.
o Corrective Actions: Reheat or refrigerate foods to meet critical limits.
4. Cleaning and Sanitizing:
o Hazards: Contamination from unclean surfaces and equipment.
o CCP: Effectiveness of cleaning and sanitizing protocols.
o Critical Limits: Use of approved cleaning agents and adherence to cleaning
o Monitoring Procedures: Inspection and verification of cleaning processes.
o Corrective Actions: Re-clean and sanitize any non-compliant areas.

C. Steps involved in the checking and playing of each CCP

1. Receiving and Storage:

o Monitoring: Take temperatures of foods that are easily spoilt before placing them in the storage or
when they are delivered. Use temperature logs.

o Control: Check with confidence the thermometers used for readings before throwing them into the
autoclave. Implementation of temperature monitoring by staff training.

2. Cooking:

o Monitoring: Take internal temperatures of cooked foods using a thermometer preferably a food
thermometer. Record temperatures in logs.

o Control: Check and clean thermometers a lot and make sure that they are accurate. Adequate training
of the staff on measures to handle foods such as meat and poultry the right way and observing the right

3. Serving:

o Monitoring: Take temperature of hot and cold foods at the time of serving. Use temperature logs.

o Control: They should use hot hoding equipment and refrigeration units effectively. Health awareness
regarding temperatures to be set and not to be set in offices.

4. Cleaning and Sanitizing:

o Monitoring: Examine methods and programs of cleaning. Cleanliness or cleaning checklists and records
should be adopted.

o Control: In this guideline, adequate provision of the right cleaning products must be maintained.
Incorporation of cleaning and sanitizing checklists for staff and regularly scheduled training on the same.

C. Responsibilities:
• Food Safety Manager: Also, supervise the program on food safety and its consequent deployment.
Training and compliance of the employees.

• Kitchen Supervisor: Aim at compliance with the food safety plan, check CCP monitors and other vital
practices daily. Any matter regarding food security should be forwarded to the Food safety manager.

• Staff: Ensure food safety guidelines are adhered to or else, in case of any violation or risk observed, it
should be reported.

4. Implements the official Food Safety standards

• The food safety program with adhere to the provisions of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards

• Lastly, with regard to the food safety regulation compliance, the program will be updated and
reviewed frequently to meet the emerging regulation requirements.

5. Conclusion

• Insights: • Insights: The communication system in Healthy Eats Café focuses on a structured approach
in finding and eliminating food safety risks to enhance the quality of foods served. Thus, our goal is to
ensure that staff is trained and we constantly monitor each phase that is executed in the establishment
to ensure compliance to HACCP food safety measures.

Task 3
Task 3: Organize Training and Communicate the Program

Training Plan

Objective: To educate all staff members about the new Food Safety Program, ensuring they
understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining food safety standards.

Training Schedule:

 Initial Training:
o Duration: 2 hours
o Participants: All kitchen and serving staff
o Location: Staff Training Room
 Follow-Up Sessions:
o Frequency: Monthly (First Monday of every month)
o Duration: 1 hour
o Participants: All kitchen and serving staff
o Location: Staff Training Room

Training Materials:
Use temperature logs. • This is the Food Safety Program Handbook.

• HACCP Guidelines

• PowerPoint Presentations

• The critical control points (CCPs) Awareness and information materials

• Temperature Log Templates

• Cleaning Schedule Templates

• Short videos that illustrate how food is supposed to be handled, prepared, and the correct means
of washing utensils among others.

Methods of Delivery:

• Presentations: Power point presentations should be used to teach material as it relates to

different components of the Food Safety Program.

• Demonstrations: Promoting of proper handling techniques of food also including procedures of

preparing food and keeping the kitchen clean.

• Interactive Sessions: Sessions such as Q&A to do with staff inquiries, simply for clarifying any

• Printed Materials: Prepare and issuance of handouts and booklets which will include
comprehensive details concerning the Food Safety Program.

4. • Online Modules: Offer a schedule of staff to do online training at any time convenient for
them without having to physically sit in a classroom.


Presenting the Food Safety Program:Presenting the Food Safety Program:

• Kickoff Meeting:

o Conduct an organizational kickoff meeting to officially declare Management’s commitment to

the implementation of the FSF.

o Using PowerPoint presentation, explain the program flows and activities, and any other
overviews as regards the program.

o Emphasize the part of the job being played by each staff with regard to food safety.
• Follow-Up Meetings:

o Frequently, daily staff meetings are to be held in order to assess Food Safety Program decision-
making, problem solving, and integration of new or modified information.

o Frequently use these meetings to remind people of the compliance regulations and as an
acknowledgment of the efforts of the staff.

• Written Communications:

o Circulate the softcopy and hardcopy of the Food Safety Program Handbook to all the staffs.

o Send the weekly newsletter with the tips, the reminders of the observations, and any changes in
the food safety procedures.

• Visual Aids:

o Fix post visuals such as posters and charts in crucial areas in the kitchen and in the food
preparation stations to carry messages of critical control points and procedures.

Task 4:
Task 4: Monitor Implementation and Update Practices


Food Safety Monitoring Plan:

 Daily Checks:
o Temperature Logs: Staff to record temperatures of refrigerators, freezers, and
cooked foods at specified intervals.
o Cleaning Schedules: Staff to complete and sign off on cleaning schedules for all
areas and equipment.
 Weekly Inspections:
o Food Safety Manager: Conduct weekly inspections to check compliance with
the Food Safety Program. Use an inspection checklist to document findings.
 Monthly Audits:
o Internal Audits: Conduct monthly audits to review overall compliance and
identify areas for improvement. Use audit reports to document results and
Templates for Recording Observations:

1. Temperature Log Template

Date Time Location Food Item Temperature (°C)

2024-06-28 08:00 AM Refrigerator A Milk 4.0
2024-06-28 08:30 AM Freezer B Ice Cream -18.5
2024-06-28 09:00 AM Hot Holding Soup 65.5

Notes: Record temperatures at regular intervals as per food safety guidelines.

2. Cleaning Schedule Template

Date Time Area/Equipment Task Description Completed By

2024-06-28 07:00 AM Kitchen Counters Disinfect with sanitizing spray John Smith
2024-06-28 08:00 AM Dishwasher Run cleaning cycle Jane Doe
2024-06-28 09:00 AM Bathroom Clean and restock supplies Emily Brown

Notes: Ensure all tasks are completed according to schedule to maintain cleanliness and hygiene

3. Inspection Checklist

Date Area/Department Inspector Findings Action Taken

2024-06- Scheduled deep
Kitchen John Smith Grease buildup on stove tops
28 cleaning
2024-06- Emily Improperly stacked boxes Reorganized
Storage Room
28 Brown obstructing emergency exit storage
2024-06- Notified
Dining Area Jane Doe Cracked tiles near serving counter
28 maintenance

Notes: Use the checklist during weekly inspections to identify and address maintenance and
safety issues promptly.


Updating the Food Safety Program:

 Feedback Collection:
o Regularly gather feedback from staff on the effectiveness of the food safety
procedures and any challenges faced.
o Use suggestion boxes, surveys, and feedback forms to collect input from staff.
 Review Meetings:
o Conduct quarterly review meetings with key personnel (Food Safety Manager,
Kitchen Supervisor, Head Chef) to discuss monitoring results and feedback.
o Identify any areas where the food safety procedures need to be updated or
 Implementation of Changes:
o Based on the monitoring results and staff feedback, make necessary updates to the
Food Safety Program.
o Communicate any changes to all staff members through meetings, emails, and
updated training materials.
 Verification:
o After implementing changes, verify their effectiveness through follow-up
monitoring and audits.
o Ensure that all staff are aware of and trained on any new procedures or updates to
the Food Safety Program.

Task 5
Task 5: Communicate Food Safety Program to Staff

1. Access and Review the Developed Food Safety Program

Review Summary:

 Food Safety Program: The program includes policies, procedures, and responsibilities
based on the HACCP method, focusing on critical control points (CCPs), monitoring
procedures, corrective actions, verification, and documentation.
 Components Reviewed:
o Policies and procedures for food handling.
o Hazard analysis plan.
o Training programs.
o Signage requirements and placements.

2. Meeting with Relevant Personnel

Meeting Details:

 Participants: Kitchen Supervisor (Jane Doe) and Head Chef (John Smith)
 Location: Staff Training Room

• Meeting Agenda and Script:• Meeting Agenda and Script:

1. Introduction:

o “Both of you are welcome to this meeting. Today, we shall review the new Food Safety
Program and it will also help all of us understand more on what we are supposed to do in
avoiding violation of food safety standards.”

2. Food Products Prepared in the Workplace:Food Products Prepared in the Workplace:

o Healthy Eats Café is a restaurant that deals with food products such as salads, sandwiches, hot
meals, and baked products and these three categories of food must be handled differently in
terms of preparation to fit the healthy eat café standard.

3. Specifications of Each Food Product:Specifications of Each Food Product:

o For each food product there are recipe requirements presented in detail, for example, quality
standard of the ingredient, method of food preparation, and the appropriate conditions of food
storage As these specifications have to be strictly followed in order to prevent food borne

4. Policies and Procedures Relevant to Food Preparation:Policies and Procedures Relevant to

Food Preparation:

o Some of the policies observed are hand washing practices, monitoring of temperatures
especially for foods to be stored, prohibition of raw foods and cooked foods being in the same
area and cleaning schedules among others and it is crucial that everyone follow these policies as
laid down.

5. Training Programs:

o “In order to guarantee the awareness of all parties there is the knowledge acquisition program:
initial training, the additional training every month, and further training with the help of Internet
access and printed materials delivered periodically to remind of the key activities.”

6. Appropriate Location for Each Signage in the Workplace:Appropriate Location for Each
Signage in the Workplace:

o Hand washing reminders will be posted close to all hand washing points and temperature
control charts are to be also posted in the kitchen close to the cooking areas and refrigerator

7. Ways to Access the Food Safety Program:Ways to Access the Food Safety Program:

o “The full version of the Food Safety Program can be found in the printed manuals along with
electronic copies on the staff’s intranet and through these familiar trainings, I would like to refer
to it whenever necessary.”
3. Identify Appropriate Food Safety Signages

Signage 1: Handwashing Reminder

 Content: "Wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds before and after handling
 Relevance: Ensures staff remember to wash their hands properly to prevent biological

Signage 2: Temperature Control Chart

 Content: "Keep hot foods at ≥ 60°C and cold foods at ≤ 5°C."

 Relevance: Ensures food is stored and served at safe temperatures to prevent bacterial

4. Identify Appropriate Locations for Placing Each Food Signage

Location for Handwashing Reminder:

 Placement: Near all handwashing stations in the kitchen and food preparation areas.
 Reason: To remind staff to wash their hands before handling food, after using the
restroom, and after any activity that could contaminate their hands.

Location for Temperature Control Chart:

 Placement: In the kitchen near cooking stations and storage areas (refrigerators and
 Reason: To provide staff with quick and easy reference to the critical temperature limits
for various food items, ensuring they maintain safe food handling practices.

Task 6: Monitor Implementation of Food Safety Program in the Workplace

A. Monitor Implementation of Food Safety Program

1. Access and Review the Food Safety Program

o Review the food safety program developed in Practical Assessment Task 3 to
ensure familiarity with all policies, procedures, and critical control points (CCPs).
2. Monitor Implementation on Two Separate Occasions

Policies Monitored:
 Policy 1: Handwashing Protocol
o Procedure: Staff must wash hands for at least 20 seconds using soap and warm
water before handling food, after using the restroom, and after touching raw food.
 Policy 2: Temperature Control
o Procedure: Food must be stored at appropriate temperatures: cold foods at or
below 5°C, and hot foods at or above 60°C. Temperature logs must be

Food Handling Operations Monitored:

 Operation 1: Salad Preparation

o Process: Observed staff washing hands, preparing vegetables on clean surfaces,
and storing prepared salads in the refrigerator.
 Operation 2: Cooking Hot Meals
o Process: Observed staff cooking chicken to the correct internal temperature,
using thermometers, and documenting the temperature in logs.

Monitoring Plan Template Completion:

 Completed the Food Safety Monitoring Plan for this occasion, noting compliance with
handwashing protocols and temperature control procedures.

Second Monitoring Occasion:

Policies Monitored:

 Policy 1: Cross-Contamination Prevention

o Procedure: Use separate cutting boards and utensils for raw and cooked foods.
 Policy 2: Cleaning and Sanitizing
o Procedure: Regular cleaning schedules must be followed, and all surfaces
sanitized after each use.

Food Handling Operations Monitored:

 Operation 1: Sandwich Preparation

o Process: Observed staff using separate cutting boards for meats and vegetables,
washing hands between tasks, and sanitizing surfaces.
 Operation 2: Dishwashing
o Process: Observed staff following the cleaning schedule, washing dishes at the
correct temperature, and using sanitizer.

Monitoring Plan Template Completion:

 Completed the Food Safety Monitoring Plan for this occasion, noting compliance with
cross-contamination prevention and cleaning procedures.
B. Respond to Food Safety Incidents in the Workplace

Incident 1: Uncontrolled Food Hazard - Temperature Deviation

 Date: 28-06-2024
 Incident: Refrigerator temperature exceeded 5°C overnight.
 Response Coordinator: Jane Doe (Kitchen Supervisor)
 Assigned Staff: John Smith (Maintenance Technician)
o Task: Adjust refrigerator settings, transfer food to a working unit, and discard any
potentially unsafe items.
 Incident Report: Collected from John Smith detailing actions taken and corrective
measures implemented.

Incident 2: Uncontrolled Food Hazard - Cross-Contamination

 Date: [Insert Date]

 Time: [Insert Time]
 Incident: Raw chicken juices found on the prep table for vegetables.
 Response Coordinator: Jane Doe (Kitchen Supervisor)
 Assigned Staff: Sarah Brown (Prep Cook)
o Task: Clean and sanitize the prep table immediately, retrain staff on cross-
contamination protocols.
 Incident Report: Collected from Sarah Brown detailing actions taken and corrective
measures implemented.

Task 7: Update Food Safety Practices in the Workplace

In an attempt to address the following research questions; A. Update Food Safety Monitoring

1. Review Relevant Documents:

o Food Safety Monitoring Plan: To ensure efficiency and relevancy of its recommendations,
business should review the plan to discover missing information and out of date statistics.

o Incident Reports: It is recommended to evaluate various reports of situations that occurred in

case of temperature fluctuations and cross contamination.

2. Identify Food Safety Practices for Update:Identify Food Safety Practices for Update:

o Practice 1: Temperature Control

 Update: Increase the checks with temperature of the refrigrated equipment and freezers;
incorporate alarms for temperature changes.

o Practice 2: Specifically, proper measures should be taken to avoid cross-contamination,

whether it is of people, objects, or anywhere in the laboratory.

 Update: Have separate colored chopping boards and knives and also enhance on the training
of the employees on how best to handle them and clean them.

3. Update Practices:

o Moved to a number of changes to the established food safety measures to have all foods’
temperatures checked more frequently and also adopted the use of color-coded tools.

Task 8
Task 8: Participate in Food Safety Audit in the Workplace

Food Safety Audit Report

Audit Date: June 28, 2024

Auditors: Jane Doe (Internal Auditor), John Smith (External Auditor)
Location: Main Conference Room
Audit Duration: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM


This food safety audit was carried out so as to appraise conformity in relation to the organization’s food
safety standards and regulatory requirements.


The areas audited are as follows:

• Revision of Food Safety Program (Version 2.0)

• Compliance with state and territory food safety rules

• Audit of storage and documentation practices

Audit Findings

3.1 Food Safety Program (Version 2.0)


• All required components including policies, procedures and the HACCP plan are contained in the
comprehensive food safety program (Version 2.0).

• However, there were disparities observed in corrective actions reported after incidents happened.


• Adopt a standardized method for documenting and reviewing corrective actions.

• Periodically review the food safety program to ensure relevance to current processes and regulations.

3.2 Compliance with Regulatory Documents


• The organization is compliant with Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code as well as other
relevant regulatory requirements.

• There were also found documents concerning supplier approvals, equipment maintenance records
that were kept up-to-date and could be accessed easily.


• Keep monitoring new developments in terms of food safety regulations, making necessary

4/ Retain more records through enhanced documentation practices whose contents will include all
reports on suppliers’ approval, equipment’s service history, etc

• I found supplier approvals and equipment maintenance records to be updated and accessible.


• Be updated with changes in food safety regulations as they occur so that the practices can be adjusted

• Strengthen documentation practices to maintain all records at audit readiness at all times.

3.3 Audit SOPs and Documentation Storage


• Internal and external audits adhere to well laid down audit SOPs

• There is adequate document security for audits which conforms the confidentiality requirements of
the organization thus protecting them from unauthorized access.

• Regularly update audit SOPs so that they reflect current audit practices and any changes within the

• Use digital technology to streamline document storage, retrieval or any other related documents,
thereby promoting efficiency in their management.

Auditor's Remarks and Impact

4.1 Auditor 1: Jane Doe (Internal Auditor)


• “Generally speaking, this firm has clearly demonstrated its commitment towards ensuring that food is
free from risks through clear procedures.”

• “However, there is need for more concentration during corrective action’s record keeping.”


• Ensuring continuous improvement in food safety management will require further tightening of
documentation requirements which enhances traceability as well as accountability.

Task 9
Task 9: Food safety is an essential aspect of every organization that deals with the provision of
foods to consumers.

Discussion Points:

• Validate Existing Food Safety Controls:• Validate Existing Food Safety Controls:

o Food Handling Processes:

 Process 1: Salad Preparation is a slot game that was launched in 2014 by Micro programing
with five reels and twenty pay-lines.

 Hazard: Cross-contamination

 CCP: These are hand washing and involving a different chopping board to prepare soy
products to avoid cross contamination with the needed bacteria.

 Control Method: Consistent sanitary practices such as washing of hands, and use of colored
dishes for cutting.
 Corrective Action: Perform refresher on handwashing to all employees and remind them on
the proper use of boards.

 Process 2: Public facility to heat food and serve them it warm; preparing hot meals

 Hazard: Temperature control

 CCP: What makes coffees good also makes other foods good, it is how the primary processing
methods and storage conditions affect coffee that matters.

 Control Method: Logbooks, Thermometers

 Corrective Action: Throwaway spoilt food that was not cooked to the right temperature/stored
incorrectly, adjust the thermometers

o Monitoring Systems:

 System 1: Thermal records

 System 2: Schedules of cleaning

o Record Keeping Methods:

 Method 1: e-logs

 Method 2: record books that are handwritten

o Additional Training Needs:

 Training 1: Extra amount of handwashing with soap and water

 Training 2: Since computer locations are affected by building temperature settings, computer
temperature logs should be used correctly.

4. Amend the Current Food Safety Program: o Amendments:

 According to consultation and audit results

 Adopt the model of the state and territory’s food safety program

o Documentation:

Update the policies, procedures, CCPs, control methods, and the corrective actions

Partial list of user’s actions and their possible entries into the Version Control and Document
History include:
5. Submit Updated Food Safety Program:

o Submission:

 Supply to the respective state aterritory’s food safety regulating agency

◌ Put into practice the guidelines of the Practical Assessment Task 3

Task 10:
Step 1: Update the Food Safety Program and Review of the sheet

Get a copy of the updated food safety program from the Practical Assessment Task 9. Consider
the modifications in accordance with the results of the audits and consultations carried out. Make
sure that you comprehend all the changes clearly.

Step 2: Inform Change to Any Affected Staff

Meeting Details:

• Participants: Kitchen Supervisor, Head of the kitchen

• Location: Conference Middle Hall

Discussion Points:

1. Updates in the Food Safety Program:Updates in the Food Safety Program:

is Provide at least two improvements made in food safety program (e. g. , the checks frequency
has been enhanced, more training sessions have been conducted).

o Analyze the differences between the previous and the new sections to show changes made on
the policies, procedures, and practice.

2. Impact of Updates:

o Discuss how each update affects:o Discuss how each update affects:

 Policies: Indicate modifications of written and/or standard operating procedures.

 Procedures: Describe specific changes in the procedural either in the implementation of


 Practices: In regard to the changes that occur in daily tasks and roles here are some reasons as
to why they occur:
Step 3: Supervise the Effectiveness of the Updates

Monitoring Plan:

• Refer the monitoring plan prepared in Practical Assessment Task 6.

• The monitoring should be conducted at least twice, due to the varying effectiveness of updates’

• Record findings, issues that may have been experienced, and measures being taken to address

Version Control and Document History:Version Control and Document History: Version Control
and Document History:Version Control and Document History:

• Incorporate the details of the tasks completed in this task in the food safety program’s Version
Control and Document History part.

Step 4: This is a proposed update of Training and Mentoring Plan:

Training Adjustments:

• Amend the Training and Mentoring Plan for including the additional training requirements that
were also given in Task 9.

• It is vital that training sessions are relevant to the changes to the food safety program and help
implement changes such as hand wash procedures, using temperature charts among others.

Version Control and Document History:

• In this task, Update the Training and Mentoring Plan’s Version Control and Document History
to capture the changes made.

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