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Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15



Aptian flood basalts in Bacalhau oil and gas field: petrogenesis

and geodynamics of post‑rift tholeiites in the pre‑salt sequence
of Santos Basin, Brazil
Viktor Souto Louback1 · Sérgio de Castro Valente2 · Cícera Neysi de Almeida1 · Jake Ross3 · Leonardo Borghi1

Received: 23 May 2022 / Accepted: 17 January 2023

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023

A post-rift Aptian magmatism is recorded in a 500-m-thick sequence of basalts interbedded with marls in the Bacalhau oil
and gas field in Santos Basin, SE Brazil. This magmatic section is within the so-called pre-salt sequence of Santos Basin that
comprises the major oil and gas reserves of Brazil. This is the first publication of systematic petrological and geochronological
data for the Aptian magmatism in Santos. Whole-rock Ar–Ar integrated ages obtained for these basalts are 116.93 ± 0.22 Ma,
116.16 ± 0.10 Ma, 115.21 ± 0.13 Ma and 109.95 ± 0.20 Ma and. As such, they are younger than the rift-related Camboriú
basalts in Santos as well as the Paraná-Etendeka basalts and related dike swarms. The Santos basalts comprise a low-Ti
tholeiitic suite with La/Nbn (2.7–4.2) and La/Ybn (4.2–5.9) ratios typical of continental flood basalt provinces. The basalts
vary in MgO content but show no evidence for cogeneticity by differentiation processes. Lithogeochemical data showed that
the Aptian basalts in Santos cannot be related with either the low-Ti, Esmeralda and Gramado suites in Paraná-Etendeka or
the low-Ti Lumiar, Serrana, and Costa Azul suites in the Serra do Mar Dike Swarm on the basis of lithogeochemical data.
No geochemical and isotopic correlation can be done with the Aptian, Alagoas basalts in Campos basin as well. Initial
(115 Ma) isotope ratios (Sr: 0.705747–0.706804; εNd: −5.9 to −2.8; 206Pb/204Pb: 17.61–18.67; 207Pb/204Pb: 15.47–15.58;
Pb/204Pb: 38.17–38.39; εHf: + 0.3 to −8.2) indicate derivation from a EM1 mantle component in the SCLM. Modal batch
partial melting modelling showed that melting occurred within the garnet stability zone. We propose a geodynamic model
for the Aptian in Santos in which the melting of the SCLM is related with either the presence of the Tristan da Cunha man-
tle plume in Aptian time below Santos or stretching of different portions of the blob-rich SCLM itself. This stretching is
due to the remaining heat advected from Tristan during the voluminous Early Cretaceous magmatism that gave rise to the
Paraná-Etendeka CFB.

Keywords Bacalhau field · Pre-salt · Santos basin · Continental flood basalts · Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotopes · Ar–Ar dating


Continental flood basalts with intertraps fill many sedimen-

tary basins with oil and gas reservoirs worldwide (Ren et al.
Communicated by Mark S Ghiorso.
2020; Louback et al. 2021; Wu et al. 2021; Marins et al.
* Viktor Souto Louback 2022). However, little is known about the magmatic petrol-
louback@geologia.ufrj.br ogy and petrophysics of volcanic rocks and intrusions that
make up those successions (Nelson et al. 2009).
Laboratory of Sedimentary Geology (Lagesed), Department The magmatism of the Paraná-Etendeka continental
of Geology, Institute of Geosciences, Federal University
of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 21941‑916, Brazil flood basalts (CFB) has been related to the rise of Tristan da
2 Cunha mantle plume, which was associated with the pre-rift
Department of Petrology and Geotectonics, Federal
Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, magmatism (134–132 Ma; Gomes and Vasconcelos 2021)
Rio de Janeiro 23890‑000, Brazil of the Gondwana break-up (Gibson et al. 1995; Mohriak
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, NM et al. 2002; Moulin et al. 2010; Stica et al. 2014). The inter-
Tech, Socorro, NM 87801, USA pretation of ultra-deep seismic lines showed that a syn-rift

15 Page 2 of 25 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15

magmatism (133–113 Ma) is represented by the seaward- The Santos Basin is the most prolific oil-producing prov-
dipping reflectors that fill the Pelotas Basin eastwards, which ince in Brazil where thick layers of Late Aptian evaporites
is a very different feature when compared to the adjacent seal the voluminous Pre-Salt carbonate reservoirs (Zalán
Santos Basin, the latter taken as an example of a magma- et al. 2019). Santos originated as a rift basin during the
poor passive margin (Stica et al. 2014). fragmentation of Gondwana in the Lower Cretaceous and
The rift-related, Camboriú magmatism in Santos was evolved to a passive margin basin during the opening of
dated at 138 ± 3.5 Ma (whole-rock, K–Ar ages; Fodor and the South Atlantic Ocean (Chang et al. 1992; Cainelli and
Vetter 1984) (Fig. 1), being nearly with the Paraná-Etendeka Mohriak 1999). Magmatic processes in this region are
CFB main magmatism (ca. 134–132 Ma, mineral and whole- associated with rift, post-rift and drift sedimentary megas-
rock, Ar–Ar ages; Thiede and Vasconcelos 2010). Coeval equences recorded in the chronostratigraphic column of the
basaltic magmatism with 134 ± 4 Ma is also recorded as the basin (Fig. 1) (Fodor and Vetter 1984; Moreira et al. 2006,
Cabiúnas basalts in Campos basin (whole-rock, K–Ar ages; 2007).
Mizusaki et al. 1992). High-grade orthogneisses, paragneisses, granulites, gran-
There is no systematic record of the post-rift magmatism ites and granodiorites constitute the Precambrian crystalline
(Moreira et al. 2007) in Santos basin and its adjoining conti- basement rocks of Santos Basin. These rocks are part of the
nental area in SE Brazil. On the other hand, Aptian post-rift Ribeira Collisional Orogen formed during the amalgamation
magmatism was recorded in Campos Basin represented by of Gondwana at ca. 590 Ma (Heilbron et al. 2000). Crys-
the low-Ti tholeiitic Alagoas basalts (Dani et al. 2017). tallization ages (U–Pb zircon data) obtained for the calc-
Massive basaltic magmatism in sedimentary basins may alkaline orthogneisses of the basement in Santos Basin are
induce thermal and fluid gradients that affect the source and ca. 1.96–1.98 Ga, whereas the metamorphism was dated at
reservoir rocks as much as sealing and trapping in petroleum 500 Ma (Carmo et al. 2017). These ages correspond to those
systems (Thomaz Filho et al. 2000; Gudmundsson and Løt- obtained from rocks within the so-called Cabo Frio Tectonic
veit 2014). As such, it is important to determine the time Domain exposed on the continental adjoining area of Santos
and duration of the magmatic event to evaluate the effects Basin (Schmitt et al. 2016). This age correlation between
of intrusions and volcanism in the petroleum systems of a the Santos basement rocks and the metamorphic rocks in
sedimentary basin (Senger et al. 2017). The identification the adjoining continental area is in agreement with other
and discrimination of igneous rocks and processes are chal- lines of evidence for the presence of a strongly extended
lenging for modeling Brazilian pre-salt reservoirs (Penna continental crust in the offshore portion of the Santos and
et al. 2019). There are few petrological studies regarding Campos Basins (Karner 2000; Mio et al. 2005).
igneous rocks in the pre-salt sequence, as opposed to pub- Santos encompasses one of the thickest sedimentary
lications about their carbonate reservoirs (e.g. Farias et al. sequence (nearly 10 km) among the basins of the Brazilian
2019; Wan et al. 2019). This paper provides petrographic, continental margin. The chronostratigraphic chart of Santos
lithogeochemical, Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotope and Ar–Ar geo- Basin (Fig. 1) comprises three major sedimentary sequences
chronological data for the post-rift magmatism in the Pre- related to the Gondwana rifting processes and further devel-
Salt sedimentary sequence of Santos basin. The aims of the opment of the South Atlantic ocean (Moreira et al. 2007).
present study were to elaborate comparisons with the coeval The Rift Sequence records the sedimentation over a thinned
basaltic magmatism in the nearby Campos Basin, as well as and strongly stretched crust with half-grabens filled at their
with the earlier Paraná-Etendeka Continental Flood Basalts lowermost parts by the tholeiitic basalts of the Camboriú
and associated dike swarms. In addition, lithogeochemical Formation (Mio et al. 2005; Chang et al. 2008). Polymictic
data were used to propose a partial melting model in order conglomerates and lithic sandstones with basalt fragments
to support a conceptual geodynamic model related to the in the proximal portions of the rift, as well as lacustrine-
post-rift magmatism in Santos Basin. related, Mg-rich shales, constitute the Piçarras Formation
at the top of the Camboriú Formation. The Rift Sequence
ends up with the deposition of the coquinas and dark shales
Geological setting of the Itapema Formation over an Intra-Barremian uncon-
formity. The top of the coquinas deposits is overlain by the
The Santos Basin is a passive margin sedimentary basin regional-scale, Pre-Alagoas unconformity (Moreira et al.
located offshore the southeastern continental margin of 2007). Hydrocarbon source and reservoir rocks in the so-
Brazil. The basin covers an area of approximately 350,000 called Pre-Salt sedimentary sequence of Santos Basin occur
­km2, being limited to the north by the Cabo Frio Structural in the Piçarras and Itapema formations, respectively, and are
High and to the south by the Florianópolis Structural High part of one of the most important petroleum systems in the
(Fig. 2). world (Zalán et al. 2019).

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15 Page 3 of 25 15

Fig. 1  Stratigraphic chart of the Santos Basin, Brazil (Modified from oceanic boundary. PECFB is the Paraná-Etendeka Continental Flood
Moreira et al. 2007). Column in the right-hand side shows the mag- Basalt Province. Formations of the pre-salt sequence are: Camboriú
matic events recorded in Santos Basin at different stages of its tec- (CAM), Piçarras (PIÇ), Itapema (ITP) and Barra Velha (BVE). The
tonic evolution. Question mark (?) tentatively places the continental- salt deposits comprise the Ariri Formation (ARI)

15 Page 4 of 25 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15

Fig. 2  Location of borehole

4-BRSA-971-SPS (yellow star)
over the São Paulo plateau, cen-
tral portion of Santos basin. The
Vitória High between Campos
and Espírito Santo basins, as
well as the Florianópolis High
between Santos and Pelotas
basins (southwards) are also
shown. Main capital cities in
the continent are indicated for
reference, as well as the Pre-salt
polygon (part of the basin that
reaches the Pre-Salt sequence).
White squares are hydrocarbon
exploration blocks in these sedi-
mentary basins. Source: Google
Earth Pro

The Post-rift Sequence in Santos Basin records mostly The Paraná‑Etendeka CFB and the magmatism
evaporitic cycles typical of shallow water lacustrine depo- in Santos and adjoining basins
sitional environments (Wright and Rodriguez 2018). It
begins with the deposition of limestones interbedded with Lava facies and architecture, emplacement modes of dif-
laminated mudstones that comprise the Barra Velha For- ferent volcanic units and revised volcano-stratigraphy
mation. The incipient thermal subsidence of Santos Basin allow the volcanic rocks within the Paraná-Etendeka CFB
in the Late Aptian induced a change from a predominantly in Brazil to be formerly included in the Serra Geral Group
lacustrine environment to a shallow, marine hypersaline of the Paraná sedimentary basin (Rossetti et al. 2018).
environment (Moreira et al. 2007). The latter provided The Early Cretaceous (Turner et al. 1994; Gomes and
the conditions for the rapid (ca. 0.7 Myr) deposition of Vasconcelos 2021) Paraná-Etendeka CFB include high-
the thick (up to 3 km) evaporitic section recorded by the Ti (Pitanga, Paranapanema and Ribeira magma types
Ariri Formation, which is mainly composed of halite and in northern Paraná and Urubici in southern Paraná) and
anhydrite. These evaporites comprise the seal rocks of the low-Ti (Gramado and Esmeralda magma types; southern
Pre-Salt petroleum systems within Santos Basin (Moreira Paraná) basaltic suites in South America and their coun-
et al. 2007; Yamamoto et al. 2019). terparts in Africa (Erlank et al. 1984; Duncan et al. 1988;
Finally, Santos evolved to a passive-margin basin Renne et al. 1996; Peate 1997; Ewart 1998; Marsh et al.
whose sedimentary processes are recorded in the Drift 2001).
Sequence. This sequence is related to the progressive The low-Ti basalts in Paraná-Etendeka CFB and associ-
thermal subsidence of the basin, leading to the deposi- ated dikes were related to decreasing lithospheric contribu-
tion of marine sediments from the Albian to the Recent. tions towards the wanning phase of magmatism (Rossetti
The rise in sea level resulted in the deposition of a shal- et al. 2021). The primitive magmas may have been fed by
low marine carbonate platform which covered the Aptian a poorly developed lower crustal plumbing system, whilst
evaporites (Chang et al. 1992). A marine transgression their voluminous eruptions were fed by shallow magma
over the carbonate platform at the end of Albian gave rise chambers (Rossetti et al. 2021; Simões et al. 2022), crustal
to the deep-sea terrigenous sediments in a passive margin contamination of intrusions being a likely process (Sarmento
platform with thick turbidite deposits (Chang et al. 2008). et al. 2020). The plumbing system that fed the low-Ti basal-
These turbidites are hydrocarbon reservoir rocks above tic suites in Paraná-Etendeka CFB may have extended over
the salt sequence in Santos basin. ­107 ­km2 (Macêdo Filho et al. 2023).

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15 Page 5 of 25 15

The Gramado low-Ti suite represents the most crustally basalts in Santos were attributed not only to derivation from
contaminated basalts in Paraná-Etendeka and is derived enriched sources but also to possible contamination by con-
from subcontinental lithospheric mantle sources. On the tinental crust. The Early Cretaceous, continental basaltic
other hand, the younger (ca. 127 Ma; Turner et al. 1994), volcanism in Santos Basin is somehow consistent with the
uncontaminated, Esmeralda low-Ti basalts seem related to presence of a stretched continental crust, that may extend
a major contribution from asthenopheric mantle sources over 600 km beyond the Brazilian coastline (Fodor and Vet-
(Peate and Hawkesworth 1996; Rossetti et al. 2021). The ter 1984).
Urubici high-Ti basalts predominate in southern Paraná- The Camboriú basalts in Santos Basin are coeval with the
Etendeka CFB. The Urubici basalts evolved without major basalts of the Cabiúnas Formation in Campos Basin (Winter
crustal contamination and magma generation took place in et al. 2007, Fig. 2). The latter are comparable to the low-TiO2
the sublithospheric mantle at garnet-spinel lherzolite transi- Paraná tholeiites, and have been related to either MORB-
tion (Peate et al. 1999; Rämö et al. 2016). The other high- like sources or DUPAL-like mantle components (Mizusaki
Ti basalts predominate in northern Paraná-Etendeka CFB. et al. 1992; Fodor and Vetter 1984). Tholeiitic basalt dikes
These high-Ti basalts were originated from the subconti- time-correlated to the Camboriú and Cabiúnas basalts have
nental lithospheric mantle metasomatized by pyroxenite. Sr–Nd–Pb isotope signatures typical of HIMU-like enriched
The source was enriched by fluids or magmas related to the mantle source possibly represented by enriched, inherited
Neoproterozoic subductions due to the Gondwana amalga- sub-continental lithospheric mantle due to subduction during
mation. The slightly EM-I component of the high-Ti basalts the Neoproterozoic amalgamation of the Gondwana. This
in Paraná-Etendeka CFB has been associated to mixtures of broadly supports the hyper-extended rift model proposed
eclogites or pyroxenite with peridotite (Rocha-Júnior et al. for Santos based on the interpretation of deep seismic lines
2013). The Ribeira and Pitanga high-Ti basalts occur in (Almeida et al. 2021).
the northernmost portion of the Paraná-Etendeka CFB and The rift-related magmatism in Santos is coeval to that in
have been associated to a EM-I amphibole-bearing, metaso- the Pelotas Basin (Fig. 2). Basalts from Pelotas comprise
matized mantle characterized by small amounts of different high- and low-TiO2 suites that are located in the northern
components (DMM and EM-II). Compositional differences and southern portions of the basin, respectively. Binary mix-
between the Ribeira and Pitanga basalts could be explained ing models suggest a large participation of the N-MORB
by different degrees of melting at different depths of a het- component in the genesis of these basalts, discarding the
erogeneously metasomatized mantle source (Giovanardi involvement of the Tristan da Cunha plume as a possible
et al. 2022). source (Lobo et al. 2006).
The widespread occurrence of magmatic rocks interbed- The post-rift magmatism in Santos comprises both alka-
ded with the sedimentary sequences of the Santos Basin has line and tholeiitic diabase intrusions and basaltic flows with
been recorded in several boreholes (De Luca et al. 2015), Ar–Ar ages ranging from ca. 114 to 117 Ma (Moreira et al.
comprising four major magmatic events: (1) the rift-related, 2007). This Early Aptian magmatism is associated with the
Valanginian-Hauterivian event; (2) the post-rift, Aptian Itapema and Barra Velha formations and the regional scale,
event; (3) the drift-related Santonian-Campanian event; and Intra-Alagoas unconformity (Rancan et al. 2018; Ren et al.
(4) the drift-related Eocene event (Ren et al. 2020; Moreira 2020; Fig. 1). It is worth mentioning that there is no sys-
et al. 2007). tematic record of Aptian (115–117 Ma), basaltic tholeiitic
The rift-related magmatism in Santos comprise ca. magmatism in the continental area adjoining Santos. On the
138 Ma-old (whole-rock, K–Ar; Fodor and Vetter 1984) other hand, the post-rift magmatism of Aptian age was iden-
continental, tholeiitic basalt flows recorded as the Cambo- tified in the pre-salt sequence of Campos Basin, northwards
riú Formation (Moreira et al. 2007; Fig. 1). The Camboriú Santos (Fig. 2), and comprises low-Ti tholeiitic basalts with
basalts are contemporaneous with the widespread magma- geochemical affinity with the low-Ti suites of Paraná-Etend-
tism of the Paraná-Etendeka CFB and the Serra do Mar eka CFB (Dani et al. 2017).
dike swarm in SE Brazil (ca. 134–132 Ma, plagioclase and The drift magmatism in Santos is recorded in the Santo-
whole-rock Ar–Ar ages; Guedes et al. 2005; Thiede and nian-Campanian (ca. 82; Ar–Ar) and Eocene (ca. 49; Ar–Ar)
Vasconcelos 2010; Gomes and Vasconcelos 2021). The and comprises mostly alkaline volcanic rocks within the so-
predominantly effusive and subaerial Camboriú basalts fill called Post-Salt sedimentary sequences, as well as intrusive
the depressions between structural basement highs and con- rocks that cut the Pre-Salt sedimentary rocks (Moreira et al.
stitute fissure flows that cover large areas and form lava del- 2006). The drift-related alkaline rocks occur both as intru-
tas (Chang et al. 2008; Rancan et al. 2018). The Camboriú sions in the salt/carbonate interface and as volcanic cones
basalts have high T ­ iO2 (< 2.0 wt%) contents and are chemi- mostly found at the Cabo Frio High Platform (Fig. 2) (Oreiro
cally similar to the high-Ti basalts in the Paraná-Etendeka 2006; Oliveira et al. 2019; Penna et al. 2019; Louback et al.
CFB. The enriched compositions of the Camboriú high-Ti 2021).

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Materials and methods rock powder were dissolved using hydrofluoric, nitric, and
hydrochloric acids. Sr was purified by cation exchange
Forty-four sidewall core samples were collected along through resin using 2.5 N HCl. Sr isotopes were ana-
a thick (500 m) post-rift volcanic succession within the lyzed using a thermal ionization mass spectrometer
pre-salt sequence in this borehole (Fig. 2). This magmatic (TIMS) with five Faraday collectors in dynamic mode
section is underlain by a 400 m-thick sequence of the main with 86 Sr/ 88 Sr ratios normalized to 0.1194 and NBS
carbonate reservoir of the Barra Velha Formation (Fig. 3). 987 standard with 87 Sr/ 86 Sr = 0.710284 (n = 2) and
Thin-sections were performed for all sidewall core sam- Sr/ 86 Sr = 0.056427 (n = 2). The REE were purified
ples (Fig. 3) and a set of 15 samples was selected for litho- using a cation exchange resin and 6.0 N HCl. Nd was
geochemical analysis. Special attention was given to select then separated and purified from the remaining REE
the least altered and more representative samples of the using a HDEHP resin and 0.25N HCl. Purified Nd was
volcanic succession. Twelve samples with the least loss on then dissolved in 1–2 mL of 2% ­HNO3 and analyzed for
ignition (LOI) values were selected for isotopic analysis 100 ratios using a ThermoScientific Neptune with seven
and five for Ar–Ar dating. Faraday collectors in static mode. Nd isotopes were
Whole-rock geochemical analyses were done at Activa- normalized to 146Nd/ 144Nd = 0.7219 and analysis used
tion Laboratories Ltd. (Actlabs, Canada) on fused sam- JNdi-1 standards with 143Nd/ 144Nd = 0.512109 (n = 9)
ples. Major elements ­(SiO2, ­TiO2, ­Al2O3, ­Fe2O3t, MnO, and 145Nd/ 144Nd = 0.348412 (n = 9). Hf measurements
MgO, CaO, ­Na2O, ­K2O, ­P2O5; in wt%; F ­ e2O3t being total were made by ThermoScientific Neptune in static mode
iron as ferric iron) were performed by inductively cou- using nine Faraday collectors following the methods of
pled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) in Yang et al. (2010). Hf isotope results were normalized to
a Thermo Jarrell Ash ENVIRO II equipment. Calibrations Hf/177Hf = 0.282160 with standard JMC 475 = 0.282152
were performed using seven prepared USGS and CAN- (n = 11). Pb was purified using anion exchange resin and
MET certified reference materials. Selected trace elements 1.0 N HBr. Pb was dissolved in 1–2 mL of 2% H ­ NO3 and
(Ni, Cr, Co, Ba, Rb, Sr, Zr, Y, Nb, Ni, Cr, V, Co, U, Th, Tl was introduced into the sample to obtain a Pb/Tl ratio
Hf, Ta and Pb), including the whole set of rare earth ele- between 2–5 (Wolf and Ramos 2003). Samples were ana-
ments were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass lyzed for 100 ratios using a ThermoScientific Neptune
spectrometry (ICP-MS) in a Perkin Elmer Sciex ELAN in static mode with five Faraday collectors. Pb isotope
9000 equipment. results were normalized to 203Tl/ 205Tl = 0.41892 with
The loss on ignition was measured by percentual weight standards NBS 981with 206Pb/ 204Pb = 16.931 (n = 11),
loss after heating at 1100 °C for 2 h. Calibration was per- Pb/ 204 Pb = 15.484 (n = 11), 208 Pb/ 204 Pb = 36.673
formed using 14 prepared USGS and CANMET certified (n = 11).
reference materials. Three blanks and five controls (three Ar–Ar analysis on samples 6153.7 and 6648.0, were
before the sample group and two after) were analyzed per performed at the New Mexico Geochronology Research
group of samples. Duplicates are fused and analyzed every Laboratory in the spring of 2020. Samples were irradiated
15 samples. Accuracy and precision for major elements in NM-309 for 14 h at the Oregon State University TRIGA
were lower than 3%, respectively, and lower than 10% for reactor along with the standard Fish Canyon tuff sanidine as
trace elements. Detection limits were below 0.01 wt% for a neutron flux monitor. Ar–Ar analysis on samples 6443.0,
major elements, being 20 ppm for Ni and Cr, 5 ppm for Pb, 6558.0, were performed at the New Mexico Geochronol-
2 ppm for Ba, Rb, Sr, Zr, 1 ppm for Co, Nb and Y, 0.2 ppm ogy Research Laboratory in the fall of 2021. Samples were
for Hf and 0.1 ppm for Ta, U and Th. Detection limits for irradiated in NM-316 for 16 h at the USGS Denver TRIGA
the REE were below chondritic levels. reactor along with the standard Fish Canyon tuff sanidine as
Mineral chemistry data were acquired by a JEOL JXA- a neutron flux monitor. Samples were analyzed by the step-
8230 electron microprobe at the Federal University of Rio heating method using a defocused diode laser to heat the
de Janeiro. The analytical conditions for analysis were samples. Ar–Ar measurements were made with a Thermo-
15 kV acceleration voltage, 20 nA sample current, 1 µm Scientific Helix MC noble gas mass spectrometer, operated
beam diameter and ZAF correction. Natural and synthetic in multicollection mode in which 40Ar, 39Ar, 38Ar, 37Ar are
minerals were used as standards. measured on high gain Faraday collectors and 36Ar is meas-
Isotope analysis were done on powdered samples ured on an electron multiplier ion counter collector. Anal-
leached in 6 M HCl for 1 h to remove the least strongly yses of standard gas pipettes and procedural blanks were
bonded Sr due to alteration. The Sr, Nd, Hf and Pb iso- measured through the duration of the experiment. Samples
tope data were obtained in the Isotope Lab of the New analyses are corrected for procedural blank, interfering reac-
Mexico State University. An aliquot of 200–400 mg of tions during irradiation, and detectors are inter-calibrated

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15 Page 7 of 25 15

Fig. 3  Simplified composite log of the pre-salt section of bore- (Blue areas indicate microporosity, whitish areas are mostly carbon-
hole 4-BRSA-971-SPS. Th (blue), K (red) and U (yellow) peaks are ates and brow areas are mostly clay minerals). Sample 6348.0 is a
shown. Photomicrographs of representative thin sections of sidewall hyaloclastite. Other samples are basalts with different textures along
cores at different depths are shown. Black arrows are basaltic samples the composite log. See text for details
with geochemical analyses. Samples 6202.7 and 6265.0 are marls

15 Page 8 of 25 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15

using the measurements of the standard gas pipettes. Auto- Borehole data interpretation
mated data collection and data reductions were performed
with the open source noble gas software Pychron (Ross The post-rift volcanic rocks in borehole 4-BRSA-971B-SPS
2019). A summary of the preferred crystallization ages is are mainly basalts with few interbedded fine-grained lami-
provided in Table 3 and a listing of the analytical methods nated marls with low porosity and poor reservoir quality.
is provided in Appendix 1. The borehole log analysis of the volcanic section (Fig. 3)
led to the identification of cyclic patterns with high gamma

Fig. 4  Simplified composite

log of the pre-salt section
of borehole 4-BRSA-971-
SPS. Gamma-ray (GR),
RHOB, NPHI, caliper (CALI;
in = inches) and borehole size
(BS; in = inches) logs are
shown. Yellow dots mark the
tops of different basaltic flows.
See text for details

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15 Page 9 of 25 15

ray peaks (GR) accompanied by low bulk density (RHOB) rock, and the petrography under the microscope indicates a
and high neutron porosity (NPHI) (Fig. 4). Planke (1994) lack of porosity due to high amount of clay minerals (Fig. 3).
recognized that this cyclical pattern in log data corresponds Thin sections of 44 sidewall core samples were studied
to the internal structure of tabular flows divided into crust, under the optical microscope. In general, samples exhibit
core and base. The GR peaks are related with the increase plagioclase and olivine microphenocrystals immersed in
in potassium contents in the crust of the flows due to the a fine-grained, hypocrystalline matrix, commonly seen in
presence of alteration clays (e.g. smectite, celadonite), tholeiitic basalts. Plagioclase, augite, and volcanic glass are
commonly formed in weathered subaerial flow tops. The the main matrix phases, whereas opaque minerals (Fe–Ti
crust is also fractured and vesiculated, leading to low bulk oxides) and apatite are the accessory mineral assemblage.
density (RHOB) and high neutron porosity (NPHI) values. The main secondary phases are sericite and carbonate.
The flow core is massive and non-vesicular and as such the Predominant textures are intergranular and intersertal,
density and porosity are, respectively, higher and lower than the former with small augite crystals between plagioclase
in the crust. The thin and glassy portions at the base of the laths, and the latter with interstitial glass (Fig. 5A). Por-
flows are generally fractured and vesicular (Self et al. 1997), phyritic, fine-grained basalts have swallow-tail plagioclase
resulting in GR peaks coupled with low bulk density and microphenocrysts surrounded by variolitic fine-grained to
high neutron porosity values (Nelson et al. 2009). glassy matrix (Fig. 5B). Basalts also display glomeropor-
It was possible to identify 15 tabular classic flows in the phyritic (Fig. 5C) and sieve textures (Fig. 5D), as well as
volcanic succession of borehole 4-BRSA-971B-SPS on the compositional zoning in plagioclase antecrystals (Fig. 5E).
basis of the aforementioned GR, RHOB and NPHI varia- Basalts within a small depth interval (ca. 32 m thick;
tions. Individual flows vary between 7.5–40 m with an aver- 6316.5–6348 m) present a jigsaw-fit texture, typically found
age thickness of 22.6 m. Other flows display less coherent in hyaloclastites. (Fig. 5F). Predominant post-magmatic
variations in log data preventing faciological discrimination. alteration products include saussurite over the possibly, Ca-
These flows occur in four sections of the volcanic succes- rich, inner zones of plagioclase zoned phenocrysts as well
sion with thicknesses between 15 and 55 m (Fig. 4). Overall, as cryptocrystalline materials over nearly all olivine phe-
the interpretation of the log data points to a subaerial vol- nocrysts (Fig. 5G).
canic environment typically associated with the described Amygdales are the main structure in the studied basalts.
markedly core/crust division. Volcanic quiescence seems to They are submillimetric, circular to subcircular and com-
have been long enough to allow weathering of lava flow tops monly filled with chlorite and minor euhedral opaque miner-
(Nelson et al. 2015). als, mostly pyrite (Fig. 5H). Other structures include post-
magmatic veins filled with carbonate. No flow structures
were found in the studied basalts.
Overall, the petrographic characteristics of the basalts
Petrography point to a subaerial effusive environment, except a small
interval with ca. 32 m thick (6316.5–6348 m), which pre-
The sidewall core samples are 2.5 cm in diameter and usu- sents a hyaloclastite with jigsaw-fit texture, typically found
ally less than 5 cm in length. They are aphyric and fine- in subaqueous flows. (Fig. 5F).
grained basalts in which plagioclase microphenocrysts are
immersed in a dark green to black aphanitic matrix. Many
samples have veins and fractures filled with carbonate, in Mineral chemistry
addition to a clay-rich, greenish, altered matrix. Most of the
samples are massive, lack fractures and a few have vesicles Six thin-sections (6153.7, 6181.5, 6198.0, 6535.0, 6588.0
and amygdales (Fig. 3). Samples are moderately magnetic and 6646.0 m) were selected for analysis by scanning elec-
and react to HCl whenever altered to carbonates. A less tron microscope with emission dispersive spectrometer
thick (nearly 32 m; 6316.5–6348 m) depth interval contains (SEM–EDS) prior to electron-microprobe analysis (EMPA).
a hyaloclastite composed of basaltic clasts immersed in Olivine phenocrysts are pseudomorphs altered to Mg-rich
a fine-grained brownish matrix (Fig. 3). Only 7 out of 44 clays and pyrite (Fig. 6A). Phenocrysts are surrounded by
recovered samples are not basalts, being associated with thin glass and fine-grained microlites of plagioclase, pyroxene
sedimentary layers interbedded within the basaltic flows. and needles of ilmenite (Fig. 6B). Plagioclase phenocrysts
Fine-grained laminated marls with small angular volcanic and clots with sieve textures are filled by Fe–Mg rich glass
fragments with thicknesses between 5 and 20 m constitute (Fig. 6C). All matrix phases display common quenching tex-
three intertraps. The marls were not investigated in detail in tures in some basaltic flows (Fig. 6D). Circular and irregular
the present study, but the macroscopic observation of side- shaped amygdales are filled by chlorite in patches (Fig. 6E)
wall core samples shows a partially altered and fractured and spherulitic zones (Fig. 6F).

15 Page 10 of 25 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15

Fig. 5  Photomicrographs of rep-

resentative samples of the stud-
ied basalts under plane-polar-
ized light (A, B, D, F, G and H)
and under cross-polarized light
(C and E). A–C Representative
textures; D, E disequilibrium
textures; F hyaloclastite; G, H
post-magmatic alteration; H
structure. Ol olivine pseudo-
morphs; Cpx clinopyroxene; Pl
plagioclase; Gl volcanic glass;
Chl chlorite; Py pyrite. See text
for details

EMPA data were obtained for five selected samples (6153.7, matrix are less rich in Ca than phenocrysts and plot within
6181.5, 6198.0, 6466.0, and 6646.0 m). Data are in Appen- the labradorite field in the ternary classification diagram, also
dix 2. Plagioclase phenocrysts are bytownite and core and rim displaying albite-rich patches similarly attributed to altera-
analysis in zoned crystals showed little variation within the tion (Fig. 7A). Pyroxenes in the matrix classified as augite
bytownite field in the ternary classification diagram (Fig. 7A). and no coexisting Ca-poor clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene
Local patches of albite in Ca-rich plagioclase phenocrysts are were identified in the analyzed thin sections (Fig. 7B). Opaque
probably due to alteration (Fig. 7A). Plagioclase crystals in phases in matrix are represented by ilmenite only (Fig. 7C).

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15 Page 11 of 25 15

Fig. 6  SEM–EDS hypermaps of the studied basalts of borehole in plagioclase phenocrysts (same shown in Fig. 5D). D Clinopyrox-
4-BRSA-971B-SPS. A Olivine (Ol) phenocryst altered to Mg-rich ene (Cpx) and plagioclase microlites with quenching textures. E, F
clays and pyrite (py). B Matrix with glass, plagioclase (Pl) and nee- Amygdales with different shapes and sizes filled by chlorite (Chl)
dle-shaped ilmenite (Ilm) microlites. C Glass-infilled sieve texture with patch and irregular zones

Lithogeochemistry 1991; Peate et al. 1992) is ambiguous considering their

­TiO2 contents (< 2.01 wt%) and Ti/Y ratios (439 ± 12). The
Fifteen samples of basalts were selected for whole-rock post-rift basaltic rocks of Santos Basin were plotted in a
analysis and results are shown in Table 1. The data indicate tectonic discriminant diagram due to uncertainties about
that the samples are mafic rocks (48.80 < ­SiO2 < 52.42%) the occurrence of oceanic crust in the Pre-Salt sequence
with relatively evolved compositions (5.00 < MgO < 6.81%; (Fig. 8C; Pearce and Cann 1973). All samples plotted in the
5.67 ± 0.56%) and var iably but weakly altered within plate basalts field, corroborating the non-occurrence
(1.66 < LOI < 4.08%; 2.71 ± 0.79%). In the TAS (total alka- of MORB-type basalts in the post-rift phase of the Santos
lis vs silica) discrimination diagram (Fig. 8A; Le Bas et al. Basin.
1986) the samples plot in the subalkaline basalt and basaltic The large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) display an
andesite fields of the TAS overlapping the dividing curve in enriched pattern compared to high field-strength elements
the AFM diagram (Fig. 8B). (HFSE) in the primitive mantle-normalized multielement
The tholeiitic trend of the studied basalts is supported by diagram (Fig. 8D; Sun and McDonough 1989). The negative
the Nb/Y ratios (< 0.65; Winchester and Floyd 1977) and the anomalies in Nb (2.7 < La/Nbn < 4.2), P and Ti are com-
presence of normative hypersthene (16.14 ± 2.01 wt%) in all monly associated with continental flood basalts, particularly
the samples. The tholeiitic basalts and basaltic andesites are in low-Ti basaltic suites, such as in Paraná-Etendeka, for
predominantly silica-oversaturated (normative quartz < 4.80 instance (Peate 1997). Finally, the chondrite-normalized
wt%) and subordinately silica-saturated (olivine < 3.31 wt%) rare-earth element diagram (Fig. 8E; Boynton 1984) shows
rocks, attesting to their relatively evolved compositions. The a strong enrichment in light REE relative to heavy REE
discrimination of high-Ti and low-Ti basaltic suites as previ- (4.2 < La/Ybn < 5.9).
ously proposed for continental basalt provinces (Hergt et al.

15 Page 12 of 25 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15

Fig. 7  EMPA data of studied basalts in borehole 4-BRSA-971B-SPS. of the studied basalts. Classification after Morimoto (1988). Enstatite
A Plagioclase classification of phenocrysts and matrix phases in the (En), Ferrosilite (Fs), Wollastonite (Wo). C Classification of opaque
ternary classification diagram (in mole%). Classification after Smith phases in the ternary classification diagram of Fe–Ti oxides. After
and Brown (1988). Albite (Ab), Anorthite (An) and Orthoclase (Or). Haggerty (1991)
B Ternary classification diagram (in mole%) of pyroxenes in matrix

Isotope geochemistry (Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb) involvement of HIMU and DMM components on the petro-
genesis of the studied basalts, considering their Pb isotope
Isotope analyses were performed on 12 samples selected compositions (Fig. 9C, D) is, however, implausible on the
from the basaltic flows (Table 2). The 87 Sr/ 86 Sr (115) basis of Sr, Nd and Hf isotope compositions, even con-
(0.705747–0.706804) and εNd (115) (−5.90 to −2.78) sidering possible mixing processes (Fig. 9A, B). Overall,
data of the basalts suggest derivation from a source with the isotope compositions of the basalts are more akin with
time-integrated low Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd ratios. The basalts EM1 than EM2 mantle components (Fig. 9A, B).
present a narrow range of 206 Pb/ 204 Pb (17.66–18.67),
Pb/204Pb (15.47–15.58) and 208Pb/204Pb (38.17–38.39)
ratios and εHf(115) values from −8.23 to + 0.29. Ar–Ar geochronology
The Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotope compositions of the studied
basalts are unlikely to represent derivation from a sin- In this sedimentary basin previous published geochro-
gle mantle source or component (Fig. 9). The apparent nological data for the Pre-Aptian basaltic magmatism in
Santos are related to the rift magmatism of the Camboriú

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15 Page 13 of 25 15

Table 1  Major and trace element compositions of selected samples in borehole 4-BRSA-907-SPS
Sample 6153.7 6156.7 6198.0 6252.0 6411.5 6429.0 6443.0 6466.0 6505.0 6558.0 6588.0 6608.0 6616.0 6646.0 6648.0

SiO2 48.80 48.99 50.90 49.55 50.64 49.50 51.15 49.27 51.65 49.56 49.01 51.47 52.42 50.65 50.69
TiO2 1.74 1.64 1.83 1.52 1.58 1.64 2.01 1.66 1.72 1.64 1.84 1.80 1.46 1.49 1.46
Al2O3 15.05 15.86 14.24 16.89 15.75 16.64 14.19 15.13 15.40 15.14 15.44 15.30 14.39 15.69 15.70
Fe2O3t 10.52 9.95 11.07 9.75 10.56 10.49 11.96 11.22 9.74 11.05 10.60 11.12 10.11 9.60 9.27
MnO 0.12 0.12 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.22 0.18 0.15 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.14
MgO 6.81 6.03 5.23 5.06 5.46 5.22 5.26 5.97 5.12 5.85 6.37 5.00 6.47 5.60 5.61
CaO 9.72 10.28 9.68 11.03 10.53 10.38 9.94 10.07 9.62 10.57 8.96 10.08 9.71 11.22 11.05
Na2O 2.62 2.62 2.83 2.60 2.53 2.56 2.66 3.01 3.28 2.50 2.92 2.53 2.45 2.68 2.63
K2O 0.65 0.43 0.51 0.49 0.37 0.60 0.81 0.66 0.88 0.70 0.84 0.68 0.49 0.69 0.70
P2O5 0.24 0.22 0.25 0.21 0.20 0.22 0.27 0.21 0.20 0.21 0.25 0.23 0.15 0.18 0.18
L.O.I 3.85 3.91 2.92 3.22 1.85 2.47 1.66 2.90 2.10 2.75 4.08 1.77 2.95 2.12 2.17
Total 100.12 100.05 99.64 100.48 99.62 99.88 100.13 100.27 99.86 100.14 100.47 100.15 100.75 100.07 99.60
Sc 28 27 29 27 28 26 32 29 28 30 29 29 27 28 27
Cr 180 190 250 170 210 180 120 180 90 140 130 170 280 370 330
Co 36 33 39 35 37 33 33 39 29 40 25 37 39 37 37
Ni 60 60 90 100 90 80 60 70 60 70 60 80 110 100 100
V 237 225 257 234 241 240 300 254 248 260 262 259 222 233 225
Ba 366 407 281 200 162 140 219 198 269 126 204 190 145 158 155
Rb 7 7 12 7 11 11 8 10 15 10 10 16 5 10 11
Sr 502 553 487 426 416 409 363 393 365 377 408 446 344 368 370
Y 24 21 24 20 22 22 28 23 24 23 26 25 20 20 20
Zr 136 130 150 115 116 124 149 123 133 118 138 135 112 108 108
Nb 14 12 11 11 8 11 10 10 11 8 10 9 7 8 8
La 19.5 19.3 21.1 16.2 14.8 16.3 18.9 14.8 13.3 15.2 17.9 17.2 11.9 13.3 13.8
Ce 42.6 42.8 45.8 35.9 33.4 35.5 43.0 34.4 29.8 33.9 39.7 39.0 25.9 29.6 30.5
Pr 5.36 5.28 5.71 4.30 4.28 4.42 5.53 4.32 4.21 4.35 4.97 5.03 3.53 3.75 3.94
Nd 24.0 23.5 25.7 18.8 20.0 20.5 25.5 20.1 18.4 20.1 23.1 23.0 15.5 17.1 18.4
Sm 6.00 5.60 5.80 4.70 5.00 4.90 6.20 4.90 4.85 5.30 6.00 6.00 3.96 4.50 4.40
Eu 1.93 1.85 1.99 1.66 1.70 1.74 2.08 1.67 1.62 1.79 2.04 2.00 1.37 1.52 1.62
Gd 6.60 5.90 6.40 5.10 5.70 5.50 7.00 5.60 5.16 5.80 7.00 6.70 4.16 5.00 5.10
Tb 1.00 0.90 1.00 0.80 0.90 0.90 1.10 0.90 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.00 0.65 0.80 0.80
Dy 5.60 5.10 5.70 4.40 5.00 5.10 6.30 5.20 4.55 5.40 5.80 5.70 3.78 4.40 4.60
Ho 1.00 0.90 1.00 0.80 0.90 0.90 1.10 0.90 0.88 1.00 1.10 1.10 0.73 0.80 0.80
Er 2.70 2.50 2.80 2.30 2.60 2.50 3.10 2.70 2.39 2.70 3.00 3.00 1.98 2.30 2.40
Tm 0.380 0.350 0.400 0.330 0.350 0.360 0.450 0.380 0.333 0.380 0.430 0.410 0.264 0.320 0.330
Yb 2.30 2.20 2.40 2.00 2.10 2.10 2.80 2.30 2.08 2.40 2.60 2.60 1.66 2.00 2.10
Lu 0.340 0.330 0.350 0.290 0.320 0.320 0.410 0.330 0.295 0.350 0.380 0.380 0.242 0.290 0.310
Hf 3.7 3.5 4.0 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.9 3.2 3.1 3.3 3.9 3.8 2.3 3.0 3.0
Ta 0.70 0.70 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.60 0.70 0.60 0.88 0.60 0.70 0.60 0.48 0.50 0.50
Pb n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d 5 n.d n.d n.d 14 n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d
Th 2.00 2.00 2.20 1.50 1.40 1.60 1.80 1.40 1.29 1.30 1.70 1.60 1.12 1.20 1.20
U 1.0 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.3 1.2 0.5 3.4 0.3 5.1 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3

Fe2O3t is total iron as ferric iron; LOI loss on ignition. Oxides in wt.%; elements in ppm; n.d. not detected

Formation (ca. 138 Ma, whole-rock, K–Ar; Fodor and Vet- in Santos is firstly presented in this paper (Table 3;
ter 1984). Ar–Ar ages (ca. 114–117 Ma) were referred to Appendix 1).
the post-rift magmatism in Santos (Moreira et al. 2007, Ar–Ar ages were obtained for four samples (6153.7, 6443,
although no data were published. As such, Ar–Ar geo- 6558 and 6648.0). Interpreting the shape of the spectra is dif-
chronological data for the Pre-Aptian basaltic magmatism ficult since no well-defined plateaus as defined by Fleck et al.

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Fig. 8  Geochemical data of basalts from borehole 4-BRSA-971B- discriminant diagram for basic rocks using Ti, Zr and Y, Pearce and
SPS. A Samples plotted in the total alkalis vs. S ­ iO2 (TAS) dia- Cann (1973). (WPB Whitin-Plate Basalts; IAT Island Arc Tholei-
gram (in wt%). Classification after Le Bas et al. (1986). The X–Y ites; MORB Middle Ocean Ridge Basalts; CAB Calc-Alkali Basalts).
curve divides the alkaline-subalkaline fields and is from Miyashiro Major element data recalculated to 100% on a volatile-free basis. D
(1978). B Samples plotted in the AFM diagram (A = ­Na2O + ­K2O; Primitive mantle-normalized multielement diagram. Normalization
F = FeO + 0.8998 ­Fe2O3; M = MgO; in wt%). The tholeiitic-calcal- factors are from Sun and McDonough (1989). E Chondrite-normal-
kaline divide curve is from Irvine and Baragar (1971). C Tectonic ized REE diagram. Normalization factors are from Boynton (1984)

(1977) were obtained and some MSWD indicate scatter in For instance, the glomeroporphyritic textures (Fig. 5C)
some analysis (Fig. 10). Despite these drawbacks, three out of may represent the accumulation of plagioclase in shallow-
four integrated ages (Table 3) gave results that are within the seated, subvolcanic magma chambers. Fractional crystal-
range attributed to the post-rift magmatism in Santos (Moreira lization and multiple stages of replenishment of magma
et al. 2007). The Ar–Ar ages presented here points out a mag- chambers may also explain the compositional zoning in
matic event prior the Camboriú basalts in Santos Basin. This plagioclase phenocrysts and the sieve-like corrosion of
magmatic event produced thick basaltic sequences related to plagioclase antecrystals (Fig. 5D, E). In general, the pet-
the carbonate (Barra Velha Formation) hydrocarbon reservoirs rographic features of the different basaltic flows in the
in the so-called pre-salt plays in this sedimentary basin. magmatic succession point to complex differentiation pro-
cesses taking place in subvolcanic magma chambers.
At first face, two groups of basalts can be generally dis-
Discussions of results criminated on the basis of different trace element ratios
(La/Ybn, Zr/Y, and Zr/Nb), as such: group 1 (5.4 < La/
Differentiation processes Ybn < 5.9, 5.7 < Zr/Y < 6.3, and 9.7 < Zr/Nb < 13.6) and
group 2 (4.2 < La/Ybn < 4.8, 5.1 < Zr/Y < 5.7, and 12.3 < Zr/
Some textures of the successive basaltic flows of bore- Nb < 15.8). Combined elemental and isotope data can be
hole 4-BRSA-971B-SPS seem to be related to differences used to assess possible differentiation processes within and
in cooling rates, including quenching (Fig. 5B), whereas between these two groups of basalts. For instance, samples
other may have resulted from differentiation processes.

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15 Page 15 of 25 15

Table 2  Sr, Nd, Hf and Pb isotope ratios of basalts and basaltic andesites of borehole 4-BRSA-971B-SPS in Santos Basin
Sample Rock type Sr/86Sr meas- 87Sr/86Sr 143
Nd/144Nd 143
Nd/144Nd ε115Nd 176
Hf/177Hf 176
Hf/177Hf ε115 Hf initial
whole- ured initial measured initial initial measured initial

6153.7 Basalt 0.706233 ± 10 0.706167 0.512461 ± 54 0.512333 −2.78 0.282820 ± 6 0.282797 + 0.29
6156.7 Basalt 0.706790 ± 11 0.706730 0.512364 ± 14 0.512242 −4.57 0.282616 ± 8 0.282592 −6.95
6198.0 Basalt 0.706921 ± 17 0.706804 0.512290 ± 10 0.512174 −5.90 0.282578 ± 7 0.282556 −8.23
6252.0 Basalt 0.706066 ± 13 0.705988 0.512373 ± 22 0.512245 −4.50 0.282662 ± 7 0.282638 −5.31
6411.5 Basalt 0.706413 ± 11 0.706288 0.512381 ± 28 0.512253 −4.34 0.282632 ± 6 0.282606 −6.46
6429.0 Basalt 0.705931 ± 11 0.705804 0.512321 ± 25 0.512198 −5.42 0.282676 ± 10 0.282651 −4.85
6443.0 Basalt 0.705851 ± 14 0.705747 0.512414 ± 30 0.512289 −3.64 0.282642 ± 5 0.282615 −6.12
6466.0 Basalt 0.706744 ± 11 0.706624 0.512381 ± 9 0.512256 −4.29 0.282640 ± 7 0.282614 −6.18
6558.0 Basalt 0.705901 ± 10 0.705776 0.512394 ± 9 0.512258 −4.21 0.282652 ± 9 0.282625 −5.78
6608.0 Basalt 0.706623 ± 14 0.706453 0.512376 ± 7 0.512242 −4.54 0.282609 ± 4 0.282584 −7.24
6646.0 Basalt 0.706465 ± 11 0.706337 0.512385 ± 11 0.512250 −4.38 0.282609 ± 3 0.282584 −7.21
6648.0 Basalt 0.706518 ± 10 0.706377 0.512353 ± 8 0.512230 −4.79 0.282619 ± 8 0.282593 −6.92
Sample whole-rock Pb/204Pb measured 207
Pb/204Pb measured 208

6153.7 18.39 ± 1 15.50 ± 1 38.22 ± 3

6156.7 18.06 ± 1 15.47 ± 1 38.17 ± 2
6198.0 17.66 ± 1 15.47 ± 1 38.22 ± 2
6252.0 17.74 ± 1 15.49 ± 1 38.21 ± 2
6411.5 17.87 ± 1 15.51 ± 1 38.39 ± 2
6429.0 18.17 ± 1 15.56 ± 1 38.35 ± 2
6443.0 17.99 ± 3 15.49 ± 3 38.23 ± 7
6466.0 18.67 ± 1 15.53 ± 1 38.19 ± 2
6558.0 18.83 ± 2 15.60 ± 1 38.35 ± 3
6608.0 17.80 ± 1 15.49 ± 1 38.38 ± 2
6646.0 17.76 ± 2 15.49 ± 2 38.32 ± 6
6648.0 17.77 ± 2 15.49 ± 2 38.32 ± 6

Initial ratios (Sr–Nd–Hf only) recalculated for 115 Ma. The εNdi values calculated after Goldstein et al. (1984) and εHfi values calculated after
Patchett et al. (1981)

show no coherent variations in bivariate diagrams for the and not coherently within and between the two groups of
immobile trace elements Y, Nb and Zr (Fig. 11) that could basalts (Fig. 11). Overall, it is unlikely that the basaltic sam-
represent a liquid line of descent. However, the lack of ples in borehole 4-BRSA-971B-SPS can be cogenetic by
coherent correlations in the variation diagrams cannot be differentiation processes, i.e., related to a single subvolcanic
attributed to analysis of phenocryst-rich samples, analytical magma chamber. More likely, the basaltic lava pile repre-
errors or alteration, since only the alteration-free, matrix- sents flows from different emission centers associated with
rich portion of the samples were selected for lithogeochemi- distinctive differentiation processes occurring in different
cal analysis, and the error values presented in previous sec- subvolcanic magma chambers.
tions are low. More likely, the dispersion of the basalts in the
variation diagrams (Fig. 11) indicate they are not cogenetic Mantle sources
by magma chamber-related differentiation processes.
The range of MgO contents (6.81–5.00 wt%) for all sam- The evaluation of possible crustal contamination processes
ples coupled with Sr–Nd data (Table 2; Fig. 11B) could associated with the basalts is difficult to perform since
be related with assimilation and fractional crystallization they seem to be effusions from different magma cham-
(AFC). However, samples with similar MgO contents (e.g. bers. Thus, considerations related to mantle sources based
group 1: 6558 and 6648; group 2: 6156.7; Tables 1 and 2) on isotope compositions must be done with care since
have rather different Sr, Hf and Pb isotope ratios. Moreover, they can also represent, at least in part, crustal contamina-
both immobile trace element and isotope ratios vary greatly tion processes occurring in distinctive magma chambers.

15 Page 16 of 25 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15

Fig. 9  Isotope diagrams with studied samples and major mantle com- White 1998). Tristan da Cunha (TDC) and Walvis Ridge (WR) iso-
ponents. A 87Sr/86Sr vs 143Nd/144Nd; B 143Nd/144Nd vs 176Hf/177Hf; C tope compositions from Le Roex et al. (1990), Gibson et al. (2005),
Pb/204Pb vs 207Pb/204Pb; C, D 206Pb/204Pb vs 143Nd/144Nd. Mantle Hoernle et al. (2015). All data recalculated to 115 Ma
components from Zindler and Hart (1986) except Hf data (Salters and

Table 3  Summary of 40Ar/39Ar Sample Lithotype Material Integrated age (Ma) MSWD K/Ca N
geochronological data (for more
complete data see Appendix 1) 6153.7 Basalt Whole rock 116.93 ± 0.12 26.52 0.06 14/14
6443 Basalt Whole rock 115.21 ± 0.13 130.75 0.09 15/15
6558 Basalt Whole rock 109.95 ± 0.2 197.77 0.07 15/15
6648 Basalt Whole rock 116.16 ± 0.22 352.97 0.07 14/14

Age and error calculations performed using Pychron software, version 18.2. Decay constants after Min
et al. (2000), λKtotal = 5.464e−10/a. Isotopic abundances after Steiger and Jäger (1977). Ages calculated
relative to FC-2 Fish Canyon Tuff sanidine interlaboratory standard at 28.201 Ma after Kuiper et al. (2008)
MSWD mean square of weighted deviates; N number of analyses use to compute age over total analyses

However, the values of Sr isotope initial ratios are rela- along with average isotope compositions of mafic rocks in
tively small (< 0.706804), implying that crustal contami- Walvis Ridge and Tristan da Cunha in Fig. 9. The isotope
nation, if occurred, may have not strongly changed their compositions of basalts drilled from Walvis Ridge were used
original isotope compositions. As such, we assume that the to discuss the origin of EM1 and its contribution for the
Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotope compositions of the Santos basalts petrogenesis of the Gondwana rift-related magmatism in SE
may be close to those of their respective mantle sources. Brazil (Gibson et al. 2005). The Tristan da Cunha (TDC)
The isotope compositions of typical mantle sources and mantle plume head played a key role during the Gondwana
components (DMM, HIMU, EMI and EMII) are shown rifting between 135–134 Ma, either as a mantle component

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15 Page 17 of 25 15

Fig. 10.  40Ar/39Ar step-heating spectra in whole rock samples of basaltic flows of borehole 4-BRSA-971B-SPS, Santos basin. The integrated
age, which includes Ar released from all heating steps were the preferred Ar/Ar age for all samples

(Gibson et al. 1995, 2005) or the heating source for melting of DMM is unlikely due to its 206Pb/204Pb and 143Nd/144Nd
of the SCLM (Thiede and Vasconcelos 2010). Recent work (Fig. 9D). The same applies for mixing between EM1 with
also showed that both the HT and LT basalts from Paraná either HIMU or TDC (Fig. 9).
plot around the EM1 component, which likely reflects the The origin of the EM1 component has been debated in
significant involvement of the SCLM in their petrogenesis the literature but it has generally been attributed to melting
(Beccaluva et al. 2020). in upwelling mantle plumes with the following main sce-
The isotope compositions of the Santos basalts make narios: subducted continentally derived sediments or crust
it unlikely that HIMU was involved in their petrogenesis itself into the mantle (Cohen and O’Nions 1982); delamina-
(Fig. 9). In fact, no previous work on the Gondwana-related tion of the SCLM (McKenzie and O’Nions 1983) or mantle
magmatism in SE Brazil has pointed out a role for the metasomatism (e.g. Menzies 1983). It is also possible that
involvement of a HIMU mantle component. The involvement EM1 and EM2 constitutes a single enriched portion of the
of EMII as a likely component is precluded by its Sr–Nd mantle brought together by stretching and stirring promoted
isotope compositions (Fig. 9A). Similarly, the involvement by mantle convection rather than uprising mantle plumes

15 Page 18 of 25 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15

Fig. 11  Selected samples of basalts in borehole 4-BRSA-971B-SPS (wt%) vs 143Nd/144Nd (115 Ma). C MgO (wt%) vs Y (ppm). D MgO
in Santos Basin plotted in variation diagrams for immobile trace ele- (wt%) vs Nb (ppm) Basaltic groups (1 and 2) are indicated
ment and initial isotope ratios. A MgO (wt%) vs Zr (ppm). B MgO

(Stracke 2012). Nevertheless, it seems to be a general agree- episode of the low-Ti basaltic magmatism in the Paraná-
ment that the main process for mantle enrichment would Etendeka CFB (Dani et al. 2017). On the other hand, the
involve subduction of oceanic plates and also possible sub- rift-related, Early Cretaceous low-Ti basalts of the Cabiú-
ordinate amounts of lower and upper continental crust. In nas Formation in Campos Basin have been related to the
fact, it has been proposed that the EM1 component in the Paraná-Etendeka CFB (Mizusaki et al. 1992), that include
central South Atlantic area seems to have changed both in the low-Ti Gramado and Esmeralda basaltic suites (Peate
time (100–30 Ma) and space with at least three different and Hawkesworth 1996; Rossetti et al. 2021). The Serra do
end-members such as the Congo craton and the Damara belt Mar Dike Swarm along the coastline bordering Santos Basin
in Africa, the São Francisco craton and the Brasilia Belt in is also time-correlated with Paraná-Etendeka CFB and the
Brazil and the Rio Apa-Luis Alves craton in South America Cabiúnas basalts in Campos. The dike swarm include both
(Gibson et al. 2005). In general, the mantle source of the high-Ti and low-Ti diabases, the latter represented by the
Santos basalts seems to be strongly related with an enriched Serrana, Costa Azul and Lumiar suites (Ludka 1997; Corval
mantle component, similar to EM1, and likely to represent et al. 2008).
the local SCLM in SE Brazil. Samples with similar MgO contents of the aforemen-
tioned basalt suites were selected for comparison using
Comparisons with Paraná‑Etendeka and related chondrite-normalized multielement diagrams (Fig. 12). The
dike swarm and basalts in Campos Basin MgO contents of all samples are above 6 wt% and similarly
to other works in CFB (e.g., Gibson et al. 1995) they are
The post-rift (ca. 117 Ma) basaltic magmatism in San- considered to be unaffected by major changes due to pos-
tos is coeval to the so-called Alagoas basalts in Campos sible crustal contamination during differentiation processes
Basin. The latter were associated with a late stage magmatic at shallow magma chambers. The post-rift basalt in Santos

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15 Page 19 of 25 15

Fig. 12  Low-Ti, basaltic samples of Santos (post-rift), Campos (Rift alda and Gramado (respectively, samples RP9; MgO = 6.16 wt%;
and post-rift) and Esmeralda and Gramado (Paraná-Etendeka CFB and RP23; MgO = 6.53 wt%; De Min et al. 2018). C Ti/Y vs Ti/Zr
province) plotted in normalized multielement diagrams and bivariate diagram with areas of representative compositions of the Esmeralda
plot. A Primitive mantle-normalized multielement diagram. Normali- and Gramado basalts and low-Ti diabases of the Serra do Mar Dike
zation factors are from Sun and McDonough (1989). B Chondrite- Swarm (Costa Azul, Serrana and Lumiar) (black and grey shaded
normalized REE diagram. Normalization factors are from Boyn- areas). Data of Esmeralda and Gramado compiled from Peate and
ton (1984). Sample 6153,7; MgO = 6.81 wt%; this study); Campos Hawkesworth (1996). Data from low-Ti diabases from Ludka (1997),
post-rift (sample 35; MgO = 6.63 wt%; Dani et al. 2017); Campos Corval et al. (2008)
rift (sample BD-4, MgO = 7.12 wt% Mizusaki et al. 1992); Esmer-

Table 4  Chondrite-normalized Sample La/YbN La/SmN Gd/YbN

REE ratios of low-Ti basalts
6153.7 (this study) 5.7 2.0 2.3
Sample 35 (Alagoas basalts; post-rift Campos) 5.8 2.7 1.7
BD-4 (rift Campos; Cabiúnas Fm.) 6.5 2.8 1.6
RP9 (Esmeralda; Paraná-Etendeka CFB) 3.2 2.0 1.4
RP23 (Gramado; Paraná-Etendeka CFB) 3.9 2.4 1.4

Sample 6153,7; MgO = 6.81 wt%; this study); Campos post-rift (sample 35; MgO = 6.63 wt%; Dani et al.
2017); Campos rift (sample BD-4, MgO = 7.12 wt% Mizusaki et al. 1992); Esmeralda and Gramado
(respectively, samples RP9; MgO = 6.16 wt%; and RP23; MgO = 6.53 wt%; De Min et al. 2018). Normali-
zation values from Boynton (1984)

15 Page 20 of 25 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15

(sample 6153.7) presents the negative Nb–Ta anomaly typi- of the Alagoas basalts has been attributed to due to sea-water
cal of the other CFB-related basalts in Paraná-Etendeka and alteration and/or crustal assimilation (Dani et al. 2017).
Campos Basin. It also presents negative anomalies of Ti The least contaminated rift-related basalt in Campos
and P seen in low-Ti samples from Paraná-Etendeka and (RJS-156) displays lower Nd isotope ratios than the Alagoas
Campos (Fig. 12A). The patterns of all samples in the REE basalts in Campos and the post-rift basalts in Santos (Sam-
chondrite-normalized diagram are quite different from ple 6). Samples RJS-36 (10) and RJS-36 (11) were dated at
N-MORBS, attesting for the influence of the continental 112 ± 4 Ma (whole-rock, K–Ar data; Mizusaki et al. 1992)
lithosphere on the origin of the basalts. Sample 6153.7 of and, as such, could also be coeval with the post-rift magma-
borehole 4-BRSA-971-SPS and sample 35 of the Alagoas tism in Campos and Santos. Nevertheless, those ages must
(post-rift) basalt in Campos (Dani et al. 2017) have similar be taken with care since their Sr isotope ratios (Fig. 13)
La/YbN ratios, both lower and higher than the rift-related could also have been affected by alteration processes (Mizu-
basalt in Campos (BD-4) and the Paraná-Etendeka basalts saki et al. 1992).
(RP9 and RP23), respectively (Fig. 12B and Table 4). How- Altogether, the largely uncontaminated post-rift basalts
ever, the Alagoas basalts in Campos and the post-rift basalt in Santos and the uncontaminated rift- and post-rift related
in this study differ in their REE ratios. For instance, the La/ basalts in Campos (respectively, RJS-156 and Sample 6;
SmN and Gd/YbN ratios of the Alagoas and Santos basalts Fig. 13) have rather similar Sr–Nd isotope ratios. As such,
with similar MgO contents are 2.7 and 1.7, and 2.0 and 2.3, they could be associated with similar mantle sources but
respectively (Fig. 12B and Table 4). These differences may different amounts of partial melting as shown by their dif-
be related to derivation from different mantle sources or ferent REE ratios (Fig. 12B and Table 4). Differences in
retention of different residual phases during partial melting. residual modal phases in the same mantle source could also
The post-rift basalts in Santos also have Ti/Zr and Ti/Y dif- contribute for the differences in the REE ratios of the basalts.
ferent from the low-Ti Esmeralda and Gramado as well as
ca. 130 Ma low-Ti diabase suites in the Serra do Mar Dike Geodynamics
Swarm (Ludka 1997; Corval et al. 2008) (Fig. 12C). In gen-
eral, the post-rift basaltic magmatism recorded in borehole The Paraná-Etendeka CFB evolved from a thick cover in
4-BRSA-971-SPS in Santos seems unrelated to the Early the pre-rift stage (Paraná plateau), to a progressive conti-
Cretaceous Paraná-Etendeka and associated dike swarms. nental rifting in Etendeka, and then opened to the South
The post-rift Santos basalts and the post-rift and rift- Atlantic at the same latitude (Beccaluva et al. 2020). This
related Campos basalts have distinctive Sr–Nd initial isotope Early Cretaceous magmatism is associated with the Cam-
ratios (Fig. 13). The rift-related Campos basalts (Cabiúnas boriú and Cabiúnas basalts, found at the bottom of San-
Fm.) spread over a wide range of radiogenic Sr compositions tos and Campos Basins, respectively (Thomaz Filho et al.
that are likely to be related with crustal contamination pro- 2008). The Tristan da Cunha mantle plume played a key
cesses (Mizusaki et al. 1992; Lobo et al. 2007). The Alagoas role in the Paraná-Etendeka magmatism and may even
basalts in Campos also spread over a larger range of radio- have led to the Gondwana breakup initiation in the Early
genic Sr isotope ratios. This wide range or Sr isotope ratios Cretaceous. The occurrence of several alkaline complexes
(145–138 Ma) before the main tholeiitic magmatism points
to the heating of the SCLM probably due to the long resi-
dence time of the plume (Comin-Chiaramonti et al. 1997;
Gibson et al. 2005; Beccaluva et al. 2020). Several authors
suggested that the SCLM was the main mantle source of
the Paraná-Etendeka magmatism and that the Tristan da
Cunha plume had a major thermal effect upon the hetero-
geneous SCLM enriched by subducted material during the
Neoproterozoic orogenic cycle (Peate 1997; Ernesto et al.
2002). In this case, contributions of melts from the Tristan
da Cunha plume would be of minor or no relevance in
the petrogenesis of the rift-related basalts in Santos and
Campos basins.
The Santos post-rift basalts have Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotope
compositions that are similar to Walvis Ridge and EM1
Fig. 13  Bivariate diagram with Sr–Nd isotope initial ratios of low-Ti
(Fig. 9). As such, the mantle sources for the studied basalts
basaltic samples of Santos (post-rift), Campos (Rift and post-rift). All
data recalculated to 115 Ma. Sources: Campos post-rift (Dani et al. are likely to be related to the local SCLM. There is no nota-
2017); Campos rift (Mizusaki et al. 1992) ble evidence for contributions from depleted N-MORB

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15 Page 21 of 25 15

the range of Dy/Yb and La/Yb ratios of the samples with

MgO > 5 wt%, likely to be unaffected by crustal contami-
nation as proposed for CFB elsewhere (e.g. Gibson et al.
1995). Results of the non-modal batch modeling showed
that those trace element ratios (5 < La/Yb < 10; 2.0 < Dy/
Yb < 2.5) could be achieved by about 30% melting within the
spinel-garnet transition zone involving an enriched SCLM
(peridotite with 54% olivine, 20% orthopyroxene, 15% clino-
pyroxene and equal amounts (3%) of garnet and spinel. The
source would also have about 5% amphibole as a means
to explain the general negative anomalies in Rb and K not
coupled with Ba. The presence of a volatile-bearing phase
(amphibole) in the source is consistent with the involvement
of the SCLM in the petrogenesis, as well as the trigering of
the melting process at lower temperatures than those neces-
Fig. 14  Results of the non-modal batch partial melting model. REE sary to melt the dry peridotite. The La/Yb and Dy/Yb ratios
ratios are indicated. Partition coefficients (Kd) from Rollinson (1993), of the SCLM source would have to be about 5.5 times and
except for amphibole (McKenzie and O'Nions 1991) re indicated.
Element ratios of the source (Co) are indicated 2.0 times richer than chondritic values, respectively (i.e.,
an enriched LREE SCLM). Therefore, the non-modal par-
tial melting model indicates that the post-rift magmatism in
or OIB-like asthenospheric sources such as the Tristan da Santos is related to melting of the volatile-bearing, enriched
Cunha plume. peridotite of the SCLM within the garnet-spinel transition
The depths of partial melting of the SCLM were inves- stability zone (about 80 km).
tigated by geochemical modeling and results are presented A conceptual geodynamic model for Santos Basin in the
in Fig. 14. A non-modal batch partial melting model was Aptian (ca. 115 Ma) based on the petrological data obtained
done to test for melting within the garnet-spinel transition by this study is shown in Fig. 15. The model assumes a
zone (80 km). The aims of the modelling was to reproduce thick continental crust in southern Santos (Zalán 2015) in

Fig. 15  Geodynamic conceptual

model for the Aptian magma-
tism in Santos Basin illustrating
the melting of the blob-rich
SCLM due to heat (arrows)
from the Tristan da Cunha
mantle plume. The extension
of the plume heat conduction
eastwards and interactions with
N-MORB mantle components
are difficult to constrain (ques-
tion marks). Possible plumb-
ing systems in the upper crust
below central Santos (borehole
location; not in scale) is shown
as connected brown ellipses.
The structure of the continental
crust is modified from Zalán

15 Page 22 of 25 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2023) 178:15

the Aptian and a thick lithospheric mantle below Moho. The The basalts were dated at ca. 115 Ma and as such are
depleted N-MORB asthenospheric source would be placed younger than the Camboriú basalts in Santos Basin and the
eastwards the study area, contributing to oceanic crust ini- Paraná-Etendeka continental flood basalts and related dike
tiation. Partial melting solely of the SCLM is attributed to swarms in the adjoining continental area. The ca. 115 Ma,
either the presence of the Tristan da Cunha mantle plume Aptian Santos basalts are not related to either the low-Ti,
at ca. 115 Ma or stretching of the still hot SCLM that was Esmeralda and Gramado suites in Paraná-Etendeka or the
strongly heated about 15 Myr before, during the Paraná- low-Ti Lumiar, Serrana, and Costa Azul suites in the Serra
Etendeka magmatism. The different Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotope do Mar Dike Swarm on the basis of lithogeochemical and
ratios of samples 6153.7 and 6558 indicate that distinctive isotope data. No correlation exists with the Aptian, Alagoas
portions of the enriched SCLM were melted in the Aptian basalts in Campos on the same basis, as well.
as opposed to melting of the same mantle source due to dif- The Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotope ratios of the Aptian basalts in
ferent amounts of stretching. Overall, the proposed geody- Santos points to a major or solely derivation from a EM1
namic model implies an elevated geothermal gradient below mantle component likely to be found in the SCLM. The
southern Santos Basin in the Aptian. Aptian basalts in Santos are thought to be related with melt-
ing of a thick local, SCLM within the garnet stability zone.
Melting in the Aptian was possible due to heat conduction
from either the underlain Tristan da Cunha mantle plume or
Summary and conclusions stretching of the anomalously hot SCLM due to the remain-
ing heat advected by Tristan during the voluminous basaltic
The magmatic section in borehole 4-BRSA-971B-SPS is magmatism of the Paraná-Etendeka CFB.
about 500 m thick and is interbedded with three layers of
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
marls. The magmatic section comprises multiple basalt flows tary material available at https://d​ oi.o​ rg/1​ 0.1​ 007/s​ 00410-0​ 23-0​ 1995-0.
of mostly subaerial lavas as depicted by coherent, non-brec-
ciated, top–bottom amygdaloidal lithofacies. These flows Acknowledgements The authors thank Shell Brazil for the financial
may have covered large areas in Santos as typically seen in support through the R&D project, “PRESALT—Geological charac-
terization of carbonate reservoirs from the Pre-Salt interval of San-
CFB provinces elsewhere. Flows were probably formed by tos Basin, correlates (Sergipe-Alagoas Basin) and analogues” (ANP
effusion from different vents since the basalts are not coge- 20225-9). We also thank the Brazilian Centre for Mineral Technology
netic according to lithogeochemical data. (CETEM) for sample preparation and SEM-EDS analysis.
The basalts are predominantly porphyritic rocks with
Data availability Not applicable.
plagioclase phenocrysts immersed in an altered glass-rich
groundmass also composed of plagioclase, clinopyroxene Code availability Not applicable.
and Fe–Ti oxides. Plagioclase phenocrysts are bytownite
whereas the groundmass plagioclase is labradorite. The Declarations
clinopyroxene is augite and Fe–Ti oxide is ilmenite. Scarce
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no known com-
olivine phenocrysts altered to Mg-rich clay minerals occur peting financial interests or personal relationships that could have ap-
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