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Monday, July 8, 2024

Increasingly, police credibility is on trial Legislators

jam 2 years’
Detective’s testimony in Read case puts able to defense lawyers in criminal
cases in which the sheriffs’ offices
opaque and continuously evolving
requirements of what information
focus on how to disclose misconduct are involved. Otherwise, he said, it they have to turn over about officers
could jeopardize his office’s ability to who are due to testify. The state’s

work into
By Sean Cotter legal analysts. prosecute cases. public defender agency also sent a
GLOBE sTAFF Last month, for instance, cape “i’m just trying to follow the letter to the massachusetts district
The disastrous testimony of a and islands district Attorney robert rules,” Galibois said, acknowledging Attorneys Association arguing that
state Police detective in the Karen J. Galibois asked a judge to force the that his court complaint was a rare prosecutors must do more to comply
read trial has added urgency to re- sheriffs of two counties to turn over escalation of a dispute between law with the legal requirements.

1 month
cent calls for prosecutors and law disciplinary materials for all their of- enforcement agencies. The importance of credibility in
enforcement agencies to better dis- ficers over the past 20 years, and This extraordinary step comes as law-enforcement witnesses was re-
close any misconduct and disciplin- provide a current list of employees. district attorneys and local law-en- cently underscored in the case of
ary matters of officers who may tes- Galibois said he has the legal obliga- forcement agencies around the state Karen read, whose high-profile trial
tify in a criminal trial, according to tion to make this information avail- grapple with what they termed BRADY LIST, Page A10

Among many bills in dark

as term nears end: measure
‘Tackling decarbonization in existing affordable-housing stock is super important.’ pushing pay transparency
JOE BAcKEr, Boston’s senior project manager for neighborhood housing
By Matt Stout

in the span of about two weeks last fall, the

massachusetts house and senate overwhelmingly
approved bills that would mandate employers dis-
close salary ranges in their job postings. Promi-
nent business groups backed the idea. Advocates
and unions supported compromise language. And
lawmakers quickly tapped negotiators to hammer
out a final version.
“so many people,” state senator Patricia d. Je-
hlen said in October, “have helped improve and
move this legislation.”
Then, all movement ceased. Eight months lat-
er, the bill hasn’t budged from a closed-door con-
ference committee, where lawmakers cloak their
negotiations in secrecy, leaving it unclear to con-
stituents and others if they’re talking about the
bill at all.
Legislation designed to shed light on gender
and racial wage gaps has, itself, gone dark.
This is the reality on Beacon hill as the Legisla-
ture hurtles toward the end of its 19-month for-
mal work session on July 31. The pay transparen-
cy bill is now just one of dozens of proposals that
remain in formal talks or — in Beacon hill’s par-
lance — on the table in either chamber, creating a

Key Democrats
PhOTOs By dAvid L. ryAn/GLOBE sTAFF

Workers finished floors at the Stone Mill Lofts in Lawrence last month. The former mill has become an 86-unit apartment
privately call
for president
building. Eighty percent of its units are designated for residents who make less than 60 percent of the area median income.

A good climate for housing fixes to withdraw

House leaders convene
Retrofitting buildings provides sustainability, much-needed homes, cities find
session over concerns
By Ivy Scott By Luke Broadwater and Robert Jimison

LAwrEncE — From the outside, the old stone mill looks wAshinGTOn — President Biden’s base of
much the same as it did 150 years ago, when it was at the cen- support among key democrats on capitol hill be-
ter of the city’s bustling industrial life. inside, however, the gan to crumble sunday as at least four top mem-
building is equipped with heat pumps, all-electric appliances, bers of the house privately told colleagues he
and triple-pane glass windows, making it modern even by should withdraw from the presidential race amid
21st-century standards. growing concerns about his age and ability to win
no longer a hub of commerce, the stone mill Lofts has be- reelection.
come an 86-unit apartment building, though one that still during a virtual private meeting, the house
maintains much of its historic charm, with a high tower loom- democrats — all senior members of powerful com-
ing over the impressive granite structure. mittees — discussed how to use their collective in-
The mill, which was retrofitted using settlement funds fluence to convince Biden he had little chance of
from the 2018 merrimack valley gas explosions as well as fed- defeating former president Trump, according to
eral and state low-income housing tax credits, is an example of five people familiar with the confidential discus-
how architects are looking to meet the state’s housing and cli- sion, including three who were present, all of
mate challenges with solutions that tackle both. whom insisted on anonymity to discuss it.
“Both of those are worthy goals, and both really deserve The consensus during the session, which was
our attention. The question is how can we do that most effec- convened by representative hakeem Jeffries of new
The Stone Mill Lofts building still maintains much of the site’s tively when resources are finite,” said darien crimmin, vice york, the minority leader, was that a change at the
historic charm, with a high tower looming over its granite structure. GREEN, Page A7 BIDEN, Page A6

A French twist
Strong results from a far-left coalition in
Transgender teens become advocates in N.H.
Sunday’s voting prevented a far-right ascen- In contentious debates regarding
sion, but chaos looms for lawmakers. A5.
legislation, they’re speaking out
Sweat, pants National Amuse-
ments, the Nor- By Amanda Gokee
Monday: Humid, some sun. wood-based en- GLOBE sTAFF

High 84-89, low 72-77. tertainment con- PEmBrOKE, n.h. — iris Turmelle, 14, wanted to spend her
glomerate, is spring break playing the video game minecraft with her
Tuesday: Humid, less sun. friends.
High 87-92, low 71-76. slated to be
bought as part of instead, the eighth-grader from Pembroke was testifying at
Sunrise: 5:16. Sunset: 8:23. a merger be- the new hampshire state house on a bill that would bar trans-
Weather and comics, D4-5. gender girls like her from female sports teams.
tween Para-
“i’m a trans girl,” iris told lawmakers in April. “This is who i
Obituaries, C9. mount Global
am, and nothing can change that. none of these bills can. no
and Skydance. one can say that i’m not. i’ve lived in new hampshire my whole
D1. life and want to be able to stay here. if these bills become law,
vOL . 306, nO. 8 then that might not be possible.”
Houston and As she delivered her testimony, she was direct, poised, and
* other parts of articulate. At this point, she’s had years of practice advocating
suggested retail price southern Texas for herself and teenagers like her. it’s a role she never asked for
$4.00 received the first but feels a duty to fill.
lashing bands of iris became an advocate when she was just 10 years old,
Tropical Storm with written testimony that didn’t identify her by name, her
Beryl. A2. mother, Amy manzelli, told the Globe. Eventually, her parents
allowed iris to identify herself publicly. Iris Turmelle held her stuffed animal while sitting with her mother, Amy, in
NEW HAMPSHIRE, Page A10 her bedroom in Plymouth, N.H.
a2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N D a Y, J U L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4

The Nation
Beryl moves closer to landfall in Texas Scam
Coastal residents that people weren’t sure where
beryl would make landfall.
are told to expect “the ocean is getting very
angry, very fast,” he said sun-
outages, flooding
the earliest storm to develop
By Juan Lozano into a category 5 hurricane in
and Jim Vertuno the atlantic, beryl caused at
assOciateD press least 11 deaths as it passed Aging population
MataGOrDa, texas — ber- through the caribbean on its
yl began lashing texas with rain way to texas. the storm ripped vulnerable in US
and intensifying winds sunday off doors, windows, and roofs
as coastal residents boarded up with devastating winds and By Michael Rubinkam
windows, left beach towns un- storm surge fueled by the atlan- assOciateD press

der evacuation orders, and pre- tic’s record warmth. the scammers are winning.
pared for the storm that cut a three times in its one week sophisticated overseas crimi-
deadly path through parts of of life, beryl has gained 35 miles nals are stealing tens of billions
Mexico and the caribbean. per hour in wind speed in 24 of dollars from americans every
although beryl remained a hours or less, the official weath- year, a crime wave projected to
tropical storm sunday as it er service definition of rapid in- get worse as the Us population
churned toward texas, it threat- tensification. beryl’s explosive ages and technology like ai
ened to regain hurricane growth shows the hot water of makes it easier to perpetrate
strength in the warm waters of the atlantic and caribbean, and fraud and get away with it.
the Gulf of Mexico before mak- what the atlantic hurricane belt in t e r n e t a n d t e l e p h o n e
JON shapLeY/hOUstON chrONicLe via assOciateD press
ing landfall early Monday. the can expect for the rest of the scams have grown “exponential-
storm was projected to come Clyde George and his son Chris boarded up their home in Port O’Connor, Texas, on Sunday storm season, experts said. ly,” overwhelming police and
ashore in the middle of the tex- ahead of the expected arrival of Tropical Storm Beryl. texas officials warned peo- prosecutors who catch and con-
as coast around Matagorda bay, ple along the entire coastline to vict relatively few of the perpe-
about 100 miles south of hous- of trigger our concern a little residents and business owners ing in a previous hurricane that prepare for flooding, heavy rain, trators, said kathy stokes, direc-
ton, but officials cautioned the bit, we’ve looked at all of the took the typical precautions, brought a 20-foot storm surge. and wind. the hurricane warn- tor of fraud prevention at
path could still change. roads leaving the coast and the but also expressed uncertainty “in town, you know, if you’re ing extended from baffin bay, aarp’s Fraud Watch Network.
texas officials warned the maps are still green,” said texas about the storm’s intensity. in the low-lying areas, obvious- south of corpus christi, to sar- victims rarely get their mon-
storm would cause power out- Lieutenant Governor Dan pat- in port Lavaca, Jimmy May ly, you need to get out of there,” gent, south of houston. the ey back, including older people
ages and flooding but also ex- rick, who is serving as the state’s fastened plywood over the win- he said. White house said sunday that who have lost life savings to ro-
pressed worry that not enough acting governor while Governor dows of his electrical supply Farther down the coast in the Federal emergency Man- mance scams, grandparent
coastal residents and beach va- Greg abbott is traveling over- company and said he wasn’t Freeport, Mark richardson, a agement agency had sent emer- scams, technical support fraud,
cationers in beryl’s path were seas. “so we don’t see many peo- concerned about the possible 64-year-old retiree, said home- gency responders, search-and- and other common grifts.
heeding warnings to leave. ple leaving.” storm surge. he recalled that owners were “trying to tie ev- rescue teams, bottled water, and “We are at a crisis level in
“One of the things that kind along the texas coast, many his business had escaped flood- erything down.” he worried other resources along the coast. fraud in society,” stokes said. “so
many people have joined the
fray because it is pretty easy to
be a criminal. they don’t have to
Daily Briefing follow any rules. and you can
make a lot of money, and then
there’s very little chance that
Southern Calif. you’re going to get caught.”
a recent case from Ohio, in
wildfire spurs which an 81-year-old man was
evacuation order targeted by a scammer and alleg-
edly responded with violence, il-
lustrates the law enforcement
a wildfire that erupted in challenge.
the mountains of santa police say the man fatally
barbara county in southern shot an Uber driver after wrong-
california has burned more ly assuming she was in on a plot
than 16,000 acres, prompt- to extract $12,000 in supposed
ing an evacuation order and bond money for a relative. the
threatening ranches, includ- driver fell victim to the same
ing Michael Jackson’s former scammer, dispatched to the
Neverland ranch, authori- home midway between Dayton
ties said. and columbus to pick up a pack-
the fire, called the Lake age for delivery, according to au-
fire, broke out Friday near thorities.
Zaca Lake, just northeast of homeowner William brock
Los Olivos, according to the was charged with murder in the
california Department of fatal March 25 shooting of Lo-
Forestry and Fire protection. Letha hall, but the scammer
the cause of the fire, who threatened brock over the
which was zero percent con- phone and set the chain of
tained as of sunday, re- events in motion remains on the
mained under investigation. loose months later. brock plead-
the santa barbara coun- ed not guilty, saying he was in
ty sheriff’s Office issued an fear for his life.
evacuation order for an area Online and telephone rackets
near the Los padres National have become so commonplace
Forest that includes the that law enforcement agencies
beckY bOhrer/assOciateD press
property once known as don’t have the resources to keep
Michael Jackson’s Neverland Many Juneau residents say they need a respite from the tourists who arrive daily on giant cruise ships. up.
ranch. about 100 residents “it’s a little bit like drinking
were affected by the order,
said kenichi haskett, a pub-
An Alaska tourist spot will vote whether to ban cruise ships on Saturdays from a fire hose,” said brady Fin-
ta, a former Fbi agent who su-
lic information officer for cal JUNeaU, alaska — each for the Oct. 1 municipal ballot, who arrive on multistory ships horns and broadcast announce- pervised elder fraud investiga-
Fire. No structural damage, year, tourists arrive in alaska’s setting the stage for a debate towering over parts of the mod- ments made to passengers. tions. “there’s just so much of it,
injuries, or fatalities have capital city on cruise ships to about how much tourism is too est downtown skyline. Many the current “overwhelm- logistically and reasonably, it’s
been reported so far. see wonders like the Menden- much. the measure would also residents of this city of about ing” number of visitors dimin- almost impossible to overcome
NeW YOrk tiMes hall Glacier. Now, long-simmer- ban ships on July 4. 32,000 have concerns about in- ishes what residents love so right now.”
ing tensions over Juneau’s tour- the “ship-free saturdays” creased traffic, congested trails, much about Juneau, she said. Grifts also can be difficult to
ism boom are coming to a head initiative will go to voters un- and the frequent buzz of sight- “it’s about preserving the investigate, particularly ones
Amtrak restores over a voter initiative aimed at
giving residents a respite from
less the local assembly enacts a
similar measure by aug. 15,
seeing helicopters transporting
visitors to the Mendenhall and
lifestyle that keeps us in Ju-
neau, which is about clean air,
that originate overseas, with sto-
len funds converted into crypto-
service after the influx. which is seen as unlikely. other glaciers. clean water, pristine environ- currency or siphoned into for-

lightning strike a measure that would ban

cruise ships with 250 or more
Juneau, accessible only by
water or air, is home to the
Deborah craig, who has
lived in Juneau for decades,
ment, and easy access to trails,
easy access to water sports and
eign bank accounts.
some police departments
passengers from docking in Mendenhall Glacier, a major supports ship-free saturdays. nature,” she said. don’t take financial scams as se-
NeW YOrk — amtrak Juneau on saturdays qualified draw for the cruise passengers craig often hears their fog assOciateD press riously as other crime and vic-
rail service between New tims wind up discouraged and
York and boston was re- demoralized, according to paul
stored after a lightning strike
was believed to have caused
Persistent heat wave across country expected to shatter new records Greenwood, who spent 22 years
prosecuting elder financial
a circuit breaker to malfunc- LOs aNGeLes— a long- european climate service co- abuse cases in san Diego.
tion, the rail service an- running heat wave that has pernicus. “there’s a lot of law enforce-
nounced. already shattered previous there’s hope that the planet ment who think that because a
the malfunction caused a records across the nation will will soon see an end to the re- victim sends money voluntarily
power outage on all tracks persist, baking parts of the cord-setting part of the heat through gift cards or through
between penn station in West with dangerous tempera- streak, but not the climate cha- wire transfers, or for buying
New York and Union station tures that will soar into the os that has come with it, scien- crypto, that they’re actually en-
in New haven, beginning 100s and holding the east in tists said. gaging in a consensual transac-
saturday afternoon. its hot and humid grip the global temperature in tion,” said Greenwood, who trav-
amtrak announced the throughout the week, forecast- June was record warm for the els the country teaching police
service had been restored in ers said on sunday. 13th straight month, and it how to spot fraud. “and that is a
a statement posted on its an excessive heat warning marked the 12th straight big mistake because it’s not. it’s
website late saturday. — the National Weather ser- month that the world was 1.5 not consensual. they’ve been de-
Most trains were expected vice’s highest alert — was in ef- degrees celsius (2.7 degrees frauded.”
to be on schedule sunday, al- fect for about 36 million peo- Fahrenheit) warmer than pre- Older people hold more
though some train services ple, or about 10 percent of the industrial times, copernicus wealth as a group and present a
GabrieLLe LUrie/saN FraNciscO chrONicLe
were canceled and others population, said NWs meteo- said in an early Monday an- ripe target for scammers. the
were expected to operate on rologist bryan Jackson. Dozens A man at a homeless encampment in San Francisco tried to nouncement. impact can be devastating since
a modified schedule, the of locations in the West and pa- cool off on Sunday as temperatures soared. “it’s a stark warning that we many of these victims are past
company said. cific Northwest were expected are getting closer to this very their working years and don’t
customers with reserva- to tie or break previous heat re- a record 119. phoenix set a city was flirting with a record important limit set by the paris have much time to recoup losses.
tions on affected trains cords, he said. new daily record sunday for high of 118. agreement,” copernicus senior elder fraud complaints to the
would be accommodated on that was certainly the case the warmest low temperature: Globally, the planet’s more climate scientist Nicolas Julien Fbi’s internet crime complaint
trains with similar departure over the weekend: Many areas it never got below 92 degrees. than year-long streak of re- said in an interview. “the glob- center rose by 14 percent last
times or on other days, the in Northern california sur- Las vegas on saturday tied cord-shattering hot months al temperature continues to in- year, with losses increasing by
rail service said saturday. passed 110 degrees, with the the record of 115, last reached kept on simmering through crease. it has at a rapid pace.” 11 percent to $3.4 billion, ac-
assOciateD press city of redding topping out at in 2007, and on sunday the June as well, according to the assOciateD press cording to a recent Fbi report.
M O N d A y, J U L y 8 , 2 0 2 4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e The Nation A3

Crew of simulated Mars habitat emerges after a year

Volunteers give their 378 days in confinement
“went by quickly.”
Brockwell, the crew’s flight
e n g i n e e r, s a i d t h e m i s s i o n
NASA data for The quartet lived and showed him the importance of
worked inside the space of living sustainably for the bene-
future missions 17,000 square feet to simulate a fit of everyone on Earth.
mission to the red planet, the “I’m very grateful to have
By Brian P. D. Hannon fourth from the sun and a fre- had this incredible opportunity
ASSOcIATEd PRESS quent focus of discussion con- to live for a year within the spir-
The crew of a NASA mission cerning a possible voyage tak- it of planetary adventure to-
to Mars emerged from their ing humans beyond our moon. wards an exciting future, and
craft after a yearlong voyage The first cHAPEA crew fo- I’m grateful for the chance to
that never left Earth. cused on establishing possible live the idea that we must uti-
T he four volunteer crew conditions for future Mars op- lize resources no faster than
members spent more than 12 erations through simulated they can be replenished and
months inside NASA’s first sim- s p a c e w a l k s , d u b b e d “ Ma r - produce waste no faster than
ulated Mars environment at swalks,” as well as growing and they can be processed back into
Johnson Space center in Hous- harvesting vegetables to supple- resources,” Brockwell said.
ton, coming out of the artificial ment their provisions and “We cannot live, dream, cre-
alien environment Saturday maintaining the habitat and ate, or explore on any signifi-
around 5 p.m. their equipment. cant timeframe if we don’t live
Kelly Haston, Anca Selariu, They also worked through these principles, but if we do,
Ross Brockwell, and Nathan challenges a real Mars crew we can achieve and sustain
Jones entered the habitat on would be expected to experi- Anca Selariu, a crew member of the first CHAPEA mission, spoke in front of colleagues (from amazing and inspiring things
June 25, 2023, as the maiden ence including limited resourc- left) Kelly Haston, Ross Brockwell, and Nathan Jones on Saturday at Johnson Space Center. like exploring other worlds,” he
crew of the space agency’s crew es, isolation, and delays in com- said.
Health and Performance Explo- munication of up to 22 minutes Steve Koerner, deputy direc- from their families, placed on a t h e h a b i t a t ’s d o o r b y K j e l l Science officer Anca Selariu
ration Analog project. with their home planet, NASA tor of Johnson Space center, carefully prescribed meal plan, Lindgren, an astronaut and the said she had been asked why
Haston, the mission com- said. said most of the first crew’s ex- and undergone a lot of observa- deputy director of flight opera- there is a fixation on Mars.
mander, began with a simple, Two additional cHAPEA perimentation focused on nu- tion,” Koerner said. tions, the four volunteers spoke “Why go to Mars? Because
“Hello.” missions are planned and crews trition and how that affected “Mars is our goal,” he said, of the gratitude they had for it’s possible,” she said. “Because
“It’s actually just so wonder- will continue conducting simu- their performance. The work calling the project an important each other and those who wait- space can unite and bring out
ful to be able to say ‘hello’ to you lated spacewalks and gathering was “crucial science as we pre- step in America’s intent to be a ed patiently outside, as well as the best in us. Because it’s one
all,” she said. data on factors related to physi- pare to send people on to the leader in the global space explo- lessons learned about a pro- defining step that ‘Earthlings’
Jones, a physician and the cal and behavioral health and red planet,” he said. ration effort. spective manned mission to will take to light the way into
mission medical officer, said performance, NASA said. “ They ’ ve been separated Emerging after a knock on Mars and life on Earth. the next centuries.”


High court upended gun laws nationwide; confusion followed 1 Exchange Place, Suite 201
Boston, MA 02109-2132
Justices adjust, Amendment rights in America historical mandate. Only eight the surgeon general has de- from his lifetime appointment The Boston Globe (USPS061-420)
and launched hundreds of law- of roughly 500 federal court cas- clared gun violence a public on the court of Appeals for the is published Monday–Saturday.
but damage has suits challenging gun restric- es that are challenging the con- health crisis and as a new study Ninth circuit. Periodicals postage-paid at Boston, MA.
tions nationwide. stitutionality of firearms restric- reports that gun rulings have be- “If the Supreme court hands
already been done This summer, the Supreme tions since the Bruen decision come more politically polarized, down a decision like Bruen that
Postmaster, send address changes to:
court said it had been misun- that are being tracked by the experts said. imposes a mode of analysis that Mail Subscription Department
By Rachel Weiner derstood: courts were taking gun-control advocacy group The Bruen test was created in you think is completely misguid- 300 Constitution Dr.
WASHINGTON POST too far Bruen’s guidance that Brady involve the law recently response to conservative com- ed, that leads to results you Taunton, MA 02783
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a4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e m O N D a Y, J U L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4

The World
Daily Briefing

New UK leader
seeks to improve
EU trade deal
LONDON — British Prime
minister keir starmer is seeking
to reset relations at home and
During a visit to edinburgh
that he billed as an immediate
reset with the regional govern-
ments of scotland, Northern ire-
land, and wales, starmer said
sunday that he would also seek
to improve the Uk’s botched
trade deal with the european
“i do think that we can get a
much better deal than the
botched deal that [former prime
minister] Boris Johnson saddled
the Uk with,” he said, reference
to the pact negotiated after Br-
starmer said there were
many discussions ahead to
strengthen trading, research,
and defense ties with the eU. He
added those talks had begun as
his top diplomat made his first
visit abroad to germany, Poland,
and sweden.
migUeL riOPa/aFP via gettY images
with two of starmer’s minis-
SPANISH TRADITION — Participants ran ahead of La Palmosilla bulls during the running of the bulls as part of the san Fermin festival ters in europe ahead of a NatO
in Pamplona, northern spain, on sunday. During the festival, hundreds of people take part in the running each day in a section of the meeting next week, the premier
made a point of visiting the
city, ending in a bullring.
leaders of the regional govern-
ments in the Uk following his
party’s landslide victory last

Israelis call for a cease-fire deal and elections Ecuador court

assOCiateD Press

Crowds hold day ous attacks in months of tit-for-

tat cross-border clashes. says city violated
of protests after in central gaza on saturday,
a river’s rights
israeli aircraft struck in the ar-
9 months of war ea of a UN school in Nuseirat,
where the israeli military said QUitO, ecuador — in an
By Isabel Kershner Palestinian militants had been usual ruling, a court in ecuador
New YOrk times operating out of a number of ruled sunday that pollution has
JerUsaLem — israelis on structures. at least 16 people violated the rights of a river that
sunday marked nine months were killed and dozens wound- runs through the capital, Quito.
since the devastating Hamas- ed in the strike, according to the government appealed
led attack of Oct. 7 and the start the gaza health ministry, which the ruling, which is based on an
of the ensuing war in the gaza does not distinguish between article of ecuador’s Constitution
strip with a nationwide day of civilians and combatants. more that recognizes the rights of nat-
antigovernment protests at a than 38,000 Palestinians have ural features, including rivers.
time that many there view as a been killed so far in gaza, ac- activists who filed the com-
pivotal juncture in the conflict. cording to local health officials. plaint hailed the decision.
Primarily calling for a cease- the school had become a “this is historic because the
f i r e d e a l w i t h Ha m a s t h a t shelter for displaced people river runs right through Quito,
would see hostages return from seeking safety, the ministry and because of its influence,
captivity and for new elections added. Hamas, in a statement, people live very close to it,” said
in israel, protesters brought called the strike a “massacre.” Darío iza, whose group kitu
giL COHeN-mageN/aFP via gettY images
traffic to a standstill at several the israeli military said it had kara filed the complaint on be-
major intersections in cities Protesters in Tel Aviv lit flares on Sunday as they rallied to call for the release of Israelis taken measures to avoid civil- half of the river.
and on highways across the held hostage by Palestinian militants in Gaza since the October attacks. ian casualties in the strike and the court ruled that while
country. much of central tel blamed Hamas for operating appeals proceed, the govern-
aviv was blocked in one of the could topple it. tensions over the potential zation firing salvos of rockets, from areas crowded with civil- ment will have to come up with
biggest protests in months. the leaders of two ultrana- deal also surfaced within Ne- drones, and antitank missiles ians. a plan to clean up the macháng-
some progress has been tionalist parties who are key el- tanyahu’s own Likud party at into israeli territory. the military said it was con- ara.
made in recent days for a re- ements of Netanyahu’s coali- the weekly Cabinet meeting the rockets from Lebanon tinuing its operations in rafah, the city of 2.6 million people
sumption of negotiations to- tion have threatened to bring sunday. after the prime minis- came a day after israeli aircraft the southernmost city in gaza, dumps all sorts of effluents and
ward a tentative deal after the government down if the ter accused the defense minis- carried out a deadly strike and in shajaiye, an area east of contaminants into the machán-
weeks of an impasse, even as prime minister agrees to a deal ter, Yoav gallant, a rival, of against a Hezbollah operative gaza City, in the north. the air gara, which starts high in the
the fighting continues in gaza, before Hamas is fully de- playing politics, gallant retort- in the area of Baalbek, deep in- force also carried out a strike andes mountains. But by the
where an israeli strike hit in the stroyed, a goal that many offi- ed by warning Netanyahu side Lebanese territory, about against the municipality build- time it runs through Quito, it
area of a UN school saturday, cials and experts consider unat- against any “politically driven 40 miles northeast of Beirut. ing in khan Younis, a large encounters problems such as a
and across israel’s northern tainable. attempt” to tie a hostage deal to israel identified the target as southern city from which israe- near-total lack of treatment of
border with Lebanon. the far-right parties in the other contentious issues divid- meitham mustafa altaar, de- li ground forces withdrew in the waste water that is dumped
But many israelis, among governing coalition “don’t want ing the government, according scribing him as a key operative april. into it.
them the families of some of the a deal,” said shikma Bressler, a to gallant’s office. in Hezbollah’s aerial Defense at a protest calling for the assOCiateD Press
hostages, fear that the cease- protest leader, in a social media “this is a delicate hour,” gal- Unit who had taken part in sev- release of the hostages in tel
fire efforts could be torpedoed post early sunday, adding, lant said. “we must strike an eral attacks against israel. aviv on saturday night, einav
not only by Hamas but also by
Prime minister Benjamin Ne-
“they need armageddon.
“and Bibi?” Bressler added,
agreement to secure the release
of the hostages.”
another man believed to be
an israeli was seriously injured
Zangauker, whose son matan is
being held hostage in gaza, said
West Africa bloc
tanyahu of israel who, they say, referring to Netanyahu by his israel’s northern border re- in a strike from Lebanon on of the renewed talks for a cease- seeks to mend
might prioritize the survival of nickname. “He needs war so mained volatile sunday, with sunday that reached deeper in- fire, “For the first time in many
his government over a deal that there won’t be elections.” the Lebanese Hezbollah organi- to israel than most of the previ- months, we feel hope.” severed ties
aBUJa, Nigeria — west af-

In Rafah, destruction and the limits of Gaza strategy rica’s divided regional bloc
sunday asked senegal President
Basirou Diomaye Faye to have a
dialogue with the three junta-
Israeli soldiers repeatedly and now live in tent one-third of Hamas’s brigade. led member states to try to re-

give tour of area cities that stretch for miles,

where they face an uncertain fu-
Hamas’s leadership remains in-
tact. and roughly 120 hostages
unite the region where stability
has been under threat following
to reporters ture as they mourn the loss of
loved ones.
are believed to remain some-
where in gaza, although about
their decision to leave the group
in January.
as israel says it is winding one-third are thought to be at its summit in Nigeria’s
By Adam Goldman down its operation against dead. capital abuja, the bloc — known
New YOrk times Hamas in rafah, the israeli mil- Palestinians who fled the city as eCOwas — appointed Faye
raFaH, gaza strip — the itary invited foreign journalists have no idea when they will re- as its envoy to meet with mali,
armed convoy of jeeps filled into the city on a supervised vis- turn and what they will find Niger, and Burkina Faso, which
with reporters rumbled into a it . t he militar y says it has when they do. marwan shaath, formed their separate union af-
dusty rafah, passing flattened fought with precision and re- 57, said he and his family had ter their respective coups frac-
houses and battered apartment straint against Hamas fighters left behind their three-story tured relations with neighbors.
buildings. embedded in civilian areas. home. “it was meant to be the it was not clear what the
as we dismounted our Hum- But the death, destruction, family home for generations to terms of the dialogue would be.
OHaD ZwigeNBerg/POOL/aFP via gettY images
vees, a stillness gripped this and mass displacement of civil- come,” he said in an interview. the senegalese president “has
swath of the southern gaza ians have left israel increasingly Israeli army vehicles transported a group of soldiers and His friends have sent him pic- all the credentials required to
strip, near the border with isolated diplomatically. journalists inside the southern Gaza Strip last week. More tures of what is left. “it is badly serve as a facilitator,” Omar
egypt. slabs of concrete and more than 38,000 Palestin- than 38,000 Palestinians have died in the conflict in Gaza. hit. Half of it is down already. alieu touray, the president of
twisted rebar dotted the scarred ians have died in the conflict, No walls, no windows, and big the eCOwas Commission, said
landscape. kittens dar ted according to the gaza Health Netanyahu of israel has placed killed at least 900 members of parts of it were burned.” at the summit.
through the wreckage. ministry. although that figure the number of Palestinian dead the Hamas brigade in rafah the fighting in rafah has the three countries suffering
streets once bustling with does not distinguish between ci- at about 30,000 and said that and 15,000 Hamas fighters been intense, israeli officials a coup said a day earlier that
life were now a maze of rubble. vilians and Hamas fighters, it about half were civilians. overall. said, with Hamas laying hun- they have “irrevocably turned
everyone was gone. includes the dozens killed in the israeli invasion was in- But three months after Ne- dreds of booby traps. Officials their back on eCOwas.” it is the
more than 1 million people may when israel dropped a pair tended to destroy Hamas and tanyahu declared that “total vic- showed video they said showed first time in the bloc’s nearly 50-
have fled to avoid an israeli on- of 250-pound bombs on a tent free its hostages. so far, it has tory is within reach,” the mili- a home outfitted with drinking- year history it has lost members
slaught that began two months camp in rafah. accomplished neither. tary acknowledges that the ra- water tanks stuffed with re- in such a manner.
ago. many have been displaced Prime minister Benjamin By the military’s count, it has fah siege has eliminated only mote-controlled explosives. assOCiateD Press
m O N D A Y, J U L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e The World A5

Ukraine tries to stay neutral in US political dogfight

Fears Trump tional weight of the assumption
behind the question — that
pect of trump’s return to the
White house during remarks at
United States, Russia’s ongoing
efforts to stoke those divisions,
the relations with anyone.”
Ukrainian disappointments
would not accept Russia’s terms
for ending the war, and many
could end US trump could end US military a summit in Astana, Kazakh- the turmoil of the presidential are bipartisan. It is as common have noted that Ukraine has a
assistance, allowing Russia to stan. campaign, and a distracted to hear frustration with the deep well of support in the Re-
assistance succeed in destroying the Ukrai- “the fact that mr. trump, as White house combined to make slow pace of US aid and bitter- publican party that they hope
nian state — spills into view. a presidential candidate, says for an exquisitely difficult diplo- ness over restrictions on the use will influence trump.
By Marc Santora trump’s claim during his he is ready and wants to stop matic challenge. of Western weapons demanded more importantly, they said,
and Steven Erlanger June 27 debate with president the war in Ukraine is something “Quite frankly, we are in a by the Biden administration as trump is unpredictable, and if
NEW YORK tImES Biden that he alone knew the we take very seriously,” putin rather vulnerable situation it is to hear concerns about he fails to secure a deal with pu-
KYIv — Ukraine, which de- path to peace is “a little scary,” said thursday. “I haven’t seen right now,” Oleksandr merezh- trump. tin and feels diminished in the
pends on US military aid for its Zelensky said in an interview his ideas on how exactly he’s go- ko, chair of the Ukrainian par- the Biden administration’s process, he could step up assis-
survival, has long tried to main- with Britain’s channel 4 News. ing to do that, and that is the liament’s foreign affairs com- policies, Ukrainian officials say tance and would most likely be
tain bipartisan support in the “I’ve seen a lot, a lot of vic- key question. But I have no mittee, said in an interview. privately, have left Ukraine in a far less concerned by fears of es-
United States. that has never tims,” Zelensky said. “But that’s doubt that he says that sincere- “If trump becomes presi- cruel limbo, with neither the calation.
been easy, but it is getting hard- really making me a bit stressed.” ly, and we support that.” dent, it should not be a shock weapons necessary to win nor “It’s a paradox,” merezhko
er, especially with the increased “If there are risks to Ukraini- putin frequently feigns inter- for us,” he said, motioning to a full US backing for a Ukrainian said. “he is predictable in his
possibility that former presi- an independence, if we lose est in negotiations to end the stack of books about trump’s effort to begin settlement talks unpredictability.”
dent Donald trump, no great s t at e h o o d — w e w a n t t o b e war he started. But he under- presidency that he has been on terms favorable to Ukraine. the most immediate con-
friend of Ukraine, will return to ready for this, we want to scored his intention to force reading for insights. But reach- Biden did not attend a Ukraini- cern for Ukrainians is that the
the White house. know,” Zelensky said in a subse- Ukrainian capitulation, saying ing out to people close to an-organized peace summit in swirl of debate about Biden’s
Ukrainian president volod- quent interview with thursday that Ukraine must trump, he said, “needs to be Switzerland last month, despite political future will be a distrac-
ymyr Zelensky is asked in nearly Bloomberg. “We want to under- agree to “demilitarization” mea- done in a delicate way, not to Zelensky’s appeals for him to do tion during a NAtO gathering
every interview what a second stand whether in November we sures that could not be reversed antagonize Democrats.” so. vice president Kamala har- in Washington this week, just as
trump administration would will have the powerful support as a precondition to a cease-fire. “We are very careful not to ris attended instead. the organization is moving to-
mean for Ukraine. Although of the US or will be all alone.” Ukrainian officials, publicly get involved in internal political Ukrainian officials took ward a larger role coordinating
Zelensky chooses his words Russian president vladimir and privately, said the hyper- struggle in the United States,” some solace from trump’s brief weapons and ammunition sup-
carefully, sometimes the emo- putin seemed to relish the pros- partisan environment in the he said. “We don’t want to spoil statement in the debate that he plies for Ukraine.

French ‘France is more

divided than ever.

election We have learned it

was a very bad

yields idea for Mr.

Macron to dissolve

deadlock parliament and

call this election.’
Far right falls ALAIN DUhAmEL
Prominent political scientist
short; left surges and author

By Roger Cohen a guarded supporter of Ukraine,

NEW YORK tImES but there is no question that
pARIS — France faced a hung moscow will welcome the Na-
parliament and deep political tional Rally’s growing influence.
uncertainty after the three main the New popular Front cam-
political groups of the left, cen- paigned on a platform that
ter, and right emerged from would raise France’s monthly
snap legislative elections Sunday minimum wage, lower the legal
with large shares of the vote but retirement age to 60 from 64, re-
nothing approaching an abso- introduce a wealth tax, and
lute majority. freeze the price of energy and
projections based on prelimi- gas. Instead of cutting immigra-
nary results upended wide- t i o n , a s t h e Nat i o n a l R a l l y
spread predictions of a clear vic- vowed, the alliance said it would
tory for the National Rally, ma- make the asylum process more
rine Le pen’s anti-immigrant generous and smooth.
party that dominated the first Participants gestured towards a giant banner during an election night rally in Paris on Sunday. the platform said the alli-
round of voting a week ago. In- ance was supportive of Ukraine’s
stead, the left-wing New popular ceeded. candidates across a third. to “uncertainty and instability.” change. It did not want more of fight for freedom against Russia,
Front appeared to hold the lead, France dropped out of three-way the result was that in the Even with fewer seats than the same. It sent a stinging mes- and called for president vladi-
with between 172 and 208 seats, races and called for unity against sharply divided lower house of predicted, the National Rally has sage to the pro-business elites mir putin to “answer for his
according to several polling in- Le pen’s party. parliament, where most legisla- now assumed a place in French gathered around macron, who is crimes before international jus-
stitutes. “the president now has the tive power resides, no governing politics that erased a postwar po- term-limited and must leave of- tice.”
the centrist Renaissance par- duty to call the New popular coalition appeared immediately litical landscape built around fice in 2027. how exactly the alliance’s
ty of president Emmanuel ma- Front to govern,” said Jean-Luc conceivable, with macron’s cen- the idea that the far right’s histo- “France is more divided than economic program would be fi-
cron, who cast the country into mélenchon, the far-left leader trists squeezed between far-right ry of overt racism and antisemi- ever,” said Alain Duhamel, a nanced at a time when France
turmoil a month ago by calling who is the charismatic but polar- and far-left groups that detest tism made it unworthy of posi- prominent political scientist and faces a ballooning budget deficit,
the election, was in second place izing voice of the left-wing alli- each other and him. tions of power. author. “We have learned it was and how a pro-immigration poli-
with between 150 and 174 seats, ance. “We are ready.” Jordan Bardella, the protege Le pen has disavowed that a very bad idea for mr. macron cy would be applied in a country
the projections indicated. trail- But France looked to be al- of Le pen who led the National past. But even in its rebranded to dissolve parliament and call where it is perhaps the most sen-
ing them was the National Rally, most ungovernable, with the Rally to victory in European par- form, the party’s core message this election.” sitive issue, was unclear.
which took between 113 and paris Olympics about to open in liament elections and the first remains that immigrants dilute At a time when a faltering t h e Ne w po p u l a r Fr o n t ,
152 seats. less than three weeks. the left round of legislative voting last a glorified French national iden- president Biden is struggling to which is sharply divided be-
the details of the outcome surged, the National Rally added month, hailed “the most impor- tity and that tighter borders and counter the nationalist America tween moderate socialists and
may still shift, but it is clear that, dozens of seats to its presence in tant breakthrough in all the his- stricter regulations are needed First message of former presi- the far left, did very well among
to a remarkable degree, a scram- the National Assembly, and ma- tory” of the party. he called the to keep them out or prevent dent Donald trump, protracted young people in the first round
ble by centrists and the left to cron’s party suffered a stinging deals that frustrated its push for them from benefiting from the French political limbo could add of voting and in the projects
form a “Republican front” to defeat, with the 250 seats held an absolute majority “an alliance French social safety net. to an unstable international situ- heavily populated by North Afri-
confront the National Rally in by his party and its allies in the of the dishonorable” and said France rejected that vision, ation. Long close to Russia, Le can immigrants around major
the second round of voting suc- National Assembly cut by about macron had condemned France but voted overwhelmingly for pen has tried to recast herself as cities, including paris.

Hopes for a diplomatic opening rise under Iran’s new president

Has pledged to trast between pezeshkian and

lift globalists for Outspoken lawyer who criticized ’22 crackdown detained his top challenger — anti-West-
ern, ultraconservative Saeed
Jalili — is stark.
foreign agenda ASSOcIAtED pRESS government during the 2022 During the hard-line presi-
DUBAI, United Arab Emir- demonstrations that shook the dency of mahmoud Ahmadine-
By Lara Jakes ates — An outspoken Iranian Islamic Republic and sparked jad, Jalili had flatly opposed a
NEW YORK tImES lawyer who has publicly criti- a sec urity crackdown that deal with world powers to limit
With the election of reform- cized how the government killed more than 500 people Iran’s nuclear program in ex-
i s t c a n d i d a t e D r. m a s o u d handled the 2022 protests over and saw over 22,000 detained. change for relief from bruising
pezeshkian as president, Iran the death of mahsa Amini has UN investigators said Iran was economic sanctions. Instead, he
may see a softening of its abso- been arrested, state media re- responsible for the physical had pushed to enrich uranium
lutist foreign policy and even an ported Sunday. violence that led to Amini’s to weapons-grade levels, Stim-
opportunity for a new diplo- the unrest followed the death. son center experts wrote in an
matic opening, current and for- death of the 22-year-old de- the lawyer’s arrest came a analysis in June.
mer officials and experts say. tained by the police for alleg- day after reformist president “his approach led to Iran’s
pezeshkian, a cardiologist, edly not properly wearing her masoud pezeshkian was elect- isolation,” said Ali vaez, the
member of parliament, and for- mandatory hijab. the massive ed to lead the country. Iran director at the Internation-
mer health minister, has little protests quickly escalated into pezeshkian promised to al crisis group. “he doesn’t be-
direct experience in foreign pol- calls to overthrow Iran’s four- Mohsen Borhani spoke during a rally for the reformist ease enforcement of the coun- lieve in the value of dealing
icy. But he has pledged to em- decade Islamic theocracy. candidate Masoud Pezeshkian, in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday. try’s mandatory headscarf law with the West.”
power Iran’s most elite and glo- the judiciary’s mizan news and reach out to the West after Under pezeshkian, he said,
balist diplomats to run his for- agency said Sunday that mohs- further details on his case or professor, became popular on years of sanctions and protests “I think the odds of a diplomat-
eign agenda, raising hopes of a en Borhani had been previous- jail time. social media websites for his squeezing the Islamic Repub- ic breakthrough will increase.”
warmer relationship with the ly sentenced but did not give Borhani, also a university critical views of the Iranian lic. pezeshkian has said he is de-
West. termined to set a policy of inter-
pezeshkian “represents a national engagement and sup-
more pragmatic posture and most of the Iranian presi- Revolutionary guard and the liances with other authoritarian icy that has allowed tehran to ports an easing of relations
less confrontational posture to- dent’s powers are confined supreme leader are closely states — as Iran has by arming project power with some mea- with the West with the aim of
ward the outside and the in- largely to domestic issues. It is aligned, and they decide when Russia with drones and missiles sure of impunity,” Ray takeyh, ending the sanctions. he says
side,” said Dennis B. Ross, who Khamenei, as the countr y ’s and how to use military force, to attack Ukraine — and por- an Iran expert at the council on he wants to foster communica-
served as a special assistant to highest political and religious whether in unleashing its prox- traying itself as a power to be Foreign Relations, wrote in an tion with most other govern-
former president Barack official, who makes all of the ies in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and reckoned with, both in the mid- analysis as the election neared. ments across the world — ex-
Obama and is a longtime mid- major policy decisions, particu- Yemen, or in threatening Israel. dle East and the West, despite Where the new president cept Israel — but he has also
east negotiator. larly in foreign affairs and Iran’s Iran’s foreign policies have its domestic upheaval and cra- may have the greatest effect in- warned against putting too
Still, Ross noted, Iranian Su- nuclear program. grown increasingly hard-line in tered economy. ternationally, analysts say, is in much stock in alliances with
preme Leader Ayatollah Ali the other leading power in recent years, diplomats and an- “Iran’s axis of resistance has shaping how Iran’s policies are Russia and china. that’s “be-
Khamenei “would do a great the Iranian system, the Revolu- alysts say, and that trend may been so remarkably successful viewed around the world, large- cause then they could exploit
deal to limit” pezeshkian’s in- tionary guard, oversees all of well continue under pezeshki- that it is hard to see why any- ly through the diplomats he se- Iran” and further isolate it glob-
ternational agenda. Iran’s military matters. the an. that includes solidifying al- one would seek to disrupt a pol- lects. In this respect, the con- ally, vaez said.
a6 The Nation T h e B o s t o n G l o b e m O N D a Y, J U L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4

Mixed results so far for McCarthy’s revenge tour

washiNgtON — During But a funny thing has hap-
the awkward interlude after he pened on the way to naming a
was ousted from the speaker- running mate: with an increas-
ship but before ingly theatrical selection pro-
POLITICAL he resigned cess focused on a wide field of
NOTEBOOK from congress, candidates — akin to reality tv
kevin mcca- — the former president has fos-
rthy found himself standing on tered a new crop of rising stars
the house floor one afternoon inside his party.
next to representative Bob the group under consider-
good of virginia, one of the ation already constitutes some
eight republicans who had vot- of the most coveted pro-trump
ed to remove him from power. republicans for cable news in-
“i just traveled to your dis- terviews. and their access to
trict,” mccarthy, still raw over some of the party’s biggest do-
his political downfall, said in nors has widened thanks to
what was interpreted as a their newly burnished trump
vaguely threatening tone. “it’s a bona fides. whoever is not cho-
really nice district.” sen as the republican vice-pres-
“why don’t you come down idential nominee undoubtedly
and spend money there?” good, will be among the first names
chair of the hard-right house discussed for the top of the tick-
Freedom caucus, taunted mc- et in 2028.
carthy in response. representatives Byron Don-
“Oh, i’m going to,” mccarthy alds of Florida, 45, and elise
shot back. “i might spend $5 stefanik of New York, 40, along
million there, too.” with senator JD vance of Ohio,
in this instance, mccarthy 39, are widely viewed as some
was as good as his word. of the party’s most promising
in the months that followed, young stars. senator marco ru-
he helped direct more than $6 bio’s conservative credentials
million into the race to defeat have been polished by trump’s
good, who is now fighting to consideration of the Florida
hang on to his seat after coming senator as a top contender. gov-
up 375 votes short in his recent ernor Doug Burgum of North
primary against a trump- Dakota has emerged from polit-
backed challenger, John J. ical obscurity to become one of
mcguire. (good’s campaign is the former president’s staunch-
paying for a recount, and he is est defenders on television.
sUsaN waLsh/assOciateD press
claiming there was “inappropri- senator tim scott of south
ate activity” at ballot drop boxes UNITED IN OPPOSITION — hundreds of demonstrators representing a diverse coalition of anti-imperialist and carolina has gotten more expo-
in Lynchburg, the district’s big- antiwar organizations gathered in washington, D.c., on sunday to protest ahead of the NatO summit that the sure from being mentioned as a
gest city.) possible running mate than he
United states is hosting from tuesday through thursday this week.
mccarthy’s campaign to did during his presidential bid
bring down good was just one this year.
part of an elaborate and expen- “trump has been enormous-
sive campaign of revenge he has electable in the future. he and best known as a happy-go-lucky ment, according to wUrD. white house. ly helpful to these people,” said
mounted since leaving con- his allies are backing a challeng- political operator, a consum- Lawful-sanders asked Biden it is not uncommon for polit- Newt gingrich, a former house
gress, one designed to ruin the er to representative eli crane mate team player, and a prodi- questions that could be consid- ical communications staff mem- speaker who trump considered
republicans he holds responsi- of arizona, the sole first-term gious fund-raiser. Now, bent on ered softballs in his first inter- bers to provide a list of suggest- as a running mate in 2016.
ble for his demise. republican who voted to re- settling his political scores, mc- view with a journalist since his ed topics for media appearanc- “they are all bigger and better
“Bob good was defeated, but move mccarthy, who faces a carthy has been inserting him- uneasy debate performance the es, but Lawful-sanders’ use of known than they would have
the loser just can’t accept it yet,” primary in august. and mcca- self into a high-stakes election previous week. many observers specific questions screened be- been without Donald trump.”
said Brian O. walsh, a top mc- rthy is going after representa- cycle in which republicans are tuned in to the station, which forehand has drawn criticism. trump has helped raise their
carthy ally who is coordinating tive matt gaetz in Florida, his pressing to win control of the has a large Black following, to New YOrk times profiles by repeatedly praising
the former speaker’s efforts to chief tormentor and the ring- white house and both cham- hear how he would respond to them at rallies, mentioning
unseat the so-called crazy eight leader of the push to depose bers of congress. questions about the debate and Trump is elevating the next them as possible running
republicans who crossed him. him, pushing accusations that New YOrk times found that the interview did not generation of Republicans mates. his campaign has also
mccarthy declined to com- gaetz had sex with an underage fully address the concerns. Donald trump has never created an apparatus tailored
ment for this story, but walsh girl. Host leaves station over the station said the inter- shown much interest in groom- toward that aim. an internal
made it clear that the former representative matt rosend- Biden campaign questions view and questions were inde- ing successors. booking team is explicitly
speaker was bent on retribution ale of montana, another of the harrisBUrg, pa. — phila- pendently arranged by the host when he left as host of “the tasked with making sure con-
and doing little to hide it. “we republicans who voted to oust delphia radio station wUrD for her program, “the source.” apprentice,” he mocked the rat- tenders are booked for cable
said there would be conse- the former speaker, abruptly has parted ways with a host Lawful-sanders did not respond ings of his replacement. No news interviews and quoted in
quences,” walsh said, “and we dropped his reelection bid in who interviewed president to a request for comment. alumni network exists for for- conservative media outlets. the
are persistent and very patient.” march after rampant rumors Biden on wednesday using she told cNN on saturday mer trump white house staff campaign team has also helped
mccarthy spent more than circulated that he had an affair questions provided to her by the that she had received prepared members in the way there does contenders organize pro-trump
$4 million in an unsuccessful with a staff member. walsh de- Biden campaign. questions from the white for the two presidents who pre- fund-raisers and provided them
bid to defeat representative clined to comment on whether wUrD said in a statement house before the interview. ceded him. he signaled his ap- call lists with specific donors to
Nancy mace in her south caro- mccarthy and those in his orbit sunday that “agreeing to a pre- “the questions were sent to proval when supporters chant- ask for contributions for the
lina primary last month, and had anything to do with that de- determined set of questions me for approval,” she said. “i ed, “hang mike pence,” during trump campaign, which could
his allies are now promoting cision. But rosendale’s decision jeopardizes” its listeners’ trust. approved them.” the Biden the capitol riot Jan. 6, 2021, a also help them in the future.
ethics allegations against her in saved them millions of dollars. the host, andrea Lawful-sand- campaign later clarified that it former aide testified to con- New YOrk times
hopes of making her un- it is all a new role for a man ers, resigned in a mutual agree- had sent the questions, not the gress.

Top House Democrats privately suggest Biden step aside

uBIDEN media, adding: “Let’s keep it go- to serve as the party’s nominee. murphy said. “the clock is tick-
Continued from Page A1 ing.” During the private house ing.”
top of the ticket was needed to a Biden campaign official meeting, some lawmakers who murphy’s New england col-
preserve the party’s chances of pointed to the president’s past took part, including Democrats league, senator sheldon white-
holding the white house and insistence that he was staying in who did not explicitly say they house of rhode island, had last
prevailing in the fight for control the race and noted that many thought the president should week publicly voiced concerns
of congress, the people said. top Democrats had expressed stand aside, said they believed over how candid the campaign
among those saying explicit- public support for him in recent that vice president kamala har- was being about Biden’s condi-
ly that Biden should end his can- days. ris would be a strong candidate tion, but he stopped short of call-
didacy were representatives Jer- But the private concerns have to take on trump should Biden ing for the president to step
ry Nadler of New York, the top only grown. Jeffries convened leave the race. aside. and senator peter welch
Democrat on the Judiciary com- the high-level meeting, which in- the drumbeat of opposition of vermont warned of a “fierce
mittee; adam smith of washing- cluded only ranking committee against Biden continuing as the u n d e r t o w ” f o r D e m o c rat i c
ton, the ranking member of the members, as a listening session party’s nominee came only after house and senate candidates if
armed services committee; to get input from all corners of a few senior Democrats opened the Democratic presidential can-
mark takano of california, the the Democratic caucus about the meeting by speaking in sup- didate lost badly in November.
ranking Democrat on the veter- Biden’s candidacy as Democrats port of the president. But the senator mark warner of vir-
ans affairs committee; and Joe weigh how aggressive and public tide quickly turned after Nadler ginia is working to convene
morelle of New York, the top they want to be in elevating con- was the first Democrat to speak Democratic senators this week
Democrat on the committee on cerns in the face of the presi- against continuing with Biden. to discuss a path forward.
house administration. dent’s defiant posture that only although no Democratic con- On the campaign trail, Biden
a fifth Democrat, represen- divine intervention could force gressional leader has yet public- remained defiant. he urged his
chris kLepONis/aFp via gettY images
tative Jim himes of connecticut, him out of the race. ly called on Biden to step aside, supporters to stay unified during
the ranking Democrat on the in- rather than opening the President Biden and first lady Jill Biden returned to the five rank-and-file house Demo- a series of sunday stops in criti-
telligence committee, expressed meeting with a call to rally be- White House after campaigning in Pennsylvania. crats have done so, and anxiety cal pennsylvania.
uncertainty about Biden’s path hind Biden’s candidacy, Jeffries is beginning to bubble into the addressing a rousing church
forward. and representative su- and other leaders stayed mostly in November. and win reelection. open among senators as well. service in front of stained glass
san wild of pennsylvania, the silent as lawmakers took turns t he y want to give Biden “voters do have questions,” murphy said he thought windows bathed in sunshine at
ranking member of the ethics sharing their doubts about the room to exit the race on his own murphy said on cNN’s “state of Biden could still defeat trump. philadelphia's mount air y
committee, said in a statement president’s viability. some said terms before making any explicit the Union.” But he added that “the president church of god in christ, the 81-
after the session that she had their constituents believed the call for him to do so. But they are he added: “personally, i love needs to answer those questions year-old Biden joked, “i know i
“expressed the same concerns president should withdraw, also aware that there may be no Joe Biden, and i don’t know that that voters have.” murphy insist- look 40” but “i’ve been doing
that americans across the coun- while others said that they them- way, at this point, to prove to the interview on Friday night did ed multiple times during the in- this a long time.”
try are grappling with, about selves felt he should. voters that he is not too old for enough to answer those ques- terview that Biden had to prove “i, honest to god, have never
president Biden’s electability,” Jeffries’ decision to hold the the task of defeating trump — tions. this week is going to be himself “this week” in “unscript- been more optimistic about
adding that the “difficult pro- meeting at a time of mounting and there is mounting impa- absolutely critical. i think the ed” conversations with voters. america’s future if we stick to-
cess” that Democrats are going panic within the top echelons of tience that could transform pri- president needs to do more.” “they need to see more from gether,” he said.
through to determine the best his caucus was notable on its vate utterances into more public he avoided directly answer- the president, and i hope that there and during a subse-
path forward should be done in own; by allowing Democrats the calls for Biden to step aside. ing whether Biden should step we see that this week,” he said. quent rally with union members
a confidential way. chance to privately air such pro- some Democrats continue to aside, saying: “i know there are a the senator’s message also in harrisburg, Biden offered
several participants in the found doubts, he left Biden with back Biden, saying he deserves a lot of voters out there that need appeared aimed at warning the short speeches that touched on
meeting declined to comment little choice but to acknowledge final chance to right his cam- to be convinced that thursday’s president and those around him familiar topics. he also left plenty
on the confidential discussion. the concerns in his own party paign. Others hedged on that night’s debate performance was that their stance in response to of room for key backers to discuss
One attendee, representative that he has so far brushed away. support. a bad night.” real questions about his candi- standing by him. in that way, the
Don Beyer of virginia, issued a it reflected where many con- senator chris murphy, a con- the carefully calibrated com- dacy could not stand. the presi- pennsylvania swing seemed
statement afterward declaring, gressional Democrats are land- necticut Democrat, said earlier ments from murphy were some dent has denied that a number meant to showcase support for
“i support president Biden.” an- ing as they head back to wash- sunday that the president’s first of the first public alarm bells of Democrats have called on him the president from key political
other, representative richard ington after a weeklong recess to television interview since the de- from the ranks of senate Demo- to step aside and declared that quarters more than proving he’s
Neal of massachusetts, the top confront questions about Biden’s bate fell short of alleviating deep crats, who have stayed mostly si- only “the Lord almighty” could up to four more years.
Democrat on the ways and viability as a candidate and their concerns about his condition and lent since the debate over a week persuade him to withdraw from
means committee, called Biden own chances of holding the sen- that he had more work to do to ago but who are increasingly the race. Material from the Associated
a “visionary leader” on social ate and winning back the house convince voters he is fit to run for concerned about Biden’s ability “there are still questions,” Press was used in this report.
M O N D A y, J u L y 8 , 2 0 2 4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e The Region A7

Project tackles climate crisis, housing woes

uGREEN the panel approach to create a
Continued from Page A1 “super airtight” shell that can be
president of energy and sus- applied to the building, and hold
tainability for boston-based meetings with tenants to explain
WinnDevelopment, which retro- the changes they’ ll be seeing
fitted the Lawrence mill. “And around their apartment build-
really, how can we blend the two ing.
together effectively so that one “People [will be] staring at
plus one equals three?” their windows while you’re put-
eighty percent of the units at ting this new panel on the out-
stone Mill Lofts are designated side of the building and for a
for residents who make less than moment, they’re staring through
60 percent of the area median two windows because the new
income, which, in Lawrence, is window is on the outside of the
just under $128,000 for a four- existing window,” he explained.
person household, according to “And so the premise is to get like
Masshousing, a quasi-public 98 percent of that renovation
agency that helps finance afford- done [without disrupting ten-
able housing across the state. ants], so that you can schedule
As cities and towns around with a day here and there where
the state contend with an afford- you come in and take the old
able-housing shortage, green window out, and then you seam
retrofits have emerged as a way in the new.”
to address the issue while simul- through better insulation,
taneously striving to meet ur- solar power, and the electrifica-
gent climate goals. tion of the hvAC and hot-water
“eighty-five percent of the systems, the salem renovation
buildings that will exist in the promises to reduce energy con-
year 2050 have already been sumption by 88 percent, making
built,” said Joe backer, boston’s for a more comfortable living en-
senior project manager for vironment for tenants and slash-
neighborhood housing. “so tack- ing the cost of utilities.
ling the question of decarboniza- Green renovations aren’t only
tion in existing affordable-hous- for big developers. Mass save,
ing stock is super important.” the state’s energy-efficiency pro-
PhOtOs by DAviD L. RyAN/GLObe stAff
Whether converting a histor- gram, provides rebates and oth-
ic building into affordable-hous- er financial incentives for home-
ing units that don’t rely on fossil A glass wall preserves a view owners looking to install electric
fuels, or transforming existing of a water intake room heating and cooling equipment,
affordable housing to be more constructed by the Essex solar panels, and better insula-
energy-efficient, green renova- Company between 1846 and tion (also known as weatheriza-
tions have created an opportuni- 1848 at the Old Stone Mill tion).
ty for designers and developers building in Lawrence. At left in boston, the city launched a
of multifamily homes to get cre- is a model unit at the new healthy and Green Retrofit pilot
ative, spurring them to work development. program last fall, which works
with what they’ve got, rather with roughly 30 multifamily ho-
than starting from scratch. And “to be able to retrofit with meowners across the city to fully
many of the recent sustainability tenants in place is really the only decarbonize their buildings over
innovations for multifamily fair way to do this,” Woolcock the next 10 years. Program par-
buildings can also be applied to said. “because ultimately, afford- ticipants can receive up to
single-family homes, too. able-housing tenants [often] ar- $50,000 per unit to help with
“Most people ... think that to en’t choosing the conditions that construction costs, and must
renovate to be an energy-effi- they live in.” agree not to raise rent above
cient home, it’s got to cost more tenant-in-place renovations what the city considers “afford-
money than if they were to start can be achieved using what able to households who make
from scratch. the reality is that’s Woolcock called a “panelized less than 80% of the Area Medi-
not true,” said timothy McDon- system,” where an architect can an income” during the 10-year
ald, architect and co-partner of design a new, better-insulated period.
Philadelphia-based Onion flats facade for a building on the com- Kristen simmons, head of the
Architecture. “We’re finding new puter, and then have it manufac- city’s residential decarboniza-
construction projects can be as tured in panels, which are then tion program, said that in addi-
much as twice the cost of reno- attached to the outside of the ex- tion to lowering energy costs,
vating a building.” the money [it took to build] tioning) system with electricity, were only allowed to increase isting building. the program will also help hom-
McDonald, whose team re- away.” “basically eliminating the need the thickness of the interior McDonald said when it eowners incorporate climate re-
cently kicked off a sustainable the best practices for how to for gas at the property,” Crimmin walls by approximately 4 inches, comes to green renovations, in- silience measures. that might
retrofit of an existing affordable- sustainably retrofit homes have said. so the designers made sure to se- sulation is the best place to start. mean installing electricity-pow-
housing development in salem continued to evolve over the past since the mill is a historic lect insulation that would mini- “the first rule of thumb with ered air-conditioning units in
owned by nonprofit developer decade, as new technology has site, architects also needed to mize heat transfer and energy a building is give it a warm coat homes that don’t already have
Preservation of Affordable hous- emerged and certain existing balance preservation of the orig- loss across the narrow space. ... that’s the thermal envelope of one, while ensuring that prices
ing, stressed that “the most sus- tech, like solar panels, have be- inal look and feel of the building Newer buildings, however, the building,” he said. “Don’t say, don’t unfairly increase for rent-
tainable building you can have is come more affordable. with their focus on sustainabili- have challenges of their own. ‘Oh, i’m going to change my gas ers.
one that’s already there.” in Lawrence, for example, ty. the granite exterior remained Retrofitting the building in a boiler to electric heat pumps be- “there’s absolutely no expec-
“All the carbon that it took to where the first tenants are ex- relatively untouched, and wood way that allows tenants to con- cause they’re the new thing.’ No! tation that tenants are contribut-
make those bricks, to make that pected to move into the stone floors and ceilings were either tinue living there amid the con- envelope first. Put your coat on ing in any way,” simmons said.
concrete, to build those mechan- Mill Lofts this month, develop- restored or replaced to replicate struction is top priority, particu- before you go outside.” “Our goal is that we’re reducing
ical systems, it’s already there,” ers at WinnDevelopment are of- the originals (ditto for the win- larly when it comes to renovat- t h at m e a n s m i n i m i z i n g the energy burden on tenants,
he added. by demolishing and fering a new tool that uses a sin- dows, which are much better in- ing existing affordable housing, drafty entryways, poorly sealed and homeowners.”
rebuilding, “you’re throwing gle energy source to power both sulated than the original single- said Owen Woolcock, a research- doors, and thin, single-pane
that carbon away, as much as the hot water and the hvAC pane, but nearly identical in col- er at harvard’s Graduate school windows. in salem, McDonald Ivy Scott can be reached at
you’re throwing the building and (heat, ventilation, and air condi- or, shape, and style). Developers of Design. said, his company plans to use

Again, lawmakers jam bulk of two years work into one month
uLEGISLATURE technology projects, the three ages to move proposals big and and seek to lower the cost of pre-
Continued from Page A1 still-unsettled packages would small. Legislative leaders have scription drugs. but whether the
guessing game of not just when allow the state to borrow or offer said that the number of roll calls house acts on those, or others,
far-reaching bills could emerge tax credits totaling upward of taken and the number of laws is unclear.
but whether they even will. $11 billion. And that doesn’t passed are not a good gauge of then there are bills that nei-
“i’m concerned about how even include the late $58 billion their effectiveness. ther chamber has addressed
we get it over the finish line,” state budget plan, which law- but that also means lawmak- with just weeks left. Closely
said evelyn Murphy, the former makers have yet to send to Gov- ers publicly reveal their stances watched legislation that would
lieutenant governor and now co- ernor Maura healey‘s desk — on specific policies far less often, advance a $500 million plan to
chair of Wage equity Now coali- even though the new fiscal year leaving voters with less informa- build a stadium for the New
tion, which has pushed the wage it covers started days ago. tion about the choices their rep- england Revolution in everett
transparency bill for years. Mur- Other proposals still locked resentatives are making on their still sits in the senate. healey’s
phy said she and others met up in secret negotiations include behalf. bill to allow towns and cities to
roughly a month ago with the legislation that would overhaul Now, with just weeks left un- raise their taxes on hotel stays,
house’s lead negotiator, who the state’s firearms laws, in- til the Legislature recesses, law- cars, and meals is idling in the
told them to “sit still, we‘ll get to crease benefits for veterans, or makers face no shortage of other house, though its prospects ap-
this, it’s important.” free up cash to compete for fed- bills to consider. pear dim. state Representative
the house and senate agree eral funding. versions of each the house, for example, has Mark Cusack, the house’s reve-
broadly on the language, yet dif- have passed both chambers, in passed a suite of health care-re- nue chair, told the state house
bOstON GLObe fiLe
fer on a key issue: the house — some cases months ago. lated bills, including one de- News service he’s “not optimis-
but not the senate — sought to such a late-summer crunch The Senate chamber, as seen on the last scheduled day of signed to prevent another crisis tic” it will even come up for a
exempt many state and local is business as usual for the Mas- lawmakers’ previous session: July 31, 2022. like the one roiling steward vote.
government agencies from hav- sachusetts Legislature. Law- health Care. An opioid-related Nonetheless, hope, as they
ing to publicly disclose salary makers routinely leave major for hearings after a bill is draft- three-day budget debate — and bill would free doctors, hospital say, springs eternal for some. Je-
ranges in job postings, as any work until the mid-summer ed and filed, giving residents exactly zero other formal ses- officials, and others from re- hlen, a somerville Democrat
employer with 25 full-time deadline. in 2022, backroom and stakeholders the opportuni- sions. quirements to report suspected and the senate’s lead negotiator
workers or more would have to talks and floor votes spilled past ty to weigh in before the bill is that springtime slog came neglect to child welfare officials on the wage transparency bill,
should the proposal become law. dawn the day after formal ses- redrafted, voted out of commit- after lawmakers began the ses- solely because a baby is born ex- said she’s “very hopeful” law-
“Right now, speaking for the sions were supposed to end. tee, and taken up by the full sion passing only a trickle of posed to drugs. the chamber in makers can reach a deal despite
coalition, what’s important for the practice creates an envi- house,” the Quincy Democrat laws, and closed 2023 lumber- May passed a proposal that months of delays. her original
us is to get a bill passed,” Mur- ronment where deals on far- said in a statement. “in fact, it is ing through one of the least pro- would allow 205 liquor licenses house counterpart, Representa-
phy said. “Whatever the Legisla- reaching legislation can emerge, often the case that a consensus ductive first years of session in in boston, marking the most tive Josh Cutler, left for a job in
ture settles on, we will support.” and then pass, within the span can be more easily reached decades. ambitious effort to expand the the healey administration in
the proposal is just one of just a few hours or less. Major when a bill is given ample time in the 18 months since they number of permits in the city february, and Mariano didn’t
idling in the Legislature’s black bills die, as well, in the final to move through the legislative were sworn in, house leaders since Prohibition. tap his replacement — Repre-
box. the house and senate have churn, as lawmakers fail to process.” have asked members to cast just senate leaders have made no sentative Danielle W. Gregoire
each passed, but not reconciled, reach compromise in the tight but this session has also been 132 votes, making it highly un- promises of taking up any of — until two months later.
differing versions of a sweeping timeline they afford themselves. marked by stretches of little ac- likely it will match the nearly those proposals. Gregoire did not return a re-
bill designed to ameliorate the house speaker Ron Mariano tual lawmaking. Outside of 300 it took last session or 470 Meanwhile, the senate has quest for comment.
state’s housing crisis. the house said the fact that so many major three days of budget votes in the session before when formal passed a sweeping climate bill, a “ We are working,” Jehlen
cleared another proposal to bor- bills remain unfinished so late April, the house the rest of the voting was extended for months version of which Mariano has said, adding with a laugh, “even
row billions of dollars to grease in the session is not a sign of month held just one formal ses- amid the COviD-19 pandemic. promised the house will take though it’s July.”
the state’s economic engine, but dysfunction but “simply the re- sion, in which lawmakers take the decline in so-called roll up. senators have adopted sepa-
the senate has yet to take action. sult of a healthy legislative pro- recorded votes and most of the calls is partly a function of legis- rate measures that would ban Matt Stout can be reached at
Combined with a yet another cess.” substantive bills pass. the sen- lative leaders’ increasing reli- single-use plastic bags, extend Follow
bond bill targeting information the process “provides time ate followed in May with its own ance on hulking, omnibus pack- warranties on new wheelchairs, him @mattpstout.
a8 Editorial t h e b o s t o n g l o b e m O N D a Y, J U L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4

Police reform must include
regulating facial recognition tech

in the aftermath of the karen read the details about how they use it
trial, the massachusetts state po- are not subject to public disclosure,
lice have come under renewed beyond a brief annual report, be-
scrutiny, with residents and elect- cause the current law exempts this Editorial
ed officials expressing new con- information from the public re-
cerns about corruption that extend cords law.
far beyond the read case (“after With less than four weeks left in
karen read trial, state police ex-
pecting ‘additional scrutiny,’” met-
ro, July 2).
this legislative session, lawmakers
have an opportunity to pass new
controls to protect the public. Leg-
Why was Steward paying
One issue that should rise to
the top of any potential police re-
forms is the use of facial recogni-
islators are considering balanced
recommendations — including to
standardize police use of this tech-
millions to spy on critics while
its business was suffering?
tion technology in police investiga- nology and safeguard the integrity
tions. absent appropriate regula- of criminal convictions — that have
tion, this technology can be support from the attorney gener-

misused, abused, and lead to al’s Office, massachusetts bar asso-
wrongful arrests. given their ciation, committee for public s steward Health care’s hospital also in 2023, steward reportedly hired au-
unique access to this technology counsel services, Naacp New care suffered from a lack of staffing, dere to gather intelligence on british financial
under our current laws, anyone england, and many others. and as lifesaving medical equip- analyst Fraser perring, whose company investi-
concerned about misconduct by kaDe crOckFOrD ment was repossessed because gates public firms with opaque disclosures and
the state police should also be con- Boston steward didn’t pay its bills, the who had publicly criticized steward. according
cerned about the abuse of facial The writer is the Technology for
health care system was spending millions of dol- to the documents, investigators followed per-
recognition technology. the state Liberty program director for the
lars gathering intelligence on its critics. ring’s movements for six days, taking a video of
police use facial recognition but ACLU of Massachusetts.
the boston globe spotlight team recently him watching television with his partner in his
published a story on steward’s intelligence-gath- home, following him as he took his daughter to
ering efforts based on records obtained by the and from school, putting a tracker on his car, and
It’s time for party reform Organized crime and corruption reporting collecting records of perring’s phone calls and
years of his bank transactions. audere launched
the presidential debate demonstrated the catastrophic failures of both a social media account that publicly alleged it
political parties. it’s time to reform how both parties choose their candi- As Governor Maura Healey has would expose misconduct by perring’s company.
dates. a starting point would be for each party to designate elected gov-
ernment officials as at least half of the delegates to their national conven-
said, Steward needs to leave Finally, the globe previously reported that
steward is at the center of a criminal corruption
tions. then reduce the power of money and the power of primary elec- Massachusetts. The state should case in malta. steward obtained a contract from
tions — both of which can lead to ideologically extreme candidates who
are typically nominated only because primaries draw a small portion of not pay a penny to the company the maltese government to manage hospitals,
and prosecutors there accused top steward exec-
the electorate and happen before most voters become engaged in the elec- on its way out. utives of a bribery scheme that diverted money
tion cycle. Finally, have parties that can more easily change candidates
when conditions demand it.
from hospitals to “consultancy fees.” steward ex-
cHarLes FOrsberg project, which also reported on steward’s intelli- ecutives were named in a magistrate’s investiga-
Lexington gence gathering operation. the details, which tive report but have not been charged with a
could easily be lifted from a thriller crime novel, crime.
would be fascinating if they weren’t so infuriat- the two latest stories reveal for the first time
ing. as the health care system, which cares for that steward blamed malta’s health minister
An assembly-line solution to many low-income individuals, was heading to- chris Fearne for holding up payments to stew-
the Mass. housing shortage? ward bankruptcy, the organization was surveil- ard. steward then hired a London-based consult-
ling a former executive and bankrolling interna- ing firm, the ct group, which gave steward in-
as examined in andrew brinker’s first modular housing factory in tional dirt-gathering efforts. formation tying Fearne to an alleged bribery and
recent story (“building housing is pennsylvania to support multifam- it is yet another indication that steward is passport scheme related to an adviser to presi-
costly. but what about an assembly ily development on the east coast.
more concerned with its own corporate health dent Vladimir putin of russia, based on a docu-
line?” business, June 27), modular before committing to this initia-
than the health of the patients it is charged with ment purporting to show a bank wire transfer.
housing presents an intriguing op- tive, we assessed our pipeline and
portunity for massachusetts. al- prospects to ensure we could do caring for. that document was later found to be fake.
though modular homes do not sig- modular production effectively. as governor maura Healey has said, steward Fearne’s reputation was tarnished by allegations
nificantly address the greatest bar- that this was not a certainty for needs to leave massachusetts. the state should of bribery, despite the malta police stating that
rier to housing production — the the nation’s largest multifamily de- not pay a penny to the company on its way out. no evidence was found to justify criminal prose-
cost — they do offer a more expe- veloper and third largest builder steward’s actions should be investigated by cution.
dited construction timeline, a more speaks to the difficulty of getting law enforcement — in multiple countries — to according to the globe, monthly bills for
efficient building process, and less modular manufacturing right. determine if any laws were broken. and massa- these intelligence efforts were as high as
waste. given the critical need for hous- chusetts lawmakers should complete their efforts $440,000 a month — and steward paid them
One major consideration not ing, studying a modular housing to impose new state oversight on for-profit and promptly in full. in fact, they were prioritized
covered in the story is the necessity factory for greater boston is a wel- private equity-related health care transactions to over vendors that provided services steward’s
for any modular housing factory to comed initiative. We hope to see ensure that future debacles are prevented. hospitals actually needed — whether staffing,
have a steady line of production to these private sector efforts sup-
the stories by the globe and Occrp detail cleaning services, or security guards, many of
keep its operations running and ported by zoning reform at the mu-
three instances of intelligence gathering. which sued steward to recoup unpaid bills. Oc-
workers employed. One of the nicipal level so that we can also ac-
greatest challenges for modular celerate the pace and volume of
a british intelligence firm hired by steward, crp said steward paid over $7 million in total to
housing, and part of the reason it housing approvals, not just con- audere international, in 2023 extracted data Uk-based intelligence firms over six years,
has not been fully embraced, is the struction timelines. from the company-owned devices of a former though much of that came from its malta subsid-
difficulty in avoid cyclical changes garY kerr steward executive, who the company worried iary rather than its Us operations.
in demand and the inefficiencies Boston would leak information to an auditor, suggesting as has been made abundantly clear by this in-
that come with ramping up and The writer is the senior manag- that the executive solicited a sex worker and dis- vestigative reporting: steward was an unethical
ramping down production. ing director of development at cussed cosmetic surgery with a doctor. the firm operation starting at the top. the leadership did
Last year, greystar opened its Greystar also obtained a compromising photo of the exec- not prioritize patient care, as they prioritized
utive. the head of audere reportedly considered profits and surveillance and intimidation to keep
using either the sex worker or a female agent to their political critics at bay. it has no business
gather more information. owning massachusetts hospitals.
Where is the coverage
of Trump’s debate performance?
For every column that has been devoted to biden’s halting debate perfor-
mance and its possible fallout, i would have loved to see the same amount
of space focused on Donald trump’s performance — a disastrous one by
any reasonable standard (as summarized in Heather cox richardson’s ex-
cellent post-debate blog).
He failed to answer the interviewers’ questions; was incoherent and
jumbled in his speech; spewed misinformation, exaggeration, and lies;
took credit for some of biden’s accomplishments; and blamed biden for
his own administration’s failures. to anyone paying attention, the debate
amply demonstrated trump’s lack of fitness to be president, but i have yet
to see anything like comparable coverage given to his terrible debate per-
formance. this should change.
beatrice LOrge rOgers

Is Biden’s age the new ‘but her emails’?

i am a subscriber and have generally been satisfied by the globe’s take on
politics and emphasis on deep reporting of regional news. so, i was very
disappointed to see the globe follow the New York times and others in
asking for biden to step down. Like the “but her emails” issue that under-
mined Hilary clinton in the last few months of her campaign, the press’s
debate coverage may be the legacy of the media’s role in our democracy: it
JOHN tLUmacki/gLObe staFF
has become destructive. instead, focus on the real threats to our democra-
cy — which are everywhere. biden can win if the media understands that St. Anne’s Hospital, a Steward-owner hospital in Fall River.
telling biden to step down is not their job.
barbara katZeNberg

Maybe Trump should drop out

i couldn’t help but notice that the globe did not call for Donald trump to
drop out following his felony conviction. Democrats are focusing on one
abcde Fo u n d e d 1 8 7 2
eDitOr at Large
mark s. morrow

DepUtY maNagiNg eDitOrs

bUsiNess maNagemeNt
Dan krockmalnic EVP,
New Media & General Counsel
kayvan salmanpour
marjorie pritchard Editorial Page Chief Commercial Officer &
bad debate instead of examining the last 3 years of an administration that EVP,
Veronica chao Living/Arts
cleaned up so much from the trump years. biden has clearly lost some JOHN W. HeNrY LiNDa piZZUti HeNrY anica butler Local News anthony bonfiglio
speed off his fastball but that is no reason to change pitchers at this late Chief Technology Officer
Publisher Chief Executive Officer brian bergstein Ideas
peggy byrd
date. We don’t elect presidents to debate, we elect them to lead the nation. Jeneé Osterheldt Culture, Talent,
Chief Marketing Officer
& Development
mike cHapmaN NaNcY c. barNes James DaO Heather ciras Audience Engagement
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seNiOr assistaNt
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i take issue with all the pundits calling for president biden to resign. alan Wirzbicki Editorial Page
JeNNiFer peter, Managing Editor/Chief of Staff matt karolian
there are only five months left until the election in November. president tim rasmussen Visual Journalism & VP, Platforms & R&D
biden has proven he believes in the constitution, respects it, and stands News Product Design
cristiNa siLVa, Managing Editor/Local News
by it. He is an older candidate — but he is not looking to lead our country spOtLigHt eDitOr
from a democracy to an autocracy. as voters, we have no other choice but brendan mccarthy
to stand up and vote for president biden or turn our country over to a
man who believes in “one man, one rule.” charles H. taylor Founder & Publisher Wm. Davis taylor Publisher 1955-1977 richard H. gilman Publisher 1999-2006 Laurence L. Winship Editor 1955-1965
LiNDa cOOLeY 1873-1921 William O. taylor Publisher 1978-1997 p. steven ainsley Publisher 2006-2009 thomas Winship Editor 1965-1984
William O. taylor Publisher 1921-1955
Sharon benjamin b. taylor Publisher 1997-1999 christopher m. mayer Publisher 2009-2014
m O N D A Y, J U L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e opinion A9

kimberly AtkinS Stohr

Justice Barrett may show

streaks of independence,
but when it counts, she’s as
conservative as they come

n the supreme court’s rul- back to the court on the merits,
ing granting former presi- Barrett could very well join the
dents, including Donald conservative majority in perma-
trump, broad immunity nently striking the rule down. After
for acts committed while all, she was a part of the majority
in the White House, Justice Amy in an opinion last month that
coney Barrett carved out what is struck down decades of precedent
US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, left, and Associate Justices Sonia Sotomayor, becoming a trademark move for to weaken the power of all federal
Elena Kagan, and Neil Gorsuch stood on the House floor ahead of the annual State of the her: she showed a bit of indepen- regulators. she also joined the ma-
Union address by President Biden on March 7 in Washington, D.C. dence, even from the other mem- jority that curbed the security Ex-
bers of the court’s supermajority, change commission’s ability to ad-
all while keeping it conservative judicate civil claims, forcing the

It’s John Roberts’s when it counts.

since ascending to the court,
Barrett has sometimes showed a
agency to seek civil penalties only

Supreme Court after all

willingness to beat her own judicial
path, even occasionally breaking
This past term,
with her fellow trump-appointed Barrett has become
justices and the other conserva-
tives who make up the court’s su-
more skilled than
By David Lat dents for Fair Admissions inc. v. President and Fel- permajority. But she does so care- ever in having her

lows of Harvard college, which ruled against ra- fully, narrowly, and in a way that —
ver the past few years — and the cial preferences in college admissions; Biden v. Ne- in the end — has no real impact on conservative cake
past few months, weeks, and days
— the supreme court has remind-
braska, which held unlawful the Biden adminis-
tration’s student loan forgiveness program; West
the cases’ outcome. this past term,
Barrett has become more skilled
and eating it too.
ed us of its power. As nine justices Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency, than ever in having her conserva-
resolve major issues of national im- which rejected the EPA’s clean Power Plan, based tive cake and eating it too.
portance, from abortion to gun rights to all things on an increasingly important legal theory called in her concurring opinion in through the courts. When it comes
trump, they have attracted increasing scrutiny — the “major questions doctrine”; and Allen v. milli- the immunity case, Barrett aligned to conservative judicial power
and understandably so. gan and moore v. Harper, two critically important with dissenting Justice sonia soto- grabs, Barrett is on board.
much ink has been spilled over individual jus- cases about election law. mayor and the other liberals on the When Barrett has joined the
tices. We have read at great length about Justice third, and finally, roberts exerts influence bench on one key issue: whether court’s more liberal justices to form
clarence thomas’s vacations and Justice samuel through his leadership of the court. i realize some evidence about a president’s pro- a majority, in opposition to her fel-
Alito’s flags (or, to be more precise, his wife’s flags). progressives are laughing right now, given their tected conduct may be introduced low trump-appointed justices, she
On a more substantive level, commentators have narrative that roberts has lost control of the court at a criminal trial for conduct that hasn’t gone alone. Barrett au-
focused on the court’s two newest members, Jus- to right-wing ideologues, but let me explain. falls outside of their immunity. thored the majority opinion reject-
Despite his grandiose title of “chief justice,” Five members of the court’s ma- ing claims by gOP-led states and
roberts is not the leader of the court in the way jority ruled that the answer is yes. conservative activists that the
When you look at that body that a chief executive officer is the leader of a com- Barrett joined the dissenters in Biden administration unconstitu-
of work — whether you pany. Unlike a cEO, he can’t fire his colleagues or
tell them what to do. Yes, he assigns opinions
coming to the opposite view.
“the constitution does not re-
tionally threatened social media
companies over posts featuring
admire it, abhor it, or when in the majority, presides over courtroom quire blinding juries to the circum- misinformation about the pandem-
proceedings, and speaks first at the justices’ pri- stances surrounding conduct for ic. But she had chief Justice John
something in between — vate conferences. But other than these and similar which presidents can be held lia- roberts on her side too, a crucial
his power and influence responsibilities (and a slightly higher salary), he’s ble,” Barrett wrote, the emphasis buffer.
just like his other colleagues, one vote out of nine. hers. it is true that all of these rulings
become clear. Of course, the chief justice can try to persuade that and other cases where are different from Barrett’s ap-
or pressure his colleagues to vote in certain ways, Barrett broke, at least partially, proach to the 2022 Dobbs decision,
especially in high-profile cases. And while we don’t with the other right-leaning jurists where she silently joined the ma-
tices Amy coney Barrett and ketanji Brown Jack- know what happened behind the scenes at One on the bench have earned her jority, declining to even issue a con-
son, who have demonstrated their independence First st., some facts suggest he has been doing just headlines as a justice who can defy currence detailing her reasoning
from the conservative and liberal wings, respec- that — successfully. expectations and chart her own for upending 50 years of precedent
tively. in the 2023-2024 term, 46 percent of cases course. protecting women’s privacy rights.
relatively little attention has been paid to the were decided unanimously — a significant in- But make no mistake: When the And Barrett has lived up to her
“first among equals,” chief Justice John roberts — crease from the 35 percent average of the preced- rubber meets the road, she has de- vow during her confirmation hear-
and one can understand why. the unassuming ing five terms. One of those cases was trump v. livered exactly what conservatives ings to not be a rubber stamp,
roberts makes few public appearances, rarely Anderson, concerning trump’s eligibility to appear wanted. Her resistance only comes blindly espousing the jurispruden-
speaks to the press, stays out of ethical trouble, on the republican primary ballot in colorado — a when she’s not a deciding vote. tial view of the late Justice Antonin
and doesn’t write books. One of the least publicity- highly contentious, politically charged case, where take for example the decision scalia or anyone else.
seeking justices since David souter, roberts pre- it benefited the reputation of the court to present a by the court blocking an Environ- “if i’m confirmed, you would
fers to speak through his work. united front. it
And when you look at that body of work — wouldn’t be surprising
whether you admire it, abhor it, or something in if roberts — trying to
between — his power and influence become clear. improve the court’s
this is John roberts’s court, and the other justices weak (but improving)
are just sitting on it. approval rating, dur-
First, roberts is important simply because of ing extremely polar-
his vote. in the term that just ended, he was the ized times — made ex-
justice most frequently in the majority; according tra efforts during this
to Adam Feldman of Empirical scOtUs, roberts past term to forge
was on the winning side a staggering 96 percent of compromise.
the time. For the two terms prior to that, roberts What about the
was in the majority an average of 95 percent of the complaint that rob-
time, second in 2022 only to Justice Brett ka- erts failed to police the
vanaugh. in contrast, the two justices who were in ethics of his col-
the majority the least this past term, Justices sonia leagues? Again, re-
sotomayor and Elena kagan, were in the majority member: He’s not the
only 71 percent of the time. boss of them, and oth-
to be sure, roberts might not be as powerful as er than attempts at
he was four years ago. Before Barrett replaced the persuasion, he lacks
late Justice ruth Bader ginsburg in 2020, creating any tools for regulat-
a six-justice conservative bloc that could lose a ing their behavior. His
vote and still prevail, roberts was both chief and duties as chief justice
swing justice. But even if he’s no longer the swing do not include telling
justice, he remains a swing justice. As noted by associate justices
court watcher sarah isgur, today’s court is a “3- where to vacation or
3-3” court, consisting of three liberals, three what flags they — or
staunch conservatives, and three justices — rob- their wives — can fly.
erts, kavanaugh, and Barrett — who control the in light of his limit-
PAtrick sEmANskY/AP
outcomes in divided cases. ed power over his col-
second, roberts has issued some of the court’s leagues, roberts deserves credit for the court’s is- Amy Coney Barrett listened as President Donald Trump spoke
most consequential opinions. this shouldn’t be suance last November of a written code of ethics — before Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas administered the
surprising: As the most senior justice, he assigns the first such code in the 235-year history of the Constitutional Oath to Barrett on the South Lawn of the White
the opinion when he’s in the majority (which, as court. it would have been easy for the justices to House in Washington on Oct. 26, 2020.
noted, is almost always the case). And there are do nothing, allowing the storm of bad publicity to
certain opinions, especially ones reviewing major blow over. the fact that they did issue a code — mental Protection Agency rule to not be getting Justice scalia, you’d
executive actions, that are expected to come from which required unanimity from nine people who limit power plant pollution that be getting Justice Barrett,” she told
a chief justice. One of the most famous examples is clearly hold different views on their ethical obliga- flows to neighboring states. this members of the senate Judiciary
the 2012 opinion upholding the Affordable care tions — was itself an achievement. Even if it lacks and other rules have drawn the ire committee in 2020. “And that’s so
Act, written by — you guessed it — roberts. enforcement provisions, the code establishes stan- of conservatives and the business because originalists don’t always
consider roberts’s opinions from just the most dards against which the media and the public can sector, which want to rein in the agree, and neither do textualists.”
recent term. He wrote trump v. United states, evaluate the justices’ conduct. ability of federal agencies to imple- But in the end, the real impact
which will go down in history as one of the most it’s customary to refer to periods in supreme ment such regulations. in Barrett’s supreme court tenure
important precedents on presidential power; Lop- court history based on the chief justice, such as Barrett wrote a dissent, joined so far, despite her willingness to
er Bright Enterprises v. raimondo, which over- the Warren court or the rehnquist court — but by sotomayor and Justices Elena walk to her own beat, has been
ruled the 40-year-old chevron doctrine and could this doesn’t mean the chief justice controlled the kagan and ketanji Brown Jackson, when she has agreed with her fel-
dramatically curtail the power of administrative direction of the court. For many years of the rehn- reasoning that those opposing the low republican-appointed col-
agencies; Fischer v. United states, which narrowly quist and roberts courts, two swing justices, Jus- rule failed to “satisfy the stringent leagues. independent streak not-
interpreted an obstruction-of-justice law, possibly tices sandra Day O’connor and Anthony kennedy, conditions” for preliminarily block- withstanding, the ultimate verdict
benefiting hundreds of Jan. 6, 2021, defendants called the shots, at least in the most controversial ing the regulation’s enforcement on Barrett is that she’s as conserva-
(including Donald trump); and United states v. cases. entirely while their case was litigat- tive as they come.
rahimi, which cabined the court’s 2022 ruling in For better or worse, those days are gone. make ed.
New York state rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, no mistake: the roberts court is roberts’s court. But don’t let the smooth dissent Kimberly Atkins Stohr is a
hopefully keeping guns out of the hands of dan- fool you: there were already five columnist for the Globe.
gerous people. David Lat, a lawyer, is the author of Original votes to block the rule. She may be reached at
And that’s only the latest term. Over the past Jurisdiction, a newsletter about law and the legal And it may not matter in the
five terms, roberts has authored opinions like stu- profession. end: When the case makes its way Follow her @KimberlyEAtkins.
a10 The Region T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N D a Y, J U L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4

Transgender teens become advocates in N.H.

uNEW HAMPSHIRE was not the kid that was bowl-
Continued from Page A1 ing anybody over because that’s
“i was just, like, ready to not who she is,” she said.
do something,” iris said from parker stood in the crowd at
a perch on the couch during an the Legislative Office building
interview at the family’s home. during the press conference in
iris came out as transgender late april next to her dad, Zach.
to her family when she was 7, tears ran down her face as she
although her mom said iris had listened to her mom publicly
been giving indications she was explain how she tried to com-
a girl from the time she was fort her daughter after a class-
able to string a sentence togeth- mate called her expletives and
er. as a young child, Manzelli slurs and said she should kill
said, iris would ask santa to herself.
turn her into a girl for Christ- “as her mother, i remain
mas. committed to fostering an envi-
after iris came out, she was ronment where she can live au-
finally able to live day-to-day as thentically and unapologetical-
a girl. she wears girls clothes, ly,” tirrell said. that has meant
uses the girls bathroom at two years of making the hour-
school, and joined the girls ten- long drive to Concord from her
nis team at school, although home in plymouth to testify
she didn’t make the softball against bills that would impact
team. her family.
this legislative session, iris in an interview, tirrell said
has been to the state house to she first came to the state
testify against multiple bills, in- house in 2023 to testify against
cluding one that would bar a bill that would have added
transgender girls like her from gender-affirming health care to
playing on girls sports teams in the definition of child abuse.
grades 5-12 (house bill 1205), this year, with her family’s
could block her from locker support, parker decided to tes-
rooms or bathrooms (house tify for the first time, speaking
bill 396), and would require pa- against the effort to bar trans-
rental notification for her and gender girls from girls sports
her classmates to learn about teams.
gender or gender expression parker has played soccer
(house bill 1312). since she was 4, and she said
phOtOs bY eriN CLark/gLObe staFF
another bill, house bill 619, it’s become a big part of her
would prevent minors from re- identity. she has played every
ceiving genital gender reassign- Above, Parker Tirrell and, at position: defense, midfield, and
ment surgery, and it would pre- left, Iris Turmelle, both of striker. soccer is how she met
vent doctors from providing re- Plymouth, N.H. Iris has been many of her friends. she said it
ferrals for the procedure, which to the State House to testify would be “devastating” if the
they say is exceedingly rare. against multiple bills. Parker bill becomes law. Joining the
proponents of banning has testified against the boys’ soccer team, she said, is
transgender girls from sports effort to bar transgender not an option, and neither is
say it’s unfair for them to play girls from girls sports teams. using the men’s bathroom or
on the same team because they locker room.
have a biological advantage. in april, New hampshire’s advocating for herself and
they point to the increased child advocate Cassandra others has been difficult for the
strength men have after going sanchez spoke against dozens 15-year-old.
through male puberty, which of bills that she said would “i feel like i shouldn’t have
they believe will allow people harm LgbtQ+ youth, includ- to do it because it seems like a
assigned male at birth to over- ing the effort to bar transgen- lot for me specifically to have to
take women in sports. der girls from girls sports do as a freshman in high school
all four bills are headed to teams. still trying to figure things out
governor Chris sununu’s desk. “We’re all about equity and school-wise,” she said. “i don’t
sununu has indicated he sup- fairness, and all children want to be, but it’s something
ports barring transgender girls should have an opportunity,” important that i have to do.”
from girls sports teams, al- she said. “it’s been a lot for me,” park-
though he hasn’t directly said if she doesn’t see transgender er said, “just having to deal
he will sign the bill. if he does, athletes “trying to get ahead or with all these people trying to
Manzelli said, her family will hur t others by engaging in dictate how my life is supposed
pursue a legal challenge. sports. they’re trying to have a to go.”
“i’m just petrified,” Manzelli normalized childhood.” parker is hoping to play soc-
said. “i’ve heard rumors that she said many children find cer again with her team in the
some of them are going to be dangerous for transgender girls even after hearing stories from whole. it’s about fairness, about a sense of belonging by playing fall. but, for now, her future is
vetoed, but unless all of them to play on girls sports teams. “i transgender athletes in New safety,” he said. “You’ve seen all team sports. sara tirrell, whose an open question — one that
are vetoed, it doesn’ t really fundamentally don’t believe hampshire. across the country, other stories daughter parker is transgender both she and iris are waiting
matter. … None of them are that biological boys should be “this bill is not about the of, you know, state champions, and plays soccer, agreed. for the governor to resolve.
Ok.” Waiting to learn what will competing in girls sports,” he individual,” sununu said dur- biological boys becoming state “the goal is to be part of the
happen, iris said, feels like “just said. ing a June 27 interview with champions. that affects schol- team,” tirrell said. Amanda Gokee can be reached
suffering.” he has stood firm on that WMUr. arships. that affects the fair- “parker’s team in particular at
in March, sununu said it is position in recent interviews, “it’s about the system as a ness of competition.” won zero games last year. she Follow her @amanda_gokee.

Detective’s testimony puts focus on police misconduct, discipline

uBRADY LIST the requirement that prose- was “inappropriate.” the sher- guidelines.
Continued from Page A1 cutors must turn over certain re- iff ’s office wrote in a motion to “people assume that if the
on charges that she killed her cords about law enforcement of- dismiss the case that the district government has important in-
boyfriend, boston police Officer ficers is known broadly as “bra- attorney has failed to show the formation that you are not
John O’keefe, with her car, end- dy obligations,” in reference to sheriff has a “clear cut duty” to guilty, that they would provide
ed in a mistrial last Monday. the 1963 landmark case brady v. turn over the records. that information,” she said. “but
During the trial, the defense Maryland, in which the Us su- some legal analysts said, that has not been the case in the
hammered lead investigator Mi- preme Court held that prosecu- however, that recent court deci- past.”
chael proctor, a state trooper, tors must disclose exculpatory or sions have at least set a mini- in March, Jacobstein’s orga-
over text messages he sent to impeaching evidence about wit- mum standard for what infor- nization sent a letter to hamp-
friends and relatives that includ- nesses that could exonerate a mation prosecutors should turn den District attorney anthony
ed crude remarks about read. person accused of a crime. over. still, some law enforce- gulluni, through his role as pres-
the shocking revelations raised in the decades since, lawyers ment agencies are not comply- ident of the Massachusetts Dis-
questions about his credibility have used the courts to force ing, they said. trict attorneys association, ar-
and gave read’s attorneys a pow- prosecutors to comply with the in 2020, for instance, the su- guing that individual district at-
erful weapon with which to un- requirements, and prosecutors preme Judicial Court ruled that torneys’ offices are not fulfilling
dermine the prosecution. have also strengthened their pol- district attorneys should turn discovery requirements as thor-
proctor’s texts came to light icies themselves amid the 2020 over evidence of dishonesty by oughly as they should.
because the Fbi had been con- reckoning over police abuses fol- law enforcement witnesses, even “the consequence of these in-
ducting a separate investigation lowing the police killing of if it is unrelated to the case at is- adequate discovery practices is
JONathaN Wiggs/gLObe staFF
of the read case and turned george Floyd in Minnesota. sue. injustice,” anthony benedetti,
them over ahead of the trial. still, the guidelines for turn- in February 2023, the state chief of the public defender
proctor has been reassigned ing over the information vary ‘Our goal is to be able to say at the end appeals Court ruled prosecutors agency, wrote in the letter, which
from the district attorney’s office among district attorneys’ offices, had to ask police departments to was also sent to the attorney
by state police and his conduct is and some local prosecutors say of each case that we arrived at a just notify them, and by extension general’s office.
the subject of an internal investi-
gation, authorities said.
they are reevaluating their poli-
cies to comply with recent state
result that is in agreement with our the defense, of ongoing lawsuits
against officers. prosecutors
gulluni’s office, which the su-
preme Judicial Court faulted in
Legal analysts said police tes- court decisions. those decisions, obligations as prosecutors.’ scrambled to meet those re- the case about police miscon-
timony deserves greater scrutiny they said, have created a shifting quirements, but then in January, duct in January, did not respond
rObert J. gaLibOis, Cape and Islands district attorney
and the courts should use gali- landscape on which prosecutors, the sJC amended that rule to on- to requests for comment.
bois’s petition to set a clear stan- law-enforcement agencies, and ly include reporting of civil suits Jacobstein said the read case
dard for what law enforcement defense attorneys are struggling that have been resolved and underscored the power of excul-
should make available. to find universal agreement. preme Judicial Court. those spawned pushback from police found the officer committed patory information about a law
“they have to be held to a “Certain developments pop clarified when prosecutors are departments. wrongdoing on the job. enforcement witness.
higher standard than civilian up from time to time and need to required to disclose lawsuits Jack Collins, general counsel also, in January the high in an effort to meet brady ob-
witnesses,” said shira M. Diner, be addressed,” galibois said. against officers and other evi- for the Dukes County sheriff’s of- court laid out other rules for dis- ligations, the Norfolk district at-
president of the Massachusetts “Our goal is to be able to say at dence of past disciplinary issues. fice, said that galibois should closing police misconduct in un- torney’s office has begun notify-
association of Criminal Defense the end of each case that we ar- Meanwhile, Middlesex Dis- simply inquire about officers related cases, putting the burden ing defense attorneys on other
Lawyers and a clinical instructor rived at a just result that is in trict attorney Marian t. ryan who are set to testify in a case on prosecutors to make the in- cases that proctor was involved
at the boston University school agreement with our obligations keeps a publicly available list of and that his office would readily quiry about any misconduct by in about the ongoing investiga-
of Law. “ When a juror hears as prosecutors.” officers with disciplinary re- provide the information. that’s police and other governmental tion into him, a spokesperson
from a police witness, they’re individual district attorneys cords, commonly called a “brady the way other prosecutors have employees working on a case. said.
much more likely to believe reported their own, different List.” ryan said her office regu- handled the matter, he said, add- rebecca Jacobstein, head of proctor was not on the of-
them.” practices. the suffolk district at- larly inquires about officers in- ing that the department sees no the strategic litigation unit for fice’s brady list before the read
and still, Diner said, there is torney’s office, which covers bos- volved in ongoing cases. a desig- reason to turn over all informa- Committee for public Counsel trial, but the prosecutors’ office
no clear standard for what infor- ton, said in a statement that it is nated “brady team” reviews any tion about every employee with- services, the state’s public de- “is reviewing the implications of
mation prosecutors should “evaluating and updating our potentially exculpatory material out cause, and that doing so fender agency, said the recent these events,” a spokesman said.
make available. discovery policies to conform and decides what to turn over to could hamper recruiting. cases should combine to form a
“there’s no consistency be- with the changes in law” in re- the defense. in an email, barnstable sher- “better roadmap” for prosecu- Sean Cotter can be reached at
tween district attorneys’ offices,” sponse to two recent decisions the different policies and the iff Donna buckley said her office tors. but not all law enforcement Follow
she said. from the Massachusetts su- evolving guidelines have also believed galibois’s complaint agencies have followed the him @cotterreporter.
Metro B
LivingArts PAGE B6

t H e B o S t o n G l o B e M o n day, J u ly 8 , 2 0 24 | B o S t o n G l o B e .C o M / M e t R o

Know someone with COVID? You’re not alone. Judicial

Here’s what experts say is happening with the virus in Massachusetts
clerk race
By Helena Getahun-Hawkins ‘I wouldn’t describe said.
While, generally, the amount of virus found in waste wa-
what’s happening

Chances are, you’ve encountered someone in the last few ter serves as an effective tool for understanding any drastic
weeks who came home from a trip or gathering with a case now as very changes in COVid infections, waste water data might not

a buzz
of COVid-19. While it appears COVid infections are on the always perfectly reflect rates of infection, Barnabas said.
rise, thanks in part to the spread of a new family of variants concerning changes The levels of COVid in Eastern Massachusetts waste water
informally known as “FLiRT,” levels of COVid in Eastern
Massachusetts waste water have remained fairly low, with a
because, overall, started ticking up in May but remain at a fraction of where
they stood last January. Emergency department visits for
small uptick in early July. We spoke with two infectious dis- deaths have been COVid are also low. Rivals are drawing
ease experts to understand where we stand with the virus. What’s important to note is that COVid deaths in Massa-
According to data from the Massachusetts department much lower...’ chusetts have remained stable, Barnabas said. high-profile support
of Public health, COVid cases in the state are increasing, dR. RuAnnE BARnABAs “i wouldn’t describe what’s happening now as very con-
said dr. Ruanne Barnabas, chief of the division of infectious cerning changes because, overall, deaths have been much
diseases at Massachusetts General hospital. Tracking the
chief of the division of infectious
diseases at Massachusetts General lower than they were at times of the epidemic where we SJC contest is seen as
exact number of cases, however, can be difficult as we do
not test as frequently for COVid as we used to, Barnabas
Hospital were very concerned about surges,” Barnabas said.
COVID, Page B5
proxy for other battles

By Niki Griswold

A race for an elected position far off

most residents’ radar is evolving into
the buzziest matchup on the septem-
ber primary ballot, with some of Bos-
ton’s most powerful politicians throw-
ing their weight behind two very differ-
ent candidates running to be clerk of
the supreme Judicial Court for suffolk
As Boston City Councilor Erin Mur-
phy and longtime public defender Alli-
son Cartwright ramp up their cam-
paigns, several high-profile endorse-
ments — Mayor Michelle Wu of Boston,
state senator Lydia Edwards of East
Boston, and Attorney General Andrea
Campbell for Cartwright; and Con-
gressman stephen Lynch of south Bos-
ton and Councilor Ed Flynn behind
Murphy — have drawn the spotlight to
the contest for a rather low-profile posi-
But for political insiders, the unusu-
al attention on the race is also emblem-
atic of the ongoing tension between the
traditional political establishment in
Boston versus a new wave of progres-
sive leaders.
“A lot of people are looking at this as
kind of another battle in this bigger
war here around the direction of the
city,” said doug Rubin, a democratic
political consultant who worked for
former governor deval Patrick and
served as a senior strategist for candi-
dates such as us senator Elizabeth
Martha Moulton repairing reels at Surfland Bait & Tackle, a longtime saltwater fishing shop on Plum Island. Though the position that the two
candidates are vying for is not political,

a reel the dynamic of the race is undeniably

so, as Murphy — known as one of the
more conservative members of the

council and a Wu antagonist — goes up
against Cartwright, who is backed by
some of the state’s most prominent pro-
gressive politicians.

on plum
The tension between “old” and
“new” political forces was further un-
derscored by a controversy over a pho-
to of Murphy appearing to support

communities pushing back against a
state law that requires cities and towns
served by the T to allow for more multi-
family housing. Campbell has sued one

Martha Moulton is a savior of the towns who refuse to comply, and

it is set to be litigated before the full su-
at Surfland Bait & tackle preme Judicial Court in the fall.
Against that backdrop though,
much of the campaign has focused on
By Billy Baker debate over what credentials qualify a

GLOBE sTAFF candidate to do the job.
LuM isLAnd — “Mr. hartigan. What can The clerk of the supreme Judicial
i do for you?” Martha Moulton asks as a Court for suffolk County is primarily
weathered fisherman walks in the door of Above: To get your responsible for overseeing the single
surfland Bait & Tackle. photo on the wall at justice caseload for the court, or the
“did you miss me?” Bob hartiman Surfland you need to caseload of emergency appeals that a
quips. catch a striped bass single justice screens and determines
“depends on what you’re bringing me,” over 50 pounds. whether they should be heard by all of
she counters. Left: Martha the high court justices. The clerk is also
hartiman, who is 77 and has been coming to the shop Moulton fixed a responsible for overseeing the admis-
since he was in high school, places two old fishing reels fishing reel at sion of new lawyers to the Massachu-
on the counter. Or, rather, the pieces of them, though it’s Surfland. setts bar, and handling matters of attor-
hard to tell what’s what because there’s so much caked- ney discipline. it is an elected position
on salt that they look like they were recovered from a with a six-year term, chosen by voters
shipwreck. in suffolk County, which comprises
if anyone can fix them, it’s the woman coastal anglers Boston, Revere, Chelsea, and Win-
on the north shore and southern new England know throp. The current clerk, Maura doyle,
simply as Martha. an attorney who has held the clerk po-

MarY-LOu ParDue 1933-2024 inside

MIT professor whose anti-bias efforts boosted women Shooting victim ID’d
Police have identified Warren Julien, a
By Bryan Marquard due, the first woman in MiT’s school Dr. Pardue was 40-year-old resident of Jamaica Plain,
GLOBE sTAFF of science to be inducted into the na- an American as the victim of a Friday shooting on
Amid the clatter of lunchtime dish- tional Academy of sciences. Academy of shawmut Avenue — one of four shoot-
es, Mary-Lou Pardue sat across from “i chose Mary-Lou as the person Arts and ings across Boston following the city’s
nancy hopkins one day in 1994 in a whose judgment would mean the most Sciences fellow Fourth of July celebration. B3
café not far from the Massachusetts to me. i had this huge respect for her and a past
institute of Technology, reading a let- as a scientist before i even met her,” president of
Database maps energy
ter hopkins had drafted. hopkins recalled in an interview. the Genetics facilities by area
Both were MiT professors and sci- dr. Pardue read the letter “very Society of Energy infrastructure facilities are
entists, and hopkins, the younger of slowly and put it down on the table America and now mapped out on a new Boston
the two, had gathered data showing and said, ‘i agree with this letter, every the American university database that yields much
women on the faculty were routinely word. i want to sign it and think you Society for Cell information about which communities
discriminated against in numerous should send it to the president,’ " hop- Biology. bear the brunt of sites such as oil wells
ways. hopkins wanted to send her kins said. “And that changed my life, and natural gas processing and storage
findings to the school’s president, but and ultimately it changed MiT. That facilities. B2
sought a blessing of sorts from dr. Par- PARDUE, Page B4
b2 Metro T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N D A Y, J U L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4

Report sheds harsh light on reading instruction in Winchester

By Mandy McLaren work, cut ties with the curricu-
GLObe stAff lum creator last year.)
Literacy instruction in one of evaluators found teachers
the boston area’s most sought- were split on why they use Units
after suburban school districts of study: 41 percent said they
is hampered by poor communi- use it because it is offered by the
cation, lapses in leadership, and district and works well for stu-
a “climate of deep mistrust” dents, while 37 percent said
among educators and parents — they use it because it is offered
factors that ultimately limit stu- but that it does not work well
dents’ learning potential, ac- for students. twenty-two per-
cording to a new report. cent said they had another rea-
the 111-page report by Win- son for using the curriculum,
chester Public schools and writ- with several noting it works well
ten by evaluators from the col- for their students only because
laborative for educational ser- they make extensive modifica-
vices, a Northampton-based tions to the materials.
nonprofit, found “wide variabil- “i think some of the Lucy
ity” in how students across the calkins materials are excellent,
4,300-student district are but i also see where they’re lack-
taught to read, with at least 20 ing,” said one teacher.
different curriculums used “there is so much research
across five elementary schools. against Lucy calkins’s program,
though Winchester purports to it should not be supported by
empower teachers by granting the district,” said another.
them instructional autonomy, a eva l u at o r s a d d i t i o n a l l y
majority of educators would found the district’s teacher
prefer more guidance from dis- training, as well as its supports
trict leadership, the report for struggling readers, to be
found, noting a “remarkable lacking.
discrepancy” between how lead- During the public comment
ers and the rank and file view portion of tuesday’s meeting,
JessicA RiNALDi/GLObe stAff
the district’s curriculum land- Winchester parent and select
scape. A first-grader read during class at Lincoln Elementary School in Winchester, a sought-after suburban school district that is board member Anthea brady
“i teach all the subjects,” said operating amid challenges that affect teaching children how to read, according to a new report. said the report “lays out what a
one teacher, according to the re- lot of families have suspected
port. “i have students with Au- read. Winchester was among for the report, which was we’re the experts,” one teacher “but it is out there, so we for many years.“
tism, ADHD, with iePs. And i’m several districts using a reading discussed at a tuesday school said, “but teachers’ opinions ac- know now, we have a common “My question is: What is the
supposed to be creating literacy curriculum the state education committee meeting, evaluators tually hold very little weight ground around what people are next step? How will the district
curriculum? the district says department calls “low-quality” sur veyed teachers, literacy here.” saying, teachers specifically,” address these issues?” brady
they trust me, but i’m not an ex- for relying on outdated teaching coaches and specialists, and Parents, meanwhile, report- said Hackett. said.
pert curriculum writer, or a lit- methods, the Globe found. parents, in addition to holding ed conversations with teachers Many Winchester teachers in his comments, Hackett
eracy expert. i feel like i’m on though Winchester’s overall several listening sessions both that had a “clandestine edge,” have been using a curriculum said there are “clearly things, in
my own.” reading achievement beats state in person and on Zoom. with educators stating, “i’m not called Units of study in Reading my view, that we can begin to
“My first year here, i was in averages, its marginalized stu- evaluators described in the allowed to say this, but...”, the from the New Hampshire-based take action on,” but he did not
shock. i’ve never taught in a dis- dents — which includes those report that it is overwhelmingly report said. publisher Heinemann. Units of provide specifics, saying more
trict where there was so little who are low-income, have dis- clear there is “little collabora- “there is a weird tension in study is one of the curriculums time for reflection is needed.
structure or guidance,” said an- abilities, or are learning english tion or trust between teachers the district because no one will the state education department Winchester will host the
other. — find themselves at the losing and district literacy leadership,” admit that maybe some things has deemed low-quality. (the third of three question-and-an-
Winchester commissioned end of double-digit achievement with teachers feeling there is lit- went wrong,” one parent said. creator of the curriculum, Lucy swer sessions on July 22 at 4
the report earlier this year in re- gaps. On the 2023 state-man- tle room for their voice or exper- “there is a culture of pushing calkins, told the New York p.m. with evaluators from the
sponse to mounting community dated McAs english Language tise and many fearing “shame or literacy challenges under the times in 2022 that she erred in collaborative for educational
pressure for a review. that pres- Arts exam, for example, 70 per- censure” for speaking up. edu- rug.” placing an emphasis on visual services.
sure was spurred, in part, by a cent of non-low-income third cators feel “unheard, distrusted, speaking during the tuesday cues for solving unknown
January Globe investigation in- grade students met or exceeded and disempowered,” according meeting, superintendent frank words. columbia University Mandy McLaren can be reached
to how boston’s suburban dis- expectations, versus just 32 per- to the report. Hackett called the report a “very teachers college, which once at
tricts are teaching children to cent of their low-income peers. “they say they trust us, that difficult read.” housed calkins’ consultant Follow her @mandy_mclaren.

More fossil-fuel facilities in minority, low-income areas, BU finds

By Esmy Jimenez tant professor of epidemiology, Although the plant is no lon- transition, who was not involved
GLObe stAff sought to change that and spent ger active, its 70 acres are still with the research. but this kind
All around us, energy infra- a year piecing together private adjacent to local neighborhoods. of fossil-fuel mapping is “laying
structure exists: lighting our and public databases to locate chelsea residents have also the groundwork,” she said.
streets, heating our homes and every bit of infrastructure that’s pushed back against such ener- buonocore and Willis hope
workplaces, the fuel that runs needed to get fossil fuels deliv- gy facilities, pointing out that state and federal officials, non-
our cities and towns. ered to consumers. they take away open space and profits, and other academics will
Much of the infrastructure “turns out there’s about 30 expose residents to greater use this new tool in novel ways
goes unnoticed, invisible to the different pieces in between,” health risks, ones that wealthier to take the research even fur-
untrained eye. Gasoline storage Willis said. communities don’t have to face. ther.
tanks buried underground. the researchers found that in May, the conservation
buzzing power plants. Petro- neighborhoods labeled as envi- Law foundation sued the com- This story was produced by the
leum terminals dotting the Port ronmental justice communities pany that manages two oil ter- Globe’s Money, Power,
of boston. had a density of energy-emitting minals in chelsea, alleging they Inequality team, which covers
t hose facilities are now infrastructure three times great- violated the clean Water Act. the racial wealth gap in Greater
mapped out on a new boston er than other communities na- “there’s so much work to be Boston. Esmy Jimenez can be
University database that shows tionally. done,” said Zayneb Magavi, exec- reached at
DAviD L. RYAN/GLObe stAff
fossil fuel facilities across the environmental justice com- utive director of Heet, a non-
United states, a first-of-its-kind munities include minority The now-decommissioned Mystic Generating Station in profit dedicated to clean-energy Follow her @esmyjimenez.
tool that yields information groups, people who speak an- Everett was the largest fossil-fuel plant in New England.
about which communities bear other language besides english,
the brunt of sites like oil wells, and low-income populations place where things get cited.” and heart disease.
natural gas processing, and stor- who have been historically dis- the health impacts of fossil At a local level, communities
age facilities. advantaged by past environmen- fuels are hard to definitively have pushed back on the con-
“there’s a rapidly growing tal issues. in Greater boston, quantify; while researchers have centration of fossil-fuel infra-
body of evidence on health im- that includes parts of chelsea, studied the relationship of fossil structure.
pacts of folks living near oil and somerville, and east boston. fuels and air quality, it’s chal- John Walkey with Green- News Advertising
gas production wells,” said Jona- the researchers also found lenging to directly link that to roots, an environmental justice CONTACTS, TIPS, COMMENTS DISPLAY
than buonocore, an assistant that storage infrastructure in the the impact on people’s health. organization based in chelsea, switchboard: (617) 929-2000 (617) 929-2200
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Health and one of the two lead where the majority of residents lating air pollution for each tion in everett, which was the (617) 929-1500
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After chaotic weekend, man killed Friday in Roxbury identified

By John Hilliard ment’s Homicide Unit is actively Fourth of July celebration. been called to another shooting section of Gladeside Avenue and school but did not identify her.
GLObE sTAFF reviewing the facts and circum- The circumstances of the four in Jamaica Plain, where they Donwood Terrace. Police described her injuries Fri-
and Daniel Kool stances surrounding this inci- shootings in boston on Friday re- found three adults with gunshot boston Police superintendent day as non-life-threatening.
GLObE CORREsPONDENT dent,” police wrote in a statement mained unclear sunday, and in- wounds. Felipe Colon told reporters satur- Julien’s death marked the
Police have identified Warren saturday, urging anyone with in- vestigators were still trying to de- Police responded to a third day that officers found “a male fifth fatal shooting in boston this
Julien, a 40-year-old resident of formation to call the homicide termine if any of them were con- shooting at 783 blue Hill Ave. in and female” with gunshot year, and Cousins’ the sixth, ac-
Jamaica Plain, as the victim of a unit at 617-343-4470. nected, according to sergeant Dorchester around 5:18 a.m., in wounds in a vehicle and said the cording to police data.
Friday shooting on shawmut Av- shortly after 1:30 a.m., bos- Detective John boyle, a boston which one victim suffered life- attack did not appear random. Investigators are still trying to
enue — one of four shootings ton police officers responded to police spokesperson. threatening injuries. boyle said The man later died. determine whether the shootings
across boston following the city’s the area of 618 shawmut Ave. in Police had not made any ar- the man remained in life-threat- stoughton Public schools on in Dorchester, Roxbury, or Jamai-
Fourth of July celebration. Roxbury, where they found Ju- rests in the shootings, boyle said. ening condition sunday after- saturday identified the Mattapan ca Plain Friday morning were
Julien was pronounced dead lien with life-threatening inju- “They are still very active in- noon, and homicide detectives shooting victim as Christian random, according to boyle.
after being taken to a local hospi- ries. vestigations, and we are urging were assigned to the case due to Cousins, a rising stoughton High
tal with multiple gunshot The killing, which remains anyone with information to con- the severity of his injuries. school senior. Daniel Kool can be reached at
wounds, boston police said in a under investigation, was one of tact police,” boyle said. A fourth shooting incident The schools reported the sec-
statement. four shootings that took place in Minutes before arriving at took place shortly after 12:30 ond victim was a young woman John Hilliard can be reached at
“The boston Police Depart- the hours after the city’s annual shawmut Avenue, police had p.m. in Mattapan, near the inter- who also attends stoughton High

Race for SJC clerk post drawing an unusual amount of buzz

uclerk race qualifications and respect in the agement and record keeping. of Cartwright’s supporters and Gertner has not weighed in job, and I think they’re trying to
Continued from Page B1 legal community are why she You’re the keeper of the records, others in the legal community, on the clerk’s race with an en- make something out of noth-
sition for nearly 30 years, re- has earned endorsements from something I’ve done my whole who said it was inappropriate dorsement. but retired judge ing.”
cently announced plans to re- Wu, Campbell, several state sen- life.” for a candidate running for Geraldine Hines, who has Murphy said should she win,
tire. ators, a handful of city council- Murphy’s endorsements in- clerk to take a position on an is- served as an associate justice on she would refrain from taking
As an elected position, there ors from boston, Winthrop, clude Flynn, a close ally on the sue that will soon be argued be- the supreme Judicial Court and political positions.
are no specific, formal eligibility Chelsea, and Revere, and most council; Lynch; and several la- fore the court. supports Cartwright, said Mur- The incident has raised the
requirements for the role be- recently, the boston Teachers bor unions, including the bos- “These days in particular, phy’s actions risk undermining question of whether clerk posi-
yond the basic requirements for Union. ton Police Patrolmen’s Associa- courts have to be beyond re- the institution’s integrity and tions should be elected or ap-
anyone running for public of- “You weigh in when the right tion and boston Firefighters Lo- proach, have to be not just actu- the perception of its impartiali- pointed. Unlike the position
fice. person should have a job; you cal 718. state Representative ally neutral, but [have] the ap- ty. that Cartwright and Murphy are
As they make their pitch to weigh in when you see 30 years Jeffrey Turco also endorsed pearance of neutrality,” said re- “It’s irrefutable evidence, in competing for, the clerk for the
voters, Murphy is relying heavi- of hard work of fighting for peo- Murphy, sparking controversy tired Judge Nancy Gertner, who my humble opinion, that she supreme Judicial Court of the
ly on voters’ familiarity with her ple to have a second chance,” has no understanding or appre- Commonwealth — a very simi-
as a councilor, and Cartwright is s a i d E d w a r d s , o n e o f C a r t- ciation of the role of the clerk,” lar role — is appointed by the
FocuS on SJc clerk race
touting her credentials. wright’s earliest backers. “Hon- Hines told the Globe. “It’s not a justices. A recent job descrip-
In an inter view with the estly I’ll be damned if someone Erin Murphy (left) political position like a city tion for that position required
Globe, Cartwright said her pro- who has no idea what it takes to councilor, where you are expect- candidates to have a law degree,
fessional background, including be an attorney is going to be the and Allison ed by your constituents to tell be a member of the Massachu-
more than 30 years as an attor-
ney, makes her the best choice.
gatekeeper of our legal profes-
sion in Massachusetts.”
Cartwright are them what you think of issues.
... Here, that’s absolutely inap-
setts bar, and have more than 10
years of legal experience.
she currently oversees about 75 speaking to the Globe, Mur- campaigning to be propriate; neutrality is re- “While I certainly don’t be-
employees as the managing di- phy pushed back against the quired.” grudge anyone for running be-
rector of the public defender di- idea that she is unqualified for clerk of the SJC Murphy rejects the criticism, cause it’s the system we have, I
vision of the Committee for Pub-
lic Counsel services, the state
the role because she’s not a law-
for Suffolk County saying elections are inherently
political and she is entitled to
think it’s high time we revisit
the process of how we choose
agency that provides legal rep- “If an opponent wants to campaign. many of these elected county
resentation for those who can’t change the job description and after the two appeared in a pho- spent decades as a federal judge “God bless her, good for her, roles,” said former boston city
afford an attorney. make people believe that it’s ab- to together holding signs that and now teaches at Harvard standing up for what she be- councilor Matt O’Malley, who
“I have tried cases in District solutely necessary, that’s a polit- read “Winthrop says ‘No’ to 3A,” Law school. “All the ways in lieves in, and standing with the has not endorsed a candidate in
Court, superior Court, Probate ical tactic,” Murphy said, argu- a reference to residents who op- which a clerk can put his or her people of part of the district,” this race. “Empowering the gov-
and Family Court, Juvenile ing that her time on the council, pose the statewide zoning law. thumb on the scale, not in a de- said Lynch, the congressman ernor to appoint well-qualified
Court,” Cartwright said. “This is and her 20-plus years as a bos- The supreme Judicial Court is cision-making way, but in terms from south boston who backs individuals ... would seemingly
our state’s highest court and ton Public schools teacher and set to hear arguments in a law- of the advice they give and in Murphy, to the Globe. “The deci- be a significant upgrade from
having that legal background, special-education coordinator, suit over the law in the fall. terms of the way in which they sion on the merits is going to be the status quo.”
that legal training, only ensures prepared her to run for clerk. The Commonwealth beacon administer their job, can be af- left up to a judge and to a court,
that [I] can do a stellar job.” “When you look at what the job was the first to report on the fected by this kind of politiciza- so I don’t think it creates a prob- Niki Griswold can be reached at
Edwards said Cartwright’s requires, it 100 percent is man- photo, which infuriated several tion.” lem. I think she’ll be great at the

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‘It’s amazing what she and her mother before her have done to support and promote fishing on this island. They want
everybody who comes through this door to have a good day and catch a fish.’
Jim fALLON, a fisherman from Chelmsford, talking about Martha Moulton and her mother, Kay

On Plum Island, she learned fishing reel repair ‘in vitro’

Continued from Page B1
“What did you do to them?”
martha exclaims, throwing up
her hands at the mess in front of
“i used them,” Hartiman
says, hitting her with a wink
and instantly disarming her. for
if you want to win over martha
and cut through the gruff de-
fenses she throws up when
needed, being devoted to an old
fishing reel is a good place to
start. That’s something she in-
herited from her mother.
in 1960, at the end of the
causeway that brings visitors to
Plum island, a World War ii vet-
eran named ray moulton
opened a shack that sold bait
and tackle to the surfcasters
who have long flocked to the 11-
mile-long barrier beach to chase
striped bass. But it was his wife,
Kay, who became renowned for
her ability to fix the salt- and
sand-damaged reels that are the
byproduct of fishing a wave-bat-
tered beach.
As her husband shifted his
attention to starting marinas in
Newburyport and Salisbury,
Kay honed skills that earned the
shop something of a cult follow-
ing among finicky anglers.
The couple had five children,
but it was martha who followed
most closely in her mother’s
footsteps, taking a watchmak-
er’s interest in the gears and
bearings that make a reel work.
Like all her siblings, she grew
up working in the shop and con- Sisters Elizabeth Moulton-Cowie (left) and Martha Moulton at Surfland, the premier saltwater fishing shop on the North Shore. “Fishermen are more finicky
tinued each summer during the than the fish,” Martha says.
27 years she spent as a special
education teacher at Lowell learned from her mother how to dreds of others they insist they s triper), and the y have two her mother before her have They want to believe.
High School. deal with cantankerous fisher- also need. martha herself does grown step-daughters. She’s al- done to support and promote “They want that reassurance
By age 50, martha retired men and women. fish, though she prefers to skip so been teaching herself to weld, fishing on this island,” fallon that there are fish out there, and
from teaching to “focus on one “People always say, ‘ Your lures and fish with live eels, typ- turning old ice thongs into fish- said. “They want everybody who they have a chance. So we’ll al-
life,” as she says, and that was at mother would yell at me,’” mar- ically at night from a boat . shaped lawn decorations. comes through this door to have ways tell them what we’re hear-
Surfland. She hunched over tha said with a proud smile. But That’s if she has time to get out. But much of her life, and a good day and catch a fish.” ing, what’s biting and where,”
reels at the work bench in the martha’s not as much of a yeller. She opens the shop most much of her love, is reserved for for years, devout area an- martha said. And when they’re
back, helping her mother, who She’s a schoolteacher, so she mornings. When she doesn’t, the crusty sorts who wake up glers wore T-shirts that said “i’m done in the shop and heading
continued working at the shop makes the troublemakers go she walks the beach early, col- before dawn and wait for her to a Kay customer.” Now, there’s out the door again, she always
until she passed away in 2018 at stand in the corner. lecting lobster claws she will open so they can get fresh bait. many a rusty pickup truck remembers to say the one thing
age 88. Now martha, who is 60, “fishermen are more finicky craft into little Santa Clauses to On this morning, there were sporting a salty bumper sticker they really need to hear: good
runs the shop with her sister, than the fish,” she said on a re- sell at a fair each winter. Her four sitting in their cars when that is a tribute to her daughter. luck.
elizabeth moulton-Cowie, who cent morning, exasperated, as husband does some commercial she unlocked the door at 6 a.m. it reads: “martha lubes my reel.”
handles the business side. she gives a tour of the shop and striper fishing (he’s got his pic- Jim fallon was one of them. for deep down, what martha Billy Baker can be reached at
“Kay was a master of rod re- points out what she calls the five ture on the wall of fame in the He drove an hour from Chelms- learned from her parents is that Follow
pair, and i learned in vitro,” lures a fisherman needs, though shop, reserved for anglers who ford to fish the island at dawn. fishermen and women want him on Instagram
martha likes to say. She also she gladly sells them the hun- have landed a 50-pound-plus “it’s amazing what she and more than just gear and bait. @billy_baker.

Mary-Lou Pardue, who fought bias against women, dies at 90

uPARDUE 1999 report documented the spending time with them dur-
Continued from Page B1 systematic bias that women in ing the winter holidays and go-
was, to me, the defining mo- the School of Science were fac- ing along on skiing and camp-
ment for women at miT.” ing. ing trips.
A highly regarded cellular That report, and miT’s sub- “A lot of times you run into
and molecular biologist whose sequent efforts to address its scientists who are quite intelli-
work formed the foundation for failings, led to similar efforts at gent and can’t relate to people
key advancements and discover- universities across the country. on a personal level,” said her
ies in understanding the struc- “it was life-changing, but nephew, Todd Pardue of fairfax
ture of chromosomes, Dr. Par- that it could change the world? Station, Va. “She would take the
due died June 1 in Youville As- This is not something that oc- time to talk to you. She was a
sisted Living in Cambridge. curred to me then,” Hopkins very special person.”
She was 90, had been diag- said, laughing at the memory. He and his sister, Sara Par-
nosed with Parkinson’s disease, As a young scientist, Dr. Par- due Gibson of Columbus, Ohio,
and her health had been failing. due and Joseph Gall, who had are their aunt’s closest survi-
The first Boris magasanik been her doctoral adviser at Yale vors. Plans for a celebration of
professor of biology at miT, Dr. University, developed an “in situ Dr. Pardue’s life and work are
Pardue had also been an Ameri- hybridization” technique that pending.
can Academy of Arts and Sci- “led to many discoveries, includ- While fielding questions dur-
ences fellow, and was a past ing critical advancements in de- ing her miT talk that was re-
president of the Genetics Soci- velopmental biology, our under- corded for a video, Dr. Pardue
ety of America and the Ameri- standing of embryonic develop- smiled and said in a voice still
can Society for Cell Biology. ment, and the structure of rich with the Kentucky accent of
Her efforts at miT 30 years chromosomes,” miT said in its her youth that as a researcher,
ago with Hopkins and other fe- tribute to Dr. Pardue. “the greatest joy is when an ex-
male professors, however, are “in situ hybridization was a p e r i m e n t y o u d i d n’ t t h i n k
s t i l l h av i n g a r i p p l e e ff e c t crucial step toward genomics. would work, works.”
through academia across the in some ways you could call it Such clear, concise lessons
country and around the world. the first genomic technique,” were among those she imparted
When Dr. Pardue told Hop- said Allan Spradling, an investi- Dr. Pardue, an MIT professor emerita, traveled widely for hiking, including trekking in the to generations of young scien-
kins she wanted to sign the let- gator at the Howard Hughes Annapurna range in Nepal in 1982. tists who worked in her labs, in-
ter about bias against women medical institution. cluding at miT, where she was a
and send it to miT’s president, “Her research is underappre- Cech, a former post-doctoral liam and mary with a bachelor’s h i k e r i n N e w H a m p s h i r e ’s professor for more than 30
“i knew the world had shifted,” ciated,” said Spradling, who also student of Dr. Pardue’s who degree in biology. White mountains who also took years.
said Hopkins, whose efforts is a former director of the em- shared the 1989 Nobel Prize in After working in research, on distant challenging terrain. “She was a great mentor who
with Dr. Pardue and others were bryology department at the Car- Chemistry. she received a master’s in radia- She agreed to the Genetics Soci- was as proud of her scientific
documented in “ The excep- negie institution for Science. “it was one of those discover- tion biology in 1959 from the ety presidency because on the children and grandchildren as
tions,” a 2023 book by New York “it’s all tied into so many mo- ies which seemed important at University of Tennessee and a way home from an international she was of her own accomplish-
Times reporter Kate Zernike, mentous events in the history of the time and certainly attracted doctorate in biology in 1970 meeting in india she could go ments. That’s not the way all sci-
who initially broke the story as a genomics.” many of us to her laboratory,” he from Yale University. trekking in Nepal’s Annapurna entists look at things,” said Ky
Boston Globe reporter. Kerry Kelley, who formerly said, “but in retrospect, we had She also did postdoctoral range. Lowenhaupt, manager of the
“i could sense the power of managed Dr. Pardue’s lab, and is no idea how powerful this work at the University of edin- “She was a fun person to be Biophysical instrumentation fa-
it: Two women, saying the same now manager of the Yilmaz Lab would become.” burgh before seeking a faculty around,” said Susan A. Gerbi, cility at miT.
thing, one of them a member of at the Koch institute for integra- Born on Sept. 15, 1933, position in the United States. the George eggleston professor Lowenhaupt said Dr. Pardue
the National Academy of Scienc- tive Cancer research, said that mary-Lou Pardue grew up in miT turned her down with a let- of biochemistr y emerita at “was a role model of what wom-
es,” Hopkins said. “She looked at “mary-Lou was a giant of her and around Lexington, Ky. ter at first, and then recruited Brown University, and a gradu- en in science can be at a time
me and felt the same thing, that time.” Her father, Louis Pardue, her for an associate professor ate school contemporary of Dr. when there weren’ t a lot of
two women together had pow- Continuing to work in her was a dean at Virginia Tech. Her position in 1972 after hearing Pardue’s at Yale. those, and a trailblazer as a
er.” lab after the onset of Parkin- mother, mary Allie marshall about her work and lectures, “She had a twinkle in her woman — but also a trailblazer
They reached out to other son’s, Dr. Pardue was “gracious, Pardue, had been a teacher be- “which i thought was as sincere eye, which you can see even if as a scientist who didn’ t do
tenured female professors at kind, smart as a whip, and just fore marrying. Her younger an apology as you can get,” she you look at the seminar she gave things along the path that other
miT, and almost all co-signed full of great stories,” Kelley said. brother, William, who died in said with a laugh in a video fo- on YouTube,” Gerbi said. “And people took.”
the letter, which they presented The techniques that Dr. Par- 2016, was a scientist in the nu- rum that miT posted online. she was very smart and had
to the president. in 1995, miT due and Gall developed are now clear industry. Dr. Pardue, whose marriage good insights.” Bryan Marquard can be
created the Committee on the used in thousands of labs Dr. Pardue graduated in in her graduate student years Over the years, Dr. Pardue reached at
Status of Women faculty, whose around the world, said Thomas 1955 from the College of Wil- ended in divorce, was an avid was close to her brother’s family,
m O N D A Y, J U L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Metro B5

Should I bring

michAeL B. ThOmAs/New YOrk Times

Waste water samples at the University of Missouri in Columbia in 2021. The levels of COVID
in Eastern Massachusetts waste water started ticking up in May.

Where COVID stands in Mass.

uCOVID scribing the virus as seasonal, as children ages 6 months to 4
Continued from Page B1 it remains hard to predict its be- years are up to date when they
Through June 22, the latest havior. have received all recommended
data available on the centers for Assoumou recommended doses — including at least one

Ask the new

Disease control and Prevention masking in crowded, indoor dose of the updated cOViD vac-
dashboard, hawaii saw a signifi- places, especially for those who cine.
cant increase in er visits for are at risk for severe disease, Assoumou said giving a gen-
cOViD. it’s difficult to know hospitalization, and death. she eral answer to this question is
whether that’s a preview of
w h at ’s t o c o m e o n t h e e a s t
coast, said Dr. sabrina Assou-
suggested spending time outside
over indoors, when possible.
with many other respiratory
hard, given that every individual
has their own circumstances
and underlying conditions.
Globe weather team.
mou, associate professor of med- infections circulating, for those however, for most people de-
icine at Boston University and who become symptomatic, bating whether to get their
infectious disease physician at Barnabus advised testing when booster now versus the new one Lead meteorologist Ken Mahan joins Dave Epstein and
Boston medical center. cOViD symptoms start and then in the fall, Assoumou recom-
“But it’s definitely worth pay- again two or three days later. mended that they wait until the
our expanded weather team to bring you the science
ing attention to,” she added. Assoumou recommended fall. while the current version behind our region’s weather, enhanced daily forecasts,
A variety of factors help ex- that those who catch cOViD and provides some protection, it does
plain the recent uptick, Assou- are susceptible to severe illness not directly target the pervasive and extreme-weather alerts.
mou said. reach out to their health care variants we are seeing now.
For one, we are dealing with provider to see if they qualify for “in terms of what’s going to
a new group of variants, “FLirT,” Paxlovid, which she said can be protect you better for what’s go- Check your forecast now at
which do not appear to produce an effective antiviral. ing to happen in the winter —
more severe disease but do seem “The most important thing we’ll likely see an increase in cas-
to be more transmissible and you can do is keep your vaccine es — the version in the fall is
better at evading immunity, she status up to date,” said Barnab- probably going to be a better
explained. us, adding that vaccines offer match to what’s going to be cir-
Additionally as people gather crucial protection against severe culating,” Assoumou said.
in indoor spaces to avoid the disease. The cDc advises that those 6
heat this summer, they increase The cDc considers those 65 months or older take the updat-
their risk of infection, Assoumou and older up to date when they ed vaccine this fall.
said. have received two updated 2023-
Although cOViD cases have 2024 cOViD vaccinations. Peo- Helena Getahun-Hawkins can
typically increased during the ple ages 5 to 64 are up to date af- be reached at
summer and winter seasons, As- ter receiving one age-appropri- helena.getahunhawkins@globe.
soumou cautioned against de- ate updated cOViD vaccine, and com.

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BosTix booth
reopening at
Faneuil Hall
this week
By Emily Wyrwa
GLObe cOrresPONDeNt

Artsboston’s bostix booth will re-

open at faneuil Hall on wednesday.
to celebrate the return of its discount
ticketing kiosk, the arts advocacy or-
ganization announced a partnership
with the emerson colonial theatre for
the pre-broadway premiere of “the
Queen of Versailles,” starring tony
and emmy Award winner kristin che-
noweth. the six-week engagement be-
gins on July 16.
the reopening of the bostix down-
town location marks a new beginning
for Artsboston, according to a press
release from the group. As it did be-
fore its pandemic-related closure, the
faneuil kiosk will sell discounted tick-
ets to arts performances across the
city. in its new iteration, it will also
host pop-up performances and inter-
active arts experiences, and according
to Artsboston’s executive director,
catherine Peterson, “it’s going to be a
happening place.”
“we have such a healthy, vibrant
ecosystem of the arts that we want to Somerville’s longest running street festival returns to Davis Square this weekend. This year’s theme? It’s wild. (No, really, it is.)
make sure everybody knows about,”
Peterson said in an interview with the By Emily Wyrwa BOSTON AT A BARGAIN city tmA, and Lower mystic tmA at

Globe. “by having that booth open in GLObe cOrresPONDeNt their annual water transit fair. At-
one of the most highly trafficked parts ummer is in full swing, tendees can partake in photo-ops

Takin’ it to the
of our city, not only will people be able and with it, boston is and panels and chances to win priz-
to get there easily, but they’re just go- coming alive with free es, while learning the different ways
ing to run into it. they’re going to see concerts, comedy, and a to get the best use of the city’s water

streets in Somerville,
the vibrancy, and it’s going to make slightly belated solstice transportation options — including
them stop and think, and engage celebration. Plus, coming up this how to avoid this summer’s sumner
[with the arts].” weekend, somerville’s longest-run- tunnel closure, the greatest prize of
when it opens, the faneuil Hall
booth’s hours will be 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
wednesdays through saturdays. for
ning street festival is sure to provide
a day of inspiration for all. live comedy, and all. Friday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free.
Christopher Columbus Park/Long
Wharf 100 Atlantic Ave. event-
“Versailles,” bostix will sell $49 or-
chestra seats until this saturday, or
when the 400 tickets sell out.
LAUGH OUT LOUD start your week
with a free comedy show in the sea-
port at Lucky’s Lounge. the monday
a JP night market

LIVE ON THE WILD SIDE somerville’s

“Any time we are fortunate enough night shows feature a varying lineup Artbeat festival is back for its 38th
to get a pre-broadway show like ‘the of New england comedians — many sicians and vendors take over south year. with over 100 craft and food
Queen of Versailles,’ it’s really a mo- of whom have graced the stages of street, bringing snacks, handmade vendors, artists, and live music
ment to celebrate,” said Joey riddle, major streamers — ready to make trinkets and art, floral arrangements, across Davis square and a dance
the emerson colonial theatre’s gener- the crowd roar with laughter. Doors and more delightfully local wares. showcase at the somerville theater,
al manager. open at 7 p.m., and seating is on a bonus: kids on four or two (or eight) the all-day festival’s theme is “wild”
first come first serve basis, so get wheels can glide on over to the ten- and there will be no shortage of ways
there early for the best view! Mon- nis courts to partake in action- to cut loose. Saturday, 11 a.m. to
day, 7:30-9 p.m. Free with purchase. packed fun hosted by ferris wheels 10 p.m. Free. 1 Davis Square, Somer-
Lucky’s Lounge, 355 Commercial St. bike shop. Thursday, 6-9 p.m., 34-68 ville. South St., Jamaica Plain, jpcen- beat/2024
STEP INTO THE SUN June’s heat wave JAZZ IT UP charles Haynes and the
postponed this event, but it isn’t too TASTY TUNES sure, you can go to a tabernacle, keyon Harrold, brian
late to celebrate the summer solstice bakery for your morning pastry, but richburg Jr., and more will take the
with mit’s Open space program- you can’t always go to one for a con- Von Aldra is among the after- stage at the boston Jazz foundation’s
ming. the afternoon is packed with cert. mariposa bakery is opening up hours performers at Mariposa fourth annual charles river Jazz fes-
food trucks, DiY hanging planters after-hours for an evening of live mu- Bakery in Cambridge. tival. Head out to Allston to soak in
with Grace coburn of Old Dog De- sic served with pastries, tea, and cof- the sun and get lost in live jazz all
sign, hot beats by tim Hall and LO- fee. Local artists tiny the bear, Von cotton candy, and a screening at sunday long. tickets are required
ArtsBoston’s BosTix booth will mAN, and ice cream on the house. Aldra, and Good Judgement will take dusk, this free weekly film series is and free or Pay what You can but at-
reopen at Faneuil Hall on children must be accompanied by an the stage for a toe-tapping night at an all-family affair. catch this week’s tendees also can purchase ViP or
Wednesday, selling discounted adult. Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. this independent bakery. Wednes- screening of “trolls band together” Platinum upgrades for perks like an
tickets to arts performances across Free. Kendall/MIT Open Space, 292 day, 7:30-10 p.m. Free. Mariposa by william G. reinstein bandstand. Oyster Happy Hour and covered
the city. Main St., Cambridge. open- Bakery, 424 Massachusetts Ave., Thursday, 6-8 p.m. Free. Revere seating. Sunday, noon to 9 p.m. Free. Cambridge. Beach, 350 Revere Beach Blvd., Herter Park Amphitheater, 1175 Sol-
riddle said the Artsboston part- Revere. diers Field Road, Boston. bostonjazz-
nership “made sense,” as the promo- BLOCKED OFF FOR A BLOCK PARTY A BEACH RETREAT Oh, those sum-
tional pricing will put the show on a shop till sundown at Jamaica Plain’s mer nights! revere theatre thurs- PLANES, TRAINS AND … WATER-
broader audience’s radar. He added, biweekly Nite market series. every days offer an opportunity to relax by CRAFT celebrate water transit Emily Wyrwa can be reached at
”the show is incredibly popular, but other thursday through sept. 5, mu- the seaside. with music, popcorn, month with seaport tmA, A better
we wanted to make sure that it also is
the bostix booth, which opened in
faneuil Hall marketplace in 1978, has
always prioritized accessibility, ac-
cording to Peterson. the program was
modeled after tkts in New York, and
The rise of the ‘earlymoon’ couples for the 10 percent increase in
travel inquiries from earlymooners that
magma Global has received so far this
had two physical boston locations be-
fore its four-year hiatus, starting in Going on a prenuptial trip is becoming increasingly popular year. “the earlymoon trend represents
a shift in how couples approach their
march 2020. the back bay location is wedding prep and prioritize their time
anticipated to return in December, By Allison Duncan together before the big day.”

timed with the projected completion New YOrk times Janoff also mentioned that typically
of the copley square Park renova- ne month before their couples take their earlymoons six to
tions. July 2023 wedding, eight weeks before their weddings, fol-
As theaters reopened post-pan- shrestha maharaj, 28, lowing the bridal shower and bachelor/
demic, Artsboston continued to offer an analytics and insights bachelorette parties. she has sent cou-
bostix promotions online. but riddle manager based in south ples to places like montauk, N.Y., ber-
thinks the program’s in-person return Africa, and sumeeth suthurgam, 31, a muda. and Aspen, colo., for spring and
will extend a helping hand to poten- digital design lead, took an earlymoon. summer nuptials, while couples marry-
tial and new theatergoers. the couple spent a long weekend in ing in the fall or winter often travel to
“there’s this misconception that Umdloti, a small resort village along the mexico and the caribbean. “No matter
commercial theater is somewhat ex- northern coast of kwa-Zulu Natal in which destination they choose, there is
clusionary, especially because of the south Africa, just a 45-minute drive always a massage appointment made,”
price of admission,” he said. “People from their home. maharaj described she said, jokingly.
know that [the kiosk] is a place to go their earlymoon as a “break from the tom marchant, a founder and ceO
if you see a title that you think you’re chaos,” where they enjoyed electric of the luxury travel company black to-
unable to attend because you can’t af- scooter riding, table tennis playing, Couples usually take earlymoons six to eight weeks before their weddings. mato, said earlymoons unlock more
ford the ticket price. suddenly, you beach walking, and even practicing destination options as couples aren’t
can attend that show.” their first dance. “A change of scenery many hotels and resorts now tailor in california, has seen a 15 percent in- traditionally bound to a specific post-
Additionally, said Peterson, booth was necessary for that,” maharaj said, certain packages to earlymooners. crease yearly since opening in 2022 in wedding time frame.
employees are well-versed in boston’s laughing. “it’s amazing what that’ll do Hyatt centric faneuil Hall boston, for couples spending their earlymoons He organized an earlymoon to bhu-
theater community. they “see every- even when you’re still in the same city.” example, began offering an earlymoon there, many from within driving dis- tan and india for a client couple six
thing,” she added, and can help people for couples who want to bask in the package, “Get Away before the big Day,” tance in the san francisco bay Area, months before their August 2023 wed-
find new arts offerings throughout the engagement period before their wed- last summer. the three-night stay, start- said Laura mciver, the resort’s general ding. then, after the couple’s summer
city. dings, going on a prenuptial trip — or ing at $800, includes a day spa pass for manager. At the inn at mattei’s tavern nuptials in Newport, r.i., they took a
“every single day, we hear about an earlymoon — is becoming increas- two; a picnic at boston Public Garden; in Los Olivos, calif., a roughly two-hour New england road trip through rhode
grandparents who are taking their ingly popular. it’s different from both a dinner at the hotel’s in-house restau- drive from Los Angeles, there has been island, maine, and connecticut.
grandkids [to a show] for the first mini-moon — a quick getaway after the rant, Jules on Devonshire; and a wel- a 25 percent spike in couples booking “even those who have wedding
time, friends who are able to go twice wedding to decompress — and a honey- come bottle of champagne. stays before their weddings since it planners feel the heat as the date ap-
as often because of the price,” Peter- moon, in which a couple takes a longer, “earlymooners just want quality opened in february 2023, said Joern proaches, so we find people are more at
son said. “it’s a way to connect and be more elaborate post-wedding vacation. time with each other, so couples have schwaiger, the inn’s general manager. ease with some distance between the
able to, at the last minute, put togeth- “we really just needed a break and loved the stress-free aspect of it,” said “before this year, we would have big day and the earlymoon,” said
er amazing plans.” wanted to de-stress before our wed- kevin matheson, the general manager simply called an earlymoon a vacation marchant. “traveling right after a wed-
ding,” maharaj said of their earlymoon. of Hyatt centric faneuil Hall boston. or getaway,” said Nicole Janoff, a senior ding can be frantic. An earlymoon
Emily Wyrwa can be reached at “indian weddings can be intense. we “some even joke they’ll be back for manager of leisure travel at magma strips away the noise from that and al- Follow her had four wedding events over three their babymoons.” Global, a travel agency in New York, lows more focus on spending meaning-
@emilywyrwa. days and DiY-ed a lot of it.” stanly ranch, a Napa Valley resort who credits social media posts from ful time with each other.”
Sports C
tV highlights
tennis: Wimbledon, 6 a.m., ESPN2; 8 a.m., ESPN
Mlb: Mets-Pirates, 12:35 p.m., MLB
nba: Summer League, 7 p.m., ESPN
listings, C6

t H E B o s t o n G l o B E M o n dAy, J U ly 8 , 2 0 24 | B o s t o n G l o B E .C o M / s p o rt s

Pritchard revels in title glory

Celtics guard gets With four seconds left in the sec-
ond quarter of game 5 of the nBA
chard, who took one dribble,
pulled up from a few feet behind
UsA select call Finals, Mavericks star luka Doncic
stood at the free throw line with
midcourt, and hoped for the best.
“Just get a shot up and give it a
By Adam Himmelsbach his team trailing the Celtics by 18 chance to go in,” Pritchard said.
glOBE STAFF points. “That’s literally all that was on my
lAS VEgAS — Three weeks Pritchard had emerged as a mind. Just put it up in the air and
have passed, but reminders of the specialist in these late-quarter situ- get enough room to get a clean
shot continue to appear in Payton ations due to his unusual combina- look up.”
Pritchard’s text message threads tion of speed, shooting, and fear- The ball slid through the net,
fairly often. lessness, and Celtics coach Joe the TD garden crowd erupted, and
Sometimes they show an angle Mazzulla had just turned to him in the Celtics’ nBA championship be-
that Pritchard has never seen be- this spot once again, his first ap- gan to feel inevitable. For Prit-
fore. Sometimes they’re just smart- pearance of the game. chard, the shot instantly became
ly edited, with some slow-motion “He just knows I’m capable of indelible, a moment that will ap-
effects and cool music. hitting those kinds of shots,” Prit- pear in nBA Finals highlight reels
“I mean, obviously, people send chard said. for decades.
it to me all the time,” Pritchard After Doncic missed the free On Sunday, after scrimmaging
said Sunday, smiling. throw, Celtics forward Al Horford against USA Basketball’s Olympic
But no one will ever find a view grabbed the rebound, swiveled, team as a member of the USA Se-
better than Pritchard’s that night. and quickly flipped a pass to Prit- celtics, Page c2 Payton Pritchard says his iconic half-court shot, and NBA title, are just now feeling real.

Muscle in the Bronx

Devers backs
Crawford gem
with two HRs
By Julian McWilliams

Red sox 3 nEW YORk — With one out in the

top of the ninth inning Sunday
Yankees 0 night, Yankees fans who thought
their team had a chance to steal another win
from the Red Sox hit the exits.
Rafael Devers, the franchise pillar just
named to his third All-Star game, was the rea-
Devers clubbed his second solo home run of
the game, this one a no-doubter to right-center
field off reliever Michael Tonkin, stamping what
would be a 3-0 Sox victory and series win at Yan-
kee Stadium.
“At the end, he just put us on his shoulders
and carried us to a ‘W,’ ” manager Alex Cora said.
That Devers even got to a pitch as high and
outside as that one was is both unfathomable
and predictable. Unfathomable because nobody
is supposed to get to that pitch and yank it 423
feet to the pull side for a homer. Predictable be-
cause it’s quintessential Devers. He’s the only
one who could do such a thing.
ReD soX, Page c4

Peter Abraham
on baseball


Best sign
The Red Sox put three
players into this year’s
MLB All-Star Game when
would be new
the reserves and pitching
staffs were announced
Sunday. Rafael Devers
contract for Cora
(above) was named an nEW YORk — I was a Cub Scout growing up
American League All-Star in new Bedford, our troop meeting at St. There-
for the third time in four sa’s Church in the north End.
seasons, then went out One of the competitions we had was to take a
and slugged a pair of solo bag of assorted stuff — pieces of wood, a few feet
home runs in a shutout of of string, a bunch of screws, sections of cloth, etc.
the Yankees. Jarren — and use it all to make something.
Duran (left) and Tanner It was a test of our ability to see something in
Houck (right) were that bag of mismatched parts that nobody else
chosen for the Mid- did.
summer Classic for the kind of like what Alex Cora has done with the
first time. All-Star Red Sox this season.
coverage, C4. He started spring training without any estab-
lished major league starters once lucas giolito
was lost to elbow surgery.
on baseball, Page c4

Frank Dell’Apa insiDe

on socceR

Injured DPs, lack of depth handcuff Porter

The Designated Player Rule has not al- out for the season. The three were togeth- included forwards Cucho Hernández and
ways worked in favor of the Revolution. er in the starting lineup for seven games, Diego Rossi, plus midfielder Darlington
Part of the reason is the Revolution and that includes Chancalay going down nagbe. The hosts matched the Crew at
were reluctant to invest when it was 40 seconds into a loss against new York most positions, but not in attacking roles.
dubbed the (David) “Beckham Rule” in City FC, and had a 2-4-1 record in those Four days later, the Revolution recov-
2007. And after deciding to max out on matches. ered for a 2-1 victory over Atlanta United.
DPs, the Revolution have found it difficult Remarkably, the Revolution (7-12-1, Vrioni tallied twice as the team fielded
to keep their most expensive performers 22 points) have been able to get by with- five central defenders, including Andrew
healthy. out some of their highest-paid players — Farrell filling in as a midfielder.
Only one, striker giacomo Vrioni, was and lacking depth at other positions, as Against the Sounders in Seattle, the
available for a difficult stretch of three well. They are 5-2-0 in their last seven Revolution again matched up well, but Wellesley’s thorbjornsen scores second
games in a week — concluding with a 2-0 games. lacked a finishing touch. When they need- PgA Tour rookie goes low, wins $712k at John Deere Classic. c2
loss at the Seattle Sounders on Saturday But last week’s matches illustrate the ed an offensive boost in the second half, sun on the rise
night. difference between getting by and excel- they could only call on Bobby Wood, who Bonner’s 23 helps Connecticut pull into tie atop WnBA. c2
Captain Carles gil (calf ) could return ling. has been limited by injury, and Revolu-
for next Saturday’s game against Orlando, On June 29, the Columbus Crew rout- tion II call-up Marcos Dias. alcaraz stretching believability
but forward Tomás Chancalay (knee) is ed new England, 5-1, with a lineup that on socceR, Page c2 World no. 1 (above) into quarterfinals at Wimbledon. c6
c2 Sports T h e B o s t o n G l o b e m O N D A Y, J U L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4

Porter’s roster NBA title win

limits his choices is sinking in
uon SoCCeR Continued from Page C1
Continued from Page C1 lect team, Pritchard said that half-court shot
The Revolution are especially thin on the wings after and the NBA championship that followed are
losing chancalay, ema Boateng (leg), and Nacho gil finally beginning to feel real.
(knee). Dylan Borrero then left warm-ups saturday “Obviously, i acknowledge it,” he said. “it’s
with a quad injury. a great shot, something i’ll look at and have
Their depth situation contrasts with the sounders, forever. But it’s just the timing of it, the ability
who used Pedro de la vega — the second-most expen- to step up and hit that shot, i live for mo-
sive transfer acquisition in team history — and leading ments like that. Probably 20 years from now
scorer Raul Ruidiaz (eight goals) as substitutes. i’ll be like, ‘Oh, wow.’ ”
“it’s indicative of where we’re at when they sub in a Pritchard said last month’s duck boat pa-
$10 million player, and we have a Revs ii guy coming rade was unforgettable, and he has loved see-
in,” coach caleb Porter said. ing how the celtics’ championship impacted
Of course injuries happen; they are part of sports, so many fans. He also called it a “once-in-a-
and all teams have to deal with them. The bigger prob- lifetime type of thing,” before making it clear
lem is lack of roster flexibility. he hopes it will be recreated fairly soon.
There is an overload of central defenders and hold- “Hopefully, we can win it again,” Pritchard
ing midfielders. At striker, there is only vrioni, as Wood said. “We haven’t really talked about it yet,
is limited to 15 minutes a game, according to Porter. in but that doesn’t need to be talked about. it’s
comparison, the crew’s options at striker include Her- already what we want.
nandez, christian Ramirez, and canadian national “We’ve got to have an appreciation for
teamer Jacen Russell-Rowe. what we just did and understand it’s really
eTHAN miLLeR/geTTY imAges
The Revolution are fortunate to have versatile per- hard, and look at it like we accomplished
formers such as Farrell and ian Harkes, who filled in at Devin Booker stepped up the defensive pressure to contest a shot attempt by Brandon something great. But then we’ve got to do it
right wing against the New York Red Bulls last month Miller during Team USA’s practice in Las Vegas ahead of next month’s Paris Games. again.”
in a 1-0 win. But having to play potential starters out of Pritchard said it will be important for the
position is a sign of near desperation. USA Men’S bASketbALL notebook celtics to maintain their competitive fire
Another limitation is guaranteed contracts, which when preseason begins in less than three

Durant has calf issue

makes it difficult to make adjustments, since the Revo- months, so he welcomed the chance to come
lution have used up their slate of buyouts. to Las vegas and sharpen his skills against
so, though they will be able to replace chancalay, one of the best basketball teams that has ever
they are going to have to get through the season with been assembled.
comparative lack of depth. This means margins of error The Us Olympic team includes NBA leg-
will be slim.
The Revolution spent most of the first half of the
Caution to start be out there with us.”
it's not known when Du-
back for one more run.
He didn’t need another
ends LeBron James, stephen curry, and Kev-
in Durant (who is day to day with a calf
season adapting to Porter’s tactics. They’ve advanced on star’s tweak rant will be cleared to play or Olympic experience to com- strain), as well as Pritchard’s celtics team-
within 3 points of a playoff spot, with two games in if he's in Kerr's thinking for plete some missing box on his mates Jayson Tatum and Jrue Holiday. Tatum
hand on Atlanta and four on Toronto. But they risk los- AssOciATeD PRess the Americans’ first exhibition résumé or add to a legacy that is expected to report to camp monday after
ing momentum without reinforcements and might have LAs vegAs — kevin Du- game of the pre-Olympic sea- was secured long, long ago. He missing the first two days for personal rea-
to play conservatively, even at home, until they arrive. rant is dealing with calf sore- son Wednesday against cana- decided to play this summer sons.
early turnovers, especially in the offensive end, ness that has kept him from da. Team UsA has five exhibi- for one simple reason — be- in addition to the obvious benefits of play-
proved costly in the losses to the crew and sounders. being a full participant in UsA tion games before getting to cause he wants to. ing against such high-level competition, Prit-
The Revolution opened the scoring against columbus, Basketball’s training camp for Paris and opening Olympic Taking his first steps to- chard said he is focused on extracting as
but an ill-advised layoff by esmir Bajraktarevic led to a the Paris Olympics, though he play against serbia on July 28. ward becoming the first Us much as he can by observing the game’s
counterattack and Hernández equalizer, the sequence has assured team officials that “i think he tweaked it a few men’s basketball player to greats.
clearly denting the team’s confidence. he does not expect the issue to days before he got here,” Kerr compete at the Olympics in “i’m watching everybody,” he said. “i’m
Against the sounders, the Revolution were on the at- be a major one. said. “it's not bad. He's assur- three different decades, James seeing what they’re all doing, their routines
tack, but a Brandon Bye cross was easily picked off and “Day to day,” Us coach ing me that it's not bad. We're hit the floor with the team that and everything, and i’m just going from
turned into a Jordan morris breakaway in the 15 th Steve kerr said. “We’re just go- just going to be really careful the Americans are sending to there. coming out here and competing and
minute. ing to show an abundance of and smart and take it day by the Paris games later this seeing where your game is at is a great experi-
At full strength, they might have recovered, but they caution.” day and go from there.” month. Training camp opened ence.”
can’t afford to fall behind in their current state. Durant is the second for- Durant could become the in Las vegas, the start of a And it is even more enjoyable while bask-
Their all-out offensive mentality has proven to be an ward who hasn’t been able to first four-time gold medalist in quest where the only accept- ing in the afterglow of an NBA title. Pritchard
asset, but it can backfire and leave central defenders be a full participant in the men's Olympic basketball his- able ending will be the Us was thrilled to see some veteran teammates
stranded one-on-one with half the field open. camp that had its second day tory this summer, after help- winning gold for a fifth con- win their first championships, but he sound-
As for the possession game, they played well against of on-floor workouts sunday; ing the Americans win titles at secutive time. ed particularly happy for mazzulla, the sec-
pressing tactics. But they can’t match the crew or Jayson tatum was excused London in 2012, Rio de Janei- “i’m still playing a high lev- ond-year coach who silenced any questions
sounders for composure in the attacking end, especially from the first two days of ro in 2016, and the resched- el,” James, a three-time Olym- about his future in Boston, and is now widely
without gil. camp workouts for personal uled Tokyo games that took pic medalist — two golds and viewed as one of his profession’s rising stars.
High-profile, highly-paid performers can make up reasons and is expected to be place three summers ago. one bronze — said saturday “He worked extremely hard, so he’s very
for weaknesses. That is one reason Bruce Arena went on the floor with his team- after the first workout. “i still happy,” Pritchard said. “He just had full own-
all in on DPs, as he won three mLs cups with the LA mates for the first time on Lebron here for gold love the game of basketball. ership of the group, and guys respected him
galaxy (two with Beckham), and then filled all his DP monday. Lebron James first played And Team UsA has done well and listened to everything he said. He led us,
slots with the Revolution. Under Arena, New england “He's frustrated,” fellow on the Us Olympic team as a by me, so i felt like it was im- and now we all want to do it again.”
failed to maximize the use of DPs partly because of inju- UsA Basketball and Phoenix 19-year-old. He did it again in portant for this summer to be
ries to gustavo Bou, who was nearing the end of his ca- suns teammate Devin booker his 20s, twice. And now, a few able to go out there and play Adam Himmelsbach can be reached at
reer. said about Durant. “He can't months from turning 40, he’s with the rest of the guys.”
But the DP jinx continued with Bou’s replacement,
the 25-year-old chancalay. There are plenty of young,
healthy forwards the Revolution could find to replace WnbA
chancalay without applying the DP label. And, should
Borrero and carles gil return at full speed, the Revolu-
tion’s offense should be fine.
But New england will need to remain healthy to stay
Bonner’s seven 3s push Sun’s win streak to three
in contention for the playoffs. AssOciATeD PRess June 8 to end connecticut’s nine-game win points in the second quarter. connecticut
“Normally, i would have rotated more,” Porter said Sun 80 UNcAsviLLe, conn. — DeWan- streak to open the season, visits Wednesday. scored 33 — one fewer than its first-half total —
after saturday’s loss. “But we had no one to rotate, be- na Bonner scored 23 points, hit- mitchell and Bonner each hit a 3-pointer in on 9-of-11 shooting in the third quarter to open
cause our bench basically was comprised of either cen- Dream 67 ting a career-high seven 3-point- a 9-0 run that made it 17-11 with 2:20 left in an 18-point lead going into the fourth.
tral defenders or guys that are coming back from injury ers, to help the connecticut sun beat the Atlan- the first quarter. The sun led from there. Atlanta (7-13) — which beat the sun, 78-
that are limited with minutes. ta Dream, 80-67, sunday for their third win in Allisha gray hit a mid-range pull-up jumper 74, on June 28 to end a three-game skid — has
“i don’t know if people realize how difficult it is to a row. that cut Atlanta’s deficit to 24-20 midway lost four games in a row and seven of its last
play a match on a Wednesday and turn around two days Tiffany mitchell added 13 points and Brion- through the second quarter, but veronica Bur- eight.
later and play another match, especially after traveling. na Jones scored 11 points for connecticut. Al- ton answered with a 3-pointer and Jones made gray led Atlanta with 19 points on 7-of-11
it’s extremely difficult to do. Those guys gave every- yssa Thomas added 7 points, 9 assists, and 7 re- a layup before Bonner hit again from behind shooting. Tina charles added 13 points and
thing they had. it just wasn’t enough today.’’ bounds for the sun (17-4), who have won four the arc to give connecticut a 12-point lead. The Nia coffey 11. Rhyne Howard (ankle), chey-
of five to pull even with the New York Liberty sun led, 34-24, at the half. enne Parker-Tyus (foot), Aerial Powers (calf ),
Frank Dell'Apa can be reached at for the best record in the WNBA. The Dream made 4 of 11 from the field and and Jordin canada (finger) did not play for At- New York, which beat the sun, 82-75, on committed five turnovers while scoring just 8 lanta.

Wellesley’s Thorbjornsen scores big tie for second in third Tour event as professional
Wellesley’s Michael thorbjornsen had a career week at the PgA double. Reese finished with 17 points, 14 rebounds, and 4 steals for
Tour’s John Deere classic, the new professional running off six chicago (8-12), her 13th consecutive double-double. The rookie post-
straight birdies in the middle of his round and making another on ed a season-high 27 points to go along with 10 rebounds in the sky’s
No. 18 from a fairway bunker to tie for second in silvis, ill. Thorb- 88-84 victory over seattle (14-7) on Friday and tied Candace Parker
jornsen’s final-round 63 at TPc Deere Run left him at 24-under 260, for the longest double-double streak in league history . . . bronny
four shots behind first-time winner Davis thompson and even with James was scratched from the Los Angeles Lakers' second california
C.t. Pan of Taiwan and Florida state sophomore Luke Clanton. Pan classic game because of a swelling in his left knee, a day after scoring
birdied the 16th and 17th holes in a 64, earning (along with Thomp- 4 points in his NBA summer League debut. Lakers summer league
son) a place in the British Open in two weeks at Royal Troon. clan- coach Dane Johnson didn’t provide many details after the team’s 92-
ton, meanwhile, became the first amateur since billy Joe Patton in 68 loss to golden state, but shared that “the plan is for him to play
1958 to finish in the top 10 in consecutive PgA Tour-sanctioned tour- the next game here. But that’s all the information we have so far.”
naments. Thorbjornsen, the No. 1 player in the PgA Tour University
ranking after finishing at stanford, made $712,000. Thompson, a 25- AUTO RACING
year-old from georgia and the 24th player to get his first PgA Tour
win at the Deere, earned $1.44 million and a place in the next three bowman wins another wet Chicago race
majors. Alex bowman secured a spot in the NAscAR cup series playoffs
when he held on for the victory on a rainy street course in downtown
OLYMPICS chicago. He is the 12th cup series driver to win, leaving four remain-
ing spots in the playoffs with six races left in the regular season. The
Antetokounmpo, Greece make Paris sTAcY ReveRe/geTTY imAges
race was stopped for more than 100 minutes because of rain, and
Giannis Antetokounmpo is heading to the Olympics for the first Michael Thorbjornsen had nine birdies in the final round to NAscAR set a cutoff time of 8:20 p.m. because of the fading sunlight.
time, after he scored 23 points and greece held off croatia, 80-69, in finish 24 under and tied for second at the John Deere Classic. When Bowman crossed the start-finish line after that time, the white
one of the four men’s basketball qualifying tournament finals being flag came out followed by the checkered. tyler Reddick made a late
held to determine the final spots in the 12-team field for the Paris athletes in her country, she has been training in foreign countries. Al- push, but he got into a wall trying to catch up to Bowman. ty Gibbs
games. Georgios Papagiannis scored 19 points for greece, which so, Faith kipyegon of Kenya broke her own world record in the wom- was third, followed by Joey Hand and Michael McDowell. Pole-sitter
earned an Olympic berth for the first time since 2008. Also qualifying en’s 1,500 meters, running 3:49.04 to break the 3:49.11 she set in ita- kyle Larson and defending champion Shane van Gisbergen were
sunday were spain (which beat the Bahamas), Brazil (which routed ly last year. Nine other runners in the race achieved personal bests. each knocked out in crashes; the race was stopped after the latter to
Latvia), and Puerto Rico (which qualified for the first time since 2004 give NAscAR time to clear standing water from the makeshift track
by beating Lithuania) . . . Two world records fell in Paris at the Dia- BASKETBALL . . . Lewis Hamilton held off Max Verstappen's late charge in silver-
mond League track meet. Ukraine’s Yaroslava Mahuchikh erased a stone to win a thrilling British grand Prix by 1.5 seconds and secure
high jump mark that had stood for 37 years, clearing 2.10 meters Reese sets double-double record his first Formula 1 victory since the penultimate race of the 2021 sea-
(6.88 feet) on her first attempt to beat the 2.09 of Bulgaria’s Stefka nneka ogwumike scored 24 points and grabbed 12 rebounds to son. Hamilton, in his last British gP with mercedes before joining
kostadinova in Rome in 1987. mahuchikh left her hometown of Dni- help the seattle storm beat chicago, 84-71, despite the sky’s Angel Ferrari next year, became the first F1 driver to win on a track nine
pro shortly after the war with Russia began. Like virtually all elite Reese setting the WNBA record for consecutive games with a double- times and also extended his F1 record to 104 wins.
M o n d a y, J u l y 8 , 2 0 2 4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Sports C3

Auto Dealer Directory

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Herb Chambers Alfa Romeo 781-835-3500
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1441 Bald Hill Road, Rt. 2, Warwick, RI
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877-831-2139 Herb Chambers Porsche of Boston* 1172 Commonwealth Ave, Boston
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1188 Commonwealth Ave, Boston 1441 Bald Hill Road, Rt. 2, Warwick, RI
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2 Latti Farm Rd, Rte 20, Millbury Herb Chambers, 259 McGrath Highway, Somer-
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Home runs back

gem by Crawford
uRed sox
Continued from Page C1 Red Sox 3, Yankees 0
At Yankee Stadium, New York City
In that regard, he stands BOSTON AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
alone. Duran cf
DaHamilton 2b
3 0 0 0 1 1 .276
4 0 0 0 0 3 .258
“I don’t know how you can O'Neill lf
Devers 3b
4 0 0 0 0 2 .260
4 2 3 2 0 1 .293
do that,” a clearly baffled Cora Wong c
Yoshida dh
4 0 0 0 0 1 .310
4 0 0 0 0 1 .252
said. Abreu rf 3 0 0 0 0 3 .256
DomSmith 1b 3 0 2 0 0 1 .226
Devers, however? Not so Rafaela ss 3 1 1 1 0 0 .244
Totals 32 3 6 3 1 13
“I was able to make the ad- Rice 1b
Soto rf
4 0 0 0 0 2 .273
4 0 1 0 0 0 .294
justment within the at-bat,” he Judge dh 4 0 0 0 0 3 .308
Verdugo lf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .244
said. “The previous pitch was a Volpe ss 3 0 0 0 0 0 .251
Wells c 3 0 0 0 0 0 .216
fastball outside. I know he Cabrera 2b 2 0 1 0 1 0 .237
Grisham cf 3 0 1 0 0 1 .168
doesn’t like to pitch inside. I LeMahieu 3b 3 0 1 0 0 0 .194
Totals 29 0 4 0 1 6
know that the ball was a little Boston............................... 000 000 111 — 3 6 0
bit off the plate, but I was able NY Yankees......................000 000 000 — 0 4 1
E—Gil (3). LOB—Boston 3, NY Yankees 3. 2B—
to make good contact.” DomSmith (9), Soto (13), LeMahieu (3). HR—De-
vers 2 (21), off Gil, off Tonkin, Rafaela (11), off
Devers’s first homer, a solo Weaver. CS—Wong (4). RISP—Boston 0 for 4, NY
Yankees 0 for 4. DP—Boston 2 (Devers, DaHamil-
shot off starter Luis Gil in the ton, DomSmith), (DaHamilton, DomSmith).
seventh, carried even more Crawford W 5-7 7 4 0 0 0 4 68 3.24
Slaten 1 0 0 0 1 1 16 3.38
weight, considering the limited Jansen S 18 1 0 0 0 0 1 13 2.01
offense displayed by both NY Yankees IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Gil L 9-5 6„ 4 1 1 0 9 96 3.27
Kutter Crawford needed only 68 pitches to throw seven scoreless innings against the Yankees and lower his ERA to 3.24. teams. Gil, much like Red Sox Weaver 1‚ 1 1 1 1 3 26 2.65
Tonkin 1 1 1 1 0 1 13 1.85
starter Kutter Crawford, was Umpires—Home, Lance Barrett; First, John Ba-
Red sox notebook putting together an impressive con; Second, Roberto Ortiz; Third, Alfonso Mar-
quez. T—2:23. A—45,250 (46,537).
outing, allowing just three hits

Devers headlines chosen trio

heading into the inning as the how the ruNS Scored
game remained scoreless. RED SOX — O'Neill grounded to third. Devers
homered to left. Wong flied to right. Weaver
Yet with one out, Devers pitching. Yoshida grounded to second.
tagged a 99-m.p.h. four-seamer RED SOX — Abreu struck out. Smith struck out.
to left field. Rafaela homered to left. Duran walked. Hamilton

Duran, Houck also earn

struck out.
.338/.475 with 24 doubles, 10 triples, 10 “Sometimes we get caught up in trying to The third baseman also im- NINTH INNING
RED SOX — O'Neill struck out. Devers homered
homers, and 21 stolen bases. be somebody else, or trying to emulate other pacted the game with his glove. to center. Wong grounded to pitcher. Yoshida

honor as first-time picks “I don’t really know how to put it into organizations, and that’s a reminder that the A f t e r Ce d d a n n e R a f a e l a
grounded to second.

words right now,” Duran said. “I mean, it’s Red Sox have done it the right way for a added a solo shot to left in the
By Julian McWilliams obviously a great accomplishment. I have while,” he said. “Jarren was a seventh-round- eighth for a 2-0 advantage, De-
GLObE STAff great coaches, great teammates like these er in 2018, and Tanner was drafted in 2017. vers barehanded a slow roller
NEW YORK — Third baseman Rafael de- two next to me [Devers and Houck] and so Obviously, internationally, we have done an in the home half of the inning Crawford dialed it up a
vers, outfielder Jarren duran, and starter many people supporting me, so I’m just very amazing job and Raffy is kind of the poster and nabbed DJ Lemahieu for notch to strike out Aaron
tanner Houck were named American thankful. I mean, coming from where I child of that.” the third out. Without the play, Judge. He then induced an Al-
League All-Stars ahead of Sunday night’s 3-0 came from, dealing with, I mean, it’s hard to There was a different feeling of emotion the Yankees would have had ex Verdugo ground out that ad-
victory over the Yankees. put into words because I haven’t really within the clubhouse, too, added Cora, runners on first and second vanced Soto to third, followed
for Devers, this represents his third All- soaked in the moment that much. I’m just knowing that non-established stars Duran with the top of the order com- by an Anthony Volpe line out
Star appearance. He collected his 1,000th proud. Proud moment to be a part of.” and Houck were honored. ing up and ben Rice (three to left that ended the threat.
career hit Saturday, making him just the Devers and Duran were announced as “There have been some special moments, homers Saturday) at the plate. “I was just trying to pound
sixth player in Sox history to reach that two of the AL’s 11 reserves. Houck was but today it looked very genuine, very trans- In the significant moments, the strike zone, trying to get
mark before turning 28, and has a .293/ picked as part of the 12-man pitching staff. parent,” Cora said. “Not that it didn’t happen Devers silenced the bronx, strike one, and then trying to
.378/.593 line with 55 RbIs and 21 homers, Houck has turned into a dominant in the past, but it was like, established guys where he has 16 of his 28 hom- [throw] competitive pitches af-
including a pair Sunday. starter. The team’s ace carries a 2.68 ERA that made it to the game. Our established ers against the Yankees. ter that ,” Crawford said. “I
“I’m super happy to be back in the All- in 18 starts and a career-high 111 innings. one [Devers] is only 27 and he’s awesome. “This is one of the best ball- think strike one got them kind
Star Game,” said Devers through a team Similar to Duran, Houck’s road came And then the other two, you know, they parks in the league to play of aggressive and they weren’t
translator. “I’m also thankful to God, to my with uncertainty. He was shuffled between earned it, which is awesome. The fan voting [in],” Devers said. “Everything able to make a whole lot of sol-
coaches, teammates, and the whole organi- the bullpen and rotation, facing uncertainty is the fan vote and I think they did a good feels better than any other ball- id contact.”
zation as well who helped get the best out of that he could throw enough strikes. job with that. but to be selected by your park.” The Red Sox have won six of
me.” Last season, as a full-time starter, Houck peers, it means a lot.” “He was so engaged,” Cora their last seven games and are
Duran and Houck are first-time All-Stars, had a forgettable year, making 21 starts to added. “It was fun to watch.” within 3½ games of New York
a major feat considering the adversity both the tune of a 5.01 ERA. He suffered a facial Grissom feels better Crawford’s effort couldn’t for the American League’s top
endured while trying to make an impact at fracture, too, which sidelined him for more Vaughn Grissom (hamstring) is feeling go unnoticed either. His mar- wild-card spot.
the big-league level. than two months. better. Cora texted with Grissom and feels as gin for error was limited, but “Understanding where we
Duran was originally called up in 2021, Now, he’s an All-Star. though the infielder, who last played June 1, he needed just 40 pitches to get are in the standings, we have
with a lot of expectations as the center field- “A lot of days of hard work and having is close to going on a minor league rehab as- through five innings, the few- to just keep getting greedy,” Co-
er of the future. but he struggled, and the great conversations with people,” Houck signment . . . first baseman triston Casas est since Ivan Nova did the ra said.
following season was even worse, both at the said. “I guess [it] all boils down to having an (rib cage strain) took 25 dry swings Satur- same for the Pirates in 2017. Devers has been the greedi-
plate and in the field. incredible coaching staff and teammates day, but still hasn’t progressed to making The righthander tossed just 68 est. He has hit homers in con-
baseball was no longer fun for Duran, that stand by you every day and want you to contact with pitches . . . Liam Hendriks pitches (54 strikes) over seven secutive games for the third
who said he didn’t enjoy coming to the ball- get better. I’m still in shock and just trying to (Tommy John surgery) threw a bullpen Sun- innings, limiting the Yankees time this season, and 11 of his
park and battled mental health issues. soak it all in.” day and the reliever said it was “above [the to four hits. 21 have either tied a contest or
Duran didn’t make the Opening Day ros- The trio will travel to Arlington, Texas, training staff’s expectations] but below “I think that’s probably the given the team the lead.
ter to begin the 2023 season. but an injury for the July 16 game at the home of the mine.” . . . With Sunday’s win, Cora earned most efficient I’ve ever been,” “ He l o v e s t h e s p o t l i g h t ,
to Adam duvall opened up a spot for a recall Rangers. his 489th managerial victory, matching bill Crawford said. “It feels good to man,” Cora said. “He’s very qui-
from Triple A Worcester, and Duran has not manager Alex Cora got to the ballpark Carrigan for the fourth-most wins by a man- throw a bunch of strikes and et about it.”
seen the minors again. He hit .295/.346/ late and for good reason. ager in franchise history . . . ESPN chose the get a lot of early outs like that.” Nothing was quiet about De-
.482 with an .828 OPS and eight homers and “I didn’t want people to see me so happy,” Red Sox for a pair of Sunday night games The slimmest of margins vers on Sunday.
became the Sox’ most electric player, swip- said Cora, who found out Sunday morning this month: July 21 at the Dodgers and July was tested with Crawford hav-
ing 24 bags before a toe injury ended his that his trio were All-Stars. 28 vs. the Yankees. ing to face the meat of the Yan- Julian McWilliams can be
season in August. He sees the selections as not only the kee order in the seventh, be- reached at
This year, he has arguably been the players’ accomplishments, but the organiza- Julian McWilliams can be reached at ginning with Juan Soto, who
team’s most valuable player, batting .276/ tion’s as well. julian.mcwilliams laced a double to right-center. Follow him @byJulianMack.

all-Star rosters
Tuesday, July 16, Globe Life Field, Arlington, Texas
Pirates rookie hurler Skenes gets All-Star call
americaN league NatioNal league By Ronald Blum ek Shelton. “Since the first day I’ve been ter Shohei Ohtani on the NL roster.
ASSOCIATED PRESS here, I’ve been part of the team. I couldn’t The Guardians topped the American
C — Adley Rutschman, Orioles C — William Contreras, Brewers Pirates pitcher Paul Skenes was picked have done it without you guys.” League with five after first baseman Josh
1B — Vladimir Guerrero Jr., Blue Jays 1B — Bryce Harper, Phillies
2B — Jose Altuve, Astros 2B— Ketel Marte, Diamondbacks for the All-Star Game on Sunday just eight Cubs pitcher Shoto Imanaga joined Naylor, closer Emmanuel Clase and DH Da-
SS — Gunnar Henderson, Orioles SS — Trea Turner, Phillies
3B — José Ramírez, Guardians 3B — Alec Bohm, Phillies weeks after his debut, and the major league- Skenes and Padres outfielder Jackson mer- vid fry joined two starters: third baseman
DH — Yordan Alvarez, Astros
OF — Aaron Judge, Yankees; Juan Soto, Yan-
DH — Shohei Ohtani, Dodgers
OF — Christian Yelich, Brewers; Jurickson Pro-
leading Phillies had a big league-high seven rill as the only rookie All-Stars for the July 16 José Ramírez and outfielder Steven Kwan.
kees; Steven Kwan, Guardians far, Padres; Fernando Tatis Jr., Padres selections. game at Arlington, Texas. braves pitcher Chris Sale earned his
Garrett Crochet, White Sox; Tarik Skubal, Ti- Ranger Suárez, Phillies; Tyler Glasnow, Dodg- Skenes, who turned 22 in may, was se- Pitchers Zack Wheeler, Ranger Suárez, eighth All-Star selection, the first for the 36-
gers; Tanner Houck, Red Sox; Seth Lugo, Roy- ers; Shota Imanaga, Cubs; Reynaldo López,
als; Cole Ragans, Royals; Logan Gilbert, Mari- Braves; Logan Webb, Giants; Paul Skenes, Pi- lected by the Pirates as the top pick in last Jeff Hoffman, and matt Strahm were picked year-old lefthander since seven straight from
ners; Corbin Burnes, Orioles; Tyler Anderson,
Angels; Mason Miller, Athletics; Kirby Yates,
rates; Chris Sale, Braves; Zack Wheeler, Phil-
lies; Ryan Helsley, Cardinals; Tanner Scott, Mar-
year’s amateur draft, two days before the All- to join three starting Phillies position play- 2012-18.
Rangers; Clay Holmes, Yankees; Emmanuel lins; Robert Suarez, Padres; Matt Strahm, Phil- Star Game in Seattle. He made his first big ers for the National League: first baseman Closer Kirby Yates at 37 is the oldest All-
Clase, Guardians lies; Jeff Hoffman, Phillies
RESERVES RESERVES league start on may 11 and is 5-0 with a 2.12 bryce Harper, shortstop Trea Turner, and Star and will be joined by second baseman
C Salvador Perez, Royals; SS Carlos Correa, C Will Smith, Dodgers; SS Mookie Betts, Dodg-
Twins; 3B Rafael Devers, Red Sox; 2B Marcus ers; 1B Freddie Freeman, Dodgers; OF Teoscar ERA in 10 starts and 78 strikeouts in 59‚ third baseman Alec bohm. marcus Semien of the host World Series
Semien, Rangers; OF Kyle Tucker, Astros; 1B
Josh Naylor, Guardians; 3B Isaac Parades, Rays;
Hernández, Dodgers; SS Elly De La Cruz, Reds;
SS CJ Abrams, Nationals; 3B Ryan McMahon,
innings. He has thrown 74 pitches of 100 The Dodgers have six All-Stars after champion Rangers.
SS Bobby Witt Jr., Royals; OF Jarren Duran, Red Rockies; OF Jackson Merrill, Padres; OF Heliot miles per hour or more. pitcher Tyler Glasnow, catcher Will Smith, Royals catcher Salvador Perez was picked
Sox; OF Riley Greene, Tigers; DH David Fry, Ramos, Giants; OF Bryan Reynolds, Pirates; DH
Guardians Marcell Ozuna, Braves; 1B Luis Arraez, Padres; “This is cool, and I’m just grateful for all first baseman freddie freeman, outfielder for the ninth time, matching Astros second
1B Pete Alonso, Mets
you guys,” Skenes said to teammates in the Teoscar Hernández, and injured shortstop baseman Jose Altuve for the most among the
clubhouse after being told by manager Der- mookie betts joined starting designated hit- 67 players chosen.

Best sign for surprise team’s future would be new Cora contract
uon bAsebALL than half over. It’s not perfect, but “We were dealt a strange hand at the Every manager was paying attention man Anthony, marcelo mayer, and Kyle
Continued from Page C1 they’re a competitive team that plays beginning of the year, and he’s been when the Cubs signed Craig Counsell to Teel reach the majors. Cora showed he
He had Kenley Jansen and Chris hard and is fun to watch. able to put these guys in the right posi- a five-year, $40 million deal in Novem- could manage stars in 2018. This year
martin in the bullpen, but no sure Rafael Devers, Jarren Duran, and tion and let their talent shine while ber. That’s a big leap from the $2.75 has shown he can succeed with a
things beyond the two veterans. The Tanner Houck will represent the orga- some of them are still developing in the million Cora is making this season. younger team and unproven talent. The
lineup lacked power and experience, nization in the All-Star Game. Jansen big leagues.” He has a World Series ring and Red Sox are going to need that in the
and then its linchpin once Trevor Story and Connor Wong had a case, too. Devers, Duran, and Houck are Counsell does not. Cora also has shown years ahead.
was lost for the season with a shoulder Cora took a bag of spare parts and homegrown players, a testament to the the ability to handle the demands of a Then there’s this: the perception
injury on April 5. built a contender. organization’s ability to develop talent. big market. That includes the twice-dai- around the game, and certainly in the
The roster as a whole had too many Giolito only knew Cora from across It’s a good sign for the future. A better ly press conferences during the season eyes of the fan base, is that the Sox are
lefthanded hitters and not enough the field until this season. He has been one would be to work a contract exten- that set the tone for the organization in succeeding despite the actions of own-
lefthanded pitchers. It still does. around the team quite a bit as he recov- sion with Cora during the All-Star the eyes of the public. ership.
New chief baseball officer Craig ers from elbow surgery and has been break, or at least start the process. more than anything, this young Having Devers, brayan bello, and
breslow readily admitted the winter impressed with how Cora has led it Cora is signed through the end of team has shown it can win with Cora on Ceddanne Rafaela signed to long-term
had not worked out how he hoped. around the obstacles put in their way. the season and he has been careful to the top step of the dugout. With any contracts dispels some of that notion.
five months later, the Sox are 49-40 “The bullpen management, manag- say he will wait until then to decide other candidate, it’ll just be a guess. Locking down Cora another 3-5 years
after beating the Yankees, 3-0, on Sun- ing the innings for the starters. Our sit- what he does next. He won’t even say he That Duran and Houck are headed would be a louder statement.
day night and very much in the hunt for uational hitting, bringing in pinch hit- wants to stay with the Sox, which is to the All-Star Game is further evidence It’s that or compete against him next
a playoff spot with the season more ters, it’s all been good,” Giolito said. smart. that Cora should be in place when Ro- season.
m O N D A Y, J u L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e sports c5

bRAveS 6, PhiLLieS 0 RANGeRS 13, RAyS 2 bReWeRS 9, DODGeRS 2
Stott 2b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .240 Díaz 1b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .270 Chourio lf 4 1 0 0 1 1 .247
Turner ss 3 0 0 0 0 2 .335 BLowe 2b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .227 Hoskins 1b 3 0 0 0 1 3 .217
Bohm 3b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .296 Paredes 3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .266 Yelich dh 4 3 3 3 1 0 .329
Marsh rf 3 0 0 0 1 2 .261 JLowe rf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .215 Adames ss 4 1 1 0 1 1 .234
Castellanos dh 3 0 0 0 1 1 .236 Arozarena dh 3 0 0 0 0 0 .201 Mitchell rf 4 0 1 1 1 1 .176
Clemens 1b 2 0 0 0 1 1 .242 Palacios lf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .245 Perkins cf 5 1 3 3 0 1 .251
Sosa ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 .275 DeLuca cf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .179 Turang 2b 3 0 1 0 1 0 .288
Merrifield lf 4 0 2 0 0 0 .197 Rortvedt c 3 1 2 0 0 0 .276 Capra 3b 4 1 1 0 0 0 .200
Stubbs c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .206 Caballero ss 3 1 1 2 0 1 .241 Haase c 4 2 2 2 0 2 .455
Pache ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 .196 Totals 31 2 5 2 0 8 Totals 35 9 12 9 6 9
Rojas cf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .227
Totals 32 0 5 0 3 9
Semien 2b 4 1 0 0 1 1 .229 Ohtani dh 5 0 1 0 0 2 .314
ATLANTA AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Seager ss 4 2 2 3 0 1 .271 Smith c 4 0 0 0 1 1 .271
Kelenic cf 3 1 1 3 1 2 .272 Ornelas ph-ss 1 0 0 0 0 1 .231 Freeman 1b 3 0 1 0 1 0 .301
Albies 2b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .264 Smith 3b 5 1 1 0 0 2 .292 Outman cf 1 0 1 0 0 0 .167
Riley 3b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .253 Langford lf 5 2 4 1 0 0 .270 THernández rf 3 0 1 0 1 1 .259
Olson 1b 4 1 1 1 0 1 .239 NLowe 1b 4 2 1 0 1 3 .269 Biggio 1b 1 0 0 0 0 1 .176
Ozuna dh 3 0 0 0 1 2 .295 Heim c 5 3 4 2 0 0 .247 Pages cf-rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .252
d'Arnaud c 4 0 0 0 0 1 .234 Taveras cf 5 0 3 1 0 1 .238 Vargas lf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .319
Duvall rf 4 1 3 1 0 1 .184 Jankowski rf 3 1 2 3 0 0 .216 Rojas ss 2 1 2 0 1 0 .291
Arcia ss 4 1 1 0 0 1 .209 Grossman ph-rf 1 1 1 2 1 0 .216 Lux ph-2b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .207
White lf 4 2 2 1 0 1 .182 Hill dh 5 0 1 1 0 1 .243 KHernández 3b-ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .197
Totals 33 6 9 6 3 10 Totals 42 13 19 13 3 10 Taylor 2b-3b 3 1 1 2 1 1 .155
Philadelphia............................. 000 000 000 — 0 5 0 Tampa Bay...............................002 000 000 — 2 5 0 Totals 35 2 7 2 5 9
Atlanta.......................................050 001 00x — 6 9 0 Texas.........................................100 631 11x — 13 19 0 Milwaukee................................000 220 122 — 9 12 1
LOB—Phila. 9, Atl. 6. 2B—Bohm (30), Pache (4), Riley LOB—Tampa Bay 2, Texas 8. 2B—Seager (11), Lang- LA Dodgers...............................000 002 000 — 2 7 1
(17), Duvall (8). HR—Kelenic (10), off Mercado, Olson ford (11), Heim (9). HR—Caballero (6), off Eovaldi, E—Peguero (1), Wrobleski (1). LOB—Milwaukee 6,
(13), off Mercado, Duvall (7), off Mercado, White (1), Seager (16), off Littell, Heim (8), off Uceta, Grossman LA Dodgers 11. 2B—Yelich (11), Adames (19), Mitchell
off Phillips. SB—Marsh (10), Merrifield (11), Kelenic (2), off Poche. DP—Tampa Bay 1; Texas 1. (1), Capra (1), Rojas 2 (16). HR—Yelich (11), off Wrob-
(4). Tampa Bay IP H R ER BB SO ERA leski, Perkins (6), off Yarbrough, Haase (1), off Wrob-
Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO ERA Littell L 3-6 4 9 7 7 1 5 4.44 leski, Taylor (3), off Junis. SB—Chourio (10), Turang
Mercado L 1-1 1„ 5 5 5 3 1 7.04 Armstrong 1 5 3 3 1 1 6.13 (29), Ohtani 2 (20), Freeman (4), Rojas (4). DP—LA
Ruiz 1‚ 1 0 0 0 1 3.91 Uceta 1 1 1 1 0 1 0.77 Dodgers 2.
Strahm 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.59 Poche 1 1 1 1 0 2 3.27 Milwaukee IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Phillips 4 3 1 1 0 7 2.25 Cleavinger 1 3 1 1 1 1 3.31 Keuchel 4‚ 3 0 0 5 0 4.61
Junis W 1-0 2„ 3 2 2 0 3 2.87
Peguero 1 0 0 0 0 3 3.50
López W 7-2 6 2 0 0 3 6 1.71 Eovaldi W 6-3 7 4 2 2 0 5 3.10
Megill 1 1 0 0 0 3 1.53
Lee 1 1 0 0 0 1 2.00 Anderson 2 1 0 0 0 3 8.53
Johnson 1 0 0 0 0 2 3.00 NP—Littell 83, Armstrong 33, Uceta 20, Poche 16, LA Dodgers IP H R ER BB SO ERA
DAvID BERDING/GETTY ImAGES Bummer 1 2 0 0 0 0 3.73 Wrobleski L 0-1 5 5 4 4 2 4 7.20
Cleavinger 22, Eovaldi 88, Anderson 31. Umpires—
HBP—by Johnson (Turner). WP—Mercado. T—2:26. Home, Junior Valentine; First, Mike Muchlinski; Sec- Ramírez 1 0 0 0 1 1 4.55
Christian Vázquez was all smiles after knocking in all three Twins runs against the Astros. A—36,808 (41,184). ond, David Arrieta; Third, Andy Fletcher. T—2:27. Yarbrough 2 4 3 3 2 3 3.63

A—32,113 (40,518). Banda 1 3 2 2 1 1 2.08

Inherited runners-scored—Junis 1-0. IBB—off Banda
cARDiNALS 8, NATiONALS 3 (Adames). HBP—by Ramírez (Hoskins). NP—Keuchel
cubS 5, ANGeLS 0 94, Junis 42, Peguero 19, Megill 16, Wrobleski 76,
ST. LOUIS AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Ramírez 14, Yarbrough 56, Banda 19. Umpires—Home,
Winn ss 4 1 1 0 1 0 .294 LA ANGELS AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Vic Carapazza; First, Adam Hamari; Second, Brian
Burleson rf 3 1 2 0 0 0 .281 Schanuel 1b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .238 Walsh; Third, Edwin Moscoso. T—2:53. A—43,528
Siani pr-cf 1 1 0 0 0 0 .227 Drury 2b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .172 (56,000).

Contreras dh 5 2 2 3 0 1 .271 Ward lf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .238
Goldschmidt 1b 5 1 1 0 0 0 .226 Hiura pr 0 0 0 0 0 0 .375
Arenado 3b 5 0 2 2 0 1 .270 Calhoun dh 2 0 0 0 1 0 .269 DiAmONDbAckS 9, PADReS 1
EAST W L Pct. GB Div. Last 10 Streak Donovan lf 4 1 1 0 1 0 .265 Pillar ph-dh 1 0 1 0 0 0 .281
Gorman 2b 4 1 2 2 1 1 .206 O'Hoppe c 3 0 0 0 1 0 .275 ARIZONA AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Baltimore 57 33 .633 — 19-7 7-3 W1 Carlson cf-rf 5 0 1 1 0 3 .198 Neto ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .240 Carroll rf 4 1 1 1 0 2 .210
Pagés c 4 0 1 0 0 2 .200 Moniak cf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .191 Moreno c 5 0 2 1 0 0 .254
New York 55 37 .598 3 13-16 3-7 L1

shot beats
Totals 40 8 13 8 3 8 Adell rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .183 Pederson dh 3 0 0 0 0 1 .280
Boston 49 40 .551 7½ 13-11 6-4 W1 WASHINGTON AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Guillorme 3b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .269 Grichuk ph-dh 2 0 0 0 0 0 .288
Tampa Bay 44 46 .489 13 10-17 4-6 L3 Totals 31 0 3 0 2 3 Walker 1b 4 1 1 0 0 2 .268
Abrams ss 4 0 2 0 0 2 .282
McCarthy lf 3 1 2 0 1 0 .279
Toronto 41 49 .456 16 12-16 4-6 W2 Thomas rf 5 0 2 0 0 3 .245 CHI. CUBS AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Perdomo ss 3 2 1 0 1 1 .271
Wood lf 2 1 1 0 2 1 .320 Hoerner 2b 2 1 1 1 1 0 .246
Suárez 3b 4 2 3 5 0 1 .210
CENTRAL W L Pct. GB Div. Last 10 Streak Winker dh 4 1 2 1 0 0 .267 Busch 1b 4 1 1 2 0 2 .264
Thomas cf 4 1 1 1 0 1 .200
García Jr. 2b 3 0 1 0 1 1 .277 Bellinger cf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .266

Newman 2b 4 1 1 0 0 0 .286
Cleveland 56 32 .636 — 14-10 5-5 W2 Yepez 1b 4 1 1 1 0 1 .333 Suzuki rf 3 0 0 0 1 1 .255
Totals 36 9 12 8 2 8
Lipscomb 3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .228 Happ lf 3 0 1 0 1 0 .241
Minnesota 51 39 .567 6 17-12 7-3 W2 Adams c 4 0 1 1 0 1 .235 Morel dh 4 0 1 0 0 2 .199 SAN DIEGO AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Kansas City 49 43 .533 9 16-10 5-5 W1 Young cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .261 Swanson ss 3 1 1 0 1 0 .204 Arraez 1b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .312
Totals 34 3 11 3 3 12 Mastrobuoni 3b 2 1 0 0 0 0 .145 Wade ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .232
Detroit 42 48 .467 15 13-12 5-5 W3 St. Louis....................................020 130 200 — 8 13 0 Bote ph-3b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .313 Profar lf 2 1 1 1 1 0 .315
Chicago 26 66 .283 32 7-23 5-5 L2 Washington..............................020 001 000 — 3 11 2 Amaya c 3 1 2 1 0 0 .194 Johnson ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .154

Catcher produces
E—Adams (4), Lipscomb (8). LOB—St. Louis 9, Totals 29 5 7 4 4 5 Cronenworth 2b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .263
WEST W L Pct. GB Div. Last 10 Streak Washington 8. 2B—Goldschmidt (13), Gorman (11), LA Angels..................................000 000 000 — 0 3 0 Machado dh 4 0 0 0 0 0 .267
Winker 2 (17), Yepez (2). HR—Contreras (9), off Law. Chi. Cubs...................................002 010 20x — 5 7 1 Solano 3b 3 0 0 0 0 2 .286
Seattle 49 43 .533 — 17-5 4-6 L2 SB—Burleson (7), Contreras (3). CS—Thomas (7). E—Mastrobuoni (3). LOB—LA Angels 6, Chi. Cubs 5. Merrill cf 3 0 1 0 0 0 .288
W3 all three Twins runs DP—St. Louis 3; Washington 1.
St. Louis
Gibson W 7-3
5 9 3 3 2 8 3.96
2B—Morel (6), Amaya (5). HR—Busch (11), off Moore.
SF—Hoerner. DP—LA Angels 1.
DaPeralta rf
Kim ss
Campusano c
1 .233
1 .229
0 .230
Los Angeles 37 52 .416 10½ 8-10 4-6 L1 Fernandez 1„ 2 0 0 0 1 1.99 Soriano L 4-7 5 6 3 3 1 3 3.87 Totals 30 1 4 1 1 5

King „ 0 0 0 1 0 2.73 Strickland 1 0 0 0 1 1 3.60 Arizona......................................100 000 215 — 9 12 0
Oakland 34 58 .370 15 9-17 5-5 L1 By Patrick Donnelly Roycroft 1„ 0 0 0 0 3 2.37 Moore 1 1 2 2 1 0 4.98 San Diego................................. 100 000 000 — 1 4 1
Estévez 1 0 0 0 1 1 2.89 E—De Los Santos (1). LOB—Arizona 3, San Diego 3.
ASSOcIATED PRESS Washington IP H R ER BB SO ERA 2B—Moreno (14), McCarthy (8), Suárez (13), Thomas
Herz L 1-3 4‚ 5 5 4 2 4 5.17 Chi. Cubs IP H R ER BB SO ERA (2), Newman (11). HR—Carroll (3), off Cease, Suárez
mINNEAPOLIS — christian Floro ‚ 3 1 1 0 0 2.06 Wesneski W 3-5 6‚ 1 0 0 1 2 3.67 (7), off Cease, Profar (14), off RNelson. S—Carroll.
Garcia 1‚ 0 0 0 0 3 5.04 Hodge 1„ 0 0 0 0 0 1.32 DP—Arizona 1; San Diego 3.
vázquez led off the ninth inning Law 2 5 2 2 0 0 3.35 Little „ 2 0 0 1 0 3.55
Rainey 1 0 0 0 1 1 6.84 Neris S 12 ‚ 0 0 0 0 1 4.06
with a home run to give the Twins a Gibson pitched to 3 batters in the 6th. HBP—by Roy- Inherited runners-scored—Hodge 2-0, Neris 3-0.
RNelson W 6-6

5 5.08
0 4.54
croft (Abrams). Catchers interference—Adams. Balk—Wesneski. NP—Soriano 73, Strickland 20,
EAST W L Pct. GB Div. Last 10 Streak
3-2 victory over the Astros on Sun- T—2:59. A—19,782 (41,380). Moore 21, Estévez 20, Wesneski 86, Hodge 15, Little
0 1.50
0 3.48
19, Neris 4. Umpires—Home, Lance Barksdale; First,
Philadelphia 58 32 .644 — 15-10 5-5 L2 day. Will Little; Second, Nic Lentz; Third, Emil Jimenez. San Diego IP H R ER BB SO ERA
vázquez, who had two hits and
TiGeRS 5, ReDS 1 T—2:18. A—34,355 (41,649). Cease L 7-8 7 5 3 3 1 8 4.21
Atlanta 49 39 .557 8 14-12 5-5 W2 Davis 1 4 4 4 1 0 9.00
New York 44 44 .500 13 13-12 5-5 W2 drove in all three minnesota runs, DETROIT AB R H BI BB SO Avg. De Los Santos 1 3 2 2 0 0 4.75
Washington 42 48 .467 16 16-12 4-6 L1
Vierling lf-cf 5 0 1 0 0 1 .245 TWiNS 3, ASTROS 2 Davis pitched to 3 batters in the 9th. Inherited run-

Miami 32 58 .356 26 7-19 4-6 W2

hit a full-count sinker from Josh Ha- Keith 2b
Canha 1b
ners-scored—De Los Santos 3-3. NP—RNelson 87,
Mantiply 6, Martinez 7, Jarvis 22, Cease 103, Davis 32,
der (3-5) high and deep to left field RiGreene dh 3 0 0 0 1 3 .261 Altuve 2b 4 0 1 1 0 1 .309 De Los Santos 22. Umpires—Home, Alex MacKay;
CENTRAL W L Pct. GB Div. Last 10 Streak Pérez rf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .258 Peña ss 4 0 0 0 0 0 .278 First, Malachi Moore; Second, Chad Whitson; Third,
Milwaukee 53 38 .582 — 20-10 5-5 W1
for his fourth homer of the season. Urshela 3b 4 1 3 0 0 0 .249 Bregman 3b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .251 Bill Miller. T—2:41. A—41,112 (40,019).
McKinstry ss-lf 4 1 2 3 0 1 .186 Diaz dh-c 4 0 1 0 0 2 .284
St. Louis 47 42 .528 5 13-12 6-4 W1 “I think it’s fun to hit in the ninth Rogers c 3 2 1 0 1 0 .208 Singleton 1b 4 1 1 0 0 1 .243
Meadows cf 3 0 1 1 1 1 .131 Dubón lf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .288 meTS 3, PiRATeS 2
Pittsburgh 42 47 .472 10 13-13 4-6 L2 against the closer,” vázquez said. “I Kreidler ss 0 0 0 0 0 0 .125 Meyers cf 2 1 0 0 2 0 .241
Cincinnati 42 48 .467 10½ 12-14 5-5 L3 get locked in there.”
Totals 35 5 12 5 4 8 McCormick rf 3 0 0 0 1 1 .204 NY METS AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Hader p 0 0 0 0 0 0 — Lindor ss 4 1 3 2 1 0 .250
Chicago 42 49 .462 11 10-19 5-5 W1 CINCINNATI AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Salazar c 1 0 0 1 0 0 .350 Nimmo cf-lf 4 0 1 1 1 2 .249
For vázquez, the heroics came India dh 4 0 0 0 0 2 .273
Loperfido ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 .276 Martinez dh 4 0 0 0 1 1 .263
WEST W L Pct. GB Div. Last 10 Streak De La Cruz ss 4 0 0 0 0 2 .247
Pressly p 0 0 0 0 0 0 — Alonso 1b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .243
against one of the catcher’s former Candelario 1b-3b 4 1 1 0 0 2 .240
Cabbage rf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .237 Alvarez c 3 0 1 0 1 0 .293
Los Angeles 55 36 .604 — 18-15 5-5 L1 Steer lf-rf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .243
San Diego 49 45 .521 7½ 15-17 6-4 L2 teams. He finished the 2022 season Marte 3b-2b 4 0 0 1 0 2 .150
Totals 31 2 5 2 3 7 Gamel pr-rf
Stewart rf
Espinal 2b-lf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .183 MINNESOTA AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Arizona 45 45 .500 9½ 19-14 6-4 W2 in Houston following a deadline Wynns c 3 0 1 0 0 2 .500 Castro 2b-ss-2b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .271
Bader cf
Vientos 3b
San Francisco 44 47 .484 11 15-14 5-5 L2 Benson rf-cf 3 0 1 0 0 1 .189 Larnach dh 3 0 0 0 1 2 .242
trade from the Red Sox, then signed Dunn cf 2 0 0 0 0 1 .056 Correa ss 0 0 0 0 0 0 .305
McNeil lf-rf
Torrens ph-c
Colorado 32 58 .356 22½ 10-17 5-5 L1 Ríos ph-1b 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Farmer pr-2b 2 0 0 0 0 2 .192
with minnesota as a free agent prior Totals 32 1 4 1 0 15 Miranda ph-3b 1 0 1 0 0 0 .331
Iglesias 2b 3 0 1 0 1 0 .333
Totals 34 3 9 3 5 9
ResULTs to the 2023 campaign. Detroit.......................................000 100 130 — 5 12 1
Cincinnati..................................000 000 100 — 1 4 1
Santana 1b
Kepler rf
1 .247
SUNDAY Jhoan Duran (4-3) pitched a E—McKinstry (7), Marte (5). LOB—Detroit 7, Cincin- Buxton cf
Lee 3b-ss
2 .275
0 .474
McCutchen dh
Reynolds lf
2 .227
1 .281
nati 4. 2B—Vierling (11), Candelario (18), Steer (21),
Boston 3 at NY Yankees 0 At Chi. Cubs 5 LA Angels 0 scoreless ninth inning to earn the Wynns (4). HR—McKinstry (3), off ADíaz. SB—Keith Wallner lf
Margot ph-lf
0 .115
0 .236
Joe 1b-rf
Palacios ph
0 .242
0 .333
(5), Rogers (1), Meadows (4). CS—Meadows (3). DP—
NY Mets 3 at Pittsburgh 2 At Texas 13 Tampa Bay 2 win. Cincinnati 3. Vázquez c 4 1 2 3 0 1 .204 Grandal c 0 0 0 0 0 0 .182
Detroit IP H R ER BB SO ERA Totals 32 3 11 3 3 8 NGonzales 2b 4 0 1 2 0 2 .269
At Atlanta 6 Philadelphia 0 Kansas City 10 at Colorado 1 The Astros wrapped up a 10- Skubal W 10-3 7 3 1 1 0 13 2.37 Houston.....................................020 000 000 — 2 5 1 Hayes 3b 4 0 2 0 0 0 .230
Vest 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.32 Minnesota.................................010 100 001 — 3 11 0 Olivares rf 2 0 0 0 0 0 .224
St. Louis 8 at Washington 3 Baltimore 6 at Oakland 3 game road trip 6-4, while the Twins Faedo 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.10 E—Salazar (1). LOB—Houston 6, Minnesota 9. 2B— Cruz ph-ss 2 0 0 0 0 2 .243
Loperfido (5). HR—Vázquez (4), off Hader. CS—Miran- Triolo ss 2 0 0 0 0 0 .204
At Miami 7 Chi. White Sox 4 Arizona 9 at San Diego 1 have taken two of three games in Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO ERA da (1). SF—Salazar. DP—Houston 2. Tellez ph-1b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .244
Ashcraft L 5-5 4„ 6 1 1 3 2 5.24 Bart c 2 0 1 0 0 1 .250
Detroit 5 at Cincinnati 1 Milwaukee 9 at LA Dodgers 2 each of their last five series. The Moll ‚ 0 0 0 0 1 2.91
5 7 2 2 2 6 5.96 Suwinski ph-rf 2 1 1 0 0 0 .184
Martinez 2 3 1 1 1 2 4.19 MiTaylor cf 2 0 0 0 1 2 .205
At Cleveland 5 San Francisco 4 Toronto 5 (10 inn.) at Seattle 4 team’s offense has especially come ADíaz 1 3 3 0 0 2 4.32
1 2.45
1 2.91 Totals 31 2 6 2 4 10
Farmer 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.66
At Minnesota 3 Houston 2 alive of late, banging out 42 hits in WP—Skubal. T—2:19. A—25,451 (45,814).
Pressly 1 1 0 0 1 0 3.89 NY Mets....................................000 000 012 — 3 9 1
Pittsburgh.................................000 000 020 — 2 6 0
Hader L 3-5 0 1 1 1 0 0 4.15
SATURDAY the three games against Houston. E—Manaea (1). LOB—NY Mets 9, Pittsburgh 6. 2B—
Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO ERA
At NY Yankees 14 Boston 4 Detroit 5 at Cincinnati 3 “I think our offense is very dan- GuARDiANS 5, GiANTS 4 Woods Richardson 6 3 2 2 2 4 3.48
Lindor (26), Nimmo (17), Alvarez (11). HR—. SB—
Hayes (8). CS—Iglesias (1). DP—NY Mets 2; Pittsburgh
Staumont 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 1.
At Minnesota 9 Houston 3 At Cleveland 5 San Francisco 4 gerous,” vázquez said. “One through SAN FRAN.
Soler dh
0 1 0
Duran W 4-3
Manaea 6 2 0 0 3 6 3.43
LA Angels 7 at Chi. Cubs 0 Toronto 5 at Seattle 4 nine, everyone puts something on Wade Jr. 1b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .312 Hader pitched to 1 batter in the 9th. HBP—by Arri- Garrett 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.05
Ramos cf 4 0 1 1 0 0 .299 ghetti (Correa). T—2:33. A—28,056 (38,544). Núñez „ 2 2 2 0 2 2.93
NY Mets 5 at Pittsburgh 2 At LA Dodgers 5 Milwaukee 3 the table to win. So, we never give Bailey c 4 1 1 0 0 1 .269 Díaz BS 5; W 3-1 1‚ 1 0 0 1 1 4.26
Chapman 3b 4 1 1 0 0 0 .244
At Washington 14 St. Louis 6 At Atlanta 5 Philadelphia 1 up, and that’s the beauty of this Conforto lf 4 1 1 3 0 2 .240 ROyALS 10, ROckieS 1 Pittsburgh IP H R ER BB SO ERA
At Texas 4 Tampa Bay 3 At Colorado 3 Kansas City 1 Yastrzemski rf 2 0 0 0 0 1 .223 Ortiz 6 4 0 0 0 5 2.95
game.” Slater ph-rf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .200 KANSAS CITY AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Mlodzinski 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.42
At Oakland 19 Baltimore 8 Arizona 7 (10 inn.) at San Diego 5 Matos ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .228 Frazier rf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .205 Holderman 1 2 1 1 2 1 1.93
Astros starter Spencer Arrighetti Fitzgerald pr 0 0 0 0 0 0 .276 Renfroe rf 0 1 0 0 1 0 .219 Chpmn BS 3; L 1-4 „ 2 2 2 3 2 4.13
At Miami 4 Chi. White Sox 3 Wisely 2b 4 0 2 0 0 0 .278 Witt Jr. ss 5 2 3 3 0 1 .324 Nicolas ‚ 0 0 0 0 0 4.00
gave up two earned runs in five in- Ahmed ss 3 1 1 0 0 0 .232 Hampson ss 0 0 0 0 0 0 .262 Inherited runners-scored—Díaz 2-2, Nicolas 3-0.
Totals 34 4 7 4 1 6 Pasquantino dh 5 0 1 0 0 0 .249
nings. The righthander struck out Perez 1b 5 2 2 0 0 0 .276
WP—Manaea, Chapman. NP—Manaea 89, Garrett 23,
Núñez 17, Díaz 22, Ortiz 86, Mlodzinski 18, Holderman
monday’s games six and walked two.
Kwan lf
4 0 1 0 0 1 .364
Loftin 1b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .200 23, Chapman 40, Nicolas 7. Umpires—Home, Nick
Massey 2b 4 1 2 1 0 0 .278 Mahrley; First, Marvin Hudson; Second, Hunter Wen-
........2024 ........ Team ........2024 vs. opp........ ........Last 3 starts........ Martínez 3b 1 1 1 0 2 0 .375
Odds W-L ERA rec. W-L IP ERA W-L IP ERA minnesota’s Simeon Woods Rich- Ramírez dh 4 1 1 0 0 1 .271
Fermin c
Melendez lf
delstedt; Third, John Tumpane. T—3:01. A—23,147
JNaylor 1b 4 0 1 1 0 0 .243 (38,747).
ardson had one of his best starts of Schneemann rf 3 0 1 1 0 1 .261
Garcia 3b 3 1 2 3 1 0 .230
Isbel cf 4 1 0 0 0 1 .226
the season. Noel ph-rf
Giménez 2b
1 .250
1 .252
Totals 37 10 12 10 2 6 mARLiNS 7, WhiTe SOx 4
Scott (R) -105 0-2 4.32 1-5 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 16.2 4.32
Keller (R) -115 9-5 3.48 11-6 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-1 17.2 4.08 The rookie righthander gave up Freeman cf
Hedges c
0 .215
1 .145
Blackmon dh
3 0 0 0 0 2 .256
Pham lf 5 0 1 0 0 3 .268
ST. LOUIS AT WASHINGTON, 4:05 p.m. two earned runs over six innings and BNaylor ph-c
Rocchio ss
0 .205
1 .221
Tovar ss
McMahon 3b
3 .266
1 .272
Vaughn 1b 2 0 1 1 2 0 .242
Robert Jr. cf 5 0 1 0 0 1 .227
Mikolas (R) -110 6-7 5.19 8-10 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-1 16.1 8.27 retired the last 13 batters he faced. Totals 31 5 10 5 3 7 Doyle cf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .272
Sheets rf 5 0 0 0 0 1 .230
Parker (L) -110 5-4 3.61 8-7 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-1 17.0 5.82 San Francisco.......................... 021 000 001 — 4 7 0 Cave rf 3 1 2 0 0 0 .258
Julks rf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .238
He finished with four strikeouts Cleveland..................................000 203 00x — 5 10 1 Goodman ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .180
Jiménez dh 5 0 0 0 0 2 .230
CLEVELAND AT DETROIT, 6:40 p.m. E—Martínez (2). LOB—S.F. 4, Cleveland 6. 2B— Stallings c 4 0 0 0 0 2 .263
DeJong ss 3 0 0 0 1 1 .233
against a pair of walks. Chapman (24), Wisely (9), Ahmed (6), Ramírez (18), Toglia 1b 2 0 1 0 2 1 .189
Sosa 2b 4 1 2 0 0 1 .258
Williams (R) -145 0-1 11.25 0-1 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-1 4.0 11.25 Schneemann (4). HR—Conforto (10), off Carrasco, NJones lf 2 0 1 1 0 0 .187
Montero (R) +125 1-2 6.60 1-1 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-1 10.2 5.06 “When you see a guy figure it out BNaylor (5), off Hjelle. CS—Rocchio (6). S—Martínez. Schunk 2b 3 0 1 0 0 0 .100
Mendick 3b
Lee c
Totals 30 1 6 1 2 10
COLORADO AT CINCINNATI, 7:10 p.m. while he’s out there and make it San Francisco
Birdsong 4„
5 2 2 2 5 4.40 Kansas City..............................040 000 123 — 10 12 0
Totals 36 4 9 4 4 9
Feltner (R) +165 1-7 5.60 5-12 0-1 4.1 16.62 0-1 16.0 5.06 work, and have his best stuff toward Hjelle L 3-3
Walker 1‚
1 4
1 3.83
0 1.91
Colorado................................... 000 000 100 — 1 6 0
LOB—Kansas City 3, Colorado 6. HR—Witt Jr. (15), Chisholm Jr. cf 4 0 0 0 1 0 .255
Abbott (L) -195 8-6 3.28 10-7 1-0 6.0 4.50 3-0 17.0 2.65 Bell 1b 4 0 1 2 1 0 .229
the end of the outing, it leaves you Miller 1 0 0 0 1 1 3.51 off Blach, Melendez (9), off Gordon, Garcia (6), off
Gordon. S—NJones. SF—Fermin. DP—Kansas City 2; Rivera pr 0 1 0 0 0 0 .214
even more satisfied,” Twins manager Carrasco 5 6 3 3 1 4 5.22
Colorado 1. JesusSánchez dh
Burger 3b
0 .239
2 .216
TBA -190 — — 0-0 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 — Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Flexen (R) +160 2-7 5.08 2-14 0-0 7.1 3.68 0-1 17.2 4.08 Rocco Baldelli said. “He gave us a Smith W 4-1
Singer W 5-5 7 6 1 1 2 7 2.93 Myers rf
Edwards ss
1 .270
0 .313
Zerpa 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.27
TEXAS AT LA ANGELS, 9:38 p.m. chance to win and we end up win- Gaddis
Clase S 27
Bubic 1 0 0 0 0 2 0.00 Gordon lf 1 0 0 0 1 0 .230
De La Cruz ph-lf 2 0 0 0 0 0 .237
Gray (R) -140 3-4 3.92 7-8 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-1 15.0 6.60
ning the game.” T—2:36. A—32,012 (34,830). Colorado
Gordon L 0-1
6‚ 8 5 5 0 4 7.11
Bruján 2b 2 2 1 1 2 1 .227
Fortes c 3 1 1 1 0 0 .179
Daniel (R) +120 1-1 2.70 1-1 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-1 13.1 2.70 Twins shortstop carlos correa bLue JAyS 5, mARiNeRS 4
Mears „ 0 0 0 0 1 6.18 Totals 32 7 7 7 7 4
Lawrence 1 3 2 2 0 1 5.58 Chi. White Sox.........................000 202 000 — 4 9 1
ATLANTA AT ARIZONA, 9:40 p.m. left the game in the first inning after Blach 1 1 3 3 2 0 5.59 Miami........................................ 000 100 204 — 7 7 1
TORONTO AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Inherited runners-scored—Mears 1-0. HBP—by Zer- E—Mendick (3), Burger (8). LOB—Chi. White Sox 10,
Sale (L)
Diaz (R)



being hit on the right hand by a Springer rf 5 1 1 3 0 2 .221 pa (Blackmon). WP—Lawrence. A—32,180 (46,897). Miami 7. 2B—Robert Jr. (8), Bell (16), Edwards (3),
Horwitz 1b 5 0 3 0 0 0 .329
Team rec. — Record in games started by pitcher this season pitch. The team announced that ini- Guerrero Jr. 3b 4 1 1 0 1 0 .295
Bruján (10), Fortes (6). 3B—Lee (1). HR—Mendick (3),
Turner dh 5 0 0 0 0 3 .245 ORiOLeS 6, AThLeTicS 3 off Cabrera, Burger (9), off Kopech. SB—Pham (5), So-
tial scans were negative and correa Bichette ss 4 1 1 0 1 1 .226
sa (3), Mendick (6), Chisholm Jr. (17). CS—Myers (1).
S—Fortes. SF—Vaughn.
AL LeADeRS NL LeADeRS was diagnosed with a finger contu- Varsho lf 4 0 1 1 0 1 .199 BALTIMORE AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Chi. White Sox IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Kirk c 3 1 1 1 1 1 .216 Henderson ss 5 0 2 1 0 0 .293 Cannon 6 3 1 1 4 3 4.20
Through Saturday’s games Through Saturday’s games
BATTING BATTING sion. Jansen pr-c
Jimenez 2b
Rutschman c
Santander rf
Banks 1 1 2 2 1 0 4.25
AB R H Avg. AB R H Avg. Brebbia 1 1 0 0 0 1 4.63
Kwan, Cle ........................ 249 52 91 .365 Ohtani, LAD..................... 342 72 108 .316 “I will be playing tomorrow,” said Berroa pr
Schneider 2b

O'Hearn 1b
Westburg 2b
Kopech BS 5; L 2-8 „ 2 4 4 2 0 5.45
Witt Jr., KC...................... 362 70 116 .320 Arraez, SD ....................... 137 22 41 .315
Judge, NYY...................... 321 70 100 .312 Profar, SD........................ 315 51 99 .314 correa, who had his finger wrapped Kiermaier cf
0 2
3 11
.187 Kjerstad lf
Hays lf
3„ 4 2 2 1 4 6.84
Altuve, Hou ..................... 358 53 111 .310 Betts, LAD ....................... 283 50 86 .304
Correa, Min..................... 262 48 80 .305 Harper, Phi...................... 287 52 87 .303 after the game. SEATTLE AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Mountcastle dh 3 0 0 0 1 1 .268 Bender ‚ 2 0 0 1 0 4.19
Mateo pr-dh 0 1 0 0 0 0 .229 Cronin 1 2 2 2 1 2 3.35
Alvarez, Hou ................... 325 56 97 .298
Guerrero Jr., Tor ............ 342 43 101 .295
Freeman, LAD................. 329 55 99 .301
Ozuna, Atl ....................... 322 51 96 .298
Woods Richardson’s control es- Crawford ss
Garver dh
2 .209
1 .179
Mullins cf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .216 Faucher 2 0 0 0 0 2 3.55
Urías 3b 2 0 1 0 2 0 .239 Nardi 1 0 0 0 1 1 4.72
Soto, NYY ........................ 312 71 92 .295
Smith, Tex....................... 266 40 78 .293
Bohm, Phi........................ 337 40 100 .297
Contreras, Mil................. 354 61 105 .297
caped him in the second inning and Raleigh c
Raley lf-cf
1 .203
2 .252
Totals 36 6 8 5 3 7 Chargois W 1-0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1.69
Cronin pitched to 2 batters in the 6th. Inherited run-
Henderson, Bal............... 346 76 101 .292 Winn, StL......................... 289 37 85 .294 the Astros made him pay. Back-to- France 1b
Rojas 3b
2 .228
3 .254
Bleday cf
4 1 0 1 1 0 .234 ners-scored—Faucher 1-1. IBB—off Kopech (Jesu-
Kiner-Falefa, Tor ............ 257 32 75 .292 Merrill, SD ....................... 309 40 89 .288
sSánchez). Balk—Cannon, Kopech. NP—Cannon 89,
Rutschman, Bal.............. 337 46 97 .288 Turang, Mil...................... 313 43 90 .288 back walks helped load the bases Polanco 2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .189 Andujar lf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .296
Banks 19, Brebbia 19, Kopech 20, Cabrera 82, Bender
Devers, Bos..................... 286 54 82 .287 Rodgers, Col ................... 263 31 75 .285 Bliss pr 0 0 0 0 0 0 .228 Rooker dh 3 1 1 0 0 1 .278
Diaz, Hou ......................... 299 38 85 .284 HOME RUNS with one out. Canzone rf 3 1 1 0 1 0 .209 Soderstrom 1b 3 0 2 1 1 0 .220 18, Cronin 27, Faucher 33, Nardi 21, Chargois 10. Um-
pires—Home, Jeremy Riggs; First, Adrian Johnson;
HOME RUNS Ohtani, LAD.......................................................28 Haniger ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .209 Langeliers c 3 0 0 1 0 3 .205
Judge, NYY........................................................ 32 Ozuna, Atl..........................................................23 césar Salazar’s sacrifice fly drove Robles cf 1 2 1 1 1 0 .350 Gelof 2b 4 0 1 0 0 3 .203 Second, Quinn Wolcott; Third, Ramon De Jesus.
T—2:52. A—12,268 (37,446).
Henderson, Bal.................................................27 Walker, Ari........................................................ 22 JRodríguez ph 0 0 0 0 0 0 .247 Butler rf 4 1 1 0 0 3 .190
Ramírez, Cle......................................................23 Harper, Phi........................................................20 in one run and Jose Altuve’s base hit Moore pr-lf 1 0 1 0 0 0 .213 BHarris 3b 3 0 1 0 0 0 .172
Santander, Bal..................................................22
Soto, NYY...........................................................21
Hernández, LAD................................................19
Alonso, NYM......................................................18 plated another as Houston took a
Totals 40 4 10 4 5 14 KyMcCann ph
Schuemann ss
1 .287
2 .235
Toronto..................................000 100 300 1 — 5 10 1
Naylor, Cle.........................................................21 Marte, Ari.......................................................... 17 Totals 33 3 7 3 2 13 Through Saturday’s games
Tucker, Hou.......................................................19 Gorman, StL......................................................17 2-0 lead. Seattle...................................001 030 000 0 — 4 10 0
E—Berríos (1). LOB—Toronto 10, Seattle 15. 2B— Baltimore..................................401 000 001 — 6 8 1 SAVES
Devers, Bos....................................................... 19 Schwarber, Phi.................................................17
Alvarez, Hou......................................................19 Reynolds, Pit.....................................................16 vázquez drove in runs with a Bichette (16), Raley (10). HR—Springer (10), off
Stanek, Garver (12), off Berríos, Robles (1), off Ber-
Oakland.....................................000 002 100 — 3 7 3
E—Henderson (10), Bleday (4), BHarris (2), Spence
Clase, Cle..........................................................................26
Kimbrel, Bal......................................................................22
Stanton, NYY.....................................................18
Rooker, Oak.......................................................18
Ozuna, Atl..........................................................72
two-out single in the second and a ríos. SB—Bliss (5), Robles (2), Moore (15). S—Varsho,
Robles. SF—Kirk.
(1). LOB—Baltimore 6, Oakland 7. 2B—Soderstrom (6).
3B—Henderson (5). HR—Santander (23), off Spence,
Holmes, NYY.................................................................... 19
Jansen, Bos.......................................................................17
Judge, NYY........................................................ 83
Bohm, Phi..........................................................70
Ohtani, LAD.......................................................65
fielder’s choice grounder in the Toronto IP H R ER BB SO ERA Kjerstad (3), off Spence. SB—Mateo (13). SF—Lange- Estévez, LAA.....................................................................16
Berríos 6 7 4 4 1 10 3.76 liers. Hader, Hou....................................................................... 15
Ramírez, Cle......................................................76 Walker, Ari........................................................ 64 fourth to tie the game, 2-2. Pearson 1 0 0 0 0 1 4.79 Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO ERA McArthur, KC...................................................................15
Naylor, Cle.........................................................65 Hernández, LAD................................................60 Pop „ 0 0 0 2 0 5.74 Rodriguez W 11-3 6 6 3 3 1 8 3.52 Muñoz, Sea.......................................................................14
Soto, NYY...........................................................63 Harper, Phi........................................................58 Altuve returned to the lineup at Little ‚ 0 0 0 0 0 4.67 Webb 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.72 Foley, Det..........................................................................14
Henderson, Bal.................................................60 Adames, Mil......................................................58 Green W 2-1 1 2 0 0 1 2 1.57 Cano 1 0 0 0 1 2 2.89 Fairbanks, TB...................................................................14
Rutschman, Bal................................................ 59 Freeman, LAD................................................... 58 his customary second base and in Cabrera S 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 3.86 Kimbrel S 23 1 1 0 0 0 2 2.10 Miller, Oak........................................................................14
Pasquantino, KC...............................................59 Profar, SD..........................................................58 STOLEN BASES
Witt Jr., KC........................................................ 58 Steer, Cin...........................................................57 the leadoff spot after missing Satur- Seattle IP H R ER BB SO ERA Oakland IP H R ER BB SO ERA Caballero, TB....................................................................24
Santander, Bal..................................................56 Smith, LAD.........................................................55 Kirby 6 7 3 3 1 8 3.39 Spence L 5-5 6 7 5 4 1 5 4.29 Hamilton, Bos...................................................................23
Perez, KC...........................................................55 Gurriel Jr., Ari....................................................54 day’s game with a wrist contusion. Stanek BS 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 3.72 Alexander 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.52 Witt Jr., KC........................................................................22
Rooker, Oak.......................................................54 Reynolds, Pit.....................................................54 Voth 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.19 Erceg 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.09 Rengifo, LAA.....................................................................22
Devers, Bos....................................................... 53 Cronenworth, SD..............................................54 Designated hitter Yordan Alvarez Muñoz 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.50 Bido 1 1 1 1 2 1 4.40 Duran, Bos........................................................................21
Guerrero Jr., Tor...............................................52 Happ, ChC..........................................................52 Snider L 0-1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1.59 Rodriguez pitched to 2 batters in the 7th. Spence
Raleigh, Sea...................................................... 51 Nimmo, NYM.....................................................52 missed the game for Houston with a Berríos pitched to 2 batters in the 7th. Kirby pitched pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. Inherited runners-
Garcia, KC.........................................................................21
Rodríguez, Sea.................................................................18
Alvarez, Hou......................................................50
Rafaela, Bos......................................................49
Contreras, Mil...................................................51
Marte, Ari.......................................................... 51
sore right knee after he was hit by a to 2 batters in the 7th. HBP—by Berríos (Polanco), by
Pop (JRodríguez), by Voth (Jimenez). T—3:22.
scored—Webb 2-1, Alexander 1-0. HBP—by Rodriguez
(Rooker). WP—Rodriguez, Spence, Bido. T—2:35.
Blanco, KC........................................................................17
Mullins, Bal.......................................................................16
Westburg, Bal...................................................49 Machado, SD.....................................................50 pitch Saturday. A—34,885 (47,480). A—14,524 (46,847). Ramírez, Cle.....................................................................16
c6 Sports T h e B o s t o n G l o b e m O N D A Y, J U L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4


International Mon tue Wed thu Fri Sat Sun

7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 7/14
W l Pct. GB
Rochester .................. 10 2 .833 — 7:10 7:10 7:10 7:10 4:10 1:35
Lehigh Valley.............. 8 4 .667 2 NESN NESN NESN NESN NESN NESN
Syracuse...................... 7 5 .583 3
Jacksonville................. 6 5 .545 3½
Worcester.................... 6 5 .545 3½
Durham ........................ 6 6 .500 4
Charlotte...................... 5 5 .500 4 Orl
Norfolk ......................... 4 7 .364 5½ 7:30
Scranton/W.-Barre .... 4 7 .364 5½
Buffalo.......................... 3 9 .250 7 AppleTV
W l Pct. GB
Iowa.............................. 7 5 .583 — Home games shaded For updated scores:
Memphis...................... 7 5 .583 —
Columbus .................... 6 6 .500 1 On the radio, unless noted: Red Sox, WEEI-FM 93.7; Revolution, WBZ-FM 98.5
Nashville...................... 6 6 .500 1
Toledo .......................... 6 6 .500 1
Gwinnett...................... 5 6 .455 1½
Indianapolis ................ 5 6 .455 1½ on the air
St. Paul......................... 5 6 .455 1½
Omaha ......................... 5 7 .417 2
Louisville...................... 4 7 .364 2½
BaSEBall Transactions
SUNDaY’S rESUlT 12:35 p.m. NY Mets at Pittsburgh MLB BaSEBall
Chi. Cubs: P Colten Brewer placed on
At St. Paul 4...........................Gwinnett 3 6:40 p.m. Cleveland at Detroit FS1 60-day IL. P Hunter Bigge purchased
At Worcester 4......................Syracuse 0 9:38 p.m. Texas at LA Angels MLB from minors.
Cincinnati: SS Livan Soto called up
Toledo Columbus 5 9:40 p.m. Atlanta at Arizona MLB from minors. LF Nick Martini placed on
Lehigh Valley 5at Scranton/W.-Barre 3
At Rochester 7...........................Buffalo 6 10-day IL.
PrO BaSKETBall Cleveland: P Logan Allen sent to mi-
Jacksonville (ppd.) Charlotte
7 p.m. Summer League ESPN nors.
At Durham 14............................Norfolk 5
Louisville Indianapolis 5 Colorado: P Dakota Hudson designat-
At Iowa 6....................................Omaha 5
9 p.m. Summer League ESPN ed for assignment. P Tanner Gordon
HeNrY NicHOLLs/AFP ViA geTTY imAges purchased from minors.
At Nashville 4........................ Memphis 1
la Dodgers: P Gus Varland sent to mi-
Gwinnett St. Paul 1 TENNIS nors. P Justin Wrobleski purchased
Coco Gauff had no answers in her fourth-round loss to fellow American Emma Navarro. 6 a.m. Wimbledon ESPN2 from minors. P Matt Gage ntr - called
up from minors.
8 a.m. Wimbledon ESPN Miami: P Darren McCaughan sent to
Eastern League (For latest updates, go to
minors. P Matt Andriese designated
for assignment. P Darren McCaughan

Alcaraz into quarters

acquired off waivers. P Ryan Weathers
transferred to 60-day IL. P Edward Ca-
W l Pct. GB
brera removed from 15-day IL. P Ed-
Somerset ..................... 9 3 .750 —
ward Cabrera recalled from minors re-
Portland....................... 7 3 .700 1
Hartford ....................... 6 5 .545 2½
Binghamton................. 5 6 .455 3½ Milwaukee: P Taylor Clarke outrighted
Reading........................ 4 8 .333 5
New Hampshire ......... 3 7 .300 5 Golf WNba to minors.
Minnesota: RF Matt Wallner called up
from minors. 2B Austin Martin placed
W l Pct. GB on 10-day IL.
W l Pct. GB

Top-ranked Sinner also Akron............................ 9 3 .750 — NY Mets: P Matt Gage sent to minors.
champion Daniil medvedev. Bowie ........................... 7 5 .583 2 pGa: JOhN dEERE cLaSSIc New York................... 17 4 .810 —
Connecticut............... 17 4 .810 —
P Matt Gage traded. P Drew Smith
Erie................................ 7 5 .583 2 transferred to 60-day IL.
Indiana......................... 9 13 .409 8½
sinner was bounced in last year’s Wimbledon Oakland: P Jack O'Loughlin sent to mi-

advances; Gauff ousted

Altoona ........................ 5 7 .417 4 at TPC Deere run, Silvis, Ill.
Chicago........................ 8 12 .400 8½ nors. P Kyle Muller removed from 15-
Richmond .................... 4 8 .333 5 Yardage: 7,289; par: 71
semifinals by Novak Djokovic, who then lost to Harrisburg................... 3 9 .250 6
Atlanta ......................... 7 13 .350 9½
Washington................. 5 17 .227 12½
day IL. P Kyle Muller recalled from mi-
SaTUrDaY’S rESUlTS nors rehab.
Alcaraz in a five-set final. Portland (ppd.) New Hampshire Davis Thompson.63-67-62-64–256 -28 WESTErN CONFErENCE
W l Pct. GB
Pittsburgh: C Henry Davis sent to mi-
Luke Clanton.......63-67-67-63–260 -24 nors. P Justin Bruihl designated for as-
By Howard Fendrich sinner earned his first grand slam title at the At Altoona 13....................Harrisburg 12
Akron Erie 2 C.T. Pan................65-63-68-64–260 -24 Minnesota ................. 15 6 .714 2
Seattle........................ 14 7 .667 3
signment. P Bailey Falter placed on 15-
M. Thorbjornsen.67-64-66-63–260 -24 day IL. P Brent Honeywell Jr. pur-
AssOciATeD Press Australian Open in January, and he advanced At Richmond 4............................ Bowie 3
Binghamton Hartford 0 Ben Griffin........... 68-67-64-62–261 -23 Las Vegas.................. 13 7 .650 3½ chased from minors. C Henry Davis
Carson Young.....67-65-66-63–261 -23 Phoenix...................... 11 10 .524 6 recalled from minors rehab. C Henry
LONDON — There carlos Alcaraz was, down sunday with a 6-2, 6-4, 7-6 (11-9) win against No. At Reading 5..........................Somerset 2
Eric Cole...............62-68-64-69–263 -21
Los Angeles................. 5 16 .238 12 Davis removed from 7-day IL.
Dallas ........................... 5 17 .227 12½
on his backside at a base line below the royal 14 Ben shelton, breaking the big-serving Denny McCarthy 64-66-69-64–263
Andrew Novak....67-64-68-64–263
Carolina: C Josiah Slavin signed as free
At Connecticut 80...................Atlanta 67
Box, briefly taking a seat in the grass after doing lefthander four times — the same total number of Aaron Rai.............65-63-66-69–263 -21
South atlantic At Las Vegas 104......................Dallas 85 agent.
Hayden Springer 59-71-66-67–263 -21 At Seattle 84..........................Chicago 71 Columbus: G Zach Sawchenko signed
the splits when he slipped while running to hit a breaks others had managed against the 21-year- Harry Hall............63-66-70-65–264 -20 Phoenix Los Angeles 78 as free agent.

forehand during his fourth-round match sunday. old American through 15 sets entering the day. League Sungjae Im.......... 66-64-70-64–264
Chan Kim.............63-68-68-65–264
Brendon Todd.....66-65-69-64–264
At Indiana 83...................... New York 78
At Minnesota 74.............Washington 67
Philadelphia: D Egor Zamula re-signed.
Utah: C Curtis Douglas re-signed.
so now what? give up on the point and get Like Alcaraz, sinner is capable of improvised NOrTH Sami Valimaki.....61-72-65-66–264 -20
ready for the next? Ha. Not this kid. Alcaraz racket wizardry, as he displayed in the third set,
W l Pct. GB Seamus Power....64-70-66-65–265 -19 Sun, 80-67
Tour de France
Greensboro ............... 12 3 .800 — Keith Mitchell......69-63-67-67–266 -18
Hudson Valley ............ 8 6 .571 3½ Ben Silverman.....66-68-67-65–266 -18 at Uncasville, Conn.
popped to his feet, sprinted to his left to get to a bringing his racket around his back at the base Aberdeen..................... 8 7 .533 4 Mac Meissner.....67-68-66-66–267 -17 ATLANTA (7-13) — Coffey 4-6 2-2 11,
Jersey Shore ............... 6 9 .400 6 Gray 7-11 4-4 19, Charles 5-14 2-2 13,
backhand wide of the doubles alley, then raced line and flicking a between-the-legs shot that he Wilmington.................. 5 9 .357 6½
Jhonattan Vegas.68-64-67-68–267
Kevin Yu...............68-63-69-67–267
-17 Jones 1-3 0-0 2, Caldwell 1-8 2-2 5,
In France, 9th Stage
a 124-mile race from Troyes
forward to reach a short shot and, eventually, followed with a passing winner. Brooklyn ...................... 5 10 .333 7
Jason Day............ 69-67-66-66–268
Lucas Glover.......64-68-67-69–268
Hillmon 1-1 1-2 3, Cubaj 2-3 0-0 4, Hen-
derson 1-4 2-4 4, Amihere 2-9 2-3 6. To-
to Troyes.
1. Anthony Turgis, France, Totalener-
watched his opponent send a volley long. Paul reached his first Wimbledon quarterfinal W l Pct. GB
Bowling Green.......... 10 4 .714 —
J.J. Spaun.............65-67-65-71–268 -16 tals 24-59 15-19 67.
CONNECTICUT (17-4) — Thomas 3-5
gies/Fra, 4:19:43s. 2. Tom Pidcock,
Max Greyserman66-66-68-69–269 -15 Great Britian, Ineos Grenadiers/GBR,
That allowed Alcaraz to claim the second set by using a 41-14 edge in winners to extend his Greenville .................... 8 7 .533 2½ Rico Hoey.............67-64-67-71–269 -15 1-2 7, Bonner 7-11 2-2 23, Jones 4-8 3-4
11, Harris 4-8 0-3 8, Carrington 2-9 4-4
same time. 3. Derek Gee, Canada, Is-
Asheville ...................... 7 7 .500 3 Zach Johnson......65-67-71-66–269 -15 rael-Premier Tech/Isr, same time. 4.
of what would become a 6-3, 6-4, 1-6, 7-5 victory unbeaten run to nine matches, all on grass, with Hickory......................... 7 8 .467 3½ Jordan Spieth......69-67-63-70–269 -15 9, Banham 0-2 0-0 0, Ndour-Fall 1-2 0-0 Alex Aranburu, Spain, Movistar Team/
Winston-Salem........... 7 8 .467 3½ Pierceson Coody 67-70-69-64–270 -14 2, Burton 1-5 0-0 3, Nelson-Ododa 2-7 Esp, same time. 5. Ben Healy, Ireland,
against No. 16 seed Ugo Humbert at centre a 6-2, 7-6 (7-3), 6-2 win over roberto Bautista Rome ............................ 5 10 .333 5½ J.T. Poston...........66-69-67-68–270 -14 0-0 4, Mitchell 4-7 4-4 13. Totals 28-64 EF Education-Easypost/USA, :2s be-
SaTUrDaY’S rESUlTS Chesson Hadley..66-67-69-69–271 -13 14-19 80.
court. The defending champion at the All eng- Agut. medvedev moved on when grigor Dimitrov At Greenville 6.......................Asheville 5 Mark Hubbard.... 68-68-69-66–271 -13 Halftime: Connecticut, 34-24. 3-pt.
hind. 6. Alexey Lutsenko, Kazakhstan,
Astana Qazaqstan Team/Kaz, same
Aberdeen Greensboro 10 goals: ATL 4-10 (Coffey 1-1, Gray 1-2,
land club celebrated the moment by raising his stopped because of a leg injury in the first set. At Winston-Salem 6................Hickory 4
Hayden Buckley..64-72-68-68–272
Joshua Creel........67-64-71-70–272
-12 Charles 1-2, Caldwell 1-3, Henderson
time. 7. Javier Romo, Spain, Movistar
Team/Esp, :10s behind. 8. Jasper
0-2), CON 10-23 (Bonner 7-9, Harris 0-3,
right index finger in a “No. 1” gesture and shout- There was another midmatch retirement in a At Hudson Valley 5............... Brooklyn 4
At Jersey Shore 7..............Wilmington 6
Brice Garnett.......64-69-70-65–268
Doug Ghim...........66-69-71-66–272
-12 Carrington 1-5, Banham 0-2, Burton
Stuyven, Belgium, LIDL-Trek/USA,
:18s. 9. Biniam Girmay, Eritrean, In-
1-2, Mitchell 1-2). Rebounds: ATL 31
ing “Vamos!” as thousands of spectators rose. women’s fourth-round match: 2017 Us Open At Bowling Green 12...................Rome 2 S.H Kim................ 66-69-69-68–272 -12
(Amihere 8), CON 36 (Thomas 7). As-
termarche-Wanty/Bel, 1:17. 10. Mi-
Patrick Rodgers..66-68-70-68–272 -12 chael Matthews, Australia, Team Jay-
The 21-year-old spaniard is making a habit of runner-up madison Keys hurt her leg, took a Sam Ryder...........69-67-69-67–272 -12 sists: ATL 16 (Charles 4), CON 20
(Thomas 9). Fouls: ATL 18, CON 14. A:
co Alula/Aus, same time.
Robby Shelton.... 65-68-70-69–272 -12 also
turning the impossible into the possible, figuring medical timeout, and then briefly tried to contin-
carolina League Sam Stevens.......70-66-67-69–272 -12 7,527.
36. Matteo Jorgenson, United States,
Adam Svensson..64-67-72-69–272 -12 Team Visma, 4:21:29s. 143. Neilson
out ways to win points many other players would ue. But she was wiping away tears as she walked Trace Crowe........70-64-67-72–273 -11 Storm, 84-71 Powless, United States, EF Education-
NOrTH Chandler Phillips 64-68-70-71–273 -11 EasyPost, 11:42s. 150. Sean Quinn,
concede and, in the bigger picture, breaking new to the net when she decided she needed to quit at W l Pct. GB Zac Blair...............66-69-72-67–274 -10
at Seattle
CHICAGO (8-12) — Mabrey 6-17 0-0 United States, EF Education-EasyPost,
Fredericksburg ......... 12 3 .800 — Joel Dahmen........68-65-70-67–270 -10
ground time after time. He’s been the first teen- 5-all in the third set against Jasmine Paolini, who Lynchburg ................... 8 7 .533 4 Kevin Dougherty.65-71-72-66–274 -10
14, Reese 8-15 1-2 17, Cardoso 3-7 0-0 6,
Allen 1-2 0-0 2, Carter 7-22 7-8 21,
Overall Standings (yellow jersey)
Carolina ....................... 7 7 .500 4½
ager to reach No. 1 in the ATP rankings, and last was a finalist at this year’s French Open. Salem ........................... 7 8 .467 5
A. D. D. Chassart 66-68-72-68–274
Kevin Streelman.68-69-69-68–274
DeShields 0-2 0-0 0, Evans 0-3 0-0 0,
Harrison 4-10 2-2 11. Totals 29-78 10-12
1. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team
Emirates, 35:42:42. 2. Remco Evenep-
month’s French Open championship made him Paolini next meets No. 19 emma Navarro, Down East ................... 6 8 .429 5½
Delmarva ..................... 6 9 .400 6
Ben Taylor...........69-66-70-69–274
Stewart Cink.......68-69-69-69–275
71. oel, Belgium, Soudal Quick-Step/Bel,
SEATTLE (14-7) — Horston 0-3 4-4 4, :33s behind. 3. Jonas Vingegaard,
the youngest man to win grand slam titles on who defeated reigning Us Open champion coco SOUTH
W l Pct. GB
Nico Echavarria..66-71-70-68–275 -9 Ogwumike 9-15 5-6 24, Magbegor 6-16 Denmark, Team Visma/Lease a Bike,
Dylan Frittelli.......70-65-73-67–275 -9 1-2 13, Diggins-Smith 5-8 3-4 15, Loyd 6- 1:15s. 4. Primoz Roglic, Slovenia, Red
three surfaces: hard, grass, and clay courts. gauff, 6-4, 6-3, in the day’s last match. The sec- Charleston................. 10 5 .667 — Bill Haas...............69-68-70-68–275 -9 20 7-8 20, Russell 1-1 0-0 2, Whitcomb Bull-Bora-Hansbrohe, 1:36s. 5. Juan
Columbia ..................... 9 5 .643 ½ James Hahn.........68-69-66-72–275 -9 2-6 0-0 6. Totals 29-69 20-24 84. Ayuso, Spain, UAE Team Emirates,
Asked during his on-court interview how he’d ond-seeded gauff’s exit comes the day after No. 1 Fayetteville.................. 7 8 .467 3 Blaine Hale, Jr....71-66-70-68–275 -9 Halftime: Chicago, 39-31. 3-pt. goals: 2:16s. 6. Joao Almeida, Portugal, UAE
Kannapolis .................. 7 8 .467 3 Ryo Hisatsune.....67-67-71-70–275 -9 CHI 3-14 (Mabrey 2-9, Reese 0-2, Team Emirates, 2:17s. 7. Carlos Rodri-
describe the remarkable sequence against Hum- iga swiatek lost and leaves just two of the top 10 Augusta ....................... 6 8 .429 3½ Jake Knapp..........66-71-68-70–275 -9 DeShields 0-1, Evans 0-1, Harrison 1-1), guez, Spain, Ineos Grenadiers, 2:31s.
Myrtle Beach .............. 3 12 .200 7 Ben Kohles...........71-65-72-67–275 -9 SEA 6-19 (Horston 0-1, Ogwumike 1-1, 8. Mikel Landa, Spain, Soudal Quick-
bert, Alcaraz smiled. seeded women in the bracket: No. 4 elena ry- SaTUrDaY’S rESUlTS Bud Cauley..........65-72-68-71–276 -8 Magbegor 0-2, Diggins-Smith 2-4, Loyd Step, 3:35s. 9. Derek Gee, Canada, Is-
Salem Lynchburg 3
“Unbelievable, i guess. i just try to fight every bakina, the 2022 champion, and No. 7 Paolini. At Charleston 11..........Myrtle Beach 10
Kevin Chappell....64-73-72-67–276
S. Gutschewski...68-68-66-74–276
1-6, Whitcomb 2-5). Rebounds: CHI 38
(Reese 14), SEA 36 (Ogwumike, Mag-
rael-Premier Tech/Isr, 4:02s. 10. Mat-
teo Jorgenson, United States, Team
Columbia (susp.)................. at Augusta
point, every ball,” he said. “it doesn’t matter what The other women’s quarterfinal established Fayetteville Kannapolis 9
Beau Hossler.......65-67-68-76–276
David Lipsky........65-71-68-72–276
begor 13). Assists: CHI 20 (Mabrey, Al-
len 6), SEA 24 (Diggins-Smith 8). Fouls:
Visma, 4:03s.
part of the court.” sunday is Lulu sun against Donna Vekic. sun Fredericksburg 8............. at Delmarva 3
Down Carolina (ppd.)
Henrik Norlander67-70-70-69–276 -8 CHI 18, SEA 15. A: 11,283. 47. Neilson Powless, United States, EF
Thorbjørn Olesen69-68-71-68–276 -8 Education-EasyPost, 35:15s behind.
Later, at his news conference, he recalled hav- eliminated 2021 Us Open champion emma rad- Roger Sloan.........67-69-70-70–276 -8 112. Sean Quinn, United States, EF Ed-
A. Smotherman...66-68-70-72–276 -8 ucation-Easypost, 1:19:46s.
ing made that same sort of recovery from a fall ucanu, 6-2, 5-7, 6-2, to become the first woman to
during his thrill-a-minute marathon against rival get through qualifying and reach the Wimbledon cape League
Sepp Straka.........66-71-69-70–276
K. Westmoreland65-71-72-68–276
Wilson Furr..........67-70-68-72–277
Formula One Team Standings
1. UAE Team Emirates, 107:13:01s.
2. Soudal Quick-Step, 6:04s behind.
Justin Lower........67-66-73-72–278 -6
Jannik sinner at the 2022 Us Open, a tourna- quarterfinals since 2010, and the first woman SUNDaY’S rESUlTS Justin Suh............68-69-71-70–278 -6
3. Ineo Grenadiers, 6:45s.
At Brewster 4...........................Orleans 3 bRITISh GRaNd pRIx 4. Red Bull-Bora-Hansgrohe, 7:41s.
ment Alcaraz went on to win. from New Zealand to get that far at the All eng- Wareham Yarmouth-Dennis 3
M. NeSmith..........69-68-71-71–279
Ryan Palmer........69-68-74-68–279
5. Movistar Team, 12:41s.
At Bourne 7............................Falmouth 2 Results of Sunday’s Formula One 6. Bahrain Victorious, 14:33s.
There is a possible rematch against the No. 1- land club in the Open era, which began in 1968. Cotuit Hyannis 4 (10 inn.)
Lee Hodges..........66-67-73-74–280 -4 race with make of car, starting posi- 7. Team Visma/Lease a Bike, 18:34s.
tion, and laps completed. 8. EF Education-Easypost, 23:40s.
ranked sinner looming in the semifinals. each Vekic dropped to her knees after getting past At Chatham 13......Harwich 12 (10 inn.) 1. Lewis Hamilton, Mercedes, 2, 52 9. LIDL-Trek, 33:04s.
needs one more win to get there. in Tuesday’s Paula Badosa, 6-2, 1-6, 6-4, in a match disrupted
Bourne at Yarmouth-Dennis.................6
EUROpEaN: bmW INT’L OpEN 2. Max Verstappen, Honda, 4, 52 10. Uno-X Mobility, 50:05s.
3. Lando Norris, Mercedes, 3, 52
Orleans at Falmouth..............................6 4. Oscar Piastri, Mercedes, 5, 52
quarterfinals, Alcaraz will face No. 12 Tommy by three rain delays to make her first quarterfinal SaTUrDaY’S rESUlTS
at Golfclub Munchen Eichenried
Munich 5. Carlos Sainz Jr., Ferrari, 7, 52
At Cotuit 8..................................Bourne 7
Paul, and sinner goes up against 2021 Us Open at the grass-court event in 10 appearances. 6. Nico Hulkenberg, Ferrari, 6, 52
Yarmouth-Dennis 6........... at Harwich 3
At Falmouth 4........................Chatham 3
Yardage: 7,347; par: 72
7. Lance Stroll, Mercedes, 8, 52
8. Fernando Alonso, Mercedes, 10, 52
At Wareham 8........................Brewster 5 Ewen Ferguson...67-64-71-68–270 -18 9. Alexander Albon, Mercedes, 9, 52
At Orleans 3.............................Hyannis 1 David Micheluzzi 66-70-68-68–272 -16 10. Yuki Tsunoda, Honda, 13, 52
Jordan Smith.......69-67-66-70–272
M. Southgate...... 71-65-68-70–274
11. Logan Sargeant, Mercedes, 12, 52
12. Kevin Magnussen, Ferrari, 17, 52
tour de france Connor Syme......70-67-70-67–274 -14 13. Daniel Ricciardo, Honda, 15, 51 at all England lawn Tennis and

mLS Matthis Besard...72-66-69-68–275 -13 14. Charles Leclerc, Ferrari, 11, 51 Croquet Club, Wimbledon, England
Jens Dantorp.......71-68-64-72–275 -13 15. Valtteri Bottas, Ferrari, 16, 51 Men’s singles

Turgis wins ninth stage in sprint

Rikuya Hoshino...70-67-69-69–275 -13 16. Esteban Ocon, Renault, 18, 50 Fourth round
EaSTErN CONFErENCE Filippo Celli..........71-70-67-68–276 -12 17. Sergio Perez, Honda, 19, 50 Carlos Alcaraz (3), def. Ugo Humbert
GP W D l Pts. Ross Fisher..........69-70-68-69–276 -12 18. Guanyu Zhou, Ferrari, 14, 50 (16), 6-3, 6-4, 1-6, 7-5; Jannik Sinner (1),
Cincinnati ................ 22 15 3 4 48 R. Langasque...... 68-65-70-73–276 -12 19. George Russell, Mercedes, 1, 33 def. Ben Shelton (14), 6-2, 6-4, 7-6 (9);
Miami ....................... 23 14 5 4 47 Thomas Pieters.. 69-70-71-66–276 -12 20. Pierre Gasly, Renault, 20, 0 Daniil Medvedev (5), def. Grigor Dim-
Columbus ................ 20 11 6 3 39 Jack Davidson.....72-68-70-67–277 -11 itrov (10), 5-3; Tommy Paul (12), def.
NY Red Bulls ........... 22 9 9 4 36 Julien Guerrier....73-64-71-69–277 -11 Roberto Bautista Agut, 6-2, 7-6 (3), 6-2.
AssOciATeD Press NYCFC ...................... 22 11 2 9 35 Patrick Reed........67-69-68-73–277 -11

TrOYes, France — French-

Charlotte ................. 22 9 5 8 32
Orlando.................... 22 7 6 9 27
Nashville.................. 21 6 8 7 26
B. Wiesberger.....69-67-72-70–278
Thomas Aiken.....72-68-67-72–279
Thomas Bjorn......69-68-70-72–279
NaScaR Dimitrov-Medvedev
man Anthony Turgis emerged Toronto .................... 23 7 3 13 24 Ryan Fox..............69-71-70-69–279 -9 dev
Atlanta ..................... 22 6 6 10 24 1st-serve percentage.............56 61
victorious from a long break- Montreal.................. 22 5 8 9 23
Sean Crocker...... 71-67-71-71–280
Frederic LaCroix.73-67-69-71–280
-8 GRaNT paRk 165 1st-serve winning pct............57 64
New England .......... 20 7 1 12 22 Tom Lewis...........72-66-70-72–280 -8 2nd-serve winning pct...........36 67
away through the dust of gravel Chicago.................... 22 5 6 11 21 HaoTong Li..........70-67-74-69–280 -8
Results of Sunday’s NASCAR Cup
race with make of car (T - Toyota; F -
Aces.............................................1 6
Philadelphia ............ 22 4 9 9 21 Keita Nakajima...69-69-72-70–280 -8 Double faults ............................... 1
roads to claim the ninth stage D.C. United .............. 23 4 8 11 20 Jeremy Paul.........71-70-69-70–280 -8
Ford; C - Chevrolet), starting position,
and laps completed.
Winners...................................... 5 12
WESTErN CONFErENCE Unforced errors.......................13 10
of the Tour de France after a GP W D l Pts.
Andrew Wilson...72-69-68-71–280
Jannik De Bruyn. 70-70-69-72–281
1. Alex Bowman, C, 8, 58 Break points...........................1-2 2-3
2. Tyler Reddick, T, 4, 58 Receiving points..................8-23 13-25
LAFC ......................... 21 13 4 4 43
hectic day of racing, marked by Real Salt Lake......... 22 12 7 3 43
A Garcia-Heredia71-68-71-71–281
Frank Kennedy....67-74-70-70–281
3. Ty Gibbs, T, 2, 58 Net points...............................4-5 2-2
4. Joey Hand, F, 38, 58 Total points won.....................20 28
relentless attacks sunday. LA Galaxy ................ 22 11 7 4 40
Colorado.................. 23 11 4 8 37
Lukas Nemecz.....70-67-75-69–281 -7 5. Michael McDowell, F, 3, 58
M. Schwab...........74-67-71-69–281 -7
Behind the breakaway, race Vancouver............... 21 9 5 7 32 Louis de Jager.....70-71-71-70–282 -6
6. Ricky Stenhouse Jr., C, 33, 58
7. Todd Gilliland, F, 26, 58
Seattle...................... 22 8 7 7 31 Calum Hill............69-68-74-71–282 -6 Hum-
8. William Byron, C, 27, 58
leader Tadej Pogacar tried to set Portland................... 22 8 6 8 30
Houston ................... 21 8 6 7 30
A. Johnston..........70-67-73-72–282 -6 9. Kyle Busch, C, 19, 58
Martin Kaymer... 69-72-70-71–282 -6 10. Ryan Blaney, F, 17, 58 1st-serve percentage.............70 65
the race on fire as the fight be- Austin....................... 22 8 6 8 30 Mikko Korhonen.71-70-69-72–282 -6 11. Daniel Suarez, C, 9, 58 1st-serve winning pct............66 67
Minnesota ............... 21 8 5 8 29 Matthias Schmid 70-69-72-71–282 -6 2nd-serve winning pct...........43 47
12. Daniel Hemric, C, 35, 58
tween main contenders raged Dallas ....................... 22 6 5 11 23 Brandon Stone....71-69-69-73–282 -6 13. Bubba Wallace, T, 6, 58 Aces...........................................14 10
St. Louis................... 22 4 10 8 22 Fabrizio Zanotti..71-70-69-72–282 -6 Double faults.............................6 1
but could not gain time on his Sporting KC............. 23 5 5 13 20 James Morrison..69-72-66-76–283 -5
14. Noah Gragson, F, 28, 58
15. Austin Cindric, F, 21, 58 Winners.................................... 45 47
San Jose................... 22 4 2 16 14
rivals for the yellow jersey. SUNDaY’S rESUlTS
Renato Paratore.71-70-73-69–283
B. R. Thompson.. 70-68-71-74–283
16. Justin Haley, F, 23, 58
17. Zane Smith, C, 30, 58
Unforced errors.......................33
Break points...........................6-8
LAFC (ppd.) Houston
Turgis, who rides for the To- At Sporting KC 3.........................Dallas 2
Gunner Wiebe.....74-66-70-73–283
Manuel Elvira......71-68-73-72–284
18. Brad Keselowski, F, 10, 58 Receiving points..............41-103 55-135
Net points...........................24-34 26-41
19. Austin Dillon, C, 15, 58
tal energies team, posted the At San Jose 1...........................Chicago 0
At Colorado 4..........................St. Louis 1
Gavin Green........ 71-69-72-72–284 -4 20. Chris Buescher, F, 16, 58 Total points won...................121 117
Daan Huizing.......70-70-72-72–284 -4 21. Chase Elliott, C, 18, 58
biggest win of his career in a Uno-X Mobility riders wore armbands to honor André Minnesota........................... at LA Galaxy M. Manassero.....75-66-71-73–285 -3 22. Ross Chastain, C, 14, 58 Sinner-Shelton Portland Jesper Svensson.71-68-70-76–285 -3 23. Joey Logano, F, 32, 58 SinnerShelton
sprint, edging Tom Pidcock and Drege, killed Saturday in a crash at the Tour of Austria. SaTUrDaY’S rESUlTS Joe Dean.............. 68-70-69-79–286 -2 24. Carson Hocevar, C, 13, 58 1st-serve percentage.............70 72
At Seattle 2.....................New England 0 Scott Jamieson...71-69-73-73–286 -2 25. Harrison Burton, F, 31, 58
Derek gee in the champagne At Columbus 4.........................Toronto 0 Eddie Pepperell.. 69-71-77-69–286 -2 26. Kaz Grala, F, 40, 58
1st-serve winning pct............76
2nd-serve winning pct...........70
NY Red Bulls 0............ at Philadelphia 0 Joel Girrbach.......71-70-71-75–287 -1 27. Corey LaJoie, C, 20, 58
city of Troyes. it was the third proved it with a series of sharp during a moment of applause. Vancouver Montreal 1 Jordan Gumberg.68-72-73-74–287 -1 28. Josh Bilicki, F, 39, 58
Double faults ...............................
29. Erik Jones, T, 25, 58
stage win by a French rider attacks that put his rivals on the There was a flurry of attacks At Orlando 5.......................D.C. United 0
At Cincinnati 6............................Miami 1
K. K. Johannessn 70-70-76-71–287
Søren Kjeldsen....69-71-75-72–287
-1 30. Denny Hamlin, T, 11, 58
Winners.................................... 28
Unforced errors.......................29
since the race started last week. back foot. Primoz roglic suf- from the start. A group of 10 in- At Real Salt Lake 5...................Atlanta 2 Joost Luiten.........68-73-72-74–287
Darren Fichardt..68-69-73-78–288
31. Austin Hill, C, 34, 58
32. Chase Briscoe, F, 22, 58
Break points...........................4-6 1-2
At Austin 2..................................NYCFC 1 Receiving points................37-96 23-90
“The team put its trust in fered but managed to bridge cluding Turgis managed to es- Casey Jarvis........67-72-76-73–288 E 33. Martin Truex Jr., T, 24, 58 Net points...........................22-32 13-27
Seattle, 2-0 Freddy Schott.....70-71-75-72–288 E 34. Ryan Preece, F, 29, 58 Total points won...................104 82
me by giving me carte blanche gaps every time he got dropped cape before the first sector of J. Veerman...........72-69-74-73–288 E 35. John Hunter Nemechek, T, 12, 57 Women’s singles
Saturday night game Luke Donald........71-69-75-74–289 +1 36. Josh Berry, F, 36, 57 Fourth round
today,” said Turgis. “i dedicate and kept his fourth place over- gravel and were joined by a New England (7-1-12) ......0 0 — 0 Jeff Winther.........69-68-71-81–289 +1 37. Christopher Bell, T, 7, 55 Donna Vekic, def. Paula Badosa, 6-2,
Seattle (8-7-7)....................1 1 — 2 Ugo Coussaud.....71-70-71-78–290 +2 38. AJ Allmendinger, C, 37, 48 1-6, 6-4; Jasmine Paolini (7), def. Madi-
this win to all the people who all, 1:36 behind Pogacar. handful of counterattackers. Scoring: SEA, Jordan Morris 8 (Albert Grant Forrest.......70-71-81-70–292 +4 39. Kyle Larson, C, 1, 33 son Keys (12), 6-3, 6-7 (6), 5-5; Lulu
Jeong Weon Ko...69-70-73-80–292 +4 40. Shane van Gisbergen, C, 5, 24
trusted me.” Vingegaard adopted a con- Behind, a traffic jam formed Rusnak) 15th minute; SEA, Albert Rus-
nak 4 (Obed Vargas) 81st minute
Sun, def. Emma Raducanu, 6-2, 5-7, 6-2;
Emma Navarro (19), def. Coco Gauff
There was no major change servative strategy and did not at the foot of a very steep seg- Saves: NE, Aljaz Ivacic 5; Sea, Stefan (2), 6-4, 6-3.
Frei 4
in the overall standings, with collaborate with Pogacar and ment of white roads, with many Shots: New England 11, Seattle 14
Shots on goal: New England 4, Seat- NWSL UEFa Euro Sun-raducanu
Pogacar keeping his 33-second evenepoel when they had the competitors forced to dismount tle 7 QUarTErFINalS Sun
Fouls: New England 7, Seattle 5 W l T Pts GF Ga SaTUrDaY’S rESUlTS
lead over remco evenepoel. possibility to break away from and run up the climb. Vinge- Offsides: New England 0, Seattle 1 Orlando 11 0 5 38 32 12 England 1 (5)..............Switzerland 1 (3)
1st-serve percentage.............54
1st-serve winning pct............69
Kansas City 10 1 5 35 40 22
Two-time defending champion other top contenders. gaard and Pogacar avoided the Yellow cards: NE, Xavier Arreaga
23rd; NE, Matt Polster 89th; Sea, Jor- Washington 11 4 1 34 32 18
Netherlands 2...........................Turkiye 1
2nd-serve winning pct...........54 53
Aces.............................................4 4
Jonas Vingegaard remained in The peloton will enjoy its jam but roglic lagged about 30 dan Morris 90th+4 Gotham FC
9 3 4 31 19 13
8 5 3 27 27 20
France vs. Spain......................................3
Double faults.............................4 2
Referee: Fotis Bazakos Winners.................................... 52 19
third place, 1:15 off the pace. first rest day monday. seconds behind at one point. Attendance: 30,017 North Carolina 8 7 1 25 20 17 WEDNESDaY’S GaME Unforced errors.......................44 21
Chicago 7 7 2 23 23 22 Netherlands vs. England.......................3 Break points.........................5-13 2-7
The tough stage took riders The Tour paid tribute to Vingegaard later suffered a San Jose, 1-0 Bay FC 6 10 0 18 19 28 Receiving points..............49-106 38-100
Louisville 3 6 7 16 21 22 Net points...........................23-28 3-7
on a nearly 124-mile trek Norwegian rider Andre Drege, mechanical problem and team- Chicago (5-6-11)................0 0 — 0 San Diego 3 7 6 15 12 17 Total points won...................111 95
through 14 sections of so-called who died saturday after crash- mate Jan Tratnik gave his lead-
San Jose (4-2-16) ..............0 1 — 1
Scoring: SJE, Hernán López 4 (Cris-
Angel City
4 9 3 15 16 26
3 8 5 14 11 23
2 9 5 11 16 28
cONmEbOL Navarro-Gauff
white roads — including six in ing in a downhill at the Tour of er his bike. Pogacar then sped tian Espinoza) 49th minute

the stage finale — that have be- Austria. To honor his memory, up the pace, followed by evene-
Saves: Chi, Chris Brady 2; SJ, William
Yarbrough 1
Utah Royals FC 2 11 3 9 8 28
copa américa 1st-serve percentage.............72
1st-serve winning pct............66
Navarro Gauff
Shots: Chicago 11, San Jose 12 North Carolina 3................... Louisville 1 QUarTErFINalS 2nd-serve winning pct...........59 46
come a trademark of italy’s cyclists from the Norwegian poel. But they could not break Shots on goal: Chicago 1, San Jose 3
Utah Royals FC 1.......................Seattle 1
SaTUrDaY’S rESUlTS Aces............................................... 3
Fouls: Chicago 11, San Jose 7 Colombia 5...............................Panama 0 Double faults ............................... 3
strade Bianche. team Uno-X mobility arrived at away from the pack, and Vinge- Offsides: Chicago 2, San Jose 3 SaTUrDaY’S rESUlTS Uruguay 0 (4).........................Brazil 0 (2) Winners.................................... 17 20
Yellow cards: Chi, Rafael Czichos Chicago 1.................................Houston 0 SEMIFINalS Unforced errors.......................25 40
Pogacar loves riding on this the start line five minutes gaard’s Visma Lease A Bike 24th; Chi, Kellyn Acosta 37th; SJ, TUESDaY’S GaME Break points...........................2-3 1-4
Hernán López 62nd; SJ, Jack Skahan Orlando 2...........................Kansas City 1 Argentina vs. Canada............................ 8 Receiving points................22-54 22-61
difficult terrain, having won the ahead of the start, with the rest teammates moved to the front 87th; Chi, Fabian Herbers 90th+5 Washington 3.............................Bay FC 0 WEDNESDaY’S GaME Net points...............................9-9 8-14
strade Bianche twice, and of the peloton staying behind to add to the frenetic pace. Referee: Ramy Touchan Gotham FC 2........................Angel City 1 Uruguay vs. Colombia............................8 Total points won.....................61 54
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BY CITY AND TOWN LOONEY, Lawrence Joseph PURDY, Nancy (Stevens) VANDER SANDE, John B. WESTON, Faye (Weaver)
Age 91, of Wellesley, MA, formerly of
Newton, MA, passed away peacefully
on June 29, 2024. She was predeceased
LOONEY, Lawrence Joseph SIMCHES, Gerald R.
by her beloved husband, Dr. Franklin
BOSTON WESTON, Faye (Weaver) Weston. Loving mother of the late
GALLO, Rosemary A.
QUINCY Truddi Bonislawski. Also survived
by many dear friends. A Funeral
LOONEY, Lawrence Joseph IAVICOLI, Lorrice
Service will be held on Wednesday,
PIZZANO, Robert Anthony ROSLINDALE July 10, 2024, at 10AM, at the Faggas
BOSTON’S SOUTH END PIZZANO, Robert Anthony Funeral Home, 551 Mt. Auburn St.,
IAVICOLI, Lorrice WATERTOWN, MA, followed by
BROOKLINE interment at Mt. Auburn Cemetery,
PURDY, Nancy WESTON, Faye (Weaver)
Cambridge, MA. In lieu of flowers,
CAMBRIDGE WEST ROXBURY donations in her honor may be
TUCCINARDI, Louis PIZZANO, Robert Anthony made to the Jimmy Fund for Cancer
February 27, 1938 - June 11, 2024 Age 88, of Medway, formerly of South Age 80, of Newbury, MA, died Friday, research or to Sacred Threads Center,
WESTON Lawrence Joseph Looney, 86, died June 28, 2024.
PURDY, Nancy Dartmouth, MA, passed away peaceful-
PURDY, Nancy at home in Palos Verdes Estates, ly on July 1, 2024, after a valiant battle He was born March 27, 1944 in For online guestbook, please visit
FRANKLIN California, surrounded by his loving
WINTHROP with COPD and Alzheimer’s Disease. Baltimore, MD of John L. Vander Sande
PURDY, Nancy family on June 11, 2024. Larry was Born Nancy Wheeler Stevens in and Genevieve (Kowalski) Vander
HYDE PARK BOLSTER, George W. a longtime resident of Andover, Faggas Funeral Home
1936, she was the daughter of the Sande.
PIZZANO, Robert Anthony Massachusetts, and most recently lived He earned his bachelor’s degree 800-222-2586
late Henry D. Stevens and Adelaide L.
MEDFORD OUT OF STATE near his daughters in Mercer Island, Stevens. Nancy grew up in Chestnut in Mechanical Engineering with
Washington and Southern California.
LOONEY, Lawrence Joseph
CALIFORNIA Larry spent a lifetime of summers
Hill, MA, where she graduated from
the Chestnut Hill School, the Winsor
highest honors from Stevens Institute
of Technology, 1966 and his PhD in Funeral Services
LOONEY, Lawrence Joseph at beautiful Lake Sunapee in New Materials Science from Northwestern
PURDY, Nancy School and later, from Connecticut
Hampshire. College. University, 1970. He was awarded a
Larry was the son of William and Nancy and her husband Richard Fulbright scholarship to study at Oxford
VANDER SANDE, John B. LOONEY, Lawrence Joseph
Agnes Looney of Medford, MA. He “Dick” Purdy were married in Chestnut University as a postdoctoral fellow. Affordable Cremation
attended public schools in Medford Hill in 1962. They lived in Brookline John joined the MIT faculty in 1310 complete

and graduated from Merrimack College 1971 as an Assistant Professor of 617 782 1000
BOLSTER, George W. GALLO, Rosemary A. with a BA in Economics in 1960. Larry
and Weston before relocating to South
Materials Science and Engineering Lehman Reen & McNamara
Dartmouth in 1973, where they resided
then went on to get a graduate degree for 49 years. and became a full professor in 1981. Funeral Home
in Economics from Boston College and Never one to sit still, Nancy could He was named Cecil & Ida Green
taught at Merrimack College in North usually be found tending to her plants Distinguished Professor in 1991. A year Serving Greater Boston
Andover for more than 40 years. At later, he was appointed Associate Dean
and gardens, playing Bridge, curling,
Merrimack, he served as the Chair of of Engineering and served as Acting
playing tennis, on the golf course, or
the Economics Department for twenty Dean of Engineering twice. One of his
volunteering for any number of orga-
years, was on many committees and accomplishments during that period
actively participated in the Faculty was to play a leading role in developing
Nancy was an active member of the
Senate. In 1990, he was awarded the the Singapore-MIT Alliance, MIT’s first
Garden Club of Buzzards Bay, the New
Thomas P. Hogan award for Excellence foray into distance education.
Bedford Yacht Club, the Women’s Lun- 500 Canterbury St.
in Collegiate Governance. Larry was John was named Executive
cheon Club, the Wamsutta Club, The Boston, MA 02131 617-524-1036
known for his love of teaching in the Director of the Cambridge-MIT
Country Club, and served as a docent at
classroom when chalk was used on a
the New Bedford Whaling Museum. Institute (CMI), a collaboration with
blackboard. Exams were given in blue University of Cambridge (UK) and
In addition to her husband, Nancy
books with long essays and graphs for MIT, funded by the British government
is survived by her sister Sylvia Stevens
Of Winthrop, July 5, With profound sadness, we announce
answers. He corrected thousands of
tests and left his comments, corrections
of Needham; son Rick (and companion,
Joli Ayn Wood) of Beverly; son Lincoln
and industry. CMI concentrated on
undergraduate and faculty exchanges,
2024. George leaves his
children, George, Jr. and
the passing of Rosemary A. Gallo,
a dedicated and humble soul who
and encouragements with a classic
red pen. Larry enjoyed watching his
(and his wife, Nancy Golding Purdy) of integrated research on productivity (617) 323-3690
his companion, Kim of Winthrop, Franklin; and her cherished grandchil- and entrepreneurship, professional 800-439-3690 • 617-876-9110
touched the hearts of many throughout students succeed in the classroom and 531 Cummings Highway, Roslindale
Jackie Gemme and her husband, Larry dren, Charles, Elizabeth, Emilee, and development for executives and
her blessed life. Born on May 9, 1938 also in life. Teaching was his passion
of New Salem, MA, Michael and his and it showed.
Andrew. collaboration with eight British 583 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge
in Boston, MA, Rosemary was called to
companion, Shirley of Winthrop and The family would like to thank the universities designated as Enterprise MON-FRI 9-9; SAT 9-5, SUNDAY 12-5
her heavenly home on July 3, 2024. Larry leaves his three children
his daughter, Susan, also of Winthrop. staff of Whitney Place and Salmon VNA Centers. He served as Executive
Rosemary’s Catholic faith was her and their spouses, Rosella and John
Grandfather to George Doherty Bolster for all of their care and attention after Director from 1999-2003.
guiding light and the cornerstone of her Loendorf of Norwalk, CT, Jennifer and
and his wife, Shanna of Rowley, MA, Nancy and Dick moved to Medway. John retired from MIT in 2006
existence. She attended daily Mass at Timothy Hart of Palos Verdes Estates,
Christopher John Bolster and his A Celebration of Nancy’s Life will be but continued his involvement with
the Saint Francis Chapel in Boston and CA, and Bryan and Lottie Looney of
wife, Justine of Winthrop and Justin held at Whitney Place in Medway, MA, international academic projects in
the chapel at Youville Assisted Living. Arvada, CO. As a dad, Larry taught
Gordon Bolster and his wife, Vanessa on Monday, July 22, at 11 AM. Ecuador, Morocco and Iceland. He
In her youth, she was an active member his children about unconditional
of PEI, Canada. George was a brand In lieu of flowers, donations in served as Acting Provost of Reykjavik
of The Daughters of the Church of the love and the virtue of perseverance.
new great-grandfather to Noah Glenn Nancy’s memory can be made to University, Iceland from 2009-2010.
Holy Eucharist and went on many He had a listening ear, sound advice

We know
Bolster. He also leaves his nephew, the American Lung Association PO John was known for his pioneering
missions trips, which displayed her un- and big words of encouragement for
Bruce Bolster and his wife, Linda of Box 756, Osceola, WI 54020 or the contributions to electron microscopy
wavering commitment to her Catholic us all. Our Dad also loved watching
Winthrop; his grandnieces, Christina Alzheimer’s Association 309 Waverley for the characterization of structure
faith and a testament of her selfless and his grandchildren make their way in
Oaks Road, Waltham, MA 02452. and composition of materials. In

that paying
and Laura of Winthrop; his brother, life. “Bampie” leaves his much-loved
caring nature.
Charles Bolster of Rutland, MA; and Arrangements under the direction of 1987, John and Gregory J. Yurek,
Rosemary devoted her professional grandchildren, Mary-Kate, Kevin,
his niece, Christine Conroy of CA. the Ginley Funeral Home of FRANKLIN another MIT professor, developed a
life to the healing arts as a nurse at Sarah, Shaela, Molly, Grace and Owen.
George was predeceased by Marguerite ( breakthrough technology for processing
Larry also leaves his former wife and

tribute to
Boston City Hospital and Don Orione
(O’Brien) Bolster; and by his nephews, high temperature superconducting
Home, East Boston, where she took best friend, Margaret Rosella Looney.
David Bolster of Winthrop and Steven oxide wires; this seminal research
great pleasure in providing care for Larry was predeceased by his
led to the co-founding of American
Bolster of CA; as well as his brother,
those in need. In her leisure time, siblings, Patricia MacFaden, Peter SIMCHES, Gerald R.
your loved
Harold, also of CA. Family and friends Superconductor Corporation with
Rosemary enjoyed visiting relatives on Looney, Robert Looney and William
are cordially invited to attend the The Simches family is deeply saddened Professors Yet-Ming Chiang and David
holidays, where she would savor a good Looney; and leaves many nieces and
Visitation from the Ernest P. Caggiano to announce the passing of Gerald R. Rudman.
Italian meal. nephews.
and Son Funeral Home, 147 Winthrop Simches, of Newton, on Saturday, July Drs. Vander Sande and Yurek

ones is
Rosemary is survived by her cousins, A Graveside Service will take place
St., WINTHROP, on Tuesday, July 9, 6, 2024 at the age of 89. His eternal received the 1994 Massachusetts
Clara Mottola, Edith Shaheen of on July 12 at 2:00 pm at Lakeside
2024, from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. A Funeral Cemetery, at the intersection of Rt. love will be forever carried by his wife Columbus Quincentennial Award
Revere, Gigi Ricciardelli of Vermont;
Service will be held in the funeral 103A and Rt. 103, in Newbury, NH.
Deborah of 67 years. Loving father to in recognition of the Spirit of
and nieces, Michele Eaton and Marilyn

home on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at Michael Simches and his wife, Wendy Discovery, for their breakthrough
Maher. She was preceded in death by All are welcome. A reception will
10:00 AM. Services will conclude with and Sue Levy and her husband, Randy. work in developing high temperature
her parents, Maria and Pasquale Gallo; follow at Lake Sunapee Country Club,
Military Honors in Winthrop Cemetery Grandfather to Jason Simches and his superconductors. With resources
her sisters, Grace Newman and her New London, NH. In lieu of flowers,
(Old section). In lieu of flowers, wife, Martha, Emma Simches; Melanie stemming from MIT’s involvement in

to you.
husband, Edward and Louise Gallo. As donations can be made to Lake
memorial donations may be made Levy and her husband, Jeremy, Jeremy founding the company, MIT endowed
we mourn Rosemary’s passing, we take Sunapee Protective Association (LSPA)
to Live and Let Live Farm at www. Levy, Adam Levy and his wife, Alison, two professorships; one honoring the
solace in the words of the Holy Bible, at or to the New David Levy and his wife Orit, April late John F. Elliott’s contribution to
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they Levy, and their late father, George Levy.
England Shelter for Homeless Veterans metallurgical science and engineering
shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). Beloved great-grandfather to six great-
at For directions or and the other as a memorial to MIT’s
A Funeral Service for Rosemary will grandchildren who adored their Papa.
to sign the online guestbook, go to fourth President, James Mason Crafts.
be held Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at A pillar of strength and a true Patriarch
Paul Buonfiglio & Sons Funeral Home, PIZZANO, Robert Anthony of the family he held so dear. We will
Outside of MIT, he was well-
To submit a paid death
128 Revere Street, REVERE, MA, from regarded as a scholar and gifted
miss you always. Services at Temple lecturer on 17th and 18th century
10 to 11:30AM, followed by Mass at Robert (Bobby) Anthony Pizzano, age
67, formerly of Roslindale, MA, passed
Shir Tikva, 141 Boston Post Rd (Rt 20),
New England furniture, generously notice for publication in
Saint Anthony Church, 250 Revere Wayland on Tuesday, July 9 at 1:00PM.
Street, Revere, MA, at 12:00PM. on June 24, 2024. He is survived by his sharing his knowledge and engaging
devoted and loving brother, Richard
Remembrances may be made to Mass
in lively discussions with like-minded The Boston Globe and on
General Hospital to support the work
G. Pizzano, his sister-in-law Joan and enthusiasts, including his wife, Marie-
of Hanna Gaggin, MD, MPH in the
Teresa and antique afficionados, Hollis, contact
his loving nephew Richard M. Pizzano.
research of and treatment for Cardiac
He was predeceased by his parents, Brodrick, Gerry Mingin and Charlie your funeral director, visit
IAVICOLI, Lorrice (Teebagy) Louis and Ann Pizzano and brother Griffin.
Louis of Roslindale, MA. For many He is survived by his wife of
years, Robert had been a member 52 years, Marie-Teresa (Melluzzo)
of The Knights of Columbus where Vander Sande; son, John Franklin and or call 617.929.1500. Now
he was a weekly participant in their wife, Melanie (Swirk) VanderSande,
Bowling League (and did quite well Amesbury; daughter, Rosse Marais offering custom headings
winning numerous trophies). He was Vander Sande Ellis and husband, Zak
also a member of MAB Community
TUCCINARDI, Louis Ellis, Decatur, TX; grandchildren, and enhanced listings.
Service Programs where he participated Gabriel Rhys Pelletier and partner,
in community based daily activity Of Cambridge, July 4. Beloved husband Grace Christian, Los Angeles; Sophia
centers. Robert loved movies, plays and of Josephine (LaRocca) Tuccinardi. Marais Vander Sande and John
musicals as there wasn’t any musical Father of John and his wife, Joan of Christian Vander Sande, Amesbury,
To submit an obituary
Show your
for which he couldn’t recite the lines. Tewksbury, Louis and his wife, Nina MA.
He was an avid traveler and travelled of Pennsylvania, Anthony and his He is survived by one brother, Jack
extensively throughout Western Europe Vander Sande and his wife, Elaine, for editorial consideration,
wife, Patricia of Cambridge and Maria

respect with his family for many years.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be
celebrated in The Holy Name Church
and her husband, Fred Murphy of
Maryland. Grandfather of Michael,
Noxon, MT. His brother, Emiel D
Vander Sande, predeceased him.
John Vander Sande was a man of
please send the informa-
Age 91, of Quincy, died peacefully on
on Thursday July 11, at 10:00 am.
Kara, Brianna, Matthew, Lorenza, tion and a photo by e-mail
Anthony, David Tuccinardi and great character, generous spirit, a
Thursday, July 4, 2024, surrounded by
To submit a paid death her loving family. She was the beloved
Relatives and friends are invited to Victoria Murphy. Great-grandfather wonderful mentor, loving husband and to, or
attend. Visiting hours in The Robert father and a faithful Catholic.
notice for publication in wife of the late Anthony A. Iavicoli for
J. Lawler & Crosby Funeral Home,
of Deklyn, Ava and Georgia. Brother
62 years. of the late Frank Tuccinardi and the Family and friends may call from send information by fax
The Boston Globe and Devoted mother of George Iavi-
1803 Centre St. WEST ROXBURY on late Maria Ciarlone. Relatives and 4:00 to 6:00 PM, on Thursday, July11,
on, contact coli and his wife, Shireen of Wellesley,
Wednesday July 10, from 5:30 to 7:30 friends are invited to visit in the DeVito 2024, at the Twomey, LeBlanc, & to 617.929.3186. If you
pm. Funeral Home, 761 Mt. Auburn Street, Conte Funeral Home, 193 High St.,
your funeral director, visit Donna Butler and her husband, Bill of
Doylestown, PA, Anthony L. Iavicoli
Donations to MAB, 200 Ivy Street, WATERTOWN, Thursday morning, July NEWBURYPORT, MA 01950. His need further assistance and his wife, Maria of Garrison, NY,
Brookline, MA 02446.
11, 9:00 to 10:30, with a Funeral Mass Funeral Mass will be Celebrated at
Lawler & Crosby Funeral Home 10:30 AM, on Friday, July 12, 2024, about a news obituary,
or call 617.929.1500. Now Joyce Higgins and her husband, Jack
to commence at 11:00, in Sacred Heart
at Immaculate Conception Church,
of Norwood, Gail Glatiotis and her Church. Entombment to follow Mt.
offering custom headings husband, James of Groton and Jeanette Auburn Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, followed by Burial at Oak Hill please call 617.929.3400.
and enhanced listings. Iavicoli of Quincy. Loving “Thea-Thea” donations may be made in Louis’s Cemetery.
of Nicole, Bill and Matt Butler, Chrissy memory to Burlington Rotary Special In lieu of flowers, please make
Hrynko (Garret), Lauren Tate (Sam), Olympics/Basketball, P.O. Box 462, donations in the name of John B.
Vander Sande to Newbury Fire
To submit an obituary Megan Foley (Tom), Jack and Julia Burlington, MA 01803. To access death notices
Higgins, Rachel Iavicoli, Dan and Emily Department, Protection 2 or The
for editorial consideration, Have the of a Museum of Old Newbury.
Glatiotis. Cherished great-Thea-Thea and obituaries online, visit
please send the informa- For directions or to offer online
of twins, Liam and Noah and Logan.

condolences, please visit www.

tion and a photo by e-mail Loving sister of Jeannette Teebagy of
to, or
Arlington and the late James, Anthony,
Spiro Teebagy and Mary Robbat. You talk about many
send information by fax to Survived by sisters-in-law, Olga Teebagy things with your loved ones.
617.929.3186. If you need of Roslindale, Rita Pelosi of Saugus and Meaningful memorialization
Georgia (Paul) Devine of Woburn. Pre- starts when loved ones talk
further assistance about
a news obituary, please
deceased by several loving sisters-in-law
and brothers-in-law. Lorrice is survived
by many loving nieces and nephews.
about what matters most.
Download a free brochure
call 617.929.3400. A Mass of Christian Burial will
be celebrated in St. John the Baptist
Church, 44 School St., Quincy, on
and Have the Talk of a
Lifetime today. It can make your sympathy
the difference of a lifetime.
To access death notices Thursday, July 11, at 10 a.m. Rela- View The Boston Globe’s complete
and obituaries online, visit tives and friends are invited to attend.
Visiting Hours will be held at the Dolan list of death notices and sign the
Funeral Home, 460 Granite Ave., EAST
MILTON, on Wednesday, July 10, from guestbook at
5 to 8 p.m. Interment in Mt. Benedict
Cemetery, 409 Corey St., West Roxbury.
m O N D A Y, j U L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e c9


Paal Enger, Wayne S. Smith, a leading

soccer player critic of embargo on Cuba
who stole By Clay Risen
critical cables to the State De-
partment; the department, in

‘The Scream’ Wayne S. Smith, a veteran

cuba expert at the State Depart-
response, tried to shift him to a
new post in Uganda. Incensed,
ment who, after resigning in he resigned in protest in August
By Alex Williams protest over America’s embargo 1982.
NEW YORK tImES against the island nation in Weeks later, he published a
paal Enger, a rising prospect 1982, spent nearly four decades jeremiad in the magazine for-
for a celebrated Norwegian soc- leading efforts to rebuild rela- eign policy, accusing the admin-
cer club who traded a game that tions between Washington and istration of “myopia” on cuba
he loved for another — art theft havana, died on june 28 at his for continuing what he said was
— that he absolutely relished, home in New Orleans. he was a long tradition of errors.
culminating in his infamous 91. “the administration is deter-
1994 heist of Edvard munch’s his daughter, melinda Smith mined to make past mistakes all
masterpiece “the Scream,” died Ulloa, said the cause was com- over again,” he wrote. “Its ap-
june 29 in Oslo. he was 57. plications of Alzheimer’s dis- proach to the cuban problem is
his death was confirmed by ease. as hackneyed as it has been un-
Nils christian Nordhus, an Oslo- for more than 24 years after successful and evokes a power-
based lawyer who formerly rep- he joined the foreign Service in ful sense of déjà vu.”
resented mr. Enger. Nordhus did 1958, mr. Smith was America’s Wayne Sanford Smith was
not provide any more details. man in havana, whether he was born on Aug. 16, 1932, in the
mr. Enger, who was born in physically in the cuban capital town of Seguin, texas, east of
Oslo on march 26, 1967, rose or dealing with it from a desk in San Antonio. his mother, Opal
from the junior system of vaaler- Washington. (Baldwin) Smith, managed the
enga, a five-time champion of Later, after leaving the State home; his father, paul Smith,
Norway’s top-level league, now Department, he used his exten- was an oil field engineer, a job
known as Eliteserien, and in sive experience to carry out a that kept the family moving
1985 made his debut with the sustained campaign against around texas and Oklahoma
club. America’s strategy of isolating throughout Wayne’s childhood.
As a youth, he was a fan of Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” is displayed at the National Museum in Oslo. cuba, while also leading private After graduating from high
the Argentine soccer star Diego and congressional delegations school at 16, he persuaded his
maradona. But his real hero, ac- the thieves left behind the to the island in an attempt to father to sign papers allowing
cording to a 2021 profile in the ladder, their wire cutters and a build avenues of dialogue. him to enlist in the marines as a
Athletic, was Don vito corleone, note: “A thousand thanks for “he was one of the foremost minor. he served in combat
the fictional crime boss played your poor security.” spokespeople in favor of nor- during the Korean War, then as
by marlon Brando in “the god- given his history, mr. Enger malizing relations,” William a drill instructor at parris Is-
father.” mr. Enger was so im- was an obvious suspect. Still, he Leogrande, an expert on cuba land, S.c., one of the marines’
mersed in mafia lore that when knew that the police had noth- affairs at American University primary training sites.
he was 15, he flew to New York ing on him, so he began taunting in Washington, said in an inter- he received an honorable
to see for himself the locations them, calling with false leads. view. discharge in 1953, after which
where the Academy Award-win- “I don’t think I really under- A witty and nimble writer, he enrolled at mexico city col-
ning “godfather” films were stood completely how much it mr. Smith turned out scores of lege (now part of the National
shot. meant for the National gallery, opinion pieces, journal essays, Autonomous University of mex-
By then, he was no stranger the police, and everyone,” he lat- and books, including a memoir- ico) on a football scholarship.
to the world of life outside the er said. “I made a fool of them on cum-history, “the closest of En- In 1957 he joined the State
law. “I grew up in tveita, on the national tv.” emies: A personal and Diplo- Department, where he worked
east side of Oslo, and people the stymied authorities even- matic Account of U.S.-cuban on cuban and Latin American
there don’t have much money,” tually reached out to Scotland Relations Since 1957,” pub- affairs. he passed the foreign
he said in an interview last year Mr. Enger (right; shown in court) was sentenced to six years Yard, which dispatched charles lished in 1987. Service exam in 1958.
with the British tabloid the Sun. and three months for stealing one of the versions of the hill, a detective from the Lon- “cuba seems to have the he married Roxanna phil-
“We started doing crime when famed “Scream” painting. don police’s art and antiques same effect on US administra- lips, who also worked at the
we were very young and I found unit, to Norway. hill, posing as a tions,” he liked to say, “as the State Department, in 1958, just
it exciting. I carried on because I and madness, made four versions “the disappointment lasted representative of the j. paul get- full moon once had on were- before being dispatched to cuba
enjoyed it very much.” of “the Scream,” two rendered in days,” mr. Enger later recalled, ty museum in california, ex- wolves.” — their trip south, by car and
graduating from boosting paint and two in pastel and cray- “but then it started to become pressed interest in buying “the mr. Smith first arrived in cu- boat, became their honeymoon.
candy to cracking safes and on. the only one in private hands, fun.” In part, that was because Scream” from an art dealer who ba in the midst of the revolution She died in 2014.
blowing up automated teller ma- an 1895 pastel, sold at auction in he kept the painting hidden in was connected to mr. Enger. against the government of ful- Along with their daughter,
chines with neighborhood 2012 for nearly $120 million to fi- the ceiling of a pool hall he Despite misgivings over the gencio Batista. After the govern- he leaves their son, Sanford,
friends, he proved to be a phe- nancier Leon Black. owned that was frequented by highly unlikely scenario that a ment fell on jan. 1, 1959, he and two grandchildren. A previ-
nom in athletics and crime. carrying emotional scars off-duty police officers. prestigious museum would shell oversaw the evacuation of US ous marriage, to jacqueline
his outlaw alter ego was no from his childhood with a vio- “they don’t know it’s hang- out for a stolen masterpiece, mr. citizens from cuba — including Richard, ended in divorce, and a
secret to his teammates, who no- lent stepfather, mr. Enger found ing just one meter from them,” Enger dispatched grytdal, one of future actress Kathleen turner, son from that union, michael
ticed that he threw away his a kindred spirit in the agonized he added. “that was the best his accomplices in the theft, to whose father worked at the em- Smith, died before him.
tracksuits after every practice howling of the painting’s ghostly feeling. We let them play for free pursue a deal. bassy. mr. Smith also served assign-
rather than wash them, and that subject, an expression of person- just to have them there.” “I felt, ‘maybe I have had it he became a vocal critic ments in Argentina and Brazil.
he frequently showed up in luxu- al anguish as well as a broader the amusement ended when long enough,” mr. Enger later re- within the State Department of he received two master’s de-
ry cars that were far beyond a existential dread. his accomplice let word slip to a called. “maybe just drop all America’s hardening stance grees from columbia, in philos-
teenager’s budget. “I remember “my obsession with this pic- neighbor who was a police infor- those dreams I had of the game against cuba, and he was ophy and international rela-
once he popped up with a BmW ture started the first time I saw mant. mr. Enger spent four to come. I was totally sure the among the officials selected by tions, both in 1962. he also
735i,” one former teammate told it,” mr. Enger said in “the man years in prison, effectively end- police had almost no evidence president jimmy carter in 1977 earned a doctorate in political
the Athletic. “he liked to steal Who Stole ‘the Scream,’” a docu- ing any hope of soccer glory. against me, so the only one they to reopen relations. two years science from george Washing-
expensive cars, there’s no doubt mentary released last year. “As Even so, his ambition could arrest was Bjorn.” later carter sent him to havana ton University in 1977.
about it.” soon as I got close to the picture, burned. he turned his sights that too proved to be a highly to run the United States Inter- After retiring from govern-
Despite his taste for larceny, I got an extraordinary feeling. Of back to his muse and quarry. unlikely scenario. three months ests Section, which represented ment, he worked as a fellow at
most on the squad considered anxiety. Strange things in my On feb. 12, 1994, Norway’s after the theft, police arrested the US in lieu of an embassy. the carnegie Endowment for In-
mr. Enger a model teammate, head. I had such an intense con- attention — along with consider- mr. Enger. mr. Smith was no fan of the ternational peace, taught at the
even as his pursuits beyond the nection with ‘the Scream’ right able law enforcement resources mr. Enger once said that he cuban regime. But he believed School for Advanced Interna-
law had him living like a super- away. And it’s never left me.” — was focused on the opening had “four children with four dif- in the power of diplomacy and tional Studies at johns hopkins
star. “I did so much crime in my having grown accustomed to ceremony of the Winter Olym- ferent mothers from four coun- dialogue, and firsthand experi- University, and in 1992 joined
20s,” he told the Sun, “that I had just taking anything he desired, pics in Lillehammer. tries.” Information on survivors ence convinced him that the the center for International pol-
everything — cars, boats, money, he decided that the famous mr. Enger took advantage of was not immediately available. embargo was self-defeating and icy, a progressive think tank, as
the most beautiful women in Os- painting should be no exception. the distraction. he and an ac- In 1996, he was sentenced to counter to America’s interests. a senior fellow.
lo. But I wanted more.” In 1988, mr. Enger, accompa- complice clambered up a ladder six years and three months in the arrival of Ronald Rea- the embargo against cuba
Specifically, he wanted one of nied by his friend and longtime outside the National gallery in prison, where he took up paint- gan to the White house signaled remains, and in that sense mr.
his nation’s crown jewels. “the partner in crime Bjorn grytdal, Oslo, smashed a window and ing, taking stylistic inspiration a hardening of US policy against Smith did not live to see his ef-
Scream,” which is one of the slipped through a window at the slipped in — and within 50 sec- from his artistic hero. cuba, based in part on the as- forts succeed. But in 2015, the
most recognizable — and repro- munch museum in Oslo to steal onds, the Athletic reported, After his release, he estab- sessment that fidel castro, the United States restarted rela-
duced — paintings in the world. a version of “the Scream.” But a slipped out with the museum’s lished an art career of his own. island nation’s leader, was fun- tions with cuba and reopened
munch, known for haunting hitch in their plan led them in- version of “the Scream,” which Still, he did not go clean. In neling arms to leftist guerrillas its embassy. mr. Smith was on
expressionist paintings that ex- stead to snatch another munch at the time was valued at about 2015, he was charged with steal- in central America. hand in havana to watch the
plored themes including sexuality masterwork, “Love and pain.” $55 million. ing 17 paintings from a gallery. mr. Smith fired off a series of flag-raising ceremony.

Mirta Díaz-Balart, wife of Fidel Castro before the Cuban revolution, at 95

By Brian Murphy nephews elected to congress, or. Banes was also the birthplace tista staged a coup and retook city, where he led an anti-Batista the United States before return-
WAShINgtON pOSt Representative mario Diaz- of Batista in 1901. the presidency he first held in faction known as the 26th of ju- ing to cuba. She once sent her
mirta Díaz-Balart, a member Balart, a florida Republican, While studying philosophy the 1940s. (the post-coup par- ly movement, commemorating son to mexico to visit castro, but
of a prominent cuban family and former congressman Lin- and literature at the University liament included ms. Díaz- the date of the moncada assault. he did not allow the boy to re-
who was married to fidel castro coln Díaz-Balart, also a florida of havana, she met castro. he Balart’s brother, Rafael, who ms. Díaz-Balart stayed in cu- turn. She hired a team to snatch
during his rise as a guerrilla Republican. was studying law and came from served until 1956.) ba to seek a divorce. According her son and bring him back to
leader, and who later was forced ms. Díaz-Balart had remar- a family that owned a 2,000-acre castro became an archfoe of to her accounts, the marriage cuba.
to leave their son behind when ried by the time castro’s insur- plantation in eastern cuba. the the Batista regime — as well as ended because of castro’s affair She soon married Emilio
she fled after castro’s commu- gents took control. She and her couple was married in 1948 and Batista’s allies such as ms. Díaz- with a married havana socialite, Núñez portuondo, a lawyer and
nist forces seized control, died in new family fled the country but went to the United States on an Balart’s family. She was caught Natalia Revuelta clews, known son of a cuban diplomat. castro,
madrid at age 95. had to leave behind the son she extended honeymoon. A wed- in the middle. as Naty. castro and Revuelta had meanwhile, was building a guer-
the death was announced had with castro, fidel castro Di- ding photo shows a clean-shaven In july 1953, castro led a a daughter, Alina fernández, rilla militia from mountain hide-
july 6 by her grandson, fidel az-Balart, known as fidelito. castro next to ms. Díaz-Balart in failed attempt to take over the ar- who fled cuba for the United outs in cuba after returning in
Alejandro castro Smirnov, in a After castro’s death in 2016, a white gown and holding a bou- my’s moncada Barracks in Santi- States in 1993 and became an December 1956 with more than
social media post, but no other she told the Spanish newspaper quet. ago de cuba. castro was among opponent of castro’s govern- 80 followers aboard the “gran-
details were given. El mundo that she had visited In New York, they stayed at a those arrested but was spared ex- ment. ma,” a vessel whose name was
ms. Díaz-Balart, whose sev- havana several times to see her brownstone on West 82nd Street ecution after appeals for leniency the 2019 book, “Young cas- later adopted by the communist
en-year marriage with castro son. “But I have never seen or near central park while castro by an archbishop with ties to his tro” by journalist jonathan m. party newspaper in cuba.
ended in 1955, was a symbol of spoken to fidel again,” she add- browsed bookshops (astonished family. he was sentenced to 15 hansen, presented castro’s ver- Shortly after castro took
castro’s complicated history: a ed. She called their marriage to find works by marx and Soviet years in prison and released two sion of the strains in their mar- power, ms. Díaz-Balart and her
man of relative privilege who “something distant” from their writers) and ms. Díaz-Balart in- years later under an amnesty de- riage. hansen described castro husband fled the country. castro
married into a wealthy and well- youth. dulged in shopping sprees. In clared by Batista. becoming enraged when he demanded his son fidelito re-
connected clan that he turned “But also as a very beautiful miami, they spent several weeks ms. Díaz-Balart became a cu- heard a radio report in prison main in cuba.
against. period of my youth,” she said. “I at a miami Beach hotel. their riosity in the eyes of the cuban that his wife had been dismissed her husband died in 2006.
her family occupied a politi- always wished him good things.” son was born in 1949. public. By birth she was squarely from a no-show job in the Batis- ms. Díaz-Balart’s brother, Waldo
cal dynasty that was closely con- their son, a nuclear scientist, castro received his law de- in the Batista camp; by marriage ta government. “castro couldn’t Díaz-Balart, is a madrid-based
nected to fulgencio Batista, the took his own life in 2018 after a gree in 1950 and set up a legal she was with the insurgents. She imagine mirta ever taking a job artist. complete information on
strongman president who was struggle with depression, cuba’s practice in havana. the couple was among the few people al- in the government of his sworn survivors was not immediately
overthrown by castro’s rebels in state media reported. had political ambitions. he ran lowed to visit castro in prison on enemy,” wrote hansen, “no mat- available. her extended family
january 1959. She then was mirta francisca de la caridad for a seat in the cuban legisla- what is now called the Isla de la ter how strapped she was for includes nephew josé Díaz-
among the matriarchs of the cu- Díaz-Balart y gutiérrez was born ture with the populist Ortodoxo juventud, or Isle of Youth. cash.” Balart, a newscaster on the
ban diaspora — concentrated in Sept. 30, 1928, in Banes, cuba, party. But the campaign was After castro left prison, he After the divorce, ms. Díaz- broadcast network telemundo
South florida — that included where her father served as may- halted in march 1952 when Ba- went into self-exile in mexico Balart and her son spent time in and mSNBc.
C10 Sports T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M o n d a y, J u l y 8 , 2 0 2 4



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T H e B o s T o n G l o B e M o n day, J u ly 8 , 2 0 24 | B o s T o n G l o B e .C o M / B us i n e s s

david l. ryan/Globe staFF

Boats under construction at Boston Boatworks in Charlestown. “We want to build the best,” chief executive Scott Smith said.


Boston Boatworks, the last boat builder in the city, continues a centuries-old tradition
Scott Kirsner ton, to the “unsinkable” boston whaler, designed in bethlehem atlantic works shipyard, which repaired
braintree. ships for the navy and Coast Guard.
INNOVATION ECONOMY walk into boston boatworks, and you’re greeted by it outgrew its space there and moved in 2014 to a

the smell of the special glue the company uses to three-story building with offices on the top, a factory
henever you drive the tobin bridge, make the carbon fiber hulls of its watercraft. Go a lit- floor, and massive roll-up doors at both ends. one of
just before you leave Charlestown, tle further, and you’ll encounter a half-dozen boats in those roll-up doors faces the mystic, where docks and
you’re passing over the last company various stages of construction — including an electric a lift allow the company to get boats in and out of the
making boats in boston. ferry for a popular campground on three mile island water.
along the mystic river, with sev- in lake winnepesaukee. boston boatworks first made custom racing sail-
eral of the tobin’s trestles planted in boston boatworks started life in 1995, as a part- boats, but eventually concluded that that market was
the parking lot, boston boatworks is nership between scott smith, mark lindsay, and too small. but the company realized that lightweight
continuing a tradition that reaches back centuries. Geoff berger. (lindsay, a renowned designer of sail- materials and designs used to make sailboats faster
boston has built boats big and small, from the Uss boats, died in 2019, and berger is now Ceo of Hinck- had not penetrated the world of powerboats.
Constitution constructed in the north end, to the ley yachts, a rhode island manufacturer.) the compa- with powerboats, smith explained, “you can over-
clipper ships of donald mcKay’s shipyard in east bos- ny’s original home was east boston, in the former INNOVATION ECONOMY, Page D2

Ex-state employee fights for Paramount, owner of CBS,

pension — years after retiring agrees to Skydance merger
appeals over payouts face long delays to resolve cases deal includes norwood-based national amusements
By Katie Johnston cause of what it said was an interruption in sor- By Benjamin Mullin and Lauren Hirsch sors. shari redstone, Paramount’s board chair, is
Globe staFF rentino’s “active service” time as a state employ- new yorK times cashing in much of her ownership in the compa-
John sorrentino was 64 when he retired from ee. Paramount’s board on sunday signed off on a ny she fought to preserve and control.
the biotech sector in early 2019, ready to play more than five years later, sorrentino is still deal to merge with skydance, according to two the merger will anoint a new mogul in Holly-
more golf and spend time advising startups de- fighting for his retiree group health insurance people familiar with the negotiations, ushering wood. david ellison, the tech scion behind sky-
veloping treatments for rare diseases. and $17,000 maximum annual payout from his in a new era for Cbs, nickelodeon, and the film dance, will become the top power broker at Para-
to help with the transition, sorrentino applied state retirement account. in February, he found studio behind the “top Gun” and “mission: im- mount. the deal is in some ways the story of me-
for the pension benefits he had earned while out that there were 141 cases in line before his at possible” franchises. dia writ large, with a family that made its fortune
working for the state of massachusetts early in the Contributory retirement appeal board, the deal is a turning point for the redstone in traditional entertainment largely replaced by
his career. but after being assured in writing that which meets just twice a month. family, whose fortunes have been intertwined one enriched by technology — ellison is the son
his monthly checks would start arriving soon, he this information “sent me over the edge,” sor- with the rise and fall of the traditional entertain- of oracle founder larry ellison. the ellisons’
received a letter from the state retirement board rentino said. ment industry during the decades of its tumultu- considerable resources were a major selling
saying he was ineligible for these benefits be- PENSION, Page D2 ous ownership of Paramount and its predeces- PARAMOUNT, Page D3

JonatHan wiGGs/Globe staFF marK wilson/Globe staFF/File 2008

John Sorrentino (left) with his attorney, Richard Glovsky, has been fighting to get his pension Shari Redstone, Paramount’s board chair, is cashing in much of her ownership in the
and health care benefits from the state for more than five years. company she fought to preserve and control.
d2 Business T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N d A Y, J U L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4

talking points
TRADE China responded only recently to the european Union’s requests for talks in the bloc’s in-
vestigation into subsidies for electric vehicles despite its attempts to engage for months,
China only
the eU’s ambassador in beijing said. “We have offered consultations to the Chinese gov-
ernment on this case for months,” Jorge toledo, the eU’s ambassador to China, said at a
conference in beijing Sunday. “it was only nine days ago” that european Commission ex-
He’s still fighting
responded to EU
on tariffs,
ecutive vice President valdis dombrovskis received a call from China’s Commerce Minis-
ter Wang Wentao to start consultations. the diplomat’s comments shed light on the for pension benefits,
5 years after retiring
months-long timeline of the eU’s scrutiny into Chinese government subsidies that it
deemed to be harmful to the bloc’s carmakers. the eU last week imposed provisional tar-
says iffs on Chinese ev imports, with a final decision due by November. toledo noted that bei-
jing publicly criticized european actions while it remained silent or had muted reaction
to other nations’ similar moves. — bLOOMbeRG NeWS uPENSION working for MHRi” — a charac-
Continued from Page D1 terization Sorrentino disputes.
So in April, his attorney filed the State Retirement board
a complaint in federal court, would not provide details about
LABOR Samsung electronics Co. workers are expected to walk off assembly lines Monday, begin- claiming the delays are depriv- why returning employees have
ning the biggest organized labor action in the South Korean conglomerate’s half-century ing Sorrentino of his due pro- to be on the job for two years in
Samsung union history. the largest union at the nation’s biggest company has spent the past few weeks cess rights guaranteed under
the 14th Amendment.
order to collect pensions they
had previously earned.
steps up preparing for the three-day walkout, after negotiations over pay and vacation time col-
lapsed last month. this envisioned action marks an escalation from a single-day strike in
Protracted delays like this the Contributory Retire-
pressure early June — the first in Samsung’s 55 years of existence. it’s intended to send a message
are common in state retirement
disputes, according to lawyers
ment Appeal board, known as
CRAb, also declined to provide
over pay with by disrupting production at one of the company’s most advanced chip facilities, union who have appeared before the information about its caseload
three-day strike leaders say. for Samsung, it can ill-afford turmoil within its ranks at a critical time. it’s
pulling out the stops to convince Nvidia Corp. to use its high-end Ai memory chips — a
appeals board. Some cases have
dragged on for nearly a decade
or wait times.
if CRAb rules against him,
prerequisite for staking a larger claim on a booming Ai market. Also, Samsung this week before they were decided — and Sorrentino will get back the
can’t be challenged in court un- roughly $57,000 he contribut-
is preparing to unveil new foldable phones and watches as well as a smart ring in Paris
til then. Many retirees count on ed, including interest, accord-
ahead of the Olympics as it attempts to counter rival Apple. — bLOOMbeRG NeWS
these benefits to get by, the law- ing to the State board of Retire-
yers say, and waiting years to re- ment, but not any additional
ceive them can be an incredible money he would have received
hardship. through monthly payments for
Sorrentino estimates he’s the rest of his life. Many public
spent more than 1,000 hours of employees without the time or
his “golden years” trying to get the means to fight the retire-
the benefits he’s owed — and ment board probably just give
shed light on a broken system. up and agree to these terms,
“A long time ago it stopped Sorrentino said.
being about me. it’s much big- but considering the thou-
ger,” he said. “Retirement bene- sands of dollars in investments
fits by their nature are time lim- and interest his contributions
ited. Retirement’s the last chap- have likely generated for the
ter of life.” state over the past several de-
And nobody should spend it cades, Sorrentino said, this out-
fighting to get the benefits come would be highly unfair.
they’ve been promised, he said. And if he were to die before the
for Sorrentino, the dispute case is resolved, his survivors
revolves around the administra- wouldn’t benefit from those
tion of the New england New- gains.
born Screening Program, which “the pensioners are left out
he was part of for more than 18 i n t h e c o l d ,” s a i d R i c h a r d
years at what is currently called Glovsky, Sorrentino’s attorney.
the Massachusetts State Public the state’s employee retire-
Health Laboratory in Jamaica ment agencies move so slowly
Plain. the program, which he in part because they are vastly
ran for more than eight years, underresourced, said Leigh Pa-
tests for treatable conditions in nettiere, a Woburn-based attor-
about 500 newborns a day in ney who represents public em-
Massachusetts, New Hamp- ployees seeking disability retire-
shire, vermont, Maine, and ment funds. during the appeal
Rhode island. When Sorrentino process, retirees’ contributions
started at the lab in 1980, he continue to generate interest
was paid by the department of and investment income for the
dAvid L. RYAN/GLObe StAff
Public Health. but in 1990, the overall pension plan — which in
Employees worked in a hull on the factory floor at Boston Boatworks. The factory is in Charlestown near the Tobin Bridge. administration of the program 2021 was only 69 percent fund-
was transferred to the Massa- ed, one of the lowest levels in

A look inside the last boat builder in Boston chusetts Health Research insti-
tute, which was incorporated in
1959 by the Massachusetts gov-
the country, according to the
Pew Charitable trusts.
“ there is no incentive to
ernor and health commissioner, speed up the process,” said Pa-
uINNOVATION ECONOMY among other founders, to assist nettiere, who currently has four
Continued from Page D1 the public health department. CRAb cases that have been
come a lot of design deficien- in 1997, after the state in- pending for more than four
cies just by adding more horse- spector General revealed finan- years.
power. Our approach was to cial improprieties involving but retirees get their full
take weight out of the boat, use MHRi, the newborn screening benefit amount, including ret-
smaller engines — which have lab and other programs were roactive payments, if the board
less fuel consumption — and transferred to UMass Chan decides in their favor. And given
materials that don’t fatigue as Medical School. the fact that there are hundreds
the boat ages.” Sorrentino hadn’t been al- of thousands of members across
Rather than traditional fi- lowed to make contributions to the 104 public retirement sys-
berglass, boston boatworks the state pension fund during tems in Massachusetts and less
chose to use more expensive his time under MHRi and with- than 1,000 cases estimated to
carbon fiber — which is lighter, drew what he had previously be in dispute — including many
stiffer, and tougher — and bor- put in. but once under the um- brought by retirees already re-
rowed manufacturing tech- b r e l l a o f t h e s t at e m e d i c a l ceiving a pension — the impact
niques from aircraft produc- school, he started making con- of the money the pension funds
tion, which also uses the mate- tributions again, and later re- stands to gain during the ap-
rial. if you’ve seen the encore paid all the funds in order to peals process is insignificant,
Casino’s water shuttles — built maximize his benefits. said bill Keefe, executive direc-
at a cost of about $1 million this entire time, Sorrentino tor of the Public employee Re-
each — you’ve seen their work. said, his job remained the same: tirement Administration Com-
in the early 2000s, boston He worked in the same lab, with mission. the status of the state
boatworks was approached by the same people, using the same employees’ pension system is
a North Carolina company, state id badge. improving, he added, and on
MJM Yachts, to build a line of Boston Boatworks CEO Scott Smith (right ) and chief operating officer Raphael Silva took Less than a year after the track to be fully funded by 2036.
ocean-going yachts; MJM want- their shoes off to step onto a newly constructed boat on a dock near the Charlestown factory. change to UMass Medical, he One of Panettiere’s clients, a
ed to marry boston boatworks’ left the Jamaica Plain lab to police officer, has been waiting
manufacturing expertise with a space in the bow. the kitchen would be the first to bear its cent years fell 9 percent in the work for a newborn screening for more than seven years for
sleek, low-slung design from moved upstairs so that people name: the boston boatworks first four months of this year, company in Pittsburgh, and re- his case to be resolved. the offi-
doug Zurn, a naval architect in could more easily gather Offshore express Cruiser. three according to the National Ma- ceived regular letters over the cer had a heart attack on the job
Marblehead. around the food. are in various stages of produc- rine Manufacturers Association. next 20 years confirming his eli- at the age of 50 that left him dis-
MJM quickly became boston the 48-foot boat, called the tion; a fourth is slated to get boston boatworks has reduced gibility for retirement benefits. abled, but due to a dispute over
boatworks’ largest customer. daychaster, is longer, wider, started next month. its workforce about 30 percent but when he applied for his whether the incident was work
but in 2019, boston boatworks’ and larger than the Hinckleys, the first customer in line is from its peak of 140 in 2019. roughly $1,400-a-month pen- related, he was granted a small-
relationship with MJM abruptly but it is 15 to 20 percent more ed Kaye, chief executive of a the company is still putting sion in late 2018, the retirement er pension than what he applied
ended when MJM decided to fuel efficient because of the ma- bedford biotech company, Stoke a dozen or so new boats into the board informed him that em- for. His current income is about
set up its own factory in North terials used by boston boat- therapeutics. Kaye, who de- water each year. the latest: the ployees who leave public service half what it used to be, Panet-
Carolina, citing lower labor and works, said douglas Gray, bar- scribes himself as “a sailor at Appy, the electric ferry bound must return for at least two con- tiere said, forcing him to turn to
other costs. ton & Gray’s cofounder and heart,” expects to take delivery of for service on Lake Winnepe- secutive years in order to retire family members to help pay his
that forced boston boat- chief marketing officer. the 50-foot craft with twin diesel saukee. with benefits, rendering him in- mortgage.
works to scramble. One lifeline the daychaser has become engines later this year. the base Smith, 66, said he plans to eligible. “in addition to feeling like a
came from a $20 million con- the premium boat in the barton price for that boat, the first mod- stick around his company as Sorrentino was incredulous. failure because he cannot work
tract to build 10 boats for the & Gray’s fleet: members who el in the company’s Offshore ex- long as he can be useful. boston He simply wanted the benefits anymore, he is even more de-
barton & Gray Mariner’s Club, a want access to the daychaser press Cruiser line, dubbed the boatworks, he added, has never he had been investing in. “it’s pressed by not being able to fi-
New Hampshire company that pay a higher level of annual bb44, is $2.85 million. been about making boats at the not like i’m asking for some- nancially care for his family,” Pa-
is like Zipcar for the yachting dues — at least $80,000, in ad- “the design appeals to sail- lowest possible price, or at the thing that i didn’t contribute nettiere said.
set. Members can reserve a boat dition to a $20,000 initiation ors who are really focused on fastest possible rate. to,” he said. Another client, a public em-
and captain in places such as fee. “the daychaser is very well-made and functional boats “We want to build the best,” He’s been fighting the denial ployee who suffered a head inju-
Nantucket, east Hampton, or much a competitive advantage — not just pretty, fast boats,” he says. “there has always been ever since. ry at work and has been trying
boca Raton. for us,” Gray said. Kaye said. He also likes the idea an understanding that knowl- the department of Public to collect his pension since
that deal let barton & Gray barton & Gray recently of “having a local group of peo- edgeable owners understand Health wouldn’t comment on 2017, has cancer.
design a boat especially for its signed a contract for its 16th ple build something of quality the value of what we do — and why Sorrentino wasn’t consid- “He may die before his ap-
members, who go out for the daychaser boat; three others — something that you’ll be there’s a limited market of ered a state employee for his en- peal is over,” she said.
day rather than on overnight have been sold to individual proud of.” those.” tire tenure, despite working for
trips. What had been a sleeping owners. despite a COvid-fueled the same program in the same Katie Johnston can be reached
cabin in the Hinckley yachts the in 2023, boston boatworks surge in recent years, sales of Scott Kirsner can be reached at lab the whole time, noting that at
club offers became an outdoor announced a new boat that boats longer than 35 feet in re- he “resigned in 1990 and began Follow her @ktkjohnston.
m O N D A Y, J U L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Business D3

For some couples,

moving in together
early saves on rent
By Melissa Rohman or logistics, or both, had contributed
NEW YORK tImES to their decision.
For caroline Li and colin Wang, While splitting the cost of rent has
moving in together after dating for its benefits, moving in together early
eight months was a matter of seren- on in a relationship can cause issues if
dipity and urgency. a couple don’t already have a good un-
Last fall, Wang, 28, was complet- derstanding of each other’s communi-
ing his final year of medical school at cation styles and conflict-resolution
the University of california, Los Ange- skills, said Nicolle Osequeda, a li-
les, when he learned that the two-bed- censed marriage and family therapist
room apartment he shared with one in chicago.
roommate had a mold infestation. He “If there are significant differences
had to move out immediately, but had and there isn’t a foundation around
trouble finding new housing. how we talk about difficult things, be
“It was very difficult to find some- it finances or anything else, then it can
thing that was pretty close to campus exacerbate some of those stresses that
that was reasonable in price, and it you would already feel,” said Oseque-
was also in the middle of the school da, who specializes in working with
year,” said Wang, who had reached young adults and young couples
UcLA’s three-year limit on student through life transitions.
housing, which allowed him to pay After seven months of dating, Kait-
$1,425 per month in rent instead of lin cadagin, 26, and her 28-year-old

Paramount OK’s Skydance merger the market rate of $2,000 or more.

At the same time, Li, 24, a regis-
tered nurse, learned that one of her
boyfriend moved into a one-bedroom
apartment in a high-rise in downtown
two roommates was moving out of their apartment cost $2,400 a
uPARAMOUNT mount’s three cEOs have pro- In recent years, their $5,000-a-month, three-bedroom month in rent and offered a number of
Continued from Page D1 posed a plan they say will help Paramount has apartment near Santa monica, calif., amenities, including a dog run, a con-
point for the Redstones, who get paramount back on track become the in the middle of their lease. Li and ference room and in-unit laundry. the
were seeking to fortify para- that includes cutting $500 mil- poster child of a Wang realized that they could resolve couple decided to split their rent
mount for the long-term. lion in costs and selling off traditional both of their issues by having Wang based on their incomes: cadagin, an
In recent years, paramount parts of the company that ar- media industry move in with Li and her roommate. events manager, paid $1,000 per
has become the poster child of en’t central to its strategy. Loss- that has been Li and the roommate each pay month, and her boyfriend, a licensed
a traditional media industry es are beginning to slow at par- limping along $1,750 per month, and Wang pays attorney, paid the remaining $1,400.
that has been limping along in amount+, and the company is in the shadows $1,500. “I came into it saying, ‘I can afford
the shadows of streaming giant exploring a potential joint ven- of streaming “I think the plan was always for co- $1,000 as my portion of the rent,’” said
Netflix and tech companies ture with other firms that could giant Netflix lin and I to move in once he completed cadagin, who was previously renting a
such as Amazon, which have reduce costs further. and tech his residency, not once he graduated two-bedroom apartment with a room-
plenty of cash to spend on their the man who will take con- companies such medical school,” Li said. “But I guess mate in another area of chicago
media bets. paramount has trol of the flagging company is as Amazon. the opportunity presented itself earli- where they each paid $900 per month.
tried to replace its fading cable a Hollywood producer who has er, and we were able to keep this When her roommate decided to
tV enterprise with streaming h e l p e d f u n d s o m e o f pa r a - apartment and save some money move out, cadagin said, she and her
b u s i n e s s e s s u c h a s pa ra - mount’s biggest franchises. Af- while doing it.” boyfriend concluded that moving in
mount+, but those efforts are ter dropping out of the Univer- Li and Wang are among the many together would be more cost efficient
still nowhere near as profitable David Ellison, the tech scion sity of Southern california to young couples who are choosing to for cadagin than if she rented an
as traditional tV operations. behind Skydance, will try his hand at acting, Ellison move in together early in their rela- apartment on her own. cadagin said
the full value of the merger become the top power began to finance films, found- tionships to save money on housing she could afford to live alone, but pre-
was not immediately clear be- broker at Paramount. ing Skydance in 2010. the com- and living costs. Faced with a low in- ferred to save money by living with
cause the deal is complex. Sky- pany has produced some of its ventory of affordable housing, steep someone else.
dance and its financial backers the renegotiated terms reduced most successful movies with competition among buyers and rent- “I’ve started looking at master’s
would acquire National Amuse- the value of Redstone’s control- paramount, including “ top ers, a slow decline in rent prices, and programs this year, so finances are al-
ments, a company that holds ling stake. Just as a special Gun: maverick” and “mission: climbing mortgage rates, young peo- ways on my mind,” she said.
the Redstone family’s voting c o m m i tt e e o f pa ra m o u n t ’s Impossible — Dead Reckoning ple across the country are being When paying for utilities and gro-
stock in paramount, for rough- board was preparing to make it part One.” pushed into finding creative ways to ceries, the couple split the cost evenly.
ly $1.75 billion. National official, her lawyers emailed Ellison, 41, is planning to afford housing. Keeping tabs on their shared finances,
Amusements, based in Nor- them to kill the deal, saying bring his own cast into para- “Younger generations are really however, hasn’t always been perfect,
wood, also owns Showcase cin- they couldn’t agree on “noneco- mount. Jeff Shell, a former cEO having to look for ways to be thrifty cadagin said.
emas. nomic terms.” of NBcUniversal, has been in and bring their housing costs down, “He’s very on top of his finances,
In a d d i t i o n , pa ra m o u n t With the deal on ice, other discussions to take a major especially in big cities where rents are and I sometimes am not,” she said.
would merge with Skydance, suitors emerged to court Red- role, two people familiar with still really high and home prices are cadagin’s boyfriend, who asked
leaving the studio and its back- stone, including billionaire the matter said. He was fired really high,” said Hannah Jones, a se- not to be named for privacy reasons,
ers in charge of a media empire Barry Diller and Steven paul, a from NBcUniversal last year af- nior economic research analyst for Re- said that although they hadn’t done a
that includes film, t V, and producer best known for the ter an anchor at cNBc lodged a good job of setting financial expecta-
news properties. “Baby Geniuses” movie fran- sexual harassment complaint According to a recent survey from tions before moving in together, they
paramount’s market capital- chise. But the Skydance deal against him. Late last year, he, 80 percent of Gen Z re- had learned how to do a better job at
ization — the value the stock came back last week, with Sky- joined RedBird capital part- spondents and 76 percent of millenni- setting financial goals together and
market places on the company dance improving its offer for ners, a Skydance backer, as its al respondents who have moved in had become a stronger couple.
— is about $8.2 billion. Sky- Redstone’s stake and offering chair of sports and media. with a romantic partner said finances
dance’s last disclosed valuation firmer protections against liti- Bakish, 60, remains an ad-
was more than $4 billion. gation. viser to paramount. His exit
A tender offer from Sky- those provisions may help agreement, filed in may, says he
& more
dance will allow many holders reduce the challenge posed by will continue to work for the
of paramount’s nonvoting stock investors who have opposed the company through October with
to cash out at roughly $15 per deals with Skydance, saying a monthly salary of $258,333
share. Investors who own vot- they would enrich Redstone at and benefits. His exit package
ing stock will be able to sell at the expense of other sharehold- also includes a two-year non-
$23 per share. this will allow ers. All the Skydance merger disparagement agreement.
investors who feel short- deals that have been considered Although Ellison hasn’t spo- WESTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION
changed by the Skydance deal have guaranteed her an extra ken publicly about his plans for Notice of Public Meeting
Pursuant to Mass General Laws, Chapter 131, Section 40,
— there are many — to get rid payout in exchange for her vot- paramount, he has briefed its Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, and Article XVI of
the Town of Weston General Bylaws, Wetlands Protection
of the company’s stock at a pre- ing clout — typically called a board on his intentions, two Bylaw, the Weston Conservation Commission will hold a
Public Hearing on July 16 th , 2024 at 8:00 p.m. on a No-
mium to its current price of control premium — which people familiar with the matter tice of Intent Application for Weston Golf Club-275 Mead-
owbrook Rd filed by Ayron Gallagher for aquatic nuisance
$11.81. some shareholders have argued said. Ellison has discussed the vegetation management on three separate ponds at the
Weston Golf Club. The work will occur within Land Under
the merger with Skydance is unfair. A small number have possibility of teaming up with Waterbodies and Waterways.

closes a chapter for Redstone, threatened to sue. one or more of paramount’s ri- Information on how to attend this virtual Public Hearing
will be provided on the Conservation Commission’s Agenda
70, who took over from her fa- the merger comes at a pre- vals on a combined streaming posted on the Town’s website ( ) at least
48 hours prior to the meeting or you may email conserva-
ther, Sumner, and fought to carious time for paramount. Its service. He also plans to turbo- for the agenda to be emailed to you.
The NOI may be examined electronically here: .
keep the family media empire flagship streaming service, par- charge the company’s technolo-
intact. amount+, is hemorrhaging gy, adding better personaliza-
Skydance’s takeover of para- hundreds of millions of dollars tion features to its streaming
mount has been a drama wor-
thy of a summer blockbuster.
in cash annually. After clashing
with Redstone, its cEO, Bob
Another pillar of Skydance’s
Now place By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained
in a certain mortgage given by Ethel President, Willie Presi-
dent to World Savings Bank, FSB, dated September 21, 2007
and recorded in the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds in

your want ads

Book 42534, Page 19, as modified by a certain modification
Since the beginning of the year, Bakish, was replaced by three plans for paramount is cost cut- agreement dated January 19, 2018, and recorded with said
Suffolk County Registry of Deeds in Book 59182, Page 134,
Redstone, paramount and Elli- executives, who run an “office ting. the company plans to of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder,
for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the
son have been engaged in semi- of the cEO” — an awkward, consolidate some international purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auc-

tion at 4:00 PM on August 5, 2024, on the mortgaged prem-
public negotiations that fre- temporary fix. And its cable operations, boosting profits ises located at 55 Wildwood Street, Mattapan (Boston), Suf-
folk County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises
quently leaked to the press and business is in long-term de- partly by laying off employees. described in said mortgage,

curdled the goodwill on both cline, causing its stock to slide that won’t earn Ellison many
you want ads.
The land in that part of Boston, Suffolk County, Massachu-
sides. more than 70 percent over the f a n s a m o n g t h e c o m p a ny ’s setts, formerly Dorchester, with the buildings thereon num-
bered 55 Wildwood Street, and shown as Lot 5 on a certain
plan marked “Plan of land in Dorchester, November 5, 1923,
Executives appeared to be past five years. rank-and-file, although it could John V. Corbett, Surveyor”, a copy of which is recorded with
mortgage from Isaac Sheinberg and William Green to the
close to a deal last month. But In the past month, para- help him please shareholders. Grantor, dated May 27, 1924, and recorded with Suffolk
Deeds, Book 4576, page 124, and according to said Plan,
bounded and described as follows;
SOUTHEASTERLY: by Wildwood Street, forty-eight (48) feet;
NORTHEASTERLY: by land now or late of Esther I. Schneider,
and by land now or late of James W Kenney, one hundred
and sixty-four (164) feet;

At White House, debate on a plan to target Russia oil Create your ad today at
NORTHWESTERLY: by land now or late of Mary Greenfield,
and by land now or late of Ethel Hurvitz, forty-eight (48) feet;
SOUTHWESTERLY: by Lot 4 on the Plan aforesaid, one hun-
dred and sixty-three and 20/100 (feet).
By Jim Tankersley United States and its allies have prevent a global price shock. For mortgagor’s(s’) title see deed recorded with Suffolk
County Registry of Deeds in Book 8325, Page 424.
and Alan Rappeport imposed penalties and taken But Russia has largely circum- These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and
NEW YORK tImES other novel steps to limit how vented the cap, allowing it to with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, ease-
ments, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, im-
WASHINGtON — Officials much moscow earns from sell- reap huge profits to fund its war provements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes,
tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other
in president Biden’s treasury ing oil abroad. But Russia has efforts. municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances
of record which are in force and are applicable, having pri-
ority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such
Department have proposed new increasingly found ways around While treasury officials want restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encum-
brances is made in the deed.
actions aimed at crippling a those limits, raising pressure on to knock Russian tankers out of
fleet of aging oil tankers that are the Biden administration to commission, economic advisers A deposit of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars by certified
or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser
helping deliver Russian oil to tighten its enforcement efforts. inside the White House worry at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid
by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150
buyers around the world in defi- treasury officials want to tar- that would risk inflaming oil California St., Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to
P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-
ance of Western sanctions. get a so-called shadow fleet of prices this summer and push up 0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed
will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in
their effort is aimed at pun- oil tankers allowing Russia to US gasoline prices, which could full of the purchase price. The description of the premises
contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an
ishing Russia but it has stalled sell oil above a $60-per-barrel hurt Biden’s reelection cam- error in this publication.

amid White House concerns price cap that the United States paign. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale.

over how it would affect energy and its allies imposed in 2022. they have not signed off on WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO
prices before the November that cap was intended to re- the proposals, even as current MORTGAGE, FSB, F/K/A WORLD SAVINGS BANK, FSB
Present holder of said mortgage
election. strict moscow’s ability to profit and former treasury officials ®
By its Attorneys,
In an attempt to drain Russia from its energy exports while al- present them with analyses sug- HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C.
150 California St.
Newton, MA 02458
of money needed to continue lowing its oil to continue flow- gesting the risks of a major ef- (617)558-0500
fighting its war in Ukraine, the ing on international markets to fect on the oil market are low.
d4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M o n d a y, J u l y 8 , 2 0 2 4

PLUGGERS by Rick McKee

CRABGRASS by Tauhid Bondia
ZITS by Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau DUSTIN by Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

RED & ROVER by Brian Basset ARCTIC CIRCLE by Alex Hallatt

FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE by Lynn Johnston CURTIS by Ray Billingsley

RHYMES WITH ORANGE by Hilary Price ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ACROSS 53 “Pronto!”
1 Puts in stitches 54 Site of a baseball
5 Motionless merger?
11 ___ thai 57 ___ solar eclipse
14 “SOS,” e.g. 59 Part of mpg
15 Cowboy of the South 60 *First American
American pampas astronaut to travel
16 “Love Story” actress in space
MacGraw 62 Bit of butter
17 *Sea captain’s final 63 Winner
order 64 Egg (on)
19 GPS calculation 65 Pig’s digs
20 Opportunity on 66 Capital of Greece ...
Mars, for one and when parsed
21 Like ultrabright differently, a hint
colors to the starred clues’
22 Edinburgh native answers
23 Meadow mama 67 Hershey toffee bar
24 Here, in Haiti
26 Some luau DOWN
instruments, briefly 1 Pickup in a bowling
27 *Green Mexican alley
dish 2 Macaroni shape
32 Good guys in old 3 Work on a loom
Western films, 4 Levelheaded
typically 5 “Let’s give it ___!”
35 Easy pace 6 ___ acid (wine
36 Palindromic component)
kitchenware brand 7 Sneaky trick
37 Well ventilated 8 Canyon sound effect
38 Support beam 9 Leg part guarded in
40 Took legal action soccer
41 Surveillance org. 10 Spinning toy
42 Trims the grass 11 Distribute 28 Elite group of celebs 39 Be in debt 52 Like big siblings
43 “That true?” 12 *Some jazz combo 29 ___ and don’ts 40 Little taste 53 YouTube and
45 *Metaphor for instruments 30 Possible choice 42 ___ and cheese Instagram
an abundance of 13 Eating plan 31 Extinct bird 44 Luxury hotel room 54 Narrow opening
acronyms 18 The “D” of PRNDL 32 Lang of “Smallville” 46 Trendy 55 Apiece
48 Greater than great 22 Reggae relative 33 *Plane passenger’s 47 Biblical strong 56 Starting poker bet
49 Grammy winner 25 Scam request, maybe man 58 Magnum ___
DiFranco 26 Function 34 Film cast and crew 50 Barren 60 Director DuVernay
50 ___-mo replay 27 Comedian Schumer celebration 51 Slowly, in music 61 Time sheet figs.
M O N D A Y, J U L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e D5
Boston’s forecast Sudoku

3 9 4 8
6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M.

HIGH Humid with times Some sunshine giving Considerable cloudi- A couple of show- Breezy and humid with
8 5 9
84-89 of clouds and sun. 87-92 way to clouds, very 87-92 ness and humid with a 81-86 ers and a heavy 85-90 periods of clouds and
LOW Winds ENE 6-12 mph. LOW warm and humid. LOW thunderstorm in parts LOW thunderstorm in the LOW sunshine. Winds WSW

5 9 6 3
72-77 Mostly cloudy and 71-76 Winds SW 8-16 mph. 72-77 of the area. Winds 72-77 afternoon. Winds SW 72-77 15-25 mph. Humid
humid tonight. Winds SW 6-12 A thunderstorm in spots in the WNW 7-14 mph. Showers and 10-20 mph. Humid at night at night with patchy clouds.
mph. evening. Winds SW 8-16 mph. thunderstorms from Beryl at with low clouds. Winds W Winds W 10-20 mph.

New England forecast

night. Winds WNW 6-12 mph.
10-20 mph.
2 7
TODAY: Sunshine and some clouds; very warm to hot.
Humid with a thundershower in spots near the coast in
Yesterday’s high/low
5:16 a.m.
Source: Asthma & Allergy Affiliates, Inc.
Weeds Grass Mold 4 2 3
Low Absent Moderate N.A.
1 5
Sunset 8:23 p.m.
southern New England. Yesterday’s mold and spore rating.
Moonrise 7:42 a.m.
TOMORROW: Partly to mostly cloudy and humid
throughout the day. A thunderstorm is expected in Mount Washington (5 p.m. yesterday) Eastern Massachusetts air quality
Weather Mostly cloudy
2 6 4 9
some areas during the afternoon and evening. 41
EXTENDED: Partly to mostly cloudy and Visibility 60 miles 50 100 150 200 300
humid with a thunderstorm during the day Wind west at 22 m.p.h. For more information on today’s conditions, call the
on Wednesday. Perhaps some rain or a
thunderstorm on Thursday.
High/low temperature
Snow depth at 5 p.m.
state hotline at (800) 882-1497 or Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection web site
4 5 1
24 Hr. Precipitation
Precip days in July
(valid at 5 p.m. yesterday)
Month to date 0.54”
Norm. month to date 0.70”
Year to date 29.59”
Norm. year to date 22.37”
6 1 7 4
Climate data are compiled from National Weather Service records and are subject to change or correction.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every
3X3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Puzzle difficulty lev-
Tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M.
els: Easy on Monday and Tuesday, more difficult on Wednesday
Boston high 1:18 1:59 Gloucester 1:20 1:59 Hyannis Port 2:20 3:13
and Thursday, most difficult on Friday and Saturday. Tips and
Height 10.4 9.1 Marblehead 1:18 1:59 Chatham 2:18 3:06
computer program at
Boston low 7:43 7:49 Lynn 1:23 2:04 Wellfleet 1:32 2:13
Forecasts and Height 0.1 1.3 Scituate 1:23 2:00 Provincetown 1:27 2:06
graphics provided by Plymouth 1:26 2:00 Nantucket
AccuWeather, Inc.
High tides
Old Orchard ME 1:10 1:51 Cape Cod
Canal East 1:10 1:48
Oak Bluffs
2:23 3:07
1:58 2:21
Beach NH 1:24 2:05 Cape Cod New Bedford 10:14 10:36 BY FRANK STEWART
Canal West 12:10 Newport RI 10:22 10:41
Plum Island 1:30 2:05 South dealer — N-S vulnerable
Ipswich 1:07 1:48 Falmouth 1:02 1:43

 Small craft advisory

New England marine forecast  Gale warning  Storm warning ♠ J75
Wind Seas Temp Wind Seas Temp
♥ J3
Boston Harbor E 5-10 kts. 1-2 ft. 86/74 Martha’s
Temperatures are ♦ Q952
today’s highs and East Cape Vineyard SW 5-10 kts. 1-2 ft. 80/71
tonight’s lows. Cod Canal SE 5-10 kts. 1-2 ft. 84/71 Nantucket S 6-12 kts. 1-3 ft. 77/68
♣ A K J 10
Buzzards Bay S 6-12 kts. 1-2 ft. 84/72 Provincetown SE 6-12 kts. 1-3 ft. 78/69 West East
Cities Forecast high and low temperatures and conditions For current Charles River Basin water quality, call (781) 788-0007 or go to ♠ 10 8 4 2 ♠ KQ63
 Travel delays possible, C Clouds, F Fog, H Haze, I Ice, Pc Partly Cloudy, R Rain, Sh Showers, S Sun, Sn Snow, Fl Flurries, T Thunderstorms, W Windy ♥ Q9764 ♥ 10 5 2
Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow ♦ A ♦ K764
 Atlanta 93/77 T 92/76 T Los Angeles 84/64 Pc 87/63 S Seattle 94/64 S 95/61 Pc  Jerusalem 88/70 S 91/71 S
Atlantic City 90/73 Pc 88/74 T Miami 93/80 Pc 91/79 C  Washington 97/78 T 96/79 T London 66/58 C 67/59 Sh
♣ 543 ♣ 96
 Charlotte 88/76 T 94/77 T  New Orleans 93/81 T 89/80 T Beijing 93/72 Pc 91/71 T Moscow 84/61 Pc 86/62 C
 Chicago 83/69 T 81/68 T New York City 90/75 Pc 87/76 T  Cancun 90/80 T 91/80 Pc Paris 76/60 Pc 84/63 Sh South
 Dallas 82/71 R 91/72 C Philadelphia 96/76 Pc 94/75 T Mexico City 81/57 C 77/58 Sh Rome 85/67 S 90/64 S ♠ A9
Denver 83/57 S 90/59 Pc Phoenix 117/89 S 115/89 S Montreal 85/68 Pc 85/67 T  San Juan 89/80 Sh 91/80 T ♥ AK8
Detroit 89/70 S 83/69 T Salt Lake City 95/69 S 101/72 Pc Toronto 85/68 Pc 84/66 T  Stockholm 66/51 Sh 71/52 Pc
Fort Myers 92/77 Pc 91/76 Pc  San Francisco 71/57 Pc 71/58 S Vancouver 79/60 S 82/63 S Tokyo 95/81 Pc 95/80 C
♦ J 10 8 3
♣ Q872
South West North East
1♣ Pass 1♦ Pass
HoRoSCoPE lutions to problems or answers to ent today to enjoy some adven- 1 NT Pass 2 NT Pass
questions. Nevertheless, this is al- ture. Tonight: Travel changes. 3 NT All Pass
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Monday, Ju- Furthermore, you’re enthusiastic so a popular time for you! Travel CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Opening lead — ♥ 6
ly 8, 2024: and open to big ideas. In part, this with friends will appeal to you. To- Financial discussions, especially
You have a strong will, which is because your mind is sharp, clear night: You’re restless. about how to divide something, “Never underestimate the power of a woman,” Cy the Cynic
makes you determined. You will de- and alert, which allows you to see LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) will favor you today. For example, told me sourly, “to show that it was all your fault.”
vote yourself to an important cause the big picture. It’s a good day for This is a great day to schmooze, it’s a good day to discuss inheri- “You and Wendy are still having issues on defense,” I
with focus and energy. This year business negotiations and contract and schmoozing is what you do tances or how to share responsi- sighed.
holds exciting changes and in- discussions, as well as dealing with best! You might enlist others to bilities. Negotiations about bud- Cy, a chauvinist, and Wendy, my club’s feminist, are con-
creased personal freedom. Let go of the law. Tonight: Pay attention. join a cause or an organization. gets and allocation of supporting stantly at odds. As today’s West, Cy led a heart against 3NT.
whatever impedes your progress CANCER (June 21-July 22) You might make travel plans with resources will also go well. To- Dummy’s jack won, and declarer then led a diamond: seven,
and growth. Seek out new opportu- You’re thinking about some big fi- someone. This is a great day to night: Check your finances. jack, ace.
nities and be ready to act fast. nancial decisions today, or per- discuss legal matters, as well as AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) “I figured our only chance lay in spades,” Cy said. “When
haps a major purchase. Trust your anything related to medicine, Enjoy interacting with friends and I shifted to the deuce, dummy played low. Wendy, East, put
ARIES (March 21-April 19) moneymaking ideas. You might publishing, education or the me- members of the public today. Peo- up the queen, and declarer took the ace and led another dia-
This is a great day to make plans see ways to boost your income or dia. Tonight: Unusual news. ple will be attracted to your posi- mond. Wendy won and returned a heart — and South claimed
for a vacation or for social outings, your assets. You can also attract SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) tive enthusiasm. You’re full of big 10 tricks.
including sports events. It’s also money to you at this time. To- Bosses, parents and people in au- ideas about children, the arts, the “Wendy accused me of blowing the defense,” the Cynic said.
an excellent day to think about fi- night: Guard your possessions. thority will be impressed with entertainment world and sports. When Cy takes the ace of diamonds, he can place South
nancial investments. Meanwhile, LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) what you have to say today be- You also might find someone else with three hearts, four diamonds (from Wendy’s “count” sig-
the arts, the entertainment world Mercury is in your sign dancing cause you’re thinking big. Your vi- who is equally as enthusiastic. To- nal with the seven) and four clubs, so two spades. If Cy shifts
and fun activities with kids will with lucky Jupiter. This boosts your sionary ideas will impress some- night: Cooperate. to the 10 of spades, 3NT fails. Incidentally, South’s play of
appeal to you. You’re optimistic optimism and makes you eager to one today. Be clear about what PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
dummy’s five on the first spade was an insult to Cy’s defense.
today! Tonight: Plans change. engage with others. This is why you want, especially in business Your health feels buoyant because
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) your relationship with friends, negotiations. You’re very aware of you’re enthusiastic! This energy
DAILY QUESTION You hold: ♠ 10 8 4 2 ♥ Q 9 7 6 4 ♦ A
Home, family and your private life groups and organizations will be group values and needs right now. will help you in your job. It will also
♣ 5 4 3. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one
are your main focus. In fact, you positive today. Others might be im- Tonight: Follow rules. help in discussions with family
heart and he bids two clubs. What do you say?
might be keen to spruce up the pressed by your big ideas! Tonight: SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) members or negotiations about real
place and do some home repairs. Something unexpected. This is the perfect day to make estate and home improvements. It’s ANSWER: It’s conceivable that partner has a hand such as 3,
Redecorating projects will appeal VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) travel plans or to study. Do some- a great day to entertain at home!
A K 5, J 9 6 5 3, A K Q 2, and four hearts would be a good
to you. You have a choice of enter- You have an excellent, discrimi- thing to expand your world. Legal People will support you. Tonight:
contract, but that possibility is remote. Pass. Two clubs isn’t
taining at home or enjoying quiet nating mind, and today is a great discussions will go well. Also, dis- Double-check details.
the spot of your dreams, but you can’t justify a further bid,
times. Tonight: Family surprise. day to do research. In fact, you'll cussions about publishing and the
especially not two hearts or 2NT. Partner’s hand may be a
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) enjoy expanding your world and media might impress a partner or (c) 2024 by King Features Syndi-
You’re mentally energetic today! learning new data, and finding so- close friend. Do something differ- cate Inc.

ZIPPY “Hands-in Experience” by Bill Griffith ADAM@HOME by Rob Harrell

ROSE IS ROSE by Pat Brady & Don Wimmer

BIZARRO by Wayno & Piraro

8 2 5 4 7 9 1 6 3
1 3 7 2 6 5 4 8 9
9 4 6 1 3 8 2 5 7
Today’s Crossword Solution

Today’s Sudoku Solution

4 5 2 7 8 6 9 3 1
3 6 8 9 2 1 5 7 4
7 9 1 3 5 4 8 2 6
2 1 3 8 4 7 6 9 5
6 7 9 5 1 2 3 4 8
5 8 4 6 9 3 7 1 2
d6 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N d A Y, J U L Y 8 , 2 0 2 4

Television Asking eric

As ‘Bachelor’ race issues linger, show’s first
Asian American lead is ready for her moment Aunt banished to the
By Terry Tang
AssOciAted Press
racist comments “every day” on
instagram and tiktok, she says.
cousins table at wedding
Jenn tran can’t stop thinking Her approach is to simply ignore
about being the first Asian it, though it isn't easy. Q. About five years ago, my sister’s son was mar- nephew, but i think everyone, yourself included,
American lead in the history of “social media is like this plat- ried. When we arrived at the wedding, the bride will be happier if you let it go.
“the Bachelor” franchise — not form for all these people just and groom had set up three special tables. One they should have reached out when they
that she wants to. come at me all at once and it’s a was for the bride’s parents and their siblings and found out you were hurt by the seating. it was
“i think about it every day, all new feeling. it’s overwhelming. children, a smaller family. the other two were for impolite and caused more harm, but you have an
the time. i think if i pushed it And unfortunately, that’s the the groom’s parents and their siblings and chil- opportunity to release yourself from this now. it’s
aside, that would be such a dis- world that we live in right now,” dren. imagine my shock and surprise when all of been five years and, from your letter, it doesn’t
honor to me in who i am be- tran says. “i hope that people my siblings and nieces and nephews were sitting sound like there are larger conflicts between your
cause being Asian American, are more open-minded and that at the two tables for the groom’s family, and i was house and theirs.
that’s me,” the 26-year-old aspir- they open their hearts up to this seated at a different table with our cousins. in i grant you this: it’s a little weird to not be at a
ing physician assistant says. truly.” my place at the sibling table was one of our cous- table with all of your other siblings. However,
A vie tnamese American tran's star turn has definitely ins. weddings are weird — we all had to choose our
woman reigning over Bachelor piqued the interest of Asian so, i spent the wedding sitting with my cous- dinner option months earlier like psychics, a dJ
Nation marks a significant mo- Americans who don't typically ins, and one cousin sat at the table with my is telling us when we’re allowed to dance like it’s
disNeY viA AP
ment for the reality tv dating watch “Bachelor” programming, daughter and sister and my sister’s kids. i was the “Footloose” town, and sometimes cake is
behemoth. Historically, fewer Jenn Tran, a contestant on however. the star herself says shocked and hurt, and have never received an ex- smashed in faces.
roses on “the Bachelor” and ABC’s “The Bachelor.” her mother has only watched planation from the bride and groom for this ex- decide to let the weirdness stay in the past.
“the Bachelorette” have gone to vietnamese reality tv shows. tremely hurtful slight.
contestants of color. the roses fully. tran isn't sure how her parent At this point, i have never discussed it with Q. We’re hoping you can advise on which would
that were handed out often “there is a small scene in the will react to whatever makes it them. i found out my sister-in-law discussed it be the best behavior during bridal/baby/etc.
came with plenty of thorns, in- beginning in my intro package to air — but her mother wasn't with them about a year ago. so, they know i’m shower games, when i am (humbly) very good at
cluding racist social media com- where i talk to my family about shy during filming, which tran very hurt by this slight, and neither have said winning everything.
mentary. leaving as a bachelorette and thinks will make for good tv. anything to me about it. While some of these fun competitions are
tran’s season doesn’t debut there they cooked a big, big viet- “there are some concerns do i bring it up to them at this point? it still chance, many require knowledge and skill, and i
on ABc until Monday, but it’s al- namese meal,” tran says. “i hope and things that she brought up hurts my heart when i think about it, and once could take all the prizes, but after winning the
ready received some criticism ... i’m exposing people to some- because of our vietnamese cul- and for all, i would like to understand why they first round, i defer my next win to someone else,
for having few suitors of Asian thing that’s different than them. ture. so that’s something that would do that to me and my husband. and let them take the loot, honor, and glory.
descent. still, tran — who made And so that can incite change i’m excited for people to learn seAtiNG ArrANGeMeNt sometimes, i busy myself with helping the host-
it to the final six in the last and that can incite acceptance about,” tran says. “she really estrANGeMeNt ess, and avoid playing altogether.
“Bachelor” season starring Joey into people.” was just trying to wrap her head A. it’s amazing how much turmoil a name card My girls, and sister, are divided on the issue.
Graziadei — is embracing her Non-white contestants and around it all.” on top of a plate at a family wedding can cause. some say set the bar high, and don’t hide my
unconventional search for love leads, including Black trailblaz- Only a few of the 25 men vy- i’m certain that thousands of years in the future, skills. Others think that i should just let the oth-
as an opportunity to share her ers rachel Lindsay and Matt ing for her affections appear to we’ll still be sorting out seating arrangement ers have the fun.
bicultural upbringing. James, have historically been be of Asian descent, and only strife. (Well, we won’t, but various proprietary Ai What do you think?
“My mom and i speak a lot of met with hostility from the ma- one is vietnamese American. bots will be squabbling about it in perpetuity.) GOLd MedAL BABY BiNGO
vietnamese together. And i can’t jority-white Bachelor Nation au- the franchise’s dearth of Asian even the happiest weddings can lead to stress- A. ABBA may have crooned “the winner takes it
wait for people to see that. that’s dience. Longtime host chris men has been an ongoing gripe: ful moments for all involved. And the seating as- all,” but in the immortal words of Kenny rogers
not something that people have Harrison left the franchise in the “Bachelor” universe, which signments sometimes call to mind that age-old in “the Gambler,” “You’ve got to know when to
seen before,” tran says. 2021, under fire over his han- debuted in 2002, didn’t have an determinant of social standing: the cafeteria ta- hold ’em, know when to fold ’em, know when to
“the Bachelor” has been a dling of a racism controversy in Asian contestant until the 2016 ble. walk away, and know when to run.”
mixed bag when it comes to an interview with Lindsay. ra- season of “the Bachelorette.” When we don’t get placed where we think we if there were showcase showdown-style priz-
showcasing Asian cultures. in chel Nance, who is Filipino and in a wide-ranging interview ought to get placed, it can hurt or confuse, as it es being given out at these showers, i’d say run
2019, “Bachelor” lead colton Black and outlasted tran on Gra- last month with the Los Angeles has with you. But, you weren’t banished to the up the score. Go home triumphant! But no-stakes
Underwood went on a group ziadei’s season, tearfully re- times, the showrunners who corner table of the proverbial cafeteria. You were fun-and-games stops being fun when no one else
date over singaporean street counted in March getting “hun- took over from creator Mike still with family. has a chance to win.
food. the mostly white contes- dreds” of dMs and comments Fleiss last year addressed the it could have simply been a matter of physical i think your strategy for self-selecting out of
tants made gagging noises and using racial slurs for both Black franchise’s troubling history logistics — you and your husband were a party of game play is right (and generous) here. Knowing
colton, who is also white, made and Asian people. (some viewers with race. two and it sounds like your cousin was a party of that you can take it all is prize enough, anyway.
a toast “to weird food.” the out- were disappointed that host Jes- they acknowledged falling one. Maybe there was only space for an addition- You and i (and Kenny rogers) will always know
ing drew some backlash. se Palmer did not call it racism short in responding to concerns al member at the big tables and the bride and who the real winner is.
tran, whose season has al- but instead asked viewers to of the few non-white leads and groom thought you’d enjoy catching up with
ready completed filming, as- temper their “strong opinions.”) online bullying, and acknowl- cousins. Maybe the name cards were mistakenly
sures that the show has handled tran hasn't been immune to edged tran should have had switched. R. Eric Thomas can be reached at
her vietnamese identity respect- the same treatment. she gets more Asian suitors. You can certainly clarify this point with your

Monday July 8, 2024 Movies Sports News Specials

7 pm 7:30 8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 7 pm 7:30 8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30
2 WGBH Context R. Steves Antiques Roadshow Great American POV "Is There Anybody Out Aman- BASIC CABLE
PBS "Home Baked" (N) There?" (N) pour (N) A&E First 48 "Killer Rage; Intervention "Tommy & Melly" (N) The First 48 "End (:05) The First 48
4 WBZ Wheel of Jeopardy! Neighbor Neighbor NCIS "All or NCIS "Divided We News (N) (:35) A Killer at the Door" Game" "The Break"
CBS Fortune (N) Nothing" Conquer" Colbert AMC +++ Tombstone ('93) Val Kilmer, Michael Biehn, Kurt Russell. +++ The Departed ('06)
5 WCVB News (N) Chronicle The Bachelorette Jenn Tran meets the 25 9-1-1 NewsCe- (:35) J. Animal Planet Afraid "Cry for Me, Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Afraid "Beauty and Naked and Afraid
ABC suitors vying for her affections. (N) (SP) nter 5 (N) Kimmel Argentina" "Blood and Money" the Beasties" "Broke Back Jungle"
6 WLNE ABC Hollywood Inside Ed. The Bachelorette (N) (SP) 9-1-1 ABC6Ne.. J.Kimmel BBC America Law "Black Tie" Law "Pride and Joy" Law "Apocrypha" My Life (N) A Few Good Men
7 WHDH Inside Ed. Extra (N) Family Family 7 News at 9PM (N) 7 News at 10PM (N) 7 News at (:35) BET Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor The Temptations
(N) Feud Feud 11PM (N) Inside Ed.
9 WMUR ABC Chronicle News (N) The Bachelorette (N) (SP) 9-1-1 News (N) J.Kimmel Bravo Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Mediterranean Below Deck Million
10 NBC Boston Boston Holly- Ninja Warrior Password Johnny The Wall "Larry and Boston (:35) J. "Greeking Havoc" Mediterranean (N) "Running Aft-er Time" (N) Mediterranean Dollar LA
News (N) wood (N) Qualifiers 7 (N) Knoxville Lauren" (N) News (N) Fallon (N) Mom Mom Reba Reba Reba Reba Mama's Mama's Mama's Mama's
10 WJAR News (N) Extra (N) Ninja Warrior Password Johnny The Wall "Larry and News (N) (:35) J. CNN OutFront (N) (Live) Cooper 360 (N) The Source With (N) CNN (N) (Live) Laura (N) (Live)
NBC (Live) Qualifiers 7 (N) Knoxville Lauren" (N) (Live) Fallon (N)
Comedy Central The The The The The The The The The Daily Show (N)
11 WENH Rosendo R. Steves Antiques Roadshow Great American POV "Is There Anybody Out Aman- Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office
PBS "Home Baked" (N) There?" (N) pour (N) (4:30) U.S. House (N) (Live) Public Affairs Events
12 WPRI Wheel of Jeopardy! Neighbor Neighbor NCIS "All or NCIS "Divided We 12 News (:35)
CSPAN2 (3:00) US Senate (N) Public Affairs Events
CBS Fortune (N) Nothing" Conquer" at 11 (N) Colbert
Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach
Dest. America
25 WFXT ET (N) TMZ (N) Name That Tune The 1% Club "Tick, Boston 25 News at News (N) (:35) Jaws vs. Leviathan Big Shark (N) Shark Frenzy (N) Great White (N) Belly of the
FOX Tick, Money" (N) 10PM (N) (Live) (Live) News (N)
Discovery Life Family by the Ton My 600-Lb "Geno and Nico's Journey" My 600-Lb. Life "Latonya's Journey"
27 WUNI Rosa "Un deseo del Golpe de suerte (N) El amor no tiene Noticias SaborDe/
Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam E! News Sex-City
corazón" (N) receta (N) Univisión (:35) Noti.. E!
Encore (6:50) +++ Pride & Prejudice ('05) Serpent (:50) Serpent (N) (:45) + Law Abiding Citizen
36 WSBE R. Steves Week- Nature Dynamic Planet Puppy School PBS News Hour
ends "Fire" Food Beat Beat Beat Beat BBQ Brawl "Howdy Again, Beat Bobby's "Titans vs
PBS Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby Texas!" (N) (P) Bobby Rashida Holmes"
38 WSBK Big Bang Big Bang WBZ News 8p (N) News (N) Daytime 48 Hours "Trail of Big Bang Seinfeld
Jeopardy Tears" (N) Fox News Ingraham (N) (Live) Jesse (N) (Live) Hannity (N) (Live) Gutfeld! (N) Fox News (N) (Live)
Freeform (5:10) National Trea... (:20) ++ National Treasure: Book of Secrets ('07) The 700 Club
44 WGBX Test Antiques Midsomer Murders The Diplomat Miss Scarlet "The PBS News Hour (N)
Parkers Parkers Parkers Parkers Malcolm Malcolm Malcolm Malcolm Malcolm Malcolm
PBS Kitchen Jewel of the North" FUSE
FX (4:30) Armageddon ++ The Mummy ('99) Brendan Fraser. ++ The Mummy Returns ('01)
50 WWJE The Last 24 The Last 24 The Last 24 The Last 24 Dateline
FXM (5:40) King's Man (:20) +++ The Last Duel ('21) Adam Driver, Jodie Comer, Matt Damon. Movie
56 WLVI Young Young All American "I Do American "Ready or 7 News at 10PM on Modern Modern
CW Sheldon Sheldon (Part I)" (N) Not" (N) (SP) CW56 (N) Family Family Hallmark A Royal Queens Christmas ('21) My Norwegian Holiday ('23) A Maple Valley Chri...
64 WNAC Family Family Name That Tune The 1% Club "Tick, 12 News on Fox Pr Seinfeld Seinfeld Hallmark Myst. Crossword Mysteries "Riddle Me Dead" The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango Murder, She Wrote
FOX Feud Feud Tick, Money" (N) (N) HGTV Dream Dream Dream Dream Battle on "Fishing Hunters Hunters House House
Home Home Home Home for More Time" (N) (N) (N) Hunters Hunters
68 WBPX FBI "Sins of the FBI "Sisterhood" FBI "Privilege" FBI "Torn" FBI "God Complex"
ION Past" History History's Greatest History's Greatest History's Greatest (:05) Holy Marvels- (:05) Holy Marvels-
PREMIUM CABLE Mysteries Mysteries Mysteries (N) Quaid (N) Quaid "Holy Riches"
Cinemax (6:15) How to Talk ++ Life After Beth ('14) Dane +++ The Foot Fist (:55) Slice ('18) Chance the HLN Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic
to Girls at Parties DeHaan, Aubrey Plaza. Way ('06) Rapper, Rae Gray, Zazie Beetz. HSN Chaco (N) Footwear (N) Adam's (N) Adam's (N) Adam's (N)
Flix (5:35) +++ We ++ Deep Impact ('98) Tea Leoni, Elijah (:05) +++ Joy Ride ('01) Paul (:45) ID People "Groene People "The Deadly In. "Control, Bodies "An Ocean Deadly Influence
Were Soldiers ('02) Wood, Robert Duvall. Walker, Steve Zahn. Martha ... Family Massacre" Hollywood Ripper" Alt, Delete" (N) of Secrets" (N) (P) "TikTok Terror"
HBO (5:35) +++ Batman House of the +++ The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers ('02) Ian IFC Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond
Begins ('05) Dragon McKellen, Liv Tyler, Elijah Wood. (P) Lifetime Castle Gypsy Rose Gypsy Rose (N) (:05) NeNe (:35) NeNe Parents Parents
HBO 2 Real Time With Bill ++ Into the Blue ('05) Jessica (:55) Into the Blue 2: The Reef ('09) Laura +++ LMN (6:00) Bad Nanny Nanny Dearest ('23) Kayleigh Ruller. Beware the Night Nurse ('23)
Maher Alba, Scott Caan, Paul Walker. Vandervoort, Chris Carmack. Everest MAGN Maine Maine Cabin Maine Cabin (N) Maine Maine
Paramount-Sho (:15) ++ The Contractor ('22) Ben Foster, Mayor of Kingstown +++ The Wolf of Wall Street ('13) Jonah MSNBC ReidOut (N) (Live) Jen Psaki (N) (Live) R. Maddow (N) Last Word (N) (Live) 11th Hour (N) (Live)
Gillian Jacobs, Chris Pine. "Ecotone" (N) Hill, Margot Robbie, Leonardo DiCaprio. Catfish +++ The Other Guys ('10) Will Ferrell. + Baywatch ('17) The Rock.
Showtime 2 ++ Allied ('16) Marion Cotillard, Jared (:05) +++ World War Z ('13) Mireille Out of Darkness National Camo Sharks Sharkcano: Hawaii When Sharks Attack When Sharks Attack Sharkcano: Hawaii
Harris, Brad Pitt. Enos, James Badge Dale, Brad Pitt. ('22) 360 (N) 360 (N)
Starz! Power Book II: Down Down +++ Avengers: Age of Ultron ('15) Chris (:25) The NatGeoWild Conquistadors (N) Conquistadors (N) Conquistadors (N) Conquistadors (N) Conquistadors (N)
Ghost "Episode 5" Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr.. Rundown
NECN necn NOW (N) Dateline Dateline HUBToday OpenHou.. 1st Look Rescue
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TV-MA Mature audience only Additional symbols: D Suggestive dialogue; FV Fantasy violence; L Strong language; S Sexual activity; V Violence; HD High-Definition; (CC) Close-Captioned

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