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few-fewer--fewest +可数复数

a few

a little

the number of+可数复数 “···的数量”

a large number of .... =many 很多···

the amount of +不可数名词 “···的数量”

a large amount of....= much 很多···

Line graph+diagram

bar chart; pie chart; table; map

Introduction The bar chart gives information on the proportions of
owned and rented England and Wales accommodation
from 1918 to 2011.
Overview Overall, it is apparent that owning and renting showed
opposite trends during the given period, with a sharp
increase in ownership and a considerable decrease in
the percentage of renters. In the second half of the
period, the proportion of ownership significantly
overtook that of renting.

Details 1 To begin with, the percentages of households rentals

were always higher/larger than those of ownership
from 1918 to 1961. In 1918, while household ownership
stood at/ was around 23%, rentals were nearly 77%.
From that point, there was a steady growth in owning
and decline in renting accommodations. To illustrate,
ownership rose from 30% to around 42% and rentals fell
from 68% to about 59% between 1939 and 1961.
However, both the percentage of owning and renting
reached to 50% in 1971.
Details 2
In comparison, //To contrast, the proportions
households rentals were always lower/smaller than
those of ownership from 1981 to 2011. The number of
households owning their homes continued to grow
between 60% and 70%, reaching to its peak in 2001,
which accounted for approximately 69%. Meanwhile,
the percentage of households rented their homes
gradually decreased from 40% to its lowest point of just
30% in 2001 before increasing slightly to about 35% in


The bar chart illustrates the percentage of households in England and

Wales that owned or leased homes from 1918 to 2011.

Previously, residents often favoured renting over owning homes. With

time, however, this pattern/trend shifted as more people began
choosing to buy houses rather than rent them.

Only roughly 23% of families in England and Wales lived in their own
home in 1918, compared to approximately 78 percent of homes that
were leased. However, this significant difference continued to steadily
decrease over time, and in 1971, the percentages of homeowners and
renters were equal at 50% each.

On the other hand, the ratio of home ownership to tenancy underwent

a reversal trend after 1971; the proportion of households in owned
housing kept increasing while that in leased housing remained
dropping. However, in the last year, 2011, the share of leased families
began to rise once again, while owned homes started to show signs of
The bar graph Compares residents of five cities in Australia according to
their tea and Coffee drinking habits over a 4-week period.

Overall, the percentage of residents who visited cafes and bought

instant coffee was the most prevalent. However, fresh coffee purchases
were the least.

In terms of cafe visits, more than 60% of residents visited cafes in

Melbourne, Hobart, and Sydney. The figure for Brisbane was just over 55
%, whereas 50% of people in Adelaide went to a cafe and purchased
instant coffee. The percentage of people who consumed instant coffee
was highest in Hobart (54%) and Brisbane (48%), followed by Melbourne
(48%) and Sydney (46%).

Turning to fresh coffee purchases, more than 40% of customers bought

fresh coffee in Sydney (44%) and Melbourne. (43%),Hobart was the next
highest at 38%, while the proportion of customers who consumed fresh
coffee was almost around 34% in Brisbane and Adelaide.
,standing between 45% and 54%.
, accounting for around 50%.
, between 45% and 54% in all three cities.
, taking up roughly 50% in all three cities.

Introduction The bar chart illustrates the percentages of drinking

habits related to coffee or tea over the last 4 weeks in
five Australian cities: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane,
Adelaide and Hobart.
Overview Overall, it is apparent that drinking coffee or tea in a
cafe is a more common/popular habit in all cities than
those buying instant coffee, except for Adelaide. In
addition, the percentages of residents buying instant
coffee were always the lowest in all five cities.

Details 1 In terms of Sydney and Melbourne, the percentage of

people in Sydney who preferred cafes for tea or coffee
was approximately 61%, while in Melbourne, this
figure was slightly higher, at around 63%. Meanwhile,
over 45% of the population in both Sydney and
Melbourne had a habit of buying instant coffee, with
the proportions of those purchasing fresh coffee being
around 44% and 43% in these respective cities.

go to= prefer to do= choose to do
drink/eat= consume

Details 2 Moving onto the remaining cities, the practice of

having coffee or tea at a cafe was most prevalent in
Hobart, followed by Brisbane and Adelaide, at roughly
51% and 49%, respectively. Additionally,
approximately 53% of individuals in Brisbane and
Hobart opted for instant coffee, compared to nearly
50% in Adelaide. Lastly, there is a notable similarity in
the percentages of people buying fresh coffee in
Brisbane and Adelaide, which were both around 34%,
while Hobart's figure was slightly higher, at
approximately 38%.

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