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Journal Middle East and Islamic Studies

Volume 10 Article 6
Number 1 MEIS Vol 10 No 1 January-June 2023


The Concept of Hadith, Meaning, and Position of Hadith,

Implementation and Comparison in Hadith Learning Application:
Hadith Encyclopedia and Hadith Collection
Nurul Anggraeni Shinta Ilahi
Universitas Indonesia,

Nurwahidin Nurwahidin
University of Indonesia,

Mohammad Izdiyan
Universitas Indonesia,

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Recommended Citation
Shinta Ilahi, Nurul Anggraeni; Nurwahidin, Nurwahidin; and Izdiyan, Mohammad (2023) "The Concept of
Hadith, Meaning, and Position of Hadith, Implementation and Comparison in Hadith Learning Application:
Hadith Encyclopedia and Hadith Collection," Journal Middle East and Islamic Studies: Vol. 10: No. 1,
Article 6.
DOI: 10.7454/meis.v10i1.160
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Shinta Ilahi et al.: The Concept of Hadith, Meaning, and Position of Hadith, Implement



Nurul Anggraeni Shinta Ilahi1, Nurwahidin2, Mohammad Izdiyan Muttaqin3

School of Strategic and Global Studies University of Indonesia


The rapid development of information and communication technology has added new perspectives
to research on the concept of hadith, the meaning and position of hadith, which can also be seen
as an effort to improve, enforce, and preserve hadith among the Muslim community in the online
realm. The results of this study identified two specific mobile applications, namely the Hadith
Encyclopaedia and the Hadith Collection. This research aims to test several mobile applications
that can be used to speed up the learning process and show how simple the verification and
authentication of a hadith is in modern times. Hadith data in both applications is collected
quantitatively. This study finds that several hadith verification features are continuously being
improved on these two mobile applications, including source text, hadith standings, Sanad, and
daily hadith features. All the features are advantageous to learn hadith practically.

Keywords: Hadith, Mobile App, Comparison, Learning Media

INTRODUCTION concept of hadith, its meaning, position in

Islamic scholarship, and the implementation
The concept of hadith, the sayings, and
and comparison of hadith learning
actions of the Prophet Muhammad, serving as
applications with a focus on Hadith
a primary source of religious guidance and
Encyclopedia and Hadith Collection.
understanding. Over centuries, scholars have
diligently studied, compiled, and Living human life requires various kinds
authenticated these traditions, allowing of knowledge, and there are two kinds of
Muslims worldwide to access the wisdom knowledge sources: Naqli and Aqli. Naqli is
and teachings of the Prophet. a pillar of most of the knowledge needed in
the afterlife in the world. Hadith, the deeds,
In recent times, advancements in
and agreements of the Prophet, later became
technology have opened new avenues for the
Islam's second source of teachings.(Julaiha &
dissemination and study of hadith. This
Abdul Wahid, 2018)
research delves into the exploration of the

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Journal Middle East and Islamic Studies, Vol. 10, No. 1 [2023], Art. 6

In the past study, it was explained that in Always consistently studying the Al-
the quotations and dissemination of hadiths Quran and Hadith is a challenge for Muslims
that are ongoing in this modern era, it is today. No doubt, so many things can distract
known that it is difficult for people to people from studying in their daily life, such
distinguish the truth of the hadith because as social media, which continues to grow and
several hadith quotes do not include the name can lead to dependence on always opening it
or source of the hadith. (Sidi et al., 2016) This every day. A previous research result is that
will be a problem and a challenge to develop humans are perfect creatures created with
more comprehensive dissemination of hadith morals and intelligence. They are the most
information. perfect of the various creatures created by
Allah SWT.(Qiptiyah, 2020) With human
Allah has allowed this knowledge to be
intelligence, studying Hadith can become a
conveyed and guarded by experts. In the
routine habit in using this intelligence so that
Quran, they are called mufassir and keepers
people always remember how beautiful the
of the Prophet's hadith, and their knowledge
Prophet Muhammad is as the best human
is called hadith experts. The Companions of
being on this earth.
the Prophet, then tabiin and tabiut tabiin paid
great attention to preserving the hadiths of the Regarding the dissemination of
Prophet, including those about his narrators information in the science of communication,
from each generation, because they had a previous research explained that
significant influence on Islam. communication is a process of statements
(Abdurrahman Lc, 2015) Therefore, it is between people or transmission of messages
appropriate that the invitation of the pious from communicators to communicants.
always to follow the Prophet's way of life and These information messages play an essential
behaviours applied and heeded as the word of role in the dissemination of information.
Allah: (Hannase, 2017) The collection of hadiths
contained in mobile applications is one form
of communication science application in the
“You have had in the messenger of God a field of computer programming information
good model.” (Al-Ahzab: 21) systems. Where existing information is
processed in such a way, grouped, and made
DOI: 10.7454/meis.v10i1.160 2
Shinta Ilahi et al.: The Concept of Hadith, Meaning, and Position of Hadith, Implement

learning features so that many people can use various countries and companies. The
it. contents of the content presented must be
reviewed first. News and content can spread
Various kinds of hadith learning
quickly. These news users continue to spread
applications on gadgets are a breath of fresh
stories without additional investigation or
air as a wasilah for studying hadith. It is
tabayyun. (Mudrikah, 2021) This can result
hoped that this application is under the truth
in some of the information produced and
of knowledge, both aqli, naqli, and is taken
consumed by the public needing to be
from trusted sources.
adequately managed. (Saefudin et al., 2022)
The extraordinary change in the mobile
In this paper, the author will narrow down
computing environment has opened a new
the applications analyzed to just two
chapter in hadith studies.(Zulkipli et al.,
applications, namely the Hadith
2017). The current development of intelligent
Encyclopaedia and the Hadith Collection
technology in the ICT (Information,
available on the App Store. Combining the
communication, and technology) era, such as
two devices can open the door for the further
smartphones and digital devices, has adopted
use of mobile applications in ergonomic
a new learning style that allows people to
evaluation. (Öhberg et al., 2021) This
study anywhere and anytime.(Binti et al.,
analysis will provide an overview of the
2019) However, the use of hadith texts in
differences between the two and the
digital hadith must be considered because it
development of the spread of hadith in digital
can be accompanied by problems of
media, in this case, mobile applications.
cybercrime attacks that can damage digital
hadith manuscripts. In addition, exposure to
hadith da'if and hadith mawdu' by the public
without restrictions or rules due to faster
virtual world access to hadith material has
created new difficulties for hadith
distribution.(Zulkipli et al., 2021)
The content presented from each
application will vary according to the goals
and needs of application development from

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Journal Middle East and Islamic Studies, Vol. 10, No. 1 [2023], Art. 6

This research begins by conducting an the collected data using appropriate

extensive literature review to understand the qualitative or quantitative analysis
concept of hadith, its historical development, techniques.
classification methodology, and the
The way people are involved in life has
importance of hadith in Islamic scholarship.
evolved with the changing times. The
Analyse scientific works, books, research
individual's move from traditional to digital
papers, and articles discussing the importance
is one of the most apparent changes in the
of hadith, its interpretation, and its role in
activity mode. (Pratama, 2011) Includes
forming Islamic law.
studying hadith, exposure to digital
Then researchers used content-based
information packaged in a mobile application
analysis methods contained in the
certainly requires observation and analysis of
quantitative approach. There are two
the learning content's authenticity, type, and
fundamental qualitative data analyses,
namely content-based analysis, such as
thematic analysis, and interpretive analysis, In Islam learning, the two primary sources
for example, discourse analysis.(Sgier, 2014) of Al-Quran and Hadith are essential.
Formally, every revelation in the Koran was
To explore the concept of hadith, its
revealed during the lifetime of the Prophet
meaning, and its position in Islamic
Muhammad, ensuring the legitimacy and
scholarship, as well as to evaluate and
relevance of the Koranic text.(Kusnadi,
compare the implementation and features of
2018) Unlike the hadith, however, Muslims
hadith learning applications like Hadith
are required to follow the instructions of the
Encyclopedia and Hadith Collection, a
hadith because they are the intended listeners
practical research method can be employed.
or khithab. (Helmy et al., 2021) Therefore,
The author retrieves data from the Hadith this study explains the concept, meaning, and
Encyclopaedia and Hadith Collection position of the hadith through the related
applications, then manages and compares the literature study approach method.
two available features, from the number of
book sources used in both applications,
authenticating hadith, to sharing daily hadiths
with other online platforms. Then Analyze
DOI: 10.7454/meis.v10i1.160 4
Shinta Ilahi et al.: The Concept of Hadith, Meaning, and Position of Hadith, Implement

The main objective of this research is to on various online platforms. The application
contribute to the understanding and of the Hadith can also be used in the concept
utilization of hadith in a digital learning of da'wah for Muslims. A previous study
context, thereby bridging the gap between stated, "The dissemination of hadith content
traditional learning and contemporary from learning media applications to social
technological advancements. By media is considered efficient as a da'wah
investigating the concept of hadith, the facility but must pay close attention to the
research aims to shed light on the profound ethics and norms of social media." (Sumadi,
importance of these traditions in shaping 2016)
Islamic jurisprudence, moral guidance, and
Hadith uses a functionalist approach to
spiritual development.
investigate various ideas, including the idea
Hadith concept of education. Conversely, according to the
world view of Islamic education, education is
Hadith is one of the two most substantial
essential in directing human existence
sources of law in Islam. Hadith has several
because, through education, humans can
synonyms in various settings, such as sunnah,
survive and develop on this planet. (Izzan &
which linguistically refers to rituals, customs,
Saehudin, 2016) Therefore, conceptual
and behavior in everyday life, whether
learning of Hadith is important in cultivating
honorable or not. Even now, the term is only
an understanding of Hadith for a person.
used in a limited sense. One of the primary
criticisms of excommunicative thinking
centers on comparative interpretation. Meaning of Hadith
(Alinejad Omran & Abdollahi, 2021) The Etymologically, Hadith means new, news, or
term "sunnah" is not animism or a product of the opposite of qodim or something earlier,
the ignorance era. Muslims also never refer to and can also be said with the meaning of
"customs of society" in this way. Islam also news. For most scholars, Hadith is all
uses this term. Nevertheless, this attributed to the Prophet, be it in the form of
understanding is explicitly interpreted as a statements, actions, choices, traits witnessed
"rule" of what the Prophet has said. by friends and physicians, or personal traits
or personality. Sources of Hadith include the
Textually and contextually can be studied
directly in educational agendas or indirectly

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Journal Middle East and Islamic Studies, Vol. 10, No. 1 [2023], Art. 6

Prophet, his companions, and the tabiin. The scholars focused on topics unrelated to the
Word of Allah Ta'ala in the Al-Quran: Prophet to separate them from the hadiths.
Atsar, on the other hand, identified more with
‫ع ٰلى ٰاثَا‬ َ َ‫سك‬ َ ‫فَلَ َعلَّكَ بَا خِ ٌع نَّـ ْف‬ what the Companions said.
‫سفًا‬ ِ ‫ِر ِه ْم ا ِْن لَّ ْم يُؤْ مِ نُ ْوا ِبهٰ ذَا ْال َحـ ِد ْي‬
َ َ‫ث ا‬
Hadith Position
"Then (are) perhaps you will kill yourself
The position of the hadith can be seen from
because of grief after they turn away if they
the hadith sources based on the sanad. In this
do not believe in this hadith."(QS 18 : 6)
case, it is divided into three parts: Marfu
Hadith, Maquf Hadith, and Maqtu Hadith.
ْ ‫َوا َ َّما بِنِ ْع َم ِة َربِكَ فَ َحد‬
Table 1: Position of Hadith based on Sanad
“As for the favors of your Lord: convey!“
(QS Adh-Dhuha:11)

Hadith refers to information about the

Prophet's words, deeds, decisions, qualities,
or character, both before and after the
beginning of his prophethood. Furthermore,
the meaning of sunnah includes "words,
work, decrees, characteristics (mental or
physical character), or the behavior of the
Prophet Muhammad. With this meaning,
The examples of the chain of Sanad at the
according to the majority of Ulama, Sunnah
three positions of the hadith are as follows on
is synonymous with Hadith." Meanwhile,
Table 1. Then The Hadith, based on its
according to the Fuqoha sunnah, "things that
strength, is divided into four, namely:
come from the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi
wasallam both speech and work, but it is not
1. Sahih Hadith
obligatory to do it."
It is a hadith narrated by a trusted narrator
Furthermore, the meaning of khabar is with a good memory using the term dhabith,
news. Therefore, Jumhur Ulama equates which means perfect or strong memory, then
Khabar and Hadith. The first generation of continuous chain, protected from error or
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Shinta Ilahi et al.: The Concept of Hadith, Meaning, and Position of Hadith, Implement

commonly called illat and not awkward or legislator, interpreter of the Qur'an, mutha'
contrary to a more robust history commonly which means a person who must be obeyed
called syadz. In contrast, Shahih Lighairihi and a role model for the behavior of Muslims,
means five conditions - the narrator's are all examples of the faith that Muslims
difficulty is imperfect, and Shahih Lizatihi have in him.
means fulfilling the five conditions listed
The Method of Writing Hadith When the
Prophet Muhammad Lived
2. Hasan Hadith The scholars highlighted how the means to
facilitate access to hadith positions, to
There are two types of hasan hadith, namely,
identify the originality of source, to
lizathi and lighairihi. For Hasan, lizatihi
distinguish sources that only resemble the
fulfills three conditions, so the narrator's
original and vice versa, where this will justify
memory could be more assertive. As for the
otherwise the degree of hadith being accepted
lighairihi hadith, the narrator dhaif was
or rejected.
narrated but was not lying or fasiq.

The period of writing this Hadith for the first

3. Daif Hadith
time, from 13 SH/610 AD to 11 H/632 AD,
This hadith has a degree that does not reach a
has only lasted 23 years. Information
hasan hadith because it does not reach the
provided by Prof. Dr. MM. Azami
degree of Hasan because the credibility of the
demonstrated that the writing of Hadith
narrators is weak & the chain of transmission
began when the Prophet Muhammad was still
is broken. There are differences in several
alive and continued until the next period.
narrations. There are defects in the narration
However, this does not mean that rote-based
that are not visible.
evidence of Hadith or oral transmission of
Hadith is no longer valid.
4. False Hadith.

Some individuals or organizations do not The ability to memorize and write Hadith
agree with the point of view of these fake at that time was not what most people
hadiths. Therefore, they are referred to as believed. This wrong thinking is because of a
Inkar Hadith or Inkar Sunnah. The role of the lack of understanding of the words used by
hadith of the Prophet in Islamic law as a hadith experts. The teaching of Hadith during

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the Prophet's time was carried out in stages, same thing, which can be called verifying
with the center of Islamic da'wah at that time Hadiths.
being carried out secretly, namely the house
Companions of the Prophet from various
of Arqam bin Abdi Manaf in Makkah. They
backgrounds and ages worked hard to collect
called Darul Islam. In addition, it can be
and narrate hadiths, including Aisyah bint
performed in the mosque or at a different
Abu Bakr with 2,210 hadiths, Abu Hurairah
with 5,374 hadiths, Ibn Umar with 2,630

The method of writing the Hadith at the hadiths, Abdullah bin Abbas with 1,660

time of the Prophet's death. hadiths, Anas bin Malik with 2,286 hadiths,
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri has 1,170 hadiths, and
When the Prophet died, the strategy he had
Jabir bin Abdillah has 1,540 hadiths.
devised and followed by his companions was
continued. The dissemination of hadiths by The number of scholars studying hadith

the companions did not only occur in Medina and hadith as riwayah and dirayah sciences

but also the conquering areas as they has increased throughout the Tabiin era,

grew.(Abdul Karim, 2005) Many students which also shows growth in the field of

took notes during the gathering of hadith science. Nowadays, The science of

companions there, but not a few also shared hadith has reached its peak because each

the hadiths obtained only with family or one branch can be used independently and

of the other students. follows the standards set and used by the
experts. It occurred between the second and
Then apart from that, the friends often
third centuries and was marked by several
remember or respond to each other's or the
important events, including the decline of
caliph's questions about the Prophet's Hadith.
Muslim remembrance. In addition, the
Not only a matter of religion thing but also
vastness of space, the passage of time, and the
muamalat. Including it, Companions are
ever-increasing number of narrators have all
pretty picky about what Hadith they receive
contributed to the length and ramifications of
from other companions. Some of them will
the hadith sanad.
not receive it until they take an oath to tell the
truth, or other companions may convey the Abu Bakr bin Muhammad bin Hazm, Ibn
Shihab al-Zuhri, and other experts in their
respective fields were ordered to record
DOI: 10.7454/meis.v10i1.160 8
Shinta Ilahi et al.: The Concept of Hadith, Meaning, and Position of Hadith, Implement

hadiths by Umar bin Abdul Aziz during the made in Islam during the first century.
Umayyad era. The Jami' and Mushannaf Second, there is almost zero possibility of
books were the only hadith collections that convincing hadiths to be authenticated based
existed then. These books include Mushannaf on the Prophet Muhammad or generations of
Abdurrazzaq (died 211 H), Jami' Ma'mar bin companions. Third, determining the
Rasyid (died 154), Jami' Sufyan al-Tsauri authenticity of a hadith requires not only
(died 161), Jami' Sufyan bin Uyainah (died studying the hadith chain but also criticizing
198H), and Jami' Sufyan bin Uyainah (died the text of the Hadith.
211 H).
For several reasons, Goldziher became
The requirements for going through the suspicious of the Prophet's Hadith. Among
hadith authentication process are as follows: them is the non-inclusion of later collections
Continuous transmission, fair nature of the of Hadith into written sources, the term isnad
narrators, narrators who have a strong to mean oral rather than written narrative, the
memory, are not ambiguous, and have no illat existence of contradictory hadiths, and
or defects in the hadith. Moreover, the hadiths included in later collections of
approach outlined by al-Shafi'i in later times, hadiths that are not included in earlier
designed to demonstrate the value of collections of hadith.
unverified reports, seems to theoretically be
the way of the future.(Melchert, 2020) There is also the opinion of other
orientalists, namely Joseph Schacht, a figure
Interpretation of Hadith by Orientalists who was born in Poland and became a British
There are so many attacks on the citizen in 1947. Schacht received his
understanding of Hadith, so at this time, a doctorate in 1923 at the age of 21 years. The
dedicated platform is needed to maintain main ideas are, first, to define sunnah as an
originality and convey a comprehensive ancient Arabic concept that is reapplied as
understanding of Hadith so that there is no one of the centers of Islamic thought.
mistake in interpreting the Hadith. The study
Initially born in simple usage, Sanad
of Goldziher's thought (Ecevit et al., n.d.)
Hadith developed and reached its complete
found in related literacy, among other things,
form in the second and third periods of the
firstly that Hadith is only a record of
Hijra. Finally, the perfect Sanad hadith
religious, historical, and social advances

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Journal Middle East and Islamic Studies, Vol. 10, No. 1 [2023], Art. 6

reached the Prophet with complete developed by Muslim application developers

confidence from the narrators, correcting the who work in it.
understanding that might be wrong. In
This application can be used on
essence, this effort is a record of returning or
smartphones, besides being able to be
transferring the hadith sanad to previous
downloaded or available on the App Store
narrators by hadith experts and jurists, which
and Play Store. The Hadith Encyclopedia
can be said to be a projection of opinions into
application can also be used in a web browser
figures or hadith numbers.
with the URL address:

Hadith Encyclopedia Although the main view is slightly different

on the web page, this application has a simple
Hadith Encyclopedia is a mobile application
appearance shown in Figure 1. By displaying
that contains a compilation of hadiths of 9
the original book cover, users are as if they
books. Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan
are selecting a book in the library.
Abu Daud Sunan Tirmidzi, Sunan Nasa'I,
Sunan Ibn Majah, Musnad Ahmad, Muwatha' Each book image can be selected to search for

Malik, and Sunan Darimi complete with a the contents of the hadith, along with the

collection of hadiths related to the Qur'an, explanations contained in the book. The user

Qudsi, and Mutawatir. One of the books in has visual knowledge to remember what kind

this application, Sahih Bukhari Muslim, is a of book the user will read to find the source

collection of hadiths narrated by Imam of the status of a hadith.

Bukhari and Muslim, which the scholars later Figure 1. Main Display of Hadith
accepted as the most authentic Encyclopedia on The Web
collection. (Hussein Bahreisy, 1981)

With the translation in Indonesian and the

degree of hadith authenticity, it will be easier
to study hadith as the second source of
Islamic law after the Qur'an. The application
is the official version of Lidwa Pusaka as the
owner of the 9 Imam Encyclopedia of Hadith
applications. However, of course, it was
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Shinta Ilahi et al.: The Concept of Hadith, Meaning, and Position of Hadith, Implement

In the main view of the mobile application, as this Hadith Encyclopedia Application. At a
shown in Figure 2, all features are not cost: 12 months Android PRO of Rp.
immediately visible, but users can scroll up 149,000, 12 months iOS PRO of Rp. 189,000,
on the screen to get other features. PRO Windows 12 months IDR 149,000. It
will be fee is part of the campaign as an
Figure 2. Main View of the Hadith
invitation for Muslims to support the
Encyclopedia on the Mobile Application
development of applications that provide
hadith learning in today's modern times. One
History of the advantages that will be obtained
Hadith besides helping application development is
that users are not disturbed by advertisements
View that will appear in this application.
more 9
books. Hadith Collection

Hadith Collection is an application

containing a collection of hadiths of the
Menu Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa
Sallam, an all-in-one hadith collection as the
This application contains 62,000 hadiths
ultimate collection containing 41000+
from 9 famous books. There are highlights,
hadiths from the Fourteen most accepted and
notes, shares, and copies of hadiths. Related
Authentic hadith Books.
Hadith complete with degrees, complete
In the Main View, User can immediately
narrator info with statistics, collection of
see the entire selection of hadith collection
Hadith Qudsi, mutawatir, search for text,
books with the initial logo image of each
numbers from various numbers. Suppose
book. Moreover, the menu bar has a search
Imam Bukhari sacrificed traveling hundreds
feature, bookmarks, and daily Hadith. In this
of KM to get one Hadith. Today's Muslims
application, we can find out whether the level
only need to prepare hundreds of MB on their
of Hadith is Sahih, Hasan daif, or others
mobile devices for 62,000+ Hadith.
decided by prominent Muhaddith, a powerful
Application users can also participate as search to find Hadith using any word
#HadithWarriors using the PRO version of

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Journal Middle East and Islamic Studies, Vol. 10, No. 1 [2023], Art. 6

Figure 3. Main Display of the Hadith Table 2: Comparison between Hadith

Collection Application Encyclopedia and Hadith Collection

Bar History


Bar Hadith Application Development has
attracted the attention of hadith scholars
Users can also create a library by marking
interested in converting hadith knowledge
hadith collections independently and using
into digital formats due to these
the pin feature to mark what hadiths are being
developments. Users, in this case, are
read. Greentech Apps Foundation developed
Muslims who are now more familiar with the
this application. Users can donate from
hadith of the Prophet because they are more
website pages. Furthermore, there are no paid
adaptable and easier to use. This application
application options or PRO features.
is a contemporary idea that strongly
Difference between Hadith Encyclopedia emphasizes the capacity to enable self-
and Hadith Collection directed learning without the need to move
physical locations. In its primary sense,
The fundamental difference between these
learning can occur anytime, anywhere, and is
two applications is the number of books used
not limited to educational institutions.
as sources for studying a hadith. These
differences are presented in Table 1. In both applications, users can search for
Although there are differences in numbers, hadith from keywords or search from specific
the two applications have the same eight books in the selection list. The results of the
sources of hadith books. verification and authentication process of the
DOI: 10.7454/meis.v10i1.160 12
Shinta Ilahi et al.: The Concept of Hadith, Meaning, and Position of Hadith, Implement

one hadith user are looking for can be Furthermore, mutabaat identifies hadith
understood easily and quickly by the user. narrators by considering their position from
This verification process can be corrected if al-jarh wa al-hadil thinking. Types of hadith
there are errors by emailing the application based on sanad and matan. Moreover, the
developer. Errors can be in the form of typos, hadith mentioned above laws. This
error bugs, or writing errors. explanation is accompanied by a hadith
collection application where he could access
The similarity of the search results for
most of the data he sought.
these two applications is that both have
hadith sources, hadith position numbers in Figure 4. The results of the hadith search
the book, sanad and matan, and hadith law. from the two applications
Meanwhile, the difference lies in the
language. The Hadith collection only uses
English, and the Hadith Encyclopedia can use
Indonesian and English. Therefore, the
number of language choices in an application
should be considered by developers so that
more Muslims worldwide can use the
Figure 5. The full feature of the hadith

The results of the hadith search from these encyclopedia search

two applications are shown in Figure 4.

However, there is also one of the most
striking differences, namely, the search
facility provided by the Hadith Encyclopedia
is more up-to-date because it provides the
primary access to hadith sources, the position
of hadith in the book, and also in chapters,
chains of sanad and matan, the position of
hadith in other novels which allows the user In the hadith encyclopedia, users can

to analyze Syawahid. see comments from scholars on the books in

the application. Furthermore, there is also a

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Journal Middle East and Islamic Studies, Vol. 10, No. 1 [2023], Art. 6

more detailed explanation regarding the people with knowledge from the smallest to
hadith narrators and also a note feature for the highest.” (HR. Bukhari)
each hadith that is selected and wants to be
If the above Hadith is understood
semantically, it means that the process of
After searching, additional features can be moving from basic knowledge to advanced
found in the hadith encyclopedia application, knowledge is based on a noble spirit in
as shown in Figure 5. Whereas in the hadith understanding and realizing life so that it is
collection, there are only bookmarks.In pious, moral, and has a noble personality.
Figure 6. This feature stores and classifies (Izzan & Saehudin, 2016) All the
hadith according to users' learning and conveniences obtained from studying or just
research needs. looking for hadiths on the application remain
a process of transferring knowledge.
Figure 6. Fitur Bookmark of
Therefore, making the application and its use
Hadith Colection
takes seriousness and responsibility.


The Hadith Encyclopaedia has an advantage

in the uniqueness and completeness of the
explanation of a hadith. Meanwhile, the
Hadith Collection has the advantage of
having more books on hadith sources. The
two applications examined in this study have
similarities in the eight hadith sub-books
used. Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan

In a hadith narrated by Bukhari and Ibn Abu Daud, Sunan Tirmidhi, Sunan Nasa'i,

Abbas, which reads as follows: Sunan Ibnu Majah, Muwatha' Malik, and
Musnad Ahmad

There are distinct advantages, such as

“Be you compassionate educators,
Hadith learning facilities, in the two
fiqh experts, and knowledgeable. And it is
applications. However, the authors conclude
called education if someone has educated
DOI: 10.7454/meis.v10i1.160 14
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that these two applications have successfully deeply grateful for the accessibility and
built hadith analysis efforts. The availability of these applications, which have
contributions and efforts made in this enabled Muslims to delve into the profound
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hadith learning in today's modern era. Abdul Karim, K. (2005). Negara Madinah;
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Institutional Education in Malaysia: A
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Literature Review. In JQSS-28 JQSS-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Journal of Quran Sunnah Education
and Special Needs (Vol. 3)
The authors sincerely thank the creators and Ecevit, B., İlahiyat, Ü., & Dergisi, F. (n.d).
developers of the Hadith Encyclopedia and
Hannase, M. (2017). Transmisi Wahyu:
the Hadith Collection for their invaluable Antara Filsafat Takwil Nasr Hamid
contributions to this research. The Hadith Abu Zaid dan Teori “Message
Production” Ilmu Komunikasi.
Encyclopedia, with its comprehensive
Mumtaz, 1(2).
compilation of authentic hadiths, and the Helmy, M. I., Kubro, A. S. J., & Ali, M.
Hadith Collection, with its extensive database (2021). The Understanding of Islamic
Moderation (Wasatiyyah Al-Islam)
of prophetic traditions, have been
and The Hadiths on Inter-religious
instrumental in providing reliable and rich relation in the Javanese Pesantrens.
sources of information for this article. The Indonesian Journal of Islam and
authors, editors, and publishers' dedication to Muslim Societies, 11(2), 377-401.
Hussein Bahreisy. (1981). Himpunan Hadits
producing these resources are greatly Shahih Bukhari.
appreciated. Furthermore, the Author is Ibnu Manzur. (1290). Lisanul Arab.

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