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NAME: Zuha khan (022), M.

Saeed Usmani (008),

Asadullah (023)

COURSE: Entrepreneurship & Leadership

TEACHER: Miss Sania Zafar



Business Title:
Future-Proofing Crop Harvests with AI

April 24, 2024 1

Sugarcane is a vital cash crop in Pakistan, contributing
significantly to the country's economy. However,
sugarcane cultivation in Pakistan faces various
challenges, including diseases that can substantially
impact yield and productivity. Early detection and
timely management of these diseases are crucial for
minimizing crop losses and ensuring sustainable
sugarcane production in the country. The project
"Sugar cane disease detection with outbreak alert
system using machine learning" aims to develop an
intelligent mobile application called "FarmScout,"
tailored for the Pakistani market, enabling accurate
identification of sugarcane diseases and providing
timely alerts to farmers, empowering them to take
proactive measures and mitigate the risk of disease

April 24, 2024 2

 Business Problem:
Sugarcane diseases pose a severe threat to the
Pakistani sugarcane industry, leading to substantial
economic losses for farmers and stakeholders.
Traditional methods of disease detection, such as
manual inspection, are often inadequate and
inefficient, leading to delays in disease management
and rapid disease spread. This problem is compounded
by the lack of access to advanced technologies and
limited resources available to many Pakistani
sugarcane farmers. Therefore, there is a pressing need
for an affordable and reliable mobile application like
FarmScout that can detect sugarcane diseases at an
early stage and alert farmers promptly, enabling them
to take necessary actions to contain outbreaks and
minimize losses.

April 24, 2024 3

 Solution and its Implementation:
The proposed solution is FarmScout, a machine
learning-based mobile application specifically tailored
for the Pakistani market, taking into account the local
disease patterns, environmental conditions, and
farming practices. The app will be trained on a
comprehensive dataset of sugarcane leaf images from
various regions of Pakistan, encompassing different
disease types, severity levels, and environmental
The implementation of FarmScout will involve the
following key components:

Image Acquisition:
Farmers or field workers will capture images of
sugarcane leaves using the FarmScout mobile
application, ensuring accessibility and affordability for
Pakistani farmers.

Disease Detection and Classification:

The machine learning model in FarmScout will be
trained to accurately identify diseases prevalent in
Pakistan, such as red rot, smut, wilt, and leaf scald,
based on the visual patterns and characteristics of the

April 24, 2024 4

Outbreak Alert System:
If a disease outbreak is detected, FarmScout will
generate timely alerts and notifications to farmers and
relevant stakeholders in Pakistan, enabling them to
take immediate action.
Recommendation System: Based on the identified
disease, FarmScout will provide tailored
recommendations for disease management,
considering locally available pesticides, cultural
practices, and preventive measures suitable for
Pakistani farming conditions.
User Interface:
A user-friendly mobile application interface, available
in regional languages, will be developed to ensure ease
of use and accessibility for Pakistani farmers and

April 24, 2024 5

 Vision Statement:
At FarmScout, our vision is to revolutionize agriculture
through innovative technology solutions that empower
farmers, optimize resources, and sustainably feed the
world. We envision a future where every farmer has
access to cutting-edge tools and insights that enable
them to maximize yields, minimize environmental
impact, and thrive in an ever-changing world. With our
unwavering commitment to innovation, sustainability,
and the well-being of farmers across the country.
 Objectives:
1. Develop and deploy SmartTechFarm to 500
sugarcane farms within the next two years.
2. Achieve a 20% reduction in crop losses due to
diseases among sugarcane farmers using our system
within the first year of implementation.
3. Expand our product offerings to include additional
crops, such as corn and wheat, within the next three
4. Establish partnerships with agricultural cooperatives
and government agencies to provide subsidized access
to our technology for smallholder farmers in
developing regions.
5. Achieve a customer satisfaction rating of 90% or
higher based on feedback surveys and reviews.

April 24, 2024 6

Lean Canvas:

 Problem:
o Crop Diseases Threaten Yields: Sugarcane farmers face significant
losses due to the impact of various crop diseases, leading to
reduced yields and economic hardship.
o Lack of Timely Detection: Traditional methods of disease
detection are often time-consuming and unreliable, resulting in
delayed responses and further spread of diseases.
o Limited Access to Expertise: Smallholder farmers, in particular,
lack access to agronomic expertise and resources to effectively
manage crop diseases.

 Customer Segments:
o Large-scale Sugarcane Farms and Research Centers: Commercial
sugarcane farms seeking efficient and cost-effective solutions for
disease management.
o Landlords and Researchers: Owners of the farms and scientists
working on their fields for research lacking access to sophisticated
agricultural technologies and expertise.

 Unique Value Proposition:

o Proactive Disease Management: It enables farmers to proactively
managecrop diseases, minimizing losses.
o Time and Cost Savings: By automating disease detection and
providing timely alerts, farmers save time and resources previously
spent on manual monitoring and reactive measures.
o Empowering Smallholder Farmers: We level the playing field by
providing smallholder farmers with access to advanced technology
and expertise, empowering them.

April 24, 2024 7

 Solution:
o Automatic Disease Detection System.
o Real-Time Alert System.
o Accessible Platform.

 Channels:
o Direct Sales
o Digital Marketing
o Partnerships

 Revenue Streams:
o Subscription Model: Offer subscription plans for access to the
disease detection and alert system, tailored to the needs and scale
of the farming operation.
o Per-Use Fees: Implement a pay-per-use model for additional
features or advanced analytics beyond basic disease detection and

 Cost Structure:
o Technology Development: Invest in research and development to
continuously improve the AI algorithms and platform functionality.
o Infrastructure Costs: Cover expenses related to server hosting, data
storage, and platform maintenance.
o Marketing and Sales: Allocate resources for marketing campaigns,
sales efforts, and customer support.

 Key Metrics:
o Number of Subscribers.
o Accuracy in disease detection.
o Customer satisfaction.

April 24, 2024 8

 Unfair Advantage:
o AI with real-time data analytics.
o Accurate disease detection & resource optimization.
o No other competitive product.

Business Model:

 Value Proposition:
o Innovative agricultural technology solutions
o Increased crop yield and quality
o Reduction in resource usage (water, fertilizers, pesticides)
o Enhanced decision-making for farmers

 Key Activities:
o Research and development of agricultural technology solutions
o Testing and validation of new technologies
o Providing training and support to farmers
o Continuous improvement of products and services

 Key Resources:
o Number of active users/customers
o Revenue growth rate
o Customer satisfaction
o Return on investment
o Market share and penetration

April 24, 2024 9

 Key Partners:
o Agricultural technology providers
o Research institutions
o Farm equipment manufacturers
o Distribution partners

 Cost Structure:
o Research and development expenses
o Manufacturing costs
o Marketing and sales expenses
o Customer support and training costs
o Operational expenses (rent, utilities, transportation, etc.)

 Customer Segments:
o Large-scale commercial farms
o Landlords
o Researchers and scientists
o Agricultural cooperatives
o Government agricultural agencies

 Channels:
o Direct sales force
o Online sales platform
o Distributors and resellers
o Agricultural trade shows and events

April 24, 2024 10

 Customer Relationship:
o Customer support
o Training workshops and seminars
o Online resources and knowledge base
o Feedback mechanisms for continuous improvement

 Revenue Streams:
o Sales of application
o Subscription fees for software services
o Training and consulting fees
o Maintenance and support contracts

 7Ps of Marketing:

1. Product:
FarmScout, the machine learning-based sugarcane
disease detection and outbreak alert mobile
application, tailored for the Pakistani market, offers
accurate disease identification, timely alerts, and
locally relevant recommendations. This includes the
hardware components (cameras, drones, etc.) as well
as the software platform and algorithms that enable
disease detection, analysis, and alert generation.

April 24, 2024 11

2. Price:
The pricing strategy for FarmScout will be designed to
be affordable and accessible for Pakistani sugarcane
farmers, with potential subsidies or partnerships with
government agencies and agricultural organizations.
Pricing considerations for the system would include
factors such as the cost of hardware components,
software development, ongoing maintenance, and
support. Pricing strategies may vary based on factors
such as market positioning, competition, and perceived
value to the customer.

3. Place:
FarmScout will be widely distributed and accessible
through mobile app stores, ensuring widespread
adoption across sugarcane-growing regions in Pakistan.
FarmScout distribution channels may include direct
sales, partnerships with agricultural equipment
suppliers, online platforms, or collaborations with
agricultural cooperatives.

April 24, 2024 12

4. Promotion:
Marketing efforts for FarmScout will include
collaboration with local agricultural extension services,
partnering with sugarcane industry associations in
Pakistan, conducting farmer awareness campaigns, and
leveraging local media channels. This may include
advertising campaigns, participation in agricultural
trade shows and events, digital marketing efforts, and
educational materials aimed at demonstrating the
value and benefits of the system to farmers.

5. People:
A team with expertise in Pakistani agricultural
practices, local disease patterns, and cultural contexts
will be involved in the development and deployment of
FarmScout, ensuring relevance and acceptance among
Pakistani farmers. It including sales representatives,
customer support staff, software developers,
agronomists, and researchers. Ensuring a
knowledgeable and responsive team is essential for
building trust and providing excellent service to

April 24, 2024 13

6. Process:
The process will involve continuous data collection
from various regions of Pakistan, model training, app
updates, and integration with local weather and
agricultural data sources to ensure accurate and up-to-
date disease detection and recommendations in
FarmScout. This includes the process of installing and
setting up the system on farms, training farmers on
how to use it effectively, providing ongoing technical
support, and continuously updating the software with
new features and improvements.
7. Physical Evidence:
Demonstrations, case studies, and testimonials from
successful implementations of FarmScout with
Pakistani sugarcane farmers will be used as physical
evidence to showcase the app's effectiveness and build
trust among potential customers. This may also include
case studies, testimonials, or data demonstrating the
system's effectiveness in detecting and managing
sugarcane crop diseases.

April 24, 2024 14

In conclusion, the application of the 7 Ps framework to
the marketing strategy of FarmScout underscores the
comprehensive approach required to successfully
introduce and promote a sophisticated agricultural
technology solution. By focusing on the product itself,
ensuring competitive pricing, selecting appropriate
distribution channels, and implementing effective
promotional strategies, we can raise awareness and
generate interest among our target audience of crop
fields owners and researchers. Moreover, the
emphasis on people, process, and physical evidence
highlights the importance of delivering a seamless
customer experience, from the initial installation and
training to ongoing support and updates. By investing
in a knowledgeable and responsive team, streamlining
processes, and providing compelling physical evidence
of the system's effectiveness, we can build trust and
credibility with our customers. By leveraging these
principles, we are poised to drive adoption of the
Automatic Sugarcane Crop Disease Detection and Alert
System, empowering farmers to optimize crop
management, increase yields, and promote sustainable
agricultural practices.

April 24, 2024 15

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