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 NAME: Asadullah

 E-NO: 4-23/F2020/023

 COURSE: Intro. To S.E

 PROGRAM: BS Data Science


 TEACHER: Sir Aamir


Question No 1:
Write a note on the levels of Software testing.


Software testing involves verifying and validating that a software application or

system meets specified requirements and works as expected. There are several
levels of software testing, each focusing on different aspects of the software's
functionality and performance. Here's an overview of the commonly recognized
levels of software testing:

1. Unit Testing:
Unit testing is the lowest level of testing and focuses on testing individual units or
components of the software in isolation.
It is typically performed by developers during the development phase.
The purpose of unit testing is to ensure that each unit functions correctly as per its
design and requirements.
Automated testing frameworks are often used to execute unit tests and verify the
behavior of individual code units.
2. Integration Testing:
Integration testing verifies the interactions between different units or components of
the software when they are combined and tested as a group.
It ensures that the units work together as intended and that integration points are
functioning correctly.
Integration testing can be performed at different levels, including module-level
integration, subsystem integration, and system integration.
The focus is on detecting interface defects, data flow issues, and compatibility
problems between integrated components.
3. System Testing:
System testing evaluates the behavior of the entire software system as a whole,
including its functionality, performance, and reliability.
It verifies that the system meets the specified requirements and performs its
intended functions in different operating environments.
System testing includes various types of testing, such as functional testing, usability
testing, performance testing, security testing, and compatibility testing.
The goal is to identify defects and deficiencies in the software system before it is
deployed to end-users

4. Acceptance Testing:
Acceptance testing validates whether the software meets the acceptance criteria
and satisfies the requirements of stakeholders, including customers, end-users, and
business users.
It is typically the final stage of testing before the software is released to production.
Acceptance testing can be conducted in various forms, such as user acceptance
testing (UAT), alpha testing, and beta testing.
The focus is on ensuring that the software meets business objectives, user needs,
and regulatory requirements.
5. Regression Testing:
Regression testing verifies that recent changes or enhancements to the software
have not adversely affected existing functionality.
It involves retesting previously tested features to ensure that they still work as
expected after modifications or updates.
Regression testing can be automated to streamline the testing process and ensure
comprehensive coverage of affected areas.
The goal is to maintain the stability and reliability of the software across multiple
iterations and releases.

These levels of software testing work together to ensure the quality, reliability, and
performance of software applications and systems throughout the development
lifecycle. Each level has its own objectives, techniques, and methods for identifying
defects and improving the overall quality of the software.

Question No 2:
Describe which life cycle model is faster than other models (other
than agile model? Give the detailed view of this model.


Software quality assurance (SQA) encompasses the processes, techniques,

and activities employed to ensure that software products meet specified
quality standards and requirements. SQA is crucial for delivering reliable,
high-quality software that meets the needs and expectations of stakeholders.
There are various levels of software quality assurance, each focusing on

different aspects of the software development process and product quality.
Here's a note on the commonly recognized levels of software quality

Planning and Requirements Analysis:

Quality assurance starts early in the software development lifecycle with
planning and requirements analysis.

During this phase, quality assurance activities include defining quality

objectives, identifying quality requirements, and establishing metrics for
measuring quality throughout the project.

Quality assurance ensures that project plans, processes, and requirements

are aligned with quality goals and objectives.

Process Quality Assurance:

Process quality assurance focuses on ensuring that software development
processes are defined, documented, and followed consistently.

It involves establishing standards, guidelines, and best practices for

development activities, such as coding standards, configuration management,
and quality assurance procedures.

Process quality assurance aims to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and

repeatability of software development processes, leading to higher-quality

Product Quality Assurance:

Product quality assurance involves evaluating and verifying the quality of the
software product throughout its development lifecycle.

It includes activities such as reviews, inspections, and testing to identify

defects, inconsistencies, and deviations from requirements.

Product quality assurance ensures that the software meets specified quality
standards, performs as expected, and satisfies the needs of stakeholders.

Quality Control:

Quality control is the process of monitoring and evaluating the quality of
software products and processes to identify defects and non-conformances.

It involves activities such as testing, inspection, and verification to detect and

correct defects before they impact the software's performance or functionality.

Quality control aims to prevent defects from reaching customers and end-
users by identifying and resolving issues early in the development process.

Continuous Improvement:
Continuous improvement is an essential aspect of software quality assurance,
focusing on identifying opportunities for enhancing processes, practices, and

It involves collecting feedback, analyzing metrics, and implementing

corrective and preventive actions to address quality-related issues and drive
ongoing improvement.

Continuous improvement fosters a culture of quality within the organization,

promoting learning, innovation, and excellence in software development.

Overall, software quality assurance encompasses a comprehensive approach to

ensuring the quality, reliability, and performance of software products. By addressing
quality at different levels and stages of the software development lifecycle, SQA
helps organizations deliver software that meets or exceeds customer expectations
and business requirements.

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