4th Grade _julio

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General Information

Social emotional learning and values: Social harmony and

Grade: 4 th School:

Learning outcomes:
❒ Describe pictures and actions taking place at the moment using continuous structure.
❒ Express activities people are doing in different settings and situations.
❒ Understand short, simple messages on postcards.
❒ Write a short simple postcard expressing outdoor activities.
❒ Indicate time by such phrases as next week, on Friday, in summer, three o'clock when describing vacations.

Unit Start
Performance Indicator Contents Assessment Criterion Finish Date
Number Date

Unit IV: On 3. The student uses Vocabulary: C1. Recognizes plural June June 14th
vacations plural forms of pronouns in descriptions of 10th
pronouns when 1. Beach words pictures
describing pictures 2. Entertainment words
related to people at C.2 Applies plural pronouns
(dance, hold, kiss, feed, when describing pictures.
the beach. trumpet, trainer, seal, rope,
4. The student talks etc.) C3. Participate actively in
about actions class.
people can do at the Listening:
beach using C.1 Identifies actions about
1. Listening to words: beach, people can do at the beach.
progressive and entertainment
plural pronouns. C2. Uses present progressive
Grammar: in short presentations.
1. Present continuous (they
are ….)
2. Describing what others are
doing C3. Respects ideas from
Writing classmates.

1. Writing responses to
questions using plural

General Information

Social emotional learning and values: Social harmony and

Grade: 4 th School:

Learning outcomes:
❒ Describe pictures and actions taking place at the moment using continuous structure.
❒ Express activities people are doing in different settings and situations.
❒ Understand short, simple messages on postcards.
❒ Write a short simple postcard expressing outdoor activities.
❒ Indicate time by such phrases as next week, on Friday, in summer, three o'clock when describing vacations.

Performance Start
Unit Number Contents Assessment Criterion Finish Date
Indicator Date
1. Beach words
2. Entertainment words.

5. The student Grammar:

demonstrates 1. Present continuous (they
comprehension are ….) C1. Answers questions about
of reading and what the student reads in
listening texts Speaking vacations texts or audios.
about vacations 1. Talking about beach
by predicting and C2. Describes vacation using
activities. June
Unit IV: On vacations responding to visual aids applying the June 21st
comprehension correct structure of the
checking progressive form.
questions. C3. Participates actively in
1. Writing responses to different activities in class.
questions using plural
Reading a story about

6.The student C1- Uses progressive June June 27th

talks about sentences and plural 24th
actions people Vocabulary: pronouns when describing
can do at the 1.Beach words pictures.
beach using 2. Entertainment words.
progressive and Grammar: 1. Present
plural pronouns. continuous (they are ….) C2- Creates an oral
Reading: presentation about Beach
Reading a postcard.
Writing: Completing missing
information in a postcard
activities using progressive

C3- Shows respect and

collaborative attitude in class.

General Information

Social emotional
learning and
values: Social Grade: 4 th School:
harmony and

Learning outcomes:
❒ Establish conversations about free time activities and hobbies using affirmative and negative statements.
❒ Show understanding of audios and conversations when numbering events in correct order.
❒ Respond to messages from emails related to free time expressions and hobbies.

Unit V: 7.The student Vocabulary: 1. Free time C1. Creates a conversation July July 5th
about what they do in their
free time.
C2. Performs a roleplay about
their daily activities.
C3. Shows respect in class
participates in activities
about free time activities
activities Listening: 1. Listening to words
confidently. (free time)
Free Time.
8.The student Speaking 1. Telling about what 1st
12 H/C understands C1. Designs an interview to
they like doing in their free time. get information about family
about free time members using the grammar
activities when how many… do you have… I
listening to am + ing.
audios. C2. Develops a short
conversation using the
progressive form.
C3. Practices responsibility by
doing activities.
Vocabulary: 1. Free July 12th
time activities
Grammar: 1. I am +
ing… C1. Expresses free time
activities using progressive
9.The student uses Listening: 1. Free time! tenses
expressions in both Song (Vacations
affirmative and negative C2. Describes pictures
to talk about free time. Speaking 1. Telling about free time in 15th- 28th )
about what they like affirmative and negative
doing in their free time. forms
Reading 1. Reading C3. Respects and
short descriptions collaborates in class
Writing 1. Writing
sentences from July 8th

2. Numbers 20-100

10.The student names Grammar:

numbers from 20 to 2. How many … do
100 to talk about you have?
quantities. Speaking:
Asking for quantity July 29th August 2nd
11.The student asks
and answer questions
about quantities using
the cardinal numbers.
2. Identifying
number words.
C1. Identifies the numbers
from 20 to 100 through
flashcards, images and
visual aids.
C2. Uses the numbers from
20 to 100 in completing
Vocabulary: 1. Free activities.
time activities 2. C3. Participates actively in
Numbers 20-100 written activities.
12.The student writes
e-mails about what Reading 1. 5.The student asks and
someone is doing Recognizing messages answer
coherently. from emails. August 5th August 9th
13.The student questions about quantities
Writing 1. Writing using
shows tolerance to
sentences from
other people´s free
pictures the cardinal numbers.
time activities
preferences Writing 1. Responding C1. Uses numbers about
to emails quantities in questions
C2. Answer question using
numbers from 20 to 100.
C3. Show interest when
participates in activities.

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