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General Information

Grade: 6th Subject: English. School:________________________ Teacher´s Name:__________________________

Learning Outcomes: ❒ Communicate in simple and routine tasks to exchange information on familiar matters such as work and free time
❒ Write short paragraphs to talk about famous people using “be going to” In the affirmative, negative and interrogative statements
❒ Locate Specific information from magazines, articles or stories to respond comprehension questions about future plans

Social Emotional Learning and Values: Natural and Cultural Identity

Unit Performance Start Finish

Contents Assessment Criterion
Number Indicator Date Date

UNIT IV: V: 1.Trips (museum, questionnaire, parents, fill

Excursion out, day trip, guide, leave) C1: Understands questions about future plans through
time (15 H/C) 1. The student ask G: 1. What…? Who…? Where…? 2. Yes, I, he, interview.
questions through she, they am/is/are No, I, he, she, they C2: Uses the correct grammatical structure expressing June 10th June 14th
dialogues when talking am/is/are not future plans to ask and answer questions when participate
about future plans. S: 1. Asking information questions about future. in dialogues.
2. Asking yes/no questions about future. C3: Respects student’s participations and mistakes.
W: 1. Filling the gap with missing information

V: 1. Trips (museum, questionnaire, parents, fill

out, day trip, guide, leave) 2. Interview
2. The student gets the C1: knows the gist of stories to achieve understanding
(magazine, plans, filming, autographs, good luck)
gist of stories and factual
3. Planets (Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, June 17th June 21th
texts to achieve C2: differentiates the gist from factual texts and stories
Uranus, Venus, Jupiter, Earth) Grammar 1.
What…? Who…? Where…? C3: collaborates in groups classroom activities
R: 2. Reading stories for main ideas.

3. The student writes V: 2. Interview (magazine, plans, filming, C1: Describe famous people in short text using vocabulary June 24th June 27th
short texts about famous autographs, good luck) in study.
G: 1. What…? Who…? Where…? C2: Designs short text about famous people. EPI on
C3: Shares his/her ideas when writing short text about
people coherently W: 2. Writing about a famous person. June 28th
famous people.

General Information

Grade: 6th Subject: English. School:________________________ Teacher´s Name:__________________________

Learning Outcomes: ❒ Establish conversations to compare people, objects or animals using the language with proper grammar structure.
❒ Use adjectives to write comparisons of people, objects or animals with proper punctuation.
❒ Understand descriptive texts to make comparisons about places, people, object or animals.

Social Emotional Learning and Values: Natural and Cultural Identity

Unit Performance Start Finish

Contents Assessment Criterion
Number Indicator Date Date

UNIT V: 4. The student identifies

Making vocabulary related to
Differences adjectives in written V: 1. comparative adjectives (prettier, cheaper,
(12 H/C) texts. busier, larger, neater, quieter, smarter, messier) C1: Recognizes comparative adjective in short sentences.
5. The student compares G: . 1. A is ….-er than….B 2. isn’t as… C2: Uses comparatives adjectives in short paragraph.
July 1st July 5th
and contrast L: 1. Listen and say C3: Shares opinion about certain objects and compares
characteristics using S: 1. Comparing things, people, places. them with the classroom.
vocabulary about R: 1. Reading comparative sentences
beaches in oral and
written ways.

6. The student describes V: 1. comparative adjectives (prettier, cheaper, C1: Provides descriptions of animals and people's July 8th July 12th
animals and people's busier, larger, neater, quieter, smarter, messier) appearance, using precise vocabulary.
physical appearance in G: . 1. A is ….-er than….B 2. isn’t as… C2: Uses basic descriptive language, with limited variety, in
oral and written ways. L: 1. Listen and say the oral descriptions.
7. The student respects S: 1. Comparing things, people, places. C3: Shows respect when describe people's physical
people's physical W: 1. Filling the gap appearance.

Mid-year vacations
July 15th July 19th

July 25th
July 22 EPI on
Mid-year vacations July 26th

C1: Recognizes adjectives to compare things in his/her

8. The student uses V: 1. comparative adjectives (prettier, cheaper, environment.
adjectives to compare busier, larger, neater, quieter, smarter, messier) C2: Integrates visual aids and audios to compare things in
July 29th Aug. 2nd
things in his/her G: . 1. A is ….-er than….B 2. isn’t as… his/her surrounding.
surrounding. S: 1. Comparing things, people, places. C3: Shows respect when share each other.

9. The student
understands basic C1: Understands basic information to present in postcards,
V: 1. comparative adjectives (prettier, cheaper,
information presented in brochure or magazines.
busier, larger, neater, quieter, smarter, messier)
postcards, brochure or C2: Applies their knowledge by grammar er than or isn’t
G: . 1. A is ….-er than….B 2. isn’t as… Aug. 5th Aug. 9th
magazines. 10. The with adjectives.
R: 1. Reading comparative sentences
student writes postcards C3: Show enthusiasm and interest in associating the
W: 2. Writing a postcard to a friend
to friends using basic information or magazine adjectives.

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