5th G Class Program JUN~JUL 2024

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General Information

Grade:5th Modality: Teacher:

Learning Outcomes: ❒ Establish conversation to describe general and specific activities related to occupations of his or her surroundings.
❒ Write short texts to express people´s life activities using simple present tense correctly.
❒ Show understanding of factual and scientific material to provide useful information in writing and oral activities.
Social Emotional Learning and Values: Social harmony and citizenship
Unit/ Name Performance Indicators Contents Assessment Criterion Start Finish
Number/ Period date date
3.The student describes Vocabulary: Instruments, healthy, use,
C1: Expresses general people’s activities
general people´s sick, love, work, teach, hospital.
vocabulary orally.
activities in oral and Speaking: Talking about activities,
C2: Creates simple sentences using correct
written ways. Expressing likes and dislikes, talking about
science and plan it.
C3: Participates respectfully in the class June
Writing: Transcribing words, Completing a June 14th
song lyric. 10th- 1st
1. The student
uses the
Grammar: C1. Applicates correct structure in simple
Unit IV: In orbit 15 simple
-Simple present (I teach children, I make present in different ways.
H/C present
lunch, I clean the house). C2. Creates simple sentences using
-Negative simple present don´t/doesn´t. different vocabulary.
negative and
-Interrogative sentences (Do/Does) C3. Fulfills their tasks on time.
interrogative June June
sentences. 17th 21th
Grammar: Simple present (I teach children,
C1. Expresses people´s life in short
5.The student writes I make lunch, I clean the house), Negative
short paragraphs using simple present don´t/doesn´t, Interrogative
C2. Writes about student´s life using
people´s activities with sentences (Do/Does)
proper grammar.
a proper grammatical Writing: Transcribing words, Writing
C3. Respects the values of their peers
structure. shorts descriptions.
when participating in class activities. June June 28th
24th (EPI)

Learning Outcomes;
❒ Request and provide information about routine activities people do in different contexts such as circus, zoo, school or home.
❒ Use time expressions to write about people’s schedule using simple tenses.
❒ Find details from short texts to answer comprehension checking questions associating visual aids.
Social Emotional Learning and Values: Social harmony and citizenship
Unit/ Name Performance Indicators Contents Assessment Criterion Start Finish
Number/ Period date date
1. The student identifies Vocabulary 1. Circus (magician,
vocabulary related to circus magic trick, sell, vendors, popcorn,
routine activities through make, meat, ringmaster, clown,) 2.
audios, visual aids and Zoo (parrot, eagle, zoo keeper,
written form. 2. The student bathe, start, finish, chimpanzee, 1. Recognizes
uses vocabulary about circus etc.) Vocabulary through ludic games. July 1st July 5th
routine through oral and Listening: 1. listen & say 2. Song: 2. Expresses Knowledge using
written activities. At the circus visual aids.
Speaking 1. Asking what others do. 3. Participates respectfully in
Writing 1. Filling the gap with classroom activities
missing words.

Unit V: At the Circus

12 H/C
Vocabulary 1. Circus (magician,
4. Student
magic trick, sell, vendors, popcorn,
demonstrates a
make, meat, ringmaster, clown,) 2.
respectful C1. Points out and describes what you
Zoo (parrot, eagle, zoo keeper,
behaviour in the see in pictures about circus.
bathe, start, finish, chimpanzee,
5. The Student C2. Writes short sentences using the
Speaking: 2 Responding to Oral July 8th July 12th
increases his/her target vocabulary.
vocabulary about
Writing: 2 Understanding Picture
the circus by using C3. Cooperates helping to each other.
5-6 words in
Reading: 2 Responding writing

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