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Construction and Building Materials 325 (2022) 126888

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Authors closure to the Discussion of the Review article “Optimisation of

Compressed earth blocks (CEBs) using natural origin materials: A
systematic literature review”
Chiara Turco *, Adilson de Paula Junior, Elisabete Teixeira, Ricardo Mateus
ISISE, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal (PT)


The purpose of this closure is to present a response to the doubts arisen by the authors of the Discussion of the Review article with the title “Optimisation of
Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs) using natural origin materials: A systematic literature review” [1], published in the journal Construction and Building Materials on 1
October 2021. The body of the text answers directly to the five critical points raised, namely: soil reactivity as the main criterion in the selection process of soil for
stabilisation purposes (no. 01); modification of the optimal water content in the case of stabilisation and doubtful effectiveness of the Proctor test (no. 02);
contestation of the relationships found in the Review between the bulk density of CEBs optimised with natural materials and thermal conductivity (no. 03) and
compressive strength (no. 04); consideration of the percentage of eroded area in the evaluation of CEBs’ durability (no. 05). As the results of this closure confirm that
there is still the lack of information regarding this research topic, the article concludes with some recommendations for future studies. We thank the authors for the
Discussion, which certainly enriches the state-of-the-art in the field of stabilised CEBs.

1. Introduction the Review [1], whose aim was to survey the latest innovations and
developments in natural-based Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs) opti­
The optimisation of earth-based building material is a challenging misation techniques.
topic. The main complexities lie in the wide fluctuation of the several Nevertheless, it is extremely stimulating to open a scientific debate
variables involved and lack of standardisation of test procedures and between authors engaged in the same research topic from different
normative framework. Dealing with natural origin materials make the countries, backgrounds and experiences. With the hope of further
process even more demanding. To better discretise the problem and expanding the scope of the discussion in the future, the following text
offer a clearer vision of the current state-of-the-art, the systematic provides justifications in response to the critical issues raised by the
method was adopted to review the literature in this field. This led to an authors of the Discussion1.
unambiguous statement of the methodology used, and of the sources and In Point no. 01 (Reactivity for the selection of earthen materials),
selection criteria for the research articles involved. The method used the authors of the Discussion state: “The study [3] showed that the
also reduces the risk of bias, which is an obstacle in this type of studies earthen material can be suitable for stabilisation using the lime
and can affect the overall quality of the research [2]. considering its reactivity; although it would not be considered if the
The authors made a great effort to ensure the consistency and plasticity and the particle size distribution were the only selection
authenticity of the work. However, some aspects that fall outside the criteria”. Tying in with the above premise, the Review focuses on
research domain have been discussed in a non-in-depth manner for natural-based optimisation of CEBs, namely on the effect of natural
clarity. In this sense, the detailed description of laboratory test pro­ origin materials on CEBs properties, rather than the mere stabilisation
cedures of the reviewed research, the exhaustive discussion of soil with traditional binders (e.g., lime or cement), which is a separate
characteristics and behaviours as well, does not fall within the remit of research topic. For the sake of completeness, it still refers to these

DOIs of original article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.125140, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.126887.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: id9631@alunos.uminho.pt (C. Turco).
In this document, Discussion (written with the capital letter) refers the document presented by Philbert Nshimiyimana, Cheick Omar Sore, Césaire Hema,
Ousmane Zoungrana, Adamah Messan and Luc Courard, which proposes a discussion of the review article published on 1 October 2021 by the journal Construction
and Building Materials, with the title “Optimisation of Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs) using natural origin materials: A systematic literature review”. Similarly, in
this document, Review (written with the capital letter) refers to the aforementioned article.

Received 19 January 2022; Received in revised form 14 February 2022; Accepted 15 February 2022
Available online 23 February 2022
0950-0618/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 325 (2022) 126888

traditional binders but does not include studies using them exclusively. aspect. In particular, the OWC’s assessment with reference to the test
One selection criterion was their pairing with at least one other additive procedure adopted, the quality of the soils and the presence of additives
of natural origin, as defined in the methodology section. (natural and not) seems to be of great interest. However, the studies and
On the other hand, according to the purpose of the research, the empirical relationships mentioned in the discussion [3,14–16] are very
possibility of pozzolanic reaction linked to the reactivity of some natural specific and do not adequately represent a trend. Moreover, it seems
additives was taken into account and thoroughly summarised in the inappropriate to build a discussion on them since calcium carbide res­
section dedicated to natural powders or ashes. A discussion of the idue (CCR), hydrated lime (HL) and metakaolin-based geopolymer (MG)
reactivity of clay soils in relation to their Alumina and Silica oxides were not considered in the Review, as it includes only additives of
content was also provided. However, acknowledging the breadth of the natural origin.
topic, the paragraph providing ‘further information on soil selection’ Finally, we acknowledge and thank the authors of the Discussion for
openly states that “[…] it aims not to discuss the behaviour of soils bringing to our attention the typo error in Eq. (3) reported in [1], where
exhaustively but to provide a brief overview of the main recommenda­ the numerator and denominator should be reversed (P(%) = VW/VCEB).
tions regarding the selection phase”. In the literature reviewed, soils We apologise to the readers for any inconvenience caused by this
electrical conductivity and reactivity were two aspects not usually mistake.
mentioned and, therefore, were neglected. Point no. 03 (Thermal conductivity and bulk density of CEBs) focus
With regard to the considerations of plasticity index and particle size on the linear relationship found between the bulk density and thermal
distribution (PSD), it should be noted that the only document referred to conductivity values measured on the analysed CEBs. Even though the
by the authors of the Discussion is written in French [4]. Moreover, Discussion highlighted that the amount of data has a very low statistical
beyond this discussion, the forty-five articles analysed in the Review, the significance, and the graphs aimed to show the cause-and-effect rela­
general literature consulted and the main standards [5–7] still use this tionship between two properties, confirming a trend already well-known
information to identify the soil type. in the literature [17].
Furthermore, the last published RILEM Report TC 274-TCE (Testing On the other hand, referring to the graphs reported in the first figure
and Characterisation of Earth-based Building Materials and Elements) of the Discussion, we must emphasise that the risk of a biased analysis is
[8] continues to recommend the use of the PSD together with at least one very high, since the data shown are taken from nine studies selected
of the following tests: Atterberg limits, methylene blue value or cation without apparently defining a criterion or rationale. Specifically, the
exchange capacity. The Report specifies that the objective of these tests study by Bogas et al. [18] refers to CEBs with partial incorporation of
is to assess the reactivity of the active phase of the clay, but also clarifies recycled fine aggregates from demolition debris; the study by Mansour
that “this observation is only valid for non-stabilised earth materials”. In et al. [19] investigates CEBs differently compacted; the study by Cagnon
particular, the Technical Committee points out that the use of any nat­ et al. [20] regards extruded earth blocks; the study by Zhang et al. [21]
ural additive or traditional binder profoundly alters the properties of the relates to cement stabilised earth blocks; the study by Touré et al. [22]
earth matrix. In these cases, the Report states that the chemical-physical involves laterite-sand-cement blocks; the study by Sore et al. [16] uses
interactions are more complex and need to be further investigated. metakaolin-based geopolymer and cement as stabilisers; the studies by
Point no. 02 (Optimum moisture content, bulk density and porosity Nshimiyimana et al. [3] and Moussa et al. [23] deal with stabilised CEBs
of CEBs and effects of binders) of the Discussion addresses several as­ with calcium carbide residue, and the first includes also rice husk ash;
pects related to the Optimum Water Content (OWC), focusing on its finally, the study by Asadi et al. [24] is a review article on the thermal
evaluation through the Proctor test and the relationship/modification of conductivity of concrete. Results collected by these studies are not
water demand in relation to the presence of a binder. comparable with the analysis performed in the Review, and not even
Starting from the beginning, major textbooks [9,10], the literature between them. In this regard, it is worth reminding that the Review
considered in the Review, the standard [11] and also the most recent involved studies focusing on blocks optimised with natural origin ma­
literature [8] refer to the Proctor test as the method used to quantify the terials. The results presented in the mentioned graphs are only related to
water content and attain the maximum compaction. Although the value that situation.
obtained for fine-grained soils is often underestimated [7] and should be Despite this circumstance, we agree with the fact that “[…] the
treated as a minimum water content [9], at present, it is the most thermal conductivity of optimised CEBs is not only influenced by the
commonly followed test procedure, certainly adapted on a case-by-case stabiliser (type or content) but also by the characteristics of the earthen
basis according to needs and experience. The scientific literature rec­ material itself, the compaction energy, and the measurement methods,
ognises this adaptation, in practice, of the Proctor test, to situations among others”, as reported in the Discussion. In this regard, it is
closer to reality. The study by Leonard et al. [12] reports that although essential to emphasise that since the aim of the Review was to mainly
the test involves the dynamic application of a falling hammer, this investigate the role of natural additives on the main properties of CEBs,
procedure is rarely applied in real applications. This represents a all the analyses were reasonably focused on that aspect. However, in
problem that should be addressed and clarified in future studies. agreement with that statement, it can be quoted one of the final rec­
Regarding the static/dynamic issue, Minke’s book [9] explains, ommendations provided by the Review, which reads: “[…] finally, it is
supported by data, how vibrations (resulting from the application of recommended to approach the new study with the awareness that soil
dynamic forces) positively affect soil particles configurations, gener­ selection represents the first variable that must be taken into account to
ating waves allow them to settle into a denser pattern. On the other produce high-quality CEBs. The addition of any natural-based additives
hand, the testing procedure guide [13] mentioned in the Discussion only can modify the thermo-physical, mechanical and durability behaviour of
refers to static compaction without clearly providing a comparison with these blocks, but the appropriateness of the selected soil consistently
the dynamic one. Stating that this last is not appropriate, besides being gives the primary response”.
an observation that needs to be supported by scientific evidence, is Point no. 04 (Bulk density and compressive strength of CEBs) dis­
equally improper as saying that it is correct. Instead, this point still needs putes the relationship between density and compressive strength.
to be clarified and demonstrated in a specific study. This other research Concerning the observation regarding the unusual density value of
opportunity is therefore noted and recommended. 2800 kg/m3, although it may not seem obvious, it is still a result pre­
The issue related to the relationship between water content and the sented in the literature [25] and, from the perspective of a review
physical properties of density and porosity has been addressed in the article, deserves to be mentioned as long as it has been measured and
Review within the limits of the results obtained by the authors in the appears in a paper. In this connection, we indicate once again that the
articles considered. Regarding the specific variation in OWC due to systematic method is intended to reduce the potential bias of the pro­
possible additives, we agree and encourage future work to address this posed analysis by avoiding the inclusion of only those scientific articles

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 325 (2022) 126888

Fig. 1. Bulk density and compressive strength in fibre-reinforced CEBs: linear relationship (on the left), as reported in the Review, and exponential relationship (on
the right).

judged “acceptable” by the subjective opinion of the authors. Therefore, article, as the aim is to identify, assess and synthesise the literature
the Review has been conducted following a rigorous and unbiased gathered [27]. Moreover, it should be noted that the work by Bogas et al.
approach (including all the studies published from 2015 to 2021 falling [18] mentioned in the Discussion reports that, even though among the
into the research domain rather than a random selection), described in accelerated durability tests “[…] the water spray method has been
detail within the methodology section, which is replicable and only viewed as the best simulation of natural ageing” [28], there are still no
reports scientific evidence. standard consensus tests to evaluate this property.
According to the above, the Discussion’s statement: “Figure 2a shows In this particular case, the five studies (among the forty-five
that the dry bulk density can barely reach 2300 kg/m3, even after hyper reviewed) that provided an assessment of the erosion resistance
compaction at a pressure of 25–100 MPa”, appears even more distorted [29–33] use one of the two methods mentioned in the Review, i.e., water
since it is still based on a very limited number of studies. Furthermore, spray or drip erosion test, and they all refer to the New Zealand standard
the second part of the following sentence: “Moreover, the value of the NZS4298 [34].
bulk density decreases with the addition of fibres and/or with the in­ Finally, we indicate that observations related to the eroded area are
crease of OMC for the production of CEBs”, should be supported by more supported by only one study [35], which is also out of the range of in­
evidence than the only study cited [3]. clusion of the Review (January 2015 – January 2021), as it was pub­
In any case, the trend assumed by the data presented in the Discus­ lished in June 2021.
sion is not comparable to that obtained from the Review because the two In light of the above considerations, it can be concluded that the
documents focus on studies dealing with different topics. Additionally, majority of the critical issues raised by the Discussion, despite being of
being aware of the lack of data, it is worth mentioning again that the some scientific interest, fall outside the macroscopic domain of the Re­
purpose of those graphs was to show the cause-effect relationship be­ view article proposed. Instead, they seem to be more oriented towards
tween two properties and not to find an empirical model. Furthermore, providing updated guidelines for manufacturing compressed stabilised
to the authors’ knowledge, there are no international studies to date in earth blocks (CSEBs). Nevertheless, such guidelines would undoubtedly
which the “exponential” trend has been confirmed. be a welcome contribution from researchers and practitioners.
However, for the avoidance of doubt, the graphs in Fig. 1 of the However, with reference to the issues discussed, the following final
Review shows lower R2 values when using an exponential law than those recommendations can be summarised for future works:
found in the linear case.
Finally, regarding the Discussion’s sentence: “CEBs, specially opti­ • To investigate the utility of soil reactivity as additional criteria in the
mised with binders, should not be simply dried in the open air. They selection process;
should be correctly cured in humid conditions, […]. Otherwise, the • To update the state-of-art with new and innovative soil selection
optimised CEBs would dry before maturation and have even worse criteria;
performance than non-optimised CEBs”, we remind that providing • To take into consideration the variation of the OWC with reference to
guidelines for CEBs manufacturing falls out of the scope of this research. the addition of traditional stabiliser and further additives of natural
Besides, the Review stated that: “[…] By monitoring the effect of origin;
different curing methods, Taallah and Guettala [26] found that CEBs • To complement the research and, where possible, confirm the rela­
cured 7 days in the oven perform better than those cured 28 days at tionship and correlations between variables involved;
room temperature. […] However, among the studies analysed, most of • To address further studies on the durability assessment methods.
the blocks are simply dried in the open air, and the best performance is
recorded after at least 28 days”. This means that among the articles Declaration of Competing Interest
reviewed, only one study [26], which deals with a comparative analysis
of the curing method, reports scientific evidence on the matter in the The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
face of other still unclear or conflicting opinions. The second part of the interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
reported text merely summarises the procedures described by the the work reported in this paper.
In Point no. 05 (Erosion resistance), the authors of the Discussion Acknowledgements
address the suitability of the methods for assessing the erosion resis­
tance. The discussion on the appropriateness of some methods is This work was funded by FCT (Foundation for Science and Tech­
extremely interesting. However, it falls outside the scope of the Review nology), under grant agreement UIBD/150874/2021 attributed to the

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 325 (2022) 126888

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