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Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

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Optimisation of Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs) using natural origin

materials: A systematic literature review
Chiara Turco *, Adilson C. Paula Junior, Elisabete R. Teixeira, Ricardo Mateus
ISISE, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal


Keywords: A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on the effect of the optimisation of Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs) using
Earth Blocks natural origin materials was made in this paper. The purpose of the study is to offer a clearer vision of recent
Reinforcement Fiber scientific developments on the topic by addressing a number of specifically formulated research questions. To
Stabilisation Effect
this end, 45 journal articles and conference proceedings were selected following some inclusion criteria, i.e., the
Circular Economy
raw material (soil), shape (block), methods of compaction (mechanical or hydraulic press), preparation (unfired),
the addition of natural origin materials (fibres, powders or ashes). Through a holistic approach, a discussion on
the main physical, thermal, mechanical, and durability properties was conducted to find correlations and crit­
icisms. Preliminary considerations are drawn on the sound insulation and fire resistance properties and on the
economic performance and environmental impact of optimised CEBs, opening a brief discussion on some sus­
tainability indicators. The research outcomes may encourage researchers to find new solutions to improve the
proprieties of earth building materials to promote their broader use and more sustainable buildings.

1. Introduction Earth is one of the oldest building materials, and it has been esti­
mated that 40% of the world’s population lives in earth buildings [8]. In
“Climate action” and “Sustainable cities and communities” are the decades of post-war reconstruction it has been replaced by modern
among the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the main materials (e.g., reinforced concrete, steel) due to the typical problems
challenges of our age [1]. Many of these targets are directly and indi­ linked to vulnerability to water, swelling and shrinkage phenomena,
rectly linked to the construction sector, which is responsible for 33% of brittleness after drying, etc., and some kind of prejudice [9]. Earthen
all emissions, 40% of all material consumption, and 40% of all waste [2]. constructions have thus become the emblem of vernacular architecture
Although the greenhouse gases decreased in 2020 due to the Covid-19 in some countries, or of the still underdeveloped rural villages. Never­
lockdown, the pandemic highlighted the necessity to rethink the rela­ theless, popular for its thermoregulating properties in indoor environ­
tionship between humans and the natural environment. However, ments and for the benefits on air quality, among others [10], earth as a
building systems have not only environmental but also social and eco­ building material is now regaining strength and value in the attempt to
nomic consequences [3]. At a social level, the population is growing fast combine safety and comfort with the multiple dimensions of
and, especially in Africa and Asia, the urbanisation demand is putting sustainability.
pressure on housing delivery systems. Meanwhile, economic systems are Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs) are framed in this context since the
moving from linear to circular [4] attempting to erase the model “take, release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is 80% less than fired
make, dispose” [5] by keeping building materials and components at bricks [11]. At the end of their life, CEBs can be easily recycled to
their highest value as long as possible [6]. Therefore, it is a duty and a produce new earthen products, or they can be disaggregated and
necessity to focus on the use of materials suitable for meeting the sus­ returned to the natural environment with a negligible environmental
tainability and Circular Economy (CE) principles, two concepts that impact [12], generating a potential virtuous closed-loop cycle. Addi­
nowadays overlap [7]. For these reasons, researchers worldwide are tionally, CEBs do not require specialised labour or high energy con­
working on the development of innovative materials or alternative use sumption, and they can be made everywhere.
of the traditional ones. CEBs are modern earthen construction technology, as they represent

* Corresponding author at: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho, Campus de Azurém, 4800-048, Guimarães, Portugal.
E-mail address: (C. Turco).
Received 6 July 2021; Received in revised form 8 September 2021; Accepted 1 October 2021
Available online 11 October 2021
0950-0618/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

the evolution of the adobe [13]. The main difference lies in the materials within the broadening category of burnt and unburnt masonry
compaction process, based on a mechanical stabilisation that contrib­ bricks, including concrete bricks, calcium silicate bricks and clay bricks.
utes to obtaining a denser and more resistant block [13]. Then, as is Murmu and Patel [23] performed a review article about the utilisation of
usual also in geotechnics and other earth-based building techniques, industrial and municipal waste in the manufacturing process of sus­
they can be reinforced with natural or synthetic fibres. The reinforce­ tainable bricks. Amziane and Sonebi [24] considered the possibility of
ment is essential to avoid brittleness after drying and excessive using crushed vegetal aggregate and mineral binder to design bio-based
shrinkage phenomena. building materials. In particular, the study highlights the important
However, further chemical stabilisations are often necessary since properties of flexibility and high deformability of these aggregates,
these blocks are vulnerable to water penetration, compromising their which confer ductility and an elastoplastic behaviour. The need to assess
strength and durability. Stabilised blocks with binders are called Com­ the durability was also underlined, being insidious issues when dealing
pressed Stabilised Earth Blocks (CSEBs). Traditional binders typically with natural materials.
used are lime, cement, gypsum, or bitumen. They are highly effective Unlike the mentioned literature, the present study is restricted to
but considered unsustainable from both the environmental and the discussing the exclusive use of natural origin materials, including resi­
economic point of view. In order to reduce their utilisation, many re­ dues and by-products, in the optimisation of CEBs. This review aims to
searchers are exploring the possibility of using waste materials for offer a complete and clearer vision of the topic. Some figures support the
reinforcement and stabilisation. In effect, the availability of many resi­ manuscript’s contents by providing a visual representation of the main
dues or sub-products derived from industrial processes (e.g., food and issues related to the topic. Through a holistic approach, it collects the
textile industry) makes it possible to improve the general performance of main information provided by the authors to outline generalised rules
CEBs at a low price (also because most of them are waste and do not have that broaden the body of knowledge in this field and support future
a market value) and low environmental impact. Like any big challenge, investigations. Despite the lack of sufficient data, it also aims to favour
this possibility would represent a great opportunity: it would combine the standardisation of procedures by highlighting the main obstacles
the need to reduce waste disposal with the optimisation of earth blocks’ emerging from the selected studies.
performance, also diminishing the consumption of natural resources. This review has been conducted using the Systematic Literature Re­
CEBs have demonstrated great potential, and the possibility of being view (SLR) method. In contrast to an expert review using ad hoc liter­
optimised with materials otherwise disposed in landfills makes the topic ature selection, the SLR is a methodologically rigorous review of
really attractive. The importance lies not only in the reduction of waste research results [27], and it presupposes the formulation of specific
disposal: some of these wastes are highly effective in enhancing certain questions [28].
physical–mechanical properties, for example, due to their chemical The paper is organised as follow: the review methodology is metic­
composition, or after particular treatments. Therefore, it is worth ulously described in Section 2 and the research questions are placed at
continuing to develop highly performing blocks based on readily the beginning of this first part. Section 3 describes the effect of opti­
available natural material and local waste for a new sustainable con­ misation on physical, thermal, mechanical, durability, sound insulation
struction generation for both developed and developing countries. and fire resistance properties and other aspects related to sustainability.
To this end, scientific publications on this topic significantly The studies included are classified based on the type of natural origin
increased in recent years. However, some research gaps have not yet additive: (i) fibres, and (ii) powders or ashes. Section 4 discusses the
been covered due to the uniqueness of the materials used, naturally results of the systematic literature review and proposes an answer to
different from each other, which make the comparison of the results each research question. Finally, some conclusions are drawn in Section
complex. 5.
In the past decade, high-quality review articles addressed the influ­
ence of various additives on earth-based materials, including CEBs. In 2. Review methodology
2020, Jannat et al. [8] examined the application of agro and non-agro
waste materials for unfired earth bricks discussing their effect on the This section provides an accurate description of the methodology
following thermophysical and mechanical properties: density, water adopted. Graphical representations and tables also support the textual
absorption, compressive and flexural strength, and thermal conductiv­ description. In order to make the whole manuscript clearer, the main
ity. In this study, 87 articles were analysed in the range of years from phases of the search and review process are schematically reported in
2000 to 2019; results were also compared with relevant standards. In Fig. 1.
2016, Laborel-Préneron et al. [9] proposed a wide research on the in­
fluence of eight types of plant aggregates and fibres on several earth- 2.1. Research questions
based composites. The authors reviewed 50 papers focused on earth
blocks (adobe, extruded earth blocks (EEBs), CEBs, CSEBs), earth plas­ The five research questions that guided this review are:
ters, rammed earth, cob, wattle and daub. In this study, the effect of the
additives on fourteen different physical, mechanical, hygrothermal and • How is the research topic addressed? (Analysis)
durability properties was discussed in detail. In 2015, Danso et al. [14] • Why do researchers introduce additives in the mixture to produce
proposed a quantitative review about the mechanical and physical CEBs? (Analysis)
performance of stabilised soil blocks with fibres and binders. In 2011, • What are the main findings that can be extrapolated? (Comparison)
Pacheco-Torgal and Jalali [15] reviewed eco-efficiency aspects related • What are the limitations and gaps in the existing research?
to earth construction, addressing economic advantage, resource and (Identification)
energy consumption, waste generation, CO2 emissions and indoor air • What are the opportunities to accomplish future researches and in­
quality. Some other review articles focused only on adobe reinforced novations? (Proposal)
with natural fibres [16], or rammed earth [17].
In general, the studies in which the potential of the application of 2.2. Search process and inclusion–exclusion criteria
waste materials for the development of sustainable construction mate­
rial is analysed are many [18–25]. For example, Gupta et al. [22] The search process was conducted in Google Scholar, Scopus re­
deepened the manufacturing aspect of waste incorporated bricks positories and Web of Knowledge. The used keywords were: “Com­
through an industrial scale perspective. In particular, the research faces pressed earth blocks”; “CEBs”; “Pressed earth blocks”; “Unfired earth
issues related to the mix design and optimisation, curing conditions and blocks”; “Unfired soil bricks”; “Earth-based materials”; “Natural fibres”;
methods. Al-Fakih et al. [26] reviewed the incorporation of waste “Agricultural wastes”; “Industrial wastes”; “Waste incorporation”;

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

Fig. 1. Review methodology’s phases.

“Industrial sub-products”; “Life Cycle Assessment”; “Sustainability”. used.

Due to the huge number of studies found, the authors focused on From a first classification, it was possible to create a list of the
those developed over the past six years (Jan. 2015 - Jan. 2021). properties investigated by the authors through experimental tests. Based
According to the purpose of this article (review the influence of on this list, 20 main properties were divided into six macro-categories.
natural origin materials in CEBs), the following categories of scientific The subdivision was made based on scientific definitions and sup­
articles have been excluded: ported by previous reviews [8,14,29] and major textbooks [10,30]. The
six macro-categories are: (i) physical properties, (ii) thermal properties,
• CEBs without any incorporation. (iii) mechanical properties, (iv) durability properties, (v) other proper­
• CEBs stabilised only with traditional mineral binders (e.g., cement ties (which includes sound insulation and fire resistance), (vi) sustain­
and lime). ability indicators. Such categories are synoptically represented in Fig. 2.
• Rammed earth, cob, clay bricks and adobe were also excluded. This structure allows to identify the properties most commonly
studied by the authors and, consequently, the major gaps in the scientific
Additional exclusion criteria are related to language (only papers literature. Therefore, this fourth phase is dedicated to data collection.
published in English were recruited) and publication type (only journal The data extracted from each study are:
articles and conference proceedings were recruited).
The inclusion criteria are related to raw material (soil, or earth, as a • data relating to the publications;
composition of gravel, sand, silt and clay), shape (block or brick), • data relating to the materials used;
compaction methods (mechanical and hydraulic press machines), • data relating to the properties investigated.
preparation (unfired), the addition of natural origin materials (fibres,
powders or ashes, and natural-based geopolymer). Given the significant
heterogeneity of the studies, the criteria and the search process have 2.2.1. Data relating to the publications
taken into account different: (i) synonyms (e.g., block and brick), (ii) Data related to the publications include the date of publication,
plural form (e.g., blocks and bricks), (iii) different spelling (e.g., fibre or geographical collocation of the research groups involved and journals
fiber). For the sake of clarity, the inclusion and exclusion criteria are (peer-review journals and conference proceedings). These data are
listed in Table 1. essential to deduce how and where the research topic is developing,
At the end of the search process, the selected articles were checked, growing, and evolving (Fig. 3).
and the abstracts were read. This second phase was mandatory since A significant percentage of publications was recorded in 2020 (24%).
many of these researches use natural fibres, residues and sub-products to It should be noted that the trend is growing, and eight research (19%)
enhance the properties of various earth-based materials such as adobe, are published by the journal Construction and Building Materials (Elsevier
clay bricks, extruded earth blocks, among others. Thus, it was funda­ Ltd). The category “Others” reports those papers published by a journal
mental to ensure the pertinence of the selected papers. Moreover, a that appears only once.
comparison was made on the bibliography of each article to catch ar­ Most of the research groups (53%) come from Africa, but eight ar­
ticles published in local journals. ticles (33%) are co-authored with European research groups. Moreover,
A total of 45 scientific documents were considered valid for the three studies conducted by European research groups are shared with
present study. The selected papers were identified with the code “Year- African research groups, and only one study conducted by an Asiatic
NAME-Additive” (e.g., 2021-TURCO-NaturalFibres). Then, they were research group is co-authored with an American research group.
sorted in alphabetic order. In this third phase, a synoptical table was
built to collect information related to the publication and the material 2.2.2. Data relating to the materials used
The 45 selected papers always include a description of the prove­
nience of the material used. Often, they represent a fraction of the
Table 1 massive amount of waste that every day are produced by the agricul­
Inclusion and exclusion criteria. tural, food and textile industry. Rarely, as in the case of some fibres, they
Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria are directly taken from the plants. To understand the role of these ad­
ditives in the soil mixture, authors usually address the issue in various
Raw material Soil (gravel, sand, silt and clay) Mud - Turf ways: in some cases, focusing on their chemical composition and, in
Shape Blocks - Bricks Rammed earth - Earthbags - other cases, providing a thermo-physical or mechanical
Cob – characterisation.
Extruded earth blocks In this study, natural origin materials were divided into two cate­
Compaction Hand-operated press machine – Manual compaction (adobe) –
method Hydraulic press machine Hyper-compression
gories based on their morphology: (i) fibres and (ii) powders, or ashes.
Preparation Unfired - Unburnt Fired - Burnt As the graph demonstrates (Fig. 4), fibres introduction is suggested in
Additives Natural origin materials – Non-natural materials - 57% of the analysed studies (26 research), while powders and ashes are
Natural-based geopolymer – Synthetic fibres – suggested in 43% of cases (19 research).
Traditional binders (if coupled Construction and demolition
Considering the 26 studies in which natural fibres were introduced,
with any other organic matter) waste

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

Fig. 2. Organisation of the properties into the six macro-categories.

Fig. 3. Data related to the publication: year (top left), geographical collocation of the research groups (top right), journal (bottom left).

The fibres involved in the selected studies are: bamboo [33], alfa
[34], fonio [35], okra [36], coconut [37–39], date palm [40,41], lav­
ender, barley and rice straw [42], banana [43–46], abaca and maguey
[39], kenaf [47–49], jute [44,50], pineapple leaves [51], coconut, sug­
arcane bagasse and oil palm [52–55], hemp [56,57], rice straw [58],
wheat and barley straw [59].
Natural fibres are generally introduced in CEBs to reduce blocks’
shrinkage during the drying process, but it is widely accepted that they
influence positively also other thermo-physical properties due to their
lightweight and low thermal conductivity. Sometimes they have high
values of tensile strength, making the blocks also more ductile. Finally,
Fig. 4. Distribution of the natural origin materials used to optimise CEBs. they are biodegradable and low-cost. However, natural fibres have some
disadvantages. For example, the high moisture absorption capacity
12 were carried out by African research groups (Fig. 5). This distribution causes fibres swelling during the blocks’ preparation phase [53] and,
attributes a leading position in this topic to the African continent. therefore, poor adhesion in the mixture after the drying process.
Moreover, exceeding certain thresholds may lead to harmful overload
Natural fibres. Natural fibres derive from plants or animals. Concerning that will be explained accurately in this paper.
vegetable fibres, they are generally composed of cellulose, hemicellu­ In the case of high-water absorption rates, chemical treatments on
lose, lignin and other minor components (pectin, waxes and water- fibres can be used. Among the reviewed papers, the most common is the
soluble substances). Cellulose is a natural polymer composed of long alkaline treatment. It consists of soaking the fibres in a 4–6 wt.% of
chains of glucose units and confers strength, stiffness and stability to the Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) for a defined time at room temperature. As
fibres. Its crystallinity degree is defined by hydrogen bonding, which reported by Li et al. [60], the most important modification done by this
regulates the physical properties. Hemicellulose is a polysaccharides treatment is the reduction of the hydrophilic hydroxyl groups (OH) - by
matrix that embeds cellulose. Cellulose and hemicellulose represent the disrupting their bonding - from the fibre structure (Fibre–OH + NaOH →
hydrophilic compounds in fibres composition. Lignin is a complex aro­ Fibre–O–Na + H2O + impurities), with a consequent increase of surface
matic hydrocarbon polymer that imparts rigidity to plants, and it rep­ roughness (Fig. 6). A rough interface is essential for better interlocking
resents the hydrophobic compound [31,32]. [61].

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

Fig. 5. Distribution of the natural-based materials categories on continents.

Ca2+ + 2OH– + SiO2 → CSH (1)

Ca2+ –
+ 2OH + Al2O3 → CAH (2)

As shown in Eq. (1) and (2), the Silica (SiO2) and Alumina (Al2O3)
combined with the available calcium results in the formation of the
Calcium Silicate Hydrate (CSH) and Calcium Alumina Hydrate (CAH).
The formed gel is the cementitious products responsible for binding soil
particles and increasing the blocks’ overall strength and durability. This
second sub-category includes: eggshell powder and ash [73]; sawdust
ash [74]; rice husk ash [75–77], green mussel shell powder [63], wood
Fig. 6. Typical structure of (a) untreated and (b) alkali treated cellulose fibres, ash [78], sugarcane bagasse ash [79]. In particular, eggshell powder and
adapted by [31]. ash (ESP and ESA) are used with rice husk ash (RHA) to synthetize a
geopolymer. It is worth noting that some of these wastes, such as
Other beneficial effects are related to the cleaner surface, which re­ eggshell and green mussel shell, are mostly made of Calcium carbonate
duces the stress transfer throughout the interface due to the absence of (CaCO3), and they must be submitted to further reactions to ensure that
micro voids. In addition, diameter reduction produces an increased the pozzolanic reaction takes place. For example, in the case of ESP, to
aspect ratio and a larger effective adhesion area, which improves the obtain the ESA, the following steps are proposed by the authors: thermal
mechanical behaviour of the blocks [52]. Finally, as reported by Mostafa decomposition at 700 ◦ C for 3 h of ESP to obtain ESA (CaCO3 → CaO +
and Uddin [45], the treatment naturally changes also the pH value. One CO2) and hydroxylation of ESA (CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2) during which
can note that, after a certain NaOH concentration and soaking time, the OH– are liberated (Ca(OH)2 → Ca2+ + 2OH–). Similarly, also rice husk
alkali treatment can cause an excessive delignification, resulting in a needs to be burned to obtain the ash (RHA), but, on the contrary, its
weaker or damaged fibre [31]. main component is the amorphous silica (SiO2) which confer to this sub-
Conversely, animal fibres are mainly composed of keratin, but the product accelerated activity. Finally, sawdust ash is also silica-rich
reviewed literature lacks detailed chemical characterisation. The fibres (72.2%), more than wood ash (35%).
used are: wool fibres [62], pig hair [63] and cotton fibres [64]. It should be noted that clayey soils are naturally rich in Silica and
However, the overall properties of natural fibres depend on: surface Alumina oxides, which easily allow the pozzolanic reaction. Moreover,
morphology, aspect ratio (length/diameter), hydrophilic tendency and clay particles are coated in a film of absorbed water that exerts high
dimensional stability [61]. Therefore, when introduced into the soil surface tension forces compared to the particles lightweight acting as a
mixture, some variables have to be considered: fibres length, concen­ natural binding agent [13]. Therefore, the addition of the natural-based
tration and chemical treatments. binders is particularly important when the amount of active oxides is
insufficient in the soil that needs to be stabilised and depends mainly on
Natural-based powders or ashes. Natural-based powders or ashes usually the available soil.
derive from natural origin residues and sub-products produced by food
and other industrial processes. The utilisation of these materials has Further information about the soil selection. This sub-section aims not to
different objectives than fibres. In the last decade, many researchers are discuss the behaviour of soils exhaustively but to provide a brief over­
experimenting with the addition of these wastes to stabilise the soil, view of the main recommendations regarding the selection phase. The
replacing – or partially replacing – traditional binders (e.g., cement, authors generally agree that soil quality is the main factor of success in
lime, gypsum and bitumen). Moreover, some of them are often not bio- producing good and durable CEBs.
degradable and pose a problem for landfills. Soil is considered a composition of four basic types: gravel (>2mm),
These materials are very different in terms of composition and sand (0.06–2 mm), silt (0.002–0.06 mm) and clay (less than 0.002 mm).
behaviour, despite their appearance. Some of them, similarly to plant In the analysed studies, soils are characterised from different points of
fibres, are made up of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. This first sub- view: chemical (ICP-AES); mineralogical (XRD, DSC-TGA, IR), micro­
category includes: argan nutshell powder [65–67], ground olive stone structural (SEM-EDS) and geotechnical (particle size distribution,
[68], shea butter residue [35,69–71], sawdust [66]. methylene blue test and Atterberg limits). In particular, Atterberg limits
Some others have a certain reactivity caused by the presence of ox­ represent a fundamental knowledge to predict the soil’s physical,
ides. In particular, significant quantities of reactive CaO, SiO2 and Al2O3 chemical and mineralogical behaviour. As they represent the water
allows the pozzolanic reactions in the presence of water and over time content during the different soil transition phases (liquid wL, plastic wP
[72]: and shrinkage wS), they should always be considered to assess the soil

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

plasticity for effective use in engineering. Plastic and liquid limits and 3. Results
plasticity index (IP) are responsible for modifying the block’s mechani­
cal, thermal and acoustic performance [62]. Table 2 reports the range of Data collected about the examined properties reveal at least 20
values for different soil types and the recommended range for CEBs different important properties for the characterisation of the optimised
production. CEBs. In this section, the most relevant are discussed following the
structure defined by the six macro-categories (Fig. 2). Building on this
2.2.3. Data relating to the properties investigated rationale, the main findings of each analysed paper have been split and
The properties investigated in the selected articles follow the sub­ organised into categories. The results of each study corresponding to the
division already presented in the six macro-categories. Appendix A optimal concentration of the natural additives were compared with a
presents a table in which the analysed studies are classified qualitatively control sample (CEB, or CSEB). The following sub-sections present the
according to i) the type of additives used and ii) the specific properties influence of the natural-based optimisation on the physical, thermal,
investigated. The next chapter presents the quantitative analysis of the mechanical, and durability properties. Further investigations on sound
results obtained in these studies. Below is an overview of how often insulation and fire resistance properties, as well as on sustainability
certain properties are studied (Fig. 7). From the graph, it is easy to indicators, are also suggested.
deduce which are the most common experiments.
Physical properties are generally examined but not always the 3.1. Physical properties
quantitative measurements are reported. This explains why only 55.6%
of the studies provide, for example, the value of dry bulk density. Physical properties are those properties that can be observed or
Furthermore, although shrinkage represents one of the main problems measured without changing the identity of the samples. In this study,
related to earth-based materials, only 8.9% of the studies provide a density, porosity, water absorption (including capillarity coefficient)
measure of it. Among the thermal properties, 33.3% of the studies and shrinkage are considered physical properties. By changing them,
investigate thermal conductivity, which is often the main parameter they can influence directly – improving or worsening – the other prop­
involved in assessing the overall thermal performance of the blocks. erties (i.e., thermal, mechanical, durability, sound insulation and fire
Conversely, mechanical properties are much more stressed, and several resistance).
studies focus just on those. Durability, which is another critical issue, is
also investigated with less frequency. In this study, durability is 3.1.1. Bulk density
expressed in terms of erosion and abrasion coefficient, but it is important Bulk density is the ratio between the dry mass and the apparent
to remind that it is also strictly related to the water absorption capacity. volume of a sample, including pores and for a fixed water content (γ =
Other properties are systematically neglected: sound insulation is pro­ m/V). Typical soil density values are within the range of 1000–1500 kg/
posed in only one paper (2.2%), and fire resistance is never proposed. m3, whereas typical values of compressed soil density range between
The category of sustainability indicators includes energy requirement, 1700–2000 kg/m3. Indeed, the compaction process reduces the volume
CO2 emission and cost estimation, as they represent the data available increasing the density ratio. To attain the maximum compaction, the
from the only one study that provides this analysis. water content within the mixture should be as close as possible to the
Based on the keywords present in the bibliography collected, the Optimum Water Content (OWC), or Optimum Moisture Content (OMC),
software VOSviewer [XX] was used to create a semantic graph (Fig. 8). obtained by the Proctor Test. The specific water content leads to
In this visualization, items are represented by a circle, and the lines achieving the maximum dry density allowing soil particles to be moved
between items represent links. The weight of each item determines the in a denser configuration without too much friction [10].
circle’s size: the higher the weight of an item, the larger the circle of the A certain quantity of soil will be inevitably replaced when intro­
item. In this graph, the item is selected if repeated more than five times. ducing additives into the earth mixture. Therefore, depending on the
The colour of an item is determined by the cluster to which the item density of the material added, the block will have a higher or lower
belongs. Here, the six clusters are automatically created by the software. density value. Due to the lightweight of the additives, the density of the
The distance between two items in the visualization approximately in­ optimised CEB is usually reduced compared with a control sample.
dicates the relatedness of the items. Given the largely accepted correlation between density and other
This graph is a valuable tool to understand the relationship between physical proprieties (e.g., thermal conductivity), the density trend after
concepts. It is easily understandable the strong connection existing be­ adding natural origin materials is shown in the next paragraph.
tween “compressed earth blocks” and “compressive strength”, for
example, and the weaker links with other items, such as “thermal con­ 3.1.2. Porosity
ductivity” or “durability”. The “sustainability” item appears under Porosity represents the total volume occupied by voids within the
different forms in different clusters (e.g., “environmental impact”, earth matrix. It can be manifested in two different forms: open porosity,
“sustainable development”, and “cost-effectiveness”). Further comments which affects the surface of the block, and close porosity, which could
will be provided in Section 4. directly affect physic-mechanical properties [40]. The percentage of
pores P can be calculated using Eq. (3):

Table 2
Type of soil [10] and recommended range of Atterberg limits for CEBs, adapted by [65,80]
Type of soil Atterberg limits
Recommended value Max-Min
Sandy Silty Clayey Akhzouz et al. (2021) Jiménez Delgado and Guerrero (2007)2[81] Akhzouz et al. (2021)
[65] [65]

WL 10–23% 15–35% 28–150% 30–35% 25–51% 25–50%

WP 5–23% 10–25% 20–50% 12–22% – 10–25%
IP (wL-wP) less than 5 5–15% 15–95% 7–18% 2–31% 7–29%
WS – – – OWC1 – 8–18%
Optimum water content.
Despite being outside the defined time range (2015–2021), the study of Jiménez Delgado and Guerrero (2007) is the only one dedicated to soil selection and,
therefore, is used as a reference.

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

Fig. 7. Commonly studied properties by the authors in the selected papers.

Fig. 8. Semantic relationship of keywords in the scientific literature of optimised CEBs.

VCEB In CEBs, porosity is strictly related to density. An interesting realistic

P(%) = × 100 (3)
Vw investigation, performed with 3D X-ray microtomography (XMT), on the
structural alteration of compacted soil is provided by the study of Menon
where VCEB is the volume of the block and Vw is the volume of water
et al. [82]. It shows a decrease in water penetration after compaction
due to the significant reduction of total pores volume and the proportion

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

of interpore volume and surface area. In the study of Ben Mansour at al. 20% to 9–10% and, after that, it starts to increase. The authors state that
[83], the porosity decrease from 50.23% to 24.11% when the compac­ this is probably related to the reduction of the porosity at the interface
tion pressure increases from 0.46 to 59.47 bars. However, it was found along fibres length. Then, increasing the content over the optimum, fi­
that there is no significant difference between soil blocks compacted at a bres start to sticking together, and the water absorption raises.
low and high impact rate [84]. Results presented until now demonstrate that the bulk density, the
The addition of natural fibres increases the porosity, influencing the porosity and the water absorption (including the water absorbed by
shape and geometry of the pores [40] without increasing density. capillarity) of fibre-optimised CEBs are similarly influenced by the
However, many authors recommend not to exceed certain thresholds presence of these natural additives. After fibres introduction, and
that could result in an excessive pore presence. It is worth mentioning increasing their content, CEBs are generally less dense, more porous, and
that the thresholds are different from fibres to fibres. absorb more water (Fig. 9).
Conversely, the addition of natural-based powders or ashes, as well The introduction of natural-based powders or ashes can lead to both
as of cement or lime, tends to close pores, filling them [40]. positive and negative results. Research works conducted by Azhzouz
However, the increase of porosity has to be linked with the average et al. [65], Mohamed et al. [66] and Tatane et al. [67] show that the
pore diameter in order to control the homogeneity of the products addition of 2% of argan nutshell powder (with 5% of cement) into the
[37,62]. Therefore, a high porosity percentage could be particularly soil mixture decreases the water absorption coefficient from 16.9% to
unfavourable if associated with a high average pore diameter, resulting 11.1%. This is probably related to the non-absorbing nature of this
in a low-quality and low-durable CEB. powder compared with other plant particles and to the capability of
Porosity plays a crucial role in thermal conductivity and mechanical filling gaps between particles (Fig. 10). The introduction of 2% sawdust
strength proprieties, as will be handled later. Additionally, it should be (with 5% of cement) suggested by Mohamed et al. [66] shows approx­
noted that a balanced porosity rate positively influences both vapour imately the same results: 8% of sawdust ash and 10% of cement, reduce
and frost resistance [10]. the water absorption from 9% to 7% and decrease the porosity from 34%
to 27%. Similarly, 6–8% sawdust ash with 6–10% cement satisfy all the
3.1.3. Water content criteria for durable CSEBs. Moreover, some other materials, such as shea
Water content has different compounds in CEBs: (i) structural water, butter residue (incorporate at 3–10% as proposed by Malbila et al. [35],
which is chemically bounded; (ii) absorbed water, which is electrically improve water repellence.
bounded; (iii) capillarity water, which is absorbed by capillarity action. On the contrary, the addition of sugarcane bagasse ash suggested by
Structural water is the water needed to ensure the correct preparation of Ali et al. [79] did not show the same trend: after 24 h of soaking in water,
blocks (OWC, or OMC). Especially in the presence of cement as a sta­ the presence of the ashes increases the water absorption rate by 73.83%.
biliser, the addition of the required water during the mixing process is This result could be explained by the hydrophilic nature of this material -
one of the most important factors to produce high-quality CEBs. In this composed of 50% cellulose, 25% hemicellulose and 25% lignin - and by
framework, the study of Ranjitham et al. [43] highlights the benefit of the fact that the increase in porosity leads to greater water permeability.
banana fibres within the soil matrix. Because of their composition (63% This study also shows another significant result related to the curing
of cellulose), these fibres absorb 30% more water, re-wet easier and process. It seems that water absorption decreases with time curing:
assist the hydration process of the mixture. Therefore, the presence of a optimised CEB with 20% sugarcane bagasse ash absorbed 24.17% of
similar type of fibres can be beneficial. water after 7 days and 23.08% after 28 days; non optimised CEB (control
The water absorbed can be assessed by immersing the dry block in sample) absorbed 7.04% of water after 7 days and 6.04% of water after
water for given periods, measuring its dry and wet weight (Wd and Ww 28 days.
respectively), as shown in Eq. (4). Sometimes the blocks have some The water absorption capacity is strictly related to durability. Water
difficulties resisting water for 24 h. presence is always dangerous in building, not just for stability. It was
found by Nshimiyimana et al. [74] that water acts as a bridge for ther­
(Ww − Wd )
A(%) = (4) mal conduction or diffusion. In particular, when the water content in­
crease, the thermal conductivity rate increases around 0.06 W/mK %.
An estimation of the capillarity water can be provided by measuring Finally, some authors introduce a certain percentage of sand to
the capillarity coefficient (5). The experiment consists of immersing the mitigate excessive water absorption rate, especially with clayey soil,
lower face of the block in a 5 mm water bath and measuring the weight taking advantage of its drainage properties. Vodounon et al. [51] add
after a fixed time. 20% of sand to the earth mixture, while Ajouguim et al. [34] mix 30%
earth and 70% sand. It was observed that the addition of sand also helps
100 × (W1 − W0 )
Cb = √̅ (5) to reduce shrinkage.
S t
In Eq. (5),W1 is the weight after immersion, W0 is the weight before 3.1.4. Swelling and shrinkage
immersion, S is the immersed area and t is the immersion time. Shrinkage is an undesirable effect in CEBs, as in any earth-based
While the structural water depends on the nature of the mixture (soil product, especially when the soil has a high clay content. In the pres­
components and other additives) and cannot be modified, the other two ence of certain clay minerals, large swelling occurs when water is
compounds have to be taken under control. In particular, the water absorbed during the preparation of the mix, and excessive shrinks
absorbed rate should remain under 20%, which is considered an happen when the block dries. Therefore, the main issue is the appear­
acceptable limit by most of the standard prescriptions (for further in­ ance and propagation of cracks related to this physical phenomenon.
formation about the standard framework, see Jannat et al. [8]. Plant fibres, randomly placed, are capable of controlling the defor­
Teixeira et al. [85] report a water absorption rate of 9.98% and a mation in CEBs, being one of the main reasons that prompted the use of
capillarity coefficient of 34.62 g/(cm2 min0 .5), measured on non- fibres in the earth mix. This positive effect is confirmed by different
optimised CEBs. authors [44,50,55]. In these studies, the optimised blocks are measured
In general, the introduction of natural fibres tends to increase water before and after drying, showing that different fibres (sugarcane, coco­
absorption due to their hydrophilic nature. Typically, the percentages nut, oil palm, jute and banana fibres) reduce the percentage of linear
increase gradually with fibres concentration [37,45,55]. However, shrinkage. It is widely accepted that the role of the fibres is to exert a
many authors agree that until a certain threshold, an inverse trend is certain friction between the particle soil of the mixture. Finally, within
recorded. For example, Selescadevi and Thanjavur [44] observe that for the two previous studies, it is also mentioned that the presence of fibres
0.25% of jute and banana fibres, the water absorption decrease from reduces the drying time because they allow an easier moisture escape.

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

Fig. 9. Effect of natural fibres on physical properties.

λ= (6)
where q is the rate of heat transfer, L is the thickness, A is the area of
heat transfer normal to the direction of the heat flow and ΔT is the
temperature gradient between the warm and cold surface.
A typical hollow brick has a thermal conductivity value of 0.36 W/
mK, whereas the thermal conductivity of a non-optimised CEB is 0.60
W/mK [85]. Other values to know are the thermal conductivity of the
Fig. 10. Effect of natural powders or ashes on physical properties. air, which is 0.025 W/mK, and of the water, which is about 0.60 W/mK.
This means that the heat moves easier in water than air, and this path
However, several authors underline the primary importance of soil should always be avoided. Results presented by Nshimiyimana et al.
selection in domineering the shrinkage phenomenon. In this sense, [75] show that the thermal conductivity after saturation of CEBs is twice
enough water (OWC) and curing time are indispensable in enhancing that of dry ones. Higher values, in the range of 2–2.4 times, are reported
the binding force and reducing the soil shrink. Furthermore, it appears by Bogas et al. [86]. On the contrary, in the presence of a balanced
that a mixing time of 10 min exhibits minor deformations and cracks porosity rate, the air trapped in the pores positively influence thermal
compared to 1 or 20 min [10] and guarantees uniform dispersion of all conductivity.
materials [51]. The introduction of natural fibres in CEBs generally improves ther­
Fig. 11 provides a visual representation of the main concepts exposed mal conductivity compared to the control samples (Table 3). This trend
until now about the swelling and shrinkage phenomenon. is probably related to fibres typically low thermal conductivity, which
range from 0.04 to 0.08 W/mK for plant aggregates, and the higher
porosity (more air) linked to their presence [75]. However, lower
3.2. Thermal properties thermal conductivity values are recorded for specific fibres concentra­
tions, after which it begins to increase.
In this sub-section, the influence of the natural-based optimisation on According to the outcomes exposed, a strict relationship between the
CEBs thermal performance is presented. Available thermal conductivity properties may be underlined: the lower the density, the lower the
values are reviewed quantitatively, while the excessive heterogeneity of thermal conductivity is. Fig. 12 represents this relationship, showing the
data related to other properties (i.e., thermal diffusivity, volumetric and trend of the reviewed fibre-reinforced CEBs and of the respective control
specific heat capacity) does not allow the elaboration of further con­ sample (non-optimised CEBs). This important outcome, strengthened by
siderations on them. the found R2 value (0.92 for optimised CEBs), confirms the correlation
between these two properties.
3.2.1. Thermal conductivity As for fibres, the introduction of natural-based powders and ashes
Thermal conductivity refers to the intrinsic ability of a material to leads to a general reduction of thermal conductivity compared to the
transfer or conduct heat. It is defined as the amount of heat per unit of control sample (Table 4).
time and unit area that can be conducted through a plate of a given Despite the similar trend, the same strong correlation between the
material with a unit of thickness when the difference of temperatures bulk density and thermal conductivity was not found. Fig. 13 shows this
between the opposite surfaces is one unit of temperature. The reviewed relationship, where the coefficient of determination (R-squared value)
studies measure this quantity in several ways but, in general, it is describes a very weak correlation: only 0.365 for optimised CEBs and
assessed on a Guarded Hot Plate using Eq. (6): 0.213 for the non-optimised ones.
However, the extremely positive effects reached by introducing both
fibres (lowest value: λ = 0.21 W/mK for 25% of HF) and powder or ashes
(lowest value: λ = 0.49 W/mK for 15% of GOS) show the high potential
of natural origin materials in optimising the thermal behaviour of CEBs.

3.3. Mechanical properties

In this sub-section, the influence of the natural-based optimisation on

CEBs mechanical performances is presented. The quantitatively
reviewed properties include: compressive, flexural and tensile strength,
whereas observations about ductility and fracture mechanisms are
presented qualitatively. Finally, some considerations about the struc­
tural response of a CEBs wall panel are summarised.

3.3.1. Compressive strength

Compressive strength is the widely investigated property in the
Fig. 11. Parameters affecting swelling and shrinkage. mechanical characterisation of optimised CEBs. As with other masonry

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

Table 3
Influence of natural fibres on thermal conductivity.
Authors Natural fibres Bulk Bulk density Thermal Thermal Length, concentration and treatments
density (CS) conductivity conductivity (CS)
[kg/m3] [kg/m3] [W/mK] [W/mK] [mm] [%] [treatment]

[62] Wool Fibres (WF) and Alginate (A) 1510 – 0.55 – 10 0.25% (WF) and –
3% (A)
[35] Fonio Straw (FS) – Soil A13FF 1761 1959 0.51 0.80 – 3% (FS) –
[37] Coconut Fibres (CF) and Aloe Vera – – 0.36 0.42 20 0.5% (CF) and 1% –
Mucilage (AVM) (AVM)
[36] Okra Plant Fibres (OPF) and Calcium 1610 1690 0.63 0.84 30 1.2% (OPF) and –
Carbide Residue (CCR) 10% (CCR)
[34] Alfa Fibres (alkali-treated) (TAF) 2530 2760 1.17 1.46 20–25 1% (TAF) NaOH, 6% (1
[48] Kenaf Fibres (KF) – – 1.40 2.00 30 1.2% (KF) –
[56] Hemp Fibres (HF) 1404 1745 0.21 0.26 – 25% (HF) –
[41] Date Palm Fibres (DPF untreated) 1982 1936 0.76 0.85 20–35 0.2% (DPF) –
Date Palm Fibres (TDPF alkali- 1910 1936 0.81 0.85 20–35 0.2% (TDPF) NaOH,
treated) 6% (24 h)
[59] Wheat Straw Fibres (WSF) 1358 >1600 0.31 0.96 40 3% (WSF) –
Barley Straw Fibres (BSF) 1140 >1600 0.31 0.96 40 3% (BSF) –
[ ]
* CS means Control Sample

Fig. 12. Linear correlation between dry bulk density and thermal conductivity Fig. 13. Linear correlation between bulk density and thermal conductivity on
of fibre-optimised CEBs. natural-stabilised CEBs.

units, it is a basic measure of quality for CEBs [87]. The most recom­ are introduced within the soil mixture, thermal conductivity and
mended test procedure consists of a direct, confined, uniaxial test on compressive strength do not evolve in the same sense, but they are
single units (σ = F/A). The common value of compressive strength for linearly related to density (Fig. 14). The point at which the two functions
non-optimised CEBs are around 9.01 MPa [85]. met each other represents the optimal mixture, usually.
As it is well demonstrated by Mansour et al. [88], when natural fibres As for thermal conductivity, increasing the optimal fibres content

Table 4
Influence of natural-based powders or ashes on thermal conductivity.
Authors Bulk Bulk density Thermal Thermal Length, concentration and treatments
Natural powders or ashes density (CS) conductivity conductivity (CS)
[kg/m3] [kg/m3] [W/mK] [W/mK] [mm] [%] [treatment]

[68] Ground Olive Stone (GOS) 1850 1980 ~0.49 ~0.79 – 15% (GOS) –
[75] Calcium Carbide Residue (CCR) and 1575 1801 0.64 1.02 – 16:4 (CCR:RHA) –
Rice Husk Ash (RHA)
[35] Shea Butter Wastes (SBW) 1893 1959 0.74 0.80 – 3% (A23RD) –
[66] Argan Nut Shell Powder (PANS) and – – ~0.59 0.64 – 2% (PANS) and –
Cement (C) 5% (C)
Sawdust (S) and Cement (C) – – ~0.49 0.64 – 2% (S) and 5% –
[67] Argan Nut Shell Powder (PANS) and – – ~0.58 0.64 – 2% (PANS) and –
Cement (C) 5% (C)
[71] Shea Meal (SM) and Cement (C) 2520 2770 0.52 0.72 – 10% (SM) and –
5% (C)
CS means Control Sample

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

Fig. 14. Thermal conductivity and compressive strength trend in fibre-

optimised CEBs as a function of dry bulk density, adapted by [88] Fig. 15. Linear correlation between dry bulk density and compressive strength
of fibre-optimised CEBs.
will result in a general degradation of the mechanical performance.
Several authors demonstrate that fibres overload causes a series of dis­ According to the results exposed, Fig. 15 shows the relationship
advantages such as non-uniform dispersion and fibres segregation, with between the dry bulk density and the compressive strength found. The
a consequent excessive porous and less compact block [55]. R2 value describes a good correlation in the fibre-optimised CEBs case
Available results of compressive strength related to fibre-optimised (0.874), whereas it describes a weak correlation in the non-optimised
CEBs are presented in Table 5. Generally, fibres’ introduction slightly ones (0.398).
decreases the strength compared to the control samples, but this trend is The introduction of natural-based powders or ashes shows encour­
often hidden by the effect of additional binders, which reinforce the aging results. These additives enhance the compressive strength, as

Table 5
Influence of natural fibres on compressive strength.
Authors Natural fibres Bulk Bulk density Compressive Compressive Length, concentration and treatments
density (CS) strength strength (CS)
[kg/m3] [kg/m3] [MPa] [MPa] [mm] [%] [treatment]

[62] Wool Fibres (WF) and Alginate (A) 1510 – 3.85 – 10 0.25% (WF) and –
– Soil SR 3% (A)
Wool Fibres (WF) and Alginate (A) 1450 – 3.79 – 10 0.25% (WF) and –
– Soil SY 3% (A)
Wool Fibres (WF) and Alginate (A) 1390 – 1.70 – 10 0.25% (WF) and –
– Soil SB 3% (A)
[35] Fonio Straw (FS) – A13FF 1720 1930 3.70 3.82 – 3% (FS) –
[36] Okra Plant Fibres (OPF) and 1610 1690 ~3.55 4.30 30 1.2% (OPF) and –
Calcium Carbide Residue (CCR) 10% (CCR)
[34] Alfa Fibres (AF) 2530 2760 22.46 11.51 20–25 1% (AF) NaOH, 6% (1 h)
[50] Jute Fibres (JF) – – ~3.70 4.00 – 0.5% (JF) –
[47] Kenaf Fibres (KF) – – ~5.80 ~4.20 30 1.2% (KF) –
[39] Coconut Coir Fibres (CF) and – – 2.83 3.00 – 0.25% (CF) and –
Cement (C) 8% (C)
Abaca Fibres (AF) and Cement (C) – – 2.99 3.00 – 0.25% (AF) and –
8% (C)
Maguey Fibres (MF) and Cement – – 4.27 3.00 – 0.25% (MF) and –
(C) 8% (C)
[51] Pineapple Leaves Fibres (PLF) and – – 4.81 3.04 – 3% (PLF) and 5% NaOH, 4% (1.46
Cement (C) (C) h)
[56] Hemp Fibres (HF) 1404 1745 3.83 5.27 – 25% (HF) –
[46] Banana Fibres (BF) and Cement (C) 1947 1968 6.58 3.84 50–60 5% (BF) and 7% –
[41] Date Palm Fibres (DPF) and Lime 1892 1936 ~9.20 ~10.20 20–35 0.2% (DPF) and –
(L) 10% (L)
Alkali-Treated Date Palm Fibres 1910 1936 ~9.80 ~10.20 20–35 0.2% (TDPF) and NaOH, 6% (24
(TDPF) and Lime (L) 10% (L) h) [**]
[64] Cotton Fibres (CF) and Cement (C) – – 3.30 4.20 10–20 10% (CF) and –
10% (C)
[55] Bagasse Fibres (BF) – Soil R – – ~2.60 ~2.40 80 0.5% (BF) –
Coconut Fibres (CF) – Soil R – – ~3.00 ~2.40 50 0.25% (CF) –
Oil Palm Fibres (OF) – Soil R – – ~3.00 ~2.40 38 0.25% (CF) –
[45] Banana Fibres (BF) and Cement (C) – – 5.92 3.33 50 0.35% (BF) and NaOH, 6% (2 h)
7% (C)
[ ]
* CS means Control Sample and it has to be intended for 0% fibres content
**] In this study, the alkaline treatment does not show a significant improvement. This is probably related to the duration of the treatment (24 h), compared with other
authors (1–2 h). [51] addressed these aspects, highlighting how extending the duration of the treatment (30, 60, 120 and 180 min) the content of cellulose, hemi­
cellulose and lignin present in the fibres decrease

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

some of them behave similarly to the traditional binders allowing the

pozzolanic reaction. The overall main findings are shown in Table 6. σt = (8)
However, also, in this case, the introduction of additives has positive
effects until certain thresholds. Elahi et al. (2020) found that the where L is the length, and d is the diameter of the specimens.
compressive strength of optimised CEBs with various concentrations of Briefly retracing the main limitations that affect CEBs, there are
sawdust ash and fixed cement content increases up to a point, after excessive shrinkage, high susceptibility to water erosion, low tensile and
which it starts to decrease. Conversely, for a fixed amount of sawdust flexural strength, poor ductility, limited fracture resistance. According
ash, the compressive strength continues to increase linearly with the to Millogo et al. [49], natural fibres are introduced into the earth matrix
cement content. for two main reasons: limit shrinkage (and crack propagation) during
Results demonstrate the key role of the chemical interaction in the drying process, and improve the tensile ductility of the block. Nat­
improving the compressive strength. However, it is worth mentioning ural fibres reinforce the block after the failure of the soil because of their
that this characteristic is also widely influenced by other parameters generally high tensile strength [48,49].
such as the curing method and the curing period. By monitoring the Therefore, it is expected that the addition of natural fibres within the
effect of different curing methods, Taallah and Guettala (2016) found soil matrix shows improvements in both flexural and tensile strength.
that CEBs cured 7 days in the oven perform better than those cured 28 Available results are reported in Table 7 and Table 8.
days at room temperature. The compressive strength values obtained Many authors discussed the positive flexural and tensile behaviour of
were 10 MPa and 7 MPa, respectively. However, among the studies fibre-optimised CEBs. In general, it seems that the fibres affect the
analysed, most of the blocks are simply dried in the open air, and the brittleness of the soil matrix, making the blocks more ductile
best performance is recorded after at least 28 days. [44,48,50,52,57]. Therefore, as Mostafa and Uddin [46] highlighted,
while the unreinforced blocks exhibit a sudden failure during the tests,
3.3.2. Flexural strength, tensile strength and ductility fibre-reinforced blocks experienced a gradual failure. This result is even
In this sub-section, results concerning flexural and tensile strength more evident when the length of the fibres increases, and therefore its
are presented parallelly because of their similar meaning. Namely, aspect ratio [52]. Indeed, the phenomenon generally observed is that
flexural strength is an indirect measure of tensile strength. fibres continue holding the blocks after the soil failure bridging
The flexural strength is typically determined by performing the microcracks.
three-point bending test on rectangular specimens and using Eq. (7): Besides, the adhesion fibres to the matrix can be further improved by
using chemical treatments. Among the reviewed articles, many authors
σ= (7) have demonstrated the positive effect of the alkaline treatment on
different natural fibres: Abessolo et al. (2020) treated bamboo fibres,
where F is the maximum applied load, L is the length of the support Ajouguim et al. (2019) treated alfa fibres, Vodounon et al. (2018)
span, b is the width, and d is the thickness of the specimens. The tensile treated pineapple leaves fibres, and Mostafa and Uddin (2015) treated
strength is generally determined by performing an indirect tensile test banana fibres.
on cylindric specimens and using Eq. (8): The treatment modifies fibres surface enhancing stiffness and
roughness. Their introduction in CEBs showed a reduction of pores with

Table 6
Influence of natural-based powders or ashes on compressive strength.
Authors Natural powders or ashes Bulk Bulk density Compressive Compressive Length, concentration and treatments
density (CS) strength strength (CS)
[kg/m3] [kg/m3] [MPa] [MPa] [mm] [%] [treatment]

[73] Egg Shell Powder (ESP) and Rice 1550–1600 1800–1850 1.00–1.10 1.40–1.50 – 10% (ESP:RHA) in NaOH
Husk Ash (RHA) 20:80 ratio
Egg Shell Ash (ESA) and Rice Husk 1550–1600 1800–1850 1.30–1.40 1.40–1.50 – 10% (ESA:RHA) in NaOH
Ash (RHA) 30:70 ratio
[74] Sawdust Ash (SDA) and Cement (C) 2086 1633 2.00 1.50 – 8% (SDA) and 10% –
[75] Rice Husk Ash (RHA) and Calcium 1575 1801 7.00 1.10 – 20% (CCR:RHA) in –
Carbide Residue (CCR) 16:4 ratio
[69] Shea Butter (SB) and Cement (C) – – – 2.88 2.98 – 4% (SB) ab 5% (C) –
Soil F
Shea Butter (SB) and Cement (C) – – – 3.01 2.98 – 4% (SB) ab 5% (C) –
Soil K
Shea Butter (SB) and Cement (C) – – – 2.49 2.98 – 4% (SB) ab 5% (C) –
Soil Y
[35] Shea Butter Residue (SBR) - A13RL 1870 1930 3.20 3.82 – 3% (SBR) –
[63] Green Mussel Shell (GMS) and Pig – – 4.16 2.36 – 10% (GMS) and –
Hair Fibres (PHF) 0.75& (PHF)
[78] Wood Ash (WA) and Cement (C) 1725 1590 ~2.00 0.80 – 5% (WA) and 5% –
[77] Calcium Carbide Residue (CCR) – – 6.60 2.20 – 15% (CCR:RHA) in –
and Rice Husk Ash (RHA) 7:3 ratio
[67] Argan Nut Shell Powders (PANS) – – ~3.10 2.00–3.00 – 2% (PANS) and 5% –
and Cement (C) (C)
[66] Argan Nut Shell Powders (PANS) – – ~3.10 ~2.50 – 2% (PANS) and 5% –
and Cement (C) (C)
Sawdust (S) and Cement (C) – – ~2.60 ~2.50 – 2% (S) and 5% (C) –
[89] Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) 1725 1783 3.73 0.66 – 15% (POFA) –
Treated Palm Oil Fuel Ash (TPOFA) 1725 1783 3.94 0.66 – 15% (TPOFA) –
[79] Sugarcane Bagasse Ash (SBA) 1711 1718 16.23 15.33 – 20% (SBA) –
[ ]
* CS means Control Sample

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

Table 7
Influence of natural fibres on flexural (bending) strength.
Authors Natural fibres Bulk Flexural Flexural strength Length, concentration and treatments
density strength (CS)
[kg/m3] [MPa] [MPa] [mm] [%] [treatment]

[62] Wool Fibres (WF) and Alginate (A) – Soil R 1510 0.91 – 10 0.25% (WF) and 3% –
Wool Fibres (WF) and Alginate (A) – Soil R 1450 0.86 – 10 0.25% (WF) and 3% –
Wool Fibres (WF) and Alginate (A) – Soil R 1390 0.39 – 10 0.25% (WF) and 3% –
[35] Fonio Straw (FS) – A13FF 1720 1.53 1.26 – 3% (FS) –
[34] Alfa Fibres (AF) 2530 5.23 2.98 20–25 1% (AF) NaOH, 6% (1 h)
[47] Kenaf Fibres (KF) – ~2.10 ~1.70 30 1.2% (KF) –
[39] Coconut Coir Fibres (CF) and Cement (C) – 0.38 0.42 – 0.25% (CF) and 8% (C) –
Abaca Fibres (AF) and Cement (C) – 0.30 0.42 – 0.25% (AF) and 8% –
Maguey Fibres (MF) and Cement (C) – 0.41 0.42 – 0.25% (MF) and 8% –
[51] Pineapple Leaves Fibres (PLF) and Cement – 0.92 0.43 – 3% (PLF) and 5% (C) NaOH, 4% (1.46
(C) h)
[50] Jute Fibres (JF) – 0.69 – – 0.5% (JF) –
[46] Banana Fibres (BF) and Cement (C) 1947 0.99 0.56 50–60 5% (BF) and 7% (C) –
[64] Cotton Fibres (CF) and Cement (C) – 0.76 0.80 10–20 10% (CF) and 10% (C) –
[45] Banana fibres (BF) and Cement (C) – 0.95 0.49 50 0.35% (BF) and 7% (C) NaOH, 6% (2 h)
[ ]
* CS means Control Sample

Table 8
Influence of natural fibres on tensile strength.
Authors Natural fibres Bulk Tensile Tensile strength Length, concentration and treatments
density strength (CS)
[kg/m3] [MPa] [MPa] [mm] [%] [treatment]

[44] Banana Fibres (BF) – 7.46 1.92 60–70 1% BF –

Jute Fibres (JF) – 9.90 1.92 60–70 1% JF –
[41] Date Palm Fibres (DPF) and Lime (L) 1892 ~1.35 ~1.45 20–35 0.2% (DPF) and 10% –
Alkali-Treated Date Palm Fibres (TDPF) and 1910 ~1.39 ~1.45 20–35 0.2% (TDPF) and 10% NaOH, 6% (24
Lime (L) (L) h)
[55] Bagasse Fibres (BF) – Soil R – ~0.30 ~0.26 80 0.5% (BF) –
Coconut Fibres (CF) – Soil R – ~0.31 ~0.26 50 0.25% (CF) –
Oil Palm Fibres (OF) – Soil R – ~0.35 ~0.26 38 0.25% (OF) –
[ ]
* CS means Control Sample

a consequent increase in density and bond adhesion, demonstrating how (2018) is the only one in which the load-carrying capacity of a wall made
the treatment led to a better link between fibres and the earth matrix. As of fibre-reinforced CEBs was tested. The experimental results are re­
a result, blocks with improved mechanical properties (flexural strength, ported in Table 11.
E-Modulus and ductility) are obtained (Fig. 16). The fibre-reinforced wall shows an increase of the peak strength of
The introduction of natural-based powders or ashes does not benefit 33.78%, compared to the unreinforced one. The authors attributed the
the flexural and tensile strength, as expected. These additives act as lower buckling load to the elongation capacity of the fibres, while the
binders that reasonably lead to better compressive strength, but they failure pattern indicates that shear governs the failure mode of both
have a little tensile strength. Table 9 and Table 10 present the available walls. These authors recommend interlocking and changes in blocks
results. dimensions to mitigate this problem.
From the structural point of view, the study of Lejano and Pineda However, no further data are available and still many aspects still to

Fig. 16. Effect of alkaline treatment on natural fibres and consequences on CEBs (left), according to [34] and the relationship between pineapple leaf fibres tensile
strength and duration of the alkaline-treatment in 4% NaOH solution (right), adapted by [51].

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

Table 9
Influence of natural-based powders or ashes on flexural (or bending) strength.
Authors Natural powders or ashes Bulk Flexural Flexural strength Length, concentration and treatments
density strength (CS)
[kg/m3] [MPa] [MPa] [mm] [%] [treatment]

[35] Shea Butter Residue (SBR) – A13RL 1870 0.67 1.26 – 3% (SBR) –
[63] Green Mussel Shell (GMS) and Pig Hair Fibres – 0.77 0.11 – 10% (GMS) and 0.75% –
[ ]
* CS means Control Sample

Table 10
Influence of natural-based powders or ashes on tensile strength.
Authors Natural powders or ashes Bulk density Tensile strength Tensile strength (CS) Length, concentration and treatments
[kg/m3] [MPa] [MPa] [mm] [%] [treatment]

[67] Argan Nut Shell Powder (PANS) – 0.65 0.75 – 6% (PANS) –

Argan Nut Shell Powder (PANS) and Cement (C) – 0.68 0.90 – 6% (PANS) and 5% (C) –
[ ]
* CS means Control Sample

mussel shell.
Table 11
However, it is worth mentioning that the study of Danso [54]
Wall test results, adapted by [39]
declared that soils with high plasticity index (clayey soil) behave better
Compressive Buckling Shear Peak against the water eroding effect due to the stronger bonding between
load load load strength
smaller particles.
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
Unreinforced 457.30 8120.40 129.10 142.61
3.4.2. Abrasion resistance
Fibre-reinforced 572.50 4634.70 160.10 190.79 The abrasion resistance is the strength that the blocks have against
wall external actions that cause cracks or damage. This property is valuable
in performing the wearing test by measuring the coefficient of abrasion
Ca. It represents the quantity of matter removed from the block surface
be clarified in this framework before understanding the real structural by brushing forth and back 60 times with a metallic brush:
Ca = (9)
Wf − Wi
3.4. Durability properties
In Eq. (9) A is the brushed area, Wf is the final weight and Wi is the
initial weight. The higher the coefficient is, the better is the abrasion
The durability of CEBs depends mainly on exposure to weather and
resistance performance.
human action. Other environmental factors could also intervene in the
The results in this area are contrasting. The formulation suggested by
deterioration of the block: the impact strength or the action of the micro-
Velasco-Aquino et al. [37], with coconut fibres and aloe vera mucilage,
organisms related to fungal growth reported in Laborel-Préneron et al.
shows an improvement of the abrasion coefficient compared to a control
(2019) are examples. Nevertheless, the scarce availability of similar
sample. The addition of 3% barley straw and rice husk proposed by
experimental data makes the influence of these factors still secondary. In
Laborel-Préneron et al. [42] worsen it. Contrariwise, within the same
this study, the reviewed properties include erosion and abrasion
study, lavender straw greatly enhances the abrasion resistance, bringing
the coefficient from 3.5 to 8 cm2/g. Even in this situation, as for the
erosion resistance, a key role is probably played by the aspect ratio:
3.4.1. Erosion resistance
lavender straw is thinner and longer (high aspect ratio) than barley
The erosion phenomenon appears when blocks are freely exposed to
straw (low aspect ratio). Additionally, the first one has a rougher
the weather. Generally, it is assessed by the authors through the water
external surface that encourages the bond fibre–matrix.
spray test or by the accelerated erosion test. The material is considered
As a result, there may be a relationship between erosion and abrasion
erosive (Class 3) when the pit depth is between 5 and 10 mm, and very
resistance based on the fibres’ aspect ratio (Fig. 17). Instead, other than
erosive (Class 4) when the pit depth is between 10 and 15 mm. Over 15
rice husk, no further studies were found to evaluate the durability of
mm (Class 5), the material fails the test.
optimised CEBs with natural-based powders or ashes. Therefore, their
The influence of natural fibres on the erosion resistance of CEBs is
role has yet to be clarified.
still not fully understood. However, the available literature demon­
strates that fibres presence improves erosion resistance. In particular,
despite not wholly preventing blocks’ erosion, it seems that they protect
soil from eroding effect as the tree roots protect ground soil [54,55].
Moreover, Danso [52] found that this phenomenon is more visible
increasing fibres aspect ratio: coconut fibres (125 mm) perform better
than sugarcane bagasse (80 mm) and oil palm fruit (38 mm) fibres.
Laborel-Préneron et al. [42] researched the effect of introducing
different additives, finding that all of the optimised samples showed
improvement compared to the non-optimised one, which was in Class 5.
Specifically, 3 wt% of rice husk ash turns the mixture in Class 4, whilst 3
wt% of barley and lavender straw turn the mixture in Class 3. Lejano
et al. [63] obtained similar positive effects by using pig hair and green Fig. 17. Parameters affecting erosion and abrasion resistance.

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

3.5. Sound insulation and fire resistance properties 3.6.1. Environmental and economic sustainability
The study by Poorveekan et al. [73], conducted in Sri Lanka, uses
Nowadays, construction materials are expected to be high perform­ geopolymers to strengthen earth blocks. In particular, two widely
ing and satisfy the needs of thermo-hygrometric and structural comfort available local wastes are used to synthesize the geopolymer: eggshell
and acoustic insulation and fire protection to guarantee further privacy powder (ESP) and rice husk ash (RHA). The sustainability indicators
and safety. These factors acquire greater importance, especially whether evaluated are embodied energy, CO2 emissions and production costs. In
CEBs technology is adopted in a high population density place where this study, the authors compared the results obtained from the geo­
dwellings are very close to each other. polymer blocks with cement-stabilised CEBs.
The intrinsic parameters that affect the acoustic performance of CEBs Table 12 summarises the data provided by the study [73] relating to
are the sound absorption and the attenuation coefficient. The available embodied energy and CO2 emissions for the production of cement, used
literature on CEBs reports that, generally, the higher the porosity, the in the reference cement-stabilised blocks, and the production of eggshell
higher the sound absorption coefficient is [83]. powder (ESP), eggshell ash (ESA) and Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), used
As it has already been noted, the introduction of natural fibres for geopolymer’s production.
generally increases the porosity. Rivera-Gómez et al. [62], which The data clearly show the advantage obtained from the production of
experiment with the usage of sheep wool fibres and alginate (natural ESP instead of cement (0.87 kWh vs. 0.22 kWh and 0.59 kg of CO2 vs.
polymer) to optimise CEBs, confirm the strong correlation between the 0.06 kg of CO2). However, the environmental impact and economic
acoustic performance and the porosity. In particular, the study high­ performance worsens when ESA production is considered, instead of
lights the importance of a homogeneous porous structure: the porosity ESP. In fact, a considerable amount of energy is required for the heat
has to be associated with the average pore diameter. In such a way, treatment of the ESP (calcination at 700 ◦ C) to obtain the ESA. Finally,
optimal pore (aperture diameter ratio) reduces the average porosity and the table shows the well-known data relating to the production of NaOH
improves the sound insulation absorption coefficient (Fig. 18). [98], necessary to synthesize the geopolymer.
The fire risk in dwellings is a complex and always a delicate problem. Even though the impact is much lower and has not been calculated, it
Assessing the fire resistance of optimised CEBs is rather difficult as the is worth noting that the RHA (also used in the production of the geo­
study of this property has not been found in any study. polymer) is also burned in the open air for 60 min to release the SiO2
Even if it falls outside of this review, the only clues found were in the content.
G. Minke’s text book [10] and in a research article from 2012 [90,91]. Costs are also affected by the treatments: they decrease up to 30% in
The first one reports that the loam, even with some straw content, is the geopolymer block, but the heating process leads them to increase up
considered not combustible whether the density is not less than 1700 to 10% (consuming 50% of the total production cost). These contra­
kg/m3. The second provides a study of the fire performance of fibre- dictions are typical in the context of the sustainability assessment, as in
reinforced CEBs with Kraft paper fibres taken from cement bags. them lies the complexity of finding a balance between its multiple di­
Among the main outcomes, it demonstrates how the CEBs’ partition wall mensions and indicators. In effect, even if geopolymers represent a valid
can respect the prescription of the considered European Standards (EN alternative to the replacement of Ordinary Portland Cement (from the
1363–1 and EN 1364–1), namely: maintain its integrity (preventing mechanical resistance point of view), their synthesis with NaOH repre­
flames and hot gases passage) and maintain its thermal insulation (resist sents a high potential environmental impact.
to the heat transmission within allowable limits). In particular, the However, the production of the geopolymer-CEBs result in a reduc­
overall CEBs’ wall performance was higher than other partition masonry tion of 63–70% of CO2 emissions compared to the stabilised CEB with
walls, and the temperature rise on the external face was far below the cement percentage of 10–20%.
value recommended in the standards. It must be said that these latest data do not consider the energy
required and the emissions caused by the transport of materials and the
3.6. Sustainability indicators mixing process. On the contrary, studies focusing on CEBs’ LCA assess­
ment [12,95] report that (i) the transport of raw material from the
The term sustainability is widely used to indicate various aspects extraction site to the production site and (ii) the consumption of elec­
ranging from pollution control to social integration [92]. Therefore, its tricity and fuel used during the screening processes, mixing and pressing
evaluation may appear complex as it includes environmental, economic, represent the two major contributors in the evaluation of the environ­
functional and social indicators [93,94]. mental impact, considering the cradle-to-gate life cycle. Therefore, some
From the authors’ knowledge, in the range of years considered for substantial aspects still remain to be clarified.
this study (2015–2021) four papers performed sustainability analyses of Bio-composite materials represent a valuable option to make the
CEBs [73,95–97], and only one of these concerns optimised CEBs with construction sector more sustainable, confirming that a closed-loop
natural origin materials. Therefore, the indicators considered below will approach for the construction industry is possible [56]. However, this
be those provided by the latter study carried out by Poorveekan et al. awareness is not yet supported by adequate scientific evidence.
4. Discussion of the results

Natural-based optimisation of CEBs is a research topic designed for a

purpose. The general outcome is the definition of prescriptions and
practical guidelines devoted to producing the building product.

Table 12
Embodied energy and CO2 emissions for the production of 1 kg of different
Material Embodied energy CO2 emissions

Cement (1 kg) 0.87 kWh 0.59 kg

ESP (1 kg) 0.22 kWh 0.06 kg
ESA (1 kg) 0.75 kWh 0.18 kg
NaOH (1 kg) 0.98 kWh 0.63 kg
Fig. 18. Parameters affecting acoustic performance.

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

However, research groups worldwide deal with this topic following Therefore, it follows that the influence of fibres and powders, or
approaches driven by their expertise rather than the real needs of the ashes, is markedly different in CEBs optimisation. Fig. 19 reports the
research issue. The 22.2% (10/45) of the selected articles performed a main findings of this review. This concept map presents observations
complete characterisation of the blocks by addressing at least thermo- and correlations widely accepted by the authors to provide a more
physical and mechanical proprieties. In contrast, two only of them defined vision of the problem. It refers, in general, to the results corre­
also investigated durability tests [37] or sound insulation proprieties sponding to the optimal concentration of the additives.
[62]. The remaining 77.8% (35/45) partially characterised the opti­ From the thermophysical point of view, the introduction of natural
mised CEBs. Thermophysical, mechanical or durability properties are fibres on CEBs exert an evident influence. Usually, fibres decrease the
investigated separately, neglecting the possible correlations among dry bulk density and increase the porosity of the blocks. Several studies
them. Moreover, within this percentage, six studies addressed particular consider the possibility of improving thermal performance by making
aspects: (i) the effect of fibres aspect ratio on the mechanical perfor­ them lightweight and more porous. Indeed, it is widely shared that the
mance [52], (ii) the microstructural interaction of the fibres within the air trapped in the pores, which has a low thermal conductivity value,
soil matrix [53], (iii) the chemical and microstructural changes in the allows for better thermal behaviour and more vapour and frost resis­
presence of CCR and RHA [76], (iv) the strength of the blocks under tance. It is important to remember that porosity positively affects the
different curing methods [41] or (v) different humidity conditions [38] blocks until a specific percentage and is associated with a low-medium
and, finally, (vi) the impact of fibres on fracture behaviour [57]. average pore diameter.
These very focused studies are essential for a proper comprehension On the contrary, the water content must be limited to maintain a
of the optimisation problem. However, most of the mechanisms gov­ constant level of thermal conductivity (because of the high thermal
erning the behaviour of the optimised CEBs are still only hypothesised conductivity of water) and preserve the integrity of the blocks. The
by the authors. The uncertainties in the interaction between soil and dashed line indicates a tendency about the effect of fibres on water
additives represent one of the main limitations of this research topic. content, which is related to the hydrophilic nature of these additives.
Other limitations are related to the wide variability of data available, However, it is important to remember that within certain thresholds, the
making the comparison of results hard. The main variables intercepted addition of fibres can decrease the water absorbed by the optimised
are related to the mineralogical and chemical composition of soil blocks.
selected, presence of one or more additives, type and concentration of In general, problematic absorption rate (i.e., exceed 20%) can be
these additives, fibres treatment, compaction force, specimens’ size, mitigated by introducing sand, which contributes to water drainage or
mixing and curing time, and curing time method. It emerges an overall submitting the fibres to chemical treatment. In any case, the presence of
fragmented and heterogeneous framework. any crack must be avoided as this could represent a path for water
On the other hand, the differences in the role of fibres, powders or movement.
ashes are clearer. Natural fibres are introduced within the soil mixture Cracks arise during the drying process due to excessive swelling and
because of their properties: lightweight, high tensile strength, and low shrinkage, which mainly affect clayey soil. It was found that fibres
thermal conductivity. The studies in this framework aim at under­ adequately control linear shrinkage and that the addition of sand also
standing how to improve the properties of CEBs to make them more mitigates the phenomenon.
performing. Conversely, natural origin powders or ashes are residues or Regarding the mechanical properties, natural fibres are not intro­
sub-products derived mainly from the food industry. They are used to duced to increase the compressive strength of the blocks. However, they
offer an alternative to cement, typically used as a stabiliser and a solu­ can lead to a general improvement of the ductility and flexural strength
tion to waste disposal. However, their introduction partially solves some of CEBs because of their high tensile strength. Fig. 20 represents the
disadvantages of the earth-based materials (e.g., vulnerability to water, modification of the flexural strength after the introduction of the
durability) because of their chemical composition. optimal content of different fibres.

Fig. 19. Concept map of the main findings.

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

extremely positive effect is recorded in the presence of alfa and banana

fibres (+53.02% and + 42.26%), rice husk ash (+86.26%), wood ash
(+56.60%) and palm oil fuel ash (+82.88% and 84.79%).
The main findings just presented demonstrate that natural origin
materials can optimise the performance of CEBs and, due to their
different meaning, fibres and powders or ashes can be used together to
reinforce and stabilise blocks, respectively.
Nevertheless, the analyses show that while >75% of the studies
perform compressive strength tests, less than 35% provide thermal
conductivity measurement. Again, less than 12% of the studies address
aspects related to shrinkage and durability, which are among the most
problematic issues in CEBS. Finally, the lack of data identified in sound
insulation and fire resistance properties added to the limits mentioned
above, negatively affects the completeness of the functional indica­
tors essential to introduce CEBs on the market definitively.
The scarcity of sustainability analysis was unexpected as this concept
itself gave the mainspring in developing this technology. Analysing the
semantic graph, it is easy to understand that keywords as “sustainabil­
Fig. 20. Trend of flexural strength of CEBs with and without natural fibres. ity”, “environmental impact, “embodied energy” and “cost-effective­
ness” are much further away than, e.g., “compressive strength” (Fig. 22).
In general, the mechanical performances are positively influenced by The LCA, EE and EC, and other sustainability indicators, will soon
the compaction force, longer curing process (at least 28 days) and the become the primary decision-support tool for the adoption of con­
presence of traditional binders (5–10% of lime or cement). However, the struction products [99]. It is expected that these identified gaps will be
most critical response is given by the quality of the soil. In this filled by future research.
perspective, Atterberg limits represent a fundamental knowledge in the Finally, from the definition of limitations and gaps, future research
predictions of CEBs’ mechanical behaviour. It can be concluded that soil and innovation opportunities can be identified. Further studies are
selection is essential in compressive strength, while plant fibres are needed to: assess the durability and ageing of fibres; understand if it is
significant in flexural-tensile strength [55]. possible to adopt computational models to optimise the mixture design
A different role is generally attributed to the natural powders and and predict the thermophysical and mechanical characterisation of the
ashes, as some of them behave similarly to the traditional stabilisers (e. optimised blocks; understand failure modes, fracture mechanism and
g., cement). The stabilisation is often indispensable because of the the overall structural behaviour of optimised CEBs walls; assess the
vulnerability of earth blocks against water attack. Water presence is environmental and economic impact; finally, research should also sup­
strictly related to the durability of the block and if soaking samples in port the creation of new public housing policies to promote the socio-
water for 24 h, they will often fail the test. The durability of the blocks, economic acceptance of the materials [100–102].
in the present study evaluated in terms of erosion and abrasion coeffi­ The discussion of the results allowed to achieve the answers for the
cient, results positively influenced by the presence of fibres (and five research questions formulated at the beginning of this work.
increasing the aspect ratio). Table 13 summarizes the goals, the main findings and the limitations of
Fig. 21 provides a critical comparison between optimised and non- this research.
optimised CEBs regarding the Coefficient of Structural Efficiency
(CSE). This coefficient is defined as the ratio between the bulk density 5. Conclusions
and the dry compressive strength [75]. Results concerning fibre-
reinforced blocks are presented on the left, whereas those concerning Results presented and discussed highlight the complex multidisci­
the naturally-stabilised blocks are presented on the right. plinary nature of this research topic, which can be only deal with a
The 62.5% (10/16) of the studies considered shows a higher value of holistic approach. The SLR method helped for an easier discretisation of
CSE when some natural origin additive is included. In particular, an the problem and the answers to the five research questions formulated

Fig. 21. Coefficient of Structural Efficiency: a comparison.

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

Fig. 22. Zooming into the semantic graph: comparison between some sustainability indicators items and compressive strength item.

• it is recommended to clearly explain test procedures adopted,

Table 13
working also on their uniformities;
Research questions and answers.
• finally, it is recommended to approach the new study with the
How is the research topic addressed? awareness that soil selection represents the first variable that must be
– Only 22.8% (of 45 studies) perform a full characterisation taken into account to produce high-quality CEBs. The addition of any
– The remaining 77.2% provides a partial characterisation natural-based additives can modify the thermo-physical, mechanical
Why do researchers introduce additives in the mixture to produce CEBs? and durability behaviour of these blocks, but the appropriateness of
the selected soil consistently gives the primary response.
– Fibres: reinforcement
– Powders, or ashes: stabilisation
Natural-based optimisation is technically possible, and it can make
What are the main findings that can be extrapolated?
the construction sector more sustainable by also triggering a virtuous
See the concept map (Fig. 19) system of a circular economy. Waste acquires added value, and its
What are the limitations and gaps in the existing research? storage is reduced. It requires low energy consumption and low pollu­
Limitations: Gaps:
tion during the whole life cycle, from the extraction phase to the end-of-
– Uncertainties in the interaction – In-depth knowledge of shrinkage life [103].
soil-additives phenomenon However, further studies are still needed to investigate the aspects
– Uniqueness of the natural – In-depth knowledge of the relationship related to durability, mix design, numerical modelling and structural
origin materials porosity-sound insulation
behaviour, sound insulation and fire resistance properties, as well as the
– Fire resistance behaviour
– Structural simulation models impact of materials of natural origin in a comprehensive set of sus­
– Sustainability analyses tainability indicators. This is necessary before the potential of this
technology can be fully adopted by the construction industry.
What opportunities are there for future research and innovation? Beyond the engineering aspects, from the reviewed literature, two
main research lines emerge: the research of scientists whose aim is to
– Investigations on the durability and aging of fibres
– Computational models for the optimisation of the mixture design improve existing building techniques and materials for developing
– Numerical modelling of the mechanical behaviour countries, and the research of scientists whose aim is to develop new
– Assessment of the environmental and economic impact building techniques, examining renewable materials, for developed
– Promotion of the socio-economic acceptance of the material countries.
In this perspective, wondering what the aim of our research is not so
were found (see synoptical representation in Table 13). ordinary. Is it to study a feasible material, with a low price, to meet the
Among the main outcomes: the role of several additives was clarified, housing demand in the developing countries? Or perhaps is to make our
and the linear relationship between natural fibres and thermal con­ polluting buildings more sustainable?
ductivity was confirmed. However, based on the knowledge gained, the
following concluding remarks useful for future research can be Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
• it is recommended to take into consideration the possibility of using interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
both natural-based binders and fibres to stabilise and reinforce the the work reported in this paper.
mixture, respectively;
• it is recommended to explain clearly and exhaustively all the data Acknowledgements
related to the characterisation and the chemical composition of the
soil and the additives used; This work is financed by national funds through FCT - Foundation for
Science and Technology, under grant agreement UIBD/150874/2021

C. Turco et al. Construction and Building Materials 309 (2021) 125140

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