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Catering Industry


ACTOR What they can do on the software created

tomer ● Employee should suggest on adding menu on time before the
time i.e. 11 a.m.

Canteen ● Upload menu on time and close window on time to stop wastage
Manager of food

Delivery Boy ● Deliver correct order to the concerned employee on time to their
respective work station

Payroll system ● Ensure to deduct the amount of meal from salary account

Management ● Management of overall system

Problem Definition and Solution

● Employees can avoid que and moving tie which result to saving time.
● Canteen operational expenses will be reduced.

Advantages and Objectives

Advantages of the Canteen Ordering System:

Online canteen ordering system has its direct impact on 3 core factors worktime increase,
reduce wastage and employee satisfaction which in turn collectively increase the overall
efficiency and productivity of the company


● Employees can avoid ques and moving time.

● Order what they want
● Increase worktime and productivity
● Decrease food wastage.
● Decrease in canteen operational cost.
● Formulate food preparation patterns and improve quality by feedback.

Existing System

● How is the existing system? Does it have any of the mentioned features already?
In existing system preferred lunch time is 12 to 1 pm
Queue time 40 mins to grab food
Time spending eating 10 - 15 mins 60 mins in total
Coming back to seat 10 mins
Total no of employees 1500 and total seating capacity 300 so no of turns will be 5 for all
Changing turns to hours can be made into a rough calculation of 3.5 hrs a day

Productivity increase per month = 91 hrs – ( 3 hrs * 26 days )

This results in time and productivity of client.

Proposed System

Online system in JAVA script for ordering food online and getting them in respective seats.

Scope using use case diagram (UML)

Create a use case diagram including all the actors and processes for an end to end process of the

Update menu

Employee n
s Monitor Owner

Read order

Place order

Scope using context diagram

Avaiable menu , order placed Todays menu

Order details

Employees Canteen

Online system
for ordering

Company Management Payroll

Delivery agent/Boy Management

Delivery details and confirmation Report Employee Bill & rcpt

Context diagram gives a bird’s eye view on the entire system and the data flows within. It
shows how each section acts and how they transform data which they receive as input and
give out as output for the next section or process point to carryout.Online canteen acts as a
centre hub for all the data to flow and transform into their respective forms and flow into
the next sector. Even when this is a loop, the centre acts as a storage (mostly temporary) the
initial trigger comes with the input from the employee side which triggers other entities
even when it comes to the report generation at the end of each month (continuous process
for continuous improvement and monitor

In Scope

Report , order forecasting, website, worktime, order view for inventory process and reduce

Out of Scope

Free space utilization and vendor and supplier selection

Activity Diagram for the System:

Create an activity diagram for the system.

Employee order through website

Order received through application to canteen manager

order given to chef

food is prepared and packed

receipt generated copy given to managrment of receipt

food delivered by delivery boy-----

After confirmation given receipt of delivery copy given to management .

ER Diagram for the System:

Create an ER Diagram for the system you have designed.

ID Floor no

Designat Employee Directory Employe

ion e

re Employee

Authorizatio Agreement for bill
n Payroll System canteen


Menu Order request process Delivery log

e details

Days menu requsest


kitchen report

Resourc preference
Chef log
e usage

Order processing
Preconditions and Triggers: Example

• What user/manager should be able to do in a step?

• What are the triggers?
• What is the basic flow?
• What are the data elements?
• In case of errors, what happens?

Business Requirements:

Objective–[1–2] (Canteen Operations) – Reduce food waste>=30% (in 6 months)-Reduce canteen

operating cost to15% (12Months) - Scale value of food thrown away Previous–25% waste do Must
plan for <15% Objective –3 (Work Efficiency) - Increase average effective work time by 30 min per
day from each employee (in 3 months) Objective–4 (Online System)-Make Ordering process
automated-Deliver food to user workstation Program Environment Canteen can function with less

Functional Requirements

● Store data and turn into usable reports

● Find no of system users

● Most popular Dishes

● Canteen manager should be able to see order placed

● Sales data’

● Should support order of 1500 employees

● Payroll system

Nonfunctional Requirements
• Easy to use
• Less loading time
• Aesthatically pleasing website
System Requirement:
Reduce waste of food
Food delivered in time
Exciting food menu
Monthly reports
Inexpensive and low maintence
Reduce canteen operating cost

To ensure the sale transition and compatibility with the new online system staff must be trained
to add value and proper utilization of system put in place.

Create an online canteen ordering system for the easre of employees and to pave ways to overall
resource optimization

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