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Agar That Used In Street Food Microbial Analysis

1. violet red bile agar (VRBA)

2. plate count agar (PCA)
3. Nutrient agar
4. MacConkey agar
5. Eosin Methylene Blue agar,
6. Salmonella Shigella (SS) agar
7. Manitol Salt Agar (MSA)
8. yeast malt agar
9. Potato dextrose Agar
10. Cetrimide agar
11. Carbohydrates fermentation
12. Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) agar
13. Chlorom-phenicol Agar
14. HEA (Hektoen Enteric agar)
15. XLD (Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar),
16. Tryptone Soya Agar
17. BGA (Brilliant Green Agar)
18. Barid Parker Agar
19. MYP (Mannitol Egg Yolk Polymyxin) agar
20. Sabouraud’s agar

That I Mention in Synopsis:-

Different Agar like - nutrient agar, Eosin Methylene Blue Agar,
Tryptone Soya Agar Etc.
TBC (Total Bacterial Count) And TCC (Total Coliform Count)
Indole test, Urease Test, Motility Test, Methyl Red, VP (Voges-
Proskauer) Test, Citrate Test etc.
Water Testing.

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