Prepare Bill of Quantitiy

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The module aims to provide the learners with
the required knowledge, skill and attitude in
preparing the needed labor, materials and
supplies required for the job.
LO1. Identify nature/ scope of work
1.1 Scope and nature of masonry works
1.2 Preparing Program of Work
1.3 Resource requirements
1.4 Project quality requirements and
organization procedures
1.5 Communication devices and processes
LO2. Calculate resource requirements
2.1 Types and qualities of supplies, materials
2.4 Quantity surveying
2.3 Trade mathematics: Volume, angle, area,
percentage, ratio & proportion, length
LO3. Estimate approximate quantities and cost
3.1 .Unit cost
3.2 Labor cost
3.3 Material cost
3.4 Equipment cost/deprecation cost
3.5 Contingency
3.6 Overhead
3.7 Profit/Mark up
LO1. Identify nature/ scope of work
1.1 Scope and nature of masonry works
 Masonry walls
• Is built of individual blocks of materials such as
stone, bricks, hollow concrete blocks(HCB),
• usually in horizontal courses cemented together
with mortar
Masonry Wall is used in different structures like:-
 Trench masonry wall- under grade beam
 Retaining wall
 fence

Based on the types of materials used for

Masonry walls can be classified as:
1) Stone masonry
2) Brick masonry
3) Hollow concrete block masonry
4) Reinforced masonry
5) Composite masonry
It is the art of building the structures with stones
Uses of stone masonry
Building foundations, dams, monumental
Building walls, piers, columns, pillars, light
houses, and architectural works
Arches, domes, lintels, and beams
Roofs, floors, paving jobs
Railway ballast, blackboards, electrical
switchboards, etc.

Selection of materials depends upon:-

•Ease of working
•Strength and stability
•Polishing characteristics
•It is the process in which the stone surfaces
specially the facing are prepared to a form fit to be
used for any construction work.
•Dressing is carried out either manually with the
help of hand hammers, chisels, axes or machines.
Uses of dressing of stone
•Gives desired shape to stones
•Reduces the mortar joint width
•Improves the appearance of stone surface

Brick masonry
•Brick masonry is made of brick units bonded together
with mortar.
 Two essential components of brick masonry are
• Bricks
• Mortar

Types of bricks

Bricks used in masonry can be of two types
• Traditional bricks
• Modular bricks
Traditional bricks
•Are those which have not been standardized in size.
•The dimensions of traditional bricks vary from
place to place.
Modular bricks
•Any bricks which is of uniform size as laid down
by standards.

Bonds in brick work
•Bond is the interlacement of bricks
•Stretcher bond •Brick on edge bond
•Header bond •Dutch bond
•English bond •Raking bond

•Flemish bond •Zigzag bond

•Garden wall bond.
•Facing bond
•English cross bond
Works/activities of masonry includes:-
1. Provision of stone masonry units(stone, HCB,
2. Dressing of stone (for stone masonry). Dressing can
be either roughly/semi dressing or full dressing.
3. Provision of materials(cement, sand, stone…..)
4. Surface preparation(digging trenches, compacting
with selected granular materials and spreading lean
5. Laying of masonry units.
6. Binding joints with masonry paste
7. Pointing the exposed surfaces of masonry by a
cement/ lime- sand ratio of 1:3
8. Curing the masonry at least for 7 days
Masonry work can be started after the laying surface
is prepared:
•Cutting the ground to the desired depth
•Back fill with selected material
•Spreading lean concrete(C-5)
•Laying of masonry units
Resources for masonry includes:
•Masonry units (stone, HCB, brick…)
•Cement ,lime
•Tools, i.e. hand tools(like spade, trowel,
float, sledge hammer……)
Stone/ HCB/ brick quality
Quality of mortar paste
Curing appropriately
Preparing a suitable surface for laying
masonry units
1.5 Communication devices and processes

• Drawings with the Specification will completely

defines the structure. Drawings and
Specifications are complementary.
Contractors study specifications to
Details or materials
Sequence of work,
Quality of
workmanship, and
appearance of the end
Estimate costs.
Specification Cont..
 Good specifications expand or clarify
drawing notes define quality of materials and
workmanship, establish the scope of the
work, and describe the responsibilities of the
Specification Cont..

The technical specifications cover the major

types of work—architectural, civil, structural,
mechanical, and electrical.

Each of these types is further divided and

subdivided in the technical specifications and
given a general title that describes work to be
Purpose of Specification

The cost of a unit quantity of work is

governed by its Specification.
To describe Quality and Quantity of
Workmanship and method of doing
the work.
Tender document
Contract document
Procurement of machineries
Types of Specification
` Specification can be Broadly

classified in to two:
General Specification (GS)
Detailed Specification (DS)
Gs- general information for the quantities of materials,

nature and class of work can be known.
Gs- useful for estimating a project.

Ds- Detailed specification for particular item, specify

the quality , quantities and proportion of materials,
method of preparation and execution of a work.
Ds- form a part of contract document.

Writing Specifications


1. Shall be in Logical and Orderly manner

2. Materials – quality and size, bindings, proportion of

mixing or treatment of materials shall be fully

3. Workmanship- the method of mixing the proportion,

laying, compaction, finishing and curing etc… shall
be in complete description.
Some specifications are given below for the most widely
known works in building construction.
2. concrete work
2.1 lean concrete
Details shall be given on the following conditions:
• Grade of concrete
e.g. C-5
• Mix ratio of concrete
e.g. 1 : 4 ; 8
• Thickness of lean concrete
e.g. 5cm
• Location of the lean concrete
e.g. under footing pad

Sample specification
“ Discharge 5cm thick lean concrete in C-5 grade or 1 : 4 : 8
ratio under footing pad”.
Quantity surveying
•Quantity Surveying – the process
of calculating the quantities and cost
of works required for a project.
•It is calculating the total amount of
works in building and estimating the
probable cost of executing them.
• To
provide an estimate very close to the actual
• we need to have good knowledge on blue print
•Once we understand the entire nature of the building
•We can take dimensions of items from the drawing
and calculated for their quantity.
•The calculated amount of work is then multiplied by
the current market price of all materials and labour to
complete the work.
Purpose of Quantity survey
- To Know amount of Money
- Quantity of Material
- Tools & Equipments required
- Workers to be employed
- fix up completion period
- To Schedule & Programs
- To invite tenders
-For Valuation of an existing Bld.
The following tasks are covered in quantity
• Preparation of specification
•Taking measurements of civil works (Taking off
quantities and preparing BOQ)
•Preparation of approximate (preliminary) cost
estimate at the very early stage of the project
•Preparation of detail cost estimate at different
stages (taking as built measurements and
preparing payment certificates or approval of
payment certificates prepared by taking
• Preparation of tender documents and examining tenders
(tender – an offer in writing to execute a contract)
• Preparation schedule of prices to negotiate with pre-
qualified bidders (labour rates, material supply rates,
equipment rental rates)
• Determination of values of works (executed works) and
preparation of payment certificates
• Preparation of final accounts on completion of all of the
• Valuation of property
Parties in construction
• There are three parties in the Construction
Client-Access to Finance & Land
Design Team- Produces Construction
Construction Team – Construction

• Construction Documents
- Drawings
- Specifications, Bill of Quantities
-/Bid and Contract Documents/
Trade mathematics: Volume, angle, area,
percentage, ratio & proportion, length

Measurements – Important in planning & execution

of any work or project. From Estimation up to
completion and settlements of payments.
Measurements Rule-
1. Each item shall be fully described (Specification)
2. In booking dimensions, the order shall be length,
breadth or width, and height or depth or thickness.
3.50 A.SUB
4/ 2.50
Excavation & Earthwork

1.50 Excavate for isolated footing starting from reduced ground

Measurements cont…
Types of Measurement
Linear measurements – Long and thin works
shall be taken in linear or running unit and linear
measurement shall be taken Via “m”
Areal measurement – Thin, shallow or surface work
shall be taken in square unit or in Area. The thickness
shall be specified. Area-Sq.m
Volume measurements –Voluminous and thick works
shall be in cubic unit or volume. Volume- Cu.m
 Voluminous - Thickness >0.30m
 Superficial- Thickness<= 0.30m (Areal) except concrete
….(British standard)
 There are various approaches to measurement for bills of
quantities and these are as follows:
- Each (numbers): Piles, doors, Windows, Precast
concrete, etc.
Length (meter): Windows sills, Pipes, Skirts, stair steps,
- Area (Square meter): Flooring, painting, plastering,
Brick walls (12 cm or less), etc.
- Volume (Cubic meter): Brick walls (>12 cm thick),
Excavation, Backfilling, Reinforced Concrete, etc.
- Weight (Ton): Metallic works, Reinforcement steel, etc.
- Lump Sum: Some electrical and plumbing works,
Manholes, etc.
- Effort (Man-day): Renting of equipment or labor, etc.

Process in the preparation of completed BoQ
a) Taking-off Quantities
b)Abstracting or „ Working-up‟
c) Billing

a) Taking-off Quantities (Booking Quantities)

Extracting quantities from the Drawings
with description is known as Booking Dimension or
Taking off Dimension Quantities.
Taking-off assists the measurer with both
accuracy and speed of recording dimension
Bill of Quantities cont..

Dimensions are taken (from Drawings) on

lined paper called Take-off sheet (Dimension paper).
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Timesing Dimension Squaring Description

Excavation for
3.00 starting from
2.00 reduced ground
4/ 0.50 level.


Take-off sheet format


General principles of Taking-off
a) Entering Dimension- Dimensions shall be entered in
dimension column in two place of decimals.
b) Abbreviation – in description column use abbreviations to
save space and time.
c) Grouping of Dimensions- where the same dimension applies
to more than one item, separate each of the descriptions by
“& “ and bracket the descriptions.
d) Adjustment of openings – when measuring areas with
openings or voids, the convenient practice is Measure the
full area first, then adjust for the openings.
e) Order of taking-off:- follows the order of construction. For
Simplicity and avoid risk of missing items.

b) Abstracting or ‘working up’ Bill of

After completion of the take-off the
measured items should be collected, and
similar items should be merged.
Once all measured items have been
transferred to the Abstract the quantities
are totaled and rounded to the nearest
whole unit.
Bill of Quantities cont..
c) Billing – the final stage in preparation of BoQ.
~ is presenting the quantities and description in a structured
and consistent fashion.
Levels of Heading
1. Level1: Group (eg. Sub-structure)
2. Level2: Sub-group (eg. Earthwork)
3. Level3: Work section (eg. Site clearance)


Excavation & Earthwork
Clear the site to remove the top soil to m2 704.00 3.00 2,112.00
a depth of 20cm.
Bulk excavation over the site to reduce m3 322.00 4,830.00
level up to a depth not exceeding 50cm.
•The following specifications and methods of
measurement are provided to guide the quantity
surveyor in the preparation of quantities for a building
•A typical building project will have the following
work items.
Any structure below the ground floor slab level including
the basement, retaining walls, ground slab, grade beam, and
foundation is called a substructure.
In most of the cases, substructure work can be
categorized as follows:
1. Excavation and earthworks (mandatory)
2. Concrete works (can be neglected sometimes)
3. Masonry works (mandatory)

Steel is not used in substructure unless in

composite form.
What types of works are included in excavation and
1.1 Site clearance
•Carbonatious elements are not good in concrete,
steel and timber works.
•Therefore, these materials (including trees, bushes
and the top 20 to 30 cm soil), termite hills, any other
obstruction, too, have to be cleared.
•Removal of structures
•A working space of 1m is required on each side.
•Topsoil Excavation
•Excavation for foundations/ Deep Excavation
•Excavation to reduce levels-for sloppy site to reduce the
level of the ground to specified formation level.
Measured in Volume. (Bulk excavation- the limit
shall be the surface area covered by permanent
structure on the area of bulk excavation plus the
working space for trench or pit excavation.)
•Average depth of 20-30 cm from the natural ground
level(NGL). This work is called site Excavation/ topsoil
clearance or site clearance.
Excavation Cont..
•Topsoil clearance(removal of topsoil)- shall be
measured by the Area. Site clearance is made over
the entire plinth area of the building by giving a
minimum of 1-1.5m clearance gap on each side. It
is called working space.
•To make the ground leveled for setting out works.
•To remove organic materials a way from the
construction site that may harmfully react with the
•1m is the clearance gap
•The unit of measurement for site excavation is m2
A = (l +2m) X (w +2m)

l = length of the plinth

w = width of the plinth plinth area

•Excavation to get reduced levels of every
structural element below the ground level is called
bulk excavation. They are subdivided as follows
depending on the subsurface condition.
Ordinary soil - With boulders and without boulders
and can easily be removed by shovel without
Weathered rock – it can be divided easily without
Rock- bedded rocks that cannot be dug without
blasting (requires using explosives)

Note: -
Working space for bulk excavation is 25 cm (
not used for shallow masonry).
 Depth of excavation less than 30 cm –
measured per m2, depth > 30 cm per m3.
1.3 Deep excavation-
Excavation for
foundation/Deep excavation-shall be
measured by adding 25cm to each side
of the dimension.
No working space for masonry works
buried in ground and requiring no
foundation bedding.
It may
be different type of foundations, but the
most popular types are:
a) Pit Excavation : which is made for
b) Trench Excavation: which is
made for foundations walls
Unit: the unit of measurement for deep excavation is cubic
V = the volume of pit excavation
V = 2m * 2m * 1.5m
V = 6m3
V = the volume of trench excavation
L is the length of the foundation wall
L = 2/6m + 2/4m = 20m
V = 20m * 0.5m * 1m
V = 10m3
• Shall be measured in m3 of net volume to be
•Fill is required because the reduced level of every
structural element above the structure has to be
•Excavation and embankment should not be added
at a time in computing their volume, because their
costs are different.
•The major consideration under embankment is
compaction. Compaction is usually done at 20 cm
lift thickness.

The subdivisions under fill are:

Backfill - filling of the excavated soil onto its
excavated place but by removing coarse particles.
Excavated material taken from below top soil.
Borrow fill: - filling of soil by bringing the fill
from another place when there is shortage of fill or
when better quality material is required.
There are two methods of calculating the volume of backfill.
a. The total volume of work that is placed in the trench or pit
is deducted from the total volume of excavation.
b. The exact free space is directly calculated from the


2m 20 1.2m



fig 4.
V = the volume of void space to be filled by the back fill
L = the total length of the void space
L = 2/2m + 2/0.2m = 4.40m
W = width of the void space = 0.90m
V = 4.40m * 0.90m * 1.20m
V = 4.75m3
•This is disposing off the extra- excavated material
away from the construction site.
•Cart away is calculated by deducting the back fill
from the total volume of soil excavated.
•Unit: the unit of measurement for cart away is
cubic meter
V = T.S – B.F T.S is total soil, B.F is Back Fill
V = (S.E + D.E + B.E) – B.F
S.E is soil obtained from site excavation
D.E is soil excavated from deep excavation
B.E is soil excavated from bulk excavation
Excavation & Earth work cont…
Excavation & Earthwork
Clear the site to remove the top soil to a depth of m2
Bulk excavation over the site to reduce level up to a m3
1.3 depth not exceeding 50cm.
Excavate for foundation trench in ordinary soil to a m3
1.4 depth of 50cm. starting from reduced ground level.
Excavate for isolated footing in ordinary soil to a m3
depth not exceeding 150cm. starting from reduced m3
ground level.
Excavation & Earth work cont…
1.6 N E T
Excavate for isolated footing in ordinary soil to a
depth not exceeding 300cm. starting from reduced
ground level. m3

Ditto in item 1.6, but in Hard rock excavation.

Back fill around trench foundation footing and under
hard core with selected soil from out side the site well
compacted, rolled and compressed in layer not
exceeding 20cm. m3
Cart away the excess excavated material to a
convenient place recommended by the supervisor.
•Cast in-situ concrete – formed on site and requires
formwork and reinforcement. Cast in situ concrete shall be
measured by volume except in ribbed slabs and grouting.
•Prefabricated concrete –fabricated (manufactured) in a
factory and brought to the site and joined to make a
building. It does not require formwork but needs a special
care when connecting the different elements. It is fast to
construct a building, though the different elements may
lack homogeneity.
•Pretensioned (Post tensioned) Concrete – involves
bending up the concrete itself to make it ready for the
downward bending due to load. In bending due to load the
beam or the slab comes to its neutral axis.
Concrete ancillaries- include window sills, lintels,
expansion joints and permanent and temporary embedded
material. It is measured in ml (meter linear) or enumerated.
Grades of Concrete
C5 - lean concrete, to protect the structural concrete from
damage, which is usually caused by dust. Thus dust
blinding is required.
C15 - for totally supported structural elements
C20 - used for slabs; the mix proportion is 1:2:4
C25 – commonly used grade of structural Concrete (1:2:3)
C30 – used for chemical stores and nuclear plants.
•This is a thin layer of low class concrete
discharged under footing pads and foundation,
trenches or the purpose of leveling the ground and
detaching the structure from organic soils.
•Unit : the unit of measurement for lean concrete is
square meter(m2 )
•The area of lean concrete is calculated by taking
equal size with the footing pad or the foundation
E. g :refer back from footing pad and trench figure 4 & 3.
A = l X w footing pad
A = 2m X 2m
A = 4m2
A = l X w trench
A = 20m X 0.5m
A = 10m2
•The footing is composed of the footing pad and
the footing column, which altogether transmit the
super structure load safely to the supporting
•Unit : the unit of measurement for footing is cubic
meter(m3 )
•the footing pad and the footing column are
separately estimated and finally added together
refer back to fig 4 please!
V = the volume of concrete for the footing
V =V1 +V2
V1 is volume of footing pad
V2 is volume of footing column
V1 = 2m X 2m X 0.3 = 1.20m3
V2 = 0.2m X 0.2m X 1.20 = 0.05m3
V = 1.20m3 + 0.05m3 =1.25m3
•It is a line of reinforced concrete member
constructed round the ground floor slab of the
Unit : the unit of measurement for grade beam is
cubic meter(m3 )
Refer back to fig3 once again please
The length of the grade beam the equal to the
length of the foundation wall, because the grade
beam follows the line of the foundation wall.

L = 20m
Width of grade beam = width of foundation wall = 50m
If we Assume 30m depth
=> V = l X w X h
V = 20m X 0.50m X 0.30m
V = 3m3

It is the final concrete work in the

substructure. It incorporates filling of
concrete floor over a leveled crushed stone
called ”hard core”.
Unit : the unit of measurement for ground floor slab
cubic meter(m3 ) if the thickness of the
slab is greater than 10cm
Square meter(m2 ) if the thickness of the
slab is less than 10cm
Refer back to fig 3. please!
L = 5m
W = 4m
Assume 10cm thickness for the slab
V = 5mX 4m X0.10m
V = 0.20m3
This work incorporates all items of works related
with stone. It consists of the following works.
i. Foundation wall: is undressed stone walls
constructed under grade beams for the purpose
of supporting the grade beam and stiffening the
• The volume of the foundation wall is calculated
by taking the length of the lean concrete or the
grade beam equal to the length of the foundation
wall. Refer back to Fig3. please!
l = 20m
w = 0.5m
d = 0.95m, because lean concrete is 0.05m =>
1m- 0.05m =0.95m
Unit: the unit of measurement m3
V = 20m X 0.50m X 0.95m

V = 9.50m3
ii. Hard core : is crushed stone under ground floor
slab to provided give form support for the slab. It
is usually constructed in 25cm thickness
Unit : the unit of measurement for hard core is square
Refer back to fig 3. please!
Hard core = Ground Floor Slab
A = 5m X4m = 20m2
1. Concrete works
Concrete - mostly as discussed in substructure.
Mixing, transporting, casting, and vibration in
elevation columns, beams, staircases, slabs, shear
walls, landings. Curing of the cast concrete,
strength and workability requirements are crucial
issues to be checked.
• Estimation for the superstructure columns may be made by
taking all the floors as one. But this creates complications
for bidding, as the cost of constructing ground floor
columns and third floor column is not the same. There for, it
is suggested that estimation shall be made for each floor
 unit: the unit of measurement for column is cubic


There are four columns of size 20cm X 20cm. If

we assume 3m height for the columns, then the
volume of concrete for all the columns is V
V = 0.2mX0.2m X3m
V = 0.12m3
The total volume for four columns will be:
V = 0.12m3X4
= 0.48m3
Clear distinction, during estimation, shall be

made for intermediate and top tie beams.

unit: the unit of measurement for beam is cubic
•Note: great care is taken not to repeatedly
calculate the volume of concrete at intersection
points of the beams.
•Refer back to fig 5. please!
•Calculate the length of the tie beams, taking the
necessary care not to intersect them at columns. If we
assume 40cm depth for the beam,
l= length of the tie beams
l= 2/6m + 2/5.6m = 23.20m
V = volume of concrete for beam
V = 23.20m X 0.30m X 0.40m
V = 2.78m3
•Concrete slabs may be of two types as floor
slab and roof slab. The volume of concrete for
slab of each floor is estimated separately. The
clear length of the slab in between beams is
multiplied with clear width of the slab and its
 unit: the unit of measurement for slab is:
- Cubic meter(m3) for thickness greater than 10cm.
- Square meter(m2) for thickness less than 10cm.
Refer back to Fig.5 please!
The rectangular bay surrounded by beams is
the area of the slab. let‟s assume of 10cm for
the slab, and there fore, the volume of the
concrete for the slab is V
V = 6m X 5m X 0.10m
V = 0.30m3
•Stair case is a successive arrangement of
steps to facilitate ascending and descending
floor to floor. Staircase, for estimation
purposes, is classified in to three parts as
steps, slab and landing.
The volume of concrete for the steps, the
slab and the landing is calculated separately,
and finally summed up together.
a. Steps: are first made to resemble identical triangles,& the
total volume of concrete for all steps is calculated at once
r = Riser of the steps
g = Going of the steps
l = span of the steps
V = n(1/2(r x g x l))
n = number of steps

Fig 6.
b. Landing: the volume of concrete for the landing is
calculated just like the slabs. The length of the landing is
multiplied with the width and the thickness.
Refer back to Fig 6. please! Let‟s assume the thickness of
the landing is t. The volume of concrete for the landing is
V = I X w X h => V = l X w X t
Note: the beam supporting the landing is categorized in “
beams”; not in the staircase.
C. slab: the slab is the soffit of the staircase. It is some
times called as the “Waist” of the staircase. It is wisely
calculated because it has inclined length Pythagoras
theorem is used to find the actual length of the slab
under the steps.
V = volume of concrete for the slab
By Pythagoras theorem, c
c2 = a2 + b2 a
c refers to the actual length, l of the slab.
l= b

Fig 7.
Concrete Formwork

shall mean temporary
support construction for in-situ
concrete, designed and constructed in timber or metal
and capable of withstanding the lives and dead loads
imposed on it and fully preventing leakage of concrete.
Formwork removal
1. No undue deflection or damage whatsoever shall be caused to a
structure by removal of formwork.
2. No formwork shall be removed until the concrete has hardened
Concrete Formwork cont…
Specify the type of material used and where to use
(zigba or steel).
The measurement of
formwork shall be understood as

1. Construction and removal of formwork

2. Making good of concrete honeycomb
3. Making good of concrete surface to attain the
standard of finish desired by the specified type of
4. Angels & returns.
Concrete Formwork cont…

Formwork shall be measured by area, taken as
the net area in contact with the finished face of
concrete with no allowance made for passing at
angles, overlaps and intersections.

No deduction shall be made for voids in form
work up to 0.25m2 in area.

t work shall be understood as including cutting,
bending, placing in position, tie and spacers.

Method of
Reinforcement shall be measured by the net
weight of the bars & set in position without
allowance for ties and spacers.
Reinforcement: Differentiation is made as to the
diameters and where used (sub and super structure)
and weight per unit length for Ф6 is 0.222 kg/m; for
any other diameter d2, with weight per unit length
w2 = (d22/62) * 0.222
In other way weight per unit length of bar is
calculated from following direct formula
W= Ф2 / 162
Where W is weight per unit length of respected
diameter of bar, Ф is diameter of the bar
Reinforcement cont…

Measurement Cont…
shall be made for overlaps only if indicated on
drawings & schedules or at overlaps of bars
where the length of the bar reaches the
maximum standard production limit.

The steel bars

are measured in kg. quantities are taken from
the structural drawing and recorded on specially
lined paper known as Bar Schedule.
Reinforcement cont…

Bar Schedule
Bar mark Ø Shape of bending Length No. Total Weight
(mm) (Dimension cm) (m) length (kg)

Determination of quantity of bars (kg)

Ø (mm) 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24 24.0 26.0

Weight 0.2 0.39 0.617 0.888 1.208 1.578 1.998 2.445 2.984 3.551 3.551 4.168
22 5
Bar schedule is specially used for estimating the
quantity of reinforcement bars required for a given
project. The bar schedule consists of amount 8
1. Bar mark: is customary to mark bars on structural
drawings for identification purposes. The marks may
be given by English alphabets, numbers, or symbols
in circles.
e.g. A 1 i

2. Diameter: in this column the diameter of the bar is

written in mm.
e.g. 12mm(ɸ)
3. Shape of bending: in this column the shape of
the bar with its bending dimensions is sketched.
e.g. 20 20


4. Length: it helps the bar bender to cut the bars

appropriately before bending.
e.g. 490m
5. Number : in this column the amount of the bars is
e.g. 4
6. Total length: is calculated by multiplying the length of
the bar with the number. It is written in meter.
e.g. 19.60m
7. Unit Weight: the unit weight of any bar depends on
its diameter. Therefore, the following formula is used to
calculate the unit weight of the bar per meter length in
W = 0.00617d2
w = weight of the bar in Kg per 1m length
d = diameter of the bar in mm
e.g. the unit weight of ɸ10mm bar in 1m length is w
W = 0.00617d2 = 0.00617(10)2 = 0.617Kg
8. Total weight : it is calculated by multiplying the
unit weight with the total length of the bar.
e.g. 19.60m X 0.617Kg = 12.09kg
9. Location: in this column the location of the bar or
the RC member is written.
e.g. Footing
10. Remark: the exact position of the bar in the RC
member may be written.
e.g. Negative bar


a No.
r of
N mem Total Ø1
o Length No. of bers No.of Ø6 Ø8 Ø10 Ø12 Ø14 Ø16 8m Ø20
. Location Shape mm Ø (ml) Bars .(pcs) bars mm mm mm mm mm mm m mm

6 Axis-A-F 8 3.75 12 5 60 225


WEIGHT (Kg/ml) 0.395

Bar mark:
2. Masonry works – measured by volume
a. Block masonry:
Measured by square meter(m2)
b. Brick masonry:
Measured by square meter(m2)
a. Stone masonry:
Measured by cubic meter(m3)
Classification of stone masonry works
a. Stone wall concealed from view or to be left
for further finish (cheaper)
Shall be built in stone sizes of not less than 300
mm per course (one lay) and 400 mm wide per
Faces of stone walls to receive further finish shall
have horizontal and vertical joints raked out to
form adequate key for further finish.
b. Roughly dressed stone wall (expensive)
Shall be built in stone sizes of not less than 300 mm per
course and 400 mm wide.
The joints of the fair chiseled natural stones shall be
finished slightly proud (aesthetical) and cleaned off flush
at completion.
The joints shall be raked out to a depth of 15 mm as the
work proceeds and prepared for jointing.
c. Dressed stone wall facing (more expensive)
The pattern type and size of the stone units shall be as
detailed on drawings
The joints of dressed stone wall shall be finished good and
raked out to an approximate depth of 15 mm.
Building mortar (binding material)
Ingredients of mortar are:-
Cement: - usually Portland cement
Sand: - crushed or river sand with diameter less than
4.75 mm
Lime: -hydrated lime
The mix proportions are:
- Stone masonry: -1:3 mix
- Brick and block masonry: -1:4 mix
Masonry Work cont…

50cm. thick trachytic or equivalent stone masonry
foundation wall below N.G.L. bedded and joined in m3
cement mortar (1:3).
2.2 m3
Ditto, but above N.G.L.

20x20x40 H.C.B. wall joined in cement mortar mix
15x20x40 H.C.B. wall joined in cement mortar mix
3. Roofing and wall cladding
Galvanized corrugated iron sheet (CIS)
Galvanized CIS for roof and wall cladding shall be
of the required size and thickness. CIS less than
G32 cannot be used for roofing and wall cladding
of permanent structures but for temporary works,
e.g. fence works, for provisional works. Include
G26, G28, G30, G32 and G35, where G26 is the
Galvanized plain steel sheet (GPSS)
GPSS is used for wall cladding, ridge cup, gutter,
down pipes, flashing, copping, edge trimmers etc;
shall be to the size, thickness and galvanization
required; shall not be less than G28; G24 is usually
used for gutter, down pipes; Overlaps at edges shall be
minimum 15 cm.
Galvanized ribbed sheets (EGA sheets)
Usually used for factory, hall etc. Shall comply with
the requirements of the manual „KASI‟ or other
standards acceptable to the Engineer to the sizes,
thickness and distance to ribs.
Aluminum corrugated sheet for roofing and cladding
The minimum thickness shall be 24 SWG (SWG =
standard wire gauge). Corrugated sheets shall have
uniform corrugation parallel with the sides of the sheets.
Aluminum plain sheet accessories
Used for ridge cap, gutter, down pipes, flashing, copping
Roof clay tiles
Tiles shall be manufactured in wet weather and prepared
from clay. Clay tiles shall show clean fracture when
broken and shall not be less than 10 mm thick. Clay tiles
shall be fixed to timber using roof, nails and the holes in
clays shall be pierced (using embedded in clay tiles).
Fixing accessories of roofing
Fixed to timber using chiseled or diamond edge
and convex head galvanized nail drawn from mild
steel. Washers shall be diamond or flat pattern
produced from rubber or bitumen coated fiber,
homogenous and free from porosity (to prevent
from leakage).
Hooks, bolts, nuts and screws: - Shall be fixed to
steel structures; the sizes of fixing accessories
shall be as recommended by the manufacturers
and match with structural drawing.

Hangers and brackets

Used to fix gutters and down pipes; Formed from
mild steel not less than 2 mm thick and 10 mm
wide. Hangers and brackets shall always be
primed (coated) with anti-rust paint.
Gutter and down pipe
Gutters shall be laid to slopes as indicated on
drawings not less than 0.05 percent. Gutter and
down pipes shall be overlapped min 15 cm and
joints welded.
Method of measurement for roofing
•Roof cover, side cladding, and the like shall be measured
by area (m2), flat over the projection area without addition
for slopes and laps. Ridges, flashing, down pipes, etc.
shall be measured by length stating girth (development
length) and without addition for laps, passing angles etc.
•Rain water spout shall be enumerated stating the sizes
and length. The same is true for most of prefabricated
items. The following shall be understood as included:
perforating, sealing, nailing, bolting, screwing, battens,
joists, wedges, spillers, covering lists , back supports,
brackets, cutting, bracing , trimming, jointing, boring, etc.
l = the actual length of the roof
By Pythagoras theorem ?
L = 5.73m 5.6m

A = area of the roof

A = 5.73m X 6m

= 34.38 m2


Fig 8.
Measurement of Roofs
Roof covering in G-28 corrugated metal sheet fixed to zigba
purlins. Roof measured in horizontal projection. (purlins m²
measured separetely.)
G-28 flat sheet downpipe of size 12.5cm.x7.5cm attached to
external wall surface with leader straps c/c 120cm. and ml
finally painted with two coats of synthetic paint.
Ditto but gutter of size 20 cm.x20cm. with development
length of 60cm. and finally painted with two coats of synthetic ml
3.4 paint.
G-28 flat sheet copping of length 41cm.properly fixed on ml
3.5 parapet wall as shown on the drawings.

G-28 ribbed sheet ceiling for soffit part of the roof.
Finishing work

The term Finishing work includes

operations associated with the completion
of the floors, walls and ceiling of a building.
These are:-


Wall and floor tiling

Wallpapering , and
Finishing work

Method of Measurement General

Finishing work shall be measured flat
without addition for laps or seams. Finishing on
corrugated works shall be measured flat.
Curved, spherical and conical
surfaces shall be measured along the
Internal and external works shall be
measured separate.
Preparing back
grounds like hacking, racking out
joints, grouting, bedding, jointing, rubbing and
Finishing work

Method of Measurement ….
Moreover :-
• All work in narrow widths, corners, angels
or openings.
• A recessed joints in finishes .
• Cleaning, polishing and other treatment to
surfaces prior to and at the end of work.
shall be understood as included.
Finishing work

The following shall be measured by area
specifying material, size andthickness:-

 All finishes to floors specifying

 All finish to walls except skirting, copping

and cills

 Risers, treads and landing to stairs.

Finishing work

Measurement cont…
The following shall be measured in length
specifying materials size and thickness.

Sills and copings
Dividing strips in floors. (Expansion joints
filled with sand & bitumen) included in
•Skirting is a line of tile or timber provided at the
junction point of a floor and a wall to protect the
wall from splash of water and deterioration of
the paints near the floor. It is measured by meter
length by taking the internal perimeter of the
•L = length of the internal perimeter of the room
•L = 2/5m +2/4m = 18m
•There is no skirting on the floor. Therefore the
width of the door should be deducted.
•L = 18m – 0.8m =17.20m

20 500 20
Fig 9.
Floor and wall finish
Terrazzo tiles: -used for floor finish and skirting
shall be precast or cast in situ elements
shall have a minimum topping of two parts of
marble or granite chipping from an approved
quality with one part cement
the minimum grading of the chip shall be 5mm
usually have a thickness of 2 cm
shall be applied onto 3 cm thick cement screed
bedding (specified thickness)
Precast cement tiles
produced from crushed aggregates (0.1 mm gravel)
and sand mix
minimum thickness shall be 20mm
shall be applied on 3 cm cement screed bedding
cheaper than terrazzo tile
PVC tiles
usually thermoplastic.
the tiles and skirting shall be resistant to household
oil and acids.
the glue (adhesive) for fixing PVC tiles and skirting
shall be in accordance with manufacturer‟s instruction.
usually 2mm thick PVC tiles and 48 mm cement
screed is used
Floor and wall finish cont…
Ceramic and mosaic tiles
ceramic tiles shall be glazed type of approved
color, texture and size
ceramic tiles shall be 6mm thick for walls and
not less than 15mm for floors
mosaic tiles shall be in regular square or
hexagonal sizes not exceeding 25mm in dimension
of each size.
Marble chips
flooring thickness shall not be less than 20 mm
and does not exceed 50 mm
chips shall be irregular shape and the smallest
dimension shall not be less than 100 mm
the exposed surface of mortar finish to marble
chip shall not exceed 1:3 proportion
Floor and wall finish cont…
Marble tiles
shall be in accordance with quality, color and
texture as shown (specified )
shall be straight edged and smooth surfaced
cement mortar backing for walls and cement
screed bedding for floors
recently techniques of binding the marble with
wall leaving space between them (for
expansion) is practiced.
Floor and wall finish cont…
• It is measured by square meter(m2)
•Refer back to Fig 9. please!
A = the area of the floor finish
A = l X w = 5m X 4m = 20m2
• we have floor finishes under the door
a = l X w =0.8m X0.2m = 0.16m2
Then the total area of the floor finish will be
A = 20 m2 + 0.16 m2
= 20.16 m2
• Ceilings are usually assumed to be equal to the
floor area of the room. They are measured by
square meter(m2).
•Refer back to Fig 9 please!
•The area of the ceiling is equal to the total area of
the floor finish except the area of the floor under
the door.
A = 5m X 4m
= 20 m2
First coat: - mix proportion 1:2.5 (cement: aggregate
by volume)
minimum thickness of 5 mm
spread by trowel, stretched off level and allowed to
cure for 24 hours before applying the second coat.
Second coat: - mix proportion 1:1:6 (cement: lime:
aggregate by volume) or 1: 4 (cement: aggregate by
max thickness of 12 mm
dried for 21 days
Fine finish or fine coat cement plaster
mix proportion 1:2 (cement +fine sand )
max thickness of 3 mm
shall be finished truly and level, use fine sand for
smooth finish as final coat
Function of first coat
acts as a bondage between the masonry wall
and the second coat
the second coat is for minor adjustments on
plumb (level) and receiver surface for the
finish (fine coat )
function of fine finish is for aesthetical value
and preparation for painting
the fine finish coat shall be cured for seven
days and allowed for 28 days before further
finish is applied.
Fine coat lime plaster:
mix proportion 1:2 (lime: fine aggregate)
max thickness of 3 mm
further finish up to 28 days
Fine coat gypsum plaster
mix proportion 1:3 (gypsum: lime putty )
max thickness of 3 mm
cured for 28 days
Render coat
mix proportion 1:2:5 (cement :lime : fine
aggregate) or 1:3 (cement : fine aggregate )
shall be manual or machine sprayed, wetted for 7
Float finish (Fare faced)
Shall be applied to concrete surfaces that are
to receive no plaster coat
It is applied to only concrete surfaces not to
A rendering coat of one cement with two fine
aggregate shall be applied and surface floated.
Cement dust or cement paste shall be applied
to the floated surface
Cement pointing
mix proportion 1:2 (cement :fine aggregate)
can be flush or recess pointing
Flush pointing: finished level and even to the
wall whereas Recess pointing: depth not less than
5mm. Pointed surface shall be cement dusted or
cement pasted to form smooth surface and wetted
for seven days.
Method of measurement
Plaster and pointing works shall be measured by
area. Internal and external works shall be
measured separately. The following shall be
understood as included: preparing background,
hacking out joints, grouting, jointing, recessing,
Oil based priming paints
priming coat – initial or preparatory coats
applied to surfaces readily mixed or base paints
Aluminum priming paints
for wood work
shall be for brush application
Metallic zinc rich priming paints
shall be applied to iron and steel surfaces
Oil Paints
water proof
shall be applied in accordance with manufacturers
can be applied for walls, wood work , metals
Plaster Emulsion Paints
normal and usual type of painting
shall be selected for interior and exterior works
Synthetic Enamel Paints
used for metals with manufacturers instruction
Method of measurement
painting shall be measured by area.
special application to edges shall be measured in
length stating the girth.
internal and external surfaces shall be measured
The following shall be understood as included: trimming,
cutting, matching patterns, cleaning, priming.
Finishing work

5.1 3cm cement screed with sand mortar mix ratio(1:3).
5.2 2cm Terrazzo tile floor finish with sand mortar mix m2
5.3 ratio(1:3). Ditto,10cm high Terrazzo skirting. ml
6.1 Apply three coats of plastering in cement mortar mix ratio 1:3 up to
fine finish to receive painting to internal Wall, Slab soffit and edge of
windows & doors.
6.2 Two coats of cement plaster with cement mortar mix ratio 1:3 & one
coat of pigmented tyrolean rendering to external vertical HCB wall
surface. m2

7 Apply three coats of plastering in cement mortar (1:3). Price shall include pre-
cleaning and preparation of the surface

a) To internal wall surface m2

c) To external wall surface m2
c) To exposed beams and columns m2
d) To concrete ceiling and soffit and stair case m2
6 Ditto but two coats to receive ceramic wall tiles m2
6 5 cm thick smooth finished cement sand screed (1:3)
bed under PVC floor tile m2
6 20mm thick good quality imported type PVC floor tiles. Price shall include adhesive glue
and as per the engineers approval m2
6.1 20x200x200 mm terrazzo tile flooring include cement mortar (1:3) bed and polishing to
make the surface smooth. m2
6.1 25x100 mm terazo skirting including mortar backing ml
6.1 100 mm rubber skirting including adhesive backing ml
supply and fix 6 mm thick and 150x150 mm white glazed ceramic wall tiles with
cement morar backing with 2mm joints to be grouted with white cement m2
6.10 marble tread size 300x1500 mm. Price shall include mortar bed. ml

6.1 Ditto but 150x1500 mm riser ml

8. Carpentry and Joinery Works
Carpentry: -work on timber intended for structural purposes.
E.g. columns, beams, slab, truss etc.
Joinery: - work on timber intended for finishing purposes.
E.g., floor finishes, wall claddings, doors and windows,
ceilings, etc.
Carpentry – includes truss, rafter, beams and columns.
Shall be made from eucalyptus, kerero, zigba, tid, or other
equivalent posts and shall be fabricated as per the detailed
drawings. Posts shall be uniform in diameter and free from
cracks and they shall be peeled off and allowed to season until
the acceptable moisture content is achieved, i.e. 20 %
(seasoning = drying up to a certain moisture content).
Eucalyptus and kerero posts to be exposed to weather or
buried below ground shall be pressure impregnated.
Trusses and rafter shall be tied with 6 to 8 mm diameter
mild round steel.
Purlins shall be produced from eucalyptus or zigba or
other equivalent posts. Purlins shall be in the sizes shown
on drawings (standard dimension 5*7cm). The splices of
purlins at joints shall be minimum 60 cm and shall be
securely nailed to trusses and rafter.
I) Ceiling
• Ceiling shall be built to types, size and thickness on
drawings. The face of the panels to be exposed to view
shall be smooth enough to receive further finish.
• Soffits nailed to supporting ceiling buttons. Soffits are
made of chip wood, plywood, hard board, soft board
nailed to timber buttons.
• Minimum size of buttons is 4*5 cm and maximum
spacing is 60 cm in both directions. Button shall be
fixed to the truss or rafters in 4*5 cm sawn timber
• The joints of ceilings to wall shall be covered with
moulded corner lists not less than 50 mm and joints of
panels be covered with mild timber and moulded lists
not less than 30 mm wide.
Suspended ceiling Soffits
Cheap wood, plywood and other ceilings suspended from
supports by wire, chains and steel profiles and materials
resting on the metal profile.
Milled timber Soffits
Made of zigba or kerero, Minimum thickness is 15 mm,
Minimum panel width is 60 mm, timber boards shall be
grooved and tongued, buttons shall be 50*50 mm and c/c
50 cm spacing.
Milled timber accessories
Fascia board shall have minimum thickness of 20 mm,
Edges shall be chamfered. For Milled timber cladding -
Use a smooth joint that is without tongue and grove, and
cladding to wall shall be to the size, shape and patterns as
on the drawings.
Methods of measurement for carpentry and joinery
•Structural members other than truss shall be measured by
length stating size (eg columns, beams)
•Roof trusses shall be enumerated stating type and
referring drawings (sometimes measured in meter length)
•Boarding, flooring, partitions, Soffits (ceiling), curtain
walls are measured by area and shall be understood as
including frames , corner lists and hard wares (hinge,
handle, lock )
•Fascia boards, eaves, skirting shall be measured by length
stating girth
•Built in furniture and boards shall be enumerated stating
Carpentry and Joinery
All structural members shall be well seasoned, straight and free of
4.1 any harmful defects. Each truss joints shall be connected with
band iron and truss shall be firmly anchored to concrete top tie
beam with dia. 6mm plain bars all according to the drawings.
a) Dia 10cm ml
b) Dia 8cm ml
c) Precast beam support with Eucalyptus dia. 8cm. ml

4.3 Zigba purlin 50 x 70mm c/c 900mm ml

4.4 Chipwood ceiling fixed to 5 x 4 cm zigba battens c/c 60cm. The

batten is fixed to the eucalyptus truss member with nail. m²

4.5 2.5 x 25cm tid wooden fascia board price includes a primer and 2
coats of decorative wood preservative varnish paint. ml
Carpentry and Joinery


4 Supply and fix 40 mm. thick flush wood

door with hard wood frames and both sides
covered with best quality 4mm. Thick ply
wood. Price includes approved
quality lock, hinges, three coats of varnish
paint, door stopper and all necessary
accessories to comp.
D1 size:900x2100mm. No
D2 size:700x2100 cm. No
Steel Structural Work
Steel is used for constructing:-
•Beams, columns, suspended slab, truss, rafter
•Composite structure (steel +concrete)
•Up to 15 m span we can use timber trusses, but for span
greater than 15m, we have to use a steel structure.
Bolts and nuts
•Are used to connect (fix) structural steel with concrete or
other material.
•Welding is usually not recommended for steel structures
because it does not allow movement.
Sanitary and Electrical
Sanitary and Electrical Installation

Measurement of Plumbing Installation

Plumbing installations in domestic buildings
involve a
number of different systems associated by the supply,
distribution and disposal of water within and out of a
building - above the ground and below the ground.
Order of Measurement
1. Connection to water authority’s main and all work up
to boundary of site
2. Underground service and rising main from site
boundary up to cold water storage tank
Plumbing Installation

Order of Measurement cont…

3. Branches to rising main
4. Cold water storage tank or cistern and associated work
5. Down services with branches
6. Sanitary appliances such as sinks, wash basins, baths and
water closets
7. Discharge pipes – waste, soil and vent pipes
8. Any other work connected with the plumbing installation
 The order is following the flow of water as it enters and is
distributed around the building, and collected after being
Sanitary and Electrical Installation

Pipe work
• Pipes are measured in linear meters over all fittings
and branches, stating the type, nominal size and the
method of jointing and fixing. Fittings are enumerated
and measured as extra-over the pipe work on which
they occur.
• In a domestic situation this will include such things as
boilers, pumps, cisterns and cylinders. These are
enumerated giving in the description the type, size,
pattern, rated duty, capacity and method of fixing.
Sanitary and Electrical Installation

Sanitary Appliances
• This includes washbasins, urinals, baths, bidets,
shower trays and sinks. These appliances are
enumerated giving details in the description of
their type, size, capacity and method of fixing.

Waste pipe work

• It embraces all the pipe work and fittings that
are associated with the disposal of used or
soiled water, and vent pipe.
Sanitary and Electrical Installation

The following diameters of pipe are required for the

different appliances:
Washbasin -------------- 50 mm dia.
Bath/shower/sink -------- 50 mm dia.
Water closet (WC) -------- 110 mm dia.
• Waste pipe work is measured in linear meters, giving in
the description details of the type of the pipe, its
nominal size, the method of jointing and the type of pipe
brackets. Fittings – elbows, tees and the like – are
enumerated as extra-over the pipe work on which they
Sanitary and Electrical Installation

Drainage work
 It is the disposal of used and surface water from a
building to a point of disposal or treatment.
 Drains include excavation of pipe trenches, drain pipes
and fittings.
 Pipes are measured over all fittings and branches in
linear meters, stating the kind of pipe work, the
nominal size and the method of jointing.
 Pipe fittings, such as bends and branches, are
enumerated extra-over the pipe on which they occur.
Supply and install galvanized steel pipe for cold and hot water distribution to all
sanitary fixtures according to where shown on the drawing complete with the
necessary connecting pieces such as bends, unions,etc.The insstallation shall be

tested at a pressure of 10kg/ at the expense of the contractor,

Diam.15mm ml
Diam.50mm ml
Supply and fix gate valve of approved standards complete with union,plastic water
proofing and hand wheels of normal quality.
Diam.50mm Pcs
Supply and water meter complete with connecting fittings all of approved standard.
Price shall include all the necessary works there to.
10.9 Diam. 15mm Pcs
Hand wash basin made of white vitreous china equipped with concealed bracket iron
made of gray malleable cast iron complete with plug, Chain and trapSize (
50x45)cm Pcs
Supply and fix floor drains made of enameled cast iron. with smell trap complete
with all accessories Dia.50mm Pcs
10.1 Supply and install low level water closet conforming to BS 3402 and comprising.
White glazed vitreous china WC pan with horizontal diameter 110mm. outlet, 9
liters capacity white vitreous china flushing cistern with cover uPVC syphon
fittings, overflow pipe, float valve, and in built S-trap, chrome plated fitment, fixing
screws, high impact resistant solid plastic seat and cover with plastic hinges, rod
and spacers. Pcs
• It includes supply, erection, installation, testing and
commissioning of electrical wires as generally shown on
electrical drawings. Materials shall be fully in accordance with
qualities, tolerances, tests, recommendations, method of
workmanship as described on specification. All accessories shall
be fixed at the following heights above finished floor level unless
specified on the BOQ or drawings
Distribution boards 1700 mm
Lighting switches and push buttons 1400 mm
Lighting switches and push buttons above beds 1000mm
Sockets in general 300 mm
Sockets on benches 1500 mm above bench top
Sockets in workshops 1100mm
Telephone outlets 300mm
Bells 2100 mm
1) Underground cable ducts
made of precast concrete pipes or galvanized
steel pipes
for protection of power and telephone outlet
it shall be the responsibility of the contractor
to ensure that the underground duct is installed
correctly according to each party‟s requirement
precast concrete, galvanized steel UPVC are
used (similarly as given for sanitary installation)
Manholes – similar to the requirements for
sanitary installation
2) Distribution boards (DB)
Main distribution boards (MDB) and sub distribution
board (SDB)
The contractor shall supply and install medium
voltage MD panel as shown on the drawings.
Arrangement of the panel shall be as to permit the
ready incoming and outgoing cables.
Sub distribution board (SDB) shall be surface flush
mounted and DB shall be of the type fully enclosed
sheet steel cabinet and hinged cover
DBs shall be enumerated stating the power and
voltage supply including all related works
3) PVC cables
underground cables shall be PVC insulated steel wire
and PVC served overall and all cables shall have
copper conductors
measured in meter linear
4) Light points, power and socket outlets
outlets are either of bell, fan, telephone, TV or
outlets shall be enumerated and understood as
including all related works
Light points
Fed through specified size PVC insulated conductors
of thermoplastic conduits of 13.5 mm diameter for
surface installation including junction boxes with cover
and insulating caps
Ditto as above but in steel conduits of 15 mm
Socket outlets – same as light points
Bell points - fed through PVC insulated conductor of
2mm by 0.8 mm inside thermoplastic conduits
including junction boxes with covers
Fan outlets – fed through PVC insulated conductors
inside thermoplastic conduits of 13.5 mm up to 16mm
diameter for surface installation thermoplastic conduit
is used for recessed or internal surface installation
Power outlets –ditto as above
Telephone outlets – ditto as above but wiring done by
Measurement: - enumerated and understood to include
related works
TV antenna outlets
20 mm diameter thermoplastic conduit for recessed
20mm rigid thermoplastic conduit for surface
20 mm steel conduit for surface installation
outlets are enumerated and understood to include
chiseling , laying conduits and installing wires providing
junction box and insulating cups.
Electrical fixtures
Light fixtures –shall be enumerated stating type of
Air conditioners, Fans, Bell systems shall be
enumerated stating type of fixture
Electrical Installation

Measurement of Electrical Installation

Electricity can only be transmitted through a
when there is a complete circuit.

Cables are identified by the cross sectional area

of the
conductors and this is expressed in mm2.
Conduit and cable are each measured
separately in
linear meters stating in the description the type and
Electrical Installation

Switches, Socket outlets and Light Points

As a separate enumerated item socket outlets,
points (luminaries) and other accessories should be

Separately fused circuits will be necessary for
cooker, immersion heater and electric heating units,
and are enumerated items.
11.1 Distribution board
Flush mounted main distribution board MDB-GF with lockable door, earthing lead
with bus barrs of 100A siemens type consisting of:
6PCS ACB of 10A, 1-ph
1PCS ACB of 16A, 1-ph
1PCS ACB of 25A, 1-ph
2 PCS ACB of 20A, 1-ph
1 PCS ACB of 25A, 3-ph
1 PCS ACB of 88A, 3-ph No
11.1.2 Flush mounted sub distribution board SDB-1 F with lockable door, earthing lead of
siemens type consisting of:
2 PCS ACB of 10A, 1-ph
1 PCS ACB of 20A, 1-ph
1 PCS ACB of 25A, 1-ph No
nd rd
11.1.3 with lockable door, earthing
Flush sub distribution board SDB-2 &3 FL
lead of
mounted siemens type consisting of:
4 PCS ACB of 10A, 1-ph
4 PCS ACB of 16A, 1-ph
2 PCS ACB of 20A, 1-ph No
11.1.4 Flush mounted sub distribution board SDB-4 L with lockable door, earthing lead
and with bus brass of 40A of siemens type consisting of:

2 PCS ACB of 10A, 1-ph

LO 3: Estimate approximate
quantities and cost
•Project cost estimation is the process of valuing
on monetary expression, including the cost of all
possible entrants necessary for the planning,
implementing and monitoring stages of the
proposed project under consideration.
The possible entrants of project cost are:
 Preliminary investigation (project appraisal
 Design and supervision (consultancy cost )
 Construction works (contractor‟s cost )
 Land owning cost
 Monitoring costs
Purposes of Estimation
The main purposes of costing or estimating are to:
Know the volume of work in reference to the
fund available
Determine actual cost per unit of item
Identifying engineering estimate of the work for
bidding purpose
Work out economical use of materials, labor and
In cases of variations to determine the extra cost
to be incurred
When changes in cost due to legislation
happens, to work out the escalation in cost.
Factors affecting cost estimation
1. Type and documentation of the project
2. Construction scheduling
3. Bidding environment
4. Quality and availability of material and labor (given in
5. Strength or grade required. Eg. C15, C20, C25
6. Construction facilities /tools and method of
7. Location of the site
8. Transportation charges
9. Proper management
10. Land charges (lease)
11. Nature of subsurface condition (and the foundation that is being used)
Types of costing or estimating
• Estimation can be broadly classified as
preliminary (approximate) and detailed (refined).
But it is also possible to classify estimation into
four categories as follows:
1. Preliminary /approximate costing
This type of cost estimation is required to know
the financial position of the client before costly
detailed designs are carried out. Such estimates
are based on practical knowledge and cost of
similar previous works. Examples of approximate
cost estimations are as follows:
Cost per functional unit
Hospital =cost per bed,
Dormitory = cost per student,
Cinema or theatre = cost per seat,
road works = cost per kilometer length, etc.
2. Detailed estimate or item rate method
This is the most reliable and accurate type of estimate.
The quantities of items are carefully prepared from the
drawings and the total cost worked out from up to date
market rates. Detailed estimate is accompanied by a
detailed report, detailed specification for the execution of
the work, and detailed drawings, etc.
3. Revised Estimate
A detailed estimate prepared afresh when the
original detailed estimate is beyond an acceptable
range. It should be accompanied by all the papers
as in the case of the detailed estimate and also
should include the comparative statements of
variations in each item of works.
4. Supplementary Estimate
When additional works are there, a fresh detailed
estimate is prepared to supplement the original
Rate Analysis
Rate Analysis is the process of fixing cost per unit of
measurement for the different item of works. Cost due to
construction (contractor‟s cost) is given special attention here.
•Total cost per unit of work (TC) may be grouped into two
Direct cost (DC) includes cost due to material, cost due to
labor, cost due to equipment,
Indirect cost (IC) covers overhead costs, and contractor‟s
•Overhead costs are expenses for general office facility, rents,
taxes, electrical light, water, and other miscellaneous items.
• In order to facilitate estimation of cost due to
material, it is important to know the quantities of
various materials involved in construction of various
parts of the building or construction work i.e.
material break down is essential.
Material Breakdown
1. Quantity of materials required for brick
masonry laid in 1:4 cement mortar
Qty of brick masonry = 1 m3 (4 m2 for 25cm thick
brick wall)
Size of one brick = 24x12x6 cm (common in
Size of one mortared brick = 25x13x7 cm;
Volume of each mortared brick = 0.25x0.13x0.07
= 2.275x10-3 m3
Number of bricks required = 1/ 2.275x10-3 m3
= 440 mortared bricks per m3
Add 2% for breakage = 9
Take 450 bricks per m3 or 450/4 = 112.5 bricks/ m2; take
115 bricks/ m2
Volume of one nominal (un-mortared) brick =
0.24x0.12x0.06 = 1.728x10-3 m3
Volume of 440 un-mortared bricks = 440x1.728x10-3 m3 =
0.76032 m3
Volume of wet mortar in 1 m3 of wet masonry = 1 -
0.76032 = 0.23968 m3
Percentage of wet masonry in 1 m3 masonry work =
(0.23968/1)*100 = 23.96% (can be taken as 25%).
Factor of conversion of wet mortar into dry mortar (quantity
for dry base analysis)
Volume of wet mortar in 1m3 of wet masonry = 0.23968m3
Add 10% for wastage = 0.023968 m3
Sum Total = 0.263648 m3
Assume 20% voids in sand (Note that cement fills the voids b/n
sand particles)
Volume of dry base analysis = wet mortar volume + increment
because of voids in sand
= 0.263648 m3 + 20/100* 0.263648 m3
= 0.31638 m3 ; nearly 30% of the volume of construction
Factor of conversion = volume of material required on dry base/
volume of wet mortar
= 0.31638 m3 / 0.263648 m3 =1.2
Cement mortar of 1:4 mix by volume (1+4 = 5)
Qty of cement required = 1/5 * 0.316 = 0.0632 m3/ m3 of
Number of bags of cement = 0.0632 m3/ 0.035 m3per bag
= 1.81 bags per m3 of construction; 1.81/4
= 0.45 bags per m2
Qty of sand required = 4/5 * 0.316 = 0.253 m3 per m3 of
construction = 0.063 m3/ m2.
Exercise: Define qty of materials required to construct
1m2 HCB wall laid in 1: 4 cement mortar;
Take nominal size of blocks as 40x20x20 cm,
40x20x15cm, or 40x20x10 cm.
2. Quantity of materials required for C -25 cement
concrete (1:2:3)
Cement concrete is a heterogeneous mixture of cement,
fine and coarse aggregates; cement fills the voids in sands
also while sand fills the voids in the coarse aggregate.
Water acts as an agent so that the paste of cement can coat
all the particles of the aggregate. The hydration of cement
results in solidification of entire mass and thus binds the
different particles together. Because of the voids in
aggregates and wastage, 1.4 to 1.6 times dry volume of
the materials are required to get 1 m3 of compact dense
fresh concrete mix.
Materials required for 1:2:3 cement concrete mix – a
commonly used grade of concrete for structural works.
Wet (fresh) concrete mix ………….= 1 m3
Quantity for dry base analysis…….= 1.5*1.0 m3 = 1.5 m3
Volume of cement…………………= 1/6*1.5 = 0.25 m3
= 0.25 m3/0.035 m3 per bag
= 7.1 bags of cement
Sands …………………= 2/6* 1.5 = 0.5 m3 of sand
Coarse aggregate……...= 3/6 *1.5 = 0.75 m3 of coarse

Exercise: Do similarly for C 20 and C 30 concretes.

3. Quantity of Materials required for stone masonry laid
in 1:3 cement mortar
Quantity of stone masonry work ….= 1 m3
Quantity of undressed stone ………= 1.1 m3 (taken 110%)
Quantity of mortar required……….= 0.35 m3 (taken 35%)
Quantity of cement ………………. = 1/4 *0.35 = 0.0875 m3
= 0.0875/0.035 = 2.5 bags
Quantity of sand required …………= 3/4 * 0.35 = 0.263 m3
4. Materials required for 12mm thick cement plaster in 1: 4
cement mortar
30% more mortar is required to fill up joints and uneven surfaces.
This total wet mortar is increased by 20% to convert to dry mortar
(for the effect of voids). Thus, wet mortar is multiplied by 1.55 to
define quantity of material required on dry base.
Area to be plastered = 1 m2
Thickness of plaster = 12mm
Volume of the mortar = 1*0.012 = 0.012 m3
Volume for dry quantity = 1.55 * 0.012 = 0.019 m3
Cement required = 1/5 * 0.019 = 0.0038 m3 = 0.11 bags of cement
Sand required = 4/5 * 0.019 = 0.015 m3
5. Materials required for pointing in cement mortar of 1:2
Area to be pointed = 1 m2 [total wall area]
In 1 m2 wall area, number of mortared bricks of 25x13x7cm size
(assuming 25cm thick double brick wall) = 1/(0.25*0.07) = 57
Face area of the 57 nominal bricks = 57*0.24*0.07 = 0.82 m2
Area covered by joints (pointed) = 1 – 0.82 = 0.18 m2
Average thickness of pointing = 20mm
Volume of wet mortar = 0.02*0.18 = 0.0036 m3
Volume for dry quantity = 1.55* 0.0036 = 0.006 m3
Cement required = 1/3 *0.006 = 0.002 m3= 0.05 bags
Sand required = 2/3 * 0.006 = 0.004 m3
Calculation of Unit Price (rate)
I. Cost per m2 of 25cm thick brick masonry wall, laid
in 1:4 cement mortar
Total cost (TC) = Direct cost (DC) + Indirect cost(IC)
IC = 25% to 35% of DC; Equipment cost (EC) = 5% to
10% of TC
1. Material cost
Brick: Purchasing Cost + loading Cost + unloading Cost
= 115 pc*0.85Br/pc + 115(50Br/1000pc) +
115(350Br/3000pc) + 115(80Br/1000pc)
= 126.12Br/ m2
Cement: Purchasing Cost + loading Cost + unloading Cost
(Provide 10% allowance for wastage by wind, =
(1.81/4)*1.1= 0.5 bag/ m2)
= 0.5 bag/ m2*55Br/bag + 1Br/bag* 0.5bag + 2Br/bag*
0.5bag + 1Br/bag* 0.5bag
= 29.5 Br/ m2
Sand: Purchasing Cost + loading Cost + unloading Cost
= 0.063 m3/ m2 *120Br/ m3 = 7.56 Br/ m2
Total material cost = cost of (brick +cement +sand)
= 126.12 + 29.5 + 7.56 = 163.18 Br/ m2
2. Labor cost (LC)
Crew = a group which is directly involved in a similar job
A crew for brick masonry work consists of a mason, an
assistant mason and two labors
Utilization Factor (UF) = 1/ the # of crew or people under
Foreman, to guide/control masonry work, UF = ¼, when
controlling four crews
Site Engineer/Manager, UF = 1/10 (assumed to control 10
Indexed hourly wages
Site Engineer/Manager 4000Br/month =
4000Br/(22days*8hrs/day) = 22.70Br/hr
For a utilization factor of 1/10 (for 10 foreman under him) =
22.70*1/10 = 2.27Br/hr
Forman daily wage = 40Br/day = 40/8*(1/4) = 1.25
Br/hr, for 4 crews
Mason daily wage = 30Br/day = 3.75Br/hr , UF = 1
Assistant mason daily wage = 20Br/day = 2.5 Br/hr,
UF = 1
Daily laborers, daily wage = 10Br/day =1.25Br/hr,
UF = 1
Labor out put (productivity) for the work = 4 m2/day
= 0.5 m2/hr
Labor cost (LC) = Cost per unit time/ productivity
= [2.27 + 1.25 + 3.75 + 2.5 +2*1.25] Br per hr / [0.5
m2 per hr]
= 24.54Br/ m2
DC = MC + LC +EC; take EC = 0.05TC
DC = 163.18 + 24.54 +0.05TC; but TC = DC + IC, take
IC = 0.25DC; thus
TC = (187.72 + 0.05TC) + 0.25DC
TC = (187.72 + 0.05TC) + 0.25(187.72 + 0.05TC
TC = 234.65+ 0.063TC
TC = 250.30Br per m2
Thus, the unit price for 25cm thick brick masonry wall
laid in 1:4 cement mortar is estimated to be 250.30Br/ m2
Exercise: Similarly fix unit price for HCB masonry
walls laid in 1:4 cement mortar making use of most recent
market prices.
II. Unit price for C -25 concrete per m3 of work
(formwork and reinforcement m/s)
Material cost
Cement = 7.1bags/ m3* 50Br/bag = 355Br
Sand = 0.5 m3*120Br/ m3 = 60 Br
Coarse Aggregate = 0.75 m3*120Br/ m3 = 90 Br
MC = 505 Br/ m3
Labour cost
The crew consists of a mason, two assistants, and four
daily laborers at the wage rates given above for brick
masonry work.
Site Engineer/Manager 4000Br/month
= 4000Br/(22days*8hrs/day)
= 22.70Br/hr
For a utilization factor of 1/10 (for 10
foreman under him)
= 22.70*1/10 = 2.27Br/hr
Forman daily wage = 40Br/day = 40/8*(1/4) = 1.25
Br/hr, for 4 crews
Mason daily wage = 30Br/day = 3.75Br/hr , UF = 1
Assistant mason daily wage = 20Br/day = 2.5 Br/hr,
UF = 1
Daily laborers, daily wage = 10Br/day =1.25Br/hr,
UF = 1
Labor output (productivity) for the work = 2 m3/day
= 0.25 m3/hr
Labor cost (LC) = Cost per unit time/ productivity
= [2.27 + 1.25 + 3.75 + 2*2.5 +4*1.25] Br per hr / [0.25 m3per
= 69.08Br/ m3
DC = MC + LC +EC; take EC = 0.05TC
DC = 505+ 69.08 +0.05TC; but TC = DC + IC, take IC =
0.25DC; thus
TC = (574.08 + 0.05TC) + 0.25DC
TC = (574.08 + 0.05TC) + 0.25(574.08 + 0.05TC)
TC = 717.6+ 0.063TC
TC = 765.8Br per m3

Exercise: Revise the above unit price making use of the most
recent market condition for all factors affecting the cost
Estimating or costing of civil works

Unit Cost Calculation

The unit cost of an item is the amount of
required to undertake a single unit quantity of that
item of work.
It includes each cost in relation to the materials,
equipment and the profit.

Unit Cost = Material Cost + Labor Cost + Equipment Cost + Profit

Estimating or costing of civil works

For the calculation of the unit cost of every item, the

following information are important:

Material breakdown list

Labor composition
Equipment production capacities
Current market prices
Material Cost (1:01) Labor (1:02) Equipment Cost (1:03)
Type of Unit Qty Rate Cost per Labor by Indexed Hourly Type of No UF Hourly Hourly

Unit Grade No Hourly Cost Cost Equip. Rental Cost

Material UF
Stone m3 1.30 40 52 Forman 1 0.25 5 1.25 Tools 6 1 0.125 0.7

Cement kg 3.53 20 70.6 Mason 1 1 4.4 4.4

Sand m3 0.01 160 1.28 Chisler 1 1 4.4 4.4

Total (1:01) 123.88 Total (1:02) 10.05 Total (1:03) 0.7


B = Manpower Unit Cost C = Equipment Unit Cost (1:03)

Total of (1:02)= 10.05 Total of (1:03) 0.75

Hourly Output 1.25 Hourly Output 1.25

A = Material Unit Cost 123.88 birr/ml 8.04 birr/ml 0.60


irect Cost of Work Summary

item = A + B + C = 132.52 birr/ml Direct Cost 132.52

birr/ml Indirect Cost 25 %

(over head & Profit) 33.13

Total 165.65 birr/ml

Direct Cost and Indirect Cost

From the Architect's and Engineer's point of view the

cost is the cost of labour, materials and equipments
required for the execution of the works
whereas the indirect cost is made up of the
(a) Architect's and Engineer's professional charges
including Structural design fee.
(b) Supervisor's salary
(c) Municipal taxes on the land where the work is going on
during the period of construction
(d) Interest on idle capital during the construction period
Direct Cost and Indirect Cost

From the contractor's point of view

direct cost is the cost of the various materials
of construction and the wages paid to the

whereas the indirect cost will include the

rental or
depreciation of centering materials, concrete mixer
or other equipments, tender fees, establishment
charges, legal expenses, insurance, advertisement,

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