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Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Section A has 18 questions carrying 01 marks each.
4. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. Section D has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each.
7. Section E has 03 questions carrying 05 marks each.
8. Internal choices have been given in question number 19, 26, 29, 32, 33 and 35.
9. Internal choices given in question number 32 part (iii) only.
Question Marks

Section - A
A business is using software A to generate bills, then to which category this
01 software belongs? 1
a. System b. Application
c. Language Processors d. Both a and b
is not an example of an Operating System?
02 a. Linux b. Windows 1
c. Adobe d. Android

Which device is used as the standard pointing device in a Graphical User

03 Environment? 1
a. Keyboard b. Mouse
c. Joystick d. Trackball

Python is a/an language.

04 a. Low level b. Object oriented 1
c. procedural d. difficult
The mode of Python gives instant result of typed statement
a. Interactive mode b. Script mode
05 1
c. A combination of interactive and Script modes d. All of these

To print the value of a variable, Python uses

06 a. Print statement b. Print () function 1
c. print statement d. print () function
Smallest unit of the python programming language is called?
07 a. Literal b. Token 1
c. Identifier d. Operator
Which of the following is/are correct ways of creating strings?
08 a. name= Jiya b. name=’Jiya’ 1
c. name=”Jiya’ d. name=(Jiya)

Which of the following are correct identifiers?

09 a. my name b. 2myname 1
c. my_name d. my-name

10 Which of the following is not an immutable type in python? 1

a . String b . tuple c. dictionary d. int

11 Which of the following is not a valid relational operator? 1

a. // b. < c. = = d. ! =

12 What will the following code do: 1

a=b=18 ?
(a) Assign the value 18 to a and b both
(b) Assign the value 18 to a only
(c) Assign the value 18 to b only
(d) Will produce error
Which of the following is not an example of control statements?
13 a. int b. for 1
c. if d. while

14 What will be the result of 5.0 / 3 and 5.0 // 3? 1

(a) 1.0,1.66
(b) 1.66,1.0
(c) 1.66,1
(d) 1,1.66

Give the result of expression 15 and 10 ?

15 (a) True 1
(b) False
(c) 10
(d) 15

Which of the following statements create a dictionary?

16 a. my_dict = {} b. my_dict = {“a”:1: “b”:2} 1
c. my_dict = {1:“a”, 2:“b”} d. both a & c

Q17 and Q18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. Mark the correct choice as
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
b. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
c. A is True but R is False
d. A is False but R is True
Assertion (A): The output of len(my_list) statement is 3 when, my_list = [‘K’,
17 ’V’,’S’]. 1
Reasoning (R): len() function on list returns the no. of items present in that list.
Assertion (A): Dictionary is an example of ordered collection.
18 1
Reasoning (R): Keys are used to retrieve values from a dictionary.

Section - B

Write a code to convert the string “Practice “ into a list.

19 OR 2
Differentiate between append() and extend() of list.

20 Explain the concept of Primary and Secondary memory with suitable example. 2

21 predict the output. 2

x=20, y+x
print (x, y)
Find the error in the following code and write the corrected code after
22 underlining the correction made 2

n=int (intake (“Enter a number”))

if n%10=0
print (‘The number is divisible by 10”)
print [‘Number is not divisible by 10’]

What will be the output of the following code?

i) 5<5 or 10
23 ii) 5<10 or 5
iii) 5< (10 or 5)
iv) 5 > (5 and 10)

24 Enlist the advantages of DBMS. 2

Can sequence operations such as slicing and concatenation be applied to

25 dictionaries? Why or Why not ? 2
Section - C

26 What do you mean by mutable and immutable types in python? List examples 3
of both .
Explain any three methods of list with the help of examples.
What will be the output produced by the following code?
lst1= [0,1, [2]] 3

27 lst1[2][0] =3
lst1[2]. append (4)
Consider the following dictionary statecapital:
statecapital={“Assam”:”Guwahati”, “Bihar”: “Patna” ,”Maharashtra”:
28 “Mumbai” , “Rajasthan” : “Jaipur”}
Find the output of the following statements: 3
iii)del statecapital[“Assam”]

Write a program to check whether a number entered by the user is POSITIVE,

Write a program to find the sum of even numbers and odd numbers from n
natural numbers.

Write a program to print Fibonacci series up to n terms (value of n should be 3

30 taken from user). Initial elements of a Fibonacci series are 0 and 1.

Section – D

31 What is debugging? Explain different types of errors in debugging. 4

Start with the list [8,9,10] named L1. Do the following using list functions:
i. Set the second entry (index 1) to 17
ii. Double the list 4
iii. Find the output of L1+L1 and L1* 3.
32 (1+1+2)
(Option for part iii only)
iii.Write a statement to sort above given list L1 in descending order and print the
smallest element from the list L1.

Write a menu driven program that has options to
1) accept the marks of the student in five major subjects in class X and display
the same.
2) calculate the sum of marks of all subjects. Divide the total marks by no of

33 subjects (i.e. 5). calculate percentage=total marks/5 and display the

3) Find the grade of the student as per following criteria:
a. Draw the labelled block diagram of a computer system.
b. Categorize following devices as input and output devices. 5
34 Joystick, plotter, scanner, projectors (1+2+2)
c. Differentiate between primary memory and secondary memory.
a. Define software.
b. Categorize following software as application software and system software.
Spreadsheet software, Android, web browser, Hardware drivers
c. Differentiate between Interpreter and compiler.

35 a. Define token. 5
b. Name 2 types of token with examples. (1+2+2)
c. Identify the tokens used in following code and name it.
A=int (input (“Enter value”))
if C >4:
print ( C )
a. Define Literal.
b. What is None literal in Python? Write a statement to define None Literal.
c. Identify the types of following literals:
i. 23.789 ii. False iii. “True” iv. 34

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