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The objective of the IMDG Code is to enhance the safe transport of

dangerous goods while facilitating the free unrestricted movement of such
The IMDG Code contains details of all the numerous dangerous cargoes
offered for caI
IMDG Code is intended to protect crew members and to prevent marine
pollution in the safe transportation of hazardous materials by vesselrriage
by sea and includes solid, liquid and gaseous substances.
The HNS Convention covers hazardous and noxious substances that are
included in the IMDG code.
The objective of the IMDG Code is to enhance the safe carriage of
dangerous goods while facilitating the free unrestricted movement of such
goods and prevent pollution to the environment.
The IMDG code also ensures that the goods transported through seaways
are packaged in such a way that they can be safely transported. The
dangerous goods code is a uniform code. This means that the code is
applicable to all cargo-carrying ships around the world.
Flammable gases or flammable liquids having a flashpoint of less than
23°C c.c, must be stowed on deck only, unless otherwise approved by the
Administration and must be stowed at least 3 m from any potential source
of ignition. For interpreting what is certified type, for cargo spaces, refer to
SOLAS II:2/19.3.2 and for refrigerated or heated cargo transport units refer
to Recommendation published by the international Electrotechnical
Commission, in particular IEC 60079.
When explosives are loaded the compartments or holds and containers
must be locked to pervert unauthorized access however when in
emergency access to the locked places must be able to be gained without
delay. If the cargo compartment floors are not fitted with closed boarded
wood the loading/unloading equipment and process must ensure no
sparks can occur.

Non containerized flammable liquids packaged in plastics jerricans,

plastics drums, plastics IBCs must always be stowed on deck. There
There are four segregation rules for dangerous

Away from: Effectively segregated so that the incompatible goods cannot

horizontal separation of 3 metres, projected vertically is obtained.

Separated from: In different compartments or holds when stowed under

deck. Provided the intervening deck is resistant to fire and liquid, a vertical
separation, i.e. in different compartments, may be accepted as equivalent
to this segregation. For on deck stowage, this segregation means a
separation by a distance of at least 6 metres horizontally.

Separated by a complete compartment or hold from: Either a vertical or a

horizontal separation. If the intervening decks are not resistant to fire and
liquid, then only a longitudinal separation, i.e. by an intervening complete
compartment or hold, is acceptable. For on deck stowage, this segregation
means a separation by a distance of at least 12 metres horizontally. The
same distance has to be applied if one package is stowed on deck, and the
other one in an upper compartment.

Separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment or hold

from: Vertical separation alone does not meet this requirement. Between a
package under deck and one on deck, a minimum distance of 24 m,
including a complete compartment, must be maintained longitudinally. For
on deck stowage, this segregation means a separation by a distance of at
least 24 metres longitudinally.

1. Cargo shift: Cargo shift has always remained as one of the greatest
dangers on bulk carriers. This problem is greater for ships carrying grain
cargoes. Grain settles by about 2% of its volume. Because of this settling,
small void spaces exist on the top of grain surface. These void spaces
permit the grain to shift. The free flowing characteristics of grain reduce
the stability of any ship carrying it
2. Cargo falling from height: Cargoes like iron ore, quartz and steel scraps
are high density cargo. There is a possibility of cargo falling from height
during cargo operations. Cargo may either fall from the conveyor belt of
the shiploader or from the discharging grab on to the deck of the ship.
People working on deck can get injured badly if hit by the sizeable lumps
of the bulk cargo
3. Dust from working cargo: Dust is one of the most common hazards in
bulk carriers. Many bulk cargoes are dusty by nature. Dust particles are
small enough to be inhaled and if inhaled can have disastrous effects on
health. Anyone working on the deck can be exposed to high levels of dust.
Dust can cause sneezing and irritation of the eyes
4. Cargo Liquefaction: Liquefaction is a phenomenon in which solid bulk
cargoes are abruptly transformed from a solid dry state to an almost fluid
state. Many common bulk cargoes such as iron ore fines, nickel ore and
various mineral concentrates are examples of materials that may liquefy.
Liquefaction results in a flow state to develop. This permits the cargo to
slide and shift in one direction thus creating free surface effect and
reducing the GM thereby reducing stability.
5. Structural damage: Heavy cargoes place high loads on the structure and
structural failure is therefore probable. High density cargoes occupy a
small area for a large weight that is they have a low stowage factor. It is
therefore important that the tank top has sufficient strength to carry heavy
cargoes like iron ore, nickel ore, bauxite etc
6. Oxygen depletion: Sea transportation of bulk cargoes of an organic
nature such as wood, paper pulp and agricultural products may result in
rapid and severe oxygen depletion and formation of carbon dioxide. Thus
apparently harmless cargoes may create potentially life threatening
conditions. The cargo holds and communicating spaces in bulk carriers are
examples of confined spaces where such toxic atmospheres may develop.
Several fatal accidents can occur when people enter unventilated spaces
7. Corrosion: Some cargoes like coal and sulphur can cause severe damage
due to corrosion. Cargoes of sulphur in bulk are normally subjected to
exposed storage and are thus subjected to inclement weather thereby
resulting in the increase of moisture content of the cargo. Wet sulphur is
potentially highly corrosive. When sulphur is loaded, any retained free
water filters to the bottom of the holds during the voyage, from where it is
pumped out via the bilges.
8. Contamination: Preparation of cargo holds for the next intended
carriage is a critical element of bulk carrier operations. A lack of proper
preparation can lead to claims related to cargo quality such as
contamination, water ingress or cargo loss. Residues and dust of previous
cargo can contaminate the presently loaded bulk cargo and can cause
cargo stains that are not acceptable
9. Fire: Bulk cargoes are deemed to present a great deal of fire hazards.
Many bulk cargoes have a tendency to heat due to the oxidation process
taking place during the voyage. Common cargoes like coal, sulphur,
cotton, fishmeal are liable to spontaneous heating. Coal also emits
methane which is a flammable gas. When mixed with air it can form an
explosive mixture

1. Flammability diagram or flammability composition diagram is one of the

important documents used across the world to understand and prevent
fire and explosion. They are mainly used for the hydrocarbon mixture and
so a key to the cargo and ship’s safety on tankers.
2. It is essential on-board to follow certain procedures based on the
studies from the flammability graph of the hydrocarbon mixture.
3. Flammability diagram explains to us how a gas or mixture of two gases
will behave and catch fire with dilution other gas or air
4. The flammability diagram is the key element for planning safe cargo
operation onboard ship.
5. the diagram itself varies for different hydrocarbon gases; so we must
understand how to read and understand it.
6. For example, we get the lower and upper flammability limit of 1% to 10%
based on the Flammability diagram for crude oil.
7. Here, line AB represents the mixture of oxygen ( Air ) and particular
hydrocarbon gas.
8. Anything that is left to the line AB represents the condition where inert
gas is also mixed with the hydrocarbon-air gas mixture
9. The gas mixture represented by AC on line AB is too lean to catch fire
while DB is too rich mixture to get fire.Now according to the diagram,
When we go left to the line AB ( Add inert gas to the tank’s ) there is a
sudden change in tank atmosphere.Similarly, the upper and lower
flammability limits changes with more and more mixing of inert gas.
10. Finally, the upper flammability limit ( The maximum amount of
hydrocarbon gas to air mixture which can sustain fire) and lower
flammability limit (The minimum amount of hydrocarbon to air gas mixture
which can sustain fire ) meet at a point, represented on the diagram as
Point E.

Safe transfer operations depend on good communication between the

terminal and tanker, from pre-arrival to post-departure, and on complying
with agreed safe procedures at all stages.

The revised Ship/Shore Safety Checklist aims to start that communication

before vessel’s arrival/interface at the terminal so any identified issues can
be addressed before a problem arises.

The communication then continues from the time vessel arrives at the
berth to completion of cargo operations and until vessel’s departure.

The positive affirmation approach used in the revised checklist where

applicable aspects of the operation, refers back to ISGOTT 6 references
and clearly differentiates areas of responsibility between vessel and

The ISGOTT technical workgroup consulted with industry experts and

specialists in human factors from the airline industry to leverage from best
practice in using a checklist effectively.

This led to the development of a multi-part checklist system where smaller,

targeted process oriented checklists are undertaken at appropriate stages
in the operation, and that items are clearly agreed via an affirmative
question. Where agreements are reached for specific local issues these can
now be clearly documented in a separate ‘Agreements Section’.

The main important update to the Ship/Shore Safety Checklist is that

communication should start before the vessel’s arrival/interface at the

The point at which the percentage of moisture is great enough in a

granular material to cause the material to flow as a liquid under a
prescribed test .
The Flow Table Test and Penetration Test use the FMP to calculate the
Transportable Moisture Limit (TML) of a Group A or liquefiable solid bulk
When the penetration depth of a bit put on the surface exceeds 50 mm, it
is judged that the sample contains a moisture greater than the flow
moisture point.
This procedure consists of a preliminary test to get an approximate value
of the flow moisture point and a main test to determine the accurate flow
moisture point.

m1 = mass of wet sample just above the Flow Moisture Point (FMP),
m2 = mass of dry sample just above the Flow Moisture Point (FMP),
m3 = mass of wet sample just below the Flow Moisture Point (FMP) ,
m4 = mass of dry sample just below the Flow Moisture Point (FMP).
Emergency Schedule (EmS)

The guidance contained in EmS sections of the IMDG supplement is

intended for fire and/or spillage (leakage) emergencies on board ship
involving packaged dangerous goods transported in accordance with the
provisions of the IMDG Code.
This guide provides procedures to respond to a fire or a spillage of IMDG
cargo without external assistance. The recommendations are based on the
fire safety provisions contained in SOLAS and the IMDG Code.
The procedures for action in fire and spillage are provided in two sections
with unique codes as FA, FB, FC and SA, SB, SC respectively.
The schedules are described under respective headers. The codes to be
used for procedures for a specific UN number cargo are mentioned in the
subsequent lists.
The guidance should be integrated into the contingency plan for
shipboard emergencies which should be specific to the individual ship and
taking into account the available equipments on board.
Contacting shore-based experts at an early stage is recommended to deal
with a fire or spillage on board a ship.

Medical First Aid Guide (MFAG )

Included in the IMDG code supplement after EmS. It provides first aid
procedures for accidents involving dangerous goods where the personnel
are exposed or have come in contact with dangerous goods
Step1 carries emergency action and diagnosis which is carried out in
accordance with the guidelines provided in the form of a flow chart. The
emergency action mentions the quick check and directs to a certain table
for immediate follow up procedure.
Step 2 includes tables providing brief instructions for special circumstances
inhalation of chemicals or eye exposure to chemicals etc
Step 3 carries appendices providing comprehensive information, a list of
medicines/ drugs and a list of chemicals referred to in the tables. This list is
limited to those few chemicals only which require special treatment.
TML is the maximum moisture content of a cargo that is considered safe
for transportation in ships.
If the cargo is assessed as having higher actual moisture content than its
TML, then IMSBC Code does not allow that the cargo should be loaded
and transported by sea unless the vessel is specially built or fitted for
confining cargo shift.
Cargoes that contain a certain proportion of small particles and a certain
amount of moisture may liquefy when the moisture content exceeds the
Transportable Moisture Limit (TML).
In the resulting viscous fluid state, cargo may flow more easily, increasing
the risk of the vessel capsizing.
It is therefore vital to know before loading if the material is safe to
transport by ship and to provide mariners transporting the cargo with an
accurate TML and moisture content.
The TML is determined by sampling the cargo appropriately and applying
one of the IMO approved test methods.

The International Code of the Construction and Equipment of Ships
Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code), adopted by resolution
MSC.5(48), has been mandatory under SOLAS chapter VII since 1 July 1986
The IGC Code applies to ships regardless of their size, including those of
less than 500 gross tonnage, engaged in carriage of liquefied gases having
a vapour pressure exceeding 2.8 bar absolute at a temperature of 37.8°C,
and certain other substances listed in chapter 19 of the Code
Though the progress of the Code it was recognized that it should be based
upon sound naval architectural & engineering principles & the best
understanding available as to the dangers of the various products covered
Moreover that gas carrier design technology is not only a complex
technology but is rapidly developing & that the Code should not remain
Therefore, IGC Code is kept under review, taking into consideration
experience & technological development
Contents Of IGC CODE
Chapter 1 General
Chapter 2 Ship survival capability and location of cargo tanks
Chapter 3 Ship arrangements
Chapteter 4 Cargo containment
Chapter 5 Process pressure vessels and liquids, vapour and pressure piping systems
Chapter 6 Materials of construction and quality control
Chapter 7 Cargo pressure/Temperature control
Chapter 8 Vent systems for cargo containment
Chapter 9 Cargo containment system atmosphere control
Chapter 10 Electrical installations
Chapter 11 Fire protection and extinction
Chapter 12 Artificial ventilation in the cargo area
Chapter 13 Instrumentation and automation systems
Chapter 14 Personnel protection
Chapter 15 Filling limits for cargo tanks
Chapter 16 Use of cargo as fuel
Chapter 17 Special requirements
Chapter 18 Operating requirements
Chapter 19 Summary of minimum requirements 163 RESOLUTION MSC.370(93)


A general-purpose container is also known as a "dry container". These
shipping containers are fully enclosed, protected from the elements and
weatherproof, with a rigid roof, sidewalls and floor.
Dry containers are by far the most common type of container, and as such
are used to load most types of normal cargo. In addition, general-purpose
containers can have adaptations such as liner bags or flexi-tanks for
shipping certain types of liquid bulk cargo or dry bulk cargo.


This simple storage container has collapsible sides that can be folded to
make a flat rack.
The end walls are stable enough to allow cargo securing, so they are ideal
for shipping goods that are oversized, such as heavy machinery, vehicles
on tracks, big reels and construction materials.
Some 40' flat rack shipping containers are suitable to carry as much as 45
metric tons of cargo!


An open top shipping container has a convertible top that can be
completely removed.
This is suitable for cargo that is over-height and cannot be easily loaded
through the door, such as tall machinery or other heavy / bulky finished
products whose handling and loading can only be performed with a crane
or rolling bridge.
Open top containers have lashing rings installed to the upper and lower
side rails and corner posts to secure cargo, and are available in 20’ and 40’.
With doors on both ends of the shipping container, this container type is
also known as a "tunnel container".
Double door containers are extremely helpful for quickly loading and
unloading goods, and they make an even wider room for goods such as
steel and iron.
Both sets of doors have the same locking assembling and weather tight
seals to keep cargo protected from the elements.


High cube shipping containers are similar in structure to general purpose
containers, but taller by about 1 foot.
These containers come in sizes 40' and sometimes 45', and are used in
cases where a slightly bigger volume capacity is required.
Most high cube containers have a recess in the floor at the front end to
centre the container on so-called gooseneck chassis, which allows it to lie
lower and be of taller construction.


Open side containers are very similar to regular, general purpose shipping
containers, the only difference being that the doors can open completely
on the side too.
This feature provides much wider room and access, which makes loading
and unloading materials easy.
Open side shipping containers generally come in 20' and 40', and they
provide adequate room for extra-large items that can't fit through the
regular doors.


An ISO shipping container is used for the shipment of temperature-
sensitive, perishable cargo such as meats, fruits and vegetables.
This container type relies on external power to keep the temperature
regulated. Reefers generally come in 20’ and 40', and are commonly made
from weathering steel known as 'Cor-ten' steel.
Like the ISO Reefer container, an insulated or thermal container has a
regulated temperature control that allows them to withstand a higher
They are equipped with electrical compliance (mechanical compressor) to
cool or heat the air within the container. Insulated containers are typically
constructed of a vacuum flask, similar to a "thermos" bottle.

Half-height shipping containers are designed for transporting bulk cargo
that is heavy and dense.
These are good for transporting goods such as coal and stones, so they
are perfect for use in the mining industry.
Half-height containers have a low centre of gravity so they can better
handle heavier loads than taller containers, making them versatile and
they're robust enough to withstand the rough industrial environment.


Tank containers, or tankers, are made of strong steel or other anti-
corrosive materials for the transportation and long-life protection of liquid
A tank container must be at least 80% full to prevent dangerous surging of
liquids in transit, but it must also not be over 95% full or there would not
be sufficient room for thermal expansion
Dangerous Cargo Manifest

The Dangerous Cargo Manifest must contain the following information:

The name of the vessel and its official number. If the vessel has no
official number, the international radio call sign must be used instead.
The nationality of the vessel.
The description of the hazardous material exactly as it appears on the
shipping paper
An emergency response telephone number.
Number of and description of HazMat packages, e.g. barrels, drums,
cylinders, boxes, &etc.
Gross weight for each type of packaging. It is important to note two
things here:
1. Gross weight means the combined weight of the HazMat and its
packaging. Read more about the use of gross weight v. net weight
in the HMR.
2. The gross weight is required for each distinct type of packaging,
not for each package nor for the shipment as a whole.
The stowage location of the HazMat on board the vessel.
The carrier can determine this from column 10 of the Hazardous
Materials Table.
Dangerous Goods Manifest is the stowage plan document for the
HAZMAT cargo, which is prepared by the chief officer once the
shipping papers from the Shipper or agent are received.
Use the UN Number as One of Your Methods in the framework of
transport in commerce. Associated with each UN Number is a proper
shipping name. Dangerous goods must be assigned to one of the proper
shipping names shown in the List of Dangerous Goods or Hazardous
Material Table (HMT).
The person who supervises the preparation of the manifest, list, or stowage
plan shall ensure that the information is correctly transcribed, and shall
certify to the truth and accuracy of this information to the best of his
knowledge and belief by his signature and notation of the date prepared

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). LNG has volume that is LPG is Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
1/600th of its original volume. LPG production happens during the refining of crude
This reduces transportation costs considerably. oil. The composition is predominantly propane, butane,
Liquefaction and transport require require special or a mix of these and other gases. In addition,
treatments and are highly capital intensive. extraction of LPG takes place directly from some of the
Liquefaction and transport of natural gas is at -162 Deg oil wells.
C. This is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases primarily
This requires specially insulated tanks in the ships that containing propane and butane. Since it mostly
carry the LNG . contains propane gas, sometime LPG is referred to as
Removal of all impurities like sulphur, water and other propane.
elements is necessary for liquefaction which requires an LPG is named as auto gas. This is a clean fuel, and
elaborate pretreatment plant. upon combustion, it produces fewer amounts of
The receiving side also should have an LNG terminal harmful emissions and carbon dioxide (which is a
for re-vapourising the LNG to its gaseous form. greenhouse gas).
A very high level of investment is required to set up an Moreover, it is less expensive compared to gasoline.
LNG plant. However, on the negative side, the availability of LPG is
Transportation of LNG is much less risky than limited
transporting oil. The calorific value is higher than the Natural gas in
LNG transportation is at atmospheric pressure so any the range of 95 MJ /kg.
leakage of the liquid will vaporise to the atmosphere. LPG can be in liquid form at a relatively low pressure
This avoids any costly oil spills. of 2 to 5 bar at atmospheric temperature.
Since all the impurities like sulphur are already This makes it convenient to handle in small cylinders.
removed this is the purest form of Natural gas. This coupled with the high heating value has made it
the most popular household cooking gas in most of
the third world countries.
Governments subsidize LPG for domestic use, which
makes it costly for other uses.
Because of its potential to vaporize immediately, any
leaks can be hazardous. Basic knowledge of safety is
necessary for using LPG. The addition of odorizers
helps make it easy to identify any leakage.

Holds will be inspected for cleanliness and infestation as well as the

presence of any material that might cause infestation.
Thus, in order to pass survey in accordance with the governing charter
party and/or statutory requirements at the load port it is essential that the
holds are properly prepared for the reception of the grain cargo.
Failure to pass survey will result in costly delay to the ship while the short-
coming, be it cleanliness, damage, etc., is corrected.
Holds, bilges and hatch covers must be clean and dry, free of previous
cargoes and rust scale, free of taint and infestation.
Previous cargo residues must be removed from between frames, stringers,
deck beams and hatch cover beams by washing or sweeping.
Cargo residues are easily dislodged by the motion and vibration of the
ship to fall onto the new cargo, thus causing it to be contaminated.
Any signs of insect infestation must be dealt with by spraying with
appropriate insecticides or by sealing the holds and treating with an
approved fumigant.
Any remaining in the holds must be removed.
All bilge suctions must be thoroughly clean, free from previous cargoes
and dry.
While a cargo surveyor will normally confirm the readiness of the ship for
loading, some administrations will also be involved in issuing a certificate
of cleanliness, e.g. the United States Department of Agriculture.
Grain clean is the most common requirement. A ship will be required to be
grain clean for the majority of bulk and break bulk cargoes, such as all
grains, soya meal and soya products, alumina, sulphur, bulk cement,
bauxite, concentrates, and bulk fertilisers.
Some ports and shippers may allow a different standard of cleanliness.
In preparation for the next intended cargo, full use of the discharge
facilities of the current port/ terminal should be made.
Removal of as much cargo remnants out of the holds reduces disposal and
clean-up costs and saves time before the next load port.
The vessel should have on board the necessary cleaning materials,
especially if these can not be sourced locally: advance planning is required
including advance discussions with local Agents;
Instructions for washing-down procedures usually follow an approved
industry standard and must be strictly adhered to;
should time constraints potentially limit the completion of the full washing-
down procedure, charterers should be advised accordingly;
MARPOL regulations and local port regulations must be complied with

A valid CSC plate has the words ‘CSC SAFETY APPROVAL’ stamped on it in
bold. These words can also be embossed or shown in any other way such
that it is permanent.
The CSC specifies that the safety approval caption shall be in bold
characters of a minimum height of 8 mm. All other characters on the plate
should have a minimum height of 5 mm.

The other information that must be shown on a CSC plate are as follows:

Classification Company Approval Code

This code or reference shows the authorized company or society that was
responsible for the approval of the container.

Date of Manufacture of the Container

Shows the month and year of manufacture of the container.

Manufacturer’s Container ID Number (for new containers)

The manufacturer gives each container a unique identification number.
This is sometimes used as the general ID of the container.

Gross Weight
Also referred to as the Gross Mass, it is the total weight of the cargo and
the weight of the empty container, that can be transported safely. It is
shown in kilograms and LBS.

Stacking Load Value

A container onboard a ship experiences strong gravitational forces
especially during rough weather when the ship is tossed up and down at

Racking Test Load Value

This value denotes the force that can be applied to the top edge of the
container before the frame is twisted out of shape. It is also called the
Transverse Racking Test Force.
First Maintenance Examination Date
This is the date when the container has to be inspected next by a
classification company.

The details that are included on a Combined Data Plate are as follows:

Approval for Transport Under Customs Seal

When the container has the approval to transport cargo under customs
shown in bold on the Combined Data Plate.

Approval Reference
The approval reference shows the CSC rule numbers under which the
container was approved by the relevant authorities.

Country of Approval
This shows the country where the container passed inspection and was

The ‘type’ on a CSC plate shows the container series of the manufacturer
or the model of the container.

Container Number of the Operator

This is the unique container number given to each freight container
following specifications laid down by the Bureau International des
Containers (BIC).

Tare Weight
Tare weight is the weight of the empty container shown in kilograms and

Cubic Capacity
Some Combined Data Plates show the inside cubic capacity of the
container. This is shown in cubic meters (CBM) as well as cubic feet (CFT).
Timber Component Treatment Reference

Typically, the floors of containers are made of bamboo or other suitable

types of wood. The Timber Component Treatment Reference shows
whether these wooden parts have been chemically treated with basileum,
radaleum, talileum-400, or any other approved wood preservative for
protection from pests.

Container Number – is of course the main marking on the door.. It is an alpha numeric
sequence made up of 4 Alphabets and 7 Numbers
As per this code, the container identification system consists of

1. Owner code – 3 letters (in above example HLX)

2. Equipment category – 1 letter (in above example, U denoting a freight container..
Other categories being J for detachable container-related equipment (such as
Genset) and Z for trailers and chassis)..
3. Serial number – 6 numbers (numbers ONLY)
4. Check Digit – 1 number (numbers ONLY)

Check Digit
although it is part of the full container number, the check digit is a VERY IMPORTANT
number as it can be used to identify if the above mentioned identification sequence is
valid or invalid..

Container Owner or Lessor

This is the entity that owns or operates the container. This could be a shipping line, like
in this example (Hapag Lloyd) or a container leasing company such as Textainer who’s
business is to lease containers to shipping lines that need to increase their inventory
but not their assets..

Max Gross
In this example – 30,480 Kgs is the maximum weight that the container can carry
including its own tare weight of 2,250 Kg (as shown in 7)..

ISO Code
As per the International Standards Organisation under their code IS06346:1995(E), each
container is given a unique ISO Code in order to avoid any ambiguity in naming the

Classification society label for type testing

Each container is tested for its strength, cargo and seaworthiness by a classification
society and this label indicates which classification society certified this box.
Weight of Container
This is the actual weight of an empty container and this is given by the manufacturer at
the end of the manufacturing and labelling process..

Max. Payload
This is the maximum weight of the cargo that can be packed in the container and
the mis-declaration of this weight by the customers has severe consequences both to
life and property..This is the weight that is shown on the bill of lading and to re-

This is the maximum volume in cubic capacity that can be packed into the container..
Unlike weight, it is not possible to over pack the container by volume as it will be quite

CSC, ACEP & Other Certifications

Every container should have a valid safety approval plate called CSC (Container Safety
Convention) plate in order for it to be used in international trade
Other than above-mentioned markings, containers also have other markings such as

1. The full container number

o On the roof of the container – for the benefit of crane operators during
loading/unloading operations
o Inside the container close to the door – for the benefit of the packing
people/surveyors etc
o On the front of the container – for the benefit of transporters, government
authorities etc during transportation as it is normal to transport the
container with the doors facing the inside of the truck for security
2. Indicators for forklift pockets for the benefit for forklift operators
3. Caution stickers on 40’/45′ High Cube containers indicating that it is a high container

Liquid Chemical cargoes may present a fire hazard which will be

determined by the flashpoint, boiling point, flammability limits
and auto-ignition temperature of the product.
The marine pollution hazard will be dependent on several factors
that include bioaccumulation and the attendant risk to aquatic
life or human health. In addition, release into the marine
environment may cause damage to living resources, hazard to
human health and consequent reduction of amenities.
The air pollution hazard posed by release into the atmosphere
may categorised by the emergency exposure limit (EEL) of the

The main hazards associated with carriage of liquid chemical cargoes are

Vapour given off by a flammable liquid will burn when ignited provided it
is mixed with certain proportions of air, or more accurately with the oxygen
in air.
But if there is too little or too much vapour compared to the air, so that the
vapour-and-air mixture is either too lean or too rich, it will not burn.
The limiting proportions, expressed as a percentage by volume of
flammable vapour in air, are known as the lower flammable limit (LFL) and
the upper flammable limit (UFL), and the zone, in between is the
flammable range (see Definitions for further details).
In addition, a flammable liquid must itself be at or above a temperature
high enough for it to give off sufficient vapour for ignition to occur. This
temperature is known as the flash point.
Some cargoes evolve flammable vapour at ambient temperatures, others
only at higher temperatures or when heated. Safe handling procedures
depend upon the flammability characteristics of each product. Non-
combustible cargoes are those which do not evolve flammable vapours

Toxic means the same as poisonous. Toxicity is the ability of a substance,
when inhaled, ingested, or absorbed by the skin, to cause damage to living
tissue, impairment of the central nervous system, severe illness or, in
extreme cases, death. The amounts of exposure required to produce these
results vary widely with the nature of the substance and the duration of
exposure to it.
Acute poisoning occurs when a large dose is received by exposure to high
concentrations of a short duration, i.e. a single brief exposure. Chronic
poisoning occurs through exposure to low concentrations over a long
period of time, i.e. repeated or prolonged exposures. Prevention of
exposure is achieved through a combination of cargo containment, which
prevents toxic fumes or liquid from contaminating the workplace, and the
use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
Suffocation: suffocation is unconsciousness caused by lack of oxygen, Any
vapour may cause suffocation, whether toxic or not, simply by excluding
oxygen in air. Danger areas include cargo tanks, void spaces and cargo
pumprooms. But the atmosphere of a compartment may also be oxygen-
deficient through natural causes, such as decomposition or putrefaction of
organic cargo
Anaesthesia: Certain vapours cause loss of consciousness due to their
effect on the nervous system. In addition, anaesthetic vapours may or may
not be toxic.
Additional health hazards: Additional health hazards may be presented by
non-cargo materials used on board during cargo handling. One hazard is
that of frostbite from liquid nitrogen stored on board for use as
atmosphere control in cargo tanks. Full advice on dealing with frostbite is
contained in the MFAG. Another hazard is that of burns from accidental
contact with equipment used while handling heated cargoes
Self Reaction:
The most common form of self-reaction is polymerisation.
Polymerisation generally results in the conversion of gases or liquids into
viscous liquids or solids. It may be a slow, natural process which only
degrades the product without posing any safety hazards to the ship or the
crew, or it may be a rapid, exothermic reaction evolving large amounts of
heat and gases.
Heat produced by the process can accelerate it. Such a reaction is called a
run-off polymerisation that poses a serious danger to both the ship and its
personnel. Products that are susceptible to polymerisation are normally
transported with added inhibitors to prevent the onset of the reaction.
An inhibited cargo certificate should be provided to the ship before a
cargo is carried.
The action to be taken in case of a polymerisation situation occurring while
the cargo is on board should be covered by the ship’s emergency
contingency plan.
Reaction with water: Certain cargoes react with water in a way that could
pose a danger to both the ship and its personnel. Toxic gases may be
evolved. The most noticeable examples are the isocyanates; such cargoes
are carried under dry and inert condition. Other cargoes react with water in
a slow way that poses no safety hazard, but the reaction may produce
small amounts of chemicals that can damage equipment or tank materials,
or can cause oxygen depletion.
Reaction with air: Certain chemical cargoes, mostly ethers, may react with
oxygen in air or in the chemical to form unstable oxygen compounds
(peroxides) which, if allowed to build up, could cause an explosion. Such
cargoes can be either inhibited by an anti-oxidant or carried under inert
Reaction with other cargoes: Some cargoes react dangerously with one
another. Such cargoes should be stowed away from each other (not in
adjacent tanks) and prevented from mixing by using separate loading,
discharging and venting systems. When planning the cargo stowage, the
master must use a recognised compatibility guide to ensure that cargoes
stowed adjacent to each other are compatible.

Acids, anhydrides and alkalis are among the most commonly carried corrosive
They can rapidly destroy human tissue and cause irreparable damage. They can
also corrode normal ship construction materials, and create a safety hazard for a
Acids in particular react with most metals, evolving hydrogen gas which is highly
The IMO Codes address this, and care should be taken to ensure that unsuitable
materials are not included in the cargo system.
Personnel likely to be exposed to these products should wear suitable personal
protective equipment.

Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition over time, a natural
process known as putrefaction (going off), that generates obnoxious and toxic
vapours and depletes the oxygen in the tank.
Tanks that have contained such products must be carefully ventilated and the
atmosphere tested prior to tank entry.
It must not be assumed that all vapours produced by cargoes liable to
putrefaction will in fact be due to putrefaction; some may not be obvious, either
through smell or appearance of the cargo. Carbon monoxide (CO), for instance,
is colourless and odourless and can be produced when a vegetable or animal oil
is overheated.
Vapour given off by a flammable liquid will burn when ignited provided it is
mixed with certain proportions of air, or more accurately with the oxygen in air.
But if there is too little or too much vapour compared to the air, so that the
vapour-and-air mixture is either too lean or too rich, it will not burn.
The limiting proportions, expressed as a percentage by volume of flammable
vapour in air, are known as the lower flammable limit (LFL) and the upper
flammable limit (UFL), and the zone, in between is the flammable range
If a cargo is being handled at a temperature within 10C of its flashpoint, it should
be considered volatile.
Therefore a cargo with a flashpoint of 80C should be considered volatile if
handled at a temperature of 70C or above.


When a container is loaded over ships, it is secured to the ship’s structure
and to the container placed below it by means of lashing rods, turnbuckles,
twist-locks etc.
This prevents the containers from moving from their places or falling off
into the sea during rough weather or heavy winds.
Two systems of securing the cargo were common .
one relied on use of twist locks in cinjuction with lashing bars or chains
second relied on use of stacking cnes abd bridge pieces in conjuction with
lashing bars or chains .
The Second method became redundant and it became common practice
to use twist locks throughout the stow
This method normally allowed the containers to be stacked three high and
in some cases four high tier in weight or empty
The usual arrangement is to fit one ter of lashings , placed diagonally
within the width of container , with the tops of lashing rods placed in
bottom corner castings of second tier containers .
This is called cross lashing , an alternative arrangement with the lashing
rods located outside of the width of continer , is called external lashing
.This is often used for high stacks which are lashed from a two tier lashing
Check stack weight before stowage: its important not to exceed allowable
stack weights , otherwise failure of corner posts of containers stowed at
bottom of stack is possible.
If slow is too heavy, the lashings may have insufficient Strength to hold
containers in place if bad weather is encountered .
Never deviate from approved lashing arrangements shown in cargo
securing manual , expect to add additional lashings.
Calculate forces using the approved loading computer discuss the
proposed loading with stevedores to ensure that the proposed loading
doesnot compromise the ships lashings system . loading requirements or
stability .
Consult the Cargo securing manual before applying lashings. If stack
weights are high abd bad weather is expected then fit additional lashings
try to avoid isolated stacks of containers in holds or on decks.

Avoid loading heavy containers above light containers and at the top of a
stack , unless the stowage arrangements is shown in cargo securing
manual and stowage is found satisfactory when checked using approved
loading computed .
Lashing rods are more difficult to fit and special rods with extension pieces
are oftern needed . Before loading identify where these containers are to
be stowed.
Container lashing components
flush socket elongated sockets
raised socket Semi automatic twistlocks
lashing plate fully automatc twistlocks
d ring twistlock
dovetail foundation penguin lock
fixed stacking cone stacking cone
mid bay guide double stacking cone
mid lock sliding dovetail
lashing road bridge fitting
extension piece buttress
turnbuckle load equalising device
hanging stacker

This register is maintained under masters guidance by ch.officer & kept

upto date always .
It contains all certificates for such items as wires , hooks , blocks , shackles ,
chains , derrick or crane rests including all reports of inspection and
examination before gear / lifting appliances are put in use for cargo
operations .
Initial & periodical load of lifting appliances and loose gear
Proper annual examination of lifting appliances and loose gear
Test and examination of wire rops
Heat treatment for loose gear
Instructions for entries
Chain register has one section which has instructions for various entries to
be made
Next sections is in two parts
Part 1 : initial & periodical load test of lifting gear & their annual through
Part 2 : initial & periodical load test of loose gear and their annual through
List of loose gear
1) Chains made of mallieable cast iron
2) Chains , rings , hooks , shackles , swivels made of steel
3) Plate link chains
4) Pitched chains
Inert Gas System used on crude oil tanker ???

Brief working procedure:

Boiler uptake gases are drawn to the scrubber unit via flue gas isolating
valve(s) to the scrubber unit.
In the scrubber unit the gas is cooled, cleaned and dried before being
supplied in to the tanks.
Motor driven inert gas blowers supplies the treated gas from scrubber
tower to the tanks through. They are mounted on rubber vibration
absorbers and isolated from the piping by rubber expansion bellows.
Regulation of gas quantity delivered to deck is taken care of by the gas
control valves and the deck pressure is managed by pressure controller. If
the deck pressure is lower than the set point the output signal will be
raised to open the valve more, and vice versa if the deck pressure is lower
than the set-point
These valves will then work in cooperation to keep both the deck pressure
/ blower pressure at their respective set point without starving or
overfeeding the circuit.
Before entering the deck line, the gas passes through the deck water seal
which also acts as non-return valve automatically preventing the back-flow
of explosive gases from the cargo tanks.
After the deck seal the inert gas relief is mounted to balance built-up deck
water seal pressure when the system is shut down. In case of a failure of
both the deck seal and the non-return valve, the relief valve will vent the
gases flowing from the cargo tank into the atmosphere.
The oxygen analyser which is fitted after the blower separates the
“production” and “distribution” components of the plant and analyzes the
oxygen content of the gas and if it is more than 8%, it alarms and shut
downs the plant.
The basis of inert gas production in the IG plant is the flue gas generated
from the ship’s boiler. The high temperature gas mixture from the boiler
uptake is treated in an inert gas plant which cleans, cools and supplies the
inert gas to the individual tanks via PV valves and breakers to ensure safety
of tank structure and atmosphere.
The system can be divided in to two basic groups:
a) A production plant to produce inert gas and deliver it under pressure, by
means of blower(s), to the cargo tanks.
b) A distribution system to control the passage of inert gas into the
appropriate cargo tanks at the required time.
Following are various alarms incorporated in the Inert Gas plant:
Scrubber low level
Deck seal High level
Low O2 Content (1%)
High O2 Content (5%)
Low lube oil pressure alarm
The primary aim of this code is to facilitate the safe stowage and shipment
of solid bulk cargoes by providing information on dangers associated with
shipment of certain types of solid bulk cargoes and instructions for
proceedures adopted when shipment of solid bulk cargoes is
Cargoes listed in this code are typical cargoes currently shipped in bulk ,
together with advise on their properties and methods of handling, are
given in schedules for indivial cargoes.
Before loading its essential to obtain current valid information from
shipper on physical and chemical properties of cargoes presented for
The shipper shall provide appropriate information about the cargo to be
The Master shall consult the appropriate cargo schedule in this code and
observe all necessary precautions
The Master shall consult the authorities at the ports of loading &
discharge , as necessary , concerning the requirements which may be in
force and applicable for carriage.
SECTION 1 : general provisions and SECTION 10 : carriage of solid bulk
definitons waste
SECTION 2 : general loading , carriage , SECTION 11 : security provisions
unloading precautions SECTION 12 : stowage factor
SECTION 3 : safety if personnel and ship conversion tables
SECTION 4 : assessment of acceptability Section 13 : references
of consignments for safe shipment
SECTION 5 : trimming procedures Appendix 1 : individual schedules of
SECTION 6 : methods of determining solid bulk cargoes
angle of repose Appendix 2 : laboratory test
SECTION 7 : cargoes that may liquify procedures , associated apparatus and
SECTION 8 : test procedures for standards
cargoes that may liquify Appendix 3 : properties if solid bulk
SECTION 9 : materials possessing cargoes
chemical hazards Appendix 4 : index of soild bulk
IMSBC categorizes cargoes into three groups
Group A : cargoes that may liquefy if shipped at a moisture content
exceeding their Transportable Moisture Limit (TML)
Group B : cargoes which may possess a chemical hazard which could give
rise to a dangerous situation on a ship
Group C : cargoes which are neither liable to liquefy ( Group A )
Nor possess chemical hazards ( Group B ) . Cargoes in this group can still
be hazardous .
IMSBC “code of safe practices for bulk cargoes “ distinguishes between
cargoes having angle of repose less than and greater than 35 degrees .
For cargoes with smaller angle of repose code recommends level trimming
and filling in space in which they are loaded
BLU CODE is intended for use by bulk carrier ships while the BLU manual is
for use by terminal operators , representatives or others who may be
involved in training relevant personal
The Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers
(BLU Code) was developed with the aim of preventing accidents or loss of
ships carrying solid bulk cargoes as a result of improper loading and
unloading practices
The Code primarily covers the safety of ships loading and unloading solid
bulk cargoes, excluding grain, and reflects current issues, best practices
and legislative requirements. Broader safety and pollution issues such as
those covered by the SOLAS, MARPOL and Load Line Conventions are not
specifically included in the Code
The BLU Code provides guidance to ship masters of bulk carriers, terminal
operators and other parties concerned for the safe handling, loading and
unloading of solid bulk cargoes and is linked to regulation VI/7 (Loading,
unloading and stowage of bulk cargoes) of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as
amended by resolution MSC.47(66)
It is recommended that a copy of this Code be made available to every
ship, charterer and bulk loading or unloading terminal so that advice on
operational procedures is readily available and respective responsibilities
are identified.
The Master is responsible at all times for Safe Loading & unloading of the
ship, the details of which should be communicated to the terminal
representative in the form of Loading/ Unloading Plan.
Ensure the Ship Shore Safety Checklist in Appendix 3 is completed in
consultation with the terminal before Loading or Unloading is commenced.
Ensure that the disposition of cargo and ballast water is monitored
throughout the loading or unloading process to ensure that the ship’s
structure is not overstressed.
Ensure that the terminal representative is made aware of the requirements
for harmonization between deballasting & cargo loading rates for the ship
The quantities of cargo required to achieve departure draft & trim should
allow for all cargo on the terminals conveyor system to be run off and
empty on completion of loading.
Communication arrangements between ship & terminal should be capable
of responding to request of information on the loading process and of
prompt compliance in the event of emergency stop.

Contents of blu code

Section 1. Definitions;
Section 2. Suitability of ships and terminals;
Section 3. Procedures between ship and shore prior to the ship’s arrival;
Section 4. Procedures between ship and terminal prior to cargo handling;
Section 5. Cargo loading and handling of ballast;
Section 6. Unloading cargo and handling of ballast;

Appendix 1. Recommended contents of port and terminal information books

Appendix 2. Loading or unloading plan;
Appendix 3. Ship/shore safety checklist;
Appendix 4. Guidelines for completing the ship/shore safety checklist;
Appendix 5. Form for cargo information.

Cargo Securing Manual specifies arrangements and cargo securing devices

provided on board the ship for the correct application to and the securing
of cargo units, containers, vehicles and other entities, based on transverse,
longitudinal and vertical forces which may arise during adverse weather
and sea conditions.
Information on the strength and instructions for the use and maintenance
of each specific type of cargo securing device, where applicable, is
provided in this manual.
It is imperative to the safety of the ship and the protection of the cargo
and personnel that the securing of the cargo is carried out properly and
that only appropriate securing points or fittings should be used for cargo
Is to ensure that Cargo Securing Manuals cover all relevant aspects of
cargo stowage and securing and to provide a uniform approach to the
preparation of Cargo Securing Manuals, their layout and content.
Administrations may continue accepting Cargo Securing Manuals drafted
in accordance with Containers and cargoes (BC) – Cargo Securing Manual
(MSC/Circ.385) provided that they satisfy the requirements of these
This manual also shows details of the chains, lashings, rods, etc. that are
used to secure the cargo on the ship.
The strength of the cargo securing equipment to withstand any adverse
weather and the rough sea conditions, the methods followed to secure the
cargo, and maintenance instructions should be available in this manual.
When the ship is in motion, and especially during bad weather,
accompanied by rough seas, the cargo on board is subject to abnormal
Calculating the strength of the available equipment and its accessories
such as chains, lashings, etc. to counter these forces and how to fix them
accordingly, should be explained in the cargo securing manual. Wherever
required, these should be explained with appropriate diagrams or
Cargo securing manuals specify the allowable load capacity of equipment
that is known as its MSL (Maximum Securing Load).
The SWL or Safe Working Load is the load that can be handled safely by
the equipment. The term Standardized Cargo is used to signify the cargo
that can be secured normally on a ship.
A Semi-standardized Cargo may be accommodated on such a vessel
whereas, a non-standardized cargo requires special stowage and securing
arrangements. The manual specifies where each type of item or cargo
should be kept.
Only the appropriate cargo securing points mentioned in the cargo
securing manual should be used for securing the cargo.
Any structural changes made to such equipment should reflect in the
cargo securing manual and they should not be inferior in quality or
strength to the originally available ones. Spare or reserve cargo securing
equipment should be available on the vessel.
The portable cargo securing equipment used on the ship (as mentioned in
the cargo securing manual) should be appropriate to the vessel as well as
the voyage and should take into account factors such as expected sea
conditions during the voyage, dimensions, designs, and weight of the
cargo on the vessel, etc.

General Appendix I – Log for maintenance of cargo securing

1.1 Ship Data

1.2 Definitions Appendix II – Manual procedure for calculation of

1.3 General Information
Appendix III – Applicable Annexes from the CSS Code
1.4 Principal sources of danger

2. Securing Devices and Arrangements ANNEX 6 Safe stowage and securing of coiled sheet
2.1 Specification of Fixed Cargo Securing Devices.

2.2 Specification of Portable Cargo Securing Devices. ANNEX 7 Safe stowage and securing of heavy metal
2.3 Inspection and Maintenance Schemes

3. Stowage and Securing of cargo ANNEX 8 Safe stowage and securing of anchor chains

3.1 Handling and safety instructions ANNEX 9 Safe stowage and securing of metal scrap in
3.1.1 General principles of cargo securing.

3.1.2 Safe handling of cargo securing devices ANNEX 11 General guidelines for the under-deck
stowage of logs
3.1.3 Evaluation of forces acting on cargo units

3.1.4 Forces acting on typical cargo units ANNEX 12 Safe stowing and securing of unit loads

3.1.5 Calculation of forces in semi- and non-

standardised lashing arrangements MSLs for different securing devices 15 Safety factor 15 Simplified method – Rule of thumb 15 Ship Specific Example based on Alternative

Method – using IMO LASCHONTM 16 Ship Specific Accelerations from IMO


3.2 Application of portable securing devices

4. Supplementary Requirements for General

Cargo/Container vessel

4.1 Bulk Carriers

4.1.1 Extracts from various Timber Deck Codes

4.2 Container Carriers

4.2.1 Handling and Safety Instructions

4.2.2 Stowage and Securing Instructions Stowage and Securing Plan (not included in

this model manual) 37


Hold bilge pumping and line arrangements understood

standard and extent of hold cleanliness and preparation for the next cargo is known from
charterers, shippers, owners, charterparty, IMSBC Code
instructions from charterers are clearly understood
ensure ship has sufficient water for a freshwater wash-down; additional freshwater can
be taken in the fore or aft peak tanks. (A panamax bulk carrier requires about 20/25
tonnes of freshwater per hold for freshwater wash-down)
holds swept thoroughly after discharge of previous cargo and residues removed.
Residues left on deck are kept covered to reduce dust and pollution risk
holds and internal structures checked for damages
bilge wells/strum boxes are cleared of cargo spillage. Bilge cover plate fitted in good
hold bilge sounding pipes and temperature pipes are free of debris
do not wash holds where adjacent holds are not free of cargo, or if the bulkhead in the
adjacent hold is not clear of cargo (as there is a potential risk of water damage/ingress)
the bilge line to be blanked off from the engine room for holds with cargo during washing
bilges of holds with cargo to be sounded frequently during washing
before pumping out bilge water, ensure MARPOL and local regulations are not violated
fixed fire extinguishing lines should be flushed out with air to remove dust and residues
confirm that everything meets the requirements of charterers and shippers

After unloading of cargo it is very important the responsible officer does a proper inspection and
preparation of Holds. Inspection of hold helps identify for structural damage or defects in the
It also help to know if any damage done by the stevedores, and same can be mentioned in the
stevedore damage report. We will study further about inspection of holds.
Check that the designated compartments are clean and ready to receive cargo.
a. Holds properly swept and cleaned from previous cargo residue.
b. Loose rust scale and loose paint removed.
c. Holds free from all stains.
d. Depending upon charterers’ requirement, holds effectively washed/rinsed & dried.
Check that the drainage and bilge suctions are working effectively and that bilge wells are dry.
Bilges to be sweetened for some particular cargoes and covered with burlap and cemented.
No leakage from ballast tanks present. Sounding pipes and air pipes passing from holds are clean
and rust free.
Ensure that cargo battens (spar ceiling) is in position and not damage
Check that the hatch lighting’s are in good order. Isolate lights if it poses fire hazard for the
intended cargo.
Inspect and ensure all means of access to the compartments are safe.
Guard rails and safety barriers should be seen to be in place.
. Ensure all necessary fixed and portable fire-fighting arrangements are ready for immediate use.
Blow through CO2/Halon lines with compressed air.
Inspect Cargo Hold Ventilation system.
Cargo Hold is meant to take heavy weather ballast then pressure test the lines for leakage and
subsequently blank off the ballast lines.
Double Bottom tank manhole covers to be absolutely tight.
Cargo securing points/ fixed fittings etc are in good condition.

1. arry out regular inspections of the hatch covers, beams and coamings to
2. General levels of corrosion

• Localized corrosion at welds

• Cracks in joints and weld metal
• Any permanent distortion of plating and stiffeners.

2. If any cracks detected in main structural joints or local heavy buckling

then inform office immediately
3. Be particularly vigilant after heavy weather.
4. Always rectify any steel to steel faults before renewal of rubber packing,
else rubber packing will be ruined very shortly thereafter
5. Always replace missing or damaged rubber packing’s immediately. [ THE
6. Keep cleats in good serviceable condition and correctly adjusted.
7. Keep cleats, and wheels well greased
8. Test hydraulic oil quarterly
9. Ensure oil levels are correct
10.Remember that continuing and regular maintenance of hatch covers and
packing’s is more effective and hence less expensive than sporadic
inspection and major repairs.


Covers and coamings should be well painted and free from significant corrosion,
cracks and distortion.
During an inspection look for:
Holes and permanent distortion in the plating
Distortion of beams and/or stiffeners on the underside of the top plate.
Corrosion around welded connections of beams or stiffeners
Cracking of connecting joints and welds
Hatch movement . This should be smooth . If violent movement is observed,
investigate and remove the cause.
Hydraulic system for leakage
Check for physical damage, corrosion and tension when locked.

The two most common leak detection tests are:

1. Water Hose Leak Detection Test.

The general procedure for hose testing is to apply a powerful jet of

water from a 20-50 mm diameter hose fitted with a 12mm diameter
nozzle held at a distance of 1-1.5meters from a hatch joint at a speed
of 1 metre every 2 seconds.

2. Ultrasonic Test.

The test involves placing (with hatches closed and secure ) an electric
signal generator inside the cargo hold. A sensor is then passed
around the outside of all compression joints . Readings taken by the
sensor indicate points of low compression or potential points of

Ultrasonic testing overcomes the majority of limitations associated

with hose testing and can be carried out when holds are loaded.

3. Chalk Test

Hatches are then fully closed and reopened . The rubber packing is
examined for a chalk mark, which should be run continuously along
the packings centre. Gaps in the chalk mark indicate lack of
compression. Chalk testing merely indicates the if hatch is aligned
and compression achieved . It will show whether compression bar is
adequate and therefore it is not a test for weathertightness.

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