April 25 2024 IELTS Writing Task 2

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IELTS Writing Task 2

Nowadays, people in some countries can choose to live and work

anywhere they want because of the improvement of the transportation
and communication technologies.
Discuss the benefits and the drawbacks of the phenomenon.

internet plays a crucial role in our daily life, which allows individuals to
transport between places and communicate with people from various
backgrounds. In this way, people are likely to/tend to/ may transport
and communicate with one another without the barriers of languages
and places. This shortens the time spent by people compared with the
way years ago, enabling people to work or live wherever they want and
improving their work efficiency.

The last few years have experienced burgeoning growth

in communication technology and transportation,
enabling people to work and live in any part of the
world. In my opinion, this trend has a large number of
advantages when compared to minor drawbacks that it
might bring.

中心段 1 There is no doubt that the advancement of science and

technology in transportation and communication is
bringing us huge changes and benefits into our life.
Firstly, individuals can have access to people from
different backgrounds without communication or region
barriers due to the improvement of means in
transportation and communication. This is also
beneficial to the globalisation, which has a great impact
on the development of people’s lives. Secondly, another
benefit is that it provides great efficiency for education.
To illustrate, in the absence of distance, all kinds of
teaching approaches such as distance learning allow
teachers and students to work more effectively and
efficiently, making it available for well-educated
teaching practitioners to commute from one city or
country to another. Therefore, advancing technology in
transportation and communication has
updated/revamped the way people live and work.【has
enriched the places where people live and work.】
中心段 2
On the other hand, there are still some disadvantages
associated with living and working in another city or
country. Specifically, these people get disconnected
from their culture and other family members. For
example, many of Indian families move to Britain with
the help of the advancing transportation and
communication, but their offspring are unaware of their
own native language. In addition, the advanced
communication can rarely ensure the close connection
between many people as individuals always spend much
time on electronic devices instead of visiting their family
or friends in person. This might result in the mental and
physical distance between each other. However, this
trend can provide more opportunities for people
exposing themselves to various and diverse working and
living environment.

On the other hand, there are several disadvantages which have a great
impact on other cities especially third-tier cities. People who are from third-tier
cities tend to move to first-tier cities so that they could acquire more wealth
and better living conditions thanks to the convenience of advanced
transportation and communication. This would definitely make them bring all
of their resources to developed cities, which may lead to the decreasing
development of their hometown and hinder the improvement of their
economy, medical and education. Apart from this, this trend can also play an
important role in increasing the imbalance between cities. For example,
without enough labor force, third-tier cities would face their difficult situations,
lack of basic facilities for further development. Moreover, people in first-tier
cities would have more challenges and competitive working environment due
to an increasing number of employees in the market.


Living and working in a poor cities is very challenging for individuals and
most of them want to move to first-tier cities, which may enable them to
acquire more wealth and better living conditions. Therefore, it is difficult for
these underdeveloped cities to improve their economy and education.
However, as the development of the transportation and communication
technologies, it is convenient for individuals to get to/reach/arrive in anywhere
they want. Hence, although they live and work in one cities, they can reach
another city in a few less time. This will significantly alleviate this problem.

Conclusion In conclusion, although/while there are several

drawbacks of the improvement of the transportation
and communication technologies, I believe that they are
significantly outweighed by the advantages as people
are able to live and work efficiently and involve
themselves in different backgrounds, thereby enriching
their living and working style.(总结前文)

原因:自主创业——公司太受限;主动性更强,处理工作更灵活 flexible/转换 adaptable

自己可以做到 work life balance

Introduction In recent years, there has been a noticeable trend

towards self-employed, with many individuals choosing
to work for themselves rather than for a company or
organisation. There are several reasons why this may be
the case, and a number of drawbacks should be taken
into account in terms of being self-employed.

Main idea 1 choose to do sth.= opt for= would like to do= tend to
One reason [why more and more people opt for self-
employment] is that they look forward to flexible and
initiative work environment, which, for some people, can
increase their motivation and creativity. For example,
when people are allowed to work for themselves, they
could work at home all day and set their own hours//
they could spend full time and attention for their own
work. In addition, working for oneself means one can
arrange their projects and tasks by themselves, without
the need of writing reports for employers. This also
enables individuals to pursue their own goals and earn
financial rewards all for themselves. Another reason is
that some people would like to gain exposure to more
challenges or involve themselves in demanding
situations, so that they could achieve their personal and
professional growth in the long term.

To begin with, there are several rationales behind a common belief that
people choose to be self-employed. Firstly, working for a company or
organisation is difficult for individuals to complete their projects according to
their own thoughts. For example, when people are employed by a corporation,
they are supposed to comply with regulations of this firm, and hence they may
spend more time involving in unnecessary tasks/projects. Secondly, while people
start their own business, they can work in a more flexible way. Therefore, they
are able to keep the balance of work and life, which can enable them to have a
better release after a exhausting work.

Main idea 2

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