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Nam Tu Liem Junior High School Further Practice English 8

Phonetics – Vocabulary – Grammar
A. Phonetics
I. Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. other b. leather c. wealthy d. brother
2. a. television b. elephant c. effect d. section
3. a. explain b. current c. desire d. electric
4. a. threaten b. thread c. seat d. bread
5. a. deaf b. leaf c. meat d. heat
II. Complete the following words with –ity or –tive, mark (‘) the stress, then practice saying them
1. abil………………. 6. advers …………… 11. compet…………….
2. pos ……………………. 7. longev ……………. 12. sensi …………………..
3. human………. 8. informa……….. 13. talka……………………….
4. char………….. 9. sensibil……………… 14. univers……………..
5. responsibil…………. 10. nega …………………… 15. crea…………………
B. Vocabulary & grammar
I. Odd one out
1. a. social media b. email c. telephone d. speaker
2. a. using codes b. sending a message c. texting d. painting
3. a. classroom b. leaving a note c. gesture d. chat room
4. a. talking b. speaking c. crying d. using a code
5. a. message b. device c. letter d. code
6. a. computer b. radio c. email d. stereo
7. a. Skype b. Zalo c. Viber d. telephone
8. a. verbal b. communicative c. musical d. talkative
II. Complete the sentences with the words in the box
conference connecting conversations email online
post share signal telepathy texting
1. I can’t contact her by mobile phone- the network ……… …….. ……. is so weak here.
2. We’ll ………………. …… an article next week revealing the results of the experiment.
3. For some information about the English courses, please …… …...……… me at
4. We had a video ………………. yesterday. Mr. Taylors joined us from Australia, and Mrs. Young
from Canada.
5. Today there are many different ways to communicate ……………, including social networking,
chat, VoIP and blogging.
6. The supposed process of communicating through means other than the senses, as the direct
exchange of thoughts is called …… ………..
7. Chat & instant messaging programmes allow you to have …… …….. with your friends or just write
them a quick note.
8. Twitter lets you ………………. brief messages (or “tweets”) with the entire worlds or with just
your circle of friends.
9. The Internet isn’t just about finding information. It’s about …… ……… with friends, family and
people you’ve never met before.
10. What’s she … …………………. here? I can’t understand this shorthand.
III. Put the verb into either the gerund (-ing) or the infinitive (with 'to'):
1a. I don't fancy ……………………. (go) out tonight.
Nam Tu Liem Junior High School Further Practice English 8

1b. She delayed ……………………. (get) out of bed.

2. He demanded ……………………. (speak) to the manager..
3. I offered ……………………. (help)..
4. I miss ……………………. (go) to the beach..
5. We postponed ……………………. (do)..
6. I'd hate ……………………. (wait) too long.
7. She admitted ……………………. (steal) the money..
8. I chose ……………………. (work) here..
9. She waited ……………………. ( (buy) a drink..
10. I really appreciate ……………………. (be) on holiday..
11. I couldn't help ……………………. (laugh)..
12. It seems ……………………. (be) raining..
13. I considered ……………………. (move) to Spain..
14. The students (usually/ ask) ……………………. (practice) ……………….. English every lesson.
15. Finally the work is managed ……………………. (finish) by engineers.

IV. Give the correct form of words in the brackets.

1……………………… is the sending and receiving of spoken or written messages between people and
places. (communicate)
2. India has one of the largest ……………………………. service networks in the world. (post)
3. Telephone is the………………………………. means of communication. (fast)
4. Telephone ……………………………….. are better and much cheaper than before. (serve)
5. The internet is a ……………………………. computer network. (world)
6. A newspaper gives opinions, ……………… and news of interest from every corner of the world.
7. Now we can listen to news, …………………………… and enjoy the different programmes of
entertainment without leaving home. (discuss)
8. In India, newspaper and magazines ……………………… in English and regional languages.

V. Reorder the words to have completed sentences

1. friends / and / time / We/ the/ chatting / will/ at / video/ same/ talk/ see/ use/ to/
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. can / either / or / non- competitive / competitive/ Sport/ be//.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. the / takes / weeks/ that / arrive / post/ area / It/ several/ for/ to/ in//.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. that / decades / telepathy / using / of/ we’ll / scientists/ couple / holography / The/ say/ in/ a/ be/
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. through / board/ She/ communicating/ message/ dislikes//.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Nam Tu Liem Junior High School Further Practice English 8
Reading – Speaking – Listening
I. Read the passage & choose the best answers.
Speech is one of the most important (1) ……….. of communication. It consists of far more than
just making noises. To talk and also to be (2) ………….. by other people. We have to speak a language,
that is, we have to use combinations of (3) ………. that everyone agrees stand for particular object or
idea. Communication would be impossible if everyone made up their own language.
Learning a language properly is very (4) ………….. . The basic (5) ……….. of English is not
very large, and only about 2000 words are needed to (6) ……….. . it quite well. But the more words
you know, the more idea you can (7) ……….. and the more precise you can be about their exact
meaning. Words are the (8) ………….. thing we use in communicating what we want to say. The (9)
………….. we say the words is also very important. Our tone of voice can express many emotions and
(10) ………….. whether we are pleased or angry, for instance.
1. A. means b. way c. thing d. rule
2. A. talked b. told c. heard d. understood
3. A. seems b. sounds c. noises d. principles
4. A. insocial b. uncritical c. important d. comfortable
5. A. word b. vocabulary c. grammar d. structure
6. A. speak b. tell c. say d. hear
7. A. tell b. recognize c. give d. express
8. A. first b. harmful c. main d. good
9. A. way b. sound c. meaning d. grammar
10. A. express b. show c. talk d. hold
II. Read & choose the best answers
Communication in Groups
The sheer number of people in a group affects the amount of communication. Consider the
difference between communication between two friends and communication in a group of five people.
When friends talk, there are two people sending and receiving messages. In a group of five, there are
five people doing the same thing. Each idea that is expressed must be understood by four others, who
may also choose to respond. Consequently, the greater number of people in a group, the fewer
contributions any individual may make. Because there are disadvantages to large groups, you might
assume that small groups would be the most effective. However, groups can be too small as well as 100
large. With 100 few members, a group has limited resources, which eliminates a primary advantage of
groups for decision making. Also, in very small groups, members may be unwilling to disagree or
criticize each other's ideas. I believe that five to seven members is the ideal size for a small group.
1. We can conclude from the reading that in large groups ………….

A. there is always a chaos at the end of each discussion

B. no one criticizes each other's ideas
C. before a decision is made everyone has to express their ideas individually
D. everyone is free to express their ideas as much as they want
E. there is less opportunity for each person to speak
Nam Tu Liem Junior High School Further Practice English 8
2. According to the passage, small groups …………..
A. are always more successful than large groups in terms of decision making
B. can have some disadvantages as well
C. express their criticism more freely than large groups
D. have always infinite resources
E. are unable to make a decision at the end of discussions
3. The author of the article suggests that ………...
A. the number of people in a small group must not be more than five
B. large groups are always superior to small groups
C. the ideal size for a small group should be five to seven
D. small groups are better as members of them have a chance to criticize each other
E. everyone should listen to each other's ideas no matter how large the group is

I. Listen & complete the table

When? What happened?
7 or 8th century
The first printed newspaper appeared in China
(a) ………………………………… The telegraph was invented

early 20th century Two new forms of news media appeared: (b)
(c)…….................................................... Television became popular.

mid-and late 1990s (d) …………………………… became a major

force in journalism.

IV. Speaking

Work in group, complete the table then represent in class

Advantages Disadvantages


Sending a

Nam Tu Liem Junior High School Further Practice English 8

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