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One of the downsides to daydreaming is that it can be a (13) ___________ to learning. If the
daydreamer’s attention is diverted away from words on the page and directed to the content of the
daydream, information (14) ____________ can be seriously affected.

B2. Fill in the gaps with two words in the statements of column B, so that they are similar in
meaning to the statements (15-19) of column A, as in the example.
(5 x 2 points = 10 points)

Example: He must take his medicine now. It is essential that he should take his medicine
15. It is believed that the latest educational The latest educational reform is believed
reform has resulted in more creative ________ ________ resulted in more creative
classes. classes.
16. The phone rang just as I entered the room. ________ ________ I entered the room when
the phone rang.
17. They will need two days to fix the car. It ________ ________ them two days to fix the
18. The accident was caused by drinking-and- Drinking-and-driving ________ ________ the
driving. accident.
19. The manager should think about experience The manager should take experience ________
when hiring new staff. ________ when hiring new staff.

B3. Choose the best option A-F (Column B-headings) for items 20-24 (Column A-
paragraphs). There is ONE option you do not need.
(5 x 2 points = 10 points)

Climate Change Affects Biodiversity


20. The link between climate change and biodiversity has long been A. Bleak prospects
established. Although throughout Earth’s history the climate has
always changed, with ecosystems and species coming and
going, rapid climate change affects the ability of ecosystems
and species to adapt and so biodiversity loss increases.

21. From a human perspective, the rapid climate change and B. Effects may not be
accelerating biodiversity loss jeopardize human security, as so dramatic, after
there could be a major change in the food chain upon which we all
depend, water sources may change, recede or disappear,
medicines and other resources we rely on may be harder to
obtain, as the plants they are derived from may disappear, and
so on.



22. The UN’s Global Biodiversity Outlook 3, in May 2010, C. The pace of
summarized some concerns over climate change and climate change
ecosystems: “The impact of climate change on biodiversity is matters
likely to become a progressively more significant threat in the
coming decades. A major issue is the loss of Arctic sea ice
while higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
will lead to further ocean acidification”.

23. “Moreover, current levels of climate change are already taking D. Effects on the
their toll on ecosystems. In addition to rising temperatures, more human species
frequent extreme weather conditions and changing patterns of
rainfall and drought also interfere with biodiversity”.

24. Some species may benefit from climate change (including, from E. Current effects of
a human perspective, an increase in diseases and pests, which changing weather
is not a welcome change, of course) but, in any case, the rapid patterns
nature of the change suggests that most species will not find it
as beneficial, as most will not be able to adapt.

F. ‘Selective’ survival


(40 points)

TASK: As far back as 1956, Ray Bradbury´s novel Fahrenheit 451 presents a future American
society where books are outlawed and burnt when found. This makes access to knowledge and
information impossible.

As a reader of a student magazine discussing Bradbury´s book, you decide to write an article (180-
200 words) in which you:

a) express your opinion on people´s right to knowledge and information, providing two
arguments to justify it

b) describe two ways in which your life would be affected if you could no longer access paper
books or electronic sources of information.

You do not need to provide a title.

Do not sign the article.




Α. Read the text below and respond to tasks A1 and A2.

Psychologists have highlighted empathy’s difficult home lives to be held at arm’s

central place in the bank of social and length. This is not to say that other
emotional skills that young people need approaches to developing greater
to develop. Research reveals the empathy are of no value, but simply to
significance of these life skills, showing underline the power of stories in seeding
that social and emotional skills are more the ground.
significant for young people’s academic
Our children are growing up in a society
attainment than their IQ. Our brains are
with a major empathy deficit. Hate
plastic and 98 per cent of us are capable
crimes are at their highest level since
of building our empathy skills at any time
records began and there are growing
in our lives.
concerns about the empathy‐draining
Teaching empathy is key because, in effects of social media.
doing so, we alert children to ways of
If children become more capable in
modifying their relationships with one
recognising complex emotions, they have
another that benefit the whole school
a vocabulary for life with which to meet
community. Anyone who has read to a
the difficulties they will face and,
class a compelling story knows the power
crucially, we help them to be more aware
of it: stories cast a spell.
of the needs of the people around them.
The demands of the curriculum mean Equipping young people with strong
that focused social and emotional empathy skills can be a major engine for
learning is often squeezed, or completely social change, because understanding
neglected. Using stories as our starting others helps us to become better citizens,
point produces a lighter touch – listeners partners and workmates. Some 94 per
are drawn in and able to reflect on cent of employers say that social and
human behaviour and motives. If we emotional skills are as important in the
simply lecture children about caring for workplace as academic qualifications, and
each other, they won’t engage in the all frameworks for these skills highlight
same way. Also, using stories protects the the importance of relating well to others.
children in the class who are vulnerable:
we explore characters in a story, allowing (2019)




A1. Answer questions 1-3, based on information from the text (max. 30 words each).
(3 x 4 points = 12 points)

1. What would be a suitable title for this text?

2. What is empathy?
3. Why is empathy important?

A2. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C) for items 4-9, based on information from the text.
(6 x 3 points = 18 points)
4. Who would be interested in reading this text?
A. Psychologists B. Education providers C. Children

5. According to the text, which of the following statements is true?

A. People with social and B. Social and emotional skills C. Social and emotional
emotional skills have a are more important than skills can boost school
higher IQ. school achievement. achievement.

6. The best way to teach empathy at school is

A. by telling students about B. by asking students to read C. through storytelling.
empathy. short stories.

7. According to the text, in schools the development of empathy skills

A. is a major focus of the B. is not paid proper attention C. is important only for
curriculum. to. vulnerable students.

8. Stories
A. are the only way to B. are powerful for setting the C. can develop children’s
develop empathy skills basis for the development complex vocabulary
in school. of empathy skills. skills.

9. In the workplace,
A. academic qualifications B. emotional and social skills C. emotional and social
and emotional and are more significant than skills are better
social skills are equally academic qualifications. developed.




B1. Use the correct form of the following words (A-H), to complete the gaps (10-14) in the
following text, as in the example. There are TWO words you do not need.
(5 x 2 points = 10 points)

A. exhilarate B. interest C. connect (example) D. proper

E. inherent F. fascinate G. anxious H. concern

The example is in bold and italics.

Social media affect our health

A number of studies suggest that, as well as making us more (ex.) connected than ever before and
giving us (10) ___________ hits of dopamine, social media usage is associated with symptoms of
depression, (11) _____________ and loneliness in some people.
Social networking giant Facebook responded to these (12) ____________ in a blogpost last month,
claiming that it’s down to how you use social media rather than social media itself being
(13) ___________ bad. That’s true – many technologies have the capacity to cause harm if used (14)
____________ . But that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t interrogate the design and impacts of social
media in their current form, making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent.

B2. Fill in the gaps with two words in the statements of column B, so that they are similar in
meaning to the statements (15-19) of column A, as in the example.
(5 x 2 points = 10 points)

Example: I don’t want to take part in the project. I would rather not take part in the project.

15. But for her support, I would never have If ________ ________ been for her support, I
managed. would never have managed.
16. Although I had worked on the project, my Despite ________ ________ worked on the
boss found me inadequate. project, my boss found me inadequate.
17. You should definitely not give up trying. By ________ ________ should you give up
18. I am sorry for not calling you back. I ________ ________ calling you back.
19. I’m sure he’ll get a promotion very soon. I’m sure it won’t be ________ ________ he gets
a promotion.



B3. Find the paragraph in column B (options A-F), which best follows each of the
paragraphs in column A (items 20-24). There is ONE option you do not need.
(5 x 2 points = 10 points)

How can city dwellers help with climate change? Buy less stuff


20. Cities can play a major role in the global effort A. And because, as the researchers
to curb climate change, a new report says - found, a hefty portion of those
emissions can be traced back to
consumer goods, food, and energy
produced outside city limits, one of the
best things cities can do is help their
residents pull back on consumption.

21. Even the most forward-thinking cities have a B. A t-shirt, for example, might get made
long way to go to neutralize their carbon of cotton grown in India; be
emissions, the report says. That’s partly manufactured in China using coal
because, for years, cities have been doing energy to power the sewing machines;
carbon math wrong, adding up only the carbon packed up in yet another country with
costs that occur within city limits. oil-based plastic packaging.

22. To keep emissions in check, the report C. and a major step they can take is
suggests, cities should aim to trim their carbon helping their inhabitants consume a
emissions by 50 percent in the next 11 years, whole lot less stuff by making changes
and then by a total of 80 percent by 2050. in the way cities are run.

23. But city dwellers - especially those in wealthy D. And when city dwellers’ consumption
cities in developed countries - tend to buy habits are added up, it turns out that
more, fly more, and use a lot more energy urbanites have a carbon toll about 60
than people who live in rural areas. percent higher than previous
calculations suggested.

24. A real assessment of someone’s carbon E. All the things they buy - from the
footprint takes the carbon footprint of these clothes to the food to the electronics
“consumed” products into account. and more - have their own complicated
and often substantial planetary costs
that aren’t always immediately

F. But much of city dwellers’ climate

impact actually comes from the things
they eat, use, or buy that originate far
outside the city - from food to clothes
to electronics and more.



Α. Read the text below and respond to tasks A1 and A2.

When Sean Blanda started working Indeed, there are problems with blurring
remotely in 2017, the attraction of a the line between work and home.
“digital nomad” lifestyle – working at Working alone may mean greater
your laptop on the beach, say – wasn’t flexibility and fewer interruptions, but it
lost on him. But after two years of is in those small interactions with
working from home, Blanda, an editorial colleagues that connections are made. In
director for a tech company based in addition, the biggest hurdle when you are
Philadelphia, knows only too well the alone is that there is no one to help you
many pitfalls of this way of life, with the regain perspective when things are not
greatest being isolation. going according to plan. Not knowing
when to say no to work – or how to
“You’ll need a lot of quiet self-
switch off for the day – can quickly lead
confidence,” he recently wrote on
to being overwhelmed.
Twitter. “You won’t get the positive
reinforcement you’d normally rely on And yet, in spite of the obvious
from body language and the ‘vibe’ from challenges of bringing your work home, it
being in an office.” seems it is worth it: the vast majority of
remote workers report enjoying the way
Beyond the lack of interaction with
they live and work. Of the 100-odd
colleagues – there are no ideas by
remote workers interviewed in a study,
osmosis, no overhearing others talking –
only about six said that they would return
there is also the lack of interaction with
to the office given the chance. Everyone
the wider world. “The main way most of
else loved it. Some of the interviewees
us are connected to our local,
pointed out that, after all, they had
geographical communities is through
worked so hard to make their house a
work,” Blanda says. “When you remove
home that it is naturally where they feel
that – when you’re not commuting, you
best. And that may be about as good as
don’t bump shoulders, you don’t meet
working life can get.
the guy who happens to have a cousin on
your block and now you’re friends – you
have to work harder to feel connected.”




A1. Answer questions 1-3, based on information from the text (max. 30 words each).
(3 x 4 points = 12 points)

1. What is a possible title for this text?

2. What is the main aim of this text?
3. What seems to be one of the biggest problems in working from home and why?

A2. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C) for items 4-9, based on information from the text.
(6 x 3 points = 18 points)
4. What kind of text is this?
A. A report B. A newspaper article C. A literary text

5. A “digital nomad” is a person who

A. is glued to his/her home B. travels around with his/her C. goes from one job to
and works on his/her computer. another with his/her
computer. computer.

6. You need a lot of self-confidence when working from home because

A. there is nobody there to B. the job is more demanding. C. you don’t have the
say ‘bravo’. reassurance of body
language at the

7. Which of the following statements is true?

A. When you work from B. When you work from C. When you work from
home, interaction with home, it is harder to be in home, you may lose
colleagues is simpler. touch with the world at interest in people around
large. you.

8. When working from home, you may be overwhelmed because

A. you may not know when B. you may be panic-stricken C. you may work less than
to stop work. when things don’t work you had originally
properly. planned.

9. Which of the following phrases best expresses the main idea in the last paragraph?
A. “it seems it is worth it”. B. “they would return to the C. “they had worked so
office”. hard”.




B1. Use the correct form of the following words (A-H) to complete the gaps (10-14) in the
following text, as in the example. There are TWO words you do not need.
(5 x 2 points = 10 points)

A. insulate B. intimate C. substance D. culture (example)

E. expensive F. isolate G. entire H. unfortunate

The example is in bold and italics.

Cinema may never be the same again

Ever since the first cinemas were built, film has been the great egalitarian art form. Wealthy people
went, the middle classes didn’t sniff, but you could also take a date if you weren’t rich and wanted a
night out. Film’s (ex.) cultural function is (10) _____________ allied to price. If it wasn’t cheap, its
power would diminish. This is one of the things that drew me and many others to it: going to the
movies is for everyone.
That’s over. Maybe not quite yet, maybe not (11) ___________, but it’s hard to foresee a future in
which film-going as we know it doesn’t become an elite experience. Poorer people will be priced out
because the best form of (12) _____________ from risk is with distance. And – as with houses or
airplanes or iClouds – space is far from (13) _____________.
Traditional cinema exhibition is doomed. And this, of course, will affect the sort of movies studios
make. Nothing big-budget or risky will be green-lit unless it has a (14) ___________, guaranteed
small-screen audience.

B2. Fill in the gaps with two words in the statements of column B, so that they are similar in
meaning to the statements (15-19) of column A, as in the example.
(5 x 2 points = 10 points)

Example: As soon as he got in, he saw the On getting in, he saw the stranger pointing a
stranger pointing a gun at him. gun at him.
15. Skiing is a safe sport but you absolutely Skiing is a safe sport as ________ ________
need to obey the rules on the slope. you obey the rules on the slope.
16. I am really sorry I gave you such short I honestly ________ ________ giving you such
notice. short notice.
17. He is so set in his ways he will most He is so set in his ways he is highly ________
probably not accept your suggestion of a ________ accept your suggestion of a change.
18. The wind blew away the roof of the house. The house ________ ________ roof blown
away by the wind.
19. Giving up at this point is out of the question. By no means ________ ________ to give up at
this point.



B3. Find the paragraph in column B (options A-F), which best follows each of the
paragraphs in column A (items 20-24). There is ONE option you do not need.
(5 x 2 points = 10 points)

Peer pressure in adolescence: Choose your friends wisely


20. Remember that parental favourite: “If all your A. Research has shown that risk-taking
friends jumped off a cliff, would you follow behaviour such as smoking, risky
them?” driving and substance abuse are far
more likely in the presence of a group
of friends than when alone. And
people tend to spend more waking
hours with peers in adolescence than
in any other stage of life, both face to
face and online. So, it seems that
parental concern is justified.

21. Peer pressure has rather negative B. Adolescents played an economic

connotations in society and in the media. But game in a group, in which they had to
do parents really have a valid reason to be divide coins between themselves and
concerned about the negative influence of the group. During some rounds, online
peers in adolescence? peers provided feedback on these
decisions by clicking on ‘Like’. The
findings show that the changes in
prosocial behaviour depended on the
type of decisions liked by the peer

22. Fortunately, this is just one side of the story. C. Obviously, the expected answer is a
fierce “No, of course not”.

23. However, less attention has been paid to the D. Those same friends who encourage a
effects of peer influence on the development teenager to jump off a cliff might
of prosocial behaviour, e.g. volunteering or equally tell him to stay safely on the
cooperation. edge of the cliff, do well at school or
volunteer for an important cause.

24. All in all, scientific evidence shows that E. These findings imply that hanging out
parents have valid reasons to worry about with the right crowd in adolescence
negative peer influence. may actually be beneficial.

F. Nevertheless, there may also be a

positive side to peer influence, such
that it might also lead to an increase in
positive behaviour.



Α. Read the text below and respond to tasks A1 and A2.

Canine companions trigger similar neural pets, it seems, can fulfil that role since
pathways to the parent-baby bond, and they can be a lifeline for socially isolated
reduce loneliness and depression. The people.
therapeutic value of our relationship with Pet care and self-care are linked. When
our pets, particularly dogs, is increasingly you take a dog out for a walk, people talk
recognised by researchers. Cats can be to you and that may be the only social
wonderful, too - but dogs have been contact an isolated person has the whole
domesticated by humans for much longer, day. People with disabilities often find
and, as even the most devoted cat lover that able-bodied people are socially
will admit, dogs are far easier to train for awkward with them; if they have a dog, it
companionship. Dogs love us breaks down barriers and allows a more
unconditionally. They teach kids to be comfortable and natural interaction.
responsible, altruistic and compassionate
and, valuably but sadly, how to cope when And there are other reasons that pets and
someone you love dies. therapy animals are increasingly
recognised as being good for our mental
But why? What is responsible for these health. In addition to helping to alleviate
therapeutic effects? One key aspect stress, anxiety, depression and loneliness,
appears to be social recognition - the there are all the benefits that come from
process of identifying another being as having to exercise a dog. Daily walks
someone important and significant to you. outdoors boost physical and emotional
The bond that forms between owner and wellbeing. Chucking sticks, picking up balls
pet is, it seems, similar to the bond that a can provide an all-round workout.
mother forms with her baby.
Animal therapy helps to develop problem-
The importance of social recognition is solving skills, empathy, attention to the
increasingly acknowledged for the role it needs of others as well as a sense of
plays in helping us form networks. We responsibility.
now understand that healthy social bonds
can play a key role in mental health;
without them, we become lonely,
depressed and physically unwell. And




A1. Answer questions 1-3, based on information from the text (max. 30 words each).
(3 x 4 points = 12 points)

1. What would be a suitable title for the text?

2. What is the main aim of the text?
3. In what sense is owning a pet therapeutic?

A2. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C) for items 4-9, based on information from the text.
(6 x 3 points = 18 points)
4. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Researchers have B. The healing effects of C. Researchers so far have
always emphatically man − dog companionship totally ignored the
supported the positive are better understood therapeutic effects of
effects of man − dog nowadays. man − dog
companionship. companionship.

5. The main aim of the first paragraph is to show

A. how useful it is to have B. how beneficial having a C. how pets can be man’s
pets, especially cats. dog can be. best friends.

6. Social recognition
A. needs proper attention. B. is not so important. C. resembles a mother-baby

7. Pets
A. do not help much with B. can help their owners C. may underline their
emotional health. socialise. owner’s loneliness.

8. Which of the phrases below best shows how useful a dog can be for a person with
A. breaks down barriers B. able-bodied people C. socially awkward

9. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Dogs can benefit us B. Dogs can rarely benefit us C. The physical advantages
both emotionally and physically. of exercising a dog
physically. outweigh the emotional




B1. Use the correct form of the following words (A-H), to complete the gaps (10-14) in the
following text, as in the example. There are TWO words you do not need.
(5 x 2 points = 10 points)

A. influence B. perceive (example) C. moderate D. reduce

E. imagine F. surpass G. confide H. heighten

The example is in bold and italics.

How Virtual Reality may affect us

“One of the characteristics that really distinguishes Virtual Reality from other media is that it’s
perceptually (ex.) surrounding, so no matter where you turn there is content,” says Bailenson,
University of Stanford. In many ways, virtual reality mimics actual life.

His findings have actually shown that the (10) ___________ reality of virtual reality can have an
enormous influence on children. In a 2009 study, Bailenson found that when elementary-age school
children saw themselves swimming with orca whales in a virtual environment, many later believed the
(11) ___________ experience happened in real life. Research carried out in 2017 found that media
characters in virtual reality may be more (12) _____________ over young children than characters
on TV or computers. Young children can actually develop more (13) ____________ in media
characters in the virtual environment, which may help them develop empathy and overcome

Still, the researcher advises that Virtual Reality be closely supervised and in (14) ___________:
exposure time may amount to 5 or 10 minutes for young kids and to no more than 20 minutes for
older children and young adults.

B2. Fill in the gaps with two words in the statements of column B, so that they are similar in
meaning to the statements (15-19) of column A, as in the example.
(5 x 2 points = 10 points)

Example: I haven’t been on holiday for two years. It’s two years since I last went on holiday.

15. I’m sure the manager was having a meeting The manager must ________ ________ having
when you called. a meeting when you called.
16. Could you turn the music off, please? Would you ________ ________ the music off,
17. He suggested I should take the train. He said I ________ ________ take the train.
18. She made it clear right from the beginning She made it clear right from the beginning that
that she would not comply with the the regulations would not be ________
regulations. ________.
19. Although she had a brilliant defence, she Notwithstanding ________ ________ defence,
was found guilty. she was found guilty.



B3. Find the paragraph in column B (options A-F) which best follows each of the
paragraphs in column A (items 20-24). There is ONE option you do not need.
(5 x 2 points = 10 points)

Motivated reasoning


20. Motivated reasoning is thinking through a topic A. People with deeper expertise are
with the aim, conscious or unconscious, of better equipped to spot deception,
reaching a particular kind of conclusion. but if they fall into the trap of
motivated reasoning, they are able
to muster more reasons to believe
whatever they really wish to
21. We are more likely to notice what we want to B. Being smart or educated is no
notice. Experts are not immune to motivated defence. In some circumstances, it
reasoning. may even be a weakness.
22. Modern social science agrees with Molière C. In a football game, we see the fouls
and Franklin. committed by the other team but
overlook the sins of our own side.

23. One recent review of the evidence available D. More surprisingly, they found less
concluded that this tendency to evaluate material that contradicted them – as
evidence and test arguments in a way that is though they were using their
biased towards our own preconceptions is not expertise actively to avoid
only common, but just as common among uncomfortable information. They
intelligent people. were vastly better equipped to
reach the conclusion they had
wanted to reach all along.

24. To give an example, in an experiment E. Yet most people do not actively

conducted to examine the way people wish to delude themselves. They do
reasoned about controversial social or political have motives to reach certain
issues, more sophisticated participants in the conclusions, but facts matter, too.
experiment found more material to back up
their preconceptions.

F. Under some circumstances their

expertise can even become a
disadvantage. The French satirist
Molière once wrote: “A learned fool
is more foolish than an ignorant
one.” Benjamin Franklin
commented: “So convenient a thing
is it to be a reasonable creature,
since it enables us to find or make
a reason for everything one has a
mind to.”


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