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Acta Astronautica 200 (2022) 626–634

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Resource support of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises for

space industry development in Russia
Lali V. Chebukhanova *, Andrey M. Zimakov
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 6 Miklukho-Maklaya Street, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation


Keywords: This study deals with the features of using the potential of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)
Small and medium-sized enterprises for the development of the space industry in Russia. The task of increasing the adaptive properties of the Russian
Support space industry, its ability to internal change and greater openness, is particularly crucial in the context of new
Financing instruments
challenges. This study emphasizes the special importance of private investment for the Russian space industry
development and commercialization of space activities in connection with its enormous economic potential.
Large scientific enterprises prevail in the Russian market, they have complex innovation management system and
are often oriented towards large projects. Due to this reason, the number of innovations in these structures is not
as great as in small and medium-sized enterprises. We analyzed the activities of small and medium-sized
innovative enterprises in Russia and concluded that these enterprises are almost not involved in the space in­
dustry. However, the possibilities of innovative SMEs in the space industry are great, since such enterprises can
create projects in the field of communications, data transmission, digital solutions for data processing, the
creation of on-board systems, technical solutions for the “Moon Village” creation and others. We consider the
barriers that prevent such enterprises from entering the space industry, for example, such as the need for
licensing, the high cost and long-term return of startups, etc. One of the main problems for small and medium-
sized innovative enterprises in the space industry in Russia is the lack of material and resource support for the
creation and implementation of their innovative projects. This study included conducting research of different
possibilities of the resource support tools for innovative SMEs in the space industry, which are divided into three
mechanisms: direct public support, non-government funding, incentive programs for investors and small inno­
vative enterprises. The study of the experiences of various countries in attracting private companies to the space
industry provided a basis for formulating a set of proposals for improving the use of resource support tools for
small and medium-sized innovative enterprises for the development of the space industry in Russia.

• support from the government;

• technological level of the economy;
1. Introduction • availability of qualified labor force.

The space industry has great strategic importance in any country. It Firstly, since the government is still the largest customer in the space
affects not only the strengthening of the defense capability and security industry, its assistance has primary importance.
of the state, but also the development of transport, communications, The government plays a key role in Russian space sector. The situ­
other sectors of the economy and the social sphere. Many studies ation in the world is somewhat different — the state is gradually moving
confirm the positive socio-economic effect of investments in the devel­ away from space, entrusting it into private hands, but the public sector is
opment of space [1,2]. still decisive [3].
Currently, space is becoming attractive not only for scientists, but It is important to give an opportunity to develop private initiative, as
also for private business. In many countries, even small ones, there is a private, creative ideas in most cases allow to create faster and cheaper
growth in the space industry, an increase in the share of private business. stream of innovations and to provide a leap in the scientific and
Among the factors that affect the space industry are:

Abbreviations: SPA, Scientific and Production Association.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (L.V. Chebukhanova).
Received 28 January 2022; Accepted 14 September 2022
Available online 22 September 2022
0094-5765/© 2022 IAA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L.V. Chebukhanova and A.M. Zimakov Acta Astronautica 200 (2022) 626–634

by the State Corporation Roscosmos. Currently, Roscosmos has no

Acronyms/abbreviations experience of fully implemented joint projects developed by a private
company, but it is potentially possible.
SME Small and medium-sized enterprises The areas for joint work with Roskosmos include the following: the
R&D Research and Development creation of new services, new materials and technologies that can give a
ESA European Space Agency, SPA Scientific and Production new quality to Russian vehicles and vehicles launch; all kinds of com­
Association ponents, payload, electronic component base; equipment for space ex­
periments and others. The main Roskosmos requirement for innovative
companies is to meet the requirements for the quality and reliability of
products that are imposed in the space industry.
technological potential of the whole country.
In addition, in order to capitalize the space industry and finance 2. SMEs activities in space industry of Russia
innovations, it is important to attract private investors. Public policy can
help to solve the problem of access of private space companies to In many countries, there are a predominance of SMEs in the space
financial resources [4], infrastructure facilities and attract private industry.
financing to the industry. In Canada, 94% of space enterprises are SMEs, and they provide 43%
The second important factor in the development of the space in­ of the income of the space industry [6].
dustry is the level of economic development. The space industry requires According to the ESA, about 3 thousand space SMEs are currently
advanced technologies, and if it is difficult to access them, it complicates established on the territory of the European Union [5]. The largest
the work significantly. It is not just about advanced electronics, which number of space SMEs are located on the territory of countries that
are difficult to find in many countries, including Russia. Modern mate­ determine the dynamics of the global space market [7], such as the
rials and processing technologies are required to create competitive United Kingdom (16%), Italy (14%), Germany (12%), France (8%),
space technology. Spain (5%).
The third factor is the availability of qualified labor force, capable of However, innovative small and medium-sized enterprises are prac­
developing and implementing various innovative solutions to space tically not represented in the space industry in Russia.
industry. Out of 5,6 million small and medium-sized enterprises in Russia
The task of increasing the adaptive properties of the Russian space operating in 2021, we were able to find 15 successful innovative space
industry, its ability to internal change and greater openness, is partic­ enterprises and other SMEs providing satellite monitoring and other
ularly crucial in the context of new challenges. services operating in the market for several years:
So, the fourth factor associated with the fact that Russian space in­
dustry needs projects with great scientific potential, whose innovative 1. Sputnix
developments are based on, for example, artificial intelligence, or could 2. Lin Industrial
be used in space exploration and the creation of new solutions for Earth 3. Avant - space systems
needs. 4. Geoscan
Nowadays large scientific enterprises are prevailing in the Russian 5. Fifth Generation
market, they have a complex innovation management system, and they 6. National Space Company
are often oriented towards large long-term innovative projects. 7. Success Rockets
However, the space industry needs small suppliers and performers 8. Azmerit
just like any other business. It is recognized globally that SMEs play an 9. Сonstruction bureau Laros
important role in the development of a sustainable space industry. 10. Tekhprom-AKS
Due to the flexibility of small companies, their new solutions can 11. JSC Inumit
quickly adapt to market trends and ensure companies competitiveness in 12. SPA of Space Instrumentation
the market. 13. SPA Energomash innovation center
New and more affordable space technologies reduce the importance 14. Syntez-project
of economies of scale received by large firms, and therefore the potential 15. Istok
contribution of small firms increases.
The possibilities of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises in Among the 75 organizations of the Roscosmos Corporation, there is
the space industry are great. They can create projects in the field of only one representative of SMEs, which provides energy support [8].
communications, data transmission, digital solutions for data process­ For example, The UK Space Trade Association includes about 70
ing, the creation of on-board systems, technical solutions for the “Moon SMEs [9].
Village” creation and others. There are many barriers that prevent such enterprises from entering
Depending on the business orientation, the European Space Agency the space industry in Russia, for example, such as the need for licensing,
(ESA) classifies the space SMEs that are part of the following main ac­ the high capital intensity, high technological risks and long-term return
tivities [5]: of startups.
Now Roskosmos is a closed state corporation, which itself forms the
− Technical support to R&D and product innovation; state order for the development, production and supply of space tech­
− Space system: advance software technologies; nology and space infrastructure objects. And then it distributes it among
− System analysis and design; various organizations, which it owns through the United Rocket and
− Ground station system; Space Corporation of Russia. Roskosmos accumulates most of the budget
− Structural design and verification methods and tools; for space industry development (approximately 80% in 2021–2023)
− Automation and robotics components and technologies; [10].
− GNSS system and ground-related technologies. Therefore, private companies in Russia cannot fully rely on the
government in the formation of orders, grants, and investments.
In Russia, the implementation of policy in the field of space activities, Roskosmos does not provide access to existing technologies and de­
its legal framework, orders for the development, production and supply velopments; therefore, most of the interesting commercial projects are
of space technologies and space infrastructure objects are implemented drowned in routine production preparation.

L.V. Chebukhanova and A.M. Zimakov Acta Astronautica 200 (2022) 626–634

Among the barriers to the development of innovative space SMEs we 2. The price reflecting the cost of finance obtaining, where 1 - high
can note the imperfection and the lack of regulatory support for private price, 2 – medium price, 3 – low price. The weight of the criterion is
space activities, which creates increased risks for investors, as well as an 0,35.
uncertain government policy in relation to such initiatives. Obtaining a 3. Terms reflecting the time of receiving funding, where 1 - over 1 year;
license is a multi-stage bureaucratic procedure, only slightly less 2 - up to 1 year; 3 - less than 3 months. The weight of the criterion is
complicated than the creation of the spacecraft themselves. 0,15.
To create any satellite, private company needs the special govern­
ment license; otherwise, it will not be able to work on commercial or As a result, we received an integral indicator for assessing the use of a
government orders. The main intermediate document required for separate financing instrument, the maximum value of which will be
licensing is a certificate of the presence of a quality management system equal to 3. The evaluation results are shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1.
in the company, corresponding to the provision of RK-11-KT. This is a According to the assessment, crowdfunding instruments, as well as
key document regulating the space industry, which has a semi-closed grants, have become the fastest, most accessible, and effective for
status. Many of the necessary standards have a secret status at all, innovative SMEs in the Space Industry in Russia, due to different public
they are not publicly available, and can be used only by Roskosmos grant programs for SMEs, extension of crowdfinancing platforms, and
organizations or state organizations. Therefore, in order to find out due to the low cost of obtaining.
exactly what requirements the company and its products must meet, Guarantee support and leasing are necessary instruments, less
they will have to get a special government license for access to classified expensive, but less available due to their low prevalence and complex
information. procedure for obtaining.
In addition, space innovations are characterized by high capital in­ Factoring and credits should become more widespread in the future,
tensity, high technological risks and long cycles of production and as they are instruments for targeted and fast financing, but nowadays
development of such equipment. these instruments are presented only at later stages of enterprise
A startup cannot make a technologically worthy product for minimal development, when it has positive cashflow. The credit rates for SMEs
money. A company that declares itself by showing a good start, and then are higher than for large ones and higher than in foreign countries, and
disappears for several years due to the cutting of funding, can hardly be the application procedure is different in different financial institutions
considered a serious player in the space market. and it requires guarantees.
Therefore, one of the main problems for small and medium-sized Venture funding and business angel financing are traditional
innovative enterprises in the space industry in Russia is the lack of financing instruments for innovative enterprises. If abroad most venture
resource support for the creation and implementation of their innovative investments are in corporate funds, then in Russia there are public funds
projects [11]. with a smaller capitalization. The number of funds and the volume of
venture and angel funding in Russia are much lower. The reason is in the
3. Mechanisms of the resource support of the space industry lack of measures for stimulating venture financing and mechanisms that
can protect against losses. In Russia, the business angel market is not
3.1. Assessment of the Financing Instrument Use transparent, and few business angels are known. The business angel
market is not regulated by law, which means that the rights of both
In our study, we reviewed the most used financing instruments for investors and SMEs are not protected. There are no benefits for business
innovative SMEs in Russia and assessed their use by space SMEs. angels.
Among these instruments there are following: Thus, the number of available and cheap instruments for financing
small innovative enterprises in Russia is limited.
− grants – gratuitous subsidy from government to enterprises for
various purposes; 3.2. Practice of space SMEs financing abroad
− credits - SME loans;
− guarantee support - government guaranteed scheme for loans to We can divide instruments into three mechanisms: public financing,
SMEs; incentive programs for investors and innovative SME and private
− crowd-financing - collective financing from legal entities and in­ financing.
dividuals through Internet investment platforms; If we consider the structure of funding sources for research and
− leasing - lease of property with subsequent purchase; development (R&D) in the direction of “Transport and Space Systems”
− factoring - redemption by another organization of payment claims [13] we can see the predominance of funding from public funds (this
from suppliers or customers; includes all types of enterprises) - more than 70%, and that the influence
− venture funding - investments from companies or special funds in of the government is increasing every year (see Fig. 2).
innovative, high-tech companies; Government agencies are one of the main customers for private space
− business angel financing - investments from individuals in innova­ activities. Numerous US government agencies and ministries are huge
tive, high-tech companies at the early stages. consumers of space services, in proportion far greater than those in

To assess these instruments, we identified 3 criteria that are of Table 1

particular importance for such enterprises, and each of them was Assessment of the Financing Instrument Use by innovative SMEs in the Space
assigned a weighting coefficient of significance (the sum of the weights Industry in Russia.
is 1 (100%)). The weight of each criterion was assigned based on the Instrument (i) Criterion/Score (k) Total, (I)
findings obtained from the results of the author’s survey of the heads of Accessibility Price Time
Russian small innovative enterprises, which showed the significance of Weight (w) 0,5 0,35 0,15
these criteria for their activities [12]. Each criterion was rated on a Grants Medium (2) Low (3) Medium (2) 2,35
Credit Low (1) High (1) Medium (2) 1,15
3-point scale:
Guarantee support Medium (2) Medium (2) High (1) 1,85
Crowd-financing High (3) Medium (2) Low (3) 2,65
1. Availability, reflecting the organizational and legal mechanism for Leasing Medium (2) Medium (2) High (1) 1,85
obtaining financing for innovative SMEs, where 1 - low availability, Factoring Low (1) High (1) Medium (2) 1,15
2 - medium availability, 3 – high availability. The weight of the Venture funding Low (1) Medium (2) High (1) 1,35
Business angel Low (1) Medium (2) Medium (2) 1,5
criterion is 0,5.

L.V. Chebukhanova and A.M. Zimakov Acta Astronautica 200 (2022) 626–634

private companies with its test base and shares some technologies. The
Air Force, in turn, can lease its launch sites for a small fee. This approach
seems to be extremely reasonable, since startups, that develop with the
support of the state, begin to attract large private investments, which, as
a result, leads to savings in public funds.
At the same time, space science in Russia is financed from the budget
60 times less than NASA scientific projects, having received a significant
reduction from 2021 (State program of the Russian Federation “Space
activities of Russia” in 2021–2.4 billion euros (204 billion rubles), in
2022–2024 − about 2.2 billion euros (188 billion rubles)) [10].
Europe is also noticeably lagging behind the United States in this
market segment. But the European Space Agency (ESA) is stepping up its
work to support private space start-ups, the annual funding of the space
program being about 14.8 billion euros [14]. We are interested in their
experience, since about 99% of European enterprises are SMEs [15].
Europe offers a wide range of public financial instruments for small
and medium-sized enterprises for space innovation (see Fig. 3 [16]).
Fig. 1. Assessment of the Financing Instrument Use by innovative SMEs in the
Space Industry in Russia. - Horizon 2020 financing programs in the form of grants, loans, eq­
uity, quasi-equity and guarantees;
- programs of the European Fund for Strategic Investments in the form
of loans, equity and guarantees;
- programs of Research Innovation and Digitization Window InvestEU
Fund in the form of loans, equity and guarantees;
- programs of European Structural and Investments Funds (ESI) in the
form of loans, equity and guarantees;
- funding programs of European Space Agency in forms of grants,
loans, equity, quasi-equity and guarantees;
- financing programs of national and regional funds in forms of grants,
loans, equity, quasi-equity and guarantees.

The above-mentioned government programs are aimed at financing

not only space SMEs, but also at stimulating private investors and
Fig. 2. R&D expenses on Transport and Space systems in Russia by type, %.
innovative infrastructure creation.
In January 2021, The European Investment Fund (EIF), in partner­
Russia, the EU and elsewhere. ship with the European Commission, announced a 300 million euros
The undoubted leader here are the United States, where NASA and investment in the EU space industry to support innovation.
the American Air Forces are willing to invest in various venture projects In addition, EIF and the European Commission announced in­
and use private space for their own purposes, for example, to launch vestments in 2 venture capital funds focused on space technologies:
satellites for various purposes into orbit. In addition, NASA provides Orbital Ventures and Primo Space. They work under the InnovFin Space

Fig. 3. EU support for space SME. European funding schemes include the following.

L.V. Chebukhanova and A.M. Zimakov Acta Astronautica 200 (2022) 626–634

Equity Pilot, the first EU-backed capital pilot, and support early-stage 3.3.2. Public financing mechanism: credit and guarantee programs
SMEs. By the end of the 1st quarter, this project is expected to be fully Governmental credit and guarantee programs are implemented
rolled out at a cost of 100 million euros. The project will support about through the Development Institute “Corporation for SMEs”. Within its
50 space companies across Europe. framework, the SME Bank and the National Guarantee System were
EU Commissioner Breton announced a new space entrepreneurship created.
project CASSINI in 2021. It envisions the creation of a 1-billion-euro SME Bank provides investment loans from 12 to 24 thousand euros
European Space Fund for start-ups and innovations, covering the (1 million to 2 billion rubles) for a period of up to 10 years, as well as
entire innovation cycle - from business idea to production. working loans - up to 5,9 million euros (500 million rubles) for 3 years.
However, the key direction for the bank is lending to fulfill government
contracts. Thus, an innovative SMEs can get a loan if there is a gov­
3.3. Practice of space SMEs financing in Russia ernment order for the implementation of a space project. And there are
very few examples in Russia.
3.3.1. Public financing mechanism: institutes for the development Guarantee support is recognized as a priority area of support for
Unlike Europe in Russia, there are the limited number of specialized SMEs not only in Russia, but in foreign countries. Even though guarantee
financing programs for space SMEs. Public funding for space activities is support is provided in Russia by a special development institute - the
carried out through the Institutes for the Development of Innovations SME Corporation and its regional offices, it is almost impossible to
and SMEs and through the state corporation Roscosmos. obtain guarantees for small innovative enterprises in the early stages,
Governmental development institutions are one of the main driving since the requirement is an annual increase in revenue of at least 20%
forces of the commercial space ecosystem development. Acting through over the past 3 years. The procedure for obtaining a guarantee itself is
them, the Russian government is trying to remove barriers on private difficult due to the large set of documents to be submitted in the
space companies’ path and support Russian space startups. application, a limited number of partner banks, and a lengthy applica­
Governmental development institutions in Russia offer grants, loans, tion review procedure. Nevertheless, this instrument is one of the most
venture and equity financing, leasing and subsidies to innovative SMEs. essential for the development of small business, as it makes it possible
Yet there are practically no specialized space financial programs on the for them to use other financing instruments (loans, leasing, etc.) without
Russian market, so we will consider potential programs that can be used significant losses.
by space SMEs.
The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in 3.3.3. Public financing mechanism: leasing programs
Science and Technology provides grants on a competitive basis, In order to provide SMEs with access to the equipment, which is
depending on the stage of the life cycle and the purpose of obtaining necessary for the implementation of their activities, a concessional
funding (from 6 to 296 thousand euros (500 thousand to 25 million leasing program from the SME Corporation through four regional leas­
rubles)). At the early stages, two types of grants are provided for car­ ing structures is in force. The subject of leasing can be high-tech and
rying out scientific research and development work for up to 2 years: innovative equipment, industrial equipment. A leasing loan can be
“Clever” and “Start” (from 6 to 24 thousand euros (from 500 thousand provided for up to 7 years at 6–8% per annum.
rubles to 2 million rubles)). More knowledge-intensive SMEs that have SMEs at the stage of industrial production, and having their own
experience in the development and sale of their own science-intensive sources of financing and guarantees, can receive a loan from the In­
products can receive up to 70% co-financing within the framework of dustrial Development Fund and its regional structures for a period of 5–7
the “Development” grant for a period of one to two years in the amount years at a rate of 1–5% in the range of 0,24 to 5,9 million euros (20
of up to 240 thousand euros (20 million rubles). million to 500 million rubles).
The most effective means of support for space SMEs is the Skolkovo As we have already noted, all government funding programs are not
Innovation Center, which implements specialized financial support specialized for the development of the space industry. There are a lot of
programs for innovative SMEs. programs, but their application by SMEs is rather difficult for a number
Most successful innovative space SMEs in Russia, mentioned above of reasons (administrative, informational). In 2021–2022, a reform of
in our study, were Skolkovo’s participants and received financial sup­ development institutions will be implemented in Russia, following
port from it. The main instrument for financing projects at early stages which the state corporations listed by us will be merged under the
are grants: micro-grants up to 17,8 thousand euros (1,5 million rubles), leadership of VEB RF or completely liquidated. Thus, government
mini grants up to 59,3 thousand euros (5 million rubles) (subject to 50% funding programs will be changed.
of other funding sources).
In addition, SMEs in Skolkovo can obtain venture and equity 3.3.4. Private financing mechanism
financing through Skolkovo Ventures, the main investors of which are We can refer to the mechanism of private investment which covers
the Russian Venture Company, large state and private corporations and such instruments as financing by business angels, venture capital,
individuals. corporate financing, bank loans, leasing, factoring, the securities mar­
The Russian venture capital company performs the functions of the ket, crowdfinancing.
Project Office of the National Technology Initiative, within the frame­ The world is experiencing a boom in private investment in the space
work of which SMEs developing breakthrough innovative products can industry. According to BryceTech [17] (see Fig. 4) about $ 7,6 billion
receive grant and investment support to create a prototype in the was invested in 124 private startups in 2020, most of which is venture
amount of up to 1,96 million euros (165 million rubles) under the capital (64%).
“National Technology Initiative” program. Despite the outlined interest in private space from the investors, the
State Development Corporation “VEB.RF” finances investment and inability to implement the conceived development on time due to the
export projects in the form of loans, guarantees and securities, equity lack of stable funding is still a serious risk for private enterprises.
financing, export support up to 28,4 thousand euros (2,4 million rubles) Most space startups are in their earliest stages of development, with
for up to 20 years through partner organizations. no equity capital or other resources. Thus, in Russia, the use of private
VEB RF Corporation within the framework of the National Tech­ instruments for space SMEs is difficult.
nology Initiative in 2015 and 2017 provided investment support to a
small enterprise Dauria Aerospace to create a small space telecommu­ 3.3.5. Private financing mechanism: credits
nications platform Auriga and Atom (Dauria Aerospace went bankrupt Such SMEs cannot use loans from commercial banks, since the
in 2020). probability of the project payback is small, and accordingly, the

L.V. Chebukhanova and A.M. Zimakov Acta Astronautica 200 (2022) 626–634

At the same time, commercialization problems are acute in such

projects, since they may not get a real effect for the development of
space, even despite the successful fundraising at such sites.
Currently, there are about 50 crowdfunding platforms operating in
Russia. 42 of them are Crowdlending platforms [21], the oldest plat­
forms on the market are Potok, Penenza, Town of Money. Examples of
sites using other types of funding are shown in Table 2.
The spreading of crowdlending and crowdfactoring platforms will
allow to reduce the role of traditional financial institutions by increasing
their competition, it will also increase the availability of credit and
factoring financing, but space SMEs practically do not use such
This is due to the fact that loans at such platforms are currently is­
sued for a period of up to 1 year, according to the type of operating loan.
The rate of attracting financing is on average 18% [22]. And even
though there are already more than 40 such sites in Russia, the condi­
tions for attracting debt financing are almost the same everywhere and
are very short-term.
Fig. 4. Magnitude invested in startup space companies 2020.
3.3.7. Private financing mechanism: leasing
probability of approval of such a loan is also small. In Russia, a large Leasing is an effective financing instrument for innovative SMEs
number of commercial banks provide special credit lines for SMEs, since they need to purchase specialized equipment for research and
including the top 30 commercial banks in Russia (Sberbank, VTB, production, as well as cheaper and more long-term than taking a loan,
Tinkoff etc.) and small banks. Despite this, the rates for SMEs are higher also the leasing rate is lower, and the equipment itself acts as a pledge.
(the preferential rate is about 7–9.25%) [18], than for large enterprises, Leasing is provided by both state-owned leasing companies and financial
and much higher than in foreign countries (2–5%) [19], and the appli­ institutions. The use of leasing in the domestic space industry has not yet
cation procedure is different for different banks. It is necessary to pro­ become widespread, while abroad the share of spacecraft manufactured
vide many documents and warranty coverage. In the space industry, with the involvement of a leasing mechanism reaches 70%. According to
SMEs can use lending only at later stages of development, and there is a our calculations, based on Expert RA data for 2020 [23], equipment that
catastrophic shortage of such enterprises in Russia. All this leads to the could be leased by innovative enterprises makes up no more than 4% of
fact that lending is not an affordable instrument for such enterprises. all contracts annually, despite the fact that the share of SMEs in all
There is no financing of space SMEs in Russia through private ven­ leasing operations is about 40%.
ture funds, business angels, listing on the Moscow Exchange, IPO. For innovative SMEs, leasing is presented only in state-owned leasing
companies within the framework of special programs for the purchase of
3.3.6. Private financing mechanism: crowdfinancing high-tech and innovative equipment, since such equipment is often
Crowdfinancing instruments (crowdfunding, crowdlending, crow­ unique and illiquid, which means it is unattractive for leasing com­
dinvesting, crowdfactoring, ect.) are the least common instruments in panies. There are only 4 such state-owned companies, and they cannot
Russia, despite their widespread development abroad. These in­ provide the entire required volume of purchases, and the lessee is
struments have advantages over traditional ones due to the speed of required to be sure of the owners of the SMEs.
obtaining financing, a simplified procedure for obtaining funds, as well
as due to the involvement of a large number of physical and institutional 3.3.8. Private financing mechanism: factoring
investors. Abroad, these instruments are supported and regulated by the Factoring in Russia is not widespread enough among SMEs (the share
state, they seriously compete with other financing instruments, due to of SME transactions is about 9% in 1st Q 2021) [24], and even less
that they also become more accessible over time. among innovative enterprises. Factors prefer accounts receivable from
For innovative SMEs in the early stages, crowdfunding and crow­ large enterprises, which is confirmed by the opinion of rating agencies.
dinvesting may become the only acceptable financing instruments due There are no government factoring companies. At the same time, this
to the simultaneous involvement of a large number of investors in instrument is also very important and effective for innovative enter­
project appraisal and obtaining the required financing in a short time. prises at the stage of growth and expansion, since the need to refill
Earlier in our research, we showed a positive relationship between the working capital for current activities during the payment deferral is an
volume of crowdfunding and the costs of enterprises for research and urgent problem.
development [20]. The overwhelming majority of successful space
projects of Russian SMEs were implemented using crowdfunding. Ex­ 3.3.9. Incentive programs for investors and innovative SME and
amples of such startups using Russian platforms are: infrastructure facilities
The incentive programs for investors and small innovative
- the Mayak space satellite startup, which raised about 28 thousand
euros on the Boomstarter platform (in 2 stages – 1,99 million rubles Table 2
and 404 thousand rubles); Crowdfunding platforms in Russia.
- startup “435 nm. Live outside the Earth!“, which raised about 4,8 Platform Types of financing
thousand euros (407 thousand rubles) on the Boomstarter platform
Lemon Crowdfactoring
to create a photobioreactor for intensive cultivation of microalgae
Venture Club Crowdinvesting
and further production of oxygen; Investment Compass Crowdfunding, Crowdlending
- a satellite project for photographing the Moon, which raised about StartTrack Crowdlending, Crowdinvesting
20,5 thousand euros (1.75 million rubles) on the Boomstarter Donation-based Crowdfunding
Boomstarter Donation-based Crowdfunding
InvoiceCafé Crowdfactoring
Venture Club Crowdinvesting

L.V. Chebukhanova and A.M. Zimakov Acta Astronautica 200 (2022) 626–634

enterprises may include benefits for the payment of taxes, fees, customs - Technopark “Precision Radiolaser Systems (Moscow), on the basis of
payments; provision of educational services; provision of information which one medium-sized enterprise “Quantum-Optical Systems”
and consulting support; assistance in the project documentation for­ operates;
mation; the formation of demand for innovative products; imple­ - Technopark “Module” (Moscow);
mentation of state and targeted programs, subprograms; export support, - Technopark “Scientific Research Institute of Precision Instruments”
investment promotion, etc. To provide these services and stimulate the (Moscow);
activities of SMEs in Russia, various innovative infrastructure facilities - Technopark in the field of high technologies “Zhigulevskaya Valley”
operate. (Togliatti);
The components of the innovation infrastructure are (see Fig. 5): - Technopark “Radiofizika” (Moscow);
organizations that provide assistance in financing innovative SMEs; - Innovation Center of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (Mos­
innovation clusters, business centers, business incubators and accelera­ cow Region);
tors, technology parks (industrial parks), technopolises, science cities, - Technopark of Aviation Technologies (Ufa).
information networks and data banks; consulting organizations focused - Innovation and educational center of space services Saratov State
on innovative SMEs. Technical University named after Yuri Gagarin.

3.3.10. Infrastructure facilities: accelerators The Government of the Ryazan Region, together with the Moscow
The Skolkovo Innovation Center (Moscow) includes various types of Aviation Institute, is working to create an innovative scientific and
infrastructure facilities such as a technopark, accelerators, business in­ technological center “Aerospace Innovation Valley”.
cubators, a venture fund and provides all types of support for innovative In addition to innovation centers and technology parks, various
projects and grants. innovation, educational and scientific and technological centers are
One of the success factors of space SMEs supported by the Skolkovi is being opened on the territory of universities in order to familiarize
the building of relationships between corporations and startups due to students with science and enhance innovative activity among them. For
the concentration of large industrial partners and promising develop­ example, in 2021, the Center for Commercial Space was created at
ment companies in Skolkovo. Samara University named after Korolev.
So, based on Skolkovo, various business accelerators are annually
implemented with the aim of introducing technologies from young 3.3.12. New Russian space startups and commercialization issues
companies into large space enterprises. In fact, there can be a lot of innovative developments for space
As part of their participation in the accelerator, startups will receive: among Russian SMEs precisely due to the wide network of various
innovative infrastructure facilities located in universities, large corpo­
- access to test fields with real or as close as possible to real data; rations, and in big cities. So, currently, about 100–150 startups are based
- piloting projects in industry organizations; at the Skolkovo Foundation, offering many individual developments for
- consulting on transactions and protection of results of intellectual the space industry, solutions for an integrated approach to digital
activity; transformation and the creation of a competence center.
- investments for product development. As an example of SMEs with such developments, we can note:

In 2020, 10 startups were selected for the joint accelerator of the - Advanced Propulsion Systems, developing modules with a multi­
Energomash Research and Production Association (part of Roscosmos) channel plasma propulsion system for a small spacecraft;
and Skolkovo in the areas of new digital technologies, engine building, - Space systems, developing infrastructure for data acquisition and
civil products. This accelerator was the first Russian experience in the control of small spacecraft;
space industry. - Tensor Lab, developing a space route for safe navigation;
In 2021, a joint Industry Accelerator was opened with the State - Orbital Express, which develops the System for the delivery of
Corporation Roscosmos for IT startups to search for new digital tech­ spacecraft and payloads to target orbits.
nologies, products and services.
However, there is a problem of the commercialization of such pro­
3.3.11. Infrastructure facilities: technology parks and innovation centers jects, since the main customer of space technologies in Russia, the
In addition to the Skolkovo infrastructure, Russia has a number of Roscosmos corporation, is not yet interested in them. In the end, this
technology parks and innovation centers for the development of space could lead to the fact that advanced space technologies will be sold to
technologies. the overseas market.
Small and medium-sized enterprises are interested in long-term and
- Technopark “Russian Space Systems” (Moscow), on the basis of inexpensive financial resources. If small companies that have scientific
which one small enterprise “SPA of Space Instrumentation” operates; and technical knowledge, skills and potential will be allowed more ac­
cess to government contracts, they would receive a serious impulse to
As a system of interaction with SMEs, the State Corporation
Roscosmos has created a portal “Single Window” for external innovation
proposals (projects) and requests from individuals and organizations
[25]. SMEs can apply for their innovative projects for the development
of the space industry. If Roscosmos is interested in this idea, they will
offer SMEs areas of cooperation as participation in accelerators, acqui­
sition of an idea, etc.
GenerationS is a corporate accelerator created by a Russian Venture
Company with the aim of building interaction between innovative
startups and corporations; in the future, these corporations can offer
investments in startups.
Fig. 5. Objects of innovation infrastructure, depending on the stage of pro­ The challenge for SMEs is that corporations often do not have a clear
duction and the size of the business. request for technology. The situation is further complicated by the fact

L.V. Chebukhanova and A.M. Zimakov Acta Astronautica 200 (2022) 626–634

that the process from the beginning of the discussion of the project to its capitalization.
implementation is very long, and the effect of the implementation is not Compared to investments in the oil, gas or IT industries, where the
immediately visible. return on investment is quite short, the space industry lags behind and is
not attractive to investors. In the space industry, the R&D cycle is quite
3.3.13. Incentive programs long, since this industry is science-intensive, high-tech, a very thorough
In addition to various innovative infrastructure facilities for SMEs check of the developed prototypes is required before creating a working
there are different incentive programs. model.
As part of the program of private lending stimulation in Russia, the The private space business is developing very slowly and with great
Ministry of Economic Development provides special subsidies difficulty. There is also a shortage of personnel, an extremely modest
(2.5–3.5%) for commercial banks to provide loans at reduced rates. domestic demand for their products and services, and a lack of access to
Loans for investment purposes of up to 12 thousand euros (1 billion long-term money, without which the implementation of serious space
rubles) are provided for SMEs at 8.5% per annum. The term for such projects is impossible.
loans is up to 10 years. In the Russian space industry, the role of the government as a
Tax incentives are the most common form of stimulating innovation customer is high. The main problem with Roskosmos is that it occupies
in foreign countries. the position of a manufacturer of space technology and a consumer of
In Russia, we can mark following tax incentives provided for inno­ services. Roskosmos forgets its position as a regulator, which should
vative SMEs: develop the Russian economy, including in terms of space activities. It
must give everyone the same opportunities.
- investment tax credit - deferral of income tax payment up to 5 years The number of financing instruments for innovative SMEs in the
at a rate of up to ¾ of the key rate of the Bank of Russia; space industry in Russia is very limited.
- reduction of income tax due to a decrease in profit by an amount 1.5 The main driver for the development of innovative SMEs in Russia is
times greater than actually incurred expenses for research and currently the Development Institute, namely the Skolkovo Innovation
development; Center, and acceleration programs. Acting through development in­
- exemption from income tax of the received funds of targeted stitutions, the government is trying to remove barriers to private space
financing of funds for the support of scientific activities (for example, companies and support Russian space startups.
grants); The main instrument for financing innovative SMEs in the space
- exemption from VAT on imports of equipment, the analogues of industry is grants and equity financing through state development in­
which are not produced in Russia; stitutions. At the same time, there are very few highly specialized grants
- VAT exemption for the implementation of research and development for SMEs for space development in Russia compared to other foreign
on a government order; countries.
- VAT exemption on the transfer of rights to the results of intellectual The existing state institutions for the development of innovative
activity; SMEs and the presented grant programs have much less of their own
- creation of a reserve of expenses for research and development, resources and provide less funding than their foreign counterparts. The
which reduces the taxable base for income tax; Russian state program for the development of space involves a reduction
- accelerated depreciation of fixed assets used in scientific and tech­ in the allocated budgetary funds for the development of space in
nical activities. 2021–2023. Thus, it is necessary to look for other sources of capital and
attract private initiative.
For participants of innovation centers there are exemptions from Private financing instruments for innovative SMEs are not common
income tax, property tax and VAT for up to 10 years, a reduced rate of in Russia. While in Europe and the United States, investors are gradually
insurance premiums - 14%, full reimbursement of customs duties. becoming interested in space, in Russia it is currently very difficult to
Participants in special economic zones (SEZ) and technology parks attract the attention of capital holders due to the lack of protection of
apply a reduced income tax rate from 2% (for SEZs) to 14.5%. private investments, difficulties of private startups entry into the
Subjects that organize innovative infrastructure receive a reduction governmental order for space technologies and so on.
in the tax burden of up to 25% (exempt from land tax, receive benefits on We can mention a few recommendations to help space SMEs thrive in
income and property tax), can receive reimbursement of part of the costs Russia based on the study and analysis of the foreign country experience:
of organizing such facilities.
Individual investors of the Skolkovo Innovation Center can receive a 1) To create an open electronic database of public orders in the space
refund of 50% of investments and 100% of personal income tax (up to sector and requirements for them, a database of existing financing
240 thousand euros 20 million rubles) per year for one project). This instruments and support measures of innovative enterprises in the
benefit is a clear example of the effectiveness of such incentives for space sector on the platform of Roscosmos or the Ministry of In­
private investors. dustrial Development of Russia.
In addition to these incentives instruments for private investors in 2) To create competition for Roscosmos in the space sector by
the space industry and innovation activities of SMEs, licensing re­ increasing the number of public and private companies providing
quirements were simplified in 2020 [26]. Some activities that require a grants or venture capital funding for space projects of SMEs.
license were excluded from the activities of space enterprises: including 3) To develop space clusters that will solve the problem of interaction
exploratory research, the organization and management of space ac­ between participants in the space industry. Resources for SMEs,
tivities, the economics of space activities, the creation of prototypes not suppliers, and buyers (Russian and foreign), educational organiza­
intended for space flights, as well as fundamental research. We assume tions, and specialized companies will be concentrated there.
that this step will create favorable conditions for the development of 4) To stimulate the creation of corporate business incubators, acceler­
innovative SMEs in the space sector. ators, and investment platforms in the space sector by exempting
them from income tax at least for the first 2 years.
4. Conclusions 5) To provide special loans and guarantees program for innovative
SMEs, where the loan rate will not be higher than the average
Today, there are only a few Russian private space companies that are lending rate for SMEs in Europe.
engaged in the development and production of satellites or small launch 6) To increase the number of regional leasing companies to at least one
vehicles. These are companies of either start-up level or of very small in each region of Russia.

L.V. Chebukhanova and A.M. Zimakov Acta Astronautica 200 (2022) 626–634

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