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Revisions / a Revised Evidence of
Potential Gaps u Requirement Compliance
4 Contexto Organizacional
which of these
4.2 Understanding requirements will be
the needs and addressed through
4.2 c
expectations of the information
interested parties security management

4.4 Information including the

security management 4,4 processes needed
system and their interactions

6 Planning
6.2 Information security objectives and planning to achieve them
6.2 Information
security objectives
d be monitored
and planning to
achieve them
When the
determines the need
for changes to the
6.3 Planning of
6,3 information security
changes management system,
the changes shall be
carried out in a
planned manner
7 Support of the service management system
9 Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, The methods selected
should produce
9.1b comparable and
analysis and reproducible results
evaluation to be considered valid

changes in needs and

expectations of
9.3 Management interested parties that
review are relevant to the
information security
management system

10 Improvement
10.1 Nonconformity 10,1 improvement
and corrective action (Numbering Switch)
Noncomformity and
10.2 Continual
10,2 corrective action
Improvement (Numbering Switch)
Has the Client
demonstrated that they
have met the requirements Comments if required
of this clause?

Yes No

e them
(unlikley to have impact)

(unlikely to have impact)

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