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HH/NURS 2547 6.

0 Mental Health Across Lifespan

Glossary Assignment #1 Description

Due: Monday, Jun 3, 2024 @ 2359hrs – 5 marks

This Glossary Part 1 assignment is individual and takes place within a group. It promotes group
learning, although your contribution is individually graded.
Students will build a collaborative glossary pertaining to chapters 7 and 9 related to stigma,
mental status assessment, legal and ethical aspects of practice and the Mental Health Act. You
will need to review the lecture presentation for Week 2 and read the assigned readings from the
Approximate time commitment: ~ 20 minutes to engage with resources + ~20 minutes to
contribute to your Group Glossary.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this assignment, you should be able to:
 Identify important assessment areas in the biological, psychological, and social domains
of a mental health nursing assessment.
 Describe MSE terms that reflect alterations in thought content and process.
 Provide examples of alterations in thought content and process.

1. Read Chapters 7 and 9.
2. Select a term from any one of the chapters and enter it into the glossary and define the
term using your own words.
3. You may use other resources, including those on this course site to help you better
understand the term as needed.
4. You must first review all the terms in the glossary as you are required to add a term
that does not exist in the glossary (this means that if you are the first person to add a
term, you can add any term).
5. You must use the term exactly as it is presented in the text boxes or chapter content. This
means if you are contributing the term “delusion,” you will enter the word “delusion” in
the definition box and not alter the term in any way. Therefore, you would not, in this
case, say “delusional” as this is not how this concept is presented in the text boxes.
6. Once you have contributed your term (you may need to wait a day or so), you will
contribute to the expansion of one to two terms (in the comment section) below each
term. Your comment should be an example of what you might see if a client is exhibiting
that thought process/content and/or a question you would ask in your assessment or an
observation you would make to determine if the client is exhibiting that thought content
or process.

Adding your entry to the Group Glossary:

1. Click "Add a New Entry"
2. Use the "Definition" box to enter your definition, reflection, application, resource, or
3. Use the "Categories" menu to select the appropriate category – thought content or
thought process for your entry.
4. Define your term using your own words.
5. Go to the comment section for two terms and contribute to their expansion (see above).
Your aim is to help your peers better understand the terms and its application.
REQUIRED to submit any files.

Connect with your group:

You may use the commenting feature in your Group Glossary to continue the conversation
within your group.

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