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Unveiling Myself: Skills,

Hobbies, and Crisis

Introducing Myself
Greetings everyone, my name is Zeba
Munaowara and I am excited to be here
today to share with you all a little bit about
myself and my experiences.
As someone who has always been
passionate about personal growth and
development, I have spent a lot of time over
the years exploring different hobbies, skills,
and areas of interest. From learning new
languages and playing basketball to
practicing yoga and studying literature, I
have always been driven by a desire to
expand my horizons and challenge myself in
new ways.
Recently Developed Skills or Hobbies
Over the past year, I've taken up gardening as a
new hobby. While it may seem like a simple
activity, it has had a profound impact on my life.
Not only has it taught me patience and
perseverance, but it has also allowed me to
connect with nature in a way that I never
thought possible.
Another skill that I have recently developed is
public speaking. As someone who used to be
terrified of speaking in front of others, I decided
to challenge myself by joining a public speaking
club. Through this experience, I have learned
how to communicate my ideas effectively and
confidently, and it has opened up many new
opportunities for me.
Crisis Handled with Principled Negotiation Style
In my previous job, I was tasked with negotiating a
contract renewal with a difficult client. The client had
been unhappy with our services and was threatening to
terminate the contract altogether. However, I believed
that we could find a solution that would satisfy both
I approached the negotiation using principled negotiation
style, which focuses on finding mutually beneficial
solutions rather than simply trying to win at all costs. I
listened carefully to the client's concerns and worked with
them to identify their underlying needs and interests. We
were able to come up with a creative solution that
addressed their concerns while also ensuring that we could
continue to provide high-quality services. As a result, the
client decided to renew the contract and expressed
satisfaction with our work.
This experience taught me the importance of active
listening, empathy, and creativity in negotiations. It also
reinforced my belief that principled negotiation style can
be effective even in challenging situations.
The Importance of Self-Development
Self-development is a crucial aspect of personal
growth and has helped me become a better version
of myself. By constantly learning and improving, I
have been able to expand my skills and knowledge,
which has opened up new opportunities for me.
One tip that has been particularly helpful for me is
setting clear goals and creating a plan to achieve
them. This has allowed me to stay focused and
motivated, even when faced with challenges or
setbacks. Additionally, I have found that seeking out
mentors and networking with like-minded
individuals has been invaluable in my personal and
professional development.
Overcoming Challenges
In life, we all face challenges that can seem
insurmountable. For me, that challenge was
overcoming my fear of public speaking. As
someone who is naturally introverted, the thought
of standing in front of a crowd and delivering a
speech filled me with dread. But I knew that if I
wanted to succeed in my career, I had to conquer
this fear.
I started by practicing in front of a mirror, then in
front of friends and family. I took every
opportunity I could to speak in public, even if it
was just introducing myself at a networking event.
Over time, I became more comfortable and
confident. I learned that preparation was key, and
that by focusing on my message and connecting
with my audience, I could deliver a successful
In conclusion, I hope that my presentation has
given you a glimpse into who I am and the values
that guide me. From introducing myself and
sharing my recently developed skills and hobbies
to discussing the importance of self-development
and overcoming challenges, I hope that you have
gained some insights into how I approach life.
I also shared a personal story about handling a
crisis using principled negotiation style, which
taught me valuable lessons about communication
and conflict resolution. And finally, I want to
leave you with this takeaway: no matter what
challenges may come our way, we have the power
to overcome them and become better versions of
ourselves in the process.

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