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Journal of Hand Surgery

(European Volume)
Ligaments and muscles stabilizing the 2022, Vol. 47(1) 65–72
! The Author(s) 2021
radio-ulno-carpal joint Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/17531934211042316
Marc Garcia-Elias1, Dirck Ananos2 , Mireia Esplugas1,
Elisabet Hagert3,4, Carlos Heras-Palou5 and Sanjeev Kakar6

The technical simplicity of the Darrach procedure may explain why it has been so popular. Excising the distal
ulna, however, may have potentially undesired consequences to the biomechanics in two areas: the distal
radioulnar and the ulno-carpal joints. These conjointly define the radio-ulno-carpal joint (RUCJ). The RUCJ is
not a small and irrelevant articulation that can be removed without possibly paying a functional penalty. It is
an important link of the antebrachial frame that provides stability to the distal forearm and the carpus. This
article revisits the mechanisms by which some ligaments and muscles ensure that all forces about and within
the RUCJ are dealt with efficiently.

Radio-ulno-carpal joint, wrist biomechanics, wrist stabilization, distal radioulnar joint, triangular fibrocarti-
lage complex

Date received: 29th April 2021; revised: 6th August 2021; accepted: 9th August 2021

Introduction that the so-called ‘Feldon operation’ (Feldon et al.,

Palmer and Werner (1981) described the triangular 1992), in which a wafer of the dome is excised, is a
fibrocartilage complex (TFCC), which has been a perfectly logical idea.
target of many investigations. Much time and From a kinetic point of view, the RUCJ is said to be
energy has been spent to clarify its function, which stable when it is capable of resisting physiologic
still remains controversial. Is the TFCC the only loads throughout the entire range of forearm prono-
distal radioulnar stabilizer, as so often assumed? supination. No matter how flexed or extended the
What are the mechanical consequences of a distal elbow is, a stable RUCJ will not give way unless a
ulna excision? non-physiological stress is applied. When stressed, a
Similarly, the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) only stable RUCJ will be compressed, adjusting its inter-
describes one portion of the complex ulnar wrist nal articular coherence to become a solid block
articulation. The other portion, the ulno-carpal joint through which forces can be dissipated. Once the
is often ignored. It is well known that the distal radio- stress is over, the joint returns to its original,
ulnar and the ulno-carpal joints are not independent
from each other. If this is the case, why should we
talk about one and ignore the other one? Hand and Upper Limb Surgery, Institut Kaplan, Barcelona, Spain
Royal Perth Hospital, Fremantle Hand Unit, Sir Charles Gairdner
The DRUJ is a trochlear articulation in which the Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
radius rotates about the ulna. If we consider the 3
Department of Clinical Science and Education, Karolinska
whole ulnar wrist articulation, the radio-ulno-carpal Instituten, Stockholm, Sweden
joint (RUCJ) is a more inclusive composite that Musculoskeletal & Sports Injury Epidemiology Center,
includes the radioulnar trochlea and the distally Sophiahemmet University, Stockholm, Sweden
Pulvertaft Hand Centre, Royal Derby Hospital, Derby, UK
convex ulnar dome, which articulates with the ulnar 6
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
aspect of the carpus (Figure 1). Failure to recognize
Corresponding Author:
the importance of this joint as a whole may lead into Marc Garcia-Elias, Hand and Upper Limb Surgery, Institut Kaplan,
believing that only the DRUJ is essential. A statement Passeig de la Reina Elisenda 17, 08034 Barcelona, Spain.
of this magnitude can lead the surgeon into accepting Email:
66 Journal of Hand Surgery (Eur) 47(1)

hand. What follows is a review of the structures that

stabilize the RUCJ, how they work and how they
interact with each other.

Before discussing RUCJ kinetics, it is important to
clarify the meaning of some frequently used, yet
poorly understood, terms. One of the most often mis-
used words is ‘instability’. Carelessly borrowed from
non-medical literature, it is sometimes used to qual-
ify something as ‘unstable’ when it is merely ‘mala-
ligned’. The two terms are not equivalent concepts
(Ananos and Garcia-Elias, 2019). A possible contribu-
tion to this confusion is our reliance on plain radio-
graphs and static investigations when trying to
understand a dynamic problem. A misalignment
may be permanent or occasional; it may appear spor-
adically, under certain loading conditions or be
Figure 1. The structures of the radio-ulno-carpal joint always present. If the joint is permanently disso-
(RUCJ). ciated, the term ‘instability’ is not adequate. In
those cases, we should use terms such as perman-
ent ‘subluxation’ (partial loss of joint contact) or
relatively unconstrained alignment without having ‘dislocation’ (complete loss of bone contact).
suffered any noticeable damage. The term ‘dysfunction’ also needs a similar com-
The RUCJ may become unstable in many different mentary. Most instabilities are dysfunctions, but not
ways, and an isolated TFCC tear is hardly ever the all dysfunctions are unstable. Truly, the term ‘dys-
only cause of pain. Indeed, most stable tears of the function’ is to be used only when there is an alteration
TFCC are the consequence of a more general prob- of function. If two articulating bones dissociate from
lem rather than the actual cause of instability. If the each other only under high stress, but not under
TFCC is not the sole stabilizer of the RUCJ, what physiologic loading conditions, that joint may be
other elements could be considered as such? called unstable, but not dysfunctional. If two articulat-
For the RUCJ to be functional, both in kinematic ing bones dissociate from each other under physio-
(mobility) and kinetic (loading) terms, a number of logical loading conditions, that joint may be called
conditions need to be present. unstable and dysfunctional. However, if the force
necessary to reduce a dissociated joint is high, and
1. The articulating bones must have adequate yet, a residual subluxation persists, that joint is dys-
shapes and without fractures, nonunions or mal- functional, but not unstable. In other words, the term
unions altering its external dimensions. ‘instability’ should not be used as a primary diagnosis,
2. The articulating surfaces must be congruent, par- but as an adjective that qualifies the risk that exists
allel and normally tilted. either for a structure to collapse or for two bones to
3. The ligaments need to be intact or sufficiently dissociate from each other and become dysfunctional.
competent to provide stabilization.
4. The so-called ‘sensorimotor system’ needs to be
RUCJ biomechanics
finely tuned and able to process all proprioceptive
information generated within and about the joint. Forearm pronosupination is not an axial rotation of
5. The muscles crossing the joint need to be capable the radius about the ulna, but about a virtual axis that
of reacting efficiently when a warning message is connects the centre of the radial head with the centre
received from the sensorimotor system. of the basistyloid fovea (Figure 2). The consequence
6. All nerves connecting ligaments and muscles to of this axis being oblique is that the radial head turns
the sensorimotor system need to be fully about itself proximally, whereas distally, it rotates
functional. about the ulna. The carpus rotates with the radius.
Consequently, during pronosupination, there is fric-
Failure of any one of these factors may affect, if tion both between the distal radius and ulna and
not completely alter, the grasping capabilities of the between the ulnar head and the carpus. This
Garcia-Elias et al. 67

the extremes of rotation, while compression forces

predominate in neutral rotation.
The DRUJ has been defined as a small troclear-
throsis, in which the radius of curvature of the ulnar
head is smaller than that of the sigmoid notch of the
radius. As a result, there must be some joint gliding
instead of a pure rotation at the extremes of prona-
tion or supination. The centroid of pressure on the
sigmoid notch articular surface translates dorsally in
pronation, whereas it becomes palmar in supination.
The widest contact area within the radioulnar joint
interval is registered in neutral axial rotation (60%
of the sigmoid notch), while less than a 10% of con-
tact is found at the two extremes of pronosupination
(Figure 3). In addition, this difference in curvatures
allows for some proximal-distal movement of the
ulnar head relative to the sigmoid notch.
If the articulating bones are normally aligned and
are adequately shaped, without fractures, nonunions
or malunions, and the forearm is in neutral pronosu-
pination, RUCJ stability is likely due to the anatomical
shape of the articular surfaces. There is no need for
ligaments, muscles or capsules. Conversely, if the
forearm is fully pronated or supinated, a more com-
plex interaction of stabilizers, both passive and active,
Figure 2. Pronosupination axis of the forearm.
is needed to maintain RUCJ stability. This explains
mechanism allows for a maximum range of 90 of why most injuries occur in those extreme positions.
supination and 51 of pronation (Kihara et al., 1995). The structures that constrain, guide and stabilize
The central portion of the TFCC, the so-called any excessive displacement of the RUCJ under
discus articularis, behaves not as a ligament, but as physiologic loads can be passive (capsule and liga-
a shock-absorbing fibrocartilage, interposed ments) or active (muscles). When a stable joint is
between the ulna and the lunate. If longitudinal loaded, the first line of defence consists of a number
forces within the distal radius and ulna were mea- of ligaments, which passively constrain any attempt of
sured with the forearm in a vertical position, resting the bones to dislocate. If only ligaments are con-
on the elbow, assuming neutral variance, the ulnar sidered, however, the joint would be easily dislocated.
head would get no more than 10% of all compressive None of the ligaments in the area are strong enough to
forces crossing the wrist. Research on this topic was resist most stresses applied during daily activities.
pioneered by Palmer and Werner (1984) and subse- Muscles provide active constraining forces when
quently studied in more detail by Markolf et al. the stress applied to the joint gets to a certain
(1998). This seemingly low percentage would point. As long as they all interact in a coordinated
inaccurately minimize the importance of the ulnar manner, both active and passive stabilizers are
head as a load-bearing structure. needed. None of them are more important than the
Indeed, the ulnar head is rarely stressed longitu- other in all forearm positions.
dinally (ulno-carpal component), but more commonly The sensorimotor system is also an important
it is loaded transversely (radioulnar component). agent in this regard. It determines (based on the pro-
With the long axis of the forearm parallel to the prioceptive information that the receptors within the
floor, the ulnar head becomes an essential pivot passive stabilizers in the joint have provided) which
point about which the radiocarpal unit rotates. active stabilizers (muscles) need to be activated and
According to Hagert and Hagert (2010), when which need to be inhibited.
the wrist is loaded, the stresses registered across
the sigmoid notch are similar to those crossing the
Passive RUCJ stabilizers
radiocarpal joint. In this situation, the proportion of
shear forces in relation to compression forces regis- 1. The horizontal portion of the TFCC is composed of
tered at the DRUJ is different, depending on the pos- two elements: the articular disc and the distal
ition of forearm rotation. Shear forces are higher at radioulnar ligaments (Figure 4).
68 Journal of Hand Surgery (Eur) 47(1)

Figure 3. Contact area of distal radioulnar joint surfaces.

Figure 4. TFCC components: (1) extensor carpi ulnaris subsheath, (2) articular disc, (3) volar radioulnar ligament,
(4) dorsal radioulnar ligament, (5) ulnolunate ligament, (6) ulnotriquetral ligament and (7) meniscus homologue.
Garcia-Elias et al. 69

a. The articular disc is a biconcave, fibrocartila- tendon will increase and the wrist will become
ginous structure, poorly vascularized, whose stiff in flexion and ulnar deviation.
main function is to absorb axial stresses
across the ulno-carpal space. It has a poor Forearm supination induces a 30 angulation in
stabilizing action. the distal course of the ECU tendon. In this forearm
b. In contrast, the two radioulnar ligaments position, the ECU’s index of extension and its work
have quite important stabilization roles. capacity are the highest, therefore, the muscle max-
They originate at the volar and dorsal corners imally stabilizes the distal ulna in forearm
of the sigmoid notch of the radius and con- supination.
verge on the fovea where the deepest fibres
insert. The superficial fibres continue medi- 3. The ulno-carpal ligaments are also important pas-
ally and distally until inserting onto the top of sive stabilizers controlling the sagittal stability of
the ulnar styloid process. Some authors the ulnar column of the wrist. They originate on
defend the existence of two components the anterior border of the triangular fibrocartilage
(superficial and deep) as if they had different and consist of two diverging bundles: the ulnotri-
functions, but there is no real separation quetral and the ulnolunate ligaments. They are
between the two fascicles in its radial both long, elastic and poorly resistant to tension
origin. It is one ligament with two ulnar inser- (Hagert and Hagert, 2010), which is maximal when
tions. In between these two insertions there the hand is loaded in forearm supination. When
is a space filled with loose connective tissue these ligaments are torn, the radial column of
profusely innervated and vascularized. It is the wrist moves palmarly in relation to the ulna,
the ‘space cruentum’ that separates superfi- creating the volar carpal rotational subluxation in
cial and deep insertions of the TFCC. Some pronation so typical in rheumatoid patients.
authors use the term ‘ligamentum subcruen- 4. The distal fibres of the radioulnar interosseous
tum’ to refer to the latter. The dorsal radio- membrane (of the so-called distal oblique
ulnar ligament restraints radial volar bundle (DOB)) are also considered secondary sta-
translation when the hand is loaded while bilizers (Arimitsu et al., 2011). They are important
the forearm is kept in a horizontal position in cases where there is a complete avulsion of the
and in full pronation. The volar one does it distal radioulnar ligaments associated with a
in full supination. distal radius fracture. In those circumstances,
the instability cannot be denied. When the fracture
has been reduced, however, the wrist often
becomes stable again, even though the ligaments
2. The membrane that keeps the extensor carpi are avulsed. This stability comes from the distal
ulnaris (ECU) tendon in the ECU subsheath of fibres of the interosseous membrane.
the sixth compartment, is gaining recognition as Nevertheless, recent inmunoflourescence ana-
an important secondary passive stabilizer. This lyses have concluded that the DOB is richly inner-
tendon is constrained in a dorsal vertical groove vated and contains a high number of
of the ulnar head, and thus the tendon and bone mechanorreceptors (Rein et al., 2020). These find-
rotate together independent from the rest of the ings suggest that the DOB acts more sensitively
extensor tendons, which remain associated to the than mechanically in RUCJ stability.
radius. At the level of the ulnar head, the sub-
sheath is strongly attached to the ulna, and yet it
is independent of the extensor retinaculum. At the
level of the ulnar styloid, it becomes thinner and
Active RUCJ Stabilizers
almost disappears. From that point on, the ECU
becomes protected by the extensor retinaculum, The role of the different muscles involved actively in
which forces the tendon to move following the the stabilization of the RUCJ is essentially based on a
radius. There is a zone where the tendon suddenly direct coaptation of the two matching articular sur-
changes in both direction and rotation during pro- faces of the radioulnar joint. If the joint is congruent,
nosupination. It is crucial that this torsion occurs articular dynamic coaptation may effectively avoid
distal to the ulnar styloid. If the torsion occurs subluxation.
proximal to the styloid, the tendon will sublux
from its compartment. This produces well- 1. Brachialis muscle. This muscle is the first to react
known consequences: the moment arm of the to any external force transferred from the radius
70 Journal of Hand Surgery (Eur) 47(1)

Figure 5. Dynamic stabilizers: abductor pollicis longus,

extensor pollicis brevis.

into the ulna when the hand is loaded while the

forearm is kept in a horizontal position. Because
of its insertion onto the proximal ulna, the bra- Figure 6. Dynamic stabilizers: PQ: Pronator Quadratus.
chialis muscle generates the reaction force
necessary to achieve a coaptation of the DRUJ Tension increases until the ulna undergoes a palmar
(Holmes and Keir, 2014). Its antagonist muscle, translational movement that is counteracted by the
as far as neutralizing excessive compression of dorsal ligament, the pronator quadratus muscle and
the joint, is the brachioradialis muscle, which the volar capsule (Figure 7).
inserts onto the distal radius. A similar phenomenon occurs with pronation.
2. The abductor pollicis longus (APL) and extensor Initially, there are only small tensional changes up
pollicis brevis (EPB) muscles also contribute to to a certain degree of rotation. When the dorsal liga-
the distal radioulnar stability (Figure 5). Because ment is tensioned, the ulna undergoes a dorsal
they originate in the ulna but have an oblique translational vector that is neutralized by the
course toward the first extensor compartment palmar ligament, the dorsal capsule and the ECU
(radius), their contraction increases joint stability muscle (Figure 8).
by compressing the DRUJ.
3. The tendon of the ECU is constrained in a fairly
narrow subcompartment at the dorsal aspect of
the ulnar head. During pronation, the tendon is Forearm rotation induces synchronous mobility in
located directly opposite to the radial styloid two distal joint spaces: the distal radioulnar and the
(Figure 8, detailed in the following section). As a ulno-carpal joints. They should, thus, be considered
result, its contraction triggers a dynamic com- together: the RUCJ.
pression of the ulnar head against the sigmoid The TFCC connects with both of them; its func-
notch of the radius. tional competence in any forearm rotation will influ-
4. The deep head of pronator quadratus is also an ence RUCJ stability whether the wrist is subjected to
important stabilizer of this joint. In pronation the movement or load. Nevertheless, attention is often
muscle is distended, while in supination, it is in given to the TFCC as the primary stabilizer of the
tension by embracing the ulnar head around its proximal component of the RUCJ, the DRUJ.
medial face. The action of this muscle is, there- Similarly, attention is often given to the DRUJ while
fore, more effective in supination because in this the ulno-carpal component of this complex joint is
position it produces joint coaptation that prevents ignored. We believe that RUCJ is a more appropriate
instability (Figure 6). acronym, which encompasses both segments of the
Just like disorders of the RUCJ are often multifac-
Interaction between passive and torial (Kakar and Garcia-Elias, 2016), stability of this
region is also a complex multifactorial phenomenon
active RUCJ stabilizers that rests on the proper function of eight different
When the forearm begins supinating, tension in both anatomical structures, and that is modified by the
of the radioulnar ligaments does not change much degree of forearm rotation. This may enhance under-
until a certain degree of rotation is achieved. At this standing of how stability in this area is achieved and
point, the palmar ligament begins to support tension. hence balance attention focused on the TFCC.
Garcia-Elias et al. 71

Figure 7. Interaction between stabilizers in forearm supination.

Figure 8. Interaction between different stabilizers in forearm pronation.

72 Journal of Hand Surgery (Eur) 47(1)

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