Case study of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension

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Managerial Leadership in Asia (MLA864) CONFIDENTIAL

October 2018 [Case Study]

RODZIAH AHMAD _ M70209180012

CASE STUDY -Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions


a) Based on your assessment of the four cultural dimensions data for Malaysia, determine
the strengths and weaknesses in the context of management and leadership.

Hofstede’s Culture Dimension Strengths Weaknesses
1. Power Distance Index: As It will be easier to recognize a
Too much position needs to
the PDI in Malaysia is high, leader or manager. be A addressed in an
leaders want to be recognized hierarchy in organization will
organization. For example,
and distinguished from their show who is more responsiblewhen we have Deputy
followers. Even though the on one matters and followersPresident to assist President,
salary or pay is not much easily knew who they should there will be another few posts
difference from the one step report to. of Vice Presidents, under the
lower ranked, they want a title Deputy. Whilst the all deputy
for them to mark some mutual A proper designated job can or vice should assist president
respect for his position. be divided among leaders/ to manage the organization.
managers and each of them
An example of high PDI, a knows their scope and Another example when we
designated car park, room, job limitation of work. have Chief Executive Officer
title to show they have more and/or Managing Director we
authority or power than their have another Chief Operating
subordinates. Officer to man the overall
operation of a company, Chief
Risk Officer just to look into
risk management and Chief
Financial Officer to control the
overall financial activity.

For a company, it will incurred

higher managing cost with this
higher ranked post, whereas
you may just need Senior
Managers to man each
section and report to

Managerial Leadership in Asia (MLA864) CONFIDENTIAL
October 2018 [Case Study]
RODZIAH AHMAD _ M70209180012
2. Individualism. Low As a multi-cultural society, it is Collectivism leads to a strong
individualism in Malaysian important for Malaysians to employee union that may
organization context simply have low individualism but affect management cost
implies that Malaysian are higher collectivism. They need particularly on the employee
collectivism. They are likely to to work in a harmony rights.
be grouped together and are organization.
integrated. They do not mind It will also be very difficult for
to wear uniforms despite of This will further reduce the managers to lay off
their rank. management cost in terms of unproductive employee and
security. Leaders/ managers management need to undergo
are concerned about their series of unnecessary
followers/ subordinate. Their procedures to lay off staffs,
teamwork will support the which incurred cost.
success of the organizations.
Not only it will be a waste of
operational hours, but it will
affect the managers

3. Masculinity. An average In selecting leader/manager, Some scope of work has

MAS index shows that gender does not place a top limitations as to gender.
Malaysian accepting women role. Malaysians easily Though lady leaders may
leaders/ managers. There are accepting a leader/manager stand on their own, naturally
not clear of gender bias in even though a lady manager they still need to be protected
terms of selecting managing a group of men. by men.
This will be less problem for It could be a weakness in
an organization to elect the having average masculinity,
leader or manager. As long as Malaysians generally
the scope of work is achieved, overlooked on the safety
a lady may become a issues on the lady leaders/
manager/leader. managers.

Generally, a lady leader is It will be more difficult if the

more scrutinized in her works lady leader are more on the
and some overlooked matters family-bonded type of person,
may be identified by her. For it may be difficult for the
management, this will create person to lead her team.
more trustworthiness towards
the leader.

Managerial Leadership in Asia (MLA864) CONFIDENTIAL
October 2018 [Case Study]
RODZIAH AHMAD _ M70209180012
4. Uncertainty Avoidance Few rules and regulations are Researchers found that
Index. A moderate-low index required to manage or lead customers’ trust are rather low
for Malaysia suggested that the organization. in society with low index in
the society has a tolerance for high loyalty in high index
uncertainty and ambiguity. Less formality in this culture in society. With moderate-low
The society accepts and feel their interaction with others index, Malaysian organization
comfortable in unstructured would open-up subordinates can predict their customers
situations or changeable to voice out their opinion to will have only a little loyalty on
environment and try to have leaders or managers. At the their organization or product.
as few rules as possible. same time, managers and They must put more effort to
People in this culture tends to leaders may have a good gain customers’ trust
be more pragmatic and bonding with subordinates to especially for export markets.
tolerance of change. give instructions and follow
the orders without resistance. People in moderate-low
uncertainty acceptance index
Standard of procedures may tend to change their job but
change easily in this probability is not very high.
moderate-low society and it Managers and leaders may
will make the society progress predict that a small
with changes of environment. percentage of sub-ordinates
or followers tend to leave the
Rules and supervision are group, but it may not easy for
required minimally which them too. After some years of
provide subordinates a room experience, organization may
to be creative in achieving loose their best talent if they
organization goals. are not compensate well.

Managerial Leadership in Asia (MLA864) CONFIDENTIAL
October 2018 [Case Study]
RODZIAH AHMAD _ M70209180012
b) What would be the best approach (in terms of focus) for managers/leaders in

The best approach is to select a leader that is easily identified by giving the person of a
certain post to show that he or she is in charge. The leader must be differentiated from
the followers. Give the manager/leader minimum rules and regulations to allow some
room for he/she creates his/her own leadership creativity to reach the organization goals.

The selected leader must be accepted by all race in the organizations to achieve more
power and gain more respect from their sub-ordinate / followers. The support that he/she
received from the subordinate/followers may lead the subordinates’ energy to focus in
achieving their organization goals.

It is not difficult to select a leader in Malaysia as the society is not a gender bias in terms
of obeying their leaders. Organization may focus on the leader performance despite of
the gender.

To conclude, a good leader in Malaysia is acceptable by the multi-racial society, has a

creative leadership style with minimum supervision as he/she gain the trust and respect
from his/her people and organization may focus on the goal and objectives.


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