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Kepler Exoplanet Search Results

Prepared by: -


REGISTER NO.: -2023008111

MBA : - 2023 – 2025



Submitted To


GITAM (Deemed to be University)


The Kepler Space Telescope was a NASA mission dedicated to searching for exoplanets,
planets outside our solar system. Over its operational lifetime, Kepler discovered thousands of
exoplanets by observing the slight dimming of stars as planets passed in front of them (transits).
These discoveries have revolutionized our understanding of the prevalence and diversity of
exoplanets in the universe, ranging from Earth-sized rocky planets to gas giants orbiting their
stars. Kepler's data has provided valuable insights into planetary formation and the potential
for habitable worlds beyond our solar system.

The Kepler Space Telescope, launched in 2009, was a NASA mission dedicated to searching
for exoplanets, planets orbiting stars outside our solar system. It used the transit method, which
detects exoplanets by observing the periodic dimming of a star's light as a planet passes in front
of it. Over its operational lifetime, Kepler discovered thousands of exoplanets, ranging from
rocky Earth-sized planets to gas giants, and even some in the habitable zones of their stars
where liquid water could exist. Kepler's discoveries have significantly expanded our
understanding of planetary systems and the prevalence of exoplanets in the Milky Way galaxy

Correlation Analysis

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Certainly! The Kepler mission enabled scientists to explore various correlations between

exoplanets and their host stars. Some notable correlations include:

1. Size and Frequency: Kepler found a correlation between the size of exoplanets and their
occurrence rate. Smaller planets, like Earth-sized ones, are more abundant compared to
larger gas giants.

2. Orbital Period and Distance: There's a correlation between the orbital period of exoplanets
(the time taken to orbit their star) and their distance from the star. Planets closer to their star
generally have shorter orbital periods.

3. Stellar Type and Planetary Characteristics: Kepler data revealed correlations between the
type of star and the properties of its planetary system. For instance, smaller stars like red dwarfs

are more likely to have Earth-sized planets within their habitable zones.

Interpreting Kepler exoplanet data involves understanding the characteristics of discovered

exoplanets, their host stars, and the broader implications for planetary science. Here's a brief
overview of how Kepler exoplanet data is interpreted:

1. Exoplanet Characteristics: Scientists analyse data to determine various properties of

exoplanets, such as their size, mass, density, and orbital parameters. This information helps
classify exoplanets into different categories, such as rocky planets, gas giants, or potentially
habitable worlds.

2. Host Star Properties: Kepler also provides insights into the properties of host stars,
including their size, mass, temperature, and brightness. Understanding the characteristics of
host stars helps researchers better understand the environments in which exoplanets form and

3. Planetary Systems: Kepler data allows scientists to study the architectures of exoplanetary
systems, including the distribution of planets, their orbital dynamics, and the presence of
resonances or gaps in planetary orbits. This information sheds light on the processes
involved in planetary formation and migration.

Overall, interpreting Kepler exoplanet data involves synthesizing information from various
observations and analyses to advance our understanding of planetary systems beyond our
solar system and the broader field of astrobiology.

Linear Regression Analysis

Linear regression analysis can be applied to Kepler exoplanet data to investigate potential
correlations or trends between different variables. Here's how a linear regression analysis of
Kepler exoplanet data might be conducted:

1. Selecting Variables: Identify the variables of interest for the analysis. These could
include characteristics of the exoplanets (e.g., size, orbital period), properties of the host stars
(e.g., mass, temperature), or other relevant parameters.

2. Data Preparation: Gather the necessary data from Kepler's observations and ensure it is
cleaned and formatted correctly for analysis. This may involve removing outliers, handling
missing values, and normalizing or standardizing the data as needed.

3. Performing Regression: Choose a suitable linear regression model based on the nature of
the variables being studied. For example, if investigating the relationship between exoplanet
size and orbital period, a simple linear regression model may be appropriate. If exploring more
complex relationships, multiple linear regression or polynomial regression could.


A linear regression analysis of Kepler exoplanet data would involve exploring potential
correlations between different variables, such as exoplanet characteristics (e.g., size, orbital
period) and properties of their host stars (e.g., mass, temperature). Here's how the interpretation
might proceed:

In summary, the interpretation of a linear regression analysis of Kepler exoplanet data involves
understanding the relationships between variables, assessing the predictive power of the model,
and acknowledging any limitations in the analysis. This process contributes to our uerstanding
of exoplanetary systems and informs future research in planetary scienc
Multiple Regression analysis Methodology

The evaluation methodology involves pre-processing the Kepler-labelled time series data by
normalizing the star brightness measurements. This normalization step ensures that the data
is on a consistent scale and helps mitigate any bias towards specific features during the
training process. Next, the pre-processed dataset is divided into training and testing sets using a
suitable ratio. The training set is used to train each classifier, while the testing set is used to
evaluate their performance. For each classifier, the model is trained using the training data
and then utilized to predict the labels for the testing data.


Multiple regression analysis in the context of Kepler exoplanet data involves examining the
relationship between multiple independent variables (such as characteristics of host stars,
orbital parameters, etc.) and a dependent variable (such as the presence or properties of

By performing multiple regression analysis on Kepler exoplanet data, researchers can gain
insights into the factors that influence the presence and characteristics of exoplanets, which can
contribute tour understanding of planetary formation and evolutionary,

INREPRETAION of Dash board

Interpreting a dashboard of Kepler Exoplanet search results involves understanding the

visualizations and metrics presented and drawing meaningful conclusions about the data.
Here's a general approach to interpreting such a dashboard:

1. Overview: Start by looking at any summary statistics or high-level metrics provided on

the dashboard. This could include total number of exoplanets discovered, distribution of
exoplanet sizes, or any other key summary information.

2. Visualizations: Examine the visualizations on the dashboard, such as scatter plots,

histograms, or heatmaps. Look for patterns, trends, or anomalies in the data. For example, you
might observe clusters of exoplanets with certain characteristics or relationships between
different variables.

3.Context and Interpretation: Finally, interpret the findings in the context of existing
knowledge about exoplanets and planetary systems. Consider how the observed patterns and
relationships align with current theories of planetary formation and evolution, and think
about the implications for our understanding of the universe.

By following these steps, you can effectively interpret a dashboard of Kepler Exoplanet search
results and gain valuable insights into the properties and characteristics of exoplanets
discovered by the Kepler mission.


The conclusion of a Kepler Exoplanet search resource would summarize the key findings,
insights, and implications of the search efforts conducted using data from the Kepler space
telescope. Here's a possible conclusion:

"In conclusion, the Kepler Exoplanet search has revolutionized our understanding of planetary
systems beyond our solar system. Through meticulous analysis of Kepler's data, astronomers
have identified thousands of exoplanets orbiting distant stars, revealing a diverse array of
planetary sizes, compositions, and orbital characteristics. These discoveries have challenged
existing theories of planetary formation and evolution, shedding light on the prevalence and
diversity of exoplanetary systems in our galaxy. Moreover, the Kepler mission has paved the
way for future exoplanet research endeavors, providing a wealth of data for astronomers to
continue exploring the mysteries of the cosmos. As we look to the future, the legacy of
Kepler will undoubtedly continue to inspire new discoveries and shape our understanding of
the universe for generations to come.

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