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Lesson Plan: Sequences and Patterns

I. Objectives
Knowledge: Generates and describes patterns using symbols and mathematical expressions.

Skill: Finds the next few terms of a sequence.

Attitude: Demonstrates cooperation in the given activity.

II. Materials
- Whiteboard and markers

- Projector (if available)

- Handouts with sequences

- Graph paper

- Calculators

- Group activity worksheets

III. Procedure

A. Introduction (10 minutes)

1. Motivation: Begin with a quick, engaging activity. Show a series of patterns (both
numerical and visual) and ask students to identify and describe the pattern.

- Example: Show the sequence 2, 4, 6, 8, ... and ask students to predict the next term.

2. Objective Overview: Briefly explain the objectives of the lesson: understanding patterns,
predicting future terms, and working together.

B. Lesson Proper

1. Knowledge Component (15 minutes)

Start by explaining what sequences are and how they can be represented using
mathematical expressions. Emphasize the importance of identifying and describing patterns
in sequences.

Types of Sequences: Introduce arithmetic and geometric sequences.

- Arithmetic Sequence: Explain with examples how each term is generated by adding a
constant difference.

- Geometric Sequence: Explain with examples how each term is generated by multiplying
by a constant ratio.

Symbolic Representation: Show how to represent sequences using symbols.

- Example: For an arithmetic sequence, a_n = a_1 + (n-1) · d

- Example: For a geometric sequence, a_n = a_1 · r^(n-1)

2. Skill Component (20 minutes)

Finding Next Terms: Provide examples and walk through the process of finding the next
terms of a given sequence.

- Example 1: Given the sequence 3, 6, 9, 12, ..., find the 5th, 6th, and 7th terms.

- Example 2: Given the sequence 5, 10, 20, 40, ..., find the 5th, 6th, and 7th terms.

Practice: Distribute handouts with sequences and have students practice finding the next
few terms individually.

Review: Go over the practice problems as a class to ensure understanding.

3. Attitude Component (25 minutes)

Group Activity: Divide students into small groups and give each group a different sequence
to work on.

Activity Instructions:

1. Identify the type of sequence.

2. Write the formula for the nth term.

3. Calculate the next three terms.

4. Present findings to the class.

Cooperation Focus: Emphasize the importance of working together, sharing ideas, and
helping each other during the activity.

Presentation: Each group presents their sequence, the identified pattern, the formula, and
the next three terms.

C. Conclusion (10 minutes)

Recap: Summarize the key points covered: types of sequences, finding next terms, and
working cooperatively.
Reflection: Have students reflect on what they learned and how they worked together.
Encourage them to share their thoughts.

Assignment: Assign a few sequences for homework where students need to identify the
type, write the formula, and find the next few terms.

D. Assessment
Formative Assessment: Observe students during the group activity to assess their
understanding and cooperation.

Homework: Check the homework for accuracy and understanding of sequence identification
and term prediction.

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