Conjunctions that are commonly used to express consequences include

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Conjunctions that are commonly used to express consequences include:

1. So:
It was raining, so we decided to stay indoors.
2. Therefore:
 She didn't study for the exam; therefore, she didn't perform well.
3. Consequently:
 The traffic was heavy; consequently, we arrived late to the meeting.
4. Thus:
 The budget was approved, thus allowing the project to proceed.
5. Hence:
 The flight was delayed, hence I missed my connecting flight.
6. As a result:
 He didn't complete the assignment on time; as a result, he received a lower grade.
7. For this reason:
 She was feeling unwell, for this reason, she couldn't attend the event.
8. Due to this:
 The product was recalled due to safety concerns; due to this, the company
suffered financial losses.
9. In consequence:
 The experiment failed; in consequence, the team had to reassess their approach.
10. Owing to this:
 The weather conditions were unfavorable; owing to this, the outdoor event was

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