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QUÝ 3/2023 (09/2023 - 12/2023)

Tài liệu bao gồm các đề Task 1 & 2 dự đoán có khả năng cao sẽ xuất hiện trong Quý

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vọng tài liệu forecast sẽ giúp các e ôn luyện được tốt hơn ở kỹ năng Writing này.

Chúc các em sớm đạt Aim!


The chart shows requests for information at a tourist office in the United
Kingdom from January to June

The line graph details statistics about the information queries received by a tourist
office in the United Kingdom between January and June. Overall, while the number of
inquiries by person and phone increased, the reverse trend was seen in letter or email
requests. Moreover, the most significant rise was seen in direct requests which
surpassed the other means of communication.

The number of questions made by telephone conversation started at the highest result
of about 900. Despite decreasing by about 100 by February, it experienced a recovery
to exactly 1,000 one month later. After remaining stable until April, it surged
dramatically to a high of 1,600 in the end.

Concerning written requests, just under 800 of them were collected in the first month.
By May, this number nearly halved to slightly under 400 inquiries, followed by a
period of stability for the rest of the term.

Finally, direct information requests at the premise had the lowest number at the
beginning, at approximately 410. Thereafter, it nearly doubled to 800 questions by

March before continuing to grow more rapidly and consistently to the overall highest
point of roughly 1,900 by the final month. (193 words)

The bar chart below shows the results of a survey and shows factors affecting
work performance

The bar graph illustrates the proportion of 10 factors that impact work performance,
from questionnaire results, among employees of two different age groups: 18-30 and
45-60 years old. Overall, a higher percentage of the younger cohort were generally
affected by those elements than the older cohort. Additionally, personal growth
opportunity is the major reason behind younger employees’ work performance,
whereas salary is the key driver for their older counterparts.

Looking first at the categories with higher results in the younger cohort, about 85%,
just over 80%, and around 80%, respectively, of employees aged 18-30 are motivated
by personal advancement chances, promotion opportunities, and a enjoyable work
setting, whereas the corresponding shares for those aged 45-60 are much lower, at
roughly 40%, around 55%, and over 30%, in that order. Financial rewards and job
satisfaction inspire approximately 75% and 60% of the younger group, respectively,
slightly higher than those of the older group. Meanwhile, the percentage of job
security of young employees doubles old employees, at about 40% compared to 20%.

Regarding the remaining factors which have higher proportions in the older cohort,
about three fifths think a competent boss is important, while roughly half believe
respect from co-workers is their work motivating element, which are around 10%
higher than those of the younger group. Finally, in both age groups, about 65% value
teamwork, while approximately 30% emphasize the working environment. (230

The charts below show the number of people in Europe who were affected by
four types of noise by day and by night in cities and rural areas in 2007.

The bar graphs illustrate how many people, in millions, in Europe were annoyed by
four different noise sources during the daytime and nighttime in urban and countryside
areas in 2007. Overall, traffic was the dominant noise source that affected residents in
both areas. Additionally, more people were affected by noise during the day than at
night, with city dwellers being more impacted than those in the countryside.

Looking first at the dominant noise sources, in cities, traffic noise disturbed 64 million
in the daytime and 48 million at night, which almost doubled the figures of rural
residents, at 34 million and 24 million, respectively. It was followed by train noise,
which affected 10 million city residents during the daytime and 8 million city

inhabitants after dark, 2 million higher in each part of the day than the respective
numbers of countryside dwellers.

Regarding the less common noise types, noise from flights was annoying to 4 million
people residing in cities and 2 million people in the countryside during the day. When
the night came, it distracted the same number of people in both areas, at 1 million.
Finally, industrial noise affected only 1 million city dwellers in the day and 250.000 at
night, whereas it was not a problem at all to those in rural areas. (217 words)

The diagrams show a museum and its surroundings in 1990 and 2010.

The maps compare two layouts of a particular museum and its environs in 1990 and
2010. Overall, there were several changes to the design of the museum and its
surroundings, with the most noticeable alterations being the extension of the car park
and the addition of a cafe.

Internally, the entire building on the left side of the map was expanded in size towards
the path. The two adjoining exhibition rooms to the right of the entrance, which is
located on the right side of the building, were made into one single room, whereas the
exhibition room to its left was totally demolished to make room for expanding the
shop next to it. The storeroom in the corner was the only construction that remained
unchanged over the years.

Regarding the external structures, in the bottom left corner of the map, a new cafe was
erected on the original site of the cottage. Meanwhile, the garden by the main road
which runs horizontally along the bottom of the map had been completely removed by
2010 to give space for another car park, while the path next to it was expanded in size.

Finally, the main road and the garden that runs the width of the upper section were left
untouched. (209 words)

The pie charts show information about energy production in a country in two
separate years

The pie charts illustrate the percentage of energy produced by different means in a
particular country in two different years, 1995 and 2005. Overall, coal and gas made
up the majority of the total energy production in both years. Moreover, all types of
energy had an increase in their production, with the exception of petro.

Looking first at the two dominant kinds of energy, coal initially accounted for 29.8%
of the energy production, closely followed by gas, which started at 29.63%. Over the
decade, both witnessed an upward trend, with the final figures being 30.93% for the
former and 30.31% for the latter.

Regarding the remaining sources of energy, petro made up 29.27% in 1995 but by
2005, this share had reduced by about 10%, falling to 19.55%. Contrastingly, nuclear
and other energies’ production almost doubled over the 10-year period, from 6.4% to
10.10% and from 4.9% to 9.10%, respectively. (160 words)

The process of Pu-erh Raw Tea and Ripe Tea. Summarize the information by
selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The infographic demonstrates how pu-erh ripe tea and raw tea are produced. Overall,
the first half of the process in making both types of tea is the same, but in the final
half, the former involves fermentation and compression, whereas the latter comprises
compression and natural aging.

Looking at the shared process, the newly-picked tea leaves are fried in a huge pan to
inactivate their enzymes. They are then rolled and dried under the sun to produce
loose raw tea. Once this is finished, the tea is split for the two different tea production

To produce the pu-erh ripe version, half of the loose raw tea is fermented by mold to
make loose ripe tea, it is at this step that the tea turns from green to brown. Thereafter,
it is compressed and the pu-erh ripe version is produced.

Regarding the pu-erh raw tea, it is made when the loose raw tea passes through the
compression step. This is followed by the aging step where it is stored, ages, and
eventually becomes brown vintage pu-erh raw tea. (178 words)

The diagram details the process of making smoked fish.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.

The infographic demonstrates how smoked fish are produced. Overall, this linear
process comprises several stages, from catching fish in the sea to processing them in
manufacturers to when trucks carry the final products to fish shops to be purchased by
the end customer.

Focusing first on the catching and processing phrases, the fish are caught in nets and
brought to boats, then they are shipped to a port, from which they are moved to a
manufacturing site. Following that, they are frozen in boxes before being thawed with
fresh water. In the next step, they are cut open and soaked in salt water mixed with a
yellow coloring agent. Thereafter, the yellow-colored fish are smoked using a specific
smoking tool.

Turning to the packaging and distribution stages, the freshly-smoked fish are placed
into boxes. This is followed by the freezing step when they are frozen in boxes at a
temperature of 0 degree Celsius before being transferred to a cold storage. Finally, the
finished products are transported in lorries to fish stores where they are purchased by
customers. (178 words)

The table below shows information about age, average income per person and
population below poverty line in three states in the USA.

The table compares two age groups, average salary per person and poor demographics
of three states in the US, namely, California, Utah and Florida. Overall, the largest
financial disparity is found in California. Additionally, Utah has the highest
proportion of youngsters, whereas Florida has the largest aged population share.

Looking first at the financial factors, a Californian citizen earns $23,000 each year on
average, closely followed by a resident in Florida who earns $22,000, but that of Utah
is considerably lower, only at $17,000. Despite making the highest average income,
up to 16% of people residing in California live in poverty, whereas that is the case for
12% and 9% of the populations of Florida and Utah, respectively.

Regarding the age elements, Utah is the youngest state out of the three with 28% of its
population below 18 years old, much higher than California and Florida, with the
respective figures being 17% and 16%. Utah is also the least aged state, in which
elderly aged above 60 make up only 8% of its population, while over one fifth of
Florida’s citizens and 13% of California’s dwellers belong to this older cohort. (93

The map below show the changes that occurred to a town named Willington in
11780, 1860 and 2000.

The maps compare the three layouts of Willington town in 1780, 1860 and 2000.
Overall, the town experienced significant development throughout the period, with the
major changes being the removal of farms and forested areas, the addition of
accommodation and facilities, and the construction of transportation infrastructure.

Looking at the changes from 1780 to 1860, to the right of the town’s river that flows
from top to bottom along the left side, four farmlands were located. Moving to the far-
right section, there were two villages with 100 houses in the top corner and trees
below them. Over the 80-year period, a bridge was erected across the river and a road
was also built to connect it with the nearby residential area. There was another village
constructed and the total number of houses doubled. Contrastingly, the farmlands and
treed areas were reduced by half.

In 2000, a bird wetland was erected at the lower end of the river, while a line of shops
was built alongside the right riverbank. The remaining forest was removed to make
way for several amenities, including 2 schools and 3 sport fields. A road was
constructed to connect those facilities with the villages, which doubled in number and
housed up to 500 homes. While the farms were totally removed, the bridge and the
road at the top remained unchanged. (223 words)

The line graph illustrates the length of time that immigrants planned to stay in the UK
from 2000 to 2008, while the pie chart displays different motivations behind migration
decisions in 2008. Overall, the largest and growing number of the immigrants to the
UK over the eight-year period intended to stay up to two years, and the primary reason
for migration in 2008 was for employment.

Looking first at the line graph, the initial numbers of immigrants who wanted to stay
in the UK for two years and four years or above were relatively similar, at around
140,000 each. Thereafter, the former rose steadily to roughly 250,000 by the end,
whereas the latter marginally increased and finished at about 150,000. Migrants
expecting to relocate for two-to-four years started with a much lower result, at only
about 70,000. It slightly declined to approximately 50,000 in 2002 but by the final
year, it had doubled to around 100,000.

Regarding the pie chart, nearly 40% and almost one third of the migrants surveyed
stated that they moved to the UK to pursue their career and study, respectively.
Meanwhile, those who migrated to accompany or reunite with their family made up
16% of the migrant population, over double the statistics of other purposes and
without a specific reason, at 7% each. (223 words)


Some children have to live at different places during their childhood because of
transferable jobs from their parents. What are the advantages and disadvantages
of living in different places in childhood on child development?


Many minors are compelled to relocate in their formative years due to their parent’s
job requirements. The merits and demerits associated with this trend concerning
children’s growth are both worth-considering.

On the one hand, the positive implications of a transient childhood on the

development of a child are significant. The foremost one is that youths can be exposed
to cultural diversity. In fact, each place may have its unique cultures and customs in
which young people can learn to adapt and adopt novel lifestyles. As a result, they can
expand their horizons and improve their tolerance toward cultural differences as they
transition into adulthood. Moreover, they may become more independent. Moving
frequently requires children to quickly adjust to new environments and face unfamiliar
situations which require independent living abilities. For example, I had to learn to
prepare breakfast and pack my own lunch box when our family moved to Australia
from Vietnam and my parents had to leave home very early for work.

On the other hand, this phenomenon can be challenging for young people. A major
issue is that moving home too many times may adversely affect their emotional well-
being. It can be difficult for them to form meaningful and long-lasting relationships
because they are scared of losing their newly-established connection with their peers,
leading to a sense of isolation. Another possible drawback is that this can disrupt their
academic progress. Students have to learn new school curricula and pedagogical
methods due to differences in educational systems. Consequently, they may lose their
study momentum which can result in decreased school performance.

In conclusion, frequent relocations as resulting from parents’ occupational demands

can confer exposure to diverse cultures and traditions as well as enhance children’s
independence. However, the disadvantages of disturbed mental welfare and
fragmented education are also concerning. Where possible, parents should strive to
employ supportive approaches to help mitigate the potential drawbacks, ensuring a
holistic development for youths. (325 words)

Highlight Vocabulary:

English Vietnam
Compelled Bị ép buộc

Formative Hình thành

Worth-considering Đáng xem xét

Tolerance Sự khoan dung

Newly-established Mới thành lập

Pedagogical Thuộc về giáo dục

Momentum Động lực
Confer Trao đổi (or) trao tặng

Disturbed Lo lắng

Welfare Phúc lợi

Fragmented Bị phân mảnh

Some feel that cities should be designed to be beautiful while others feel their
functionality is more important. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.


Many cite that the urban designs of many cities should look beautiful, whereas others
contend that cities should function properly. Both notions have their merits; however,
I am of the opinion that in order to thrive, cities should emphasise on its practical

Proponents of beautiful cities argue that these places can bring many benefits to their
citizens and the overall development of these regions. On a personal level, beautifying
a city can engender a sense of collective pride in the citizenry. Individuals can feel
proud when introducing their regions to friends who live in different parts of the
country or even the world. Hence, urban beautification likely forge stronger bonds
amongst dwellers living in the same city, thus forming a sense of patriotism.
Moreover, metropolitan areas with beauty sceneries can help boost tourism. These
places can serve as famous tourist destinations which attract an influx of visitors
annually, contributing to the local government revenue.

Nonetheless, I believe cities that have more practical functions can serve as the
backbone for economic growth. The fundamental components of cities should include
certain basic amenities, including healthcare centres, educational institutions or a web
of public infrastructure, which help them operate smoothly. Otherwise, they would lag
behind more developed cosmopolitan regions, causing the phenomenon of urban
escape. For example, people in Hanoi, Vietnam, will likely trade-off between an
effective plan for drainage over the construction of a new colossal statue only for
aesthetic values. Another justification in favour of cities' functionality is that more
multinationals and local enterprises are willing to invest their money to establish a
business in these areas. As a result, they can create more job opportunities for the
locals which give them sustainable income to enjoy higher living standards.

In conclusion, although cities with attractive appearance can instil a sense of

community and benefit the tourism industry, I firmly assert that they should be more
well-functional. This is because practical designs enable cities to boost their economy
and receive more inbound investment. (333 words)

Highlight Vocabulary:

English Vietnam
Engender Gây ra (or) sinh ra

Patriotism Tình yêu quê hương

Institutions Các cơ quan (or) tổ chức

Lag Sự chậm trễ (or) kém

Cosmopolitan Toàn cầu hóa (or) đa văn hóa

Trade-off Sự đánh đổi (or) sự thỏa hiệp

Drainage Hệ thống thoát nước (or) sự thoát nước
Colossal Khổng lồ (or) to lớn

Enterprises Các doanh nghiệp (or) công ty

Instil Truyền đạt (or) thấm nhuần

Assert Khẳng định (or) tự tin

Inbound Hướng vào trong nước

Some people believe that children of all ages should have extra responsibilities
(for example, helping at home or at work). Others believe that, outside of school,
children should be free to enjoy their lives. Discuss both views and give your own


Opinions diverge on whether all minors of various age cohorts should bear additional
obligations including doing housework or engaging in part-time jobs or alternatively,
they should have the freedom to select their own activities. I contend that students
should be autonomous to decide their free time activities.

Proponents of youths undertaking more tasks beyond school time support their
arguments with two reasons. The foremost one is that it protects children from
external threats. In today's increasingly complex world, children are exposed to
various dangers and negative influences, both online and offline. By involving them in
responsibilities such as household chores or community activities, parents can create a
safe environment that limits dangerous interactions such as the consumption of
stimulants or access to pornographic content. Moreover, this practice may teach
them valuable social skills such as communication or financial management. For
example, working as a cashier can improve students' financial literacy, and helping
with meal preparation at home may enhance their cooking skills, which are conducive
for their transition into adulthood.

However, an alternative stance argues that it is more important for children to have
autonomy for their choices. One valid factor is that non-compulsory leisure activities
may enable young individuals to nurture their innate talent. To illustrate, those who
are musically talented need more time to practise playing instruments. As a result,
they can have more chances to accomplish their dreams. Furthermore, this can reduce
pressure on children. Adding more assignments either with household chores or part-
time jobs can be stressful, given that they are already overwhelmed with school
workloads. Consequently, older generations should emphasise reducing their stress
level by decreasing extra burdens, thus ensuring a balanced development.

In conclusion, I believe although younger people can be more responsible and they
can also learn certain valuable sets of skills, it is more reasonable to let them freely
choose their leisure pursuits because they can cultivate intrinsic abilities and
experience a lower stress life. Therefore, I feel that they should not be required to
undertake added responsibilities out of school. Where possible, extra tasks given to
children should be thoughtfully considered by their parents. (353 words)

Highlight Vocabulary:

English Vietnam
Diverge Rẽ nhánh, phân ra

Autonomous Tự chủ

Stimulants Chất kích thích

Pornographic Khiêu dâm

Autonomy Tự quản (or) tự chủ

Non-compulsory Không bắt buộc (or) tùy chọn

Nurture Nuôi dưỡng (or) chăm sóc
Innate Bẩm sinh

Pursuits Sự theo đuổi sở thích

Cultivate Trồng trọt (or) nuôi dưỡng

Intrinsic Bản chất (or) nội tại

Some people think that big companies should provide sports and social facilities
for the local community. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Many believe that substantial businesses should construct sports and communal
amenities for the local populace. While I admit that this practice can help promote
companies’ image, I still mostly disagree with this opinion as this may distract them
from their main target and governments should undertake responsibilities of looking
after their citizens.

The first reason for my belief is that offering leisure structures and public gathering
places to the masses can be a distraction for companies’ business activities. This is
because their primary goal is to survive in a hyper-competitive global market and any
extra social obligations can be exorbitantly expensive. Therefore, this action can
decrease their competitiveness and impact their financial stability by diverting
resources to irrelevant purposes rather than investing in research and development or
in-house training, thus driving them away from their core operations.

Moreover, I also consider that these social responsibilities should be associated with
governmental initiatives. In fact, the general public pay tax in hopes of the authorities
providing them with improved public welfare. By allocating the state budget to
develop sports centres and communal venues, policymakers can be seen as more
reliable and promote unity amongst the citizenry.

However, I concede that this can help enterprises enhance their brand awareness. If
companies showcase their commitment to the physical and mental well-being of the
public, they can gain more support. Therefore, this can somehow increase the profit
since businesses can attract more loyal customers that align with companies’ sets of
values, increasing their market share.

In conclusion, I somewhat believe that companies should not bear the role of
developing sports and community infrastructure for society because they might
deviate from their main objectives and governments are responsible for such
construction. However, I acknowledge that this can assist corporations in articulating
a positive organisational image to consumers. Where possible, large conglomerates
should cooperate with the government to provide beneficial amenities to the
population. (314 words)

Highlight Vocabulary:

English Vietnam
Substantial Đáng kể

Communal Cộng đồng (or) chung

Hyper-competitive Cạnh tranh quá độ

Exorbitantly Quá mức (or) cắt cổ

Diverting Chuyển hướng

In-house Nội bộ
Initiatives Sáng kiến (or) đề xuất
Unity Đoàn kết (or) thống nhất

Enterprises Các doanh nghiệp (or) công ty

Deviate Lạc hướng (or) bất thường

Articulating Diễn đạt (or) biểu đạt

These days consumers are faced with an increasing amount of advertising from
various companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by
advertising? What measures should be taken to protect them?


In today’s society, different forms of advertisements are increasingly ubiquitous,

permeating many aspects of life. I largely believe that commercials can negatively
impact consumers by disturbing them and creating an artificial demand for
unnecessary goods; however, action from governments can help combat the issue.

I consider that this marketing strategy can influence the public in many negative ways.
The foremost one is distraction. Constant exposure to advertising can disrupt
individuals' viewing or reading experience or divert their attention to less important
content which is time consuming. For example, non-skippable pop-ups on different
e-commerce websites can cause annoyance and irritation amongst users. Moreover,
many businesses repeatedly exaggerate their mediocre products to create an artificial
perception in consumers, manipulating them into believing that they urgently require
such items. For instance, the promotion of the latest technological gadgets can foster
a sense of obsolescence in existing products, compelling consumers to upgrade

Nonetheless, the authorities can react to curb the worst excesses. The first remedy
involves regulations to mandate that advertisements adhere to certain standards of
honesty, accuracy, and ethics which can curtail misleading claims and protect
consumers from overstated promises and false information. Moreover, education
about the detrimental impacts of advertising is also important. To illustrate,
governments can run certain public awareness campaigns to articulate the common
marketing approaches and psychological tactics which can cause impulsive
purchasing so consumers can make more informed decisions concerning their

In conclusion, I certainly contend that the pervasiveness of advertising can entail

many adverse impacts on shoppers, namely the interruption of leisure experience and
the development of false demand for unneeded commodities. Nevertheless, through
proactive governmental measures, including stringent marketing regulations and
education, the unfavourable outcomes of advertising can be alleviated. (286 words)

Highlight Vocabulary:

English Vietnam
Ubiquitous Phổ biến
Permeating Thấm qua
Non-skippable Không thể bỏ qua

Pop-ups Cửa sổ xuất hiện đột ngột

Irritation Sự khó chịu

Mediocre Trung bình, bình thường
Gadgets Thiết bị, dụng cụ

Foster Nuôi dưỡng, bảo trợ

Obsolescence Sự lỗi thời

Compelling Hấp dẫn, thuyết phục

Curb Kiềm chế, hạn chế

Mandate Quyết định, ủy quyền

Curtail Cắt giảm, hạn chế

Overstated Nói quá, phô trương
Tactics Chiến thuật, mưu kế

Impulsive Bốc đồng

Pervasiveness Sự lan tràn, phổ cập

Stringent Nghiêm ngặt

Unfavourable Bất lợi, không thuận lợi

Doctors should be responsible for educating their patients about how to improve
their health. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Medical practitioners should bear the responsibility of articulating to their patients

about enhancing their well-being. I mostly agree with this opinion as they are highly
reliable and this can contribute to the avoidance of preventable diseases though
governments should also be obliged to inform their citizens about health-related

A valid reason for my agreement is that clinicians often hold high credibility. In fact,
they have to undergo rigorous training and pass many skill-assessment exams in order
to be qualified. Consequently, when doctors articulate the significance of lifestyle
modifications, patients are more likely to consider and implement these changes, thus
improving their overall well-being.

To add further credence is that many preventable diseases can be avoided through an
active role in health communication. For instance, physicians can discuss the
correlation of smoking and lung cancer which can motivate smokers to adopt
healthier lifestyles. As a result, the vulnerability to this fatal disease can decrease

However, I concede that governments' involvement in public health education is

equally essential. They possess resources and authority to implement nationwide
measures that can reach a large share of people. For example, government-led
campaigns concerning active ways of life, the importance of vaccination or the
prevention of contagious diseases can raise the citizenry’s awareness of how to live

In conclusion, I mostly believe that medical practitioners should play a significant role
in educating patients about health improvement as they have high credibility and this
development aids in preventing certain diseases in advance. However, governmental
engagement is equally vital to ensure people follow a healthy lifestyle. Where
possible, cooperation between both groups is necessary to assist the masses to make
informed decisions regarding their health and foster a healthier community. (285

Highlight Vocabulary:

English Vietnam
Practitioners Người thực hành

Well-being Sức khỏe và hạnh phúc

Preventable Có thể ngăn chặn được

Clinicians Bác sĩ chuyên khoa

Credibility Uy tín

Rigorous Nghiêm ngặt

Modifications Sự sửa đổi
Correlation Mối tương quan

Nationwide Toàn quốc

Cooperation Sự hợp tác

Doing an enjoyable activity with a child can develop better skills and more
creativity than reading. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In comparison to reading, minors can promote a more comprehensive set of abilities

and imagination through engaging in pleasurable activities. I mostly agree with this
notion as playful pursuits can offer practical learning and facilitate sensory learning
though perusal can foster imaginative thinking as effectively as entertaining

I believe that youths can acquire pragmatic learning experiences from partaking in
enjoyable pastimes. These activities including playing music, solving puzzles or
participating in interactive games can produce a fertile environment to translate any
learnt theories into practical scenarios. For example, young people can cultivate
teamwork or communication skills when playing a soccer game or they can refine
their problem-solving ability when playing board games.

Moreover, I also consider that these pursuits can assist children in multi-sensor
learning. Activities like building with blocks, or crafting necessitates the use of their
senses in dynamic ways. To illustrate, sand play allows them to interact with the
granular texture of the sand, experiencing its unique feel under their fingers.

However, I concede that the benefit of habitual reading to creativity is equally

significant. In certain circumstances, particularly perusing a novel, readers have to
utilise their imaginative thinking to interpret and visualise fictional characters, places
and story plots. For instance, when reading Peter Pan, they have to utilise their brain
to construct the unreal world of Neverland, immersing themselves in the adventure of
the protagonist.

In conclusion, I somewhat contend that leisure recreations with others are beneficial
for childhood skill and creative development as they provide hands-on experience and
improve juveniles’ health. However, reading habits are also conducive to imaginative
thinking. Therefore, I believe that a multifaceted approach is more important to
facilitate a holistic development of children. (282 words)

Highlight Vocabulary:

English Vietnam
Minors Người dưới 18 tuổi

Sensory Giác quan

Perusal Sự đọc kỹ, xem xét

Endeavours Sự nỗ lực, cố gắng

Partaking Sự tham gia

Scenarios Tình huống, kịch bản

Unique Độc đáo
Habitual Thường xuyên, theo thói quen

Circumstances Tình huống, hoàn cảnh

Fictional Hư cấu

Protagonist Nhân vật chính

Conducive Có lợi, thúc đẩy

Multifaceted Đa mặt, đa chiều

Holistic Toàn diện

Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal.
Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important
for a country. Diss both these views and give your own opinion.


Opinions diverge on whether the main target of governments is to prioritise economic

development or alternatively, other forms of progress hold equal significance for a
nation. I am of the opinion that a thriving society encompasses a variety of factors
rather than a wealthy economy.

Authorities who focus on expanding the economy argue their opinion with two
reasons. The foremost one is that this can ensure improved living standards for the
citizenry. When a country's economy grows, people tend to have more disposable
income, which can be used to access better education, healthcare, or other
extravagant endeavours. For example, since the introduction of new financial
reformation policies in Vietnam, this country has escaped from decades of economic
stagnation, leading to a richer populace. Moreover, as a country becomes
prosperous, it can allocate more resources towards research and development in
various fields, resulting in technological advancements and increased productivity.

However, an alternative stance argues that other drivers deserve equal attention from
policymakers. Chief amongst them is a cohesive society where citizens are not
marginalised or stigmatised regardless of their socioeconomic or racial backgrounds.
Thus, the authorities can reduce social disparities and instil a sense of unity amongst
the public, creating a supportive environment for further communal advancement.
Furthermore, environmental preservation is also very important. The menace of
environmental degradation has been a pressing issue for many years which requires
swift and proactive governmental measures. Otherwise, neglecting the environment
can ultimately undermine the long-term prospects of a healthy populace.

In conclusion, although I admit that ensuring economic prosperity can lead to higher
quality of life and foster scientific innovations, I feel that it cannot stand alone and it
is more reasonable to allocate equivalent effort and resources to other critical aspects
such as social cohesion and environmental sustainability. Where possible, a
comprehensive approach to progress must emphasise a collection of components to
secure a sustainable development for a nation. (317 words)

Highlight Vocabulary:

English Vietnam
Prioritise Ưu tiên

Encompasses Bao gồm

Disposable Có thể vứt bỏ sau khi sử dụng

Extravagant Hoang phí, phô trương

Endeavours Sự nỗ lực, cố gắng

Reformation Sự cải cách

Stagnation Sự trì trệ
Prosperous Thịnh vượng

Policymakers Người làm chính sách

Marginalised Bị gạt ra ngoài lề

Stigmatised Bị kỳ thị

Socioeconomic Kinh tế xã hội

Disparities Sự chênh lệch, bất bình đẳng

Instil Truyền đạt, truyền dạy

Communal Cộng đồng

Some people say that to prevent illness and disease, governments should focus
more on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems. To what extent
do you agree or disagree?


In the quest for public health and well-being, addressing environmental pollution and
housing problems should receive more attention from the authorities. I mostly agree
with this opinion.

Firstly, reducing environmental pollution is crucial in the fight against illness. To

illustrate, air pollution is linked to respiratory diseases such as asthma or
pneumonia. Furthermore, water pollution can result in the spread of waterborne
diseases like cholera and dysentery. Government policies that focus on reducing
these impacts of these pollutants can improve air and water quality, leading to a
healthier populace.

Secondly, addressing housing problems is equally vital in disease prevention.

Inadequate housing conditions, such as overcrowding and lack of proper sanitation
facilities, can foster the spread of infectious complications. Tuberculosis, for instance,
thrives in crowded and poorly ventilated spaces. Governments must invest in
affordable housing initiatives to provide safe and healthy living conditions, thereby
reducing the transmission of contagious diseases.

However, I concede that to achieve comprehensive disease prevention, public

education about healthier lifestyles is essential. For example, policy makers can run
public awareness campaigns to articulate about the importance of regular exercise and
greener diets or the avoidance of harmful habits such as smoking or consuming
alcohol. As a result, these programs can enable the citizenry to make informed
decisions regarding their well-being.

In conclusion, I somewhat contend that illness and disease can be curbed by

governments prioritising solving environmental contamination and addressing
housing issues. Nonetheless, a comprehensive approach that includes education on
healthier ways of life should be integrated with the previously discussed measures.
(255 words)

Highlight Vocabulary:

English Vietnam
Respiratory Hô hấp

Asthma Hen suyễn

Pneumonia Viêm phổi

Waterborne Lây truyền qua nước

Cholera Tả

Dysentery Bệnh kiết lỵ

Infectious Lây nhiễm
Transmission Sự truyền tải

Citizenry Quyền công dân

Contamination Sự nhiễm độc, ô nhiễm

Some people believe that increasing tax on various
industries will reduce pollution whereas others believe that there
are better alternative ways. Discuss both the view and give your


Opinions diverge on whether the imposition of higher taxes on numerous sectors can
effectively combat environmental degradation or alternatively, there exist more
helpful methods. I believe there are superior substitutions.

Proponents of elevated taxation on diverse economic sectors to alleviate pollution

argue its efficacy with two reasons. Chief amongst them is that this can encourage the
leverage of more sustainable technological advancements. When faced with increased
operating costs, companies are motivated to invest in cleaner technologies and
practices. For example, the implementation of a significant tax on single-use plastics
prompted manufacturers to adopt biodegradable materials for packaging. Moreover,
this reformation can contribute to the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. This is
because many carbon-intensive industries would have to evaluate their operation in
which they have to limit their production to lower their carbon footprints.

However, an alternative stance suggests that there are more viable measures. One of
which is the introduction of rigorous environmental regulations. The authorities
should heavily punish organisations that allegedly pollute the environment. To
illustrate, the business licence of a multinational was stripped and many board
members were sentenced to prison by the Vietnamese government for their illicit
waste discharge into the sewer. Furthermore, policymakers can run public awareness
campaigns to educate their citizens to make environmentally conscious choices in
their daily lives. Simple actions such as recycling, conserving electricity or water or
using mass transportation can contribute significantly toward environmental
preservation when being conducted by a large group.

In conclusion, although I admit that heightening taxes on assorted businesses can

address pollution by promoting the utilisation of cleaner production techniques and
decreasing carbon emissions, I feel that this necessitates a multifaceted approach
namely stricter environmental policies and public education concerning eco-friendly
practices. Where possible, collective strategies from many cohorts are highly
recommended to counter the complexity of this predicament. (324 words)

Highlight Vocabulary:

English Vietnam
Imposition Sự áp đặt

Substitutions Sự thay thế

Implementation Thực hiện

Biodegradable Phân hủy sinh học

Illicit Bất hợp pháp

Heightening Sự tăng cao

Multifaceted Đa mặt, đa chiều
Eco-friendly Thân thiện với môi trường

Collective Tập thể

Cohorts Nhóm

Predicament Tình thế khó khăn, tình huống khó xử

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