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Customer Value Journey

Awareness Stage - First ever interaction that we will have with our prospects is all about giving
the very first impression about your product.

Blog Post, Image, Video.

Engagement - It has to be good. We are engaging our prospects in our blog post, watches your
video or may be liking or commenting or sharing your stuff.

Subscription (Lead Magnet) - What you should ideally do is take the people to your blog
where you have your signup forms all placed (strategically), giving away the lead magnets. The
goal is:

1.) To generate Trust by giving Good Value in your blog post

2.) To collect that Optin

No.1 - You are going to give away some value to your prospects.
You will be throwing some more emails towards your prospects - some more learnings for them.
The goal is to Enhance the Trust.

Convert (Tripwire) - Our goal is to sell a mini product.


In this conversion stage - you are selling a product which is a small value product.

Something which is of Huge Value - Even then you are offering it for $7-$9.

The reason for that is:

* That you want to start a Buying Relationship with your prospects

This step will involve: Customer Paying You Money | You giving them Huge Value in

Your customer will feel safe about giving you money even in future.

Your customer knows that my money is safe with this person.

Tripwire - Tripwire can be ANYTHING where you are giving GREAT Value in exchange of a
Very Very LOW Price.

Make your Tripwire in a way that you would want to spend at least $50 on it.
Our goal is to make every stage of the customer value journey a ‘No-Brainer’
Will the other person will pay $7 for it?

An Absolute Must - You giving them Huge Value in exchange.

Psychology - Pays $7/$19 - HUGE VALUE
“Oh my god.. In just $7 I have received so much.. What will happen if I buy other
products from me’

Excitement Stage - Make sure that you are giving away HUGE value when you are giving
away whatever you have in exchange.

1.) Prospects gain Money based Trust on you

2.) They know that you will deliver huge value in exchange

Ascend - Business end of the spectrum.

Now you are going to present to them an offer/product which is of good value in terms of money
(that’s where you start making money).
Make sure (again) that you again are delivering a Product of Huge Value.

Core Product, Upsell 1 , Upsell 2, Upsell 3

Advocate - Your customers ARE SO HAPPY with what you offered to them that they are giving
you testimonials, feedbacks.

To give away so much Value in your product that your customers are really happy with what
they bought.

That is only how they will keep on buying from you over & over again.
Promotion Stage - With this step your customers will be RAVING about your product in their
circle. You will be getting sales on autopilot.

Bcz your customers will become your sales representatives and praising you at every place.

An Educated Buyer will definitely buy from you.

Webinars sell a lot.

Daily Assignment -

1.) Plan a Tripwire for your product (In absolute detail)

2.) Share details of your core product | Re-work on your strategy of core
offer TODAY
3.) More Tripwires & More Core Offers

Email the daily assignments to

Any more queries if they come -

Deadline - 4 PM EST

Concept of Upsells:

Why not a Core Product of $600 vs dividing it into Upsells ($47 (C), $67
(U1), $197 (U2), $297 (U3) )
● A
● B
● C
● D
● E
● F
● ……. Z
Yay or Nay


Page 1 - A to F
Page 2 - G to L
...Page 5 - Till feature Z

Small Yay - Yay or Nay


AS of now your product - $1995 (No Upsells) - F1

Lets say if you receive - $500 + $500 + $1000 - F2

Make your upsells in a way - that even if a beggar

comes to your page, he/she is bound to make the
Front End Offering - Would be a complete product in
itself - Whatever price - No Brainer - They feel that if they
are not going with your core product then whatever ‘XYZ’
they want to achieve, they won’t be able to achieve.
OTO 1 - People/ Audience should feel that

1.) This is 10X more Powerful

2.) If I am not buying this, then even my initial purchase
will be a waste of time & money

Never try to be the most competitive player in the market

in terms of PRICE.

Apple or anyone else?

Shutterstock or anyone else?

When you will have your products at a Higher Price your

customer acquisition cost increases.

Always play the VALUE Game.

Concept of Downsells

Core ⇒ Upsell 1 => Upsell 2 =>

If the person buys Upsell 1 - Redirected to U2
If the person doesn’t buy Upsell 1 - Redirected to U2
If the person doesn’t buy Upsell 1 - Introduce Downsell 1

Concept of Bump Offers

1 out of 10
1 in 10
2 in 10
3 in 10

7 out of 40
8 out of 50


Platform Closing - Peng Joon

Core - $10 (

Bump - $37
OTO 1 - $47 (
OTO 2 - $197 (
OTO 3 - $997

Ave. Price - $10

100,000 people are coming to the page - $100,000 is

spent ($1 = 1 click)

10% FE (Core) - 10,000 people converted at FE

In this page - Bump Offer - Bump offer was converting at
16% - 1,600 * 37 = $59,200
10% - OTO 1 - 1000 * $47 = $47,000
10% - OTO 2 - 100 * $197 = $19,700
1% OTO 3 - 1 * $1000 = $1,000
Total Revenue Generated - $126,900
IF 10 => 15% - Revenue - $190,350

We shared the Split Test Versions of Multiple Pages

SB Webinar Reg Split Test Versions:


Rahul Bhatnagar



Communication Mastery Training Links New:



Funnel Creation in practical execution

Thank you page is exactly the page from where your

funnel starts.

Funnel Pages are nothing but simple URLs.

To Create those URLs into a Funnel - the only thing

that you need is a Software.

1.) Public Platform - jvzoo

● Perfect System
● You can get affiliates here easily

● 5% Transaction Fee

2.) Private - ClickFunnels, Thrivecart


1.) We don’t need to pay that 5% Transaction Fee

ThriveCart savings for me - $979.7

Investment - $500

Funnel Creation on Jvzoo:

1.) Create product inside Sellers Dashboard

2.) Create Funnel

ThriveCart -

Click Funnels -

Igloo -

Zapier Deal Link -

Cloaker/ Rotator Automation software:

1.) Click Magick -

2.) Split Test Monkey -

Active Campaign Link:

● Cart Abandonment

What is cart abandonment?

1.) Gathering data of abandoned cart users -
Cart Platforms
All major cart softwares will give you the feature
of passing cart abandon emails.

2.) Adding them into automation -


● Autoresponder Automation
● Analytics
Funnel Mastery Page (Sales Page) -

Funnel Ticket Page (thank you page) -

King of Automation - Zapier

More than 5,000+ Companies


Small Imperfect action >>>> No Action

Pricing Strategy:
The question now is not whether to buy or not.
But the question now is which one to buy.

Traffic Temperature

Over a period of time in your business you will have different kind of audiences:

1.) Buyer (Hot)

2.) They have subscribed to your email list (Warm)
3.) Who visit your blog (Warm/Lukewarm)
4.) Consume your content on social media (Warm/Lukewarm)
5.) Liked your page (Lukewarm)
6.) Cold Audience (Cold)

Whether we should run same Ad for all of them?


You have a new product release.

● First Run Your Ads to Your HOT Set of Audience - Converting (Product/Ad)
● After successful testing in the Hot set of audience, now you are good to go in the Warm
● Cold Audience - 800 Crores

#1 - Build a Good Funnel

#2 - Litmus Testing - Fulfilling the leakages
#3 - Run Ads
People are not looking to be sold, but people are always in hunt of
buying something.

Always write your sales copy for your target audience.

1 hook = 1 problem & 1 solution

My page is all directed towards Business coaches

What if somebody comes from a business coaching niche to my page?

My conversions will FLY.

What if someone from medical profession comes to this page?

My conversions would be dead.

My solution - I would make another page for medical profession business in

which I look like an absolute legend in the medical profession field.
Your conversions will FLY again :)

List Building Funnel

Designrr -

Membership Funnel:

FB List Building Funnel:

FB Lead Ads

General Lead Generation Method:

FB Ad (Traffic) >> Landing Page >> Optin Collection Thing >> Leads

FB Ad (Traffic) >> Landing Page >> Optin Collection Thing >> Leads

FB Ad (Traffic) >> Leads


FB Page >> Publishing Tools >>

Settings: Keep it Open (Not restricted)

Privacy Policy -

Ads Manager >> Campaign Objective should be ‘Lead Generation’

Publish Ad >> Facebook Post With Comments

Copy this URL

& Paste this URL ANYWHERE :)

My goal is to teach you to spend as much money & get it back:

Spending Money:

It is the CHEAPEST method of generating Leads via Facebook.

Now the catch,

1.) A lot of people don’t know about it

Those people who know about it:

1.) Leads that come via Landing Page are much more refined
2.) Even after the lead submit, the lead remains on Facebook
(MANUAL)... this can be tackled with the help of a Software

Software Link -

Sales Funnel

Dolphin Show

All the products of your funnel should be independent deliverables &

they should not affect the delivery of the other deliverables.

1.) In their Seating plan:

Normal Seating + VIP Seating
Normal - 105 Dhirams
VIP - 125 Dhirams
20% Extra Profit

2.) 20 Dhirams to Participate in the Next Upsell (Lucky Draw)

20% People Participated in this.

20% Extra Revenue was generated right over here.

What was the pricing of the show owner to deliver this upsell -
3.) Upsell 3 - Painting Auction

200 Dhirams.

Normal Seat

All the deliverables in your funnel might not attract everyone.

But, if you keep throwing different products in front of them,

there is an opportunity of a sale.
Anything can attract anyone.

4.) Dolphin was invited at the front

And they announced one more time that pay ‘150 Dhirams’ to
have your family picture with the Dolphin.
10% of the audience went for this.

5.) Downsell - Picture with the dummies of Dolphin & Seal.

6.) Complete Shop of Dolphin based Articles

It increased the average customer value of every single

Overall Revenue in Ideal World:

100*100 = 10,000 Dhirams

Overall Revenue in the Sales Funnel:

100*200 = 20,000 Dhirams

200% ROI by having a Good Sales Funnel.

Any more Customer Acquisition.

More Customer Acquisition.

Without doing any more customer acquisition they were able to

make a 200% ROI from the same set of customers.

Do they know their average customer value?


200 Dhirams.

200 Dhirams in the Front End with everything included.

By having higher pricing in the FE, number of customers entering

in the funnel would be less.

90*200 = 18,000 Dhirams.

Let’s say you want to generate $500 from your product.

FE - $100

And, Dolphin Example:

Gate of the Bird Show:

People were given a 25% Discount Coupon for the Bird Show.


Funnel Mastery Weekly #2

We are going to discuss about Funnels inside Facebook™.

There is always a particular sequence that is followed.

By following a sequence I am able to drive a lot more sales than

anyone else.

Whenever I promote something, I like following a sequence:

For the exact same goals the motivating factors can be something

I generally do a 7 Days Promo (Email):

=> Email Explaining the Product

=> Email explaining the product in more detail or other angle
=> Social Proof + Bonuses
=> Testimonials +
=> Story Angle +
=> FAQ (Your Questions Answered)
=> Scarcity (CLOSING) - Fear of Missing Out
Now if its my own launch,
I would follow the same sequence on Facebook™ as well:
Facebook™ Ads Sequence:

3*3 - GRID
A Total of 2 Grids

1 Minute Videos.

$1 per day for all the videos.


6 Videos - Why
6 Videos - How
6 Videos - What

90% of the videos won’t do well. They won’t bring you the
Even if just 10% of the videos do their Magic, you will have a very
successful home run.

Treat All The Platforms as a Storytelling medium.

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