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Submitted to Submitted by
DR. Roshna Varghese Team 8
Shobitha V P, Jestin Joy
Parvathy M, Jubin M P
Rose Mariya Joy, Josmy
Varkey, Jibinlal J D,
Sekou Boubacar Kone,
Kilwake Faith Nafula


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1. Executive Summary


FinWellCo is dedicated to empowering individuals with the knowledge, tools,

and support needed to achieve financial wellness and security. Through the use
of technology and expert guidance, we aim to become a trusted partner in
helping our subscribers navigate their financial journeys and achieve their long-
term financial goals.

Business Overview

FinWellCo addresses the growing need for personalized financial guidance. Our
comprehensive suite of services includes:

 Personalized Financial Coaching: Access to certified financial coaches

for one-on-one guidance tailored to individual financial situations and
 Financial Wellness Assessment: Initial assessments to identify financial
strengths, challenges, and goals.
 Customized Financial Plans: Development of actionable financial plans
covering budgeting, savings, investments, debt management, and
retirement planning.
 Educational Resources: Webinars, workshops, and other educational
content on financial literacy, tax strategies, estate planning, and risk
 Progress Tracking: Tools to monitor progress towards financial goals
and adjust plans as circumstances change.
 Community Support: Peer support and networking opportunities
through forums or discussion groups.

The Team

Our team consists of experienced professionals with extensive expertise in

finance and technology:

 CEO/Founder: Sets the vision and strategy for the company, makes
high-level decisions about policy and strategy, and represents the
company in public forums.
 COO: Manages day-to-day operations and implements business
strategies developed by the CEO.
 CFO: Manages financial planning and analysis, oversees budgeting,
accounting, and financial reporting.
 CTO: Manages technology strategy and implementation, ensures that the
company’s technological infrastructure is efficient and secure.
 Head of Coaching/Lead Coach: Develops coaching programs and
methodologies, ensures the quality and consistency of coaching services.
 CMO: Creates and executes marketing and branding strategies, manages
public relations and advertising efforts.
 Client Relationship Manager: Oversees client interactions and
satisfaction, handles client feedback and resolves issues.
 HR Manager: Manages recruitment, training, and employee
development, handles employee relations and compliance with labor
 Compliance Officer: Ensures compliance with financial regulations and
laws, manages risk and ensures ethical practices.
 Business Development Manager: Identifies growth opportunities and
new markets, develops partnerships and alliances.
 Financial Coaches: Provide personalized financial coaching to clients,
help clients set and achieve financial goals.
 Marketing Specialists: Assist in the execution of marketing campaigns,
manage social media and digital marketing efforts.
 Customer Support Representatives: Handle client inquiries and support
requests, provide assistance with onboarding and technical issues.
 Administrative Staff: Provide administrative support to the management
team, handle scheduling, communications, and office management.

Market Opportunity

The demand for personalized financial guidance is increasing as individuals

face more complex financial decisions. Our target market includes young
professionals starting their careers, individuals planning for retirement, and
those seeking to optimize their financial strategies. Key insights from our
diagnostic sessions with prospective customers include:

 Financial Concerns and Goals: Budgeting, saving for retirement, and

managing debt are primary concerns.
 Desire for Personalized Guidance: Strong interest in tailored financial
advice, especially among young professionals.
 Technology and Accessibility: Customers appreciate features like
progress tracking, interactive tools, and secure online communication
with financial coaches.
 Education and Training: Positive feedback on combining educational
resources with one-on-one coaching.
 Trust and Credibility: High value placed on the credibility of financial
coaches and certified professionals.

Value Proposition
FinWellCo differentiates itself by combining personalized financial coaching
with educational resources on a subscription basis. Our platform offers:

 Holistic Approach: Addressing savings, investments, insurance, and

long-term financial planning.
 Personalization: Adapting to the unique needs and goals of each
 Accessibility: Convenient access to coaching sessions and resources
from any device, anytime and anywhere.

We believe financial wellness is about empowering individuals to achieve their

dreams with confidence. Our subscription-based platform provides the guidance
and support needed at every stage of life.

Keys to Success

Our success will be driven by:

 Innovation: Continuously developing new and improved services.

 Customer Focus: Maintaining high customer satisfaction and loyalty.
 Operational Efficiency: Streamlining operations to reduce costs and
improve margins.
 Strategic Partnerships: Building strong relationships with financial
institutions, employers, and professional organizations.

Financial Plan

This financial plan outlines the financial aspects of FinWellCo, providing a

structured approach to achieving our objectives. Our plan includes detailed
projections of revenue, costs, cash flow, and profitability over three years.
Budget Breakdown

1. Initial Setup Costs:

o Technology infrastructure (website, app development): INR
o Hiring initial staff (coaches, customer support): INR 1,500,000
o Marketing and launch expenses: INR 1,000,000
o Legal and administrative costs: INR 500,000
o Contingency and miscellaneous: INR 500,000
o Total Initial Setup Costs: INR 5,500,000
2. Working Capital Reserve: INR 1,000,000
o To cover initial operational expenses before reaching breakeven.
o Total Budget: INR 7,500,000

Breakeven Analysis

 Average Monthly Subscription Fee: INR 1,500

 Fixed Monthly Costs: INR 300,000 (includes ongoing staff salaries,
technology maintenance, and marketing)
 Variable Costs per Subscriber: INR 500 (covers coaching fees and
personalized content)

Breakeven Calculation

 Contribution Margin per Subscriber: INR 1,500 - INR 500 = INR

 Breakeven Point: INR 300,000 / INR 1,000 = 300 subscribers

We anticipate reaching our breakeven point with 300 subscribers, positioning

FinWellCo for sustainable growth and profitability.


“FinWellCo” aims to empower individuals with the knowledge, tools, and

support needed to achieve financial wellness and security. By using technology
and expert guidance, we aspire to become a trusted partner in helping our
subscribers navigate their financial journeys and achieve their long-term
financial goals.

Product/ Service Description

To effectively meet the unique needs of its customers and generate revenue, we
are planning to intro several strategies:

We will be offering a comprehensive suite of services to meet the diverse needs

of our subscribers:

 Personalized Financial Coaching: Access to certified financial coaches

who provide one-on-one guidance tailored to individual financial
situations and goals.
 Financial Wellness Assessment: Initial assessment to identify financial
strengths, challenges, and goals, forming the basis for personalized
coaching sessions.
 Customized Financial Plans: Development of actionable financial plans
addressing budgeting, savings, investments, debt management, and
retirement planning.
 Educational Resources: Access to educational contents such as webinars,
and workshops covering topics such as financial literacy, tax strategies,
estate planning, and risk management.
 Progress Tracking: Tools to monitor progress towards financial goals and
adjust plans as per the changes in circumstances.
 Community Support: Peer support and networking opportunities through
forums or discussion groups to share experiences and insights.

Revenue Generation Strategies

1.Subscription Model:

We will offer tiered subscription plans (e.g., basic, premium) with varying
levels of access to coaching sessions, educational resources, and interactive
tools. Will implement monthly or annual subscription fees based on the level of
service provided, ensuring scalability and recurring revenue.

2.Additional Services:

Extra charges will be levied on premium features such as access to specialized

financial planning services (e.g., estate planning, tax optimization) or exclusive
content. We will be also hosting paid workshops, seminars, or masterclasses led
by financial experts on advanced topics or specialized areas of interest.

3.Referral Programs:

We are planning to give incentives, credits, or other rewards to the existing

customers for referring it to others, thereby expanding the customer base

4.Partnerships and Sponsorships

We will be collaborating with financial institutions, employers, or professional

organizations to offer subsidized memberships or co-branded services to their
clients or employees.

Market Opportunity
The need for personalized financial guidance is growing as individuals face
increasing complexity in managing finances, planning for retirement, and
navigating economic uncertainties. It targets a broad demographic ranging from
young professionals starting their careers to retirees seeking to optimize their
financial strategies.

During the diagnostic session with prospective customers, we had the following
key insights:

Financial Concerns and Goals:

Many participants expressed concerns about budgeting, saving for retirement,

and managing debt effectively. Their goals varied widely, from short-term
objectives like building an emergency fund to long-term aspirations such as
buying a home or retiring comfortably.

Desire for Personalized Guidance:

Customers emphasized the need for personalized advice tailored to their specific
financial situations and goals. There was a strong interest especially among the
youth, for accessing expert guidance to navigate complex financial decisions
and optimize financial strategies.

Technology and Accessibility:

Customers appreciates features such as progress tracking, interactive tools for

budgeting and savings planning, and the ability to communicate securely with
financial coaches online.

Education and Training:

There was positive feedback on the value proposition of combining educational

resources with one-on-one coaching sessions.

Trust and Credibility:

Participants valued the credibility of financial coaches and the assurance of
working with certified professionals.

Value Proposition

“FinWellCo” differentiates itself by combining personalized financial coaching

with educational resources on a subscription basis. Our platform integrates goal-
setting tools, budgeting assistance, and financial literacy courses to empower
users to achieve their financial goals.

We stand with you in each steps and phases of your financial journey through
our service.

 Holistic Approach: We understand that financial wellness encompasses

more than just budgeting. Our holistic approach addresses savings,
investments, insurance, and long-term financial planning.
 Personalization: No two financial journeys are alike. Our platform adapts
to your evolving needs and goals, ensuring that you receive the most
relevant advice and support.
 Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: Enjoy the convenience of accessing your
personalized coaching sessions and resources from any device, whenever
and wherever it suits you.

We believe financial wellness isn’t just about managing money—it’s about

empowering you to achieve your dreams with confidence. Our subscription-
based platform offers personalized financial coaching that adapts to your unique
goals and circumstances, ensuring you have the guidance and support you need
at every stage of your life.

Defining the Market

The financial wellness coaching market includes a wide range of services

designed to improve individuals' and businesses' financial health. This market
comprises budgeting assistance, debt management strategies, investment advice,
and overall financial planning. The proliferation of digital technology has
revolutionized the delivery of these services, making them accessible via online
platforms and mobile apps. This evolution has been fuelled by a growing
recognition of the importance of financial literacy and the need for convenient,
personalized financial solutions.

Target Audience and Customer Segmentation

Our primary target audience consists of individuals aged 25 to 45. This

demographic is typically tech-savvy, financially motivated, and seeking stability
and growth in their personal finances. They are comfortable with digital
solutions, making them an ideal market for an app-based service. Psycho
graphically, they are interested in personal development, value convenience, and
are proactive in managing their financial well-being. The secondary target
audience includes SMEs across various industries such as technology, retail, and
services. These businesses, typically with 10 to 250 employees, seek
comprehensive financial wellness programs for their employees and robust
financial planning tools for business management.

Market Size and Growth Potential

The global financial wellness market was valued at approximately $2.5 billion
in 2021 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
15% from 2022 to 2030. This growth is driven by heightened awareness of
financial literacy, economic uncertainties, and the increasing adoption of digital
financial tools. The demand for personalized, accessible financial coaching is
expanding as more individuals and businesses recognize the importance of
financial health in achieving long-term stability and success.

Market Share Projection

Initially, the platform aims to capture a 1-2% share of the financial wellness
market within the first two years. This early growth will focus on attracting
early adopters and tech-savvy individuals through targeted marketing and a
robust user experience. Over the next five years, the goal is to expand the
market share to 5-7%. This will be achieved by leveraging strategic
partnerships, scaling up marketing efforts, and continuously enhancing the
platform with new features and services tailored to user needs.

Product and Service Positioning

The platform's unique selling proposition lies in its personalized approach to

financial coaching, delivered through an intuitive website and mobile app. Key
features include one-on-one coaching sessions with certified financial advisors,
a suite of comprehensive financial tools (such as budgeting, debt management,
and investment planning), and a wealth of educational resources like articles,
videos, and webinars. The interactive and customizable nature of the financial
plans distinguishes the platform from competitors, providing users with tailored
strategies to achieve their financial goals.


The competitive landscape includes both direct and indirect competitors. Direct
competitors such as Mint, Personal Capital, and You Need A Budget (YNAB)
offer financial planning and budgeting tools, but often lack the personalized
coaching element. Indirect competitors include traditional financial advisors and
banks that provide financial planning services, as well as online educational
platforms like Coursera and Udemy that offer courses on financial literacy. The
platform's emphasis on personalized coaching and digital accessibility sets it
apart in this crowded market.


Promotional strategies for the financial wellness coaching platform include

offering free trials to attract new users, implementing referral programs to
leverage word-of-mouth marketing, and running special promotions during key
financial periods. Content marketing, social media campaigns, and influencer
partnerships will enhance visibility and engagement. Targeted email marketing,
webinars, and online workshops will educate and convert potential users.
Partnerships with employers can expand reach through employee wellness
programs. SEO and PPC advertising will drive traffic, while user testimonials
and a community forum will build trust and loyalty, showcasing success stories
and fostering a supportive user environment.

Communication Strategy

The platform's brand message, "Empower your financial future with

personalized coaching and comprehensive tools," will be conveyed through
various marketing channels. Digital marketing efforts will include search engine
optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and social media
campaigns. Content marketing will focus on providing valuable information
through blogs, videos, and webinars. Email marketing campaigns will target
potential and existing customers with personalized offers and updates.
Partnerships with financial influencers and testimonials will enhance credibility
and reach.
Sales and Distribution Channels

The primary sales and distribution channels will be the platform's website and
mobile app, providing users with direct access to services. Strategic partnerships
will be sought with employers to offer the platform as an employee benefit, as
well as with financial institutions and educational platforms to expand reach.
The sales strategy will focus on digital sales through targeted online marketing
and data analytics to identify and engage potential customers. A dedicated
customer success team will support user onboarding and retention, ensuring a
seamless and satisfying experience.

Implementation Plan

To ensure the platform's success, a robust technology infrastructure will be

developed and maintained, emphasizing security, scalability, and user-friendly
design. Key hires will include certified financial advisors, customer support
staff, marketing professionals, and tech developers to build and sustain the
platform. Customer service will be a priority, with multi-channel support (email,
chat, phone) available to assist users and address their needs promptly.
Continuous updates and feature enhancements will keep the platform relevant
and valuable to users, driving long-term growth and retention.

Executive Level

1. CEO/Founder

- Sets the vision and strategy for the company.

- Makes high-level decisions about policy and strategy.

- Represents the company in public forums.

2. COO (Chief Operating Officer)

- Manages day-to-day operations.

- Implements business strategies developed by the CEO.

3. CFO (Chief Financial Officer)

- Manages financial planning and analysis.

- Oversees budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting.

4. CTO (Chief Technology Officer)

- Manages technology strategy and implementation.

- Ensures that the company’s technological infrastructure is efficient and


Middle level

5. Head of Coaching/Lead Coach

- Develops coaching programs and methodologies.

- Ensures the quality and consistency of coaching services.

6. CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)

- Creates and executes marketing and branding strategies.

- Manages public relations and advertising efforts.

7. Client Relationship Manager

- Oversees client interactions and satisfaction.

- Handles client feedback and resolves issues.

8.HR Manager

- Manages recruitment, training, and employee development.

- Handles employee relations and compliance with labor laws.

9. Compliance Officer

- Ensures compliance with financial regulations and laws.

- Manages risk and ensures ethical practices.

10. Business Development Manager

- Identifies growth opportunities and new markets.

- Develops partnerships and alliances.

Support Staff

11. Financial Coaches

- Provide personalized financial coaching to clients.

- Help clients set and achieve financial goals.

12. Marketing Specialists

- Assist in the execution of marketing campaigns.

- Manage social media and digital marketing efforts.

13. Customer Support Representatives

- Handle client inquiries and support requests.

- Provide assistance with onboarding and technical issues.

14. Administrative Staff

- Provide administrative support to the management team.

- Handle scheduling, communications, office management.

Working structure

 Client Onboarding Process

1.Initial Inquiry and Consultation

Marketing Team: Generates leads through various channels (website, social

media, ads).

Client Relationship Manager: Handles initial inquiries and schedules free


Financial Coach: Conducts the initial consultation to understand the client's

needs and explain the coaching process.

2. Client Assessment and Goal Setting

Financial Coach: Performs a detailed financial assessment using proprietary

tools and questionnaires.

Client: Provides necessary financial documents and information.

Financial Coach: Works with the client to set specific, measurable financial

 Coaching Process

3. Personalized Financial Plan Development

Financial Coach: Develops a customized financial plan based on the assessment

and goals.
Technology Team: Ensures the financial planning software is up-to-date and

Compliance Officer: Reviews the plan for adherence to financial regulations

and best practices.

4. Regular Coaching Sessions

Financial Coach: Schedules and conducts regular coaching sessions (weekly, bi-
weekly, or monthly) to review progress and adjust the plan as needed.

Client Relationship Manager: Checks in with clients between sessions to

address any immediate concerns and gather feedback.

Support Staff: Helps with scheduling and administrative tasks related to

coaching sessions.

5. Ongoing Support and Resources

Financial Coach : Provides clients with ongoing support, including educational

materials, tools, and resources.

Marketing Team : Manages content creation for blogs, newsletters, and social
media to keep clients engaged and informed.

Technology Team : Maintains an online portal or app where clients can access
their plans, resources, and communication with their coach.

Performance Tracking and Feedback

6. Progress Tracking

Financial Coach: Monitors the client’s progress towards their financial goals
using tracking tools and regular check-ins.

Client: Provides updates on their financial situation and any changes that may
affect their plan.
Technology Team : Ensures the tracking systems are functional and data is

7. Feedback Loop

Client Relationship Manager: Collects feedback from clients after each session
and periodically throughout the coaching relationship.

Financial Coach: Adjusts coaching strategies based on client feedback and


HR Manager: Facilitates training and development for coaches based on

feedback and performance metrics.

Business Development and Strategy

8. Market Analysis and Strategy Development

Business Development Manager: Conducts market research to identify new

opportunities and trends.

CMO: Develops strategies to attract new clients and retain existing ones.

CEO/Founder makes strategic decisions based on market analysis and business


9. Partnerships and Alliances

Business Development Manager: Identifies and negotiates partnerships with

other financial service providers, technology firms, and educational institutions.

Compliance Officer: Ensures all partnerships comply with relevant regulations

and standards.

Administrative and Operational Support

10. Administrative Support

Administrative Staff: Handles scheduling, client communication, billing, and
other administrative tasks.

Operations Manager: Oversees the administrative team and ensures efficient


11.Financial Management

CFO: Manages the business’s finances, including budgeting, forecasting, and

financial reporting.

Finance Team: Supports the CFO with day-to-day financial operations and
client billing.

Continuous Improvement

12. Training and Development

HR Manager: Organizes regular training sessions for financial coaches and

support staff.

Financial Coach: Participates in ongoing professional development to stay

updated on industry trends and best practices.

13. Technology and Innovation

CTO: Leads the development and implementation of new technologies to

improve service delivery.

Technology Team: Works on continuous improvements to the client portal,

financial planning tools, and internal systems.

Communication Flow

Regular Meetings: Weekly team meetings to discuss client progress, business

performance, and any issues.
Reporting: Monthly reports from each department to the CEO/Founder
summarizing key metrics and achievements.

Client Feedback: Systematic collection and analysis of client feedback to inform

improvements in service delivery.

Plans for improving skill gaps and expertise.

1. Assessment of current skill

Skill Gap Analysis

- Conduct regular assessments to identify the current skills and expertise of

financial coaches.

- Use surveys, self-assessments, and performance reviews to gather data.

- Compare existing skills with industry standards and best practices to identify

2. Continuous Education

Professional Development Programs

- Partner with accredited financial education institutions to provide courses

and certifications in areas like financial planning, investment strategies, tax
planning, and retirement planning.

- Encourage coaches to pursue advanced certifications (e.g., CFP, CFA, AFC).

3. Workshops and Seminars

- Organize regular workshops and seminars on emerging trends, new tools,

and techniques in financial coaching.

- Invite industry experts to speak and provide insights on best practices.

Practical Training
4. Mentorship Programs

- Pair less experienced coaches with senior coaches for mentoring and on-the-
job training.

- Encourage shadowing sessions where junior coaches observe senior coaches

in client meetings.

5. Role-Playing and Simulations

- Conduct role-playing exercises and simulations to practice real-life scenarios

and client interactions.

- Use case studies to analyze different financial situations and develop

problem-solving skills.

Feedback Mechanisms

6. Client Feedback

- Collect regular feedback from clients about their experience with coaching

- Use feedback to identify areas where coaches can improve and tailor training
programs accordingly.

7. Peer Reviews

- Implement a peer review system where coaches review each other’s

performance and provide constructive feedback.

- Use this feedback to highlight strengths and address weaknesses.

Access to Resources

8. Resource Library

- Develop a comprehensive library of resources, including books, articles,

webinars, and online courses.
- Ensure resources cover a wide range of topics relevant to financial coaching.

9. Technology and Tools

- Provide access to the latest financial planning software and tools.

- Train coaches on how to use these tools effectively to enhance their coaching

Specialization and Advanced Training

10. Specialization Tracks

- Offer specialization tracks in areas such as retirement planning, debt

management, or investment strategies.

- Encourage coaches to specialize in areas where they have the most interest
and potential.

11. Advanced Training Programs

- Develop advanced training programs for coaches who want to deepen their
expertise in specific areas.

- Partner with experts to deliver these programs and ensure they are aligned
with industry standards.

12. Professional Associations

- Encourage coaches to join professional associations (e.g., Financial

Planning Association, National Association of Personal Financial Advisors).

- Support attendance at conferences and networking events to stay updated on

industry trends and best practices.

13. Internal Knowledge Sharing

- Foster a culture of knowledge sharing within the organization.

- Organize regular internal meetings where coaches can share insights,
experiences, and best practices with their peers.

Performance Monitoring and Continuous Improvement

14. Regular Performance Reviews

- Conduct regular performance reviews to assess progress and identify

ongoing skill gaps.

- Set clear goals and objectives for improvement based on these reviews.

15. Continuous Improvement Programs

- Implement continuous improvement programs to ensure coaches are always

enhancing their skills.

- Regularly update training materials and programs based on feedback and

industry developments.

Recognition and Rewards

16. Incentive Programs

- Develop incentive programs to reward coaches who achieve significant

improvements or obtain advanced certifications.

- Recognize and celebrate milestones and achievements to motivate ongoing

professional development.

1. External Market Analysis

Market Overview:

The financial wellness industry is experiencing rapid growth, driven by

increasing consumer awareness of the importance of financial health, the
complexity of financial products, and the rise of digital financial services. The
market includes traditional financial advisors, digital financial planning tools,
and hybrid services combining personal coaching with technology.

Target Market:

“FinWellCo” targets individuals seeking to improve their financial health,

including young professionals, families, and retirees. Key demographics

Income: Middle to high income

Tech-savvy individuals comfortable using digital platforms for financial


Competitive Landscape:

Key competitors include traditional financial advisory firms, robo-advisors like

Betterment and Wealthfront, and hybrid platforms like Personal Capital.
“FinWellCo” differentiates itself through personalized coaching, comprehensive
financial planning, and a strong emphasis on education and community support.

Market Trends:

 Increasing demand for personalized financial advice

 Growth in digital and mobile financial solutions
 Rising importance of financial literacy and wellness programs
 Greater focus on holistic financial planning
2. Marketing Goals

Short-term Goals (6-12 months):

 Acquire 300 new subscribers

 Establish brand presence in key online financial communities
 Launch and promote initial suite of services

Long-term Goals (1-3 years):

 Achieve 600 subscribers

 Expand service offerings based on user feedback
 Build a strong community of engaged users
 Position “FinWellCo” as a trusted leader in financial wellness

3. Targets and Deadlines

Target 1: Subscriber Acquisition

 Achieve 300 new subscribers by the end of 2024

 Achieve 600 subscribers by the end of 2026

Target 2: Brand Awareness

 Increase social media following by 20% each quarter

 Secure 10 media placements in reputable financial publications by 2025

Target 3: Service Utilization

 Ensure 80% of subscribers engage with at least one service each month
 Reach a 50% retention rate of subscribers after the first year

4. Marketing Strategies

 Content Marketing:

Develop high-quality blog posts, e-books, and whitepapers on financial

wellness topics
Host monthly webinars and workshops featuring financial experts

Create a YouTube channel with educational videos on financial planning

 Social Media Marketing:

Leverage platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram to share

educational content and success stories

Engage with followers through regular posts, live sessions, and Q&A events

Use targeted ads to reach potential subscribers

 Email Marketing:

Build an email list through website sign-ups and social media campaigns

Send bi-weekly newsletters with financial tips, updates, and promotions

Implement personalized email campaigns based on user behaviour and


 Partnerships and Collaborations:

Partner with financial influencers and bloggers to expand reach

Collaborate with companies to offer FinWellCo services as employee benefits

Participate in financial wellness events and conferences

 SEO and SEM:

Optimize website for search engines with relevant keywords

Run Google Ads campaigns to drive traffic to the website

Implement retargeting strategies to convert website visitors into subscribers

5. Budget

Estimated Budget Allocation:

Content Creation: 200000/year

Social Media Advertising: 300000/year

Email Marketing: 100000/year

Partnerships and Collaborations: 150000/year

SEO and SEM: 150000/year

Webinars and Workshops: 100000/year

Total Annual Budget:1,000,000

6. Accountability and Measures

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

- Number of new subscribers per month

- Subscriber engagement rates (service usage, event attendance)
- Social media growth and engagement metrics
- Website traffic and conversion rates
- Retention rates and customer satisfaction scores

Responsibility Assignments:

- Marketing Manager: Overall strategy and budget management

- Content Strategist: Content creation and distribution
- Social Media Specialist: Social media campaigns and engagement
- Email Marketing Coordinator: Email campaigns and list management
- SEO/SEM Specialist: Website optimization and ad campaigns
- Partnership Manager: Identifying and managing partnerships

7. Timeline


Finalize marketing plan and budget

Launch website and social media profiles

Begin content creation and initial email campaigns


Start social media advertising and SEO efforts

Host the first webinar and promote it across channels

Achieve the initial target of 300 subscribers


Expand content offerings and host quarterly webinars

Increase partnership efforts and attend industry events

Monitor and adjust strategies based on performance data


Continue scaling efforts to reach 600 subscribers

Introduce new services and features based on user feedback

Solidify FinWellCo’s position as a leader in financial wellness


This financial plan is a comprehensive roadmap that outlines the financial

aspects of a project, providing a structured approach to achieving the project’s
objectives. This plan encompasses detailed projections of revenue, costs, cash
flow, and profitability over a specified period, typically three years. The
financial plan serves multiple critical functions:

Budget Breakdown
1. Initial Setup Costs:
o Technology infrastructure (website, app development): INR 2,000,000
o Hiring initial staff (coaches, customer support): INR 1,500,000
o Marketing and launch expenses: INR 1,000,000
o Legal and administrative costs: INR 500,000
o Contingency and miscellaneous: INR 500,000
o Total Initial Setup Costs: INR 5,500,000
2. Working Capital Reserve: INR 1,000,000
o To cover initial operational expenses before reaching breakeven.
Total Budget: INR 7,500,000

Breakeven Analysis
• Average Monthly Subscription Fee: INR 1,500
• Fixed Monthly Costs (after initial setup): INR 300,000 (includes ongoing
staff salaries, technology maintenance, and marketing)
• Variable Costs per Subscriber (monthly): INR 500 (covers coaching fees
and personalized content)

Breakeven Calculation
Breakeven Point= Fixed Cost/Average Contribution Margin per Subscriber
Contribution Margin=Average Subscription Fee−Variable Costs per Subscriber
Contribution Margin= 1,500 - 500 =1000
Breakeven Point=300,000/1000=300 subscriber

Profit and loss statement at year 1, 2 and 3

Item year 1 year 2 year 3

Subscription (300 ₹72,00,000.0 ₹90,00,000.0
subscribers) ₹54,00,000.00 0 0
₹72,00,000.0 ₹90,00,000.0
Total Revenue ₹54,00,000.00 0 0
Cost of goods sold
Variable cost(300 ₹24,00,000.0 ₹30,00,000.0
subscribers) ₹18,00,000.00 0 0
₹48,00,000.0 ₹60,00,000.0
Gross profit ₹36,00,000.00 0 0
Operating Expenses
₹36,00,000.0 ₹36,00,000.0
Fixed profit ₹36,00,000.00 0 0
₹12,00,000.0 ₹24,00,000.0
Net Profit ₹0.00 0 0

Projected cash flow statement for 3 years

Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Cash Inflows
Subscriptions ₹54,00,000.00 ₹72,00,000.00 ₹90,00,000.00

Total Cash Inflows ₹54,00,000.00 ₹72,00,000.00 ₹90,00,000.00

Cah Outflows
Initial Setup Cost ₹55,00,000.00
Variable Costs ₹18,00,000.00 ₹24,00,000.00 ₹30,00,000.00
Fixed Costs ₹36,00,000.00 ₹36,00,000.00 ₹36,00,000.00
Total Cash Outflows ₹1,09,00,000.00 ₹60,00,000.00 ₹66,00,000.00
Net Cash Flow -₹55,00,000.00 ₹12,00,000.00 ₹24,00,000.00
Projected Balance sheet for 3years

Assets Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Equity Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Cash and
Cash ₹20,00,0 ₹32,00,0 ₹56,00,0 Owners ₹20,00,0 ₹32,00,0 ₹56,00,0
Equivalent 00.00 00.00 00.00 Equity 00.00 00.00 00.00

Total ₹20,00,0 ₹32,00,0 ₹56,00,0 ₹20,00,0 ₹32,00,0 ₹56,00,0

assets 00.00 00.00 00.00 Total Equity 00.00 00.00 00.00


Platform development

The financial wellness coaching app platform aims to empower users with
personalized financial guidance, education, and tools to improve their financial
health and achieve their goals. The app will integrate features that cater to
various aspects of personal finance management, offering users a
comprehensive solution to enhance their financial literacy and decision-making

Target audience

 Young Professionals: Recent graduates and early-career professionals

looking to build financial stability.
 Families and Individuals: Individuals and families seeking budgeting,
savings, and investment advice.
 Small Business Owners: Entrepreneurs needing guidance on business
finances and growth strategies

Key features

Personalized Financial Assessment:

 Tools for users to input their financial information (income, expenses,

assets, debts).
 Automated analysis to provide personalized financial health assessments
and recommendations.

Goal Setting and Tracking:

 Ability to set short-term and long-term financial goals (e.g., saving for a
house, retirement planning).
 Progress tracking and notifications to keep users motivated.

Educational Content:

 Library of articles, videos, and courses on topics like budgeting,

investing, debt management, and financial planning.
 Regularly updated content tailored to user preferences and goals.

Financial Tools:

 Budgeting tools with expense categorization and analysis.

 Investment calculators, retirement planners, and loan repayment

Live Coaching and Consultation:

 Option for users to connect with certified financial advisors or coaches

via video calls or chat for personalized advice (premium feature).

Community and Support:

 Forum or community feature for users to share experiences, tips, and

support each other.
 Q&A sessions and webinars with financial experts.
Partnerships and Sponsorships:

Collaborate with financial institutions or brands for sponsored content,

affiliate marketing, or

Special offers to customers

Security and Privacy:

 Strong data encryption and privacy controls to protect users' sensitive

financial information.
 Compliance with financial regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) to ensure data
security and user trust.

Monetisation strategy

 Freemium Model: Basic features such as budgeting tools and

educational content available for free. Premium features like personalized
coaching sessions and advanced financial tools accessible through a
subscription model.
 In-App Purchases: Additional content, courses, or tools available for
purchase within the app

Development consideration:

 Technology Stack: Choose robust technologies for scalability and

performance, considering frontend frameworks (e.g., React Native),
backend infrastructure (e.g., AWS or Google Cloud), and database
solutions (e.g., PostgreSQL).
 UX/UI Design: Prioritize intuitive user interfaces and smooth navigation
to enhance user experience and retention.
 Coaching network

Recruitment process

 Define Qualifications: Establish clear criteria for what qualifies

someone to become a financial coach. This typically includes
education (e.g., finance, economics, business), relevant
certifications (e.g., financial planning, coaching), and experience in
financial services or coaching.
 Job Description: Craft a detailed job description outlining roles,
responsibilities, and expectations of a financial coach within the
app. Include specific skills such as budgeting, debt management,
retirement planning, etc.
 Recruitment Channels: Utilize multiple channels to attract
potential coaches, including online job boards, professional
networks (LinkedIn), financial industry associations, and referrals
from existing coaches or clients.
 Screening Process: Implement a rigorous screening process to
assess candidates' qualifications, experience, and alignment with
the app's mission. This may involve interviews, background
checks, and practical assessments of coaching skills.

Training process

 Certification Requirements: Define the criteria for certification as a

financial coach within the app. This could involve completing the
training program, passing assessments, and demonstrating proficiency in
coaching techniques and financial knowledge
 Practical Experience: Incorporate opportunities for coaches to gain
practical experience through case studies, role-playing exercises, and
supervised coaching sessions. This hands-on experience helps them
apply theoretical knowledge to real-world client situations.
 Ethical Guidelines: Establish clear ethical guidelines and standards of
conduct for coaches, ensuring they prioritize clients' best interests,
maintain confidentiality, and adhere to regulatory requirements.
 Technology Training: Familiarize coaches with the app's features,
tools, and platform-specific considerations to effectively deliver
coaching services online.


 Understand your budget: Track your income and expenses to identify

where your money goes each month. This awareness is important for
making informed financial decisions and avoiding overspending.

 Have an “emergencies only” fund: Life can be full of surprises, and not
all of them are pleasant. An emergency fund acts as a financial safety net
for unexpected expenses like medical bills or car repairs. Aim to save
enough to cover three to six months of living expenses.

 Protect yourself and your belongings with insurance: Insurance can be

a key tool in protecting yourself from significant financial loss. Whether
it's health, car, or home insurance, ensure you have coverage to save you
from financial distress if unforeseen events occur.

 Build savings and invest wisely: Regularly set aside money into a
savings account to help you build a financial cushion. Investing your
savings wisely can help your money grow over time, contributing to your
long-term financial security.
 Reduce debt: High levels of debt can be a major obstacle to your
financial wellness. Pay off high-interest debts first and avoid taking on
unnecessary new debts. Consider strategies like debt consolidation or
refinancing for more manageable repayment terms.

 Plan for retirement: It’s never too early to start saving for retirement.
Contribute to pension savings or a retirement account to ensure you have
a stable financial future.

 Explore your beliefs around money: Your attitude about money can
significantly impact your financial behaviour. Reflect on how your
upbringing and experiences have shaped your financial mind-set, and
consider whether these beliefs are helping or hindering your financial

 Seek support: Money matters can be complex. Financial planners,

advisors, or online resources can provide valuable professional advice
and guidance tailored to your specific financial situation.

 Stay informed: Keeping up-to-date with financial news and trends can
help you make better financial decisions. Educate yourself on topics like
interest rates, market trends, and new financial tools and products.


Technology partners

Technology partners are:

 Cloud Services Providers: Such as Amazon Web Services (AWS),

Google Cloud Platform, or Microsoft Azure for hosting app data securely
and ensuring scalability.
 Payment Processors: Companies like Stripe, PayPal, or Square for
handling financial transactions securely within the app.
 Analytics and Tracking Tools: Such as Google Analytics, Mix panel, or
Segment for tracking user behaviour, app usage patterns, and
performance metrics.
 Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Tools like Salesforce or
Hub Spot for managing client interactions, scheduling appointments, and
tracking client progress.
 Security and Compliance Solutions: Providers that ensure the app
complies with financial regulations and secures user data, such as Okta
for identity management or security consultants for audits.
 Communication and Collaboration Tools: Services like Slack or
Microsoft Teams for internal team communication and collaboration.
 Mobile App Development Platforms: Frameworks and services like
React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin for building and maintaining the mobile
app across multiple platforms.

Coach management

 Overlook accounts and engagement: Easily showcase the effectiveness

of your coaching! Finwellco automatically generates reports that give you
data and insights on each client’s progress, the impact of your coaching
and the Return on Investment (ROI) provided to your client.

Get reports on impact, ROI and progress

Easily share reports with sponsors, directly from the coaching platform
 Standardize your programs and scale of business: Finwellco digitizes
your proprietary coaching experience so you’re able to offer consistently
great, on-brand experiences to clients and scale your business.
 Take the entire client journey online: Finwellco is a coaching
management platform that takes the entire client journey online so we
create a beautiful, cohesive experience for clients – track goals, get
stakeholder feedback, manage client progress, integrate all your calendars
and create a digital resource library.


Dedicated support

 Responsive communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of a strong customer support

system. When assessing coaching software providers, pay attention to how
promptly and effectively they respond to your inquiries. Here’s what to look

Communication channels: How can you reach out to them when

needed? A provider that values its customers will have multiple
communication channels such as email, live chat, and phone support,
ensuring that you can reach out in a way that is convenient for you.

Response time: Timely responses to queries indicate that the provider is

committed to addressing your concerns and providing timely assistance
whenever needed.
 Knowledgeable and skilled support team

A well-trained and knowledgeable support team is an invaluable asset when it

comes to coaching software. The support team should possess an in-depth
understanding of the software’s features, capabilities, and potential issues.
When you reach out for assistance, they should be able to guide you through
troubleshooting steps, offer insights into best practices, and help you make the
most of the software’s functionalities for your business. This expertise ensures
that you receive accurate and relevant solutions to any challenges you

 Proactive issue resolution

A proactive approach to customer support demonstrates a software provider’s

dedication to ensuring a smooth user experience. Look for signs that the
provider is committed to resolving issues before they escalate. This might
include sending out regular software updates to address bugs and improve
performance, as well as providing advance notice about potential system
maintenance or disruptions. Proactive measures show that the provider is
invested in delivering a stable and dependable platform.

 Personalized assistance and training

Each coaching professional and organization has unique workflows and

requirements. A customer-centric coaching software provider should be willing
to offer assistance to cater to your specific needs. This could involve
customizing certain features to align with your coaching processes (depending
on the level of customization) or providing one-on-one sessions to help you get
the most out of the software. A provider that takes the time to understand and
accommodate your individual needs is more likely to contribute to your long-
term success.

Feedback loop

 Clients’ Self-assessment

Self-assessment allows clients to reflect on their progress, challenges, and the

value they derive from the coaching experience. This reflective analysis is a
cornerstone for personal development and goal setting.

 Peer Review

Peer feedback from fellow clients or coaching peers provides external

perspectives on a client’s growth, offering both encouragement and constructive

 Analysing Feedback for Actionable Insights

Turning feedback into actionable insights involves identifying common themes,

assessing the effectiveness of current strategies, and pinpointing improvement
areas. This analysis is crucial for tailoring coaching approaches to individual
client needs.

Community engagement

 Forums and Discussion Boards: Create a platform within the app where
users can discuss coaching tips, share experiences, and ask questions.
This builds a sense of community and allows users to learn from each
 Live Q&A Sessions: Host regular live sessions where users can interact
with coaches, ask questions, and get real-time advice. This not only
engages users but also provides valuable insights and personalized
 Challenges and Competitions: Organize challenges related to personal
development or coaching skills within the app. This encourages
participation and motivates users to stay active.
 User-generated Content: Allow users to contribute articles, videos, or
podcasts related to coaching and personal development. Highlighting
user-generated content can foster a sense of ownership and pride within
the community.
 Feedback Loops: Actively seek feedback from users and implement
suggestions for improvement. This shows that the app values user input
and is committed to delivering a great user experience.
 Virtual Events and Workshops: Organize virtual events, webinars, or
workshops on topics of interest to the community. These events can be
led by expert coaches or guest speakers, further enriching the user
 Recognition and Rewards: Acknowledge and reward active users, top
contributors, or participants in challenges. This can be through badges,
points, or even tangible rewards to incentivize engagement.
 Localized Communities: Consider creating sub-communities or groups
within the app based on location or specific interests. This allows users to
connect with others in their area or with similar goals.

 Social Sharing Features: Enable users to share their progress,

achievements, or insights on social media directly from the app. This can
attract new users and create a buzz around the community.

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