BOOK 1 (9)(1)

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현금인출기 ATM
현충일 Memorial Day
형 older brother
호수 lake
호텔 hotel
홈페이지 homepage
화상 채팅 voice chatting
화장실 restroom
화장품 cosmetics (skin care)
환불하다 to refund
환전하다 to exchange
환승하다 to transfer
활발하다 outgoing
회사 workplaces
회사에 가다 to go to work
회사원 businessperson
회식 get-together
회원 가입 create an account
회원 탈퇴 delete one’s account
횡단보도 crosswalk
휴대전화 사용 금지 No cell phone
휴대전화(휴대폰) cell phone
휴대전화를 끄다 to turn off the phone
휴대전화를 켜다 to turn on the phone
휴지 toilet paper
휴지통 garbage can
흐리다 cloudy
CD를 듣다 to listen to a CD
KTX(고속열차) KTX
PC방 Internet café

1층 1st floor
2층 2nd floor
3층 3rd floor

IstoryagHinangul IstoryagHinangul

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