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Frederick Douglass and the White Negro

Frederick Douglass and the White Negro is a 2008 documentary

Frederick Douglass and
telling the story of ex-slave, abolitionist, writer and politician
the White Negro
Frederick Douglass and his anti-slavery lecture tour in Ireland in
1845 while avoiding capture as a fugitive in the United States.[1][2]
It is often shown on national television in the U.S.[2]

The film follows Douglass's life from slavery as a young man
through to his time in Ireland, where he befriended Daniel
O'Connell, toured the country spreading the message of abolition
and was treated as a human being for the first time by white
people. His arrival in Ireland coincided with the Great Famine, and
he witnessed white people in what he considered to be a worse
state than his fellow Black Americans back in the US.

The film follows Douglass back to America, where he buys his

freedom with funds raised in Ireland and Britain. Fellow
passengers on his return journey include the Irish escaping the Directed by John J.
famine who arrived in their millions and would go on to play a Doherty
major role in the New York Draft Riot of 1863, which Douglass Written by John J.
could only despair over. The film examines (with contributions Doherty
from the author of How The Irish Became White Noel Ignatiev Produced by Catherine
amongst others) the turbulent relationship between African Lyons
Americans and Irish Americans during the American Civil War,
Starring Marcus
what drew them together and what drove them apart and how this
would shape the America of the twentieth century and beyond.
Aaron Edo
Fred Lawal
See also Matilda Edo
List of films featuring slavery
12 Years a Slave
Narrated by John J.
References Cinematography Ronan Fox
1. "Slavery on Film" ( Martin Birney
px?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=146574038&lang=en-gb& John J.
site=eds-live&scope=site). Civil War Times. Vol. 59, Doherty
no. 6. December 2020. p. 10. Retrieved 18 February Edited by Juris Eksts
2024 – via EBSCOHost.
Music by Cyril Dunnion
2. Ferreira, Patricia (June 2016). "Reviewed Work(s):
Giant's Causeway: Frederick Douglass's Irish Odyssey Release date 2008
and the Making of an American Visionary by Tom
Chaffin" ( Journal Running time 52 minutes
of the Civil War Era. 6 (2): 273–275.
doi:10.1353/cwe.2016.0040 ( Country Ireland
cwe.2016.0040). JSTOR 26070408 (https://www.jstor.or Language English

External links
Frederick Douglass and the White Negro official site (
Frederick Douglass and the White Negro ( at IMDb

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